St Carlo Borromeo T E R M 1 I S S U E 3 2 0 T H F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 1 WEEK 5 Educating together as a Community Dear Parents and Students, 24th February Addition & Subtraction Mental Computation Parent session 7.00 p.m. 25th February Preps do not attend school 26th February Prep Information –How to help your child with reading. 2.45 p.m. 27th February Interschool Sports Snow Cones Yr 6 Assembly Thank you for your attendance at this week’s parent/teacher meetings. These really do provide our staff with important information about your children to ensure that we can best meet their needs. Please feel free to make an appointment at any time during the course of the year with teachers should you have any concerns or feel there is important information that we need to be aware of. Prep & Yr 6 Buddy Picnic 6.00 p.m. ‘What we learn becomes a part of who we are’ This year we have again engaged the services of ‘Onpsych’ and ‘Medicare Local’ which provides a free service to parents should they feel that counselling is required for students. This service provides a qualified educational psychologist that will also operate from the school. If you would like more information about this service please contact our Student Wellbeing Leader Pina Distefano. A reminder to all parents as part of our school Bike Riding Policy children are able to ride their bikes and scooters to school with the permission of parents but MUST be wearing a helmet. This policy is in line with the law that requires all cyclists to wear helmets. A reminder that next Tuesday evening, February 24th at 7.00 p.m. at the school, we will be running an Addition and Subtraction Mental Computation Parent Session targeted for students in years one to six. It is a great opportunity to learn about the whole school approaches we are implementing to support your child in their learning. Classroom Helper Seminar Finally thank you to the many parents who have been participating in our classroom helper seminars being run by our Deputy Principal Nella Fimiani. We are very grateful to parents who volunteer their time in assisting in classrooms and appreciate your commitment in undertaking these very valuable courses. Have a great weekend Tim Kelly Principal Meet our Yr.6 Class Captains 2015 “It is a privilege to be class captain this year in 6AM. I hope to achieve many great things and to represent my class with pride and dignity. Being class captain means a lot to me and I hope to make my school proud. I also hope to be a great role model for the younger students and teach them to represent this school with pride” -Sofina “I believe it to a privilege to be class captain in 2015. I am the class captain of 6S. Being class captain means a lot to me. The fact that my class has voted me their class captain shows me that they believe I am a responsible classmate. I hope to represent my class well in front of our school and others. I also hope to be a graet role model to the younger students” - Joseph “It is an honour to be year 6 class captain this year because I believe I am an honest, respectful, caring and loving student. I am proud that I got this role and I hope to make my class and the school proud. I will be a great role model and will stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. I will be a great leader for this school and I will make them proud.” -Luca PAGE 3 Religion What is Lent? The season of Lent is a Catholic liturgical season consisting of forty days of fasting, prayer, and penitence beginning at Ash Wednesday and concluding at dusk on Holy Thursday. The official liturgical color for the season of Lent is violet. During the season of Lent we are ask to pray, fast (self denial) and help others (give alms. Ash Wednesday Mass Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 Project Compassion is one way that the St. Carlo’s Community can express their commitment of helping the poor and needy during this season of selfchange. Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising and awareness raising appeal that brings thousands of Australians in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Project Compassion runs through the entire Lenten Season It is an extraordinary, ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of caring supporters, all in the name of justice and peace. It is through Project Compassion that will come to realise and carry out Jesus’ message, “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” In God’s plan every human was created in his own image and God’s inherent self-worth. It is through Project Compassion programs that the profile of people suffering globally is highlighted, bought to our attention. We are educated in the means of trying to end and make their lives a lot more comfortable. Jesus taught that God asks each of us what we are doing to help the poor and needy: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). “Project Compassion helps end poverty and promote justice so the world's poor won't need to rely on charity.” Donate at your parish or school by using the donation box and envelopes provided This year is the 40th anniversary of the Good Shepherd Parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is looking for ideas from parishioners on how we should celebrate this milestone. If you have any ideas, please contact the church office. Leo Gale ST CARLO BORROMEO TERM 1 ISSUE 3 PAGE Reconciliation Reconciliation will be held at Church of the Good Shepherd Gladstone Park on Wednesday 29th First Reconciliation will be celebrated by ALL YEAR 3’s on this day. Year 3 students have begun preparation for their First Reconciliation. Reconciliation is the sacrament of Forgiveness, where we as Catholics offer a public sign to our faith community that we are sorry for the ways we have undermined our relationships with our friends, our parents, our teachers and even our relationship with the Church. Family Workshops for Reconciliation will take place on Tuesday 21st April and bookings are now open, please follow the instruction sheet for online bookings given to the candidates. Parish Sunday Mass. As part of our Catholic Identity students are invited along with their families to participate in a Sunday Parish Mass. Throughout the year, each Year level will participate in the Celebration of the Eucharist alongside the parishioners. This is a wonderful opportunity for students, staff and their families to gather together in the congregation to hear the proclamation of the Word of God through readings The Sacrament of First ST CARLO BORROMEO and prayers of intercession. Our first Parish Family Mass will be held at St. Carlo’s for the YEAR 4 FAMILIES on the 22nd March, 2015. Mass begins at 9.30 a.m. Thursday Morning Mass. The Year 4 students will gather on Thursday 5th March, at 11:45 in the St. Carlo’s Chapel to share mass together. The mass will focus on the love we have for one another in this time of Lent. Mass is celebrated every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. in the St. Carlo Chapel and all are welcome to worship. Behold , children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3 Peter Marinucci Religious Education Leader. 4 TERM 1 ISSUE 3 PAGE Literacy initiative. Once an expression of interest has been received, your child will receive a booklet outlining access to their on-line details. VICTORIAN PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE- I will register the students in the coming weeks, in the meantime please begin reading and keep a paper record on the sheet from your booklet. It’s on again! Dear Parents, As in previous years the Premier of Victoria has invited all students to take part in a Reading Challenge-opening soon. The Challenge is not a competition; it’s an initiative that encourages students to develop their love of reading and their literacy skills. Parents, family members, teachers, librarians and classmates can provide great support to the students participating in the Challenge. We have been taking part since 2005. Ms Vania Lunardi and Mrs Maria Barca our teacher librarians at St Carlo’s will prepare a section of the library dedicated to the books that are on the Challenge booklist. Having access to the internet is essential, as you will need to log on and enter the books your child reads. An expression of interest letter has been given to all the students from Prep to Year 6. Congratulations to all the students who have voiced an interest so far, well done. Parents please encourage your child to take part in this very rewarding ST CARLO The Challenge will finish in Term 3-(12th September 2015); however, you will need to have your reading completed a week before the official date in order to allow me to verify all records. GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR LITERACY LESSONS with Elaborations Set high expectations for all. Learning is modelled and clearly statedHigh quality classroom environment and workbooksStudents take their learning beyond present level of thinking The booklists will be printed in The Sunday Age soon. Establish clear learning intentions and share the success criteria. For more information visit Learning intentions and success criteria are written up displayed and articulated Opportunities for student self assessment e.g. Conferencing, rubrics. GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVE LITERACY LESSONS As part of our professional learning in Literacy, we have been working on some guiding principles for effective literacy lessons. We have developed eight principles overall. These principles have been developed by the teachers to drive our learning and teaching in literacy. We believe that the whole school needs to share the same vision and best practices for effective literacy learning. Over the next few weeks I will be publishing a couple to share with the school community. Please find a copy of Guiding Principle No’s 3 and 4 as follows. BORROMEO Please note due to the success of Monday’s Prep Information session on ‘How to help your child with reading’ a repeat workshop has been organised for Thursday 26th February at 2.45 p.m. in the staffroom. Thank you for your support Nella Fimiani Deputy Principal/Literacy Leader Learning is a a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. -Chinese proverb “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents” -Emilie Buchwald 5 TERM 1 ISSUE 3 PAGE 6 Numeracy Addition & Subtraction Mental Computation Parent Session 1 As you are aware at St Carlo Borromeo we place strong emphasis on students developing efficient mental computation strategies. This is because research suggests that approximately 80% of any mathematics a person does in daily life requires mental computation skills. As teachers we are also aware that students that have poor mental computation skills have difficulty understanding the rest of the mathematics curriculum. It is the basis on which their mathematics learning is built. To help parents support their child with their learning of mental computation strategies we are running this session. The session is expected to give you an insight into why we are teaching mental computation strategies and practical ways you can work with us to build your child’s knowledge of basic addition and subtraction number facts through strategies. These strategies can be used by your child to calculate quite complex calculations. We encourage at least one adult member of each family to attend. This session was run last year during school time so if you attended the addition & subtraction session there would be no need for you to come. This year we have chosen to offer these sessions at night to cater for parents who are unable to come during school hours. ST CARLO If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Mathematics Leader, Bern Long on 9333 2572. Target Group: Year 1-6 Date: Tuesday 24th February 7p.m. Venue: St Carlo Borromeo School Multiplication & Division Mental Computation Parent Session 2 As you are aware at St Carlo Borromeo we place strong emphasis on students developing efficient mental computation strategies. This is because research suggests that approximately 80% of any mathematics a person does in daily life requires mental computation skills. As teachers we are also aware that students that have poor mental computation skills have difficulty understanding the rest of the mathematics curriculum. It is the basis on which their mathematics learning is built. To help parents support their child with their learning of mental computation strategies we are running this session. The session is expected to give you an insight into why we are teaching mental computation strategies and practical ways you can work with us to build your child’s knowledge of basic multiplication and division number facts through strategies. These strategies can be used by your child to calculate quite complex calculations. We encourage at least one adult member of each family to attend. BORROMEO This session was run last year during school time so if you attended the multiplication & division session there would be no need for you to come. This year we have chosen to offer these sessions at night to cater for parents who are unable to come during school hours. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Mathematics Leader, Bern Long on 9333 2572. Target Group: Year 2-6 Date: Tuesday 10th March 7p.m. Venue: St Carlo Borromeo School Thank you for your support Bern Long Mathematics Leader ‘Mathematic s may not teach us how to add love or minus negativity, but it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution’ PAGE 7 Help us support those who are at risk of anaphylaxis. Student Wellbeing With an estimated 1 in 20 food anaphylaxis by all those St Carlo‘s follows the children suffering from food responsible for the care of following guidelines from allergies and approximately children in schools are the ASCIA in the management 16 children in our school basis of prevention. and risk minimisation of being diagnosed with being at Avoidance of specific triggers risk of a potentially life is the basis of anaphylaxis threatening food allergy – prevention. Appropriate There should be no anaphylaxis, and another 22 avoidance measures are sharing of food, with food allergies that critically dependant on food utensils and require medication it is education of the child, his/her food containers. important that we as a peers and all school community take the risk of personnel. severe allergic reactions seriously. Whilst we can never create a completely safe, allergen free environment for students diagnosed with allergies, we can certainly help reduce the risk if everyone does their bit. responsibility of parents that the child is taught to care for him/herself, the school also has a role of implementing a care plan and reinforcing appropriate avoidance and management strategies. As a That children with severe food allergies should only eat lunches and snacks that have been prepared at home. Bottles, other drinks and lunch boxes provided by the A number of students at St. general principle, it is not Carlo‘s School have allergies recommended that to specific foods, in particular children in schools, peanuts and some other nuts. preschools or childcare Some food allergies can be centres with a food severe and cause an allergy be physically anaphylactic reaction. isolated from other Anaphylaxis is a generalised children. Risk minimisation allergic reaction, which often with regard to particular involves more than one body foods can be managed, system (e.g. skin, respiratory, however the gastro-intestinal and implementation of cardiovascular). A severe blanket food bans or allergic reaction or attempts to prohibit the depending on the anaphylaxis usually occurs entry of food substances allergies of within 20 minutes to 2 hours into schools are not particular children. of exposure to the trigger recommended by the allergen and can rapidly Australasian Society of become life threatening. clinical Immunology and Recognition of the risk and understanding the steps that can be taken to minimise ST Whilst it is primarily the Anaphylaxis which include: CARLO BORROMEO Allergy Association (ASCIA). parents for their children should be clearly labelled with the name of the child for whom they are intended. The use of food in crafts, cooking classes and science experiments may need to be restricted PAGE 8 Student Wellbeing cont.. Where there are children with severe On school camps where there allergies to nuts (peanuts and tree nuts) a risk minimisation policy for school canteens is implemented. are not taken or supplied appropriate. food and not sharing food. contain traces of 4. Lunch orders must be clearly marked that the child has a life threatening allergy and to which allergens. Make a time to meet with the ladies in the canteen to check ingredients of products. administration of first aid They will be more than happy to talk with parents about the individual needs of students. and epi-pens should the 6. Take 10 minutes with your need arise. children to see if they are allergy All staff are trained in the labelled "may A few small steps can make our aware. school a safer place for all 7. Read the school‘s anaphylaxis schools may also children. policy. include asking 1. Talk to your child about the parents of The information in this article was importance of not sharing food at classmates not to sourced from the Australasian school, and washing their hands after send certain things Society of Clinical Immunology and lunch. Allergy (ASCIA) and recommended 2. Avoid packing foods with nuts or by the Catholic Education Office. Risk minimisation in on sandwiches if a class member in early primary years (Kindergarten to 7 other allergens if requested by your child‘s class teacher. Pina Distefano year old) has a life 3. If you are uncertain about sending threatening allergy. an item to school please check with This is due to the your child‘s teacher. higher risk of person to person contact in younger children. Parents provide a list of ingredients of any food given to the school for special celebrations days. ST instructed to take them home if hands, eating their own to those foods nuts." school day and children containing that ingredient importance of washing with the relevant but does not apply given out at the end of the requested that foods students about the removal of items nut as an ingredient, birthday treats. These must be allergy, it should be Have regular discussions with This involves known allergens and non-food are children with a severe CARLO BORROMEO Birthday treats - While celebrating birthdays with our class mates are encouraged we insist that no birthday cakes, cupcakes or other baked treats be sent. Instead we recommend lemonade icy poles, lollypops, tied up lolly bags, pre wrapped chocolate bars not to contain Student Wellbeing Leader TERM 1 ISSUE 3 PAGE Library HELPERS NEEDED FOR PREP G & PREP S BORROWING We urgently need parents who are able to assist with borrowing during the Prep G and Prep S Library lessons. Please note that we have sufficient parents to assist with Prep B. You will be placed on a roster which will ensure that all parents have an opportunity to help out. The Prep Library times are as follows: MONDAY 12:25 – 1:10 2:00- 2:45 2:45- 3:30 PREP G PREP S PREP B TODDLER STORYTIME Our Library offers a “Toddler Story Time’ session which takes place on Wednesday morning . The session will begin at 9am as the Library is used for a math program before school. Please note that access to the Library will not be possible until 9am. Our First Toddler Story Time session will be on Wednesday February 25 at 9.00 a.m. Vania Lunardi & Maria Barca Please note that a current working with children check is necessary for all Parent helpers. “Write to be understood, speak to be heard, READ TO GROW” -Lawrence Clark Powell Fun library activities ST CARLO BORROMEO 9 St Carlo Interschool Sport PAGE 10 Cricket This week St Carlo Borromeo played Meadow Heights. The open team won 115 to 66 and in the girls team St Carlo won by 158 to 71. Meadow Height splayed really well and did some excellent fielding. St Carlo is an excellent team and work together well. Everyone had a fun time playing together. We are looking forward to playing Roxburgh Park. “Unity is Meadow Heights did well but they were no match for St Carlo’s. St Carlo’s won with the use of their skills and most of all teamwork. St Carlo’s open Great team effort -Paris R strength, when Softball there is teamwork and collaboration wonderful things can be achieved ” Basketball -Mattie J.T. On Friday 13th St Carlo’s played against Meadow Heights. St Carlo’s girls won 27 to 9. The girls made a spectacular effort. Stepanek On Friday 13th St Carlo’s played against Meadow Heights. The team played very well and we had lots of good hits and excellent catches. Meadow Heights played with great sportsmanship and the scores were Open 2-2 draw Girls 13-13 draw School Community Just a reminder that the uniform shop is open on Wednesday afternoon from 2.30 p.m. and Friday mornings from 8.30 a.m. Parents and Friends are asking for your assistance to help in the canteen on a Wednesday from 11.30 a.m. —1 p.m. It is a great opportunity to meet some of the school community. ST CARLO BORROMEO TERM 1 ISSUE 3 PAGE OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program Next week as per children request we will be doing Science and art activities. Every Tuesday is Homework Club; children will be assisted in completing their homework. Everyone is welcome to join in. Vivian and staff Next Week’s Activities 23-02-15 to 27-02-15 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Themed dot to Before Board Games Finger puppets dots Care Activities Morning walk/ Obstacle course Follow the Leader Thursday Puff painting Down ball run After Care Activities Shaving Cream Challenge SCIENCE Invisible Ink with Lemon juice Puff Painting Balloon Heads HOMEWORK CLUB Scrapbooking photos Beach Ball Pass Playground Fun Musical statues Minute to win it: Chopstick challenge Cardboard Tube Monsters Soccer Friday Name tags 3 Bounces Play dough Creatures Giant Balloon Volleyball Playground Challenges 03 85649000 03 85649000 OSHC program phone: 0431339221 Coordinator: Vivian Assistants: Sharon, Alana and Luisa OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. 11 TERM 1 ISSUE 3 PAGE Principal: Tim Kelly Parish Priest: Father Anh Nguyen 88 South Circular Drive, Gladstone Park 3043 Parish Centre: 9338-2840 Fax 9335-2590 Website: Mass at St Carlo’s: Sun 9.30 a.m. Thurs 11.40 a.m. 5-9 Drummond Street Greenvale Melbourne Victoria 3059 Phone: 9333 2572 Term Dates 2015 Term 1 28th January— 27th March Term 2 13th April—26th June Term 3 13th July—18th September Term 4 5th October—18th December Email: [email protected] Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow Advertising Greenvale Playgroup- Enrolments are now being taken for Greenvale playgroup. Come and join in the fun. Contact Natalie 0421 599 579 In Vogue Invitations- Stylish & Inexpensive Invitations & Bomboniere for all occasions. Located in Attwood. No minimum order applicable. Call Ann-0422 281 047 for an appointment Music Lessons– Piano, saxophone, clarinet, trumpet,and theory. Phone Victor Dougall on 9333-1802 Northern Music School- Instrument Sales & Tuition [email protected] Phone 9338-7639. ST CARLO BORROMEO 12
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