DUMPING COMMODITY REGISTER 2804.69.00(1) R.0 SILICON METAL EXPORTED FROM THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Measures Provisional anti-dumping measures in the form of dumping securities (DSA) and countervailing securities (CSA) have been imposed on silicon metal exported from the People’s Republic of China (China). All exporters and suppliers of silicon metal exported from China are subject to DSA and CSA. Statement of Essential Facts and Preliminary Affirmative Determination number 237 and Anti-Dumping Notice 2015/22 provide further information to assist importers and Customs brokers. Description of the goods The goods subject to measures are: Silicon metal containing at least 96.00 per cent but less than 99.99 per cent silicon by weight, and Silicon metal containing between 89.00 per cent and 96.00 per cent silicon by weight that contains aluminium greater than 0.20 per cent by weight, of all forms (i.e. lumps, granules, or powder) and sizes. Identifying the goods subject to measures Goods subject to measures should be classified using the tariff sub-headings and associated statistical codes contained in Table 1. Table 1 – The tariff subheadings and statistical codes subject to measures Tariff subheading 2804.69.00 Statistical code 14 Date of effect DSA and CSA were imposed by public notice on 23 February 2015. Direction for collection of DSA and CSA Goods subject to DSA and CSA must be entered using the dumping specification number (DSN) shown in Table 2. DSA is in the form of an ad valorem measure. The DSA liability is calculated by multiplying the dumping export price (DXP) by the DSA ad valorem duty rate. CSA is also in the form of an ad valorem measure. The CSA liability is calculated by multiplying the DXP by the CSA ad valorem duty rate. The DXP is the total invoice price for the line on the invoice/entry expressed in the export price terms for the respective DSN shown in Table 3. 23/02/2015 DUMPING COMMODITY REGISTER 2804.69.00(2) SILICON METAL EXPORTED FROM THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Release of details of measures The DSA and CSA ad valorem duty rates are considered confidential and will not be published. Bona fide importers of the goods may be provided with the confidential information; however the onus is on the importer to prove their bona fides by providing evidence of the following to [email protected]: A previous trading history with a nominated exporter/supplier of the goods from a country subject to dumping/countervailing measures. Evidence of a trading history would take the form of at least commercial invoices, packing list and bills of lading from previous shipments. Additional documentation as proof of bona fides may also be requested; or In the absence of a trading history, an offer or a quotation from an exporter/supplier of goods subject to dumping/countervailing measures. The offer or quotation must be on the exporter/supplier’s company letterhead – emails will not generally be accepted. Importers should note that only as much of the confidential information as is necessary to enter the goods will be provided. Australian Customs Dumping Notice 2012/61 provides further information to assist importers and Customs brokers. The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) will conduct monitoring of imports subject to antidumping measures consistent with its published policy. Lodging an entry for goods subject to these measures Importers/brokers will need to complete and submit a ‘dumping security undertaking’ form when lodging an entry for goods subject to these measures. The dumping security undertaking form is available at: http://www.adcommission.gov.au/info-importers-brokers/documents/140429DumpingSecurityandUndertaking2014.pdf Importers and Customs brokers should contact the National Temporary Imports and Securities (NTIS) section of the ACBPS at [email protected] to lodge the undertaking form and for further information relating to the operation of securities. Affected parties should contact the Anti-Dumping Commission on 13 28 46 (+61 2 6213 6000 if outside Australia) or by email at [email protected] for further information regarding the actual DSA liability calculation in their particular circumstance. DUMPING COMMODITY REGISTER 2804.69.00(3) R.0 SILICON METAL EXPORTED FROM THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Table 2 – Exporters and DSN Exporter CCID Description Measure DSN Hua’an Linan Silicon Industry Co., Ltd Supplied through Xiamen K Metal Co., Ltd CCY9637766F CEL9393747A All types DSA and CSA 25 Guizhou Liping Linan Silicon Industry Co., Ltd Supplied through Xiamen K Metal Co., Ltd CCY9637766F CEL9393747A All types DSA and CSA 26 All types DSA and CSA 27 All other exporters Table 3 – DSA and CSA ad valorem duty rates DSN DSA ad valorem rate CSA ad valorem rate Effective rate of dumping and countervailing securities Export price terms 25 10.4% 3.7% 14.1% FOB, cash 26 10.4% 3.7% 14.1% FOB, cash 27 18.8% 35.0% 53.8% FOB, cash 23/02/2015
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