REJOICING, REACHING OUT, and RENEWING, we share the joy of the gospel, through a life of faith. MARCH 2015 Lenten Evening Prayer & Holy Week Schedule First Communion Join us on Wednesday evenings for a brief Evening Prayer Service. Lent is a time when the Church is called to repent. Our focus for this season is “The Tree of Life.” Our faith is more than just doctrines, comforting thoughts, and nice words. It is an embodied faith. God comes to us in real and physical ways, even in the flesh. We can see, hear, feel, touch, and even taste God’s love. Five members of Zion will offer reflections on various themes of change through their faith experience. God is present in all of creation, but God also chooses specific physical ways to make His love and forgiveness known to us beyond a doubt. We call these special ways Sacraments. Christ gives himself for us and invites us to become one with him. It is a constant renewal of the relationship forged in baptism (our other sacrament) that unites us with Christ and with God’s people that feeds us for life with God and on behalf of God. Lenten Prayer Services 7:00 pm on the following Wednesdays Wednesday, March 4 Rev. Juliet Hampton Wednesday, March 11 Dr. Tami Dodds Wednesday, March 18 Jenni Dewitt Wednesday, March 25 Dave Woebbecke Receiving Holy Communion for the first time is a special event, so we invite all who are in fifth grade or older who have not received this sacrament to join us for instruction on Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 pm. Although the time is oriented toward these youth, we also invite those who have been receiving the Lord’s Supper for years to join us for a refresher and to share your experience of this meal. Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 8:00AM & 10:30AM Worship Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 2 7:00PM Worship During worship on Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 pm, these young people will join us in this holy meal. You are welcome to join them for a reception in the fellowship hall after worship that evening. We pray that they might come to know God’s nearness and that God’s love is personal. We pray also that we might be as eager for the Lord’s Supper each time we receive it as they are their very first time. Good Friday Friday, April 3 7:00PM Worship Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5 7:00AM & 10:30AM Worship Come early and enjoy Zion’s soup suppers. Your free will offering will support the following youth ministries of this congregation, Faith Weavers, Confirmation Warmup, Confirmation, and Luther League. Soup suppers begin at 5:30 pm. Worship begins at 7:00 pm. EASTER LILY SIGN UP Sign up on the bulletin board for a lily in memory or honor of your loved one. The cost is $12.00. Following Easter service feel free to take your flower home. 1 Watch for more information about Holy Week and Zion’s celebration of the Easter Season. As we move through this time of renewed discipline, we encounter the truth that God’s promise is one of resurrection and new life. God’s desire is for each and every one of us to be strengthened to life fully in God’s grace. From our Senior Pastor “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” ~~Jesus (Mark 8:34) Yours in Christ, Pastor David Frerichs March is kind of a funny month this year. Many years we don’t have a month that is filled with Sundays in Lent. But this year it happens. The church starts March with the Second Sunday in Lent and concludes the month with Palm Sunday. Many in Zion are taking on spiritual disciplines of Bible reading through either the devotional booklets written by Zion members or by participating in the Bible reading challenge through the Sunday School ministry. Why Church? At the February Congregation Council meeting each member of the council was asked to respond to three questions about the purpose of the church, worship attendance, and the value of participation in Zion’s mission. Over the next several months, the Messenger will feature one of the responses. In a recent blog post Pastor Clint Schnekloth of Fayetteville, Arkansas, describes ways that Lutherans read the Bible. The final way he described is “not often enough.” Devotional reading of the Bible can help orient each day with an eye toward seeing and hearing what God is up to in our midst. If picking up the book doesn’t work so well with you, there are ways to get scripture emailed to you each day. The ELCA has one such service. Luther Seminary has another. The purpose of Zion is to share our faith, help people feel welcome, reach out to help those who need encouragement. Zion is to be an example to our community. Attending worship is a way for me to keep working on my faith, so that one day I can have the same strong faith as my parents—being at peace with everything around them. I want to have the same influence on others as my parents have on me. As I look around our congregation, I am able to see that same strength in so many…both young and old. The most valuable part of participating in Zion’s ministry is my desire to make a difference through music ministry and Zion’s children’s programs. For all you who are taking up the discipline, or renewing your discipline, well done. For those still struggling with bringing the Bible into regular conversation with your life, please know that your pastors understand. There is much that competes for time and attention. Looking beyond Lent, and into the Easter season, mark your calendars. AGAPE will be joining Zion for a Saturday evening concert and Sunday worship the weekend of April 25-26. Youth who have been to ELCA Youth Gatherings will recognize Agape from the main stage. In fact the first time I heard Rachel Kurtz sing, she was with Agape. Agape’s ministry focuses on reaching out to youth and yet, his music, dance and message is appealing to all. He loves intergenerational events and wants everyone in Zion to come join the festivities. The concert is free and open to the public so invite your friends. There will be a free will offering to support the ELCA Malaria Campaign and Zion’s youth attending the Detroit Youth Gathering this summer. ~~Hannah Cleveland Zion’s council members reflected on the purpose of the church, worship attendance and the value of participation at the February meeting. Over the coming months, check out some of what they are thinking. We will publish on member’s statement each month. 2 understand what it means to be brave, loving, hopeful, fearful, adventurous, and countless other things. These stories also teach us what God is like, and how we can expect God to act in our lives. This is why we’re challenging the kids of the congregation to read the Bible 60 minutes a week throughout Lent. It’s why the devotional booklets for adults are based on scripture. It’s also why we read four pieces of scripture in worship each week. These stories remind us that some really famous and faithful people made mistakes and had bad things happen, too. Yet God still loved them. Not only that, but God redeemed them and gave them second chances. The Power of Story We like stories. Consider how many movies, TV shows, books, or Facebook posts you take in during any given week. Or consider the amount of money spent on cable and satellite connections, movie tickets, and other media. We like hearing about what happens to others. We’re obsessed with stories. We’re also sharing our own stories through the devotional booklets and the members speaking during Wednesday evening prayer because these stories help us remember that those we think have it all together and are pillars of faith aren’t perfect either. Tragedy, doubt, and fear have been part of their lives, too. But they also testify to the fact that God brought them through, and will do the same for us. We like stories because they have power. They teach us about ourselves and help us interpret our world. No one wants to have a conversation about the corruption that can come with great power, but we love reading what happens when someone else wrestles with it. We enjoy unrealistic comedies because they help us laugh about the absolutely ridiculous things that happen in our own lives that would otherwise stress us out. We like watching movies where the good guys always win because comforts us to think that if we ever suffer injustice that we will succeed in the end, too. At the end of many stories, it’s revealed how a character we assumed to be minor had been driving the plot, protecting and guiding the other characters. We can look back and see all the signs were there, but we missed them the first time around. The blessing of hearing others’ stories is we learn to identify the character of God working and caring for them, even when we can’t see God doing that in our own lives. While growing up, I loved the movie “The Land Before Time.” As a 6-year-old, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you why I liked it. However, I understand now that a bunch of misfit friends banding together on an epic and exciting adventure in the face of loss and loneliness spoke to me on some level. Even though I’ve never been a dinosaur trying to survive in a dangerous world, I could relate. I also learned that slow and steady wins the race from the tortoise and the hare, though it never occurred to me how unrealistic it would be for real animals to race. The story at the center of Lent is that no matter what happens along our journey, our stories end like those of our ancestors . . . with God. Not even the seeming finality of death gets to be the last chapter. It always ends with the new life of Easter. This Lent, may you be blessed by the stories of others, whether you hear them in the Bible, a devotional booklet, in worship, or around the dinner table. May you see God working in your own story. May you know that whatever twists in the plot of your own life, the ending is sure. And may you share that story with others. As a child, I understood that God noticed kids because Jesus noticed the short Zaccheus. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t a kid, or even a very nice person. It doesn’t really matter the exact process and timing God used to create the world. Instead, the creation story reminds me that God didn’t just cobble things together and abandon it. God had a grand plan for the people not yet born, and it was good. Facts do not give stories power. They have power because they speak to our own lives, whether they are about a Facebook friend who similarly wrestles with a child 800 miles away or a dinosaur that never existed. Stories help enable us to safely experience what we have yet to experience, and to get perspective on things of which we’re in the middle. They teach us about how the world works so that when we’re in a similar situation, we already have ideas of how to act. They help us 3 The next discussion was in regards to our plan for inactive member follow-up. It was decided that a letter will be sent to inactive members, followed by a personal call from council members. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. on Tuesday February 17, 2015. New business: Pastor Fr er ichs made a motion to host the Lutheran Christian Hip Hop artist AGAPE on the weekend of April 25th-26th, at a cost of no more than $3,250 ($2,000 honorarium, travel, and miscellaneous tech expenses) to be funded through the Mitzi Fox bequest. Nikki Heidemann seconded the motion. The motion carried. Pastor Frerichs then made a motion to adjust the Senior Pastor Furnishing allowance from $1,500/year to $4,940/ year, beginning with the March 1 paycheck, reducing the salary line by the same amount. Dallas Choat seconded the motion. The motion carried. Members present: Pastor Fr er ichs, Pastor Ker n, Dallas Choat, Jeremy Young, Eric Johnson, Hannah Cleveland, Nikki Heidemann, chuck Long, and Alice Packard. Absent: Tom Fick, Tammy Reigle Devotion & Prayer: led by Pastor Fr er ichs fr om Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-20. Equipping time: Pastor Fr er ichs guided us in our personal reflections of Zion Lutheran church. Council members then submitted their written reflections to Pastor Frerichs. Adjourn: Pastor Fr er ichs lead the gr oup in the Lor d’s Prayer. Meeting ended at 9:31 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Alice Packar d made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 20th, 2015 council meeting; seconded by Eric Johnson. The motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Dallas Choat made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report; the motion was seconded by Alice Packard. The motion carried. Senior Pastor Report: Pastor Fr er ichs r epor t was reviewed by the council. Pastor then asked for a volunteer from the council to assist with the imposition of ashes at the Ash Wednesday service. Hannah Cleveland volunteered to assist. Getting behind on Devotions or the Youth Bible Challenge? It’s easy to get overwhelmed with trying to catch up when you get behind. Don’t get discouraged and give up. Whether you’re an adult reading our congregation’s Lenten devotional booklet or kids trying to complete the Bible reading challenge, just pick up with today’s date if you get behind. You can always go back later to read what you missed. Associate Pastor Report: Pastor Ker ns r epor t was reviewed by the council. Pastor Kern then showed his appreciation to the council for their contributions to the Lenten Devotional books. He also reminded the council of his upcoming Continuing Education classes. Standing Committees Reports: the council discussed the insurance settlement regarding the damaged siding on the parsonage. After extended discussion and questions it was referred back to Jeremy Young to retrieve additional information. The potential of bringing mass text messaging to Zion Lutheran Church for communication of important matters was also discussed. No final decision was made on this matter. Task Forces: none to r epor t. Unfinished Business: Pastor Fr er ichs asked the council to read through the guidelines of setting “S.M.A.R.T” goals. He then challenged the group with the task of writing one “S.M.A.R.T” goal for the church, and to email those goals to Peggy. 4 MARCH BIRTHDAY’S &ANNIVERSARIES 01-Kathy Thorberg, Krista Eisenhauer 02-LaDonna Johnson*, Beverly Rieck* Carolyn Ranslem, Bob Reigle, Andy Andersen 03-Ella Gompert 04-Chad McKown, Adelade Kunzman, Jacob Trollope 05-Robert Bittner*, Virginia Storm*, Daniel Lindgren, Richard Cleveland 06-Ardy Choat, John Krohn, Olivia Lough, Ben Webster, Amanda Reinhart 07-Tim Joe, Jeremy Young, Darren Wright, Bryce Kennedy 08-Brian Tisthammer 09-Kendra Pollock, Kristen Seda, Abbi David 10-Jamie Rudolph 11-Gavin Ienn 12-Glenn Wright*, Dayton Choat, Kailyn Choat 14-LaVonne Olnes*, Arletta Francis, Allen Thorberg, Connie Becker, Terry Ahlers, Justin Frey 15-Judd Wagner*, Claudia Johnson, Tyson Webster 16-Mike Trollope 17-Doris Johnson*, Katie Zaruba 18-Dustin Nielsen 19-Becky Evans, Emily Levander 20-Barb Michael 23-Augie Stromberg, Quentin Howell 24-Loren Johnson, Deb Kyncl, Ty Groth, Hannah Groth 25-Ann Choat, Garrison Rugg, Carter Mejstrik, Braxtyn Eisenhauer 26-Jace Rasmussen 29-Lois Hoefer, Beth Hauger 30-Garrett Grosch 31-Mildred Jasa*, Mark Wagner, Keri Brugger, 10-Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pilkington 12-Mr. & Mrs. Duane Choat Mr. & Mrs. Josh Gompert 14-Mr. & Mrs. Corey Zoubek 15-Mr. & Mrs. Jim Atkinson 16-Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fick 21-Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bittner 22-Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hartford Mr. & Mrs. Matt Niewohner 24-Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Neidhardt 25-Mr. & Mrs. Dean Larson *Denotes + years young. NOTE: Due to concer ns about Identity Theft if you prefer that your name not appear in the Messenger - please call the church office or email us your request at [email protected]. 5 SERVING GROUPS Women’s Circles Will Meet Wednesday, March 18, 2015 If you are unable or are not called upon to serve or provide food during the months for which your group is responsible, we ask that you bring $5.00 to the church office to help defray costs. Or a total of $15 for the year. In this way everyone is able to contribute. This, too, is an important part of our income! Peace Circle will meet at 9:00 a.m. at Zion, in the conference room. Elva Bartels will be the lesson leader. Grace Circle will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Donna Kruse. Janet Atkinson will be the lesson Thank you for your faithfulness and providing food and serving when called upon. Women of the ELCA Central Conference Spring Gathering * Registration Forms are available in Zion’s office. 6 In Loving Memory Bulletin Gleanings Our Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Marvin Olnes. Marvin’s funeral was held February 11, 2015 at Zion. In Memory of Marvin Olnes Our Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Darline Zipf. Darline’s funeral was held February 21, 2015 at Zion. General Memorial Doris Warner Howard & LaVonne Mills Tena Warnke Russ & Lucille Nore Jim & Mary Staub Cecil & Margaret Jacobson & Sonja Hayen Marjorie Briese John & Kathleen Williams Zion welcomed Blake Anthony Levander into the Lord’s family through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Sunday, February 8, 2015. He is the son Tony and Nicole Levander and little brother to Emily. Blake is the grandson of Mary and Ron Levander and Paul and Deb Kyncl. Howard and LaVonne Mills are Blake's greatgrandparents. Choir: Pam & Steve Wright Zion welcomed Nora Jo Levander into the Lord’s family through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Sunday, February 8, 2015. She is the daughter of Chris and Jaymee Levander and little sister to Ava and Sarah.. Nora is the granddaughter of Mary and Ron Levander. Howard and LaVonne Mills are Nora’s greatgrandparents. In Memory of Darline Zipf General Memorial Doris Warner Shirley Choat Donna Nelson Joy Haas Zion welcomed Avery Grace Petersen into the Lord’s family through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Sunday, February 8, 2015. She is the daughter of Jon and Stacy Petersen and little sister to Brynn and Colin. In Memory of Bill Thessen General Memorial From the grand children of Vi Thessen in memory of Grandpa Thessen Dear Zion Lutheran Church, Thank you for the generous gift of the $500 scholarship that you have presented me with. Your gift has helped me to pay for my books and other school expenses this semester so that I may continue taking classes at Concordia University to further my education. I have continued my practices and performances with the CUNE dance team, which has helped me grow athletically and socially. My classes are going well and I am pleased to say that I am excited to get to choose my advisor and come up with my plan and schedules for my next three years at CUNE when I meet with my Freshman Advisor this upcoming month. In Honor In Honor of Blake Levander & Nora Levander Tony & Nicole Levander Pastor Frerichs, I want to thank you and the congregation for the prayers for my brother. He is doing well, and we are thankful for the support that Zion has shown to us. Thank you again! Thank you again for the scholarship money that has helped me further my education. God Bless, Samantha Cleveland God Bless, Thank You! The Olson’s 7 Thank You! Fellowship Coffee Serving Schedule A big thank you to Pastor Frerichs and Pastor Mike, Mary Ellen Norskov, Julie Long (for providing the delicious goodies), and Amy Bishop of Amy’s Flower Basket, for al their help in making the Cancer Awareness project such a success! Thank you too, to Central Nebraska Community Services and the Susan G. Komen-Nebraska Foundation for making it all possible. Kathleen Williams January: February: March: April: May: June: July: August: September: October: November: December: Evangelism & Church Council ELE/Luther League Choir, Worship & Music Camp Ambassadors Women of the ELCA Self Serve Self Serve Self Serve Women of the ELCA ELE/Luther League Parish Education & Confirmation Class Women of the ELCA Post card reminders will be sent to the group providing coffee and cookies each month. Please call Zondee Coakes with any questions. Ushers Needed Zion is in need of three or four persons to be available to usher during funerals. Please leave your name and a contact number in the church office. 1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all that you do be done in love. Daylight Savings Time Begins! Don’t forget to Spring Forward! Remember to turn your clocks ahead March 8! 8 Zion welcomed Blake Levander, Nora Levander and Avery Petersen into the Lord’s family through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Sunday, February 8, 2015.. Holy Baptism 9 AGAPE* Coming to Albion! You are invited to a concert at Zion Lutheran Church on Saturday, April 25, 7:00 p.m. AGAPE is a hip hop artist who combines dancing, rap and storytelling to spread the message of God’s love through Christ. Agape has been touring full time for 10 years “Spreading God’s love through hip hop”. He has a passion for young people and for helping them realize their worth and see themselves through Jesus’ eyes. Agape’s interest expands to cross generational boundaries. People of all ages will find witness that is uplifting in this event. This concert is free and open to the public, funded by a bequest from the estate of Mitzi Fox During the concert a free will offering will be received to support the ELCA Malaria Campaign and Zion’s Youth attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, July 2015. If you have questions or would like to help publicize the concert, please call Pastor David Frerichs at (402) 395-2043 or e-mail [email protected]. Don’t miss a great event! Check out AGAPE at 10 Worship Assistants for March 2015 Lesson Readers: Early March 1 Rich Ronnenkamp March 8 Pam Young March 15 Hannah Cleveland March 22 Jeremy Young March 29 Joel Meyer Power Point Composers Late Janet Atkinson Dave Skillstad Elva Bartels Krista Kravig Beth Hauger March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Marcia Seier Dustin Nielsen Nancee Krohn Kelly Harner Kay Flanagan Acolytes: Early March 1 Richard Cleveland, Patricia Cleveland March 4 Lenten Worship: Br adon Ander son March 8 Olivia Lindgren, Brooke Groth March 11 Lenten Worship: Mar iah Olson March 15 Bradon Anderson, Nathan Schmitz March 18 Lenten Worship: Gar r ett Gr osch March 22 Richard Cleveland, Olivia Lindgren March 25 Lenten Worship: Sydney Rother March 29 Brooke Groth, Nathan Schmitz Late Garret Niewohner, Zane Niemann Noah Niewohner, Garrett Grosch Hannah Wells, Bryce Kennedy Destiny Umbarger, Haley Lindgren Karlie and Keiley Tisthammer Communion Assistants: March 1 (early) Ellen Frey, Amy Zaruba (late) Mark Niewohner, Eric Johnson, Dorothy Grosch March 8 (early) Linda Spiegel, Dave Woebbecke (late) Beverly Rieck, Tammy Reigle, Alice Packard March 15 (early) Tommi Kaumans, Pat Neidhardt (late) Matt Grosch, Barb Michael, Vicki Rother March 22 (early) Chuck Long, Maggie Cleveland (late) Peggy Nelson, Mary Kay Tisthammer, Elsie Wheeler March 29 (early) Hannah Groth, Pat Stromberg (late) Carmen Eucker, Amy Olnes, Elva Bartels Greeters: (Early) Arnold and Peggy Johnson (Late) Elva Bartels Sub: Doug and Pam Young Sub: Muriel Young Ushers: (Early) Robert Kruse, Augie Stromberg (Late) Bob Bruland, Jamie Rudolph, Kent Carder Lenten Ushers: Rich Ronnenkamp, Pat Zar uba Audio / Video: March 1 (early) March 8 (early) March15 (early) March 22 (early) Marc 29 (early) Bob Sandman Mitch Koch Robbie Johnson Matthew Schmitz Bob Sandman (late) Norm Brugger (late) Vance Sorell (late) Mark Niewohner (late) Chris Kohtz (late) Norm Brugger Altar Guild: Cindy Rasmussen*, Roberta Seda, Elsie Wheeler, Tena Warnke Flower Committee: No flowers during Lenten season. 11 Worship Assistants 12 Consider Summer Camp Summer seems far away, but it’s never too early to start planning for camp. Consider attending our Nebraska Synod Camp Carol Joy Holling in Ashland, Nebraska. Several options are available for kids in kindergarten through high school, including overnight programs with parents and weeklong solo adventures. Visit or inquire in the church office for more information. The Camp Ambassadors program of our congregation aims to subsidize the cost of attending summer camp for members of the congregation. Tipi Village 4th-6th grade Housing-Tipi TrailHead 1st-6th grade Housing-Platform Tents Carol Joy Holling Camp 402-944-2544 (information also available in the church office) Special Needs: Participants may enjoy a fun camp experience (either a day camp or an overnight summer camp) including activities such as a hayrack ride, boating and fishing, a cookout, creative arts project and sharing in prayer and worship. An accessible golf cart, hay rack and pontoon boat make activities available for all, including those who use wheelchairs. Ranch Camp 6th-8th grade Housing-Bunk Rooms Family Camp is for busy families wanting to spend quality time together. It is perfect for people of all ages, from toddlers to grandparents and any kind of family configuration. Your stay at camp will include lots of time for your family to have fun, relax, enjoy each other and make new friends. Some activities are age specific, while others are for the whole group. Bring the family and join in 24 hours of fun! Our staff will make your stay one you and your family will remember for years to come. Activities include Bible study, boating, swimming, hiking, games, silly songs, sno kones, sand volleyball and more! Cost is $130 for two and $50 for each additional person with a maximum of $230 per family (using one Sjogren Retreat Center room.) Children under 6 are free. Senior High 9th-12th Grade Housing-Platform Tents The Springs 6th-8th grade Housing-Cabins 13 CPE Zion Messenger is a monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church 319 S 5th St., Albion, NE 68620 Worship Services - Sunday 8:00AM & 10:30AM Sunday School for all ages 9:15AM September –early May (Complete Pest Elimination) Complete Pest Elimination located in Newman Grove is keeping Zion and the parsonage pest free as a service to the church. If you have problems with bugs or pests of any kind give them a call and thank them for volunteering their time and chemicals to keep Zion free of pests. They can be reached at 402-447-2214 or 402-750-0579 (cell). Office Open: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM-12:00PM; 1:00PM-5:00PM Phone 402-395-2043, Fax 402-395-2099 Pastoral Care Concerns after hours: Pastor David Frerichs, 402-395-2325 Pastor Michael Kern, 402-395-2261 ‘Your farm, home, city or business is not complete without CPE! Email: [email protected] Website: Sunday Service broadcast live on cable #21 and repeated on Wednesday at 10:30AM Zion Lutheran Is On Facebook! You are invited to find Zion at Like us if you want Facebook updates of activities in the life of Zion. Zion’s Staff Pastor Frerichs, Senior Pastor: [email protected] Pastor Kern, Associate Pastor: [email protected] Peggy Nelson, Office Administrator: [email protected] Nancy Ahlers, Treasurer: [email protected] One great place for Lutherans to think "What does this mean?" about a whole variety of topics is at You can even submit your own questions. Zion’s Congregational Council Boone County Food Pantry Needs President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: The Food Pantry is in need of the following: tomato juice, cereal, soda crackers, Kleenex and laundry detergent. Donations of frozen commercially processed hamburger and sausage are also appreciated. Tom Fick Jeremy Young Nikki Heidemann Nancy Ahlers Committee Liaison Tom Fick Chuck Long Jeremy Young Hannah Cleveland Tammy Reigle Nikki Heidemann Tom Fick Dallas Choat 14 Mission Endowment Committee Stewardship & Volunteerism Property Committee Worship & Music Committee Parish Education Committee Evangelism Committee Auditor
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