Saint Mary Parish 211 North Main St. Randolph, MA 02368 Established 1850 Randolph, Massachusetts MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John J. Ronaghan Email: [email protected] WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Pinto Paul, C.S.C. Email: [email protected] SENIOR DEACON 4:00pm 8:00, 10:00, 11:30am Weekday Masses Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Celebrated at St. Mary Parish 9:00am Holy Day Masses As announced Accommodations for the Handicapped Parish Website: Cemetery Website: Deacon James H. Eames DRE/PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs. Patricia J. O’Connor Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANT Mrs. Julie Pantazelos Email: [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Join us on Facebook! SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call the Parish Office for information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Mrs. Judith A. Concannon Email: [email protected] Saturday 3:00pm – 3:45pm in the Chapel, or by request. Mr. Robert S. O’Connor Email: [email protected] Preparation should be made with a priest at least six months in advance. CEMETERY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Mrs. Felicia Kopelman-Hayes BUSINESS MANAGER Mr. Joseph Sheehan Email: [email protected] TELEPHONE NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 22 Seton Way - 781-963-4141 Rel. Ed Center: 30 Seton Way -781-961-5009 Cemetery Office: 245 North St. - 781-961-9323 FAX NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 781-963-0884 Rel. Ed Center: 781-961-5055 Cemetery Office: 781-963-0884 If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or for any other reason, please contact one of the priests or call the Pastoral Center. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Saturday following 9:00am Mass until 11:00am. HAITIAN CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP PASTORAL CENTER OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday: 9am to 4pm Guerisons, Graces, Benedictions!!! Venez nous joindre chaque jeudi soir a 7:00pm a la priere charismatique pour chanter et louer Dieu! Healing, Blessings!!! Come to join us every Thursday night at 7:00pm at the charismatic prayer in French and in Creole to sing and praise the Lord! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a vibrant faith community committed to living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. As a Eucharistic people, we seek to deepen our personal union with Jesus Christ through the ministries of Word, Worship, Community, and Service. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we devote ourselves to the Catechetical Ministry of Youth and Young Adults and to ongoing Adult Faith Formation. We seek to continue the mission of the Church by extending hospitality and outreach to all the People of God. ST. MARY RANDOLPH, MA COLLABORATIVE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE St. Mary Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MEMORIAL MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, February 28, 2015 4:00pm Mass of Thanksgiving Sunday, March 1, 2015 8:00am For the People of St. Mary Parish 10:00am John DiFronzo 11:30am Rita & Herb Thomas and The Arey Family Saturday, March 7, 2015 4:00pm Elaine F. Mahoney Sunday, March 8, 2015 10:00am James Nigro 11:30am Mary, Francis & Michael Small WEEKLY OFFERTORY OFFERTORY Loose Money Envelopes TOTAL Includes Coins $1900.44 $3504.00 $5404.44 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $81.25 CHURCH IN AFRICA & EASTERN EUROPE $658.00 SECOND COLLECTIONS—MARCH 3/8/15 Monthly Energy Collection SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week in Loving Memory of CHARLIE BONANI donated by Kristina Bonani MEETING REMINDER The next Hospitality Committee Meeting will meet on Tuesday, March 3rd in the Church Hall at 6:00pm Daily Mass Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—9:00am St. Bernadette Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am 9:00am—Vietnamese 11:00am Daily Mass Monday, Wednesday, Friday—9:00am FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST Please join us on Sunday, March 8th at St. Mary Church Hall from 8:30am to 11:30am. This is our Annual Free Pancake Breakfast. MENU Pancakes with all the Fixings Sausages Home Fries Hot Fruit Desserts Coffee, Tea & Juice OPPORTUNITIES IN WHICH TO MEMORIALIZE DECEASED LOVED ONES If you wish to memorialize a deceased loved one, you can do so by calling the Parish Office and scheduling one of the following: Sanctuary Lamps $10 a week donation Weekday Masses $15 donation 9am—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Weekend Masses $25 donation 4pm Vigil, 8am, 10am, 11:30am SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT THE FINANCIAL CORNER By Joe Sheehan Business Manager As I write this blog, I am still looking out the window at 5’ of snow. We had the School Roof raked to allow us to proceed safely with all activities in that building. I shudder to think what our snow removal bill will be this winter. I would like to remind everyone that the Catholic Appeal will begin in March. Not only is the Appeal a positive and productive collection for the Archdiocese, it is also an important collection for St Mary’s. Important, why, you may be asking. Well, simply put, if we don’t make our goal, we have to make it up from our own checkbook. Example: This year our goal is $34,000. This number comes from a formula that is related to previous year-end collections; it is not an arbitrary number made up by the Archdiocese. If we collect $29,000 of the $34,000, we will have to pay a $5,000 penalty to the Archdiocese. We do get to collect 50% of anything over the $34,000. Please help. Thanks! SENIORS OF ST. MARY’S Unfortunately, the Seniors of St. Mary’s were unable to meet for their February meeting. The weather has not been at all cooperative. If someone was not notified, we seek your forgiveness. Hopefully, that will be the only meeting we will have to cancel. We will be meeting, weather permitting, on Friday, March 6th. Dave Mur phy, our Chief of State, will be the speaker. So bring your questions, comments, wishes for the Town of Randolph. Dave will have answers and comments for all of them. A heads up notice for all of you. There will be no meeting in April. The First Friday is also Good Friday, April 3rd. Let’s hope for a good turnout on March 6th. It’s a long time until May. DISCUSSION GROUP Our next Discussion Group will meet in the Church Hall on Thursday, March 12th at 7pm. All are welcome. MARCH 1, 2015 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT St. Mary of the Hills School is sponsoring their Annual Academic Night and Open House on Thursday, March 26th from 6pm to 7pm. Come meet the faculty and students and see our classrooms in action! Speak with the administration and current parents about the St. Mary of the Hills School experience. To schedule a tour of the school, please call the office at 617-698-2464. Visit our website at Hope to see you there! DID YOU KNOW!! Did you know that the St. Mary’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our bulletin and when you do please make sure to mention you saw their ad in our bulletin. If you are a business owner, consider advertising in the bulletin. Each weekend, approximately 1500 people attend Mass at St. Mary’s, most of whom live and shop in Randolph area. It’s an easy way to reach thousands of area families with information about your business. For more information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Sylwia Kohut at 508-713-3692. PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE ARMED FORCES We wish to remember in our prayers those brave men and women who are presently serving our country here and overseas. Jeremy Lucier, Kevin Ryan, Ryan Dornan, Paul Ellis, Kirsty Penticost, William Williams, Christopher Jackson, Ryan O’Keefe, Keith Littig, Timothy Walsh, Thomas Cheney, Elliot Trippel, Drake Barry, Tom Ram and Colin Reilly. Please call the office if you would like someone added to this prayer list and also please inform us of their safe return. Thank you! SAFETY FOR GOD’S YOUTH In March, our Religious Education program will once again begin our “Safety for God’s Youth Program.” Our Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People mandate that all dioceses in the United States establish “Safe Environment” programs for students. This mandate for our parish begins with students in Kindergarten and includes students up to grade 8. Safe Environment programs teach students how to stay safe in many ways including fire safety, walking safety, safe friendships, safety in the home and when away from home and culminates with teaching what is appropriate and inappropriate touch. Our Safety Program this year will take place in our Religious Education classes the first three weeks of March. A Parent Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday February 24th at 7 pm in the Religious Education Center for all those families new to this program. At this meeting, parents will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the curriculum in detail. Each Religious Education family will receive a letter this week inviting them to the Parent Meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact the Religious Education Office AT 781 961-5009 for more information or to simply ask questions. Each year as we plan and head toward our SAFETY FOR GOD’S YOUTH Program, we like to take the opportunity to remind parents of the following: ALL CHILDREN SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT WHEN USING THE RESTROOMS AT OUR CHURCH. CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER BE SENT ALONE FROM MASS TO THE DOWNSTAIRS FACILITIES. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND MEETING REMINDER Eucharistic Ministers of Communion to the Sick and Homebound will meet Thursday, March 5th at 7pm in St. Mary Religious Ed Center. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND VISITS If you know anyone who is homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the Parish Office (781-963-4141) and we will see that someone visits their home. WELCOME We are pleased to have you with us. If you are a new parishioner and haven’t registered in the parish, please fill out the form below indicating husband, wife, son, daughter and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Pastoral Center, 22 Seton Way, Randolph, MA 02368. Last Name:___________________________________ First Name:__________________________________ Mailing Name:_______________________________ Address:______________________________________ Tel. No.______________________________________ Date of Birth__________________________________ Spouse: ______________________DOB___________________ Children: __________________DOB__________ (M) ___ (F)___ __________________DOB__________ (M)____ (F)___ __________________DOB__________ (M)____ (F)___ Please send Offertory Envelopes: yes______ no_____ Would you like to join our Giving Online Program Yes______no_____
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