The Messenger - Faith Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran Church Messenger
1000 Tates Creek Road, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-7621 or (859) 266-9600
e-mail: [email protected]
March 2015
A Note from Pastor Andy
As I sit down to write this last note to all of you, I listen to snowmelt running off
the church roof, with s ll thick blankets of white all around. Forecast for tonight
and most of this week is single digits again. This the me of winter when one gets
to thinking it will never end. Spring is actually a myth. It never really existed. It has
always been cold, and always will be.
Especially at this point in the congrega on’s history, one gets to thinking that transi on mes will never end. Call commi ee is s ll working with Synod to find a new
pastor. Personnel commi ee is s ll discerning regarding a new music director. By
the me you receive this, I will be leaving in less than a week.
Please believe me, these mes seem long. We said that they would seem long
when we started. But they will end. You will find a new pastor who fits the congrega on. You will find a music director to be here for the long term. You will make
discernments regarding youth and discipleship ministry and other staffing. Things
will become more stable and secure. Really.
In the mean me, the congrega on con nues to pursue its goals: diversity; community; liturgical worship; jus ce and compassion; youth, children, young families,
elderly and campus ministry; sharing God’s work in our lives. We con nue to communicate directly, going to people with our concerns rather than talking about
people to others. We remain calm in the face of anxiety. We s ck with the plan,
because no ma er how long it takes, Christ is with us. No ma er how long it takes,
God s ll works here, right now, today.
Perhaps one thing that can be learned from all this—we knew it already but it echoes even more deeply now—the witness at Faith Lutheran Church does not depend upon any one person or set of people. It depends upon the Holy Spirit working in all of us. It’s not about me or you. It’s about Jesus, crucified and risen, on
the move today.
I am sad to leave. I grieve, even as I am excited to start a new adventure. You have
blessed me deeply. As I go, please know that I am thankful for the privilege of having served Christ with you.
God Bless Always,
Pr. Andy
Mission Statement: As followers of Jesus Christ, we embrace, reflect and proclaim God’s unconditional love.
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
MARCH 2015
The following is the list of persons who have said
they would like to be listed. Please keep them in
your prayers. In the future, when pu ng people
on the prayer list, please inform the church office
if you would like their names and concerns to be
shared in this way.
Page 2
Each of our Lenten Services (below) this year will contain a special
topic on prayer and involve many different Taizé songs.
The hallmarks of Taize services are simplicity, peaceful spirituality, and music
based upon the chant styles of the Taize monastery in France. Founded in
the a ermath of the second World War by Brother Roger, who died in a
prayer service in the midst of the community in August 2005, Taize is dedicated to peace and ecumenical ac on.
Bonnie Harstad's family.
Steve Carter, complica ons with his transplant.
Sydney and Adeline Taber, daughters of Leslie
Taber, con nued growth as premature infants.
Taize music is both simple and sophis cated. Brother Roger, founder of
Taize, seeks to add a prayerful element to music, and a musical element to
prayer, believing firmly in the old dictum, ‘those who sing, pray twice’. The
songs of Taize are designed to be sung by those who have difficulty carrying
a tune, as well as those whose training and background in music
extends to high levels.
Randy Will, son of Eileen Will, spinal cord injury.
Henning Egner, has undergone cancer treatments
and is scheduled for addi onal evalua ons.
The way Taize chants ‘work’ is that they are simple phrases and simple tunes
that gradually reveal depth and sophis ca on by being repeated over and
over. According to Brother Roger, all who follow this journey of the spirit
remain alongside other people, adding their prayers and voices together.
‘They do not separate prayer and commitment.’
Sydney Bachman’s friend’s teenage daughter diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
Please Join Us For Our
2015 Midweek Lenten Taizé Services
6:15 P.M. Soup Supper
7:00 P.M. Worship
At Our Four Different ELCA Ministries In Lexington.
Each Service will contain a special topic on prayer
and involve many different Taizé songs.
March 4:
Host Site
Faith Lutheran Church
Peniten al Prayer
March 18:
Faith Lutheran Church
1000 Tates Creek Road
1000 Tates Creek Road
(859) 266-7621
(859) 266-7621
(Parish Life responsible for soup supper)
March 11
Host Site
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Intercessory Prayer
Centering Prayer
(Worship responsible for soup supper)
March 25:
Word of Hope Lutheran Church Guided Medita on
2185 Garden Springs Drive
1870 Armstrong Mill Road
(859) 277-6096
(859) 272-8515
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
MARCH 2015
Page 3
March FLYer
3/1 - 6:00-8:15 - pizza and movie (Back to the Future II - rated PG). Back to the Future II takes
place in 2015.
Come welcome yourself to the future with this second film in the trilogy. Special
prize to the most futuris cally-dressed kid! No money needed.
3/6-3/7 (7:00 p.m. Friday—9:00 a.m. Saturday) High school "stayca on" retreat / lock
in - all NYG par cipants should a end; other high schoolers are welcome. We have a
few ac vi es from the ELCA, and will otherwise have food, games, and a movie. Please
bring $5 toward cost of food.
Faith is responsible for
providing Sunday evening meals at St. Augus ne's chapel in
March. Those who
bring the meal are invited to stay for supper
and worship with the
students and staff. If
you are interested in
helping out, please
contact Jennifer Barricklow at barrick-
Gree ngs from the Personnel Commi ee. We
wanted to update you on the progress of our search
for a Director of Music. We have been so blessed by
the coopera on of our interim, Clif, during this process. We have interviewed four candidates, including Clif, and are making our way towards our decision. The support from the congrega on has been
tremendous! During our interviews, we had representa ves from Worship Commi ee, Cantors, Handbells, Adult Choir, Youth, and Children; this impressed the candidates! We are so very fortunate to
have a community that values music and the ministry it offers. Thank you for your pa ence as we discern the best candidate for Faith and, thank you for
your con nued prayers.
The Call Commi ee is happy
to report that
we have just
received another candidate from the
bishop’s office.
We ask for your prayers as we
begin the discernment process with
this candidate.
Jimmy Lee, Jim Larson, Stuart Larson, Miriam Brown, Diann Terry,
Judy Page, Marianne Kehres.
Many Thanks to everyone who par cipated in “Table D’ Hote.” The response from the congrega on was outstanding, with 43 a ending and
$1,496.00 donated to Pastor’s Discre onary fund. The decora ons, food &
service made possible by many dedicated volunteers were enjoyed by all
who a ended.
Thanks also to Nancy George who introduced this wonderful idea to our
commi ee!
Parish Life Commi ee
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
MARCH 2015
On February 15, the congrega on blessed two dozen prayer
shawls during worship. Each was kni ed or crocheted by someone here at Faith, with prayers for whoever would receive the
shawl. As we laid our hands on the shawls and prayed over
them, we included our own prayers for those who will receive
them. These shawls also represent the prayers of the Church
everywhere for people in need of comfort, care, and healing.
Page 4
Who are these shawls for? They have been given to members
and friends who are bedridden or wheel chair bound, who are ill
or in the hospital, who are undergoing medical treatment, who
have lost loved ones, who are experiencing difficulty with family
or work. If you know someone who might need to be wrapped in
prayer, speak to the office staff about ge ng a prayer shawl to
If you would like to be a part of this ministry, see Debbie Anderson or Linda McDaniel.
or the food itself for our lunches on Mar 22 and Jun 21. This
In January we were pleased to way all dona ons on the day go to the scholarships. If you would
share the news that we had paid off like to help; please call Charla at 859-268-0108 or email childour loan from the church in one [email protected].
Members of Faith,
year instead of three. Over the past
year we have been blessed through Do you like reading to children? Do you have an interes ng skill
the power of prayer with a boost in or talent you’d like to share with our students? Do you like to
enrollment and a wait-list in both programs. Currently the sum- cook? Do you enjoy planning fundraisers? Do you have me or
mer programs and 2015-2016 school year programs are full with monetary resources you’d like to share with our ministry? If you
a wait-list of 10 students for the a er-school program and 14 answered yes to any of the above ques ons we’d love to hear
students for the preschool.
from you. At FLLC we love volunteers!
I would like to extend an invita on to families with preschoolers to join me for an informa onal parent mee ng on Monday,
March 23 from 6-7 pm in Bay 1 of the Fellowship Hall (across
from the kitchen). We will be discussing the Brigance screening
tool used statewide to assess students as they enter Kindergarten. FREE CHILDCARE will be provided for all ages during the
mee ng.
One last specific request: We are ge ng ready to construct
some raised beds for the kids to garden in throughout the year.
We need some people who are knowledgeable and interested
in helping us get started and/or talking to the kids about gardening.
Please contact Charla for more informa on on volunteering or
come by the learning center any me M-F between 6:30 am and
We have parent mee ngs once a month covering a variety of 6:00 pm and ask to speak with Charla or Lindsay.
topics. I would love to hear your interests and to see you at our
mee ngs. Please check our FB page, the bulle n, and faith notes
Respec ully,
for reminders each month.
Please stop by our table in the Narthex a er the 11:00 service
on Sunday March 22 for our quarterly Scholarship Fundraiser
Charla Heersche, FLLC Director
Lunch. Take a sack lunch to go or sit with friends and enjoy
lunch before heading home. Your dona ons will benefit the 4-6
families receiving tui on scholarships for the 2nd quarter of this
year. We are looking for someone to donate money for the food
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
MARCH 2015
Page 5
water and poor sanita on are the world’s second largest killer of
children. Six to eight million people die every year from waterrelated diseases.
“The poor and needy search for
water, but there is none; their
tongues are parched with thirst. But
I the Lord will answer them.” Isaiah
In comparison, here in America the average ci zen uses 152
gallons of water every day, for things like cooking, cleaning and
sanita on purposes. All most Americans need to do to access
For 27 years, the ELCA has
clean and fresh water is to turn on the nearest faucet in their
been commi ed to serving with compassion people who are
most vulnerable. One such way that the ELCA serves is via support for ini a ves like "World Water Day," which this year will
Thanks to the work of ELCA World Hunger and its parttake place on March 22nd.
ners around the world, work is underway to bring clean water to
people in nearly 60 countries. To take part and learn how you
Water access is a priority to all people and “World Water can help make access to clean water a reality for the en re
Day” is a day to raise awareness of those in our world who lack world, visit the ELCA World Hunger page: h p://
clean and safe drinking water and sanita on. Water is the most Our-Work/Relief-and-Development/ELCA-World-Hunger
abundant resource on the planet-- 71% of the Earth’s surface is
covered in it. In fact, only about 0.3% of the earth’s water is usaYou can also learn about and contribute to World Water
ble by humans. Over 783 million people do not have access to
Day in the Narthex on March 22nd. Bring your spare change and
clean water, and almost 2.5 billion people do not have adequate join Lutherans around the world helping to support those who
sanita on. Millions of women around the world spend several
may not have access to clean water and proper sanita on.
hours a day collec ng water-- walking an average of three-miles
round-trip to get this water to their homes. Combined, unclean
Featured Ar sts for 2015
One of our
Sta ons of the Cross
March 22-April 3
Sta ons of the Light
April 5-April 18
Ann Dahman: Logansport, IN
Teresa Mar n: Julian, PA
Brenda Buckingham Ehrmann
He Qi: Minneapolis, MN
Barb Kinsler: Frankfort, IN
Von Biggs: Indianapolis, IN
Thea Wilder: Frankfort, IN
Kerry Jackson: Indianapolis, IN
Bridgid Manning Hamilton: Lafaye e, IN
Daniel Driggs: Frankfort, IN
Ann Lahr: Corvalis, OR
Ed Selvidge: Camden, IN
Mirvia Eckert: Indianapolis, IN
Beth Crawford: Denver, CO
Elias Garza: Frankfort, IN
Trish Williams: Peoria, IL
Daniel Driggs: Frankfort, IN
Stephanie Robertson: Indianapolis, IN
Brenda Buckingham Ehrmann, Frankfort, IN
Laura Fox-Wallis: Rock Hill, SC
Dwayne Dahler: Lafaye e, IN
Cheryl Kaldahl: Lafaye e, IN
* * Wayne Schedler: Lexington, KY
Marge Burkholder: Plymouth, IN
Von Biggs: Indianapolis, IN
Moises Garcia: North Manchester, IN
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
2029 S State Road 39
Frankfort, IN 46041
March 22-April 18, 2015
Monday-Friday: 4-8
Saturday: 10-4
Sunday: 12-3
Pastor Joshua Burkholder
[email protected]
Carol Rodibaugh
[email protected]
GroupT ours: Mondays – Fridays
by appointment only.
Marshall Smith
[email protected]
Pain ng for
Art of the
Passion 2015
Ar st: He Qi,
Mpls. MN
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
A coali on of 52 non-profit and 37
faith-based organiza ons (including
Faith Lutheran Church and our Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the ELCA)
have been working over the past 5
years to convince our legislature to
cap the interest on payday loans at
36% apr. The current legal rate for a
payday loan is 391%. This is , quite
frankly, legalized loan-sharking, and
it drains from the personal resources
and the public resources of all Kentuckians. In fact, Kentuckians paid
$121,000,000 to payday lenders in
2013. This is not money that helps
the Kentucky economy since no
lender is actually headquartered in
Kentucky. The two largest lenders
are in Tennessee and Mexico.
Through the coali on’s efforts, Senator Alice Forgy-Kerr has filed legislaon capping interest rates at 36%
apr. This has been filed as Senate Bill
32. On February 19 the coali on
secured a commitment that the bill
will be heard in the State and Local
Governments Commi ee on
Wednesday (02/ 25/15) at noon in
the Capitol annex. It is expected that
it will pass through the commi ee
and go to the Senate floor for a vote
on February 27.
Our greatest hope is that in the April
Messenger we will be able to report
to you that Senate Bill 32 was passed
and that the economic injus ce of
predatory lending has ended in Kentucky.
Shane Hadden, Jim Larson, Jim
McGrath, Bryna Reed, Gail Swanson
and Joe Swanson.
MARCH 2015
Page 6
Financial Secretary's Report
January 1-31, 2015
Offering Envelopes
$ 27,330.00
Loose Offering
Total Income Toward Budget
FLLC Reimb - Workman's Comp
FLLC Reimb - Custodial
FLLC Loan Payment
Postage Reimbursement
Initial Envelopes
Property Committee
The Lutheran
Special Funds
Annual Meeting
Pastor's Discretionary Fund
Sunday School Offering
Staff Celebrations
Youth Fund
Pass Thru Monies
LWR-Fair Trade Sale Proceeds
World Hunger
Lutheran World Relief
Credit to Previous Year
Mission Endowment Fund
Total Restricted Money
Comparison to Budget
Percent of Budget
Mary S. Hemken, Financial Secretary, 859-272-5053, [email protected]
“Silent Ministers — Behind the Scenes”
I’m sure all of us have come across things that “need doing” here at Faith.
Well, some of those people actually take the me and energy to do the
task at hand. Most of the me these “silent ministers” remain unknown.
This me, however, we GOTCHA!
Next me you’re in church, check out the kneelers all sparkling and clean.
Thank you to Miriam David and Ned Brown for being our “Silent Ministers” of the month.
We can all be “Silent Ministers.” Just keep your eyes open.
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
Gisela Atkerson
Debbie Augsburg
Dale Aus n
Parker Teasdale
Aeris Hammonds
Helen Keller
Lucy Bergen
Jacob Wilson
Susan Harper
Benji Blake
Michael Keller
Steve Knudsen
Brianna Augsburg
Jim Burnside
Karen Iorio
Art Kurz
JoEllen McComb
Payton Sword
Jan Isenhour
Linda McDaniel
Judy Templar
Rebecca Lockhart
William Kelley
Avalee Konkle
Lin Whitley
Charles Hamilton
Hailey Shannon
Kevin Lentz
Gene Harper
Thomas Iorio
Troy Peasley
Josephine Wendroth
Alann Karow
Olivia McKinney
Aidan St. Peter
Carson Veil
Karl Krause
Julie Miller
Walt Keinath
Kathy Egner
Chris Fugmann
Joe Swanson
Tara Sword
Betsy Filchak
Carly Fugmann
Ray Hughes
Parveen Majumder
Gretchen Shearer
Madeline Tudor
Tim Sorenson
MARCH 2015
Page 7
Bap sm:
Michael Price Miller, son of Guy and Megan
Miller, was bap zed February 22nd. Michael
is the grandson of Kara Stacy, great grandson of Jane Pe bone.
Jack & Do e Cassel
Jack & Carole Seibert
8 Jimmy & Jeb Emmons
19 Mike & Julie Keller
Richard Benner, father of Gayle McGrath,
died February 1st, in Lancaster, OH.
Stewardship of Your Time and Talents
-Called to ServeDuring Lent we will learn about Why, How, and the Joys of serving Christ at Faith Lutheran
Church with our many Talents and Time. Each of us will be given a renewed opportunity to
make our commitment of service to the Lord for 2015 and beyond during this me.
Evening Sophia will meet on Monday,
March 30 (please note different day!), 7:00
p.m. at the home of Ellie Burnside, 4165 Weber
Way, Lexington. The group will discuss the book,
The Orphan Train, by Chris na Baker Kline. Please
feel free to join us even if you haven’t read the
book. Please RSVP to Ellie at 223-4916 or email
[email protected].
A endance
January 25
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 18
February 22
Narthex Cleanup for
March will be:
The OWLs will meet
March 19
12:30 p.m. at
Su on’s Restaurant
110 N. Locust Hill Rd.,
in the Richmond Road
Kroger parking lot.
The Older, Wiser
Lutherans meet on the
3rd Thursday of each
month for lunch and
Worship Commi ee
Marian Lundborg, Messenger Editor, [email protected]
The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church
MARCH 2015
Service Schedule
Sunday Worship
8:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 6:00 PM
(Nursery provided during the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services)
Sunday School (Sept. through May) 9:45 AM
Andy Rutrough, Interim Pastor
266-7621 or 859-314-1945
[email protected]
Day off-Friday
Ruth Lundborg, Parish Administrator
offi[email protected]
Monday—Thursday 8:00—4:00, Friday 8:00—1:00
Clif Cason, Interim Director of Music Ministries
[email protected]
Charla Heersche, Child Care Director
[email protected]
Bryna Reed, Coordinator of Educa onal Ministries
[email protected]
Kevin Lentz, Coordinator of Youth Ministries
[email protected]
Brian Lundborg, Sexton
H. Gene Templar, Pastor Emeritus
Marian Lundborg, Messenger Editor [email protected]
(859) 266-7621 or (859) 266-9600
e-mail: [email protected]
Page 8
Faith Lutheran Church Council—2015
Tim Sorenson, President
David Templar, Vice President
Debbie Rosenberg, Treasurer
Sandra Palmer, Secretary
Elaine Billington
Charlie Hamilton
Jeremy Mar nez
Adrienne Matson
Jim McGrath
Pat Mundt
Diane Nicely
Mary Ann Patrick
Wayne Schedler
(Commi ee Liaisons yet to be assigned.)