No, Mr. Netanyahu— you do not speak for American Jews •Most polls indicate that a majority of American Jews (and most non-Jews) support President Obama’s attempt to negotiate a settlement that would prohibit Iranian development of nuclear weapons rather than the Netanyahu approach of undermining those negotiations. •Most polls indicate that a majority of American Jews oppose the expansion of West Bank settlements that Netanyahu favors and support the creation of an independent Palestinian state living in peace with Israel. And… The American People Do Not Want a War with Iran Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s attempt to shape American foreign policy toward Iran is unwelcome. A poll in February showed 62% of Americans opposed the way that the Republican leadership had invited Netanyahu to speak. Choosing to make his American visit a few days ahead of Israeli elections lead some to suspect that his visit is a tactic to help build support for his political party. Misleadingly, much of the media quotes “American Jewish leaders” who support Netanyahu—but those leaders are not elected by American Jews and the media should be quoting leaders who represent the majority sentiments of American Jews who have long been committed to peace and reconciliation with the Palestinian people. While many of us hope to see the people of Iran non-violently work to transform Iranian society to foster democracy and human rights, we know that war with Iran will only strengthen the repressive hold of the Islamic fundamentalists and decrease the security of Americans and of Jews around the world. So we oppose the efforts of some in Congress and the Netanyahu faction in Israel who together seek to derail negotiations with Iran. We who sign this ad (the full list can be read at are American Jews and our non-Jewish allies who oppose any attempt to drag the American people into another war. We remember the way that the Bush Administration lied us into a war with Iraq by providing false information about a non-existent threat of Iraqi nuclear weapons. We do not need a repeat of that scenario as militarists in Israel and the U.S. once again use the fear of non-existent nuclear weapons to manipulate us into another war. It is not in the interests of the U.S., Israel or the people of the world. The strategy of domination over those identified as “evil others” and used by the U.S. and Israel as the path to homeland security has not worked. Using force, violence, wars, Signatories bombings, torture, and coercion has been tried for the past five thousand years and it has not produced a world of peace or security. It is time to switch from full spectrum dominance to a Strategy of Generosity. The U.S. spent over a trillion dollars on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The outcome was a greatly weakened Iraq and ISIL (the “Islamic State”) armed with weapons brought to the region by the U.S. That same trillion dollars could have been used to create a Global Marshall Plan that could have wiped out global and domestic poverty, homelessness, hunger, inadequate education and inadequate health care—thereby demonstrating to the world a U.S. that cares for the well-being of others (see for example, a resolution in support of which was introduced into the Congress by Rep. Ellison and endorsed by two dozen other Congressional reps). The Islamic extremists and others who resort to violence would have a much harder time recruiting fighters and supporters to struggles against the West if we were known to the world through our generosity, humility and respect for indigenous cultures rather than through our military and economic power. Similarly Israel would achieve far greater security were it acting in a spirit of generosity toward the Palestinian people. The “realists” scoff at such thinking—yet their strategies have continually failed for thousands of years. So even while some of the signatories to this letter do not oppose the use of force in extreme circumstances like WWII or stopping ISIS/Islamic State, we do believe it is time to give generosity and caring for others a real chance. The capitalist ethos of materialism and winning though intimidation is destructive to us, our families, and to people around the world. Instead of more wars and domination, it is time for what Jews call “tikkun”— healing and transformation. Lets start now with a Global Marshall Plan! For a full list of the 2400+ signatories visit (all institutions listed below for identification purposes only) Sponsors Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor Tikkun Magazine Cat J. Zavis, Executive Director of the Network of Spiritual Progressives “Humanity may be divided between...those to whom the sword is the symbol of honor and those to whom seeking to convert swords into ploughshares is the only way to keep our civilization from disaster.” —Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Inner Editorial Board, Tikkun Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, Prof. Rabbinic Literature at American Jewish University, L.A. Jill Goldberg, Langara College Peter Gabel, Editor at Large Dr. Aaron J. Hahn Tapper, Director Jewish Studies, USF Dr. Deborah Kory, Psychologist Prof. Mark Levine, Political Science, UC Irvine Ana Levy-Lyons Prof. Cynthia Moe Lobeda, author of Resisting Structural Evil Prof. Shaul Magid, Chair, Jewish Studies, Indiana University Dr. Phillip Wolfson, Psychiatrist Prof. Stephen Zunes, Politics and International Studies, USF Rabbi Rachel Barenblat Rabbi Haim Beliak Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels Rabbi Nilton Bonder Rabbi Joseph Edelheit Rabbi Edward Nydle Rabbi Tirzah Firestone Rabbi Gershon, Steinberg-Caudill Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Rabbi Shaya Isenberg Rabbi Burt Jacobson Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Rabbi Deb Kolodny Rabbi Brant Rosen Rabbi David Shneyer Rabbi Brian Walt Rabbi Arthur Waskow Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg Rabbi Joseph Wolf Other signatories include: Rae Abileah Prof. Charles F. Altieri, UC Berkeley Siamak Arassi Stanley Aronowitz Prof. Paul Atwood, U Massachusetts Roberta and Leonard Badger-Cain/Cain Peter Barglow Raymond Barglow Prof. Wendy Barker, U Texas Prof. Aliki Barnstone U Missouri Thomas Bender, NYU Prof. Nathaniel Berman, Brown U Ed Berne Joel Bleifuss, In These Times Robert Blauner, UC Berkeley Prof. Ned Block NYU Nathan Board Rena Bransten Mal Burnstein Co-Chair, Rules Committee, California Democratic Party David Burrell, U Notre Dame Prof. Claude Calame, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Tony Campolo Prof. Hugo Cardenas Universidad de Santiago Nachshon Carmi Prof. Ira Chernus, U Colorado Prof. Peter Child, MIT Joan Chittister, Benetvision Martha Christian Prof. Robert Cohen, NYU Prof. James Cohen, Sorbonne Prof. Bruce Cohen, Worcester State Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Prof. Fred Dallmayr, U Notre Dame Victoria de Grazia Noel Dennis Charles Derber, Boston College Prof. Hasia R. Diner, NYU Michael Dowd Prof. Ian Duncan, UC Berkeley Stan Duncan Stefan Edlis Prof. Gregory Elliott, Brown U Frederick Enman, Boston College Harold Erdman Seth Farber, Ph.D. Institute of Mind and Behavior Heidi Feldman Prof. Gordon Fellman, Brandeis George Finley III Nancy Fleischer Alissa Flores Prof. Carol Fontaine, Andover Newton Theological School Dr. Helen Fox, U Michigan Estelle Frankel, Author of Sacred Therapy Marty Garbus Prof. Laura Ginsparg-Jones, Cornell U Prof. Peter Golden, Rutgers Prof. Linda Gordon, NYU Prof. Emily Gottreich, UC Berkeley Prof. William Graham, Harvard Barbara Green Prof. Ramon Greenberg, Harvard Lester Grinspoon M.D., Harvard Medical School Prof. Charles G. Gross, UC Berkeley and Princeton U Margaret Gullette, Brandeis Prof. Janet Gyatso, Harvard Prof. Sally Haslanger, MIT Josh Healey Raymond Helmick, Boston College Bonnee Henry, UCC Prof. Olivier Herrenschmidt, U. Paris Prof. Laurence Horn, Yale Susannah Heschel, Professor of Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College Dr. Bruce Hirsch Jane and Richard Hirschmann/Levy Prof. Douglas Hofstadter, Cognitive Scientist Prof. Tera Hunter, Princeton Prof. Harold Jacobs, SUNY Prof. Glenn Jacobs, U Massachusetts Prof. Irene Jillson, Georgetown Prof. Steven Jonas, Stony Brook Prof. Catherine Keller, Drew U Prof. Marie Kennedy, UCLA Mimi Kennedy, Progressive Democrats of America Prof. Amber Kerr, UC Davis Prof. Ben Kiernan, Yale Nancy Kim Irena Klepfisz, author Prof. Thomas Kleven, Thurgood Marshall Law School Prof. David Kronenfeld, UC Riverside Prof. Lauren Langman, Loyola U Chicago Larry Lerner, Partners for Progressive Israel Prof. Donald Levine, U Chicago Prof. Daniel Levine, U Texas David Loy, Buddhist Social Theorist Milton Masur M.D. Patricia McDonald Ray McGovern Prof. Everett Mendelsohn, Harvard Douglas Mirell Don Moon Prof. Leslie Morris, U Minnesota Susannah Nachenberg, Jewish Voices for Peace Prof. Stuart Newman, N.Y. Medical College Joyce Carol Oates, Princeton U and Stanford U Prof. Peter Ochs, U Virginia Wendy Orange Prof. Annelise Orleck, Dartmouth Richard Page Dr. John Paggioli Bob Petit Richard Platkin, LA Jews for Peace William Pollak Prof. Jeffery Prager, UCLA James Prescott, National Institute of Health Prof. Laurin Raikin NYU James Reddington Prof. Judith Richman, U Illinois Robert Roach Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation Wade Clark Roof, UCSB Prof. Stephen Rosenbaum, UC Berkeley Joel Rosenberg, Tufts Penny Rosenwasser David Rothfield Herbert Rothschild, Peace House Prof. Saskia Sassen, Columbia U Donna Schaper Prof. Raquel Scherr, UC Davis Bev Schwartz Prof. David Schweikart, Loyola U Prof. Peter Dale Scott, UC Berkeley Dr. Maynard Seider Prof. Svi Shapiro, UNC Ramin Shojai Prof. Arthur Shostak, Drexel U Robert Silverstein Steve Smale Syeda Siddiqi Prof. David Smiley, Columbia U J. Alfred Smith Sr. Prof. Robert Snyder, Rutgers Prof. Michael Steinlauf, Gratz College Heng Sure, Institute for World Religions Pat Thomas Prof. Paul Thomas, UC Berkeley Gail and Robert Thomas Wread/Rosin Barbara Tillman Prof. Abraham Udovith, Princeton Willis Unke Erik van Praag Joan Vogel, Vermont Law School Prof. Beverly Voloshin, SF State Prof. Harry Vreeswijk Bertrand, Russell College Robin and Nancy Wainwright Prof. Deborah Ruth Wallen, Goddard College Prof. Thomas Weisskopf, U Michigan Maureen Wesolowski Prof. David Wetherell, Deakin U Prof. Bruce Wexler, Yale Prof. Frank Wicks, Union College Prof. William Wilson, Harvard Mary Wilson Prof. Susan Winnett Jamie Wolf Tony Wolfe Prof. Donald Wood, U Wisconsin-Platteville Medora Woods Prof. David Wunsch, U Massachusetts Peter Yarrow of “Peter, Paul, and Mary” Prof. Marilyn Young, NYU Prof. Lee Zimmerman, Hofstra Network of Spiritual Progressives The prophetic voice of liberal and progressive Jews and our non-Jewish allies. The interfaith (and secular-humanist-welcoming) Network of Spiritual Progressives is the education-outreach arm of Tikkun. Our shared mission: Seeking a New Bottom Line, so that every institution, corporation, government policy, our health care system, our legal system, and educational system are judged efficient, rational and productive to the extent that they maximize love, generosity, social and economic justice, caring for each other and caring for the earth, and transcending a narrow utilitarian or instrumental way of thinking so we respond to the universe (and other human beings) with awe, wonder and radical amazement. You don’t have to believe in God or be part of a spiritual or religious community to be a spiritual progressive—but you do have to want to build a world of love and justice and environmental sanity and sustainability. Support our ESRA—Environmental & Social Responsibility Amendment to the U.S. Constitution The ESRA would mandate public funding of federal and state elections and ban all other sources of money, require any large corporation selling goods or services in the U.S. to prove a satisfactory history of environmental and social responsibility every five years to a panel of ordinary citizens or lose their right to operate in our country. J oin the Network of Spiritual Progressives and help popularize this idea. (membership in which also gives you a free subscriptiont to Tikkun). q Yes, I want to help you place this message in other U.S. and Israeli media. 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