Decision 3571-D01-2015 AltaLink Management Ltd. Deerland 13S Substation Telecommunications Upgrade February 27, 2015 Alberta Utilities Commission Decision 3571-D01-2015 AltaLink Management Ltd. Deerland 13S Substation Telecommunications Upgrade Proceeding 3571 Application 1611069-1 February 27, 2015 Published by the: Alberta Utilities Commission Fifth Avenue Place, Fourth Floor, 425 First Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3L8 Telephone: 403-592-8845 Fax: 403-592-4406 Website: Alberta Utilities Commission Calgary, Alberta AltaLink Management Ltd. Deerland 13S Substation Telecommunications Upgrade 1 Decision 3571-D01-2015 Proceeding 3571 Application 1611069-1 Introduction and background 1. AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) filed a facility application with the Alberta Utilities Commission on December 11, 2014, registered as Application 1611069-1 (the application), for approval to construct a new telecommunications tower and salvage the existing telecommunications tower at the Deerland 13S substation. 2. AltaLink is the operator of the Deerland 13S substation pursuant to Permit and Licence U2014-448.1 3. Deerland 13S substation is located in the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 56, Range 20, west of the Fourth Meridian. 4. On December 24, 2014, the Commission issued information requests to AltaLink. AltaLink responded to the information requests on January 12, 2015. 5. On December 24, 2014, the Commission issued a notice of application for Proceeding 3571. Information was provided about how to express objections to, concerns about or support of the application. Submissions to the Commission were to be made by January 19, 2015. The notice was sent directly to agencies, industries, landowners, renters and occupants within 800 metres of the proposed project. The notice was also published on the AUC website. 6. On January 16, 2015, AltaLink submitted an addendum to the stakeholder list that identified one address correction and one additional contact name. 7. On January 19, 2015, the Commission reissued the notice to the stakeholders provided in the addendum. A deadline of February 6, 2015, was given to file submissions to the AUC. 8. No submissions were received by the submission deadline date of February 6, 2015. 2 Discussion 9. AltaLink’s proposed scope of work for the telecommunications tower upgrade at the Deerland 13S substation includes the following: 1 installation of an approximately 91-metre tall self-supporting steel lattice telecommunications tower; Substation Permit and Licence U2014-448, Proceeding 3419, Application 1610887, December 17, 2014. Decision 3571-D01-2015 (February 27, 2015) • 1 Deerland 13S Substation Telecommunications Upgrade AltaLink Management Ltd. salvage of the existing 73-metre tall telecommunications tower; installation of a telecommunications building; installation of a propane tank to power a new generator; a fence expansion of approximately 20 metres by 30 metres; and construction of a new access road adjacent to the proposed tower. 10. The proposed project was submitted as part of AltaLink’s capital replacement and upgrades program. As such, it did not require a direction letter or needs identification document from the Alberta Electric System Operator. 11. AltaLink stated that all proposed work would be conducted on land owned by AltaLink. 12. AltaLink conducted a participant involvement program that included notification to all stakeholders within 800 metres of the proposed development and provided personal consultation to landowners, renters and occupants directly adjacent to the proposed project. 13. AltaLink submitted a noise impact assessment because the scope of the proposed project included the addition of one new 25-kilowatt emergency backup generator to support the proposed radio equipment. 14. AltaLink assessed the contribution to audible noise from the proposed project combined with the sound level contribution of the approved Maxim Deerland peaking power plant and the proposed Maxim Power Skaro 109S substation. At the most impacted receptor location, approximately 920 metres south of the Deerland 13S substation, the sound level contribution from the proposed backup generator alone was 8.9 dBA resulting in a daytime cumulative sound level of 45.8 dBALeq. This is predicted to meet the permissible sound level requirement of 50 dBA daytime by a margin of 4.2 dBA. 15. AltaLink stated that it anticipated minimal environmental impacts during the proposed project activities and, where possible, salvage activities would occur outside of the migratory bird restricted activity period. 16. In response to information requests, AltaLink stated it is committed to assessing and remediating, if necessary, any soils that are identified during construction as potentially contaminated. 17. In response to information requests, AltaLink stated that if an active nest of a migratory bird is found during construction, an appropriate setback distance for the species would be developed by a qualified environmental professional and applied in consultation with the AltaLink environmental advisor. AltaLink added that the environmental advisor may consult with the appropriate local or regional wildlife biologist to determine the setback and mitigations as necessary. 18. AltaLink received Historical Resources Act clearance from Alberta Culture. 19. AltaLink submitted that the estimated project cost (within +20 per cent/-10 per cent accuracy) would be $1,845,000. 2 • Decision 3571-D01-2015 (February 27, 2015) Deerland 13S Substation Telecommunications Upgrade 3 AltaLink Management Ltd. Findings 20. The Commission finds that the application meets the information requirements stipulated in Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations and Hydro Developments. 21. The Commission is satisfied that the participant involvement program undertaken by AltaLink meets the requirements of Rule 007 and notes that there were no objections in response to the notice of application. 22. The Commission accepts AltaLink’s assertion that the proposed project is anticipated to have minimal environmental impacts on the basis of its commitment to assess and remediate any soils that are identified during construction as potentially contaminated. Should AltaLink be unable to complete construction prior to the start of the migratory birds restricted activity period, AltaLink shall consult with the regional Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Wildlife staff member about the feasibility of continuing work during the restricted activity period and implement any additional assessment or mitigation specified. 23. The Commission accepts that the noise impact assessment is complete and that the requirements set out in Rule 012: Noise Control have been met. 24. The Commission acknowledges that there are no outstanding technical, environmental or noise concerns associated with the proposed project, or any outstanding public or industry objections. 25. Given the considerations discussed above, the Commission finds the proposed project to be in the public interest pursuant to Section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. 4 Decision 26. Pursuant to Section 21 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, the Commission approves the application and grants AltaLink the approval set out in Appendix 1 – Salvage Approval 3571-D02-2015. 27. No amendment is required to Permit and Licence U2014-448. Dated on February 27, 2015. Alberta Utilities Commission (original signed by) Anne Michaud Commission Member Decision 3571-D01-2015 (February 27, 2015) • 3
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