Ministry Update - Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church

March 2015
How’s Your Soul?
Love Runs Red
Holy Week and Easter
Delivering Cookies to the Community
Life Hurts...God Heals
Caring Café
Dinner Theatre ~ “Family Camp”
Revelation Coming Soon
GriefShare Update
Stephen Ministry
Easter Egg Hunt
Save the Date
Royal Redeemer School News
Student Ministries News (Insert)
What if I were to come up to you and instead of leading
with the common “How are you?” I was to ask you:
“How’s your soul?” How would you respond? My guess
it that if you’re reading this article, it wouldn’t be by
saying, “There’s no such thing as a soul.” No, we know
there is a soul, but the reality is, many of us would be
hard-pressed to define and be able to assess its health.
After all, there’s no blood pressure-like instrument to
wrap around you and receive some sort of
numerical measurement.
And yet when Jesus is talking about the human soul, He
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world,
yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange
for their soul? Matthew 16:26
What I gather out this verse is that the soul is a pretty
big deal, and in fact, it carries far more worth than we
fully realize.
We have been carrying an ongoing theme of “Connect”
throughout this program year beginning in late August
and carrying through to the end of May. We’ve just
finished a series on connecting with the churchless in our
community and in our lives.
But now we are shifting to connect with the
deepest part of us – our souls. We are using
this Lenten theme of Soul Keeping to unpack
what it means to have a soul and how to keep
it vibrant. We are making use of a book
written by pastor and author, John Ortberg as
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an additional resource. Soul-Keeping, as he titled it, is all
about an adventure of the connections between will,
mind, body and soul within us, and the holy God outside
What I find interesting is that we spot the soul issues
outside us more than within us. We can look at story
after story in our news sources and respond to this
person or those people with the question: “Doesn’t he/
she (or don’t they) have a soul?”
Meanwhile, we are starving our own and wondering why
we’re feeling disconnected with God and the faith we
once carried. The weekend services in March will help us
see the Spirit of God as the source of souls restored and
nourished. I’m inviting you to take the journey with the
rest of us and really understand how to respond to the
question: “How’s your soul?”
February 28th/March 1st ~ The Struggle of the Soul
March 7th/8th ~ What the Soul Needs
March 14th/15th ~ The Practice of Grace
March 21st/22nd ~ The Practice of Gratitude
April 11th/12th ~ The Practice of Growth
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There are many ways to approach the story of Christ’s
passion, death and resurrection, but this year we tell and
retell the story using the colors associated with each
crucial event. We’ll receive reminders at each Holy
Week service and through them, be able to connect
Christ’s story to our own, and what we’ll discover is this:
No matter the color, Love Runs Red through them all.
March 28th/29th
Palm Sunday Weekend
The Green of the Palms
April 2nd ~ Maundy Thursday
The Purple of the Robe
Traditional Service: Noon in the Sanctuary
Blended Service: 7pm
This service begins in the Activity Center
and moves to the Sanctuary
April 3rd ~ Good Friday
The Red of the Blood
Traditional Services: Noon and 7pm in the
Contemporary Service of the Skull:
7pm in the Activity Center
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April 4th/5th ~ Easter Weekend
The White of the Cloth
Traditional Services: Saturday at 5pm
Sunday at 6:45; 8:15; 9:45; 11:15
Contemporary Services: Saturday at 6pm
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15
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Delivering Cookies to the Community
I just wanted to thank everyone
who baked and delivered
cookies as a thank-you to our
community workers. It is always
interesting to watch the people
as you take cookies to them…
First, you tell them who you are
and where you are from. When
they hear the word “church”,
they usually look a little skeptical (like I wonder what they
want). Then you tell them that you have brought them
cookies as a thank-you for serving in our community. It
is fun to watch their whole demeanor change…like why
would you do that for us? That’s so nice of you…etc.
Hopefully it is making a positive difference.
It just made me think of the whole “Churchless” series
we have been doing…it does make me wonder what
people think when they hear the word “church”. I just
hope that by bringing those cookies and saying
“thank-you” made a difference. It’s just a simple way of
sharing Jesus’ love.
Thanks again for your support!
Anette Shanks
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Life Hurts…God Heals
‘A pet-store delivery-truck
driver was traveling down the
road. Every time he came to
a stoplight, he would get out
of the truck and grab a twoby-four. Then he’d run to the
back and start beating on the
truck’s back doors. This went
on for several miles and
nobody could figure out what
he was doing. Finally the guy who had been behind him
pulled alongside and just had to ask, “What are you
“This is only a two-ton truck,” the truck driver said, “and
I’m carrying four tons of canaries. I’ve got to keep two
tons of them up in the air all the time.”
That’s how some of us try to live our lives. We take
desperate measures; trying to keep our hurts, hang-ups
and habits up in the air so they don’t come crashing down
around us. We try so hard to keep up a good front—
pretending that everything is ok—when in reality, we’re
struggling with real pain and real issues that we try to
ignore…then we get stuck. We get stuck trying to keep it
all together while our world is falling apart.
When your life comes crashing down, the only place to
look is up to Him because God Heals. The mission of
Life Hurts…God Heals is to help you to make healing
choices that will help you put the pieces of your world
back together. And the solution to start making these
healing choices depends on Christ’s power to help you.
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Life Hurts…God Heals is based on the book, Life’s
Healing Choices, by John Baker of Saddleback Church.
Weekly we will discuss eight healing choices based on the
Beatitudes that are God’s pathway to wholeness, growth
and spiritual maturity. Regardless of the problem you are
struggling with—emotional, relational, addiction or
whatever—the principles that lead to happiness and
recovery are always the same and the choice is always
Life Hurts…God Heals is a safe, supportive place
for you to work through these issues that can weigh
you down. Join us Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. in Room 134 starting March 3rd. For more
information, contact Pastor Dave Timm at 440-237-7958,
x 118.
After starting in 2008, Caring Café continues to
grow in its need for meals. We are giving out
record numbers of meals and are in need of more
volunteers dedicated to cooking. It only requires
about 1 ½ hours once a month or once every
other month. Being a great cook is not
required; it’s fun and easy.
Meals are cooked in advance and frozen until they are needed.
(Just home from the hospital, recovering from illness, just had a
baby or whatever.) We cook the third Wednesday of each
month (or every other month) at 6:30. All hands are
welcome in the, ladies or teen. If you would like
to be on our volunteer list to receive notification of cooking
days, please contact Mary Ann Tansler at extension 130.
Also, if you need a meal you can contact Mary Ann to make
arrangements on how to receive a meal. Our next cooking
day is March 14th @ 6:30 in the kitchen. Hope to see you
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This Year’s Dinner Theater. . .
“Family Camp”
Friday, March 13th and
Saturday March 14th @ 7:00 p.m.
A Dinner, a Show
and so much more!!!
Tickets only $10 Each
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The Book of Revelation is not one of the favorite books
of the Bible for most Christians. With strange creatures,
crazy numbers, terrible disasters, bowls of wrath, scrolls,
fires, horsemen, death and disaster, plus angel songs,
thrones, the Lamb Himself, most believers ask, "What's
that all about? Why would God put that in our Bible?"
Ken Braun will offer a Lutheran interpretation of The
Book of Revelation beginning on Monday, March 23rd in
the Gathering Room from 7 to 8:45.
Along with Ken's teaching, handout pages will be
distributed to help guide attendees through the book.
Bibles will be supplied if you need one.
The usual schedule is that we begin promptly at 7 pm.
After 45 minutes of teaching, there is a 15 minute break
to sample sweet goodies and to visit. Then another 45
minutes of teaching, concluding at 8:45 promptly. No
previous Bible study experience is necessary, just a desire
to understand God's word more fully and to be
motivated to live as God's child in this world.
Once again, Monday, March 23, 7:00 to 8:45, in the
Gathering Room. Y'all come!
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GRIEFSHARE is running a
“mini-version” consisting of
6 weeks instead of the
original 13; additional weeks
may be added at the
participants’ request.
Meetings started on 2/16, and are held on Mondays, from
6:30-8 PM, in room 133. Anyone grieving the loss of a
loved one is invited to attend. Topics for the sessions
1. Is This Normal?
2. Challenges of Grief
3. Grief and your Relationships
4. Why?
5. Guilt and Anger
6. What do I live for now?
We are planning a “Nurses Meet and Greet (and Eat)”
on Monday, March 30, from 5:30-7:30 pm in Room 133.
This will be an opportunity for nurses within our
congregation to gather, enjoy fellowship and food, and
brainstorm ideas for possible new Health Care Ministries
within the congregation and the community.
Reservations are required. Call Pam at ext. 110 to
register for this event; please RSVP no later than
Monday, March 23.
Other news: Parish Nurses have representation to the
LCMS on the District level. Our current District Rep.,
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recommended me for the position. After several days of
consideration, prayer, and consultation with Pastor
Timm, I agreed to allow my name to be put forward as
Julie’s possible replacement. On Feb. 12, I received
notification from President Cripe that I have been accepted as the new District Representative for Parish Nurses
for Ohio District. Please keep me in your prayers as I
accept this added responsibility and opportunity to serve.
I will continue to be the Parish Nurse for Royal
Redeemer as well (you can’t get rid of me that
In Christ’s name and love, we serve.
Pam Ries, RN
Parish Nurse
Stephen Ministry is…
People who use our ministry may be
struggling with a death of a loved one,
divorce, separation, empty nest syndrome,
loneliness, loss of a job, adjusting to a
birth of a child, being the caregiver for a
loved one, retirement, career change, just
moved into the area, hospitalization, terminal illness. We
have helped many people with their personal struggles
over the years and would love to walk alongside you as
well. If you or someone you know could use a Stephen
Minister please call Pastor Dave Timm, ext. 118.
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When: Saturday, March 28th
Where: Royal Redeemer
Time: 10am-11:30
Cost: Free
Ages: 3 – Fourth Grade
Invite your friends…On Friday, evening, we will
need help with set-up and we will also need
volunteers on the day of the event
We will need bags of donated wrapped
Easter candy—NO NUTS PLEASE!
Thanks for your support!
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Dates to Mark on Your Calendar:
Servant Saturday:
May 2nd
Vacation Bible School:
June 22nd – 26th
Theme: Everest…Conquering
Challenges with God’s Mighty Power
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“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
As our theme verse for this school year reminds us, we
prepare our hearts to receive the love shown by the
sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and recognize by the grace of
God we have been saved. May these words touch your
heart during this Lenten Season. Here at Royal
Redeemer Lutheran School, we learn of this in all grades
by studying God’s Word, worshiping together, and
memorizing the words God’s shared with us in Scripture
each day and week and regularly practice opportunities
to serve others. Currently we are preparing to make a
big impact on ending hunger with the Love Loaves as our
Chapel Mission Project. We also look forward to
welcoming more brothers and sisters in Christ
during our Baptism Chapels coming up March
10th & 11th, scheduled for 9:10 or 12:55. We’ll have our
5th graders leading Chapel as they continue practicing
being Christian Leaders on the 11th at 9:50. All other
Chapels are scheduled each Wed. at 9:10 and we’d love
to have you come and Worship!
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Our students will be
practicing sharing what they
have learned all school year,
thus far, in all grades K-8
during their Testing Week
March 16 t h -20 t h . We
continue to utilize the
Stanford Achievement Assessment in the test’s final year
and prepare for a new one next year. We’ll also welcome
COSI to RRLS for a day on March 24th as we study
chemistry in fun ways! f you would like to volunteer to
help, let us know. We look forward to our students
doing their best on the test, but love that they are learning for life-this one and the next!
Not only is learning each day so important for each and
every student, but our teachers continue to learn and
grow as well! We look forward to sending our Preschool
Teachers and Assistants to the Ohio District Early
Childhood Conference on Fri. Mar. 13th. We’ll also
continue in March to share important opportunities for
our school learned at the Best Practices Conference in
Phoenix, District Principal’s Winter Meeting and by serving
on a team to review the NLSA Accreditation Process for St.
Paul Lutheran School in Westlake, Ohio, all recently
done in February! We’re grateful for these ways we can
keep looking to “Reach
professional learning and collaboration with other
Lutheran schools!
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At RRLS we also enjoy the fellowship we have with one
another to CONNECT families to all our ministry has to
offer in many fun ways… check out these opportunities
for our students, families, and YOU! :)
• Monster’s Hockey Game Friday, March 6th
• Open House Mar. 11th 9-2 for all guests inquiring about RRLS-enrollment is going on now!
• Mom’s and Kid’s night for Preschool March
• Family Swim Night March 15th
• Wing Ding and ‘Breakfast Club’ adult outing
March 21st, 6-9 pm at Slim & Chubbies, Strongsville
• Pancake Breakfast, Palm Sunday Mar. 29th by
Middle School
• Looking to the Future Annual Fund Technology
Campaign continues, thank you for your giving!
Visit us at for more info. or call the school
office, 440.237.7988. God bless you and yours!
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11680 Royalton Road North Royalton, Ohio 44133
Phone: 440-237-7958
Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church
Permit No. 3342
Cleveland, Ohio
Non Profit Org.
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