Both Services TODAY Nursery: Birth-Age 2 Young Adult Ministry (Y.A.M.) Group: 5:00-7:30 pm, 2223 Ranch House Ct., Auburn. Questions? Contact Matt Hendricks at 530-613-5683. TUESDAY ThisWeekatAGCC Twice a Month Men’s Bible Study-A Study in I Peter: 9:00-10:15 am, Fellowship Hall (Room 100). Sewers & Rippers: 9:00 am-1:00 pm, Worship Center. All ladies welcome. For questions, call Rhoda Staurseth, 530-870-4699. WEDNESDAY Women’s Bible Study-Children of the Light by Beth Moore: 9:30-11:30 am, Worship Center. Wednesday Night Live: 5:30-6:30 pm-Dinner; 6:30-6:45 pm-Worship; 6:45-8:00 pm-Adult Studies. 6:30 pm-Sr. High Youth Group, Room 205; Jr. High Youth Group meet at Miyagi’s Gym; Children’s Program and Nursery provided; 8:00 pm Dessert. THURSDAY Who Goes Where? Children’s Baptism Class: 10:45 am, Room 207. Room 104 Drop-Off Pick-Up Preschool-Kindergarten Room 103 Room 102 1st-2nd Grade Room 103 Room 203 3rd-4th Grade Room 103 Room 202 5th-6th Grade Room 103 Room 201 8:45 am Service 7th-8th Grade Room 205 9th-12th Grade Room 205 Generations Sunday School Class Room 200 10:45 am Service Ambassadors Sunday School Class Room 100 Children’s Baptism Class Room 207 Women’s Grief Share: 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Office Conference Room. SATURDAY Takin’ it to the Streets: Meet in church parking lot at 9:30 am to go door-to-door inviting people to church and sharing the gospel. Worship Service: 4:30 pm. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS: Set clocks FORWARD one hour when you retire for the night. NEXT SUNDAY Worship Services: 8:45 & 10:45 am. Takin’ it to the Streets: Meet at Sierra Ridge Memory Care, 3265 Blue Oaks Drive, at 10:30 am to share music and words of encouragement with the residents. Young Adult Ministry (Y.A.M.) Group: 5:00-7:30 pm, 2223 Ranch House Ct., Auburn. Questions? Contact Matt Hendricks at 530-613-5683. Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor ~ Phil Sparling Associate Pastor ~ Lorin Miller Administrative Pastor ~ Dave Wickstrom Body Life Pastor ~ Greg Hummel Student Ministries Pastor ~ Steve West Children’s Director ~ Sue Smead Church Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9 am–4 pm E-mail: [email protected] Other Upcoming Events Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6446, Auburn, 95604 Jr. High Sledding Day: March 14 Seminar 401-Exploring Grace Membership: March 22 Baptism: March 29 Maundy Thursday: April 2 Easter Services: April 4 (4:30 pm) & April 5 (8:45 & 10:45 am) Hosting Gathering Inn: April 9 Jr. High Scavenger Hunt: April 10 Sr. High Box City Event: April 17 Men’s Retreat-Woodleaf Conference Center: April 17-19 Seminar 201-New Family Luncheon: April 19 Compassion Sunday: April 26 Hosting Gathering Inn: April 30 Ladies Tea: May 2 Student Ministries-Parking Lot Sale: May 9 Mother’s Day & Baby Dedications: May 10 Auburn Grace Community Church 3126 Olympic Way • Auburn, CA 95603 • 530.823.8330 “Building a family of believers who know Christ and make Him known.” Pastor Lorin Welcome / Offering / Announcements Message Pastor Elijah Wanje* Ridgeways Baptist Church - Nairobi, Kenya Closing Song Pastor Lorin Closing Prayer Pastor Phil *Our guest speaker, Pastor Elijah Wanje, sensed God’s hand upon his life and a leading towards ministry when he was in high school. He studied at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas and obtained his Masters degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. He serves as the moderator/ president of the Baptist Convention of Kenya, a convention with some 3000 churches, and also as the Chancellor of a Baptist University in Arusha called Mount Meru. He is married to Joy, and they have three children, Edwin, Leshan and Grace. Please join us for refreshments following the service in the Courtyard. For internet service while on the church premises, choose ‘AGCCguest’ and use ‘agcc8330’ as the password to obtain a connection. Visiting for the First Time? Make sure you pick-up a Welcome Packet in the Lobby! If you have a question about becoming a Christian, baptism, baby dedications, a prayer request, or would like to receive our e-mail notices, please fill out the Response Form located in your bulletin and place it in the offering or a Response Box located in the Lobby and someone will respond to your request. Should you have a prayer request need during the week, please call or e-mail the Church Office. There is a private ‘Family Room’ upstairs in Room 208. This room is equipped with a screen and speakers so that you may continue to listen and view the service. Please feel free to use this room should you need to take care of your child outside the main service. Hearing assistance devices available for checkout at the Welcome Center. If you would like a CD of today’s message (or prior messages), please stop by the RESOURCE CENTER, Room 101, and place your order TODAY. Cost per CD is $1.00. Jr. High Sledding Day - March 14 SATURDAY WORSHIP SERVICE THIS Saturday, March 6 - 4:30 pm Hume Lake Summer Camp (June 14-20) ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Generations, an adult Bible study/fellowship group for all ages, invites you to join them Sunday mornings at 8:45 am, upstairs in Room 200, where they are currently studying the book of 2 Corinthians. SEMINAR 401—EXPLORING GRACE MEMBERSHIP Sunday, March 22 - 2:00-4:00 pm (Room 100) This seminar focuses on what it means to be a member of AGCC. We review our Constitution, By-laws and Statement of Faith. Childcare provided. Please sign-up on the Response Form if interested in attending. MAUNDY THURSDAY - April 2 Jews for Jesus Presents “The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel” Light Dinner - 5:30 pm 3-Fold Communion & Program - 6:15 pm An RSVP is required—PLEASE SIGN UP on the Response Form (Childcare Provided) And on the Third Day . . . EASTER SERVICES Invite your family and friends to join us at one of our Easter services: SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! StudentMinistries Worship through Music REMINDER to set clocks FORWARD one hour SATURDAY night before retiring. Saturday, April 4 - 4:30 pm Sunday, April 5 - 8:45 & 10:45 am MEN’S RETREAT—”FULLY ARMED” WOODLEAF CONFERENCE CENTER - April 17-19 Featuring Capt. Tom Joyce, USN (Ret) as the retreat speaker. Capt. Joyce a successful military pilot, was asked to enter the Admiral program, and chose to walk away from this opportunity and his military service to become a men’s pastor. He will bring a message of how to stand firm against the schemes of evil as we put on our spiritual armor in our callings—to be ‘fully armed’. DON’T MISS OUT, REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR $159 PAYMENT NOW! Pick-up and complete a brochure/registration form located in either the Main or Office Lobby and place in the offering, Response Box, or return to the Church Office. Contact Pastor Dave with any questions, [email protected]. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE—CLEAN-UP CREW Everyone loves clean-up, especially washing dishes, right? Right!, Well, only if it is someone else’s dishes. We have a GREAT job for you, step right up! The WNL crew would love for you to join their wonderful team, led by Jeff Grady, to roll up your sleeves, and put on some rubber gloves, if desired, and lend a hand, we mean hands after the meal on Wednesday evenings. If you would LIKE to assist in this ministry, please let us know on the Response Form. SUNDAY CHURCH REFRESHMENTS If you are looking to use your gift of service among our AGCC family we have an opportunity for you with the Sunday Morning Refreshment Team. This requires arriving early one Sunday per month to prepare the donuts, coffee and bagels that we all enjoy each week. Contact Pastor Greg at [email protected] or indicate your interest on the Response Form. Misc. Children’sMinistries March 1, 2015 STUDENT MINISTRIES DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME UpcomingEventsUpcomingEvents 10:45 am Service Nursery: Birth to Age 2 Children’s Program Adult Sunday School Opportunities WelcometoAuburnGraceWelcometoAuburnGrace 8:45 am Service Nursery: Birth to Age 2 Children’s Program Jr. High Youth Group Sr. High Youth Group Adult Sunday School $100 deposit due NOW to reserve your spot. The total cost of camp is $525. Several fundraisers are planned to help students earn money. Current 8th graders and graduating seniors welcome. Deposit payments can be given to Meredith, Student Ministries Admin. For questions, contact [email protected] For more details on Student Ministries, go to: Rent-a-Kid Fundraiser - Back by Popular Demand! Do you have any jobs around the house or yard that need to get done during MARCH and APRIL? AGCC high school students are raising money to pay for Hume Lake Christian Camp this June or for other youth group activities happening throughout the year. Responsible, hardworking students are waiting for a job! Most students can do ANYTHING you want done but a few skills available are yard work, babysitting, home projects, window washing, car washing, organization, physical labor, etc. Email Meredith Jordan (Student Ministries Admin) at [email protected] if you are interested in hiring a student, or complete the Response Form. Your 'job' will be posted on a board in the Student Ministries room for students to take. Students will contact you directly to coordinate the day, time and pay. ‘BUS’ DRIVER WANTED! Are you are a driver with a 'Commercial Class B with Passenger Endorsement' license, or interested in getting this license? Our High School group is taking a Road Trip July 12-17. Come join us as our bus driver for an incredible week in Southern California. Please contact Pastor Steve West or Meredith Jordan (Student Ministries Admin) at [email protected] if interested. CHILDREN’S ‘PREPARING FOR BAPTISM’ CLASS Our next Children's Baptism Class, for 3rd through 6th graders, will be offered during the 10:45 am service, beginning TODAY and running through March 22 (Room 207). This grade level is a recommendation, but mature younger and older children are welcome to participate per their parent's discretion. Children will be taught the history and meaning of this ordinance, review the Gospel message, and given the opportunity to write their personal testimonies. Parents are welcome to accompany their children, and additional material will be sent home for family discussion. Baptisms are scheduled for Sunday, March 29, during our Worship Service and children are encouraged to participate if they desire to do so. COME JOIN OUR TEAM AS A CLASSROOM ASSISTANT With Children’s Ministries growing, we are seeking high school age youth through adults to assist us as an extra pair of hands in Sunday School, Saturday evening service and our Wednesday Night Live program. Your commitment can be occasional, or as regular as you are available, to assist our dedicated teachers as they share God’s love with our precious children. Please indicate your interest on the Response Form or contact Sue Smead at [email protected]. MARCH NEWSLETTER NOW AVAILABLE : View on-line at or pick-up a copy in the Lobby DAILY BREAD for March/April/May AVAILABLE IN BOTH LOBBIES WELCOME TO AUBURN GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Please take a moment to fill out this form and drop it in the offering bag or Response Box in the Lobby. We look forward to meeting and serving with you! Date:___________________ Please Print Clearly Name:______________________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Apt. #_______ City:________________________________ Zip:____________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________ Please add me to the church e-mail list. Children(s) Name(s): Age: Grade: ___________________________ ____ ______ ___________________________ ____ ______ ___________________________ ____ ______ ___________________________ ____ ______ Please choose all that apply: First time visitor Second visit I / We will be attending regularly. Please add me/us to the Church Directory. I am / We are interested in volunteering for: Ushering / Greeting Children’s Ministry Other _______________________ Name(s) of interested party: ________________________________________ Prayer Requests / Answers to Prayer for Pastoral Staff Please let us know your concerns and praises: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU WOULD ALSO LIKE YOUR REQUEST FORWARDED TO THE AGCC PRAYER CHAIN. RESPONSE FORM Please check the events you are interested in, place in the offering, a Response Box, or contact us at 530-823-8330 or [email protected]. Name ____________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________ Seminar 401-’Exploring Grace Membership, 3/22 # for Childcare ______ Ages _________ Maundy Thursday, 4/2 - Dinner, Presentation & 3-Fold Communion ____ # Attending Dinner (include everyone in family who will be eating) ____ # for Childcare (Birth-Pre-K) ____ # for Children’s Program (K-4th) Wednesday Night Live Clean-Up Crew Sunday Morning Church Refreshment Team Rent-a-Kid (Please complete information above as well) Address:______________________________________________________ Service needed:________________________________________________ Date service needed by: ______________________ Number of students you want to hire:____________ Children’s Ministries–Classroom Assistant Saturday, 4:30 pm Sunday, 10:45 am Sunday, 8:45 am Wednesday Night Live March 1, 2015
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