Marnhull Messenger ISSUE 52 March 2015 ROBIN HILL STORES pOST OFFICE, CONVENIENCE STORE & DELICATESSEN 01258 820959 Mon-Fri 8-5.30 Saturday from 8-1 Sunday 8–12.00 G & A COOK Motor Vehicle Services DELI COUNTER HAND CARVED HAM, Burton Street, Marnhull FRESHLY DELIVERED BREADS, Tel: 01258 820239 NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES LOCAL CHEESES, OLIVES,SNACKS, HOMEMADE SANDWICHES A BIG RANGE OF HOUSEHOLD ESSENTIALS, CARDS & STATIONERY, WINES, BEERS & SPIRITS General Repairs, Servicing, MOTs (Cars & Motorcycles), Brakes, Clutches, Diagnostics, Tyres, Wheel Alignment Petrol & Diesel Home delivery on newspapers, magazines and groceries. Delicious fresh veg & fruit, breads & cakes— delivered in daily. Special orders catered for. Daily essentials & deals on branded products too. Full Post Office service + cash withdrawal, car tax, electricity, gas & mobile top up, National Lottery, Foreign Currency. Health Lottery, Teleflorist, Dry Cleaning. Hampers & Gift bags made to order. Blandford 92% pass rate Verwood Bournemouth Southampton CBt and 125cc training Direct access advanced performance rider training enhanced rider scheme In association with Please call Andy for a free quote Marnhull 01258 821427 Mobile 07939 196384 Email: [email protected] 2 Call Mike Nelson for bookings/info: 01258 821036 01202 820170 07944 162 712 For more info visit: EDITORIAL ANNUAL DIARY 2015 I expect that having read last months edition and heard the village jungle drums you are all aware that the Messenger will have a new editor from April . For Village Hall bookings please call 01258 821427 or 07786 667796 All events are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise stated. All usual church services and masses are listed under “The Marnhull Churches”. If you turn to page 4 you will be can see what he looks like (he’s better looking than me) and read a small resume that Chris kindly put together. This is another fully packed edition, in fact I have added an extra 4 pages in order to get everything in. I hope you find it interesting reading and let’s hope my last edition is as full. Vaughan Marnhull Messenger Contact Details Editor - Vaughan Ham - [email protected] 01258 820344 - 24 Plowman Close, Marnhull, DT10 1LB Advertising Manager - Vaughan Ham as above. Please contact him on all relevant matters Treasurer - Bill Shannon - [email protected] 01258 820890 Circulation - The Eveleighs - [email protected] 01258 821049 - Weavers House, Burton Street. Chairman - Ian Gall - [email protected] 01258 820484 Web Mistress - Lisa House - webmistress@marnhullmessenger. 01258 821096 Marnhull Messenger Website - This is kept up to date on a monthly basis DEADLINE FOR NEXT EDITION OF THE MAGAZINE MID-DAY 19TH March e-mail all texts, announcements and other requests to:[email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer The opinions expressed in the articles and on the pages of the Marnhull Messenger are not necessarily those of the Marnhull Messenger. All the dates and details are as supplied by the contributing organisations. March 2 Parish Council Meeting 7.00 p.m. 4 Table Tennis Club - 2.15 - 5.45 p.m. 6 Lunch Club 7 Jumble Sale & the Legion 10:15 a.m. 9 W.I. - “Ten things a doctor must remember” Yvonne Varley 10 Garden Club - “So You Think You Know Gladiolus” by Gill Hazell 11 Mother’s Union - MU Matters - speaker, Rev. Collette Gamester 11 Table Tennis Club - 2.15 - 5.45 p.m. 13 Quiet Prayer 12 - 12.30 p.m. Methodist Church Blackmore Vale Art Group 15 Farewell to rev’d Colin Greene 16 Marnhull Music Society - TBA 18 Table Tennis Club - 2.15 - 5.45 p.m. 24 Moviola - “Mr. Turner” 7.30 p.m. Doors open 7.00 p.m. 25 Table Tennis Club - 2.15 - 5.45 p.m. April 7 8 10 10 11 13 14 15 20 22 28 29 May 1 4 4 8 8 11 12 18 Parish Council Meeting 7.00 p.m. Mothers’ Union - TBA Quiet Half Hour - St. Gregory’s church 12.00 noon Blackmore Vale Art Group Mothers’ Union - Bees and .conservation - speaker Brigit Strawbridge 2.30 pm in the Methodist Hall W.I - Annual Meeting Garden Club - “Gardens of WW1 – In the trenches” by Christine Stones Garden Club - visit to Castle Gardens Marnhull Music Society - TBA Table Tennis Club - 2.15 - 5.45 p.m. Moviola - “The Imitation Game”. Doors open 7.00 p.m. Table Tennis Club - 2.15 - 5.45 p.m. Lunch Club Parish Council Meeting 7.00 p.m. Mothers’ Union - Fund raising coffee morning 10.30am In The Methodist Hall Quiet Half Hour - Church of Our Lady 12.00 noon Blackmore Vale Art Group W.I. - Resolutions & Beetle Drive Garden Club - “Asparagus” by Elaine Spencer-White Marnhull Music Society - TBA The Marnhull Messenger is not responsible for errors or omissions, accuracy of the content, nor the failure of any published event to go ahead. The letters and articles published in this magazine are accepted in good faith and the views expressed therein are not necessarily the views of the Messenger Steering Committee, whose decisions on publication are delegated to the Editor and are final. This publication is provided for your use “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied; inclusion of an advertisement for an event or service does not imply that they are endorsed by the Marnhull Messenger. The Marnhull Messenger will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the content is socially and morally acceptable. Privacy Policy The Marnhull Messenger respects the privacy of organisations and persons who submit information for publication. Personal details, including photographs, will only be published if approved and submitted by organisations or individuals. No personal details will be given out or sold to any third parties, whether individuals, organisations or companies. 3 Natural Beauty Mobile Beauty Therapist Beauty Treatments in the Comfort of your own Home MANICURE / PEDICURE WAXING • SHELLAC FACIALS • MASSAGE LASH / BROW TINTING PAMPER PARTIES For More Information Call: 07920 269664 TAXI E: [email protected] W: BLACKMORE VALE FOOT CARE Gillian Walsham MSc, RGN (Ret’d), MAFHP, MCFHP MARY C. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIST, MAR AROMATHERAPY, FACIALS, MASSAGE, REFLEXOLOGY & REIKI Relaxing treatments tailored to individual needs. CAR GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Call Mary Colohan on Marnhull (01258) 821422 LAVENDERS GREEN Complementary therapies Courteous Lady Driver Aromatherapy Professional treatment in your home. Therapeutic massage. Reflexology. Tel: 01258 820526 Mobile: 07929 983095 PROBLEM NAILS, CORNS, CALLUSES etc Reiki and Yoga tuition & GENERAL FOOT CARE. For appointments and information: Tel: Marnhull (01258) 820203 Email: [email protected] Tanya Green ITEC Traditional Yoga Association Tel. 01258 820410 m. 07729 301387 Register of Exercise Professionals [email protected] TAXI – CAR · Quick Books & Sage Expertise Accounts · Personal & Corporate Taxation Payroll 01258 820709 Email: [email protected] Contact: Mr Kim Harden, FCA, FCCA 4 New Street, Marnhull DT10 1PY SAUL MITCHELL All types of stone walling undertaken Patrick Houchen DSWA member · Management · Book-keeping, & VAT Dry Stone Walling and Paving CIS /CSCS registered Courteous Lady Driver Tel: 01258 820526 Mobile: 07929 983095 01963 371123 07791588141 BRAMALL GARDENS LTD PAINTER & DECORATOR Maintaining the Past, Designing the Future All aspects of decorating TEL 01747 830029 MOB 07787 927455 DESIGN—LANDSCAPING—MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCED IN ALL ASPECTS OF GARDENING FAST AND EFFICIENT ALL RUBBISH REMOVED : 01258 820394 MOBILE : 07971 793 872 Happy Pets and Home Service House Sitting Pet Care Garden Care Painting & Decorating Competitive Rates Call Juliet: 07773 566425 01495 790906 4 NEWS AND EVENTS NEWS FROM THE NICK YOUR VILLAGE HALL NEEDS YOU News from the Nick. Combating crime in your neighbourhood Unfortunately our secretary will be leaving the village in the near future and will be leaving the V. Hall committee at the end of March. PC 2146 Phil Sugrue 07500 816 258 If you would like to join a friendly group and have a say in the way the Village Hall moves forward we would be delighted to welcome you, the position is not an onerous one, I know, everyone says that but in this case , it is true. We meet every two to three months at one another’s homes and hold a full committee meeting in the Village Hall once every three months. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact Steven Bland on 820171 MARNHULL LUNCH CLUB. As our lunch club in April falls on Good Friday there will be NO LUNCH CLUB in April. We shall look forward to seeing you all again in May, please don’t forget your tins, jars and bottles for the bottle stall in July. Norval Faro I MEET THE NEW EDITOR DESIGNATE ’m very excited to be given the opportunity to take on such an important role in the village. My wife and I fell in love with Marnhull when we first visited last summer. What turned out to be a mistaken address (a story for another day!), sparked an exciting new chapter in our lives and saw us moving here at the beginning of October. I ’ve produced many different publications over the years. Examples include concert programmes for the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, a monthly magazine for a group of Audi Dealerships, various tourism brochures and a series of paperback books for a local cancer sufferer. Charity and the community are very close to my heart, so I’m looking forward to hearing much more from the various groups in the village as the year goes on. V aughan’s done such a great job in growing the Messenger into what it is today, so I’ve got some very big shoes to fill, but I’m sure that with your support, the Messenger will continue to grow for many years to come. Chris Ryu LAST CHANCE The first draw for the Village Hall Supporters Club will take place on 9th March. Please ensure you buy your ticket(s) before the end of February. Entry form on page 18 and the web site NO TICKET, NO CHANCE OF WINNING O n the crime front, 4 crimes have been committed since my last article. On the 25th of January St Gregory’s Church was broken into and cash was stolen. On the 31st January we had reported that 9 lambs had been killed in a field in the Walton Elm area. On the 7th February a window at the village hall was smashed and on the 11th February there was an attempted break to a garage at a property on Crown Road. If you have any information regarding the above crimes please contact Dorset Police on 101. P lease be aware that we receive many calls from victims who have been “scammed”. This is usually in the form of a telephone call offering to provide services or the promise of receiving more money in return for an up front fee. I have even heard of someone purporting to be from a local Police Station asking for money to advertise in a police magazine! There is a very useful website which is the UK’s national fraud and internet crime reporting centre. The site is run and operated by City of London Police who are taking a lead role in tackling this type of crime and can provide you with all the necessary information to prevent you from becoming a victim. M ay I take this opportunity to remind you of my monthly surgeries held at Robin Hill Stores, Burton Street on the first Thursday of every month at 1230 and at Spar Stores, New Street at 1300. This provides you with the opportunity to come and meet us and discuss any issues you think we may be able to help with or advise you on. Alternatively please contact us via 101 or email. P.C. Phil Sugrue Police Community Support Officer PCSO 5952 Greg Downs PLEASE HELP US TO KEEP THE INFORMATION ON YOUR (Messenger) WEB SITE UP-TO-DATE. IF YOU NOTICE INCORRECT DATA PLEASE E-MAIL THE EDITOR OR WEB MISTRESS WITH THE RELEVANT CORRECT DETAILS. THEIR ADDRESSES CAN BE FOUND ON THE INSIDE FRONT COVER 5 BUILDING, PLUMBING, GARDENING, ELECTRICAL SERVICES All aspects of electrical work undertaken New Installations & Rewires GENERAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Alterations & Additions Musbury Close, Marnhull Electrical, Glazing, Gutters, Fencing, TV & Telephone points, Painting (inside & out) Consumer unit (fuseboard) upgrades Fault finding & Repairs and much more!! For all those DIY jobs you cannot do! Call Vaughan on 01258 820344 07762 044 022 Condition Reports Tel : 01258 808329 Mob : 07914 760295 Email : [email protected] HOOK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS All electrical works inc: Fault finding & repairs, Condition reports, New builds Lighting design, Refurbishments, Ecclesiastical, Schools & Domestic. Contact Ed Cudlip on Tel/Fax: 01258 820161 Mobile: 07956 281644 EMAIL: [email protected] Crossword answers DOWN 1) Ganja 2) Cornflower 3) Omega 4) Caulk 5) Panzer 6) Shaw 9) Horus 10) Mater 12) Nova Scotia 13) Bwana14) Abeam 18) Arable 19) Forte 20) Atlas 22) Lemur 23) Anti ACROSS 1) Gaucho 4) Capra 6) Spa 7) Braeburn 8) Wham 11) Frank 13) Braw 15) Britton 16) Cabaret 17) Tsar 19) Franc 21) Alma 24) Bartlett 25) Uzi 26) Speke 27) Shaker 6 VILLAGE HALL HIRE CHARGES FOR WEDDINGS, PARTIES etc. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m....£30.00 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.... £30.00 6 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. (midnight on Sat and Sun)... £50.00 Week-end (evening) parties ......£60.00 Weddings ...... £250.00 NEWS & EVENTS FAREWELL TO May Sunday 3 & Monday 4 ALLINGTON GRANGE THE REVEREND DR COLIN GREENE, M.A. A 2 llington, Chippenham SN14 6LW. Mrs Rhyddian Roper 01249 447436 [email protected] www.allingtongrange. com. m W of Chippenham. Take A420 W from Chippenham. 1st R signed Allington Village, entrance 1m up lane on L. Home-made teas. Adm £4, chd free. Sun 3, Mon 4 May (2-5). Visitors also welcome by arrangement. I nformal country garden of approx 1½ acres, around C17 farmhouse (not open) with a diverse range of plants. Mixed and herbaceous borders, colour themed; white garden with water fountain. Pergola lined with clematis and roses. Walled potager. Small orchard with chickens. Wildlife pond with natural planting. Many spring bulbs. Mainly level with ramp into potager. Dogs on leads. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS DOGS ALLOWED PLANTS FOR SALE REFRESHMENTS COTTAGE IN THE TREES T 7 idworth Rd, Boscombe Village, nr Salisbury SP4 0AD. Karen & Richard Robertson 01980 610921 [email protected] m N of Salisbury. Turn L of A338 just before Social Club. Continue past church, turn R after bridge to Queen Manor, cottage 150yds on R. Cream teas. Adm £2.50, chd free. Sun 3 May, Sun 21 June, Sun 2 Aug (2-5). Visitors also welcome by arrangement Mar to Sept for groups of 10+. E nchanting ½ acre cottage garden, immaculately planted with water feature, raised vegetable beds, small wildlife pond and gravel garden. Spring bulbs, hellebores and pulmonarias give a welcome start to the season, with pots and baskets, roses and clematis. Mixed borders of herbaceous plants, dahlias, grasses and shrubs giving all-yr interest. PLANTS FOR SALE REFRESHMENTS WATERDALE HOUSE E 8 ast Knoyle SP3 6BL. Mr & Mrs Julian Seymour 01747 830262 m S of Warminster. N of East Knoyle, garden signed from A350. Do not use SatNav. Home-made teas. Adm £5, chd free. For NGS: Sun 3 May (2-6). For other opening times and information, please phone. 4 acre mature woodland garden with rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, maples, magnolias, ornamental water, bog garden, herbaceous borders. Bluebell walk. Shrub border created by storm damage mixed with agapanthus and half hardy salvias. Waterproof footwear is essential as parts of the garden are very wet. Limited wheelchair access. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS DOGS ALLOWED REFRESHMENTS GRAZING WANTED in or around the village. If you have a small paddock or land that is not being used, we would like to rent it. A s many of you know Colin and Karen Greene will be leaving the village at the end of March or early April 2015. They have both greatly enjoyed their time here at St Gregory’s Church as well as being part of such a caring and lively village community. Colin is retiring from parish ministry but continuing with his teaching and lecturing at Sarum College in Salisbury and his own consultancy work. As Karen is now full time Director of Young Families and Children’s work at Broadstone Methodist Church just outside Poole they will be moving down nearer to Karen’s work. O n behalf of St Gregory’s congregation and many of the wider Community we wish to express a great sadness at their departure and wish them every good fortune in their lives to come. It is understood how difficult it has been to run a Parish with the very limited time available for the many duties in the Parish, not least the lack of time to carry out Pastoral Care. Others have tried to fill the gap and Colin is very grateful to retired members of the clergy in Marnhull and the many volunteers, not least the Church Wardens and Treasurer, all of whom have tried to lessen the demands of the day to day running of a crumbling, 900 year old, listed building! C olin’s incumbency at St Gregory’s has been all too short but we thank him for his warmth and cheerfulness that has stimulated all those who have come in contact with him. So it is with heavy hearts we wish him and his soul mate, Karen, goodbye, or maybe au revoir? Maybe he could be persuaded to return periodically to give one of his popular and thought provoking sermons? C olin’s last service at St Gregory’s will be on the 15th March (10.00 a.m. Family Service on Mothering Sunday) when both Colin and Karen will be able to say their goodbye’s to those of the congregation attending after the service. For others of the wider community who would like to do the same Colin and Karen will be at the Crown Pub from 12.45 - 3.00 p.m. on the same day when there will be a buffet at which they look forward to saying goodbye to their many friends in the village. DORSET’S WILDLIFE NEEDS YOUR HELP Are you good with people? Enthusiastic about local wildlife? Looking for work that is flexible and with a great rate of pay? If so South West Wildlife Fundraising Limited (SWWFL) is looking for self-motivated people to recruit members for Dorset Wildlife Trust at pre-booked retail stores and shows within the County. Hours negotiable. We welcome applicants of all ages. Sales experience an advantage. Access to a car essential. For a Job Description or more information go to: Telephone 07711 089403. Thank you. 7 BARTLETT CONTRACTORS LTD For more information please visit: AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS COMPLETE AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTING SERVICE CIVIL ENGINEERS: HEAVY AND RURAL OPERATED PLANT HIRE, HAULAGE, LANDSCAPING, FENCING, LAND DRAINAGE, HEDGE TRIMMING, LAKE AND POND CONSTRUCTION TRACK REGENERATION POTHOLES TAKEN OUT IN ONE PASS, QUARTER THE PRICE OF RESTONING THE SURFACE. CEMENT CAN BE INCORPORATED BEFORE SUPPLIERS OF NATURAL AND CUT STONE: RANDOM DRESSED SAWN SPLIT CHISEL FACED ASHLAR WINDOW SURROUNDS DECORATIVE WALLS AFTER FIREPLACES SUPPLIERS OF OOLITIC LIMESTONE, TURF, TOPSOIL, SAND, GRAVEL, SCALPINGS AND MORE 01258 472419 Web: ASHLAR FLOORING Dean Harris (Quarry Manager): 07771 684647 Office: 01258 472419 Whiteway Quarry, Whiteway Lane, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1NQ Stalbridge Dental Practice WE CATER FOR COWARDS Quality Private Dental Care NHS Children and Exempts Cosmetic Dentistry High-Tech Hygienic Modern COLIN ORMAN BDS MFGDP EDWARD WINTERBURN BDS BOB CLARK BDS Tel: 01963 363485 [email protected] 8 NEWS & EVENTS GIVE YOUR DRIVING SPRING CLEAN A D orset County Council is launching the spring older drivers’ theory sessions with the help of Valerie Singleton, who is best remembered for presenting Blue Peter. T he77-year old television celebrity, who presented Nationwide and The Money Programme and PM, is keen to encourage drivers aged 75 years and above to take part in these sessions. T he first of these two-hour session will take place at Castle Gardens in Sherborne and covers subjects such as negotiating roundabouts, observations and distractions and looking at why things go wrong. V “ alerie said: The course will help those drivers who learnt to drive In the 1940s, 50s and 60s. The emphasis is on friendly discussion and help to keep people mobile. Roads and driving have changed so much since we learnt to drive and this can wear away your confidence. This course is a great way to get that self-belief back.” K wik Fit is also attending this session and is offering a free chance to learn about checking over your car before the start of a journey. DORSET COUNTY MUSEUM H SPRING HOLIDAY FAMILY ACTIVITIES AT DORSET COUNTY MUSEUM oliday Family activities continue to be FREE at Dorset County Museum thanks to generous sponsorship from Battens Solicitors. A t Easter the family activities focus on some of the burial customs from ancient times – looking at how people were buried and what special objects were chosen to go into the grave. There will also be an opportunity to find out more about the Museum’s famous horned Ooser. D orset County Museum welcomes families and has a range of family trails and plenty of activities for children in the galleries. For more information please Tel: 01305 262735 or visit our website at Notes: Dates of Family Activities at the Dorset County Museum as follows: • 1st April: Brilliant Burials and Skeletons - 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. • 8th April: Make a Dorset Ooser Mask - 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. T here are ten sessions being held around the county throughout March. To book or find out more information visit LIST OF THEORY SESSIONS 2 March, 10am – 12 noon, The Gallery, SafeWise, Radipole Lane, Weymouth 2 March, 2pm-4pm, Drawing Room, Upton House, Poole Road, Poole 10 March, 10am – 12 noon, WestBrookRoom, Gillingham Hub, Riversmeet, Gillingham 19 March, 2pm – 4pm, AveryRoom, StroudenPark Community Centre, Bradpole Road Bournemouth 20 March, 2pm – 4pm, Lecture Room, Dorchester Fire Station, 112 Firehouse Road Dorchester 24 March, 10am – 12 noon, Drawing Room, Upton House, Poole Road, Poole 25 March, 2pm – 4pm, Skyrm Room, Public Hall, 8 Fleet Street, Beaminster 27 March, 10am – 12 noon, Aviation Room, LV=Streetwise, Unit 1 Roundways, Elliot Road, Bournemouth Advance Notice Help for Heroes Coffee Morning Will be on Saturday 16th May At S MONTEVERDI APPRENTICES RECITAL with SIR JOHN ELIOT GARDINER pringhead in association with St. Andrew’s Church, Fontmell Magna is pleased to announce t there will be a recital by The Monteverdi Apprentices at 6.30pm on 12 March at the church. I ntroduced by Sir John Eliot Gardiner, eight exceptional young people (selected from hundreds of applicants) will perform a varied repertoire of choral music. T he Apprentice Programme was established in 2007 to enable promising young performers to experience choral performances at the highest professional level, with unrivalled intensive specialist and training support. Further information about the Monteverdi Choir’s Apprentice Programme can be found at A limited number of tickets will be available for £12.00 in advance and £15.00 on the door. (Tickets will be available from 9 February 2015) T o book please call, write or email The Springhead Trust, Fontmell Magna, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0NU. Tel: 01747 811853. Email: [email protected]. Church Cottage, Church Hill, Marnhull 9 COMPTON PGM SMITH Pauline Mitchell CLASSIC INTERIORS Designer Paints • Wallpapers • Fabrics Curtain Poles • Curtains • Upholstery Lamps • Architectural Ironmongery Interior Design Service • Handmade Furniture Soft Furnishing, Dressmaking & Alterations 01747 853509 20 years experience The Chimes, 3 St. Rumbolds Road, Shaftesbury, SP7 8NE 10d Wincombe Business Park, Shaftesbury, SP7 9QJ Tel: 01747 850150 Camelot Builders Friars Moor Veterinary Clinic Farm Office East Lawn Farm Lawn Crossroads Gillingham Domestic Pets & Farm Animals Dorset SP8 5QN Sturminster 01258 472314 Blandford 01258 472160 Shaftesbury 01747 850500 All aspects of building work undertaken including: Extensions New Builds Roofing Renovations Loft Conversions 10 24 Hour emergency care • Consultations by appointment Tel: 01747 835422 email: [email protected] NEWS AND EVENTS M ‘FREE TRIAL’ SCAMS ost of us would find adverts for free trials of some new, miracle antiageing face cream, slimming treatment, or health cure tempting. But always be wary, you rarely get something for nothing. Y ou might be online and a pop up advert appears, you select the ‘free trial’ option, but you are required to give your bank details to pay for postage and packing. Weeks or maybe even months later though you discover that a much larger amount has been taken from your account, maybe even hundreds of pounds a month. THE EXCHANGE CRAFT FAIR Saturday 7th March 9am to 1pm. Free Entry. Lots of wonderful Artists and Crafters with a wide selection of quality products on offer. Commissions undertaken. Contact Liz Wittingham THE WEATHERBURY SINGERS T A S O N he Citizens Advice Consumer Service has seen a large increase in the number of complaints about these socalled free trials. So what should you do? You should always read the small print. If you had, you might have seen that you had in fact signed up for a monthly subscription for the goods once the free trial ended, or you might have found that the free trial led automatically to a monthly subscription if you didn’t cancel it. o always check the small print very carefully on any ‘free trial’ offer to make sure you know exactly what you are actually signing up for. If you can’t see the terms and conditions or there aren’t any, don’t give the company your bank details. Y ou should also bear in mind that when you buy these types of products online, you have no way of knowing what they actually contain or how they might affect you and it is unlikely that the products have been tested, or proven to work. Don’t be fooled by fake testimonials from apparently satisfied customers. Also, although the businesses selling them often appear to be in the UK, in fact they are often based overseas making it much more difficult to contact them or to obtain a refund if you are unhappy with the goods. F ll Singers Welcome: We are hosting a Come and Sing Day at St George’s Church, Fordington, Dorchester on Saturday 18th April from 10:00 to 17:15 for all singers in the area. A day singing Mozart: Requiem, Taverner: The Lamb and Mascagni: Easter Hymn. Cost £16 for the day to include lunch, tea and all refreshments. There will be a sing through of the music in the Church at 16:15 for anyone who would just like to come and listen. A retiring collection (voluntary) will be in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. ur Summer Concert will be on Saturday, 27th June at Buckland Newton Village Hall. ew Singers especially altos, tenors or bass, are welcome to come and join us. If you are new to this area and/ or you are interested in joining our friendly community choir, please give Judy Cooper, our chairperson, a call on 01258 837120. We sing a wide variety of music to suit all tastes. Rehearsals are from 19:30-21:30 pm on Tuesday evenings at St Mary’s Church Room in Puddletown. A ll the above information, including the registration form for our forthcoming Come & Sing Day, can be found on our website: Sue Chapman or further information and advice call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 040506 or visit www. 11 NEWS & EVENTS The Marnhull Flower Show Saturday 18th July News from SturQuest – The Community Partnership for the Sturminster Newton Area O n Thursday 5th March we will be launching our new Citizens Advice Bureau weekly service. Appointments can be made to see Lou Austin, a former volunteer at the CAB Sherborne, and receive direct connection to their services on Thursday mornings between 10am and 1pm in the SturQuest office. This is a result of recognised additional local need to the already established North Dorset Citizens Advice Bureau outreach service at the Medical Centre on Friday mornings. T o celebrate the launch of this new service, a Coffee Morning will also be held in the SturQuest office on Thursday 5th March. All monies raised will be donated to the CAB. Do call in and support this worthwhile fundraising event and take the opportunity to learn more about the SturQuest organisation and volunteering opportunities. F or more information or to make an appointment to see Lou, contact the SturQuest Community Office, on 01258 471456 or email [email protected]. A Time to get those seed packets out! Get your cameras out for the following classes; Weather A portrait A black and white photo; human hand or hands A close up of a subject that might go on a seed packet s Spring approaches and the desire to go outside arises, visit the SturQuest community office for inspiration. We have a large stock of leaflets and invite you to call in and view our display racks for information on local tourist sites and attractions. Visit the office Monday to Friday (9.30 to 12.30) for a fabulous welcome from one of our volunteers who will help and guide you through the collection. Jacqui Wragg Community Resource Worker YOU ARE INVITED TO: WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER on Friday, 6th March 2015 at 10:30 a.m. at The Catholic Church of Our Lady Old Mill Lane, Marnhull, DT10 1JX This year the service has been written by the women of The Bahamas. Please come and join the ladies of The Catholic, Methodist and Anglican Churches. Refreshments will be served after the service. If you would like transport please telephone: Mary Jenks on 01258 821604 A local landmark Open class See the April Marnhull Messenger for details of craft classes. New Committee members and helpers for Friday July 17th needed. Please contact Rosie Gall 820484 or Joy Matthews 820375 12 THE ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY will take place in the Village Hall on the Tuesday 21st of April. at 7.00 p.m. NEWS & EVENTS SURGERIES NEWS H ave you ever wondered why you sometimes find it difficult to get an appointment? Well in January 2015, 17 people failed to turn up for a GP appointment and 103, for a Nurse appointment – makes you think! Benefits Advice Sessions at Age UK Dorchester … an initiative by Dorset Welfare Benefits Partnership Age UK Dorchester and Dorset County Council’s Welfare Benefits Team are working together to provide benefits advice and help to older people in West Dorset. Advice sessions will be held on the fourth Thursday in each month, between 9am and 11.00am at Age UK Dorchester and will be by appointment only. Dorset residents only please To make an appointment, please contact Age UK Dorchester on 01305 269444 or at Rowan Cottage, 4 Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester DT1 1PW Future dates: 26th Mar 23rd April 28th May DORSET WILDLIFE TRUST U The Mapping Seas Project ntil quite recently, the features and contours of the moon were better known to science than those of our own seabed. But now, the Dorset Integrated Seabed Study (DORIS) is beginning to reveal the shape and character of the seabed, as well as the extent and distribution of seabed habitats. The Dorset Wildlife Trust has collaborated on this project with several agencies, including the National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton, to gain a better understanding of the sensitivity of seabed communities to increasing human activities in the seas around our shores. O ther organisations, such as the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, benefit from the DORIS project as it helps to update their navigational charts, whilst the Channel Coastal Observatory gain valuable information to help with coastal defence. D orset Wildlife Trust’s Marine Survey and Data Officer, Dr Charlotte Bolton, will also explain the role DORIS played in securing Marine Conservation Zones when she gives an illustrated talk on Wednesday 18th March at Fontmell Magna Village Hall (SP7 0JU). The talk starts at 7.30pm and costs £2 (including tea/coffee/biscuits). No charge for children. A date for your diaries: Wednesday 15th April ‘The Silent World of Bats’ – an illustrated talk by renowned bat expert, Nick Tomlinson. Fontmell Magna Village Hall (SP7 0JU) at 7.30pm. Anna Davies Staff W e are delighted to welcome Dr Keltie Dall to the team, who joins us as a specialist doctor in training. Keltie is a fully qualified doctor who is completing her training to become a GP and will be with us for 6 months, working two and a half days per week at Sturminster & Marnhull and two days at Shaftesbury. If you happen to see her in the practice please join us in welcoming her to the team. The Merger A s you are probably aware, we are merging in April with Abbey View Medical Centre in Shaftesbury. Patients on the ground will not notice much difference to start with, but we will be reviewing how all of the sites work to try and streamline things and improve the experience for patients. Dr Brigid Greenup and Dr Duncan Ward now work on alternate Thursdays at Abbey View Medical Centre and Dr Richard Emms comes to Sturminster from time to time. This will gradually be extended to all of the partners and doctors across all sites. The purpose of this is to get to know how both practices work, and what we can improve. The GPs will predominantly be working in the surgeries in which they currently see patients, but annual leave and sick cover in the future, will mean that we spread cover across the sites with the best use of the resources we have. O ur agreements for the leases for both Sturminster Newton and Marnhull surgery have been updated to reflect the new partnership and the partners at Sturminster Newton will be joint owners of the premises at Abbey View Medical Centre. W e have come up with a name for the new practice, it will be known as the Blackmore Vale Partnership and we are working on a new logo, websites etc. and we are working with the IT team at the Clinical Commissioning Group to merge our two clinical systems together. Further details will follow as we make progress, but please remember that you will still be able to see your doctor or nurse at the location of your choice after the merger. P lease feel free to ask us any questions or share any concerns you may have. FRIENDS AND FAMILY TEST E ach time you visit the surgery, remember to take the one question survey that is really simple to complete, either in reception, or when you get home by logging into: CONTACT DETAILS W e are keen to use existing and new technology to communicate with patients, so if you have not already done so, please let us have your mobile number and email address. This will enable the clinical team to contact you directly with any test results, appointments needed or general advice. This will never be used in any urgent or emergency situation, and the practice will not be sharing your contact details with anyone else. If you would prefer us to contact you in the traditional way we will be happy to do so. continued on page 30 13 NEWS & EVENTS NEWLY QUALIFIED LYNX PILOT RECIEVES HIS WINGS FROM HRH THE DUKE OF YORK ,KG T he Fleet Air Arm closed a chapter of its history on Thursday, 29 January as the training pipelines for Royal Navy Sea King Mk 4 and Lynx helicopters came to an end when 6 aircrew received their Wings from His Royal Highness The Duke of York, KG. D uring the ceremony at the Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Lieutenant (Lt) Rhydian Edwards from Marnhull Dorset was presented with his Wings as a newly qualified Lynx Pilot from HRH The Duke of York. Lt Edwards said; “The flying is really challenging yet very rewarding as all of the training is conducted using real situations and people which gave you a real sense of how you could be employed in a real World scenario. As a Lynx pilot with 815 Naval Air Squadron (NAS) day to day I train to fly the Royal Navy’s only Maritime Attack helicopter, conducting training exercises ranging from winching to low level flying to fighter evasion to anti-surface warfare. The aim being ready to deploy anywhere in the World to help defend the UK’s interests be they at home or abroad.” D uring the ceremony that included a Royal Marine Band and a 48 person Guard in honour of the Royal guest, The Duke who paid tribute to the Squadrons that had trained the pilots and observers. HRH who has flown both Sea King and Lynx helicopters during his time as a Fleet Air Arm pilot. said, “This is a very very important ceremony in the life of the Royal Navy and Fleet Air Arm and has bought back memories to me of when I stood where these six young people are, a very long time ago!” A ddressing those present The Duke added; “I don’t think you really realise how much hard work and time those who receive their Wings have actually put in. The work the Royal Navy does is vital to the interests of the UK and the work that these young people do make a huge difference to all of us.” T he Navy’s Commando Sea Kings are being replaced by the battlefield variant of the Merlin helicopter, and the maritime Lynx is being replaced by the Wildcat Mk2 helicopter. The transition will take place over the next 2 years and will end in 2017 when the last Lynx is due to leave Naval service. L t Edwards will remain with 815 NAS that trained him but now join the front line trained strength that will involve operations in support of the Joint Helicopter Force and the Fleet at locations and on board ships around the world. “Today is the culmination of a lot of hard work and I have enjoyed it immensely. I joined the Royal Navy to learn to fly some of the Worlds premier aircraft in the most challenging environments possible anywhere in the World. What I love about the job is that you never know what to expect day to day. You could be flying through the valleys of Exmoor one day, then the next you could be practicing life raft drills getting winched out of the sea by the coastguard the next!.” Lt Rhydian Edwards receiving his certificate. Lynx course photo, from left to right Lieutenant (Lt) Max Cosby, Lt Danielle Welch, Lt Rhydian Edwards, and Sub Lieutenant Christian Smith posing in front of Lynx aircraft. 14 NEWS AND EVENTS DORSET MOVIOLA CHURCHES TOGETHER IN MARNHULL in association with LENT 2015 MARNHULL ENTERTAINS presents Mr Turner with Timothy Spall HUNGER LUNCHES - SOUP, BREAD AND CHEESE, TEA/COFFEE T T N T he Friday Hunger Lunches continue through March on 6, 13, 20 & 27 March. he venue as usual will be The Methodist Church Hall and lunch will be served between 12 noon and 1:30pm. o charge – Donations to cover the costs. Any profits will be sent to Riziki Children’s Organisation of Nakuru, Kenya. This film explores the last quarter century of the great if eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851). Profoundly affected by the death of his father, loved by a housekeeper he takes for granted and occasionally exploits sexually, he forms a close relationship with a seaside landlady with whom he eventually lives incognito in Chelsea, where he dies. Throughout this, he travels, paints, stays with the country aristocracy, visits brothels, is a popular if anarchic member of the Royal Academy of Arts, has himself strapped to the mast of a ship so that he can paint a snowstorm, and is both celebrated and reviled by the public and by royalty. In Marnhull Village Hall Tuesday 24th March at 7.30 pm Doors and licensed bar open 7.00 pm Tickets: £5.00 Available from: Robin Hill Stores: 01258 820959 or Marnhull Stores: 01258 820116 he Riziki Children’s Organisation rescues parentless children living in abject poverty, and creates a new safe and secure life for them. For further details please refer to website – LENT STUDY GROUPS The study groups started on Tuesday 24 February 2015 and run for five weeks. The booklet being used for this course is “Centred on Christ” by Bishop Michael Baughan. Further details have been published in your Church newsletter. QUIET PRAYER HALF HOUR FOR WORLD PEACE 12.00—12.30PM T T he Quiet Half Hour for World peace is held on the second Friday of each month. his month the venue is the Methodist Church on 13 March. Family Information Service BREAK IN AT ST. GREGORY’S CHURCH A s many of you already know, on the morning of the 25th January, we discovered that St Gregory’s church had broken into. They gained access through the west door (on the school side) by smashing the lock and cracking the door. They then broke the lock and door jamb into the sacristy and finally the lock on the money safe. We only keep a minimal amount of money in the safe, so the maximum they might have stolen would be around £30.00. We were grateful they didn’t damage anything else. Following the theft, we are investigating increased security measures. I W f anyone saw anything suspicious around that time, please contact me or the police. e are very grateful to Ed Cudlip and Pete Oxford who worked very hard that day to secure the church for us. Helen Butler - Churchwarden Helping families in the local community D orset County Council’s Family Information Service offers FREE support to parents and carers of children aged 0-19 (or up to 25 for young people with a disability) through its online directory and over the phone. Families can access a wide range of information, including details of nearby children’s activities, local childcare and parent support groups in their area. T he directory also lists clubs and activities for teenagers, as well as places where young people can go for help and guidance if they are going through a difficult time. T he Family Information Service can also support struggling families by pointing them towards help with childcare costs and other local services such as Children’s Centres, the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and family learning. T here’s even a handy e-newsletter, packed with useful information, tips and news, which is emailed every month. To subscribe visit For families who may be struggling to find the service or information they need, there’s one to one advice to help you access a range of support through our Family Information Outreach service. This includes advice on finding and paying for childcare. They are also available to attend local groups and events in your community, subject to availability. To contact the Family Information Service: T: 01305 221066E: [email protected] W: (see advert page 17) 15 NEWS & EVENTS ST. GREGORY’S CHURCHYARD T he Parochial Church Council has responsibility for the maintenance of the Churchyard, but the gravestones and memorials are the responsibility of the families of those buried therein. The PCC has recently carried out an inspection of the headstones as required by the Health and Safety Executive. Most are stable, but several require some strengthening to make them safe. Most of the ‘rocky’ ones are of the more modern type, smaller, with an integrated flower holder. T he PCC requests that anyone who has friends and family buried in the churchyard to please check the headstones and make safe any which are unstable before the end of March, as after that date any headstones which constitute a hazard will have to be laid down by the grave. The following are in need of attention: West end to boundary wall and out as far as the path: Robert Dyke Jonathan Haskett Edwin Haskett T North end as far as the slope: Middle section: Constance Rifkin (?) A memorial cross Hannah? next to Johnston Edward Thomas Lewis A memorial cross Eliza? next to the path William Jennings Annie Guy Bernard HallettRobert Hatcher Agnes Kendall Frederick BilesLower section from the path to the wall/hedge: ? and Ray her husband Memorial cross to the left of Aurea Conway Winifred Adlem Memorial cross to the right of Alice Galpin George William Hawkins Albert Fudge Harry Roberts he PCC hopes that in raising awareness of this situation they will avoid any distress for the families. Helen Butler Roger Payne (Church Wardens) Half an hour of silence in a busy week Ping-Pong Poetry We welcome you to a simple half-hour of silent worship on the second Tuesday of each month at 12.30 followed by optional light lunch Quaker Meeting House Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury SP7 8BB 01747 870070 [email protected] Poets Corner Café Sturminster Newton. Discover the power of silence in Quaker Worship There is also a Meeting for Worship each Sunday at 10.30 Read more about Quakers at 16 £3 donation to cover refreshments and a contribution to a local charity Every 2nd Monday of the month We next meet on 9 March 2015 Doors open at 7pm and we finish at 9pm. To find out more, call Mali on 01258 820177. NEWS & EVENTS STURMINSTER NEWTON FLORAL GROUP invite you to join an in-house Flower Arranging Workshop entitled “Bring a Bunch” on Wednesday 11 March 7.30pm at th The Exchange, Sturminster Newton for visitors there is charge of £5 For more details phone: 01258 473791 PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS - CANDIDATES ‘ Elections’ will be held on 4th. May 2015. The establishment figure is for 11 Councillors. At this time, it appears that 6 members of the current Council, together with one other person who has stated their intention to stand, wish to continue into the next 4 year period of administration. I t is unlikely than an election will be necessary. It has been a very long time since more than 11 persons came forward. D Y Y B T COMPUTER HELP IN NORTH DORSET id you know that there are several places where you can go for free help with computers? ou can get help, advice and training on computers, laptops and smartphones. ou can use the computers regularly, occasionally or just to help decide what to buy yourself. ring your own computer if you have a problem or you need a broadband connection. he centres are staffed by friendly volunteers and equipped with the help of grants from the likes of UK Online Centres, Dorset POPP (Partnership for Older People), Southern Co-op and Microsoft. C H ome and make use of the facilities provided for the community; refreshments are available too. ere are the details of our local centres: S turminster Newton Learning Centre: In the Exchange. Wednesdays 9:30 -4:30 & Saturdays 10:00-12:30. Contact 01258 860905. Also Age Concern Mondays am. C S harlton Marshall: In the Parish rooms. Tuesday to Thursday 10:30-12:30. Contact 01258 480020. hillingstone: In the Parish Centre (Old School). 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month 10:30-12:30. Contact 01258 860905. A ll are welcome. Please call or visit www.ukonlinecentres. com for more details. T he timescale is very short and all papers for the Parish Elections will need to be delivered between 30 March and 9 April at 4.00 pm to NDDC Offices at Blandford. (bearing in mind the 3rd and 6th of April are Good Friday and Easter Monday and the offices will be closed!) A pplication forms and further information can be obtained from our Parish Clerk, Mrs. Sally Upshall - Telephone 821231 or email - mpcclerk@sallyupshall. T w C ST.GREGORY›S CHURCH CONCERTS 2015 he main event this year is our Spring Festival from Saturday 9th May - Saturday 23rd May hich features Clapper Chaos, Quintessentials and Stephen Binnington. hildren from both St.Mary›s and St.Gregory›s schools will be performing and there›s a special programme for Ascension Day led St.Gregory›s Church Choir. T A he 2015 series opens at 12 noon on Tuesday 14th April with a 30-minute programme of organ music for Eastertide. brochure of all events is available in the church. ROBIN HILL STORES We would like you to help us decorate our Easter Window. We are looking for a homemade A4 colour picture that represents Easter. All entries to be handed in to the Post Office by Tuesday 24th March. Prizes for 1st & 2nd places. Pictures to be displayed inside the shop. 17 CLUBS & SOCIETIES MARNHULL VILLAGE HALL AND SUPPORTERS CLUB APPLICATION FORM Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code……………………………… I/We wish to become a member(s) and purchase……………tickets at £6 per annum each to be entered into the prize draws. I/We enclose a cheque for £……… made payable to “Marnhull Village Hall” Date…………………. Signature……………………………………. Send to : Mrs S.Blackford, 6, Musbury Close, Marnhull DT10 1JR MARNHULL VILLAGE HALL AND SUPPORTERS CLUB APPLICATION FORM Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code……………………………… I/We wish to become a member(s) and purchase……………tickets at £6 per annum each to be entered into the prize draws. I/We enclose a cheque for £……… made payable to “Marnhull Village Hall” Date…………………. Signature……………………………………. Send to : Mrs S.Blackford, 6, Musbury Close, Marnhull DT10 1JR 18 CLUBS & SOCIETIES GB “MISS IT – MISS OUT!” W e have had a fun month. Our badge work has been going well. The explorers, our youngest girls have been looking at going Out and About. We have played lots of games to help us look at different modes of transport and we’ve acted out safe ways to cross the road. Do you know where to look for the green man that can guide you safely across the road? We taught the girls how different crossings work and making green and red jelly baby buiscuit traffic lights was a great fun way to do this. Of course being out in the countryside we don’t have many crossings and we don’t even always have pavements, so we talked about walking safely at the side of the road, which way to face, and how to make sure we are seen in the dark. This badge rounds off with being safe in the car, we weighed and measured the girls to show them the importance of still being in car seats and how to keep themselves entertained in the back of the car. T he Juniors and Seniors, our older girls, have focused on Working Together. They have being doing activities each week, including lots of cooking, to show how working together on things can make things better, easier, quicker and more fun. W e have also been fundraising to support Kirsty Plowman. Kirsty was in GB as a girl and her mum Marlene has been a wonderful constant support to the company for the last 20 years. This year Kirsty is running the London Marathon to raise money for Parkinson’s Uk an amazing charity, close to the families heart. The girls donated food towards a hamper and we raised over £60. This is wonderful and I’m really grateful to everyone that donated food and bought Hamper Squares. Anyone can support Kirsty with her huge challenge by sponsoring her on T he girls have also been thinking about something very close to our hearts. In April it will be a year since 250 girls were kidnaped in Chibok, in Nigeria. 219 of these girls are still missing. Girls’ Brigade wants to bring these girls to the attention of those in influence, to remind them, that these girls are still separated from their families. It’s been important to recognise that these girls are family with us, with 6 of them specifically, because they are members of Girls’ Brigade. All GB girls have been called to fill in a ‘Card of hope’ individualy named for a missing girl, which Head Office will deliver, in there thousands we hope, to the UK government. It was a good opportunity to show our girls that GB is an international organisation, being in over 50 countries around the world, and that all girls everywhere are precious. Our little company already has 50 ‘Hope’ cards to send off to show that we care. All the best Rachael 07771897262 19 ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL W J e have had a great half term at St Mary’s. Having welcomed Mrs Hilly Webb to the team in January, we saw Key Stage One transformed into a green jungle setting! The children have been given a new lease of life through this exciting learning environment. St Mark’s classroom is a hive of activity from the beginning of the day to the end! anuary also bought good news with regard to our new Preschool, St Mary’s Explorers. After successfully changing the age range of the school to 3-11, we are pleased to announce that we will be opening the pre-school on Monday April 13th. St Mary’s Explorers will be led by Mrs Di Rumble and Mrs Samantha Oram, both of whom previously ran Early Explorers in Hinton St Mary. We are very pleased to welcome them to our team and are really looking forward to seeing the preschool develop. The ethos of this provision will be focused on outdoor education along with high quality interactive activities. If you are interested in finding out more, please call the school office on 01258 820417. We are looking forward to seeing how this develops as they are all now very interested in the outcome of the General Election in May. T rees for Dorset paid us another visit this term to plant some of the seedlings grown from the seeds we collected last year. The saplings have been planted on the school grounds to develop some shady spots that the children can enjoy over the summer for years to come. O ur science topic is now in full swing and we have been using the natural environment to enhance this. Children in Year 3/4 have made the most of the cold weather using it as a way of learning about temperature and negative numbers. Year 5/6 have been thinking about centrifugal force. They were lucky not to get wet when they investigated how this would keep water inside a bucket as it was swung around their head! T he cold weather has not dampened the spirits of our young sporting enthusiasts this term. Our year 3/4 children did fantastically well in the local schools football tournament which took place at Gillingham School. Out of the 5 games they played, St Mary’s won 3 matches which took them to 3rd place in the tournament. W e are now looking forward to the next half term when we will be preparing our grounds for the launch of St Mary’s Explorers and also have plenty of events planned by the ‘Friends of St Mary’s’ such as Easter Bingo on Friday March 20th and a quiz evening on Friday April 24th. You are warmly welcomed to attend both events. Best wishes Charlotte Targett O ur Year 5/6 children have been fortunate enough to visit the Houses of Parliament this month. The children made the journey to London on the train and then spent time enjoying a tour and workshop in The Commons. They made the most of their trip by visiting sights such as St James’ Park, The Mall, Buckingham Palace and Horse Guards Parade where they were lucky enough to get a quick tour ‘behind the scenes.’ This has led to a huge interest in politics and has been taken back into the classroom through debates. Marnhull Churches Sunday Services These are the times of the usual Sunday services of the Marnhull Churches, together, with a contact telephone number for further information. Anglican Church of St. Gregory the Great, New Street 8.00 – Communion [spoken] and 10.00 – Parish Service with Communion Except 2nd Sunday when there is a Family Service without Communion. Weekday services as advertised Contacts - Rector Reverend Dr. Colin Greene – 821130 or Helen Butler/Roger Payne - Church Wardens – 821767/820669 Catholic Church of Our Lady, Old Mill Lane Mass 9.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.. Contact: Father Martin Budge…820388 Marnhull Methodist Church, Burton Street Morning Service 10.00 a.m. Contact:Reverend Paul Arnold 01747 823777 Mrs. G. Walsham 20 820203 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ST. GREGORY’S C.E.VA PRIMARY SCHOOL I t may only be a short half term, but what an active one it has been for us all at St Gregory’s. We have had some visitors into school over the last few days who have spent time in classes and their appearances have generated real Speaking and Listening opportunities and some excellent writing. We thank the Fire Service, Police and the Guide Dogs Association for making the time to come and see us. O ur Year 1 children had a fantastic time when they visited Longleat Safari Park. The children were also able to spend some time in Pets Corner and the Butterfly House. Year 5 children had a fun few days at Leeson House near Swanage. Yes, it was rather cold but everyone enjoyed themselves and got involved with the many activities including pond dipping, night orienteering, making sand models of ‘Old Harry Rocks’ on Studland Beach. They also visited Corfe Castle and took part in a ‘smugglers night walk’. The snow that arrived was an unscheduled extra bonus! T o quote three of our children: ‘I enjoyed the night walk and the story of Isaac Gulliver, we pretended to be smugglers’ ‘The night orienteering was great fun’ W ‘Corfe Castle looked magical in the snow’ e took two teams to the Year3/4 Gillingham football festival and for most of them it was their first time at participating in such an event. Both teams played extremely well and reached the semi final stages. I t will be a busy time for our Year 5 and 6 children during March with football, high fives and hockey festivals and tournaments all over the County. O ur School Council have been working very hard this term. They take whole school issues from their own class peers and feed them into the School Council. They also share ideas and decisions from the School Council with their class. One of the charities they will be supporting this term is ‘Red Nose Day’, so look out on the 13 March when children will be coming to school not in their school uniform, but wearing red. From all of us at St Gregory’s T he Poppy appeal collectors thank you party was held in the club and Poppy Appeal Organiser Val Eslick thanked all those that were there for coming and said that the total for the fortnight was nearly £3,000 which was a great effort from all concerned. One noticeable absentee however was Colin Hayward who had a family function to attend which was a shame as he was the winner of the cup for the best collector. The shield awarded to the best static collection point was once again awarded to Robin Hill stores. N ew Club Chairman Paul Bartlett and his wife Lyn made a big effort to decorate the hall for Valentine’s Day and for entertainer Pete Howell. The hall looked absolutely beautiful but it was a shame that more people did not come to enjoy it. Those of us that were there though had a great evening so thank you Paul and Lyn for your efforts. T he bingo continues to attract a good crowd but remember it starts at 7 p.m. not 7.10 as the Blackmore Vale magazine insists. We keep trying to get them to alter it so hopefully they get the message eventually. T he next jumble sale is on March 7th with the doors opening at 10.15 a.m. so if you have anything you would like to donate bring it to the hall and drop it in the porch if the club is not open. If you would rather we collected it give me a call and I will come to you. O n the evening of March 7th we have headland coming to entertain us. The proceeds for the evening will be going to the children’s hospice Julia’s House so there will be an entry fee of £5 payable on the door. All are welcome so come and hear this great local band and help a worthwhile cause. J ust another reminder that the 18th June will be the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo and we are looking for ideas to put something on to celebrate this famous victory. If you have any ideas or anything appertaining to it that we could display we would be pleased to hear from you. W e are looking to put on the Marnhull Legion Triathlon at the end of April, this will involve pool, darts and skittles and the monies top be divided between the Poppy Appeal and the Air Ambulance. The format will depend on the number of entries and there are entry forms dotted around the club so come and put your name down. A lso the short mat bowls club meet every Friday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5 all are welcome to come and give it a try. ************************ For Branch business contact Jack Whitehead on 01258 820800 For Hall bookings Tony Junge on 01258 820397 ************************ 21 FROM THE CHURCHES D ST. GREGORY’S CHURCH Thoughts from the Methodist Minister:…. ear Friends, I n days gone by you could poke a bit of fun at the church - when talking about the Church of England, it could be described as, ‘…the Conservative Party at prayer!’ Having a joke at the expense of my own Methodist Church used to be easy as well - it was suggested that a regular essay/examination question for sociology/politics students was, ‘The modern Labour Party owes more to Methodism than to Marx – Discuss...’ I have no idea if those descriptions make you smile or seethe! Certainly, the generalisations that lie behind those quotes, have long since evaporated and Christian denominations cannot be easily linked to one particular political party! F or the first time in modern history, the date of the General Election was agreed at the start of the parliament (back in 2010) - Thursday 7th May 2015. The ‘official’ start of the Election campaign is likely to be at the end of March, when Parliament is formally dissolved – but in reality the campaigning for the General Election has already started (and don’t we all know it!) S ome voices repeatedly cry out saying that ‘…religion and politics should not be mixed’ – but that supposes a clear and easy division between two subjects that are mutually exclusive. For me, that just does not make sense – who I am is defined by my Christian faith and the priorities of God’s kingdom that are enshrined in ideas of justice, peace, freedom, fairness, care for the vulnerable, security, etc. Archbishop Desmond Tutu once famously remarked, ‘…I am puzzled by which Bible people are reading when they suggest that religion and politics don’t mix.’ T he challenges facing our world are very great and cannot be ignored, which is why I want to engage fully with democratic processes - though I am quite sure I won’t do it as effectively as Desmond Tutu! What I find dispiriting are the voices of those who say they will not be voting, ‘… because it makes no difference,’ or, ‘…politicians, Oh, they’re all the same!’ No single Member of Parliament or political party will be able to deliver all we might hope or pray for, and I don’t believe that as people of faith it can be argued that we don’t want the ‘dirty’ world of politics to tarnish our faith. That won’t do. Services & Activities March 2015 LENT Sunday 1st - 2nd in Lent 0800 -Holy Communion [said] 1000 -Parish Communion Wednesday 4th 0900 - Children’s Service with St Gregory’s C of E Primary School 1100 - Holy Communion [said] Sunday 8th - 3rd in Lent 0800 - Holy Communion [said] 1000 - Parish Communion Wednesday 11th 0900 - Children’s Service led by St Gregory’s C of E Primary School Sunday 15th - 4th in Lent Mothering Sunday 0800 -Holy Communion [said] 1000 - Family Service [No Communion] Wednesday 18th 0900 - Children’s Service led by St Gregory’s C of E Primary School Sunday 22nd - 5th in Lent 0800 - Holy Communion [said] S 1000 – Parish Communion Wednesday 25th Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 0900 - Children’s Service led by St Gregory’s C of E Primary School April 29th - PALM SUNDAY 0800 - Holy Communion [said] 1000 -Parish Communion Preceded by Palm Procession from the School and I includes Dramatic Reading from The Passion of St Luke o, I am glad that Churches Together in Gillingham and Shaftesbury have jointly organised an election ‘Hustings’ on behalf of the whole community which will allow us to meet those who seek to represent us in Parliament. Five candidates will be present and there will be opportunity to hear their responses to questions submitted by members of the local community in N. Dorset. None of the Churches has a vested interest in a particular party, but together we can ask questions and listen to the responses of those who seek to hold authority in our name. Put the date in your diary – the ‘Hustings’ will be held on Monday 27th April at 7.00pm at Gillingham Methodist Church. n the meantime, those of us who have faith will be prayerfully considering the challenge of Jesus, who when questioned about political allegiance replied, ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s… and to God what is God’s.’ (Mk. 12. 17) Peace, Rev Paul Arnold 22 ***** Please Note ***** Changes to Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is held every Tuesday to Friday in the Hussey Chapel at 0830 From the Registers - See elsewhere in magazine OUR LADY’S CHURCH Catholic Church of Our Lady, Marnhull And St. Benedict’s, Gillingham ( Sunday Masses - 9.30 a.m. & 6.00 p.m. (Marnhull) / 11.00 a.m. (Gillingham) SAINTS IN MARCH 1 – Saint David, Bishop, Patron of Wales. It is thought that he founded a monastery in Menevia and was consecrated bishop in Jerusalem. 10 – Saint John Ogilvie, Martyr. St. John Ogilvie (1580-1615), born in Banffshire, was received into the Church at Louvain and joined the Society of Jesus. He was hanged on 10 March 1615 in Glasgow. 17 – Saint Patrick, Bishop, Patron of Ireland. St. Patrick (385-461) was sent to Ireland as a missionary Bishop and consolidated the faith in many parts of Ireland. 19 – Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A village carpenter, Joseph, the husband of Mary and guardian of the child Jesus, has become the guardian and patron of the universal Church. 25 – The Annunciation of The Lord. We celebrate Mary’s acceptance of the role that God had chosen for her in his plan of redemption. ******************************** Pause for Thought ******************************** “Whoever needs less should thank God and not be distressed” From the Rule of St. Benedict. THE METHODIST CHURCH I learnt quite a bit about the TEARFUND CHARITY during their service in February. The main thing sticking in my mind is that they direct their funds through local church diocese in Africa and other areas of the world where they operate. This helps to ensure help goes to where it is needed and that the money is spent wisely. I know a big concern we have when making donations to charity is that the money may not reach the intended area of need; it seems that we can be assured that money given to TearFund does! They do sterling work helping the world’s poorest folk and we give thanks for all organisations that work to alleviate poverty. Friday 13th March - Marnhull Quiet Prayer 12–12.30 This will be held at Methodist Church this month. Please do come along and share a quiet half an hour of reflection and prayer with others. It is an informal meeting where quiet thought and prayer is given for the world, for others and for our selves. You will be most welcome and could come to the Hunger Lunch afterwards. Lent 2015 HUNGER LUNCHES Each Friday: 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th March. The Methodist Church Hall 12noon – 1.30pm. Soup, bread & cheese... No charge, donations to cover costs – any profits to Riziki Children’s Home, Kenya. A COURSE FOR REFLECTION & DISCUSSION OVER LENT The course is run at various times and venues in the village so, hopefully, there will be a time and place to suit you! Weekly group meetings cover relevant topics and hold discussions in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. If you are interested in joining one of the groups enquire at St Gregory’s Church, Our Lady’s RC Church, or give me a ring for more information. The sessions begin week beginning Feb 23rd and finish during the week of the 24th March. Gillian, Chapel Steward. Tel: 820203. HIRE THE METHODIST HALL! The Methodist Hall makes an excellent, reasonably priced venue for children’s parties, family gatherings etc. If you would like to book it for your event, ring Marlene on 01258 820869. 23 CLUBS & SOCIETIES MUSIC SOCIETY JANUARY MEETING A lan Lloyd presented an interesting variation on the theme of Choirs to the January meeting. This included the purest form (the Dawn Chorus, blackbirds, robins & chaffinch that I recognized amongst others), down to the deepest that the human voice can produce (Russian Basso Profundo, the Orthodox Singers) which was astonishing. (The Arcadians, Monkton W Home they brought her Warrior, Dead, by The Military Wives’ Choir plainsong, St Benedict e had light-hearted ), emotional ( ), some religious ( Choir, Oregon), a German Requiem, and one from the Messiah. There was a lovely rendering of Heilig, Heilig by the Choir of Trinity College Cambridge, then a choir accompanied by a single guitar from the Pastor’s Conference, by a single voice (a stunningly simple version of Miserere by Allegre), and by a full-blooded orchestra (Carmina Burana, Orff), and a superb Welsh Male Voice Choir (Morriston Orpheus Choir). O f the three songs by South African choirs, the rendering of the National Anthem was very moving. (My husband said that one of his most beautiful memories of that country, in Bloemfontein in 1943, was sitting under the stars in the Native compound listening to the workers singing tribal songs). T he penultimate piece was totally out of character and totally delightful – a Magic Roundabout piece regarding Zebedee’s stolen moustache! Shirley Blackford FEBRUARY MEETING W hen an individual compiles a music programme that person’s particular taste and preference is certain to show. He or she may favour choral music or chamber music or opera, or lean towards to the martial or the romantic. That’s fine, and it can be very revealing, but one of the great things about our “Choice” programmes is that the music offered by the members covers the whole spectrum. T he February “Ladies’ Choice”, presented by Judy Fyfe, did just that and it threw up some startling contrasts. For example the precision and refinement of Vivaldi’s Concerto for two guitars was followed by the smooth and dreamy sound of Ludovico Einaudi’s Una Mattina. Then Marquez’s Conga del Fuego, ( a real skirt-flouncer if ever I heard one) preceded a very gentle and silky piece by Vaughan Williams. T he second half of the programme gave us Mozart’s Flute Concerto No. 1 and Glen Miller’s String of Pearls in juxtaposition, then brave sound of Crispian Steele Perkins playing Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto beside the poigniant Ashokan Farewell. T here’s nothing like variety to keep the audience interested, and there was certainly something for everyone in this programme. N ext month there is a joint presentation by Jean and Colin Shiner. We welcome new members so do come along as a visitor and see if you enjoy the evening. Yvonne Vintiner 24 C MARNHULL CRICKET CLUB ricket has been played in Marnhull for many generations. The earliest account we have dates back to September 1833, when the Salisbury & Winchester Journal reported a match played between “eleven yeomen of Marnhull and eleven of Stalbridge”. No scores were published but the result was apparently in Marnhull’s favour, and the article went on to say that “the party then adjourned to the Crown Inn, Marnhull, where an excellent dinner was provided”. Some things have changed little in nearly two centuries, for the Crown Inn still features as a popular place of refreshment when stumps are drawn. V illage cricket matches in the 19th Century were typically played in an afternoon over two innings per side, and scores were very low by modern standards. In 1855 for example, in celebration of the fall of Sebastopol, a special match took place between the married and single men of Marnhull. The marrieds were victorious on that occasion by 24 runs after posting totals of 34 all out and 52 all out, with replies from the singles of only 29 all out and 33 all out. The highest individual score by any batsman in the four completed innings, was 13 not out, and there were 15 “ducks” recorded. Batting performances in the present era have, arguably, shown a degree of improvement, as indeed has the pitch on which our matches are played. T here are at least three different fields in Marnhull where cricket is known to have been played. The present home of Marnhull Cricket Club is the recreation ground, where the club has been happily situated since the early 1930s. The 21st Century cricket club takes very seriously its youth work, investing time and resources in bringing boys and girls from the surrounding areas through its approved coaching system. In doing so it is envisaged that we will enjoy a long, happy and successful future. We are a Clubmark Club, currently running youth teams at Under 15, Under 13, Under 11 and Under 9 age groups. We aim to be very much a community club, welcoming players of all ages and abilities, and recognizing the intrinsic value of all individuals. We currently field two adult Saturday league sides, and also a friendly XI which will play a number of midweek and Sunday fixtures during the 2015 season. Last year due to the kind generosity of The ECB, The Spectrum Housing Group Community Form and The Bernard Sunley Charity, we were able to install new ECB approved nets which will play an important part in our future development. W e are of course always looking for additional players, and also a range of other support on and off of the cricket field, without which the club could not properly function. In particular we would welcome volunteers to help with ground keeping and pitch preparation, with scoring, and with a number of other important roles. If you feel you might have something to offer, or would just like to be involved with us in some way please don’t be shy, but contact our Chairman, Rob Norton, on 01258 821183 or robnorton@thedorsetretreat. A lternatively, just show support by popping along and watching us on a Saturday afternoon in the cricket season. We look forward to meeting you. CRUSE WILL WRITING SERVICES LTD Wills & Power of Attorney Friendly advice & guidance in plain English Home Visits Locally based in Marnhull Keith Collis AIPW Cert PFS Tel 01258 820766 Mobile 07530 864104 [email protected] THE LEGION CLUB FIRST CHOICE FOR: Club and Society venue Birthday parties Children's parties Wedding and family celebrations Dinner dances Fund raising events An evening out Free Skittle alley EXCELLENT FACILITIES: Adaptable arrangements Meeting room Kitchen Bar Barbecue Safe garden Good parking Pool table/darts FUTURE EVENTS Mondays – Art classes during the day plus one Thursday Fridays Short mat bowls from 2pm to 5pm. Monday March 2nd - Bingo 7pm Saturday March 7th - Headland £5 (In aid of Julia's House) Monday March 16th - Bingo 7pm Saturday March 28th - Rip It Up Saturday 4th April - The Silhouettes Saturday March 14th - Elvis 56 Saturday March 21st - Jeffers n Jon Monday March 30th - Easter Bingo Entry free to members others £2 on entertainment evenings The CLUB may be booked for private functions at reasonable rates. To arrange viewing, check availability, discuss your requirements or apply for membership contact Tony on 820397 or E-mail [email protected] 25 PARISH COUNCIL D THE DOG POO FAIRY SAYS og-Mess Causes Blindness through Toxicara-Risk Toxocara causes blindness. This disease is caught from contact with dog and cat poo. However many animal owners are lazy when it comes to picking it up. lthough it is illegal to allow pets to soil the pathways in public spaces it is a sad fact that many pet owners shamelessly ignore this responsibility. A walk in a suburban park will soon convince one of the truth of this. t is time to send a message to irresponsible dog and cat owners that they need to be more vigilant about picking up dog mess. hat is Toxocara & how is it Transmitted? Toxicara is caused by a roundworm parasite that can be transmitted in dog, fox or cat faeces. The parasite burrows into the eyes causing tumours or detached retina and consequential blindness. The parasite can also enter the bloodstream and infect internal organs. Children are more at risk than adults as they may play in infected dirt or sand and then rub their eyes or swallow the parasite. egular Dog Worming is Very Important to Stamp out Toxicara Risk ogs need to be wormed regularly as they too can become infected through contact with eggs in the soil. Unfortunately many dog owners never worm their dogs, a cause for concern to anyone who uses public parks for recreation. lthough foxes are infected with Toxocara they do not really present a problem to the public as they tend to frequent farmland more than urban parks. The main risk of infection comes from dog owners who fail to clear up after their pets. hy Dog Owners need to be More Responsible about Dog Mess Dog mess is particularly unpleasant because it is extremely smelly and sticks to the shoes. Children walk in it or fall in it, creating hygiene problems and risk of infection by Toxocara. Often dog owners allow animals to soil next to the path, but hidden dog mess is worse because walkers can easily step on it without knowing. here really is no excuse for dog owners to be lazy. The question they need to ask themselves is how would they feel if their own child or grandchild became blind through contact with dog faeces? Or how would they feel if they were responsible for somebody else’s child being blinded? It is a sobering thought that might persuade irresponsible pet owners to think again. o please help our village in keeping the streets, bridle paths and recreation ground clear of this hazard and help by confronting, reporting and even taking pictures of miscreants so that the Parish Council can take action. A I W R D A W T S BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU SIGN UP FOR A T ction Fraud has seen an increase in the number of victims signing up for free trials for unapproved or misleading pharmaceuticals or supplements. he scam usually involves a ‘pop up’ on your computer or a text message advertising a free 14-day trial. In signing up to this trial you are asked for your credit or debit card details and after the 14 days have elapsed, recurring payments are taken. ecurring payments or continuous payment authorities are similar to a direct debit, but can be much harder to cancel or identify who is debiting your account. In most cases victims are finding it extremely difficult to cancel the subscription and the products are either not delivered or are inferior. ommon pharmaceuticals or supplements being advertised are teeth whitening products, food supplements and slimming tablets. rotect Yourself • If you desire such products speak to your GP or a local pharmacist. • Be vigilant of free trials and always read the Terms and Conditions. R C P 26 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES PLAYING AT GILLINGHAM RIVERSMEET COMMUNITY CENTRE C T lub nights are Monday 8pm-10pm (social) Tuesday (Club) 8 pm–10pm Thursday (League) 8.15pm-10.15pm. he Club is presently recruiting new players of all standards and I know a few of you in Marnhull have shown interest. Please come along to the centre and we will be delighted to welcome you. Wessex Cup – Salisbury District T he Club’s mixed B team has surpassed themselves by beating Tisbury A (Division higher) 17-1 to reach the finals of the Wessex Cup. With the B team having a useful handicap they took full advantage and played an extremely offensive game this put Tisbury on the back foot right from the start to which they had no reply. T o do this in their first year is an achievement and complements the ethics of the Club as the majority of those playing in the B team started with us on a Monday night as social players. Our A team reached the finals last year, so let’s hope the B team can go one better? Improvements in the League T he mixed A team found their form in spectacular fashion against Tisbury A beating them 18-0. The score reflected the power and understanding we had with new partnerships being played. The A team have a very tough match coming up against the League leaders; however with the new confidence and experience they now have I am sure they will be looking forward to it. T he Men’s in Division One are still bottom, but they managed to get a few games off Downton A before losing 3-9. Again we started very well and were 3-2 up, but we were unable to maintain the pressure! Club Players achieve County Level C A ongratulations to Peter Self and John Arathoon our Division 1 Men players in obtaining the shirt to play at this level. lthough both had played Badminton before joining the Club they both started on a Monday night at a social level, so we are dead proud of them Rob Tulk Chairman 01258 820728 PARISH COUNCIL cont. • Conduct basic online research of the company before registering your details and financial information. It is important to remember that in most free-trial cases because you have paid for a product and received it, this cannot be recorded as a fraud. If you have already entered your card details on one of these websites, call up you bank immediately to stop these payments and give us a call on 0300 123 2040 for advice. If you have a problem and think the Council can help give us a call. Cllr Trevor Vaughan Marnhull Parish Council PLUMBWOOD PRIVATE PIANO for all domestic plumbing From tap repairs to new bathrooms TUITION By experienced teacher Beginners to Avanced All ages welcome Tiling and Woodwork projects also undertaken Call Tim or Helen Cronin: 01258 820520 / 07780 673053 Tel: 01258 820 420 CAUNDLEWOOD INTERIORS Makers & Restorers of Fine Handmade Furniture. Cabinet making - Polishing Woodturning - VeneeringHandmade Kitchens & Bespoke Joinery. Phone: 01963 362252 PESTWRIGHT THE COUNTY MOLE CATCHER Complete pest control services Friendly, reliable service BPCA qualified, Insured Call Jim on 01963 362292 07854 395112 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION MARNHULL BRANCH AND CLUB LEGION HALL, SODOM LANE, MARNHULL TELEPHONE 01258 820613 Clubhouse opening hours Mon - Thurs 8 - 11.30 pm, Fri 5 - 12 pm, Sat - 12.30 - 3 pm, 8 - 12 pm SKITTLES LEAGUE (LEAGUE and FRIENDLY) - DARTS - POOL LIVE ENTERTAINMENT (see Blackmore Vale Magazine or ring for details) BRANCH AND CLUB MEMBERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE FAMILIES MOST WELCOME Alternate Mondays Come along and see what we can offer you PRIZE BINGO Branch: [email protected] 7.00 p.m. Club: [email protected] Open to everyone Local Home Support for all your Computer needs and Tuition, also including... [email protected] Speed up’s, Virus removal & Health checks Networking solutions including extending Wi-Fi One to one tuition, all questions answered Remote & Telephone support 01963 360273 System backup advice and installations 07525634871 Local Home Support for all your Computer needs and Tuition, also including... Speed up’s, Virus removal & Health checks Networking solutions including extending Wi-Fi One to one tuition, all questions answered Remote & Telephone support 01963 360273 27 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES SHAFTESBURY AND GILLINGHAM UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE February meeting notes. T he AGM of the Club took place on 10th February, and over 50 members attended. We heard Reports from the Chairman and the Treasurer, and also from the Outings Organiser, of the events of the previous year. Membership is increasing and the Club is in a healthy position financially, so the sub will remain unchanged at £15pp. The outings proposed for the coming year include Exbury Gardens in May. T he Committee were all (bar one) willing to stand again, and were duly re-elected by the membership. A vote of thanks was given to them for their hard work. T here followed an American Supper which was enjoyed by all. The next meeting is on 10 March, “So you think you know Gladiolus” by Gill Hazell. Visitors are always welcome. S ubscriptions are due next month. Shirley Blackford J MARNHULL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE ennifer Spiers gave a very detailed history of Charles Rennie McIntosh (1868-1928) and the Art Nouveau movement. CRM and his wife Margaret Macdonald produced some fantastic artwork, and he is best known for the design of Glasgow School of Art building (which was sadly damaged by fire in November last year). The group of artists of that period are now known as the Glasgow School. T he movement was born out of the pre-Raphaelites, and then William Morris and the Art & Crafts movement, heavily influenced by Egyptian art and architecture and after 1853 when Japan opened up to the West and Japonism became extremely fashionable (think Mikado), all added to the mixture that became Nouveau. This is best expressed in the School of Art Building – the slides of which were extremely interesting. The almost obsessive nature of symbolism and the use of design over comfort eventually led on to Art Deco. T he Glasgow Art School actively encouraged women to earn from art, and that was where he , Margaret and other member of the School produced some stunning furniture, fabrics and jewellery, most of which is instantly recognisable as of its period. CRM also designed for Liberty of London amongst others, though he was better known in Europe, particularly Austria and Germany, than in the UK, which was sad. However, one of his greatest designs, the Art Lover’s House, was actually built in 1989. The pictures of it were most exciting. M ike Spencer gave us a step by step account of his strenuous 60 mile stroll along the Great Wall of China. Mike joined the fund raising charity challenge for the 30th anniversary of St Margaret’s Somerset Hospice. They provide hospice care in Somerset and parts of neighbouring counties and their commitment is to improve the quality of life for patients with a life threatening illness, while extending support to their families. Mike, along with the other participants had spent a year on fund raising for the event. But admitted that once they had arrived in Beijing after 35 hours traveling and then moved to their accommodation near the wall, just 70 miles from Beijing, they were not anticipating such a change in facilities. They had been told that their accommodation had been renovated and this meant glass in most of the windows, doors in most of the door frames, but most were unable to be shut, and washing facilities which either had no water or caused a flood. T he wall as we know it today had is last major construction during the Ming dynasty which ran from 1368 to 1644. Apart from the short tourist sections of the wall, the steps were very uneven, this was deliberate as if any invader had managed to get on the wall they would not be able to mount a concerted charge at the watch towers. T he daily routine consisted of a hearty breakfast of 2 slices of hairy potato with various dumplings throughout the week and soft white bread and butter. Apparently it was impossible to spread hard butter onto soft bread with chop sticks. After breakfast there was the daily pre-walk exercise warm up by their tour leader, this also served to provide the local populous with some early morning entertainment. I t was a most interesting, humorous and informative talk with some wonderful slides of the precipitous scenery encountered during the daily walks. Even the views through the mist were enough to make you take a step back, and may be think twice before volunteering for a charity challenge. O ur meeting at 10am on March 5th at the Father’s House, Shaftesbury will feature Kathy Macnally – Making of the man who made James Bond Details of all SGU3A groups and activities can be found at A fter 1918 the McIntoshes went to live in the South of France, and we were show slides of the pictures CRM produced, which were totally unlike anything produced before and absolutely stunning. I could happily live with them on the wall. T he next meeting is on 9th March, “Ten Things a Doctor must Remember” by Yvonne Varley. Visitors are always welcome. Shirley Blackford 28 ADVERTISING BOB WALTER M.P. MEMBER OF The Curtain Man PARLIAMENT Curtains Carpets Roller/Venetian/Roman Blinds FOR NORTH DORSET Free Measuring and Estimates Expert Service – Competitive Prices SURGERY TIMES Friday 13 Upholstery Burton Street, Marnhull Sturminster Newton DT10 1PH Tel/Fax: 01258 821117 Mobile: 07802744869 March from 4-00 p.m. Gillingham email: the [email protected] For further details, or to make an appointment, please email [email protected] or telephone 01258 452 585 GENERAL BUILDER STONEMASON reliability guaranteed Extensions ~ Garages ~ Garden Walls ~ Repointing ~ Chimneys Lead Work ~ Rendering ~ Plastering ~ Patios Many satisfied customer references if required Probably the cheapest around No VAT Ring Barry 01258 820010 (evening) 07966 550081 (day) 5 Hardy Close, Marnhull DT10 1LG 6 New Street, Marnhull DT10 1PY DARREN KENDAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & WOOD BURNING STOVE INSTALLATIONS Fully qualified HETAS approved registered installer. From opening up your fireplace, carrying out chimney remedial works, fully installing and self certificating new wood burning stoves and log stores built to your requirements. HOME: 01258 820383 MOBILE: 07813 607 234 Tiling, Slating, Leadwork, Timberwork New & re-roofing work undertaken Nick Upshall Mobile: 07801 851079 Building works carried out by an NVQ/City & Guilds fully qualified builder 29 I MARNHULL MOTHERS' UNION n February we welcomed our members to our AGM. It has been a successful year all round and we have had good support from Marnhull Friends in our fund raising activities and have been able to give handsomely to The Women’s Refuge in Salisbury and to our Projects with the Holiday caravan and our overseas work. We also give to St. Gregory’s Church to support the church expenses. O ne of our committee members has retired from the committee, but we are very fortunate because we have now got two new committee members, so the good work goes on. We have during this year had new members join us, so thank you to those who have joined us and we hope all members will enjoy the New programme which has been arranged. W e also thank our new Bookkeeper, who is helping with our accounts, and the kind member of our community who has audited our accounts this year. O ur next meeting is an open meeting, so all are welcome. We will welcome Rev. Collette Gamester who is speaking at our next meeting. This will be at 2.30pm 11th March in the Methodist Hall. Audrey McRory SURGERIES NEWS CONTINUED IT’S YOUR HEALTH A s it was recently Valentine’s day, we would like to remind you that you can look after your heart (and every other part of your body) by having a free NHS health check. You need to be between 40 and 74 and not already have a diagnosis of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia, to be eligible. W e are writing to patients to offer them this service, but you can give us a call if you have not yet received your invitation. The check is likely to take 20-30 minutes, you will be offered testing of your cholesterol with the results available immediately, blood pressure check, height, weight, blood glucose etc. You will receive a personalised plan that explains the results of the check and what might need to happen next, for example whether you should have a follow up appointment with a GP. These checks are run by our nursing and health care assistant team at Sturminster Newton Medical Centre. Why not give us a call to book your check now? 01258 474500 MEN ONLY I Y f you are male and 65 or over, have you heard about the new abdominal aortic aneurysm screening programming? ou should be invited in your 65th year, but if you are older than 65 and have not yet had an invitation, you can make an appointment. It takes 10 minutes, is completely painless and there are clinics all across Dorset. An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a weakening and expansion of the aorta, the main blood vessel in the body. Large aneurysms are rare but can be very serious. N ationally in 2013-14 nearly 500 men received lifesaving surgery through this screening programme. You can find out more information on this website http://aaa.screening. ACROSS 1) South American cowboy. (6) 4) See 11A. 6) Type of health resort named after a town in Belgium. (3) 7) New Zealand apple with red and orange streaks. (8) 8) Pop duo of the early 80’s. (4) 11) and 4A) Film director born in 1897 in Italy. (5-5) 13) In Scotland fine or good. (4) 15) Actor Tony, father of presenter Fern. (7) 16) Musical that was set in pre-war Berlin. (7) 17) Russian emperor. (4) 19) Monetary unit in France prior to the Euro. (5) 21) and 10D) A person’s old school from the Latin for ‘bounteous mother’. (4-5) 24) Early ripening dessert pear. (8) 25) Type of sub-machine gun named after it’s Israeli inventor. (3) 26) 19thc African explorer. (5) 27) Member of an American Christian sect famous for making furniture . (6) Jane Dawes – Managing Partner Ian Gall – Chair, Sturminanswers on page 6 ster Newton & Marnhull Patient Participation Group. 30 DOWN 1) Cannabis especially in the West Indies. (5) 2) Beneficial weed with an intense blue flower. (10) 3) Last letter of the Greek alphabet. (5) 4) Make a boat’s seams watertight. (5) 5) German armoured unit. (6) 6) Name adopted by T. E. Lawrence as an aircraftman. (4) 9) Egyptian god often depicted with a falcon’s head. (5) 10) See 21A. 12) Second smallest of the Canadian provinces. (4-6) 13) Swahili word for master. (5) 14) At right angles to a ship’s length. (5) 18) Land suitable for growing crops. (6) 19) In music loudly. (5) 20) Titan in Greek mythology who has a certain type of books named after him. (5) 22) Madagascan primate. (5) 23) Prefix meaning opposed to. (4) B & B’S & THE OLD MALTHOUSE BED & BREAKFAST & SELF CATERING Carraway Lane Marnhull 01258 821514 07773329510 HOLIDAY COTTAGES The Barn Bed & Breakfast The Old Bank Bed & Breakfast Quiet, Comfortable and Friendly on the edge of the village Comfortable, friendly, Family Home In the centre of the village Hillside Marnhull 01258 820912 The Old Bank, Burton Street, Marnhull 01258 821019 [email protected] DOGS WELCOME Holiday Cottage to let Situated on a smallholding with direct access to footpaths and surrounding beautiful Dorset countryside. Hampers full of fresh home grown vegetables available. Will accommodate 6 people including children. Dog friendly, fully furnished to a high standard with all appliances. Walking distance to 2 pubs, shops and a hairdressers. Overnight stays, weekends, or longer term lets welcome 01258 821037 Marnhull, Dorset at our gorgeous B & B Spring Cottage Mill Lane Marnhull Own Entrance, Terrace & Lounge Sleeps 2/3 01258 820519 07807 845338 PRIMROSE COTTAGE Burton Street, Marnhull, DT10 1PP A romantic retreat Luxury Holiday Cottage for two Short Breaks or Weekly Lets Please contact Rachel Oxford: 01258 820850 R&S LEWIS JOINERY We design & make fitted wardrobes bookcases & cupboards. Reliability Guaranteed 8 Plowman Close Marnhull Dorset DT10 1LB T: 01258 821420 M: 07740403033 Hardwood windows & doors E: [email protected] Ham Lane Marnhull 01258 820467 Workshop 01963 363862 31 Why pay more for your mortgage? If you’re moving home or looking to remortgage an existing property, we offer a great range of attractive deals that could save you money. Whether you need more space or downsizing, moving on or looking to switch your mortgage, we’ll find the right deal for you. We work with a wide range of lenders including Santander, Nationwide, Halifax and Virgin Money and have access to exclusive deals you won't find anywhere else. We will recommend the most appropriate deal for you based on interest rate, loan period and repayment method. We'll also help you decide which type of mortgage best suits your objectives - be it fixed, variable, tracker, offset or something else entirely. Most importantly, we will support you throughout the entire process, from application to completion, helping you at each stage of the process. And, with rates at a record low, there may never be a better time to make that move. OPAL Advice as individual as you are For more information and to arrange a noobligation appointment, please contact your local Opal Mortgage Solutions Independent Mortgage Adviser: Kath Howell 07753 748959 [email protected] Mortgages • First-time buyers • Buy-to-let Commercial Mortgages • Life Assurance Buildings & Contents Insurance • Income Protection Insurance • Redundancy Insurance Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. The fee for our service is between £0 and £495, based on your personal circumstances. Typically this will be £295. Opal Mortgage Solutions. Advice as individual as you are. I NSU R A NC E T H A T ’ SO NY O U R D O O R ST E P Your Partner ForseeSuccess Come and what we can offer you and your child A warm, friendly and caring village primary school in the Blackmore Vale of north Dorset A good school with some outstanding practice September 2013 “Teaching is good and outstanding and meets the needs of all groups of children” “St Mary’s is a very inclusive school where all pupils are warmly welcomed.” “Pupils are well behaved and polite.” St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Old Mill Lane, Marnhull, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1JX 32 Contact: Mrs Charlotte Targett Phone: 01258 820417 Email: [email protected] H av ing a l o c alo f f ic e me ans w e are ac c e ssibl e ,w h e t h e r yo u ne e dt omak e c h ange st oyo ur po l ic yo r mak e ac l aim. We c an h e l p yo u insure yo ur: •H o me &C ar •H o rse &H o rse bo x •Busine ss •L GV& C o mme rc ialV e h ic l e F o r a re alc o nve rsatio n abo ut yo ur ne e ds c al l 0 1 25 84 7 3299 o r po p intoo ur branc h NF UO f f ic e , T h e C re ame ry, St at io nR o ad, St urminst e r Ne w t o n, St urminst e r Ne w t o n,D o rse t D T 1 01 BD A ge nto fT h e Nat io nalF arme rs U nio nM ut ualI nsuranc e So c ie t yL imit e d.F o r se c urit y and t raining purpo se s,t e l e ph o ne c al l s may be re c o rde d and mo nit o re d. -24 hour service -Free bereavement advice -Pre-paid funeral plans North Dorset’s family run professionals in all aspects of Domestic and Commercial Fire, Security and CCTV Installation and Takeover Service on any alarm from any company 20% discount for all Marnhull Messenger readers GILLINGHAM 2 High Street, SP8 4QT 01747 824738 SHAFTESBURY Head Office Unit 5 Chaldicott Barns, Semley Shaftesbury SP7 9AW 01747 858888 Greenacre House, Salisbury Road SP7 8BS 01747 858968 Part of The Southern Co-operative 33 macl_a5_alloffices 2.qxd:Layout SOLICITORS & ACCOUNTANTS1 05/09/2014 12:28 a fresh approach Services for Individuals Services for Business • Residential Property • Commercial Property • Wills, Probate & Tax • Company Law • Personal Injury • Agricultural Matters • Employment Law • Employment Issues • Equity Release Mortgages • Debt Recovery • Powers of Attorney • Licensing • Motoring Offences • Commercial Disputes • Dispute Resolution • Business Advisory Service Shaftesbury: Sherborne: Gillingham: Blandford: 01747 01935 01747 01258 440448 817736 822103 440530 Sutcliffe & Co Chartered Accountants BUSINESS PLANNING ACCOUNTS & AUDIT TAX RETURNS TRUSTS TAX MITIGATION We are a long established local practice at Old Bank House, Sturminster Newton, acting for a wide variety of local businesses and individuals. We offer a full range of business advice, taxation and accounting services including Self Employed Accounts Company Accounts ESTATE PLANNING Self Assessment Tax Returns BUSINESS START-UP Tax planning Cash Flow and Business Plans Management Advice Corporate Planning VAT advice and returns PAYE, CIS and Payroll Effective quality service & first class client care Contact: Chris Jarratt - Marnhull 820802 Mobile: 07786 868490 34 We provide a personal and professional service and look forward to assisting you in achieving your business objectives and meeting your statutory obligations For an initial no obligation meeting telephone Mitchell Langhelt, Ann Coward or Nicky Huzal on 01258 472344 POISEDALE FINE BESPOKE FURNITURE Fitted bookcases shelving and cupboards Freestanding or fitted furniture Kitchens Bathroom and bedroom furniture Designed manufactured and fitted Ring or email Shaun for free consultation 01258 472717 Email: [email protected] The W orkshop Hinton St Mary Sturminster Newton DT10 1NA Nazareth Lodge Residential Care Home Sturminster Newton Winter can bring on the blues but not here at Nazareth Lodge! Our residents enjoy a real log fire to keep them warm and good, wholesome food to keep a smile on their faces! Nazareth Lodge…….a real home. There is so much more we can tell you, so why not explore our website? All standards inspected by the CQC in January 2014 recorded as ‘fully met’ Full respite and day care services are available. For further information or brochure please contact us on 01258 472511 email: [email protected] 35 It takes years of training to achieve these results Award Winners To discuss putting your property on the market contact Mark Lewis on 01258 473766 or the Sherborne office on 01935 814488.
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