Faculty Senate Meeting February 24, 2015 New Business PENDING FINAL APPROVAL Once the Chancellor has approved this report, the Fall 2015 University Calendar will reflect the changes noted below. Please call the Faculty Senate office at 328-6537 if you have any questions. Thank you. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR COMMITTEE REPORT Proposed Changes to Fall 2015 University Calendar The Calendar Committee was asked to change Fall 2015 Fall break to Halloween weekend and increase the break from two to three class days in order to address the following concerns: The history of Halloween activities in Greenville is such that parties, disturbances and excessive drinking have created a growing concern for the University and Greenville community at large. The growth in the number of large parties and gatherings that require police intervention has grown to such a point that university and Greenville city resources are insufficient to reasonably and effectively respond. The incidents of October 2014 where several thousand college-aged individuals gathered at multiple locations in Greenville disrupting neighborhoods and placing students and the Greenville community at risk have created a concern that further problems will occur in October 2015. Campus Living has offered to close residence halls during the five day fall break, requiring all students to vacate campus which would remove an estimated 5,800 students from Greenville over the Halloween weekend and limit the scope of resources required by ECU and Greenville police in managing crowd control and individual incidents that require police support. Inappropriate behaviors have reached such a level on Halloween night that students are at risk and cooperating with the city to minimize the number of students in Greenville by moving fall break and closing the residence halls will help to make the overall city environment safer by reducing the number of students who stay in town over the holiday weekend. To meet this request, additional changes to the Fall 2015 University Calendar would include: Canceling the current two day fall break from Saturday, October 11 through Tuesday, October 14 and establishing a fall break from Thursday, October 29 through Monday, November 2. Moving the last day of class back one day from Monday, December 7 to Tuesday, December 8. Moving Reading day back one day from Tuesday, December 8 to Wednesday, December 9. Moving Final exam week back one day beginning on Thursday, December 10 and ending on Thursday December 17. Establishing the last day of class, Tuesday, December 8 as a make-up class day for the Friday October 30 class. Establishing the Tuesday after fall break, November 3, as a Thursday class day to maintain the required 14 Tuesday/Thursday class meetings. The following proposed revised Fall 2015 University Calendar reflects these changes. Proposed additions are noted in RED and deletions in strikethrough. Fall Semester 2015 (Actual class days: 14 Mondays, 16 Tuesdays, 14 Wednesdays, 13 Thursdays, 13 Fridays. Effective class days: 14 Mondays, 14 Tuesdays, 14 Wednesdays, 14 Thursdays, 14 Fridays) March 20, Friday March 23, Monday August 21, Friday August 21, Friday August 24, Monday August 28, Friday September 4, Friday September 7, Monday October 5, Monday October 10-13, Saturday-Tuesday October 14, Wednesday October 26 – 30, Monday-Friday October 28, Wednesday October 29 – November 2, Thursday-Monday October 30, Friday November 2, Monday November 3, Tuesday November 3, Tuesday November 7, Saturday November 9-13, Monday-Friday November 13, Friday November 14, Saturday November 16, Monday November 25-29, Wednesday-Sunday November 30, Monday November 30, Monday Early registration for special populations begins at 1:00 pm. Registration for Fall Semester 2015 begins. Faculty Meetings Advising, registration, and schedule adjustments. Classes begin; schedule changes. Last day for registration and schedule changes (drop and add) by 5:00 pm. Census Day (Official enrollment count taken at 5:00 pm). State Holiday (no classes). Last day for undergraduate students to drop term-length courses or withdraw from school without grades by 5:00 pm. Block courses may be dropped only during the first 50% of their regularly scheduled class meetings. Fall Break. 8:00 am - Classes resume. Advising for Spring Semester 2016. Last day for graduate students to drop courses without grades by 5:00 pm. Fall Break Early registration for special populations begins at 1:00 pm. Registration for Spring Semester 2016 begins. 8:00 am – Classes resume. Thursday Makeup day. Classes that normally meet on Thursdays will meet on this Tuesday so there will effectively be the same number of Tuesdays and Thursdays as every other weekday during the semester. Tuesday classes will not meet. Last day to apply as an undergraduate student for the Spring Semester. Advising for Spring Semester 2016. Early registration for special populations begins at 1:00 pm. Last day to apply as an undergraduate student for the Spring Semester. Registration for Spring Semester 2016 begins Thanksgiving Break. 8:00 am - Classes resume. Undergraduate students last day to remove incompletes given during Spring and/or Summer Session 2015. December 1, Tuesday December 7, Monday December 7, Monday December 8, Tuesday December 8, Tuesday December 8, Tuesday December 8, Tuesday December 9, Wednesday December 9, Wednesday December 10, Thursday December 16, Wednesday December 17, Thursday December 18, Friday December 18, Friday December 19, Saturday Last day to submit thesis to the Graduate School for completion of degree in this term. Graduate students last day to remove incompletes given during Fall 2014. Classes end. Last day for submission of grade replacement requests. Classes which would have met on Friday, October 30, will meet on this day so there will effectively be the same number of Fridays and Tuesdays as every other weekday during the semester; Tuesday classes will not meet. Graduate students last day to remove incompletes given during Fall 2014. Classes end. Last day for submission of grade replacement requests. Reading day. Reading day. Final Examinations begin. Final Examinations begin. Exams for Fall Semester close at 4:30 pm. Exams for Fall Semester close at 4:30 pm. Commencement. Grades due at 4:30 pm. Grades due at 4:30 pm. Fall Semester 2015 Examination Schedule There will be no departure from the printed schedule, except as noted below: All examinations for one credit hour classes will be held during the last regular meeting of the class. Classes meeting more than three times a week will follow the examination schedule for MWF classes. Clinical and non-traditional class schedules, including graduate level courses, may also adopt a modified examination schedule as required. A final course meeting during the exam period is required in order to satisfy the 750 contact minutes per credit hour required by the University of North Carolina Office of the President. Department Chairs are responsible for monitoring adherence to scheduled examination requirements. Classes beginning 6:00 pm or later are considered night classes. Examinations in classes meeting one night a week will be held at 7:30-10:00 pm on the first night of their usual meeting during the examination period (December 9 - December 16) (December 10 - December 17). Examinations in classes meeting two or more nights a week and beginning before 8:00 pm will be held at 7:30-10:00 pm on the first night of their usual meeting during the examination period (December 9 - December 16) (December 10 - December 17). Examinations in classes meeting two or more nights a week and beginning at or after 8:00 pm will be held at 7:30-10:00 pm on the second night of their usual meeting during the examination period (December 9 - December 16) (December 10 December 17). Distance education classes should give their final examinations in a timely fashion to allow submitting grades in time. Classes beginning on the half hour or meeting longer than one hour will have their final examination at the time determined by the hour during which the classes begin (e.g., 9:30-11:00 am TTh classes will follow the examination schedule of the 9:00 am TTh classes; 8:00-10:00 am MWF classes will follow the examination schedule of the 8:00 am MWF classes). Common examinations, including DE sections, will be held according to the following schedule: MATH 1066 CHEM 0150, 1120, 1130, 1150, 1160 CHEM 1121, 1131, 1151, 1161, 2753, 2763 FREN 1001, 1003, SPAN 1001, 1004, GERM 1001 FREN 1002, SPAN 1002, 1003, GERM 1002 5:00 - 7:30 Thursday, December 10 5:00 - 7:30 Friday, December 11 5:00 - 7:30 Monday, December 14 5:00 - 7:30 Tuesday, December 15 5:00 - 7:30 Wednesday, December 16 Times class regularly meets 8:00 MWF 8:00 TTh 9:00 MWF 9:00 TTh (9:30) 9:00 TTh (9:30) 10:00 MWF 10:00 TTh 11:00 MWF 11:00 TTh 12:00 MWF 12:00 TTh (12:30) 12:00 TTh (12:30) 1:00 MWF 1:00 TTh 2:00 MWF 2:00 TTh 3:00 MWF (3:30) 3:00 TTh (3:30) 4:00 MWF 4:00 TTh 4:00 TTh 5:00 MWF 5:00 TTh Time and day of examination 8:00 - 10:30 Monday, December 14 8:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, December 15 8:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, December 16 8:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, December 9 8:00 - 10:30 Thursday, December 17 8:00 - 10:30 Friday, December 11 8:00 - 10:30 Thursday, December 10 11:00 - 1:30 Monday, December 14 11:00 - 1:30 Thursday, December 10 11:00 - 1:30 Wednesday, December 16 11:00 - 1:30 Wednesday, December 9 11:00 - 1:30 Thursday, December 17 11:00 - 1:30 Friday, December 11 11:00 - 1:30 Tuesday, December 15 2:00 - 4:30 Monday, December 14 2:00 - 4:30 Tuesday, December 15 2:00 - 4:30 Wednesday, December 16 2:00 - 4:30 Thursday, December 10 2:00 - 4:30 Friday, December 11 2:00 - 4:30 Wednesday, December 9 2:00 - 4:30 Thursday, December 17 5:00 - 7:30 Monday, December 14 5:00 - 7:30 Thursday, December 10
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