RAN Performance Indicator (RAN-PI) Minimize cell site testing, maximize performance! LTE performance metrics consolidate user experience and cell-site performance Key Benefits With the increasing complexities of LTE cell-site optimization, problem detection, isolation, and resolution, field technicians need simplified methods to speed up maintenance. RAN-PI is a consolidated score of LTE performance that integrates UE metrics and eNode B performance in real time. This lets technicians promptly detect problems, and due to its comprehensive analysis, speeds problem resolution. • Significantly reduces maintenance time, maximizing customer QoE RAN-PI can be adapted to to different service types, creating score profiles based on specific applications. This flexibility and unique correlation quickly resolves service-affecting issues, significantly reducing the costs of improving network performance. • Correlates and consolidates metrics from CellAdvisor™ and TrueSite™ • Simplifies performance assessments with one real-time indicator • Speeds network optimization with configurable profiles Features • Provides a single, real-time wireless-access quality indicator • Bases configurable service-quality profiles on applications such as unicast, multicast, VoLTE RAN-PI TrueSite CellAdvisor Easy-to-use, mobile functionality www.jdsu.com/nse Promo Sheet RAN Performance Indicator (RAN-PI) Minimize cell site testing, maximize performance! User Experience Ordering Information Metrics RAN-PI Description Part Number Received power Modulation quality LTE-FDD for JD785A JD785A014 MIMO performance LTE-TDD for JD785A JD785A015 LTE-FDD for JD788A JD788A014 LTE-TDD for JD788A JD788A015 LTE-FDD for JD745B JD745B014 LTE-TDD for JD745B JD745B015 LTE-FDD for JD748B JD748B014 LTE-TDD for JD748B JD748B015 LTE-FDD for JD785B JD785B014 LTE-TDD for JD785B JD785B015 LTE-FDD for JD788B JD788B014 LTE-TDD for JD788B JD788B015 Data throughput RAN-PI Channel quality TrueSite Radio Performance Metrics Modulation type Score 0 to 5 Synchronization CellAdvisor Score and correlate measurements When ordering RANAdvisor TrueSite options, include part number E5643B-XXX to match your CellAdvisor. Configure customized profiles with selectable measurements 5 Score 4 3 2 1 0 R A N - P I H i s t ogram View correlated and comprehensive RAN-PI scores and metrics North America Latin America Asia Pacific EMEA www.jdsu.com/nse Toll Free: 1 855 ASK-JDSU Tel: +1 954 688 5660 Tel: +1 800 223 7070 Tel: +49 7121 86 2222 (1 855 275-5378) Fax: +1 954 345 4668 Fax: +65 6602 8301 Fax: +49 7121 86 1222 © 2015 JDS Uniphase Corporation Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. 30176072 001 0215 RANADVISORPI.PS.NSD.NSE.AE February 2015
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