Jump start weight loss your

weight loss
From Dr. Oz:
a high-energy
plan to lose
10 pounds
this month
(no hunger
By Sarah Mahoney
photographs by
jim wright
f winter has left you
feeling as energetic as Jabba
the Hutt—and in about the same
shape as the rotund Star Wars
villain—Mehmet Oz, M.D., has two
“F” words (good ones!) for you: “food”
and “fun.” “This plan delivers plenty of
both,” he says. “You’ll get lots of delicious,
nourishing foods—meals that are also easy to
prepare. And you’ll get the energy you need to
enjoy your day, not just endure it.”
Trust us: This expert knows what he’s talking
about, and not only because changing others’
lives has won him Emmy Awards for The Dr. Oz
Show and made seven of his books, including
You: The Owner’s Manual, cowritten with his
friend Michael Roizen, M.D., best sellers. Nor is
it simply because he continues to save lives in
his work as vice-chair and professor of surgery at New York–Presbyterian/Columbia.
It’s also because the slim, handsome Dr. Oz
loves food as much as his fans do, and he is as
April 2013 g o o d h o u s e k e e p i n g
passionate about his favorite meals
(skewered lamb with basil, for example) in person as he is on TV.
Together with Good Housekeeping’s
nutrition team, Dr. Oz has cooked up
a plan that gives you all you need to
feel great: You’ll consume 1,450 calories per day, spread over three
meals and three snacks. And though
the pounds will come off quickly—you
can drop 10 in a month—you’ll feel
more nourished and energized than
you have in years. Really.
Orzo Salad with
Chicken Meatballs
For this easy recipe
and more, see page 44
You g et more food Eating
enough to keep your weight-loss
rate in the safe range of two to three
pounds per week is the only way to
win at the diet game. “You just torture
yourself if you shave off too many
calories,” Dr. Oz warns. “Your thyroid
knows it, and within 36 hours, it
thinks, Famine! and slows down your
metabolism to conserve fat.” And no,
you can’t simply tough it out. “Willpower will never trump the biology
of blubber,” he explains. “You can’t
just undo millennia of biological
There’s plenty of hungerb u s t i n g p r o t e i n Roast beef,
shrimp, smoked salmon…the plan is
engineered to provide about one-third
of the day’s calories from protein.
That’s higher than what some diets
call for, but still within the safe guidelines established by the Institute of
Medicine. There’s a reason for these
yummy additions: The latest nutrition research confirms that while
carb-limiting diets are often more
successful than others, it’s not just the lower carbs but the
dieters’ higher protein intake, too, that moves the numbers
down on the scale. Eating protein-rich meals generates a
greater feeling of satiety, producing peptides that tell the
brain, I’m full. The brain then releases other chemicals
that suppress the desire to eat. Another plus: Your body
burns more calories digesting proteins than fats or carbohydrates—and, as a 2012 Dutch study reported, when
higher-protein diets are sustained over three days, even
sleeping metabolic rates go up.
You won’t be bored Woman does not live by (garlicky) shrimp alone. You’ll also pile your plate high with
whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. The whole wheat pitas,
oatmeal muesli, quinoa, and other grains in this plan
You know those sensations that
cry, “Chips!” and “Cookies!”?
Research suggests they’re actually
signs of withdrawal from sweet,
artificially flavored foods (also
called “toxic hunger”). In experiments conducted by Joel Fuhrman,
M.D., a medical-school classmate
of Dr. Oz’s, 80% of participants
reported that after several months
of eating healthy foods, they
had fewer hunger pangs and,
when hungry, weren’t as irritable.
Two quick tests to see whether
you’re genuinely in need of bites:
Photographs by MARK LUND,
prop styling by Stephanie Hanes (food insets).
why this
plan works
meal plan
Photographs by istockphoto (silhouettes)
Each breakfast is about 300 calories;
lunch, 400; and dinner, 500. We’ve
maximized flavor, fullness, and nutrition
here, but feel free to swap within categories.
See the snack picks on page 43.
Powered-Up Purple Smoothie
Smoked-Salmon Sandwich
Glazed Pork
Quick Cereal
Blend 4 oz. each fat-free milk and
nonfat plain Greek yogurt,
2⁄3 c. kale, 1 c. blueberries,
1⁄2 banana, 1 tsp. ground
flax, and 1 tsp. honey.
Mash 1⁄4 avocado with 1 tsp. lemon juice. Spread on
half of a toasted Thomas’ Whole Wheat Bagel
Thin. Top with 2 oz. smoked salmon; 1 hard-cooked
egg, sliced; 2 thin tomato slices; several sprigs
watercress; 1 slice red onion; and other bagel half.
Have 1 c. Nature’s Path Organic
Optimum Slim Low-Fat Vanilla
Cereal (or 1 c. Wheat Chex);
1⁄2 c. strawberries, sliced; and 6 oz.
fat-free milk.
Curried Chicken Salad
Combine 11⁄2 Tbsp. nonfat plain Greek yogurt, 1 Tbsp.
light mayonnaise, and 1 tsp. curry powder. Add
3⁄4 c. cubed chicken breast; 1⁄4 apple, diced; 1⁄4 stalk
celery, diced; 1 Tbsp. raisins; and 1 Tbsp. almonds,
chopped. Serve over lettuce with 3 Triscuits.
& White
Tropical Paradise Parfait
Snappy Roast Beef Sandwich
Lentil Salad with
Roasted Veggies*
Overnight Muesli
Black Bean Salad
with Apple &
Baby Kale Salad*
Layer mixture of 8 oz. nonfat plain
Greek yogurt and 2 tsp. chopped
crystallized ginger with 2 Tbsp. Wheat
Chex, 3⁄4 c. pineapple
chunks, and 8 almonds.
Mix 1⁄3 c. old-fashioned oats with
2 dried apricots, diced; 4 oz. nonfat
plain Greek yogurt; 1⁄4 c. fat-free milk;
and 2 tsp. chopped nuts. Refrigerate;
in A.M., add 1⁄2 c. berries.
Granola Square*
Serve with 1 c. fat-free
milk and 1 kiwi fruit
or medium tangerine.
Spread half of a toasted whole wheat bagel thin
with 1 Tbsp. light mayo and 2 tsp. horseradish. Layer
on 3 oz. deli-sliced roast beef (no nitrites or nitrates
added), 1 slice roasted red pepper, and
1⁄4 cucumber, sliced. Serve with 20 grapes.
Combine 1⁄2 c. cooked brown rice, 1⁄2 c.
reduced-sodium black beans, 1⁄4 c. corn
kernels, 2 Tbsp. salsa, 1 Tbsp. crumbled feta,
1 Tbsp. chopped cilantro, 1 Tbsp. lime juice, and
1⁄2 tsp. olive oil. Serve with 2⁄3 c. pineapple chunks.
Soup & Sandwich
On a 100% whole wheat wrap, spread
3 Tbsp. hummus. Add 4 olives, chopped;
2 oz. turkey (no nitrites or nitrates added);
and 1⁄2 roasted red pepper. Side: 1 c. Pacific
Foods Light Sodium Tomato Soup.
Orzo Salad
with Chicken
* For easy recipes, turn to page 44
Distract yourself for
five minutes and see what
happens. Toxic hunger
will pass, says Dr. Oz, but
true hunger will intensify.
When you do eat, pay close
attention to how your food tastes.
“When we are truly hungry, our taste
buds are stimulated. Food tastes
good,” says Dr. Oz. If you barely taste
what you’re eating, he adds, chances
are you’re feeding toxic hunger.
deliver a number of energy-boosting
B vitamins and lots of fiber. Not only
is that good for your heart, but it also
aids in digestion (it’s hard to feel energetic when you’re bloated or constipated). And the fruits and vegetables
pack a one-two punch: You get the
vitamins and minerals your body
needs plus tummy-filling volume.
Dr. Oz, who grew up eating a
largely Mediterranean diet, can’t say
enough about the benefits of munching on a wide variety of produce:
“Fruits and veggies have pigments
to protect them, and those colors
provide a whole range of different
nutrients.” He laughs as he acknowledges that plenty of people don’t
share his enthusiasm for vegetables—
especially broccoli. “Seriously, I
adore it,” he says.
His suggestion for reluctant vegetable eaters: Experiment. “One of my
daughters makes broccoli with garlic
and coconut oil; she also steams cauliflower with cinnamon,” he says. His
point is, you can trick your taste buds:
“If you find a way to prepare vegetables with just the zip you like, they
won’t be diet foods anymore. They’ll
be fun to cook and fun to eat. They’ll
become the food you want.”
beyond the table
get off the couch (and
into the park) To get the best re-
sults on this plan, Dr. Oz suggests engaging in 30 minutes of activity every
day. It doesn’t have to make you sweat,
“but it does have to be enough exertion
to make you breathy,” he
says. Translation: You’re
able to say a few words to
your walking pal about
Even he has an
occasional off
day, and when he
does, Dr. Oz
relies on this
simple stretch:
Bend from
the waist,
reaching your
fingers toward
the floor. Hang
there, doing a few
deep breaths,
until you feel
tension release in
your lower back.
Slightly bend
first one knee,
then the other,
alternating as you
breathe deeply.
“It’s energizing,”
says Dr. Oz,
“because we store
so much tension
in our hips.”
the newly sprouted tulips, but you don’t want to dissect
last night’s episode of The Good Wife.
Thirty minutes can sound daunting, but not if you
break them up. “I get up seven minutes early and do
my stretching-and-calisthenics routine,” says Dr. Oz.
“It’s my replacement for coffee. That gives me confidence that I can control what I do; all day, I can brag
to myself that I at least did some exercise.”
While Dr. Oz is lucky to have a job that keeps him
on his feet throughout the day, he says we can all increase our activity levels as long as goals are small and
achievable. “Wear sneakers to work, and walk up the
stairs or park farther away,” he suggests. “As long as
you think of activity in 10- or 15-minute increments,
you’ll get there every day. In fact, when we look at
people who are ‘naturally’ thin, it’s the movement built
into their daily lives that’s the secret.”
Make your exercise fun and varied, too. “On weekends, I do longer workouts, including running and
weights. But I also play—maybe basketball or tennis,
or horsing around with my kids,” says Dr. Oz.
Address your stress Whether exercise alone
leads to weight loss may be debatable, but there’s no
question that it ups your fitness and tones your body.
It’s also one of the best stress-zappers out there—even
better than shoe shopping. New research from the
University of Maryland reports that working out
doesn’t just ease stress, but also seems to prevent it,
emotionally buffering us from traffic jams yet to occur.
That matters because stress steals our energy and
can make us gain weight. As we evolved, Dr. Oz believes, stress wasn’t a reaction to a deadline or a scary
Visa bill—it was connected to famine: “So when you
have chronic stress, your body thinks it’s thousands of
years ago and you are on an arid plain in Africa. You
eat anything you can get your hands on, and more than
you want to.” Worse, stress hormones then cause
weight to be stored as abdominal fat, the type most
linked to heart disease and other illnesses.
If that has you hyperventilating, Dr. Oz has a prescription: yoga. “You can do it by yourself,” he says.
“You don’t need equipment. And it gets you in the
mindset for meditating, which is a great stress reliever.”
You also need to reset your approach to weight loss.
Say “ Om”
to your omelet
Becoming a focused, mindful eater helps you
feel fuller on less food. At mealtime, try these
strategies from Harvard nutrition experts.
good housekeeping
April 2013
including TV,
phones, and
and other reading
Take small bites
and savor each
one, chewing
carefully before
you swallow.
Styling by Katy Robbins. Prop styling by Jen Everett. Hair by Anne Sampogna. Makeup by Linda Melo. On Dr. Oz, opening pages: T-shirt by Banana Republic.
Photograph by istockphoto. Illustrations by Mallory Roynon.
Dr. Oz’s
Photographs by PHILIP FRIEDMAN/Studio D (wrap, ginger, goat cheese, gorp, and yogurt) and istockphoto (grapes, raspberries, popcorn, and almonds).
“When you realize that eating well
isn’t a sprint but a marathon, and that
it’s perfectly normal to make mistakes
sometimes, you’ll be far less anxious,”
says Dr. Oz. “I like to compare it to
using a GPS. When I make a mistake,
my GPS doesn’t say, ‘How could you
have missed that turn again?’ It
merely says, ‘Recalculating.’ ” Every
plan, he believes, needs to have room
for nonjudgmental U-turns: “So you
ate something, and now you regret it.
Just hit Reset and start again.”
sleep! Lots of folks think they’ve
got low energy, says Dr. Oz, when
what they really need is more sleep. If
you don’t get enough, he warns—“and
that means about seven and a half
hours per night”—your body will
crave carbohydrates, usually of the
donut variety. The link between getting too little sleep and being overweig ht is wel l e st ablished , but
happily, new research shows that it
also works in reverse—a 2012 study
from Johns Hopkins found that shedding about 15 pounds results in a 20%
improvement in quality of sleep.
If you’re sure you’re getting enough
sleep but still feel draggy, don’t abandon your exercise, Dr. Oz says: “It
should make you feel more alive.”
So should the magnesium-rich foods
on this plan. Getting too little of this
mineral is a major cause of the blahs,
says Dr. Oz. “It’s required for building
energy stores in cells, and it’s involved
in metabolism. And most of the population doesn’t get enough.” These
meals, loaded with magnesium-rich
greens, whole grains, and nuts, will
give you that missing pep while filling
you up and thinning you down.
Welcome to spring!
ick picks
Choose three a day—two from the 75-calorie
group and one from the 100-calorie group.
7 Dole Nutrition Plus
Chia & Fruit Clusters
(any flavor)
Enjoy a meal
without speaking
for at least
five minutes.
1 mini whole wheat
pita with 11⁄2 tsp. PB
and 1 strawberry, sliced
Turkey wrap Spread 2 tsp. honey mustard on
3 thin slices turkey (no nitrites or nitrates added);
top with 1⁄4 c. sliced apple; wrap in lettuce
1⁄2 oz. dark chocolate–
covered ginger
1⁄2 c. each fresh
raspberries and fresh
One 100-calorie bag
microwave popcorn
with 5-spice powder
1⁄4 c. Sunsweet
Plum Amazins
Focus on the
sensory details of
your meal: colors,
flavors, textures,
aromas, the
sounds foods make
as you chew.
calorie snacks
20 frozen grapes
1 tsp. goat cheese and
a sun-dried tomato
on each of 2 Triscuits
2 Tbsp. red pepper
hummus with
veggie dippers
calorie snacks
1⁄2 c. pickled beets
topped with 2 tsp.
crumbled goat cheese
14 toasted
Gorp 1⁄4 c. breakfast cereal used in
meal plan + 1 tsp. sunflower seeds + 1 tsp. raisins
+ 1 tsp. semisweet chocolate mini chips
click here
1 mini Kind bar
1 snack cup Healthy
Choice Frozen
Greek Yogurt
For the full week’s meal
plan and recipes, PLUS
more snacks and dietfriendly frozen entrees,
go to goodhousekeeping
April 2013 g o o d h o u s e k e e p i n g