2015 BOARDING SCHOOL GRANT APPLICATION FORM CLOSING DATE: Friday, 27 February 2015 at 4.00pm PLEASE SEND APPLICATIONS TO: Physical Address: Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust Te Wairere House 6 Wairere Street Whakatane Postal Address: PO Box 227 Whakatane Contact Info: Telephone (07) 929 5690 Email: [email protected] POLICY: Trustees will consider applications for a grant from persons who satisfy BOTH of the following Criteria: 1. You must be a current owner or the NATURAL ISSUE of an owner 2. You are enrolled in Year 9 or above at a Recognised Secondary Boarding School as a FULL TIME student OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received: / / Applicants First Name: Last Name: Enrolment Verified: Yes No Invoice Attached: Yes No Boarding Hostel Verified: Yes No Bank Account Verified: Yes No Shareholder Verified Yes No Yes No Shareholder Name: Registration Completed: Comment: Page 1 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust SECTION 1: APPLICANT DETAILS First Name: Middle Name: Surname: Gender: Male Female Yes No Age Academic Year Natural Issue: If No: Is Biological parent a shareholder or Beneficiary of Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust: Shareholders Name: SECTION 2: PARENTS POSTAL ADDRESS Name: Postal Address: Post Code: Cell phone No: ( ) Phone (Day): ( ) Email Address: INVOICE: (The grant is to assist with accommodation costs associated with Boarding Schools) Please attach an Invoice (dated this year) for the Total Fees Levied by the Secondary Boarding School/Hostel Invoice Attached: Yes SECTION 3: SECONDARY BOARDING SCHOOL DETAILS Secondary School: Telephone: Email Address: Page 2 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust SECTION 4: SECONDARY SCHOOL ENROLMENT CONFIRMATION Note: You must get the Principal to verify that the Applicant is currently enrolled and attending the Secondary Boarding School I ____________________________________________________________________________Principal (Principal of the School) OF ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of School) Certify that ______________________________________________________________________________ (Applicants Name) Is currently enrolled as a Year ________ full time student and attending classes. Signature (Principal) _______________________________ Date _______________________________ This must be stamped by the Secondary Boarding School. Official School Stamp SECTION 5: BOARDING HOSTEL CONFIRMATION Note: You must get the Hostel Manager (or appropriate personnel) to verify that the Applicant is currently boarding at the Secondary Boarding Hostel. I ____________________________________________________________________________________ Offical School Stamp (Hostel Manager) OF ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Boarding Hostel) Certify that ______________________________________________________________________________ (Applicants Name) Is a full time boarding student. Signature (Manager) _______________________________ Date _______________________________ This must be stamped by the Secondary Boarding Hostel Official Hostel Stamp Page 3 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust Offical School Stamp SECTION 6: BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS Grants will only be paid by DIRECT CREDIT to a Recognised Secondary Boarding School/Hostel Bank Account Name: (Name of Boarding School/Hostel) BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: Bank Branch Account Number Suffix A verified bank deposit advice must be attached to confirm the above Bank Account Name and Number SECTION 7: PERSONAL STATEMENTS 1. Commitments by members of your Whanau to assist you in your academic studies: 2. Your own contributions, past, present or future towards the general well-being your Whanau, Hapu and Iwi: 3. What are your future plans: Page 4 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust SECTION 8: WHAKAPAPA DETAILS 1. Applicant must be a Shareholder or a Direct Descendant of a Shareholder 2. The name of the Shareholder must correspond with the name of a Current Owner in Trust. Please refer to the Maori Land Court Website @ www.maorilandonline 3. Current Shareholder must have completed an OMR2 Registration Form. Please contact the office if you are unsure. 4. Whakapapa must be verified by a Kaumatua however if shareholder is a Whanau Trust, a Trustees of your Whanau Trust must verify the whakapapa of applicant. Current Shareholder Name: (Individual) (if applicable) Current Shareholder Name: (Trust) (if applicable) OMR2 Shareholder Registration No: (must contact the office if unknown) Please complete your whakapapa in the section below: Your Father’s Side: Father’s Name Your Mother’s Side: Mother’s Name Grandfather’s Name Grandfather’s Name Grandmother’s Name Grandmother’s Name Great Grandfather’s Name Great Grandfather’s Name Great Grandmother’s Name Great Grandmother’s Name KAUMATUA/TRUSTEE VERIFICATION: I ............................................................................... do hereby confirm that the above Whakapapa details are true and correct. Signed: ---------------------------------------------------------Page 5 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust SECTION 9: DECLARATION I hereby certify that the information in this application form is correct, and that my application may be cancelled (without right of review) if the information supplied is incomplete, inaccurate or not supplied by due date. I consent to any of this information being made available to Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust for statistical purposes, and for my name to be published as a Boarding Grant Recipeint within the Annual Report of Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust. I consent to the Boarding School and Hostel with which my child is enrolled releasing any information required concerning my application form to Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993 and the Education Act 1989. I consent to Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust contacting any Agencies to verify that information provided in this application is true and correct, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. Signature (Parent/Guardian) Date Page 6 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust IMPORTANT INFORMATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The grant is to assist with accommodation costs associated with Boarding Schools The tenure of the grant shall be for one year only The amount of the grant is dependent on the number of applicants Incomplete/Late Applications will not be considered Payment of all successful applications will be paid directly to the Secondary Boarding Hostel/School in the month of April 2015 CHECKLIST: Please ensure you have attached and completed the following information; Whakapapa Verification This must be signed by a Kaumatua or Trustee of your Whanau Trust who can confirm both the identity of the student and Whakapapa to a Current owner in Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 Trust. If the student is an owner, this section must still be signed as it is to verify the student’s identity. Current Shareholder Applicant or Parent must ensure the Current Shareholder as stated in Whakapapa Section has completed an OMR2 Shareholders Registration Form. Enrolment Details Verified by the Secondary Boarding School (See Section 4 on page 3 of 8) Boarding Hostel Verification (See Section 5 on page 3 of 8) Invoice for Total Fees levied by the Boarding School for the 2015 year Personal Statement Completed Bank Account Details Verified (See Section 6 on page 4 of 8) Grants are paid directly to the Secondary Boarding School/Hostel Declaration signed by Student and Parent/Guardian Page 7 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT 2015 BOARDING SCHOOL GRANT NAME: ADDRESS: OFFICE USE ONLY: Tena Koe Thank you for your grant application. Your Application: Has met all requirements and is referred to the Grants Committee for final approval Is incomplete and will not be considered. The reasons are: Did not meet Whakapapa requirements Current Shareholder has not completed the OMR2 Shareholders Registration Form Did not have verification of Enrolment Did not have an invoice for total fees levied by the Boarding School for the 2015 year Did not receive verification from the Boarding Hostel Did not complete personal statement Did not verify bank account details Did not sign declaration Application was received after due date, and will not be considered Page 8 of 8 Omataroa Rangitaiki 2 Trust
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