PUBLIC NOTICES Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 • The Iowa Department of Management COUNTY HOSPITAL NAME: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- PROPOSED BUDGET Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Hancock County Hospital The Board of Hospital Trustees of this County will conduct a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year budget as follows: County: Meeting Date: Meeting Time: Meeting Location: Hancock 3/10/2015 7:30 a.m. Board Conference Room At the public hearing any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of receipts and expenditures on file with the secretary. Copies of the Supplemental Budget Detail (Schedule 672-A) will be furnished upon request. Contact Telephone Number: Contact Name: PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY 641-843-5000 A FUND (Use Whole Dollars) B Expenditures C D FYE 6-30-2014 FYE 6-30-2015 FYE 6-30-2016 Transfers Actual Re-estimated Proposed Out 19,176,946 21,818,387 24,733,848 1,021,000 550,378 444,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,270 0 0 0 356,131 19,176,946 21,818,387 24,733,848 2,456,870 Proposed taxation rate per $1,000 valuation: $ 1. General 2. FICA 3. IPERS 4. Emergency 5. Ambulance 6. Unemployment Comp. 7. Debt Service 8. Tort Liability/Ins. 9. Restricted Funds 10. Board Designated 11. TOTAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET ESTIMATE Form 631.1 Vance Jackson, CEO E F Estimated Estimated Ending Fund Beginning Fund Balance Balance FY 2016 FY 2016 15,763,499 17,116,636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 717,644 702,914 1,800,443 1,130,574 18,281,586 18,950,124 1.404 Corwith on 3/10/15 at Estimated Other Transfers Receipts In 22,733,158 1,435,870 9,520 0 7,682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 5,000 1,021,000 22,855,360 2,456,870 , Iowa The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Budget at Corwith City Hall on 3/10/15 at Garner City Hall 7:00pm The Budget Estimate Summary of proposed receipts and expenditures is shown below. The Budget Estimate Summary of proposed receipts and expenditures is shown below. Copies of the the detailed proposed Budget may be obtained or viewed at the offices of the Mayor, City Clerk, and at the Library. The estimated Total tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on regular property . . 14.72867 The estimated tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on Agricultural land is . . . . 3.00375 At the public hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. Copies of the the detailed proposed Budget may be obtained or viewed at the offices of the Mayor, City Clerk, and at the Library. The estimated Total tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on regular property . . 13.23767 The estimated tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on Agricultural land is . . . . 3.00375 At the public hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. 641-923-2588 Donna Hilbert Budget FY 2016 (a) Re-est. FY 2015 (b) City Clerk/Finance Officer's NAME Budget FY 2016 (a) Actual FY 2014 (c) Re-est. FY 2015 (b) Actual FY 2014 (c) Revenues & Other Financing Sources Revenues & Other Financing Sources Taxes Levied on Property Less: Uncollected Property Taxes-Levy Year Net Current Property Taxes 1 2 3 1,281,256 0 1,281,256 1,298,645 0 1,298,645 1,243,904 0 1,243,904 0 93,123 24,585 1,455 17,568 48,792 540,172 Delinquent Property Taxes TIF Revenues Other City Taxes Licenses & Permits Use of Money and Property Intergovernmental Charges for Services 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 430,502 316,857 34,900 85,286 936,216 1,350,854 0 475,875 260,000 34,730 86,547 733,007 1,403,967 0 522,722 255,833 41,267 95,027 360,368 1,333,630 0 42,700 16,740 81,728 861,957 0 20,794 0 147,807 962,889 Special Assessments Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources Transfers In Total Revenues and Other Sources 11 12 13 14 15 12,200 627,672 392,500 1,144,483 6,612,726 10,700 831,863 432,500 1,068,759 6,636,593 14,541 220,061 56,083 1,112,944 5,256,380 29,231 31,004 0 49,129 91,239 63,517 29,648 26,315 31,332 0 48,956 84,000 61,497 29,148 21,527 51,369 0 45,106 35,100 67,504 29,647 Public Safety Public Works Health and Social Services Culture and Recreation Community and Economic Development General Government 16 17 18 19 20 21 570,760 576,723 5,145 638,170 965,542 213,621 505,043 686,746 5,455 665,698 833,433 238,420 506,952 701,046 5,145 630,290 312,460 266,173 23 24 25 26 6,200 299,968 477,077 777,045 10,200 291,448 468,591 760,039 2,609 252,862 473,493 726,355 Debt Service Capital Projects Total Government Activities Expenditures Business Type / Enterprises Total ALL Expenditures 22 23 24 25 26 472,710 1,125,000 4,567,671 958,680 5,526,351 476,193 1,308,099 4,719,087 876,768 5,595,855 1,989,978 313,261 4,725,305 976,719 5,702,024 Transfers Out Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 27 28 108,138 885,183 81,728 841,767 147,807 874,162 Transfers Out Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 27 28 1,144,483 6,670,834 1,068,759 6,664,614 1,112,944 6,814,968 Excess Revenues & Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/Transfers Out 29 26,466 20,190 88,727 Excess Revenues & Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/Transfers Out 29 -58,108 -28,021 -1,558,588 Beginning Fund Balance July 1 30 516,052 495,862 407,135 Beginning Fund Balance July 1 30 3,135,882 3,163,903 4,722,491 Ending Fund Balance June 30 31 542,518 516,052 495,862 Ending Fund Balance June 30 31 3,077,774 3,135,882 3,163,903 Taxes Levied on Property Less: Uncollected Property Taxes-Levy Year Net Current Property Taxes 1 2 3 70,920 0 70,920 68,149 0 68,149 68,593 0 68,593 Delinquent Property Taxes TIF Revenues Other City Taxes Licenses & Permits Use of Money and Property Intergovernmental Charges for Services 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 104,158 25,680 1,215 1,435 66,218 506,845 0 105,282 25,000 1,215 1,535 52,153 467,455 Special Assessments Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources Transfers In Total Revenues and Other Sources 11 12 13 14 15 0 10,300 16,740 108,138 911,649 Public Safety Public Works Health and Social Services Culture and Recreation Community and Economic Development General Government Debt Service 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Capital Projects Total Government Activities Expenditures Business Type / Enterprises Total ALL Expenditures Expenditures & Other Financing Uses Expenditures & Other Financing Uses Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2015 Proceedings: West Hancock Board of Directors REGULAR MEETING WEST HANCOCK BOARD OF DIRECTORS February 16, 2015 The West Hancock Community School Board of Directors met in regular session in the West Hancock Board room. Burgardt, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Burgardt, Deutsch, Quastad, Kumsher, and Chizek. Absent: Carlson, Johnson Others present: Supt. Kronemann, Bd. Sec. Buns, Prin. DeHart, Prin. Verbrugge, Prin. Peterson, Stacey Goepel, Tim Clark, Scott Huffman, Dave Eisenman, Ed Wineinger and Allison Ullman – Britt News Tribune Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Quastad, to approve the items listed under the consent agenda 2.0. Carried: 5-0. Administrator and Director reports were given. ASAP and Fine Art presentations were discussed. Motion by Quastad, seconded by Chizek, to approve Josh Eisenman as the head HS baseball coach. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Chizek, to approve Bob Dodge as a HS volunteer track coach. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Quastad, seconded by Kumsher, to approve Nikki Pals as the Asst. MS girls track coach. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Quastad, to set the board meeting date and the budget hearing date for March 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the West Hancock Middle School Computer lab. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Quastad, seconded by Kumsher, to approve the lowest bid by King Construction for the cost of $480,750 for the transportation center. Carried: 5 -0 Motion by Quastad, seconded by Chizek, to approve Chosen Valley Testing, Inc. as an official Inspector for the bus barn project. At a cost of $3083.00. Carried: 5-0 Director Chizek, introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Deutsch, seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was: Deutsch, Chizek, Burgardt, Kumsher, AYES: and Quastad; NAYS: The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REDEMPTION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2011, DATED MAY 4, 2011, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 FOR THE REDEMPTION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2011, DATED MAY 4, 2011 Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Quastad, to approve the Mason City Glass bid for the North entry doors at the HS. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Deutsch, seconded by Kumsher, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Jay Burgardt, Board President Mona Buns, Bd. Secretary OPERATING FUND Alliant Energy-Electricity 794.55 -Electricity 15,050.00 First Citizens National Bank -Fica Ltd Wirtz 474.70 West Hancock-Cash-Postage 51.69 Fund Total: 16,370.94 Checking Account Total: 16,370.94 ACTIVITY American Cancer Society -Coaches Vs Cancer 1,799.05 Barkhurst, John-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 Dahle, Tony-Official 95.00 Dingman, Dan-Official 95.00 Eckenrod, Tom-Official 95.00 Fett, Daniel-Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 Freesemann, Collin-Official 95.00 Garner-Hayfield Comm. School -Entry Fee 60.00 Halstad, Tony-Official 95.00 Harter, Mike-Official 95.00 Henn, Greg-Official 95.00 Hoffert, Casey-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 ICDA-Honor Choir 24.00 Iowa High School Athletic Directors’ -Convention Fee 85.00 Kumsher, Paul-Official 75.00 Lacey, Bryan-Official 95.00 Lake Mills Booster Club -Coaches/Cancer Shirts 120.00 Mclaughlin, Bob-Official 95.00 Nelson, Paul-Official 95.00 -Official 75.00 North Butler-Entry Fee 80.00 Robbins, Ken-Official 95.00 Ruter, Steve-Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 St Edmond High School-Entry Fee 100.00 Steege, Nathan-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 Tellier, Kevin-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 Thompson, Todd-Official 95.00 Walderbach, Kurt-Official 95.00 Whitmire, Earl-Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 Wintermote, Rusty-Official 95.00 Fund Total: 5,408.05 Checking Account Total: 5,408.05 OPERATING FUND Advantage Administrators-Flex Benefits 70.20 AEA 267-Work Study 3,830.50 Ag. Max Partner, L.C., Maxyeild -Oil 55 Gal 767.80 -Oil 30 Gal 399.90 -Supplies 573.30 -Grit 67.50 -Gas Unit 303.40 621.27 -Diesel Units 872.04 2,587.48 Airgas North Central-Cylinder Rental 74.58 Algona Community School Dist. -Sp Ed L3 13,201.21 -Gen Ed Cost 1,008.00 Anderson-Erickson-Supplies 77.53 Aramark Uniform Services, Inc.-Supplies 9.65 Britt Chamber Of Commerce -Membership 50.00 Britt Food Center-Supplies 83.58 -Bal From Dec 49.99 Card Center-Repeater Fee 100.00 -Background Check 15.00 Century Link-Phone 148.49 -Phone 93.81 City Of Kanawha-Water/Sewer 30.22 -Water/Sewer 193.47 Communications 1 Network-Phone 322.56 Deseret News-Supplies 1,000.00 Dhs Cashier 1st Fl-Medicaid 3,751.17 Don’s Truck Shop Inc.-Parts 265.90 Engstler, Duane-Physical 50.00 Forest City Comm. School Dist -Level 1 5,084.10 -Level 2 7,081.20 -Open Enrollment 472.50 -Open Enrollment 170.10 -Open Enrollment 9,181.50 Fort Dodge Steel, Inc-Supplies 77.82 Francis, Paul-Parking 60.00 Garner Farm & Home Center Inc -Level 1 4,629.60 -Gen Ed Cost 3,902.40 Gifts Sew Sweet-Staff Shirts 93.80 Grove, Tim-Service 49.53 Healthworks-Drug Screening 55.00 Interstate Motor Trucks-Parts 101.56 -Parts 95.51 Iowa Assoc. Of School Boards -Conv Fee 185.00 -Conv Fee 185.00 Iowa School Finance Information Services, ISFIS-Budget Workshop 200.00 J.W.Pepper & Son Inc.-Supplies 9.64 -Supplies 15.34 -Supplies 17.15 Kaeser Blair Incorporated-Supplies 160.84 Mason City Community School -Level 2 5,249.16 -Gen Ed 412.20 -Shared Teacher 9,382.45 -At Risk 1,800.00 -At Risk 105.00 Menards-Mason City-Supplies 449.40 Mid-America Publishing Corp-Publication 36.80 NASCO-Supplies 27.94 Next Generation Technology-Chargers 182.00 -E Rate 57.38 -Supplies 159.98 -Tech 4,750.00 -Tech 4,750.00 NIACC-Inservice 50.00 North Central Coop-Gas Units 101.43 196.62 -Diesel Units 461.35 1,420.47 North Iowa Media Group-Publication 325.79 -Publication 325.79 (292.41) -Credit Oriental Trading Company, Inc.-Supplies 74.24 Plank Road Publishing, Inc.-Supplies 40.40 Rayhons, Sandy-Asap Travel 448.50 -Mileage 48.16 Schleusner, Emma-Reimb Training 45.00 School Health Corporation-Supplies 3.80 Staples Advantage-Supplies 244.98 Swenson’s Hardware-Supplies 1,903.29 -Supplies 113.96 Terhark, Karie-Asap Travel 448.50 -Mileage 86.24 Thomas Bus Sales Of Iowa-Parts 132.72 Timberline Billing-Medicaid 281.16 Trulson Auto Parts-Supplies 64.47 Uni-Supplies 75.00 Ventura Garner Hayfield -Open Enrollment 1,530.25 Visa-Asap Supplies 376.54 -Asap Travel 665.40 Waste Mgmt Of Northern Iowa-Garbage 60.14 -Garbage 994.73 Fund Total: 98,296.75 MANAGEMENT FUND Specialty Underwriters LLC-Insurance 156.38 -Insurance 1,397.32 Fund Total: 1,553.70 Checking Account Total: 99,850.45 CAPITAL PROJECTS Waggoner & Wineinger-Architect 4,000.00 Fund Total: 4,000.00 Checking Account Total: 4,000.00 ACTIVITY Anderson-Erickson-Milk 32.80 Britt Food Center-Concessions 1,090.45 Coralville Marriott Hotel-Motel Ad Conv 434.56 Decker Sporting Goods-Hats 539.00 7 Public Notice ORIGINAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT OF HANCOCK COUNTY Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. Steven D Gayken; Christina Gayken a/k/a Christina Ward, a/k/a Christina A Gayken; Parties in Possession; Unknown spouse, if any, of Steven D. Gayken; Unknown spouse, if any, of Christina Gayken; State of Iowa - Child Support Recovery Unit; State of Iowa - Child Support Recovery Unit, et al. Defendants. EQUITY NO: EQCV019365 Youarenotifiedthatapetitionhasbeenfiled intheofficeofthiscourtnamingyouasadefendantinthisaction.Thepetitionwasfiledon October29,2014,andpraysforforeclosureof PlaintiffsmortgageinfavorofthePlaintiffonthe propertydescribedinthisnoticeandjudgment fortheunpaidprincipalamountof$55,940.40, with 6.5% per annum interest thereon from March1,2014,togetherwithlatecharges,advances and the costs of the action including (but not limited to) title costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, as well as a request that said sums be declared a lien upon the following described premises from November 14, 2008, locatedinHancockcounty,Iowa: The West One Hundred (100) feet of the NorthHalf(N1/2)oftheSouthWestQuarter(SW1/4)ofBlockFive(5),inStubbins’ Addition to the Town of Britt, Hancock County, Iowa, commonly known as 365 2ndAvenueSouthwest,Britt,IA50423(the “Property”) The petition further prays that the mortgage on the above described real estate be foreclosed, that a special execution issue for the saleofasmuchofthemortgagedpremisesas isnecessarytosatisfythejudgmentandforotherreliefastheCourtdeemsjustandequitable. Forfurtherdetails,pleasereviewthepetitionon file in the clerk’s office. The Plaintiffs attorney isBrianR.Hazel,ofSouth&Associates,P.C.; whose address is 6363 College Blvd., Suite 100,OverlandPark,KS66211. NOTICE THE PLAINTIFF HAS ELECTED FORECLOSURE WITHOUT REDEMPTION. THIS MEANS THAT THE SALE OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY WILL OCCUR PROMPTLY AFTER ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNLESS YOU FILE WITH THE COURT A WRITTEN DEMAND TO DELAY THE SALE. IF YOU FILE A WRITTEN DEMAND, THE SALE WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL TWELVE MONTHS (OR SIX MONTHS IF THE PETITION INCLUDES A WAIVER OF DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT) FROM THE ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS YOUR RESIDENCE AND IS A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING OR UNTIL TWO MONTHS FROM ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS NOT YOUR RESIDENCE OR IS YOUR RESIDENCE BUT NOT A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING. YOU WILL HAVE NO RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THE SALE. THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE WILL BE ENTITLED TO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY. YOU MAY PURCHASE AT THE SALE. You must serve a motion or answer on or before 18th day of March, 2015, and within a reasonable time thereafter file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for Hancock County, at the county courthouse in Garner, Iowa.Ifyoudonot,judgmentbydefaultmaybe renderedagainstyouforthereliefdemandedin thepetition. Ifyourequiretheassistanceofauxiliaryaids or services to participate in a court action becauseofadisability,immediatelycallyourDistrict ADA Coordinator at 641-494-3611. If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942. By: CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Hancock County Courthouse 855 State Street, P.O. Box 70 Garner, IA 50438-1637 IMPORTANT: YOUAREADVISED TO SEEK LEGALADVICEATONCETOPROTECTYOURINTERESTS. Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, and Feb. 25, 2015 Proceedings: Hancock Co. Daisy Huffman phone number City Clerk/Finance Officer's NAME phone number 1,209,950 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Garner City of 6:15 pm 515-583-2342 I Estimated Amount To Be Raised By Taxation 232,683 540,858 436,409 0 0 0 0 0 FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 - ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 , Iowa The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Budget at H NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET ESTIMATE Form 631.1 FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 - ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 City of G Leader 669.25 -Supplies -Supplies 1,800.00 -Bat 240.00 Dehart, Michelle-A/R Reward 59.76 Gifts Sew Sweet-Shirts 303.42 Hancock County Ag Society-Trophies 40.00 Hauge, Paul-Concessions 631.32 Heartland Diner-Honor Roll 180.19 Herff Jones-Diploma/Covers 771.38 Hewett Wholesale Inc-Concessions 546.79 -Concessions 379.16 -Concessions 468.61 J.W.Pepper & Son Inc.-Supplies 18.24 Jostens, Inc-Ms Yearbook 808.00 Martin Bros. Distributing Co. 425.64 -Concessions Next Generation Technology-Supplies 24.99 Northern Lights Foodservice 46.35 -Concessions Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers-Pop 190.76 -Pop 192.24 -Pop 544.68 Rieman Music-Resale 99.33 Superior-Showboard Co.-Posterboard 427.70 West Hancock General Fund-Travel 68.50 -Travel 30.00 -Travel 270.00 West Hancock School-Nutrition-Reimb 313.62 Fund Total: 11,646.74 Checking Account Total: 11,646.74 SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND 76.34 Aguilar, Sharon-Ipers Refund Anderson-Erickson-Milk 2,909.55 Britt Food Center-Food 25.08 Crowder, Kristie-Refund 4.40 Earthgrains Co-Bread 609.20 Godfather’s Exterminating-January 135.00 Keck, Inc.-Commodities 505.17 Martin Bros. Distributing Co.-Food 7,295.40 -Non Food 1,206.89 Fund Total: 12,767.03 Checking Account Total: 12,767.03 OPERATING FUND 358.74 Baker & Taylor Inc.-Books Buns, Mona-Travel Exp 32.03 Central Iowa Distributing, Inc-Supplies 418.40 Constellation-New Energy-Natural Gas 828.49 Crescent Electric Supply Co-Supplies 116.12 Culligan-Supplies 82.46 Dept. Of Administrative Services 400.00 -Flex Benefit Halvorson Trane-Service 2,387.84 Heiman Fire Equipment, Inc.-Service 229.00 ISEBA-Insurance 2,405.09 Iwireless-Cell Phone 20.94 Kinseth Plumbing And Heating-Service 347.00 Mechanical Air Systems Co.-Service 1,120.00 -Service 1,580.00 -Service 292.50 Perfection Learning-Books 276.83 Pritchard Auto Company-Supplies 462.40 R & M Plumbing-Supplies 8.00 West Music-Music 51.85 Fund Total: 11,417.69 Checking Account Total: 11,417.69 ACTIVITY 95.00 Collison, Rich-Official Emmetsburg High School-Entry Fee 72.00 Graham, Matt-Official 95.00 Redenius, Kim-Hosp. Room 36.00 Sanger, Linda-Supplies 29.66 Subway-Sandwiches 129.47 UNI-Scholarship 1,000.00 Vanotterloo, Kevin-Official 95.00 Worlds Finest Chocolate-Fundraiser 672.00 Fund Total: 2,224.13 Checking Account Total: 2,224.13 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 17, 2015 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Florence (Sis) Greiman, Ron Sweers, and Jerry J. Tlach present. Absent: none. The minutes of February 9, 2015 meeting were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Sweers, seconded by Supervisor Greiman and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Accepted the resignation of Edward Berg, North Iowa Area Council of Governments Revolving Loan Fund Committee member. Signed final plans for reinforced concrete box culvert replacement project number BROS-CO41(119)-8J-41. On motion by Supervisor Greiman, seconded by Supervisor Sweers and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Appointment of Jill Kramer to the North Iowa Area Council of Governments Revolving Loan Fund Committee. On motion by Supervisor Greiman, seconded by Supervisor Sweers and carried, the Board authorized the County Auditor to issue checks for the claims on file from February 2 to February 17, 2015 as follows: Absolute Waste Removal,Bldgs 77.91 Advanced Door Systems,Misc 40.00 Advanced Systems, Copier Maint 45.52 Ahlers & Cooney P C,Legal Serv 750.00 Airgas Usa,Welding Supp 228.15 Algona Welding & Machine,Parts 1,655.00 Alliant Energy,Util 12,061.49 Aramark Uniform Services,Misc Exp 80.86 Asaa,Archaeology Book 19.00 Aus Waterloo Mc Lockbox,Misc 90.22 Belinda Rasmuson Oulman, Coroners Case 120.00 Bill’s Family Foods,Suppl 1,071.26 Bmc Aggregates Lc,Granular 11,875.60 Bomgaars Supply,De-Icer/Power Strip 140.27 Brian Roberts,Coroners Case 141.16 Britt Auto Service, Wiper Blades/Dodge Trk 24.00 C J Cooper & Ass’n,Safety 245.00 Calhoun-Burns/Assoc, Bridge Inspection 2,711.20 Card Services,Light Bulb For Projector 59.27 Casey’s Gen Stores,Fuel 101.99 Cataldo Funeral Home, Transport 250.00 Catherine E Butler,Coroners Review 600.00 CCDA/% Scott Nelson,Ccda Membership 40.00 Central Ia Dist, Protective Supp 406.65 Century Link,Ditch Cleaning 2,088.61 Cerro Gordo Co Sheriff,Serving Papers 189.00 Chris Sweers,Rent 250.00 City Of Garner,Water/Sewer 282.69 City Of Goodell,Misc 43.50 City Of Klemme,Misc 45.40 Clarion Distributing,Misc 69.90 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter, Notice Of Completion/Jdd #13-128 38.52 Communications 1 Network,Ph Fees 1,506.46 Continental Research Corp, Cleaning Supp 2,312.22 Cott Systems, Oib Monthly Solution 250.00 County Social Services, Fy 2015 2nd Quarter Request 150,000.00 Culver-Hahn Electric,Misc 30.97 Dave Lane,Shop Tools 166.47 David Solheim,Subsistence 341.66 Dean Hrubes,Dd #116 Mtng/Election 28.00 Deb Engstler,Mlge/Mtng 78.66 Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co,Hd Dater 99.05 Division Of Labor, Elevator Safety Permit 350.00 Dollar General,Flash Drives 52.50 Doug’s Small Engine,Bldgs 279.00 Drivers License Guide Co,Subsc 60.00 Electronic Specialties, Radios 1,991.86 Emery C Schroeder,Local Right Of Way 100.00 Employee Benefit Systems, March 15 Fees/Psf Fund 87,568.40 Family Veterinary Practice, Dog Food/Stray Dog 108.96 Farmers Co-Op Association,Fuel 145.59 Fjetland Pest Control,Misc Exp 47.00 Fleetpride,Parts 375.79 Floyd Co Sheriff,Legal & Court 23.50 Frontier,Misc 46.44 Galls, Flashlight 189.99 Gary Vanden Bosch,Feb Rent 205.89 Glass Solutions,Parts 90.00 Hancock Co Auditor,Dd #116 Pstge 146.63 Hancock Co Coop Oil Co,Misc Exp 18,351.73 Hancock Co Extension,Leadership 2015 75.00 Hancock Co Health System,Safety 2,301.11 Hancock Co Sec Road Dept, Repair Dd 3,390.00 Heartland Construction Group, Eng Supplies 130.00 Heartland Power Coop,Misc 8.04 Heath’s Comp Repair, Comp Serv 405.00 Heiman Fire Equip,Safety 87.00 Hiway Truck Equip, Parts 120.00 Hudson Law Firm, Legal Serv/Jdd #25-27 120.00 Huney- Vaugen Ct Reporters, Legal/Court 181.71 Hunt’s Electric, Replacement Bulbs 441.42 I & S Group, Prof Services/Dd #25-27 1,308.65 Ia Co Recorders Ass’n,Educ/Trng 220.00 Ia Dept Of Public Safety, Jan/Feb/Mar Terminal 1,533.00 Ia Dept Transportation,Eng Equip 195.48 Ia Emergency Mgmt Ass’n, 2015 Iema Membership 150.00 Ia Narcotics Off Ass’n, 2015 Conf Regist Membership 740.00 Ia State Ass’n-Counties,Isac Spr Conf 750.00 Iaccvso,2015 Spr Sch Regist 60.00 Idda,Sch/Mtng Fees 30.00 Imagetek, Storage 41.40 Iowa Dnr,(5) Well Permits 125.00 Isaac Paul,Jdd #37-39 (2 Beaver Tails) 82.70 Jason Lackore,Cust Serv 578.05 John Deere Financial,Parts 114.70 Jon Hollatz,Crop Damage/Jdd #13-128 816.00 K & H Coop Oil Co.,Fuel 5,676.23 Kr Construction,Bldgs 17,874.20 Kramer Hardware, Suppl 265.54 Level 3 Comm, Ph 202.54 Lynell Kohlmeyer,Mlge 184.58 Mail Services, Mv Notices 332.11 Marco Inc,Jan Maint Cont/#9358-03 191.33 Mark Iii & James E Miller, Crop Damage Dd 8 East Main 17.22 Marshall Co Sheriff,Room & Board 2,100.00 Mat’s Place,Inmate Meals 390.00 Maxyield Coop,Gasoline 8,136.42 Maxyield Cooperative,Fuel 607.84 Melvin Wellik,Dd #116 Election Exp 37.20 Menards,Hand Tools 892.18 Mercy Medical Center=N Iowa, Autopsy/Drug Panel 734.01 Mid-America Publishing Corp,Notice Complet Hearing/Dd #13-128 & L5 971.92 Mid-States Org Crime Inf Cent, 2015 Membership Fees 100.00 Mph Industries, Radar Remote 310.17 Nbs Calibrations,Eng Equipment 164.00 North Iowa Media Group,Legals 922.62 North Iowa Printing,Suppl 1,133.30 Office/Auditor Of State, State Audit Filing Fee 625.00 Officemax Contract, Office Supplies 111.67 Ollenburg Motors, Mv Serv 509.60 Paul Smtih,Local Right Of Way 100.00 Petro Blend Corporation,Filters 1,656.12 Polk Co Treasurer,Med Exp Fee 161.30 Pomp’s Tire Service, Tires/Tubes 13,068.00 Postage By Phone,Pstge 700.00 Postmaster - Sec. Road,Pstge 98.00 Powerplan,Parts 5,603.34 Prairie Energy,Util 398.27 Prairie Energy Cooperative,Util 334.76 Presto-X,Misc Exp 53.06 Pritchard Auto Company,Parts 387.27 Pro Parts Of Iowa,Headlight Bulb 5.03 Ron Sweers,Mlge/Mtngs 57.96 Ruth Melby,Jan Mlge 35.42 Sandra Mireles,Jan Mlge 103.96 Scott Johnson,Crop Damage/Dd #8 Lat 627.72 Secretary Of State/Notary Publ,Notary 60.00 Sioux City Foundry Co,Blades 1,406.90 Society Of Land Surveyors, Sch/Mtng Fees 275.00 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co,Lumber 50.87 Staples Credit Plan,Off Supp 62.33 Staples Credit Plan, Computer Ink/Stapler 98.47 State Medical Examiner, Autopsy/Toxicology/Histology 1,680.00 Steve Anderson, Reimb/Mlge/Well Water Conf 387.48 Swenson’s Hardware,Parts 522.12 Sylvia Brunsen,Mlge/Mtng 78.20 Synohrony Bank,Env Educ Supp 100.87 Tammy’s Pharmacy,Presc/Inmate 65.84 Terry Flick,Shop Tools 133.75 The Sidwell Company,Gis Work 5,860.00 Tracy L Marshall,Mlge/Dist 2 Mtng 34.50 Trulson Auto Parts,Parts 1,960.57 Tyler Technologies, Version X Tax Property 500.00 U.S. Cellular,Cell Phones 881.45 Waste Management Of Wi-Mn, Rural Drop Offs 2,894.00 Waste Management/S R,Misc 104.44 Wellik Implement, Parts 1,057.08 West Payment Center,Jan Data Base 273.46 Winnebago Coop,Cry Lk Pk Phone 140.32 Winnebago Industries, Env 165.43 Xerox Corporation,Mach/Fixtures 118.17 Ziegler, Parts 915.50 Grand Total 399,899.84 No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 12:45 p.m. by Supervisor Sweers and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on February 19, 2015. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Jerry J. Tlach, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 6 The Leader • Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES / COURTHOUSE Public Notice Proceedings IN THE JUVENILE COURT FOR HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE TO: Tina Williams mother of H. C. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that case number JVJV001051 is a Termination of Parental Rights matter pending in this Court. You are further notified that a hearing has been sent in the District Courtroom of the HANCOCK County Courthouse, Garner, Iowa, on March 20, 2015 at 10:30 AM. You are further advised that you have the right to be represented at the hearing by counsel and appear in person; in the event you are financially unable to employ counsel, the Court will, upon application, appoint counsel for you. STATE OF IOWA JUDICIARY Case No. JVJV001051 County Hancock Case Title IN THE INTEREST OF HARLEY COSTNER If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at . (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942.) Date Issued 02/03/ 2015 01:24:56 PM Clerk of Court of Hancock County Jeanne Zwald Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, Feb. 18 and Feb. 25, 2015 HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 9, 2015 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Ron Sweers and Jerry J. Tlach present. Absent: Florence (Sis) Greiman. The minutes of February 2, 2015 meeting were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Sweers, seconded by Supervisor Tlach and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Set March 16, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. as the time and date for a bid letting for the tile repair of Drainage District #7 Lateral 28 and Branch 60, BBR 179. No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 11:03 a.m. by Supervisor Sweers and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on February 17, 2015. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Jerry J. Tlach, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Sheriff Sale CITY OF CORWITH COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015 The Corwith City Council met in special session in the council chambers at city hall on Tuesday, February 17, 20015. Mayor Wagner opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were Hobscheidt, Spellins, Petersen, Nall and Poage. Absent: no one Poage moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Spellins. Vote: All in favor. Due to the attendance at the meeting the meeting was moved to the City Library. Mayor Wagner opened the meeting with an overview of the school tour and report conducted by FEH Associates Inc. from Des Moines. After reviewing projected cost to convert the newer portion of the CWL School to a community center, Wagner added it will require a community effort to make it work. He then opened the floor for council comments: Hobscheidt wanted to know where the money would come from, Nall question the cost for heating and cooling installment in an old structure compared to a new building. Petersen wanted to know how the city would pay for it and added the city has other projects that will need updating which will have a direct effect on the people in the community. Poage and Spellins both raised question on cost and funding for this type of project. Thoughts, ideas and comments were taken from people in attendance. Poage moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Petersen. Vote: All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Mayor City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR HANCOCK COUNTY STATE OF IOWA NATIONWIDE ADVANTAGE MORTGAGE COMPANY VS KELLY J. MCDONOUGH, FKA KELLY J. GANSEVELD AND STATE OF IOWA Iowa Disrict Court Hancock County Case# EQCV019375 Civil# 15-000093 Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court of the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate described below to satisfy judgment. The Property to be sold is LOT THREE (3), EXCEPT THE NORTH 16 FEET THEREOF, AND ALL OF LOT FOUR (4), IN BLOCK TWENTY (20), IN KLEMME’S FIRST ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KLEMME, HANCOCK COUNTY, IOWA Property Address: 319 S. 2ND ST., KLEMME, IA 50447 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date 04/01/2015 Sale Time 10:00 Place of Sale HANCOCK COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 855 STATE ST, GARNER, IA 50438 This sale not subject to Redemption. Judgment Amount $38,952.38 Costs $1,647.93 Accuring Costs PLUS Interest $707.01 Sheriff’s Fees Pending Attorney: DAVID R. ELKIN 315 EAST FIFTH ST, STE 5 DES MOINES, IA 50309 (515) 244-3188 Date: 02/18/2015 Scott E. Dodd Hancock County Sheriff Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25 and March 4, 2015 Proceedings: Corwith CITY OF CORWITH COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015 The Corwith City Council met in regular session in the council chambers at city hall on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Mayor Wagner opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were Hobscheidt, Spellins,Petersen, Nall and Poage. Petersen moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Poage; Vote: All in favor. Poage moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Spellins; Vote: All in favor. Nall moved to approve the financial reports, seconded by Poage; Vote: All in favor. Nall offered Resolution No. 1000. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE JANUARY, 2015 CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,403.80 (thirty-nine thousand, four hundred three dollars and eighty cents) seconded by Petersen. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hobscheidt, Spellins, Petersen, Poage, and Nall; Nays: None. JANUARY, 2015 CLAIMS Payroll For January 6076.78 Allient Energy-Utilities 12/12-1/16 806.33 City Of Corwith - Utilities 1933.17 Prairie Energy-Current 22124.78 Pitney Bowes-Postage 201.00 Wellmark-Dental Ins 107.12 Avesis-Vision Ins 14.24 Avesis-Vision Ins 20.20 Wellmark-Dental Ins 86.41 Abc Locks-City Hall Door 304.95 Acco-Liquid Chlorine 555.30 Ag Source-Water/Sewer Tests 89.00 Baker & Taylor-Books 97.51 Baker & Taylor-Dvds 61.20 Card Services-Paper 23.97 Case Credit-Mounting Rods 9.90 Center Point Large Print-Books 99.28 Communications I-Ph 2/1-2/28 193.58 Corwith Farm Service-Supplies 5.25 Dewaard, Lucille -Annual Lease Payment 125.00 Electronic Engineering -Pager Rep/Batteries 128.95 Feld Fire-Straps 240.00 Fletcher Reinhardt-Connectors 30.75 Hach Company -Sodium Reagent/Chlorine 243.34 Hilbert, Donna-Reimb Cleaning Supplies 32.97 K & H-Fuel 223.45 The Penworthy Comp.-Books 111.92 Waste Management-Monthly Garbage 42.75 Fed/FICA Withholding 1856.84 IPERS 1202.76 Iowa State Bank-Note Pyment 1308.10 Sales Tax 1047.00 Total January Claims $39,403.80 PWA reported that the new heater in the fire station had been installed correctly. Clerk reported that the post office currier vehicle will be parking behind the library. No one spoke during public forum. The clerk will follow up with the city attorney on a nuisance. Kent Morton from Mort’s Water Company spoke to the council on a city pump and well inspection program. Council will review and discuss at next month’s meeting. Petersen offered Resolution No.1001. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CORWITH FARM SERVICE LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL, seconded by Spellins. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hobscheidt, Spellins, Petersen, Poage and Nall; Nays-None. Mayor Wagner appointed Rich Fish as Corwith Fire Chief and Tim Glawe as Assistant Chief. Motion made by Nall seconded by Ho- bacheidt: vote Ayes-Hobscheidt, Petersen, Nall and Poage Nays-Spellins. Iowa Codification has a draft of the City of Corwith updated Ordinance book, which will be available for review in the Clerk’s office. Many of the changes are directed by new legislative rulings. Council will take action on it next month. Cindy Kohlhaas spoke to the council on City and Memorial Park electrical hook ups, preparing for the Memorial Day Celebration. Nall and Wagner will contact Hunt Electric for estimates. The Committee Club has offered a donation to help with the proposed incurred cost. Clerk reviewed the ME-1 Electric Report with the council. Hobscheidt offered a motion to accept the report seconded by Poage. Vote all in favor. FEH Associates Inc. Architecture & Structural Engineering, Ben Long did the school walk through on Wednesday-February 4th. Mr. Long requested the blue prints of the structure which Mayor Wagner had received from Tom Frey a couple months prior. The clerk has been notified the report will be available on Friday, February 6th. Council will have a special meeting on February 17th @ 6pm on the CWL School building and property. The Clerk presented this year’s budgeted transfers to the council. Hobscheidt offered Resolution No. 1002. A RESOLUTION AUTHORZING THE CLERK TO TRANFER FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS, seconded by Poage. Roll call vote Ayes Hobscheidt, Spellins, Petersen, Nall and Poage. Nays-none. Clerk then reviewed the budget for FY15-16. Mayor Wagner set Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 6:15 pm for the public hearing for the FY1516 budget. Nall offered Resolution No. 1003. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE FY 15-16 BUDGET, seconded by Poage. Roll call vote: Ayes- Hobschiedt, Spellins, Petersen, Nall and Poage. Nays-none. No one spoke during public forum. Mayor & Council comments: Mayor Wagner asked anyone with expertise in any area as Corwith prepares for the Memorial Day Celebration to step up. Many volunteers will be needed, and at future meeting the Community club will present a map showing which streets they will ask the council to block off the celebration. Nall had been approached by individuals in the community on why we don’t have cat licenses. Petersen and Hobschiedt stated they had been approached in the past and determined it would be too difficult to police. Petersen asked the mayor why the clerk was not present at the meeting in Mason City this past week. Since it had been the request of the council to have the clerk present at meetings. Council wants the mayor and council to work together and keep the communication open. Poage asked who was present at the tour of the school. Mayor Wagner, City Clerk, Ben Long, and Tom Fey, council was under the impression that the tour would be conducted by Tom Fey with one else present. Mayor informed the council when questions were asked they were answered, and the tour went well and Ben Long seemed very professional, he took pictures of the facility and took the blue prints back with him which they will be returned upon completion on the report. Nall moved to adjourn, seconded by Poage; Vote: All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Sheriff Sale NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR HANCOCK COUNTY STATE OF IOWA FIRST STATE BANK, BRITT, IOWA VS COURTNEY J. BRANDOW; HOMEWARD, INC. Iowa Disrict Court Hancock County Case# EQCV019363 Civil# 15-000108 Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court of the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate described below to satisfy judgment. The Property to be sold is THE WEST SIXTY (60) FEET OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER (NE 1/4), BLOCK NINE (9), STUBBINS’ THIRD ADDITION, BRITT, HANCOCK COUNTY, IOWA Property Address: 637 CENTER STREET WEST, BRITT, IOWA 50423 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date 04/01/2015 Sale Time 10:30 Place of Sale HANCOCK COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 855 STATE ST, GARNER, IA 50438 This sale not subject to Redemption. Judgment Amount $43,026.80 Costs $3,090.41 Accuring Costs PLUS Interest $228.96 Sheriff’s Fees Pending Attorney: EARL W. HILL 35 MAIN AV S BRITT IA Date: 02/18/2015 Scott E. Dodd Hancock County Sheriff Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25 and March 4, 2015 Sheriff Sale NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR HANCOCK COUNTY STATE OF IOWA CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING LLC VS AMANDA S. GODINEZ Iowa Disrict Court Hancock County Case# EQCV019336 Civil# 15-000042 Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court of the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate described below to satisfy judgment. The Property to be sold is LOTS 13 AND 14 IN BLOCK 6 IN ANDERSON’S ADDITION TO BRITT, HANCOCK COUNTY, IOWA Property Address: 68 2ND STREET SOUTHEAST, BRITT, IA 50423 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date 03/18/2015 Sale Time 10:00 Place of Sale 68 2ND STREET SOUTHEAST, BRITT, IA 50423 This sale not subject to Redemption. Judgment Amount $$65,699.36 Costs $2,999.07 Accuring Costs PLUS Interest $10,893.62 Sheriff’s Fees Pending Attorney: 6363 COLLEGE BOULEVARD OVERLAND PAARK, KS 66211 (913) 663-7600 Date: 02/04/2015 Scott E. Dodd Hancock County Sheriff Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 18 and Feb. 25, 2015 Notice to Bidders NOTICE TO BIDDERS DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 7- Lat. 28 & Br. 60 – 179 1. Sealed bids will be received by the Auditor of Hancock County at her office in Garner, Iowa, until 10:00 o’clock A.M. on March 16, 2015 for the various items of construction work listed below. 2. A Certified check, made payable to the County, or a Cashier’s check, made payable to either the County or to the contractor, drawn upon a solvent bank or a bid bond, shall be filed with each proposal in an amount as set forth in the proposal form. Cashier’s check, made payable to the contractor, shall contain an unqualified endorsement to the County signed by the contractor or his authorized agent. Failure to execute a contract and file an acceptable bond and certificate of insurance within 15 days of the date of the approval for awarding of the contract, as herein provided, will be just and sufficient cause for the denial of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guarantee. 3. Plans, specifications and proposal forms for the work may be seen and may be secured at the office of the County Auditor or Drainage Engineer. 4. All proposals must be filed on the forms furnished by the County, sealed and plainly marked. Proposals containing any reservations not provided for in the forms furnished may be rejected, and the County Board reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids. 5. Attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering the qualifications of bidders and subletting or assigning of the contract. 6. Repairs to Drainage District No. 7-Lat. 28 & Br. 60 – 179, located in Section 30-T97NR23W Ellington Township. 7. Proposal Guarantee – 10% Bid – Maximum $10,000 – Bid Bond acceptable. 8. Type of Work - Repair Item 1 - 12” Concrete Drain Tile (Reinforced) 2,000 Lin Ft *Alt Item 1 – 12” Smooth Interior Corrugated Pipe (*Perf. HP Storm-Polypropylene) 2000 Lin Ft Item 2 -12” Equalizer 2 Each Lump Sum Item 3 -Fill Placement over Tile Lump Sum Item 4 -Existing Tile Connections 8 Each Item 5 – Crushed Rock Bedding 130 Ton Item 6 – Tile Exploration (as per Engineer) 100 Lin Ft *The Hancock County Board of Supervisors will determine whether concrete tile or plastic tile will be used. Bidders may bid either concrete or plastic alternates or can bid both alternates. 9. Completion Date - June 1, 2015 10. Starting Date – After contract is signed. Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Proceedings The Kanawha Reporter, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page 4 Proceedings: West Hancock Board of Directors REGULAR MEETING WEST HANCOCK BOARD OF DIRECTORS February 16, 2015 The West Hancock Community School Board of Directors met in regular session in the West Hancock Board room. Burgardt, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Burgardt, Deutsch, Quastad, Kumsher, and Chizek. Absent: Carlson, Johnson Others present: Supt. Kronemann, Bd. Sec. Buns, Prin. DeHart, Prin. Verbrugge, Prin. Peterson, Stacey Goepel, Tim Clark, Scott Huffman, Dave Eisenman, Ed Wineinger and Allison Ullman – Britt News Tribune Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Quastad, to approve the items listed under the consent agenda 2.0. Carried: 5-0. Administrator and Director reports were given. ASAP and Fine Art presentations were discussed. Motion by Quastad, seconded by Chizek, to approve Josh Eisenman as the head HS baseball coach. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Chizek, to approve Bob Dodge as a HS volunteer track coach. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Quastad, seconded by Kumsher, to approve Nikki Pals as the Asst. MS girls track coach. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Quastad, to set the board meeting date and the budget hearing date for March 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the West Hancock Middle School Computer lab. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Quastad, seconded by Kumsher, to approve the lowest bid by King Construction for the cost of $480,750 for the transportation center. Carried: 5 -0 Motion by Quastad, seconded by Chizek, to approve Chosen Valley Testing, Inc. as an official Inspector for the bus barn project. At a cost of $3083.00. Carried: 5-0 Director Chizek, introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Deutsch, seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was: Deutsch, Chizek, Burgardt, Kumsher, AYES: and Quastad; NAYS: The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REDEMPTION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2011, DATED MAY 4, 2011, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 FOR THE REDEMPTION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2011, DATED MAY 4, 2011 Motion by Kumsher, seconded by Quastad, to approve the Mason City Glass bid for the North entry doors at the HS. Carried: 5-0 Motion by Deutsch, seconded by Kumsher, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Jay Burgardt, Board President Mona Buns, Bd. Secretary OPERATING FUND Alliant Energy-Electricity 794.55 -Electricity 15,050.00 First Citizens National Bank -Fica Ltd Wirtz 474.70 West Hancock-Cash-Postage 51.69 Fund Total: 16,370.94 Checking Account Total: 16,370.94 ACTIVITY American Cancer Society -Coaches Vs Cancer 1,799.05 Barkhurst, John-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 Dahle, Tony-Official 95.00 Dingman, Dan-Official 95.00 Eckenrod, Tom-Official 95.00 Fett, Daniel-Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 Freesemann, Collin-Official 95.00 Garner-Hayfield Comm. School -Entry Fee 60.00 Halstad, Tony-Official 95.00 Harter, Mike-Official 95.00 Henn, Greg-Official 95.00 Hoffert, Casey-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 ICDA-Honor Choir 24.00 Iowa High School Athletic Directors’ -Convention Fee 85.00 Kumsher, Paul-Official 75.00 Lacey, Bryan-Official 95.00 Lake Mills Booster Club -Coaches/Cancer Shirts 120.00 Mclaughlin, Bob-Official 95.00 Nelson, Paul-Official 95.00 -Official 75.00 North Butler-Entry Fee 80.00 Robbins, Ken-Official 95.00 Ruter, Steve-Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 St Edmond High School-Entry Fee 100.00 Steege, Nathan-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 Tellier, Kevin-Official 95.00 -Official 95.00 Thompson, Todd-Official 95.00 Walderbach, Kurt-Official 95.00 Whitmire, Earl-Official 75.00 -Official 75.00 Wintermote, Rusty-Official 95.00 Fund Total: 5,408.05 Checking Account Total: 5,408.05 OPERATING FUND Advantage Administrators-Flex Benefits 70.20 AEA 267-Work Study 3,830.50 Ag. Max Partner, L.C., Maxyeild -Oil 55 Gal 767.80 -Oil 30 Gal 399.90 -Supplies 573.30 -Grit 67.50 -Gas Unit 303.40 621.27 -Diesel Units 872.04 2,587.48 Airgas North Central-Cylinder Rental 74.58 Algona Community School Dist. -Sp Ed L3 13,201.21 -Gen Ed Cost 1,008.00 Anderson-Erickson-Supplies 77.53 Aramark Uniform Services, Inc.-Supplies 9.65 Britt Chamber Of Commerce -Membership 50.00 Britt Food Center-Supplies 83.58 -Bal From Dec 49.99 Card Center-Repeater Fee 100.00 -Background Check 15.00 Century Link-Phone 148.49 -Phone 93.81 City Of Kanawha-Water/Sewer 30.22 -Water/Sewer 193.47 Communications 1 Network-Phone 322.56 Deseret News-Supplies 1,000.00 Dhs Cashier 1st Fl-Medicaid 3,751.17 Don’s Truck Shop Inc.-Parts 265.90 Engstler, Duane-Physical 50.00 Forest City Comm. School Dist -Level 1 5,084.10 -Level 2 7,081.20 -Open Enrollment 472.50 -Open Enrollment 170.10 -Open Enrollment 9,181.50 Fort Dodge Steel, Inc-Supplies 77.82 Francis, Paul-Parking 60.00 Garner Farm & Home Center Inc -Level 1 4,629.60 -Gen Ed Cost 3,902.40 Gifts Sew Sweet-Staff Shirts 93.80 Grove, Tim-Service 49.53 Healthworks-Drug Screening 55.00 Interstate Motor Trucks-Parts 101.56 -Parts 95.51 Iowa Assoc. Of School Boards -Conv Fee 185.00 -Conv Fee 185.00 Iowa School Finance Information Services, ISFIS-Budget Workshop 200.00 J.W.Pepper & Son Inc.-Supplies 9.64 -Supplies 15.34 -Supplies 17.15 Kaeser Blair Incorporated-Supplies 160.84 Mason City Community School -Level 2 5,249.16 -Gen Ed 412.20 -Shared Teacher 9,382.45 -At Risk 1,800.00 -At Risk 105.00 Menards-Mason City-Supplies 449.40 Mid-America Publishing Corp-Publication 36.80 NASCO-Supplies 27.94 Next Generation Technology-Chargers 182.00 -E Rate 57.38 -Supplies 159.98 -Tech 4,750.00 -Tech 4,750.00 NIACC-Inservice 50.00 North Central Coop-Gas Units 101.43 196.62 -Diesel Units 461.35 1,420.47 North Iowa Media Group-Publication 325.79 -Publication 325.79 -Credit (292.41) Oriental Trading Company, Inc.-Supplies 74.24 Plank Road Publishing, Inc.-Supplies 40.40 Rayhons, Sandy-Asap Travel 448.50 -Mileage 48.16 Schleusner, Emma-Reimb Training 45.00 School Health Corporation-Supplies 3.80 Staples Advantage-Supplies 244.98 Swenson’s Hardware-Supplies 1,903.29 -Supplies 113.96 Terhark, Karie-Asap Travel 448.50 -Mileage 86.24 Thomas Bus Sales Of Iowa-Parts 132.72 Timberline Billing-Medicaid 281.16 Trulson Auto Parts-Supplies 64.47 Uni-Supplies 75.00 Ventura Garner Hayfield -Open Enrollment 1,530.25 Visa-Asap Supplies 376.54 -Asap Travel 665.40 Waste Mgmt Of Northern Iowa-Garbage 60.14 -Garbage 994.73 Fund Total: 98,296.75 MANAGEMENT FUND Specialty Underwriters LLC-Insurance 156.38 -Insurance 1,397.32 Fund Total: 1,553.70 Checking Account Total: 99,850.45 CAPITAL PROJECTS Waggoner & Wineinger-Architect 4,000.00 Fund Total: 4,000.00 Checking Account Total: 4,000.00 ACTIVITY Anderson-Erickson-Milk 32.80 Britt Food Center-Concessions 1,090.45 Coralville Marriott Hotel-Motel Ad Conv 434.56 Decker Sporting Goods-Hats 539.00 -Supplies 669.25 -Supplies 1,800.00 -Bat 240.00 Dehart, Michelle-A/R Reward 59.76 Gifts Sew Sweet-Shirts 303.42 Hancock County Ag Society-Trophies 40.00 Hauge, Paul-Concessions 631.32 Heartland Diner-Honor Roll 180.19 Herff Jones-Diploma/Covers 771.38 Hewett Wholesale Inc-Concessions 546.79 -Concessions 379.16 -Concessions 468.61 J.W.Pepper & Son Inc.-Supplies 18.24 Jostens, Inc-Ms Yearbook 808.00 Martin Bros. Distributing Co. 425.64 -Concessions Next Generation Technology-Supplies 24.99 Northern Lights Foodservice 46.35 -Concessions Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers-Pop 190.76 -Pop 192.24 -Pop 544.68 Rieman Music-Resale 99.33 Superior-Showboard Co.-Posterboard 427.70 West Hancock General Fund-Travel 68.50 -Travel 30.00 -Travel 270.00 West Hancock School-Nutrition-Reimb 313.62 Fund Total: 11,646.74 Checking Account Total: 11,646.74 SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND 76.34 Aguilar, Sharon-Ipers Refund Anderson-Erickson-Milk 2,909.55 Britt Food Center-Food 25.08 Crowder, Kristie-Refund 4.40 Earthgrains Co-Bread 609.20 Godfather’s Exterminating-January 135.00 Keck, Inc.-Commodities 505.17 Martin Bros. Distributing Co.-Food 7,295.40 -Non Food 1,206.89 Fund Total: 12,767.03 Checking Account Total: 12,767.03 OPERATING FUND 358.74 Baker & Taylor Inc.-Books Buns, Mona-Travel Exp 32.03 Central Iowa Distributing, Inc-Supplies 418.40 Constellation-New Energy-Natural Gas 828.49 Crescent Electric Supply Co-Supplies 116.12 Culligan-Supplies 82.46 Dept. Of Administrative Services 400.00 -Flex Benefit Halvorson Trane-Service 2,387.84 Heiman Fire Equipment, Inc.-Service 229.00 ISEBA-Insurance 2,405.09 Iwireless-Cell Phone 20.94 Kinseth Plumbing And Heating-Service 347.00 Mechanical Air Systems Co.-Service 1,120.00 -Service 1,580.00 -Service 292.50 Perfection Learning-Books 276.83 Pritchard Auto Company-Supplies 462.40 R & M Plumbing-Supplies 8.00 West Music-Music 51.85 Fund Total: 11,417.69 Checking Account Total: 11,417.69 ACTIVITY 95.00 Collison, Rich-Official Emmetsburg High School-Entry Fee 72.00 Graham, Matt-Official 95.00 Redenius, Kim-Hosp. Room 36.00 Sanger, Linda-Supplies 29.66 Subway-Sandwiches 129.47 UNI-Scholarship 1,000.00 Vanotterloo, Kevin-Official 95.00 Worlds Finest Chocolate-Fundraiser 672.00 Fund Total: 2,224.13 Checking Account Total: 2,224.13 Published in The Kanawha Reporter on Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015
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