Implementing A-Level Reform: Preparing for Delivery Thursday 26th February 2015, in London and Friday 20th March, in Leeds 10.15 Registration & Morning Refreshments 11.00 Chair’s Introduction Alan Barham, Consultant, Swale Academies Trust 11.05 Morning Session - The new A level structure, content and assessment An overview and clarification of the reforms to come How to prepare teachers for the transition: the timeline to September 2015 Planning for linear assessment: the end of modular examinations and changes to AS The cap on re-sits: what this means in practice for you, your colleagues and students The impact of new A levels on university applications and admissions Advising students which subjects and qualifications to choose for their circumstances Examination vs non-examination assessment: A culture change The impact of co-taught A level/AS levels on curriculum & lesson planning Curriculum content changes: the intention behind what our young people will be learning The progression from GCSE to A level: how the reformed qualifications fit together Preparing to teach core maths to all students Bethany Caines, A level Reform Team Leader, Department for Education Senior Representative, Ofqual Margaret Farragher, Head of Policy and Qualifications, UCAS Paul Teulon, Director of Admissions, King’s College London 13.00 Networking Lunch 13.45 Afternoon Session - Preparing for change and anticipating the consequences Sharing examples of best practice in preparing for reform The future of AS level qualifications in your school Structuring the curriculum to meet your students needs Preparing your colleagues and students for the linear assessments Mike Hill, Deputy Principal, City of Stoke Sixth Form College Richard Tipler, Assistant Principal - 6th Form, Trinity Academy Halifax 15.30 Chair’s Summary & Event Close Event Page - London | Event Page - Leeds For more information contact [email protected] | 020 7593 5741 Booking Form - A Level Reform Pricing (excl. VAT) Standard Pricing £225 per delegate or £175 for two or more places (per place) + VAT Exhibition For sponsorship & exhibition opportunities please contact Guy Evans-Tipping on 0207 593 5741 Delegate Details Delegate Name Position Email London 26 Feb ‘15 (tick as required) Leeds 20 March ‘15 (tick as required) 1. 2. 3. 4. Total number of places: Booker Details Name: Position: Organisation: Address: Telephone: Email: Method of Payment - please tick Please invoice my organisation for £ ……… + VAT (at 20.0%) Quote P/O No: If you have a Westminster Briefing Loyalty code please enter it here: I wish to pay by credit card VISA, MASTERCARD OR AMEX /GPC card Name on Card: Credit/GPC Card Number: Valid From: Expiry Date: 3-digit Security Code: Telephone Number of Cardholder: Invoice Details - if different from above Name : Position: Organisation: Cost Centre Code: Address: Email: ACCOUNTS Telephone: I/We agree to notify you of all cancellations and changes in writing no later than 30 days prior to the date of the event. I/We further agree to pay £75 administration charge per place on cancellation. If registration or cancellation is received less than 30 days prior to the date of the conference the full delegate fee is payable, however a substitute may be sent. PLEASE NOTE WE INVOICE UNDER THE NAME “DODS PARLIAMENTARY COMMUNICATIONS” Signed / Name: Date: Please return by fax to 020 7593 5501 or by email to [email protected]
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