MOT your career Money matters

MOT your
How to avoid blowing the
budget at your next event
How to get 2015
off to a flying start
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Our new year’s resolution for 2015 is to keep
bringing you a magazine packed full of expert advice,
news and interviews on the topics that matter to you.
Over on page 56 we asked members of our reader panel
to share their new year’s resolutions with us.
If you need a little inspiration to get you started we
have plenty. Whether your goal for this year is to boost
your brand (see page 33 for a great feature on sorting
out a professional photo of yourself), work better with
technology (page 23 will keep you posted on the latest
trend for wearable technology) or make your budgets work
harder (find out how the experts organise budget-friendly
events on page 38) we can help.
And if your main aim this year is to get noticed for your
hard work in the office flip straight over to page 12 where
we have some exciting news about the 2015 Executive PA
Magazine Awards. There’s never been a better time to put
yourself forward for the industry’s most prestigious award –
so do it now while your resolve is high!
See you next issue
Cora Lydon, Editor, [email protected]
Russell Peacock
Solutions Publish LTD
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London, EC4V 5BD
Buxton Press
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January/February 2015
08 PA Profile
We think most readers will be envious of Lucinda
Sherriff’s role – for she is a PA at that great British
institution The Royal Opera House
16 The change game
Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday – but when
it comes to work it can be daunting when things evolve
in the office
33 Headline headshots
As personal branding becomes ever more important, we
take a look at headshots – do PAs need them, do you
need a professional and how to get the right shot
38 Money matters
We have some expert advice for avoiding blowing the
budget when you start organising your next event
54 PA Vs PA
This issue two PAs go head-to-head to tell us about their
working lives – both working in the charitable sector
43 Executive PA Magazine reader events
We have some fantastic events lined up this issue so do
come along and meet us
12 Executive PA Magazine Awards
We catch up with the PA of the Year to find out what
she’s been up to in the last three months, as well as the
Newcomer of the Year plus news about the 2015 awards
Find out what our social media-connected PAs are
discussing on Facebook or keep up-to-date with us
through Twitter, LinkedIn or via
Executive PA Magazine
Executive PA Magazine |
06 In box
34 Venue menu
All the news, views and information you need
28 Visa regulations
They’re ever-changing but as a PA with a travelling boss it’s
down to you to keep on top of visa regulations and ensure
your boss is able to go where they need
Find out about what’s happening in venues across the country
36 Five of the best golfing venues
Mix business and pleasure with one of these excellent
golfing resorts
51 Executive PA Magazine reader reports
Did you join us at an Executive PA magazine reader event?
This issue we report back on one of our most recent events
30 New year, New York
Bye bye 2014 and hello the Big Apple! Over in New York,
there’s plenty of new hotels and venues to meet your needs
23 Technofile with Tim Stackpool
2015 is the year for wearable tech – it won’t be long before
your clever watch deals with your email, enables you to
check flight times and more
24 Office solutions
Executive PA magazine explores some of the products that
should be in your office
52 MOT your career
Ready to get the new year off to a flying start? We’ve got
expert advice and tips whether you’re job hunting, angling
for promotion or just want a workplace boost
56 Reader panel
We get opinions from Executive PA Magazine readers – this is
your page for your thoughts
58 Career
News, views and essential information for boosting your career
Keep up to date with the latest news surrounding the role of the PA
Mariah Carey Vs
her former PA
And you thought your boss was bad. Mariah Carey’s
former Personal Assistant has filed a lawsuit against
the singer following the diva’s demands. The former
PA claims that she had to work an average of 16
hours per day, for six to seven days a week – with no
overtime paid. She alleges that she didn’t get a
break during those long days, not even for lunch.
Protecting your
health at work
Research by Bupa has found that a fifth
of UK workers blame their commute in
to work for back, muscle or joint pain –
but it’s not just your journey into work
that can cause problems. Thanks to mobile technology more of us are working
on the move in awkward positions.
Here’s how to ensure you stay healthy.
If you are a nomadic worker – that
is you often work on the go – you
probably haven’t had a workplace
assessment for health and safety.
Research found only 46 per cent of
nomads have had an assessment but
it’s crucial for protecting yourself.
Speak to your boss to find out what
can be done to assess your needs.
If your role is desk-bound you may
be failing to take time away from the
desk. If you can set a timer or reminder
to stand up and go and get a cup of
water every hour you’ll stay hydrated, as
well as give yourself a much-needed
short break.
Don’t be afraid to ask your company
for specialist equipment that will
help stave off musculoskeletal problems.
A desk lamp, wrist support, foot rest,
PC riser or document stand can all
help make your working environment
far more comfortable.
If you regularly hot desk always
take a few minutes at the start of
the day to set up your workstation so
it suits your needs. Adjust the chair,
position of the mouse and phone.
Avoid working late too often. Not
only is it bad for morale, performance and stress but research from the
Finnish Institute of Occupational
Health found that people who work
more than 48 hours a week are more
likely to develop a dangerous relationship with alcohol.
want more
Just one in five employees has been contacted by their
employer about changes to pensions, according to
Portus Consulting. The UK’s pension revolution is due
to launch in April and the research also found that more
than a third of UK workers would welcome guidance
from their company into retirement planning.
UK workers
According to research by Investors in People, six in
10 UK workers aren’t happy in their current roles. It
also found a 10 per cent increase in the number of
people saying they’re considering moving jobs. Lack
of job satisfaction (48%), pay (44%) and feeling
valued (30%) were the most common reasons cited
for feeling fed up.
Obama’s PA tells all
The former PA to President Obama will be
publishing his tell-all book this February.
Reggie Love’s book will be an account of
his time spent with the President, recounting
the innumerable private moments between
the pair. Love started his Washington career
in the mailroom of then-Junior Senator
Barack Obama, but swiftly rose through
the ranks as his boss did. Publishers Simon
and Schuster have billed the book as a
professional coming of age story like no
other. Look out for Power Forward.
Cabs made easy
Where planes and trains have gone, minicabs are
following. The days of PAs having to ring round for
quotes for minicab services are long gone with the
arrival of The website and smart phone
app enable you to compare and book quotes from
over 500 licensed cab operators across 40 UK cities.
© Alet van Huyssteen and the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Nelson Mandela’s PA
writes a best-seller
Confex hits London
Connecting event organisers with an exciting line up of venues, destinations and event
support services, International Confex will
once again be returning to London. Taking
place at Olympia on the 18-19th February
the show is a must-attend for PAs who are
involved in event organising. As well as
the opportunity to explore the exhibitors’
stands there is also a free-to-attend seminar
programme lead by inspiring keynote
speakers, with a key focus on technology,
innovation and the international arena.
Plus there’s the opportunity for PAs to
access a range of networking opportunities
over the course of the two days including
drinks receptions, VIP lunches, sponsored
events and the central networking bar
which is always packed.
For more details and to register to
attend visit
What have you done today? Amongst the tasks I’ve done today was book a trip
to Asia for one of my bosses and a trip to South
America for the other, prepared various meeting
packs for next week, had a conference call with
colleagues regarding a large event taking place in
April, carried out research and compiled various
reports, worked on business unit objectives and
attended a meeting to take minutes.
What’s in your top drawer?
All sorts of small stationery items (pens, pencils,
stapler etc), calculator, keys, business cards, mints,
paracetamol, plasters, hand lotion and a stress ball.
© Nick Boulton/Destiny magazine
It dominated the Sunday Times Bestseller List, and now figures published
by Nielson have named Zelda la
Grange’s memoir of her time working
as PA to the late Nelson Mandela, as
the best-selling book of 2014. Taking
a gross income of R15million, Good
Morning, Mr Mandela sold 11,000
copies a month since June, while the
Afrikaans edition sold 20,000 copies.
Kelly McAulay, Executive Assistant,
William Grant & Sons Ltd
What do you love about your job?
No two days are ever the same but I guess we all say
that! Working for more than one person means the
work I am involved in is so diverse and fast paced
and I also have the opportunity to work on some
fantastic projects and learn from some inspirational
people. It can be a very challenging role but I just
love the responsibility.
What’s your new year’s resolution for your career
in 2015?
Continue professional development in the broadest
sense and continue to network with other PAs.
Continue to develop the internal PA network I
launched in November but also to maintain high
standards of excellence to support my Execs and
the business in achieving their strategic goal.
Using social media can decrease your
stress levels – especially if you’re female.
A study from the Pew Research Centre
found that regular Twitter, Facebook
and Instagram posts can lower levels
of stress in women by 21 per cent.
Surprising, but it sure sounds like a fun
way to keep stress in check.
Would you know your La Traviata from your Swan Lake?
Well, for EA Lucinda Sherriff it’s all part of her role at one of
Britain’s greatest institutions, the Royal Opera House
HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED to work somewhere
that is brimming with cultural talent and a place where you never
know who you are going to bump into just around the corner?
Then you’ll be impressed by Lucina’s role as Executive PA to
Alex Beard, CEO of the Royal Opera House. It’s here where some
of the greatest opera and ballet stars have trod the boards – but
what really happens behind the big red curtain?
Lucinda started working for the ROH in 1987. “I answered a very
small ad in Monday’s Guardian for junior secretary to the Assistant Director,” she explains. “He was promoted to opera director after six months and I went with him as his PA.” Lucinda
then left to work for Harrison Parrott, the artist agency, and then
went to be with IMG and the English National Opera – gaining an MA in Arts Management on the way. She returned to the
ROH in 2004 in the position of PA to the Creative Director of
ROH2, who at that time was responsible for the contemporary
programming in the Linbury Studio Theatre.
“People have big expectations of the Royal Opera House as
a British Institution,” confirms Lucinda. “They feel a great sense
of pride and ownership. Patrons have been coming here for more
than 40 years, and other people who walk in the door for the
first time get that wow factor. It reminds us of how lucky we are
to be working here alongside people who also have a huge passion for the building and the work we do here. It has a wonderful
family feel with the main goal of getting the shows on stage and
the curtain up on time,” she says of the role. “There is always
a buzz of anticipation.”
In 2006 Lucinda became PA to the Director of Operations and
in 2010 became Executive PA to Tony Hall, the former Chief
Executive. During his last three years at the ROH, he was also
Chair of the Cultural Olympiad and also a member of the House
of Lords, so juggling skills were in demand!
Tony Hall left to become Director General of the BBC in April
2013. Lucinda supported Sally O’Neill as Interim Chief Executive before Alex Beard took up his position in September 2013.
“The transition was relatively easy, partly because both bosses
have such a strong passion for the organisation and are great
communicators, despite their different workings styles,” comments Lucinda. “The fact they are hugely supportive makes a
big difference. It has also been a great opportunity to look at
the organisation in a new and fresh light.”
PAs are great communicators by nature and it is sometimes
easy to get a little bit star struck on the phone when you realise
you are speaking to, say, the Head of the Olympic Committee or
No 10 Downing Street. Professionalism is something that a PA
should always have, believes Lucinda. “Everyone who calls the
office has a reason for doing so and receives the exact same degree
of professionalism and care – a balance between being friendly
and efficient, and sometimes taking the time just to listen.”
Dedication is something that is a big part of any job that you
do. “When working for such an amazing organisation you have
to deal with some of the day job encroaching into your own time
in the evening. Looking after guests and organising events are
all part of the job when you are working for the CEO.” But
Lucinda admits that she also gets to attend a few events as well,
just one of the highlights of working at the ROH. “There are
many evening events which require my boss to attend and often
host. These include sponsors coming in or our Patrons or individual donors. I help co-ordinate events and entertaining
with colleagues but only attend a few – mostly of my choosing!”
Not many PAs can boast about the fact that they work in such
a beautiful building – and one that is a tourist hotspot too, butt
© Francesco Guidicini courtesy of the Royal Opera House
Above Alex Beard, CEO
of the Royal Opera House
there both in schools and the local community with a Community
Chorus and a Youth Choir, and have started building a new Costume Centre which will house 20,000 costumes,” she enthuses.
“It’s absolutely worth a visit – we do regular tours of the Park.”
When choosing a career path in a specific industry you must
have some idea of what you are getting yourself into and a knowledge of what you are talking about to people is always incredibly advantageous. Lucinda was fortunate enough to study music
at school and at University in Australia, sang with the Sydney
Philharmonic and attended the Australian Opera as part of their
student scheme. Her music teacher was a huge fan of Britten and
Wagner so Lucinda was introduced to the Ring Cycle and Britten choral and opera music whilst at school. Up until recently
Ballet has not been an art form Lucinda would have chosen but
now she is a complete fan of the Triple Bill – an evening made
up of three different ballets, often contemporary works.
So taking in account all of the above and the parts of the day
that Lucinda has to be involved in you’d imagine there’s
plenty of competition for what she considers her favourite part
of the day. Watching Ballet from the wings? Hearing tenors and
sopranos warm up their vocal chords? None of them cut the mustard, she says, it would have to be getting coffee from Gino in
the staff canteen! It seems most of us could not survive without our daily caffeine fix.
sfor Lucinda, this perk comes with its own demands – namely a FINALE
venue that is busy year-round. “It is a really busy venue, both with
our own activities and commercial hires such as the Baftas, GQ
Man of the Year and conferences. It is common knowledge that
the ROH is funded by government, donors and philanthropists
etc and it is a business and has to be commercially viable,” she
says. “The building has to be utilised at every opportunity to raise
money from commercial ventures to contribute to the overall
financial model, particularly as our government subsidy gets
squeezed.” Each year the venue sees more than 650,000 visitors
every year – many from foreign destinations, but there’s a high
ratio of staff on hand to ensure every visit is a success. Staff and
artists total around the 1,000 mark, including 96 dancers of The
Royal Ballet, 100 musicians of the Orchestra of the Royal Opera
House, 40 people in the Royal Opera Chorus – not to mention
international artists like Placido Domingo, Sir Simon Rattle and
Angela Gheorghiu who visit.
Life at the ROH has created numerous career highlights, but
for Lucinda, what really stands out is seeing how the Royal Opera
House has changed so dramatically, even in just the past five
years. “The ROH never stands still, it moves with the times; in
2009 we did our first cinema screening of Don Giovanni to 45
screens and now we’re in 40 countries,” she comments. She also
cites the ROH’s activities in Thurrock as being a real stand-out
time of her career. In December 2010, Royal Opera House Thurrock was built, as the previous ROH production facility had to
be relocated due to London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Lucinda was involved right from the very first
initial meetings back in 2006 to determine where the set and
scenery building workshop could move to.
The result is rightly something to be proud of. “There is the
most amazing partnership project in Thurrock at the High House
Production Park with the Bob and Tamar Manoukian Production Workshop at its heart. “There’s also a Backstage Centre for
the training of young people for the live theatre and music industries, we have a huge learning and participation programme out
Maintaining a role like this and keeping your cool are all part
of the professionalism it takes to work with a CEO who is constantly juggling his diary, outside commitments and events. And
to make sure that no ball is dropped and every task attended
to, takes skill – particularly communication. Says Lucinda: “Make
sure you build a good working relationship with your boss and
colleagues and get to know how other departments within the
organisation work. Be friendly and open.” And perhaps the challenge that faces us all: “The use of technology has been the greatest change,” comments Lucinda. “It is evolving so quickly and
we’re just in the middle of a complete renewal of all our systems
so it’s important to keep up with technology, spend time learning new tricks and ways of communicating. Particularly in this
role, it is still so important to keep the personal touch and use
the phone or go down the corridor to talk to a colleague.”
“I am extremely lucky to have this role and I love what I do,”
Lucinda says, as she wraps up our conversation. “There is nothing
that I would change and if you ever want to get into this line of work,
keep pursuing your dreams and have a love of what you do.” E
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From EA to
extraordinary EA
Katrina Arratoon, EA at
Just Eat, is the PA of the Year
– and in her first piece for
Executive PA Magazine she
recounts the whirlwind three
months since winning
The 7th and 8th October 2014 were two
of the craziest days of my life. I was on holiday with my school friends; we’d all flown
in from Bangkok, Sydney and London to
unite in New York City. We had organised
a week together, but on finding out I’d been
shortlisted for Executive PA Magazine: PA
of the Year, I cut my holiday short and in
total spent just six hours with my
friends. Needing to make the most of it,
they arrived into NYC on Tuesday 7th
October at 12.30am, we met at the hotel bar
and propped it up until I jumped in a cab
at 5am to make my 7.30am flight back. I
arrived back in to London Tuesday
evening not having time to let the nerves
affect me – I was too exhausted!
I wrote a to-do list for Wednesday 8th:
9am: wake up / breakfast
Practise presentation
11am: get nails done
Decide what to wear for presentation
Practice presentation in outfit
3pm: give presentation
5pm: get hair done
6pm: get ready for the dinner
Win (hopefully!)
Chill out
Those two days whizzed past in a jetlagged/nervous energy infused blur.
Winning the award was such a
moment of elation, honour, satisfaction
and validation. It was an incredible
moment where my value as an Executive
Assistant was being recognised by the
industry and my peers. A memory I’ll
always cherish.
Time flies
It’s now been three months since I won,
almost hard to believe how quickly time
has gone. But when I think about everything that happened since then, it’s easy
to see where the time has gone.
In early November, my boyfriend and
I went on the holiday that came as part
of my award win to sunny Abu Dhabi. We
had a fabulous time, particularly enjoying
the desert safari, riding camels, dune
bashing, and eating delicious traditional
food. A real highlight for me was having
henna tattoos painted on my hands. We
flew with Etihad Airways and stayed at the
luxurious Rosewood Abu Dhabi and so it
really was a five star trip.
The day after arriving back I had my
first Executive PA Magazine reader event
at the Arcelor Mittal Orbit, Olympic
Park. I was a bit nervous at first but everyone I met was so encouraging and supportive, so I quickly relaxed in to it,
giving a quick presentation and meeting
some lovely readers.
Gaining recognition
Soon after that, the November issue of
Executive PA Magazine was out. It was
surreal to be on the cover and to read the
spread written about me. My bosses
were so proud, but of course took the
opportunity to wind me up and ask if I
still had time for them in my life!
A journalist who was writing a piece for
Wired Magazine asked me to road-test a
few keyboards for iPads and tablets. I gave
my opinion on which had best functionality, value for money, durability and
most importantly, looked cool. It made me
realise I could really use one!
I’ve got lots coming up in the next
three months, including a visit to our
Toronto office, and Just Eat’s annual
World Meeting in London in January.
I’ll also be speaking at an Ernst and
Young Executive Secretarial meeting
and graduation. The next Executive PA
magazine reader event is at Sadler’s
Wells in March. I’ll be giving my presentation on The Strategic Value of the
Modern PA and looking forward to meeting more amazing PAs. See you there,
please come and say hi! E
Nominations open for 2015
We’re excited to announce that nominations for the
2015 awards are now open. So if you or a colleague truly
has what it takes to be our next big thing place your
nomination! You can find more details about the awards
and how to enter at
Meet the 2014
Newcomer of the Year
Laura Evans certainly wasn’t expecting to be joining us at the 2014 awards –
let alone stepping up to collect an Executive PA magazine award. After all
she was in the dark that her boss had even entered her By Karen Glaser
By her own happy admission, Laura
Evans is a quiet person. She doesn’t like
to be the centre of attention and is certainly not the type to enter industry
awards which, almost by definition, say:
look at me.
So Laura fully understands why, when
her boss entered her for last year’s Executive PA Magazine Awards, she did so in
total secrecy. Had Laura found out she
would most likely have asked her to
withdraw the application.
Luckily for both parties, Laura only
discovered her boss Leandra GrahamHibling’s benevolent scheming when
she had already beaten off tens of other
candidates and made it onto the 2014
Newcomer of the Year shortlist, sponsored
by Applehouse. At this point in the stiffly
fought competition, nominees are
required to submit a CV and as Leandra
didn’t have Laura’s to hand, she had to ask
her for it. “It meant she had to come clean
because, naturally, I wanted to know
why she wanted it!”
In it to win
At which point there were two shocks for
the executive support officer at St Leger
Homes of Doncaster, which provides
housing services across the South Yorkshire town. “I was shocked that she’d
entered me and equally shocked to be
shortlisted,” says Laura.
Her surprise was hardly warranted.
Since joining St Leger Homes in her late
teens, Laura’s rise in the company has
been swift: in four short years she has
gone from making tea and ordering stationery to organising the company director’s diary, among other responsibilities.
Right Sheilendra Tomar
(Applehouse) with
Laura Evans, Newcomer
of the Year 2014
“I had read the magazine
for years, but never
once thought of
nominating myself.”
Last year, for example, she represented the
company’s board of directors on an interview panel.
“It was incredibly daunting. I had
never done anything like it before,” recalls
Laura. “I went on an in-house training
course on the do’s and don’ts of interviewing candidates and that was it, the
rest was down to me on the day. I work
very closely with the board so I guess they
thought I knew what would make a good
fit for the company.”
A natural PA
It demonstrates, too, of course, why her
boss thought she’d be a good fit for the
title of Newcomer of the Year. Above all
else, the recipient of the prestigious
award must demonstrate outstanding
potential: you don’t ask a PA to represent
your company at board level if you don’t
consider she has that quality in spades.
Winning the award means that Laura’s
self-belief now almost matches the belief
that others have so strongly in her. “On
the night itself, I simply felt shock at having won. I went to the podium to collect
the award and, with a very red face, just
about managed to say ‘thank you’. I certainly wasn’t composed enough to make
a speech,” she admits.
Laura also got to enjoy a stay at the
Jumeirah Carlton Towers plus received
two tickets for the show of her choice –
and she opted for The Lion King.
“Over the ensuing months the significance of my achievement has slowly
sunk in: I have won a national competition.
It is the first one I have ever entered and
I got first prize. I had read the magazine
for years, but never once thought of nominating myself. It sounds silly now, but I
sort of presumed that if you came from
somewhere like Doncaster and weren’t PA
to the likes of Richard Branson, there was
no point. How wrong I was.” E
Promotional feature
Payne and Gunter at The BRITs
The live music event of the year combined with the finest hospitality
team – Payne and Gunter is off to the BRITs for another year
On 25th February UK audiences will
be tuning into The BRIT Awards 2015 –
and 14 years after they last hosted the
show, Ant and Dec will be back on stage
to oversee the proceedings. But while it
will be the duo’s job to ensure a smooth
evening, there’ll be an army of over 700
whose job it is to ensure the celebrities
and guests in attendance enjoy an outstanding meal to match the stellar performances they’ll be treated to.
While the likes of Paloma Faith, George
Ezra, Take That, Ed Sheeran and Sam
Smith will be warming up their vocal
chords backstage, 60 highly-skilled chefs
will be busy in the kitchens bringing the
menu to life. Putting in over 2,300 manhours, the hospitality team – including
Below and below left
Payne and Gunter dishes
from the 2013 BRIT awards
more than 550 front-of-house employees,
the chefs, a 40-strong management team
plus seven lorries of catering equipment
– has created a mouth-watering menu.
Get the tastebuds tingling
About Payne
and Gunter
Payne and Gunter is a business of
Levy Restaurants UK, and has recently
achieved new venue listings including,
Alexandra Palace, The O2, Old
Billingsgate and Black Canvas Collection
as well as contract renewals at Roundhouse, Kensington Palace, Hampton
Court Palace and Hedsor House.
You might be tucking into a take-away as
you watch the live show – but at the O2
they’ll be enjoying the finest cuisine. Jealous, us? Well, seeing as we had the absolute
pleasure of experiencing first hand the
exquisite dishes served up by Payne and
Gunter at the Executive PA Magazine
Awards, you’d better believe it!
Payne and Gunter’s length and
breadth of experience is unrivalled; a testament to this is that for more than 10
years, Payne and Gunter has been the
accredited caterer and integral producer
for the esteemed BRIT Awards. Comprising the catering operations from
inception to execution, to designing the
tables and chairs, Payne and Gunter also
caters backstage bars, in addition to
fully servicing the after-party bars.
At one of the most high-profile events
Williams holds the record for the
most BRIT awards; 12 as a solo
artist and five as part of Take That.
within the music industry, Payne and
Gunter’s team delivers a three-course
meal to 4,000 guests before the cameras
start rolling and the awards are transmitted live to the nation.
Logistically speaking
Some may see this 75 minute window as a
logistical challenge, but with months spent
planning every detail, the Payne and Gunter
team work with the BRITs to ensure the
brief – ‘an elegant and stylish menu using
seasonal British produce with a twist’ – is
meticulously thought-out and executed. Over the years dishes have included a
trio of woodland mushrooms – a morel terrine; girolle tart with tarragon cream;
porcini soup and white truffle and cheese
straw for starters, to a main of British fillet of beef with shin of beef tortellini, curly
kale and baby carrots on white bean and
truffle purée topped with parsnip crisps.
Last year’s theme and menu development was based on Alice in Wonderland’s
mad hatter’s tea party, so no matter what
the brief is, Payne and Gunter deliver.
The front-of-house team supports the
brigade of 60 chefs in the kitchen. The
collective sense of camaraderie is
born from a group of highly-experienced
and committed people with a passion for
delivering above and beyond. The professionalism of the team is underpinned
by its innate understanding of the live
events sector. © JM Enternational
© JM Enternational
year’s BRITs trophy has been
designed by none other than
Tracey Emin – who’s gone for
pastels and soft shapes.
The 2014 menu:
1 132kg of Jerusalem artichokes
A growing event
During the last decade the event has
grown in size and is now hosted at The O2
in London. It is one of the few venues that
can accommodate seated dinners for more
than 4,000 guests as well as VIP areas,
media lounges and broadcast areas plus
1 2,500 rumps 1 160kg of shoulder of the finest British lamb 1 120 litres of English double cream 1 4,000 bespoke, handmade tiny dark chocolate
cups and teaspoons
space for those working behind the scenes.
Payne and Gunter is well-versed at creating kitchens that work and, in this instance,
is able to fulfill the requirements of multiple dining areas. In addition to the main
arena, the Diamond Dining hospitality
space is swiftly transformed into the exclusive after-party venue.
“We always strive to exceed expectations and every guest experience is important to us,” said Bethan James, Operations
Director at Payne and Gunter. “The BRITs
is a high profile event and with strict timings before the cameras roll, it’s our job to
cater for the guests seamlessly. On the
night I’m so focused on ensuring our
teams are delivering great food and service within the allocated time, I don’t always
recognise the celebrities!”
While we may not be able to get you
a golden ticket to this amazing event, we
can offer you the opportunity to sample
the BRITs menu for yourself – take a look
at page 45 for your chance to attend an
exclusive reader event hosted by Payne
and Gunter. E
The change game
There you are going about your job as you always do when suddenly it hits
you – BAM – redundancies are announced, a new IT system is implemented or an
office move is mooted. How does a PA cope with the unexpected, asks Maria Fuller
Being a PA – and so typically in the
know across all areas of the company –
doesn’t alter the fact that changes outside
of your control can occur at any time, and
they can have a negative effect upon your
well-being unless you learn to deal with
them head on.
Future projections
In 1999 OfficeTeam embarked on an
ambitious project called ‘Office of the
Future 2005’ to identify major trends and
technologies shaping the administrative
profession. How well did they predict the
future? OfficeTeam’s key predictions for
change were:
1 Employees will use multifunctional
wireless technology to do their jobs from
virtually anywhere.
1 Computers will be faster, more powerful while becoming lighter, smaller
and less expensive.
1 There will be major advances in areas
such as wireless connectivity, voice recognition, real time video conferencing and
digital communication devices.
1 Smart phones will combine the best
features of mobile phones with those of
handheld computers.
1 An increasingly mobile workforce
will depend on administrative assistants
to act as ‘ground control’ ensuring the
smooth flow of information.
1 Admins will take on additional work
tasks such as internet research, desktop
publishing and web page development.
OfficeTeam’s forecast, back in 1999,
proved to be particularly insightful and
much of that vision has become a reality
in today’s workplace. Businesses have
identified tech changes in WiFi, 3d printing and smart phones and have managed
and implemented the changes required
in order to improve their efficiencies inhouse. But have you, personally, stepped
up to the line and embraced changes in
your workplace?
Taking charge
If the idea of change fills you with dread,
and you were reluctant to part with your
old Nokia 3310 with the green and black
screen, then it’s time to face those demons
and encompass a bit of ‘change management’ into your psyche.
Tom Hallett of advises
“Change is routine in today's workplace.
And, no matter what you do, you probably can’t – or shouldn’t – try to stop
it. However, you can choose how you react
to it. If you can embrace and cope with
change, you'll be valued highly in your
organisation. You'll be seen as a flexible
and adaptable team player, and this reputation can open up many opportunities.
If, however, you consistently resist change,
you'll be seen as ‘part of the problem’, and
you'll get left behind.”
Set for success
A simple reference guide to use, when facing your own personal change demons,
is Dawn Stanley’s RISE model:
1 Realisation: The ‘light-bulb moment’ –
knowing and accepting that change is
needed, and committing to it – knowing
what you want to change.
1 Investigation: Developing clarity about
what, why and how change can happen.
1 Substitution: Out with the old, in with
the new – creating conscious change.
1 Embedding: For change to be effective
and long lasting it needs to be transformational. In other words, it becomes so
embedded that it is no longer just what you
do but who you are, without thinking. Also of importance when dealing with
change is the need for information.
Whether a new computer system is being
introduced, you’re being moved into a different department or will be working with
a new client, the more you know, the more
you can handle change. Make it your aim
to find out as much as you can – not only
about what’s changing but also what it
means for your role, how it’s different,
who can help you in the company. Armed
with this information you’ll be able to take
everything that is thrown at you. Show
your colleagues that you’re not shy of
change – you can embrace it! E
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Copthorne Tara
Hotel – Easter offers
Free event theming
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When you come to Butlins for conferences and events, we
make your team shine and now we’re ready to add even
more sparkle to your day.
If you book by 28 February 2015, we’ll provide free styling to
theme your event, created by our bright new partner, Table Art.
Table Art make choosing centrepieces for your event easy.
With styles that are only limited by your imagination you can
have the perfect centrepieces to give your event the WOW
factor you wanted! Centrepieces can be controlled remotely
to set the mood using wireless CRMX Technology allowing
you to change the atmosphere throughout the evening.
At Butlins you can hold any kind of event; a launch or
exhibition for hundreds, or a spectacular gala dinner for
thousands, the scale and variety of our venues surprises
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delegate rate starting from just £129 per person, the added
element of this complimentary styling will be sure to add
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From your initial enquiry to the last delegate leaving, you
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For more information and to talk
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contact the team on 0845 070 4467
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Book your next April event with us between the 1st to
the 30th of April 2015, and take advantage of one of
our following Easter offers.
Should you be hosting a day meeting, you will receive complimentary upgrades of all your tea/coffee breaks from our
standard offerings to themed breaks. For those of us who
need to stay connected, complimentary Wi-Fi access is a
great bonus. Evening dinners and receptions will receive a
complimentary half hour drinks reception (Wine, Bottled
Beer, Juice and Soft Drinks).
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington Overview
Located in the heart of the Royal Borough of Kensington and
Chelsea, the Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington offers
an extremely convenient location, with easy access to many
shops and restaurants, as well as to the popular districts of
Knightsbridge and Notting Hill.
Situated in a quiet residential corner, just minutes from
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guests wishing to visit some of the British capital's greatest
attractions. Nearby places of interest include Hyde Park, the
Royal Albert Hall and Kensington Palace.
The hotel offers excellent customer service, comfortable
guest rooms, bar and restaurants. Guests can enjoy an
authentic Oriental meal at Bugis Street or sample British and
European cuisine at The Brasserie Restaurant and Bar.
For Leisure and Corporate accommodation please send
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Smart Experiences
Free bottle of Champagne with all bookings made by
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Smart Experiences are proud to be an official supplier of
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groups, at some of the most exciting, high profile sporting
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day, you deal with us and only us, meaning we can ensure
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This year, we will play host to the Rugby Captains Dinner,
an exclusive pre event to the
Rugby World Cup 2015. So
why not buy a table hosted
by a captain of the winning
world cup teams and
experience exquisite catering
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Join us at Royal Ascot in
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Smart Christmas
Free bottle of Champagne with all bookings made by
28th February 2015.
Smart Christmas Parties presents a brand new Christmas
venue to the heart of the City. Finsbury Square will play host
to ‘Victoriana’, a Victorian themed Christmas that will knock
your socks off.
Step inside a secret den that welcomes you into the warm
world of a decadent Victorian Christmas. You’ll discover gin
palace bars where mirrors sparkle and decadent cocktails
are served. Gentlemen can visit the shoeshine boy whilst
Ladies can beautify themselves in Dottie’s powder room.
Warm your hands by the crackling fire, where the chestnut
street vendor sells his wares.
Enter the incredible champagne banqueting hall
dripping in Victorian luxury; it is here that a lavish feast will
be served. Experience Champagne Charlie’s Curio Circus
and dance the night away in the midst of a dance floor
showered in gold glitter. Lurking in a corner, the absinthe
fairy glitters in emerald green with a secret surprise for you.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7836 1033
[email protected]
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Wearable technology
Fashion meets function in the latest technology trend, says Tim
Stackpool. This year wearable technology is going to be the buzz word for PAs
Just as the VCR made the Betamax
look like a dinosaur, if recent studies are
to be believed, your trusty tablet or iPad
will feel so last century in the next couple of years. In 2015, the focus is on ‘wearable technology’ that can find you the best
flight, record your favourite TV show,
book a restaurant and take dictation.
One report indicates that by 2018,
annual sales of wearable technology,
such as the Sony SmartWatch and Samsung Galaxy Gear, will reach a cool 485
million. A more conservative result by
Juniper Research forecasts that more
than 100 million smart watches will be in
use worldwide by 2019, with a host of premium brand launches planned over the
next 12 to 18 months.
There are various forms of wearable
technology, the most famous being the
now-withdrawn Google Glass, which was
hoped would be worn like a regular pair
of glasses. Projected onto the glass
was information that only you
could see. Using a series of
voice and touch commands,
the glasses could browse the
internet and locate any information available. Glasses with
the camera built-in could take
photos or be used for face
recognition, which came in
handy should you meet a colleague or client in the street
and couldn’t remember their name,
or what they do. Recently Google
withdrew Glass as a consumer product,
but the company remains committed to
further development within industrial or
medical applications.
New developments
If Google Glass is ever to return to the
consumer world, effort will need to be
made to develop the tech onto regular
looking glasses. Kyle Russell, a software
engineer, famously blogged about being
assaulted for wearing Google Glass in the
wrong part of town. Sony has pre-empted
this, working on another similar ‘wear-
able’. The Sony version is a
small separate module that
clicks onto the side of your
regular eyewear of choice,
transforming them into wearable technology.
With technology and gadgets already being a critical part
of travel for example, that industry is seeing tremendous
opportunities using wearable
tech. Real time flight alerts,
gate changes and weather info
will no longer need to be found
via SMS or email on your phone.
Joakim Everstin, Head of Innovation at Sabre Travel Network
says: “We’re only beginning to
understand the potential for wearables
but there are already some very obvious
uses for it. Google recently said Android
users check their phones on average 125
times a day. Many of these are quick
glances but it’s by these very interactions
that smart watches will start providing a
better experience.”
Future watch
integration with your Android smartphone to receive alerts such as SMS,
email, Facebook Messenger and others.
This can be a less obtrusive way of checking your messages in a meeting by glancing at your watch, rather than obviously
tapping through your phone’s menu. The
‘watch’ also includes fitness features such
as a heart rate monitor, pedometer and distance. The Apple watch includes similar
features with a customisable dynamic face,
so you can choose your style of watchface,
check your appointments, control the
music on your iPhone, remote control the
camera in your iPhone, browse your photos and, of course, ask Siri for assistance.
Some other wristbands have more
specific functions. UV monitoring is
available for those who work outdoors.
Others will tell your TV or set-top-box to
record the show you are watching if it
detects that you have fallen asleep (it uses
sensors designed to diagnose sleep
apnoea). This may lead to a variety of
choice, not only when it comes to finding
wearable tech that matches your outfit,
but the right tech needed in order to assist
with the job you need to do today. E
As for smart watches and wristbands,
these are more discreet and look to be
meeting fashion trends somewhat more
appropriately. Samsung’s offering includes
INFO Tim Stackpool is a technology specialist and
commentator reporting for magazines, TV and radio in the UK,
Europe, USA and Australia. Tim has been an Executive PA
Magazine Australia columnist for seven years.
Above Microsoft Band
Below The Samsung
Gear Smartwatch
Andrea Ashfield looks at some of the essential
kit you should be stocking your office with
Breaking the
tAs every office worker knows, sitting at a computer
for long periods of time can result in aches, pains and
even long-term health implications. To combat this
issue, back pain experts, Bac, has developed specialist
software that will detect when you’re sitting in a
damaging position and remind you to stretch or move
around. The Posture Minder works via webcam and
will also prompt you to take regular breaks and
rehydrate. In addition, it will recommend a range of
exercises to help relieve muscle tension.
On the spot
vNamed as one of the top 10 innovations at EIBTM recently, is an audience engagement platform that makes it easy for
delegates to ask questions and take part in live votes. The webbased application allows event professionals to connect with their
audience and create instant polls there and then, with results
displayed live and updated in real-time. A new event can be
organised in less than a minute, and it works on any kind of device
without the need to download software or register. With high
profile companies including KPMG, Google and Oracle already
taking up the technology, this product looks set to make waves
across the events sector.
Name games
uDesigning branded office essentials such as laptop and
smartphone skins, labels, business cards and wall stickers, is easier
than ever these days, with companies such as Avery Brand & Print
providing simple software that enables you to design and order
your goods online. The company’s removable wall stickers go up
to A0 in size, making them ideal for conferences and events where
instant impact is required. There are plenty of design templates
available to use, as well as a range of free images to drop alongside
your company’s logo.
Extra power
tNew from Boompods, this stylish iPhone charger is
ideal for use on the go, and promises an extra eight
hours of internet browsing time, 40 hours of audio
listening and 10 hours of video use. The open face
design means you can still use your device while
protecting it from bumps and scratches, and it can fully
charge a phone within two hours. Compatible for
iPhone 5 and 5s, the power case is available in dark
grey, light grey and orange.
Online security is vital, but
creating a strong password for every single
account can seem like an impossible task.
This useful programme allows you to safely
keep track of all your details, and it can be
used to store everything from logins to bank
accounts, wills, passports and investments.
The app has a handy password generator to
keep all your information secure, and
promises that every code it produces is as
unique as a snowflake. It can be used with
Windows, Mac, iPhone and Android devices.
Post-it Plus
Taking notes
sTablets and smartphones have many uses
but sometimes a beautifully bound paper
notebook is hard to beat. New from Hartley
& Marks, these colourful Paper-Oh designs
are the handiwork of Nadine Werner and
Wade Berridge, and were inspired by
Japanese origami. “The notebooks are
tactile and flexible – I like books that bend,”
says Berridge. “We’ve gone to extra lengths
to offer what are typically one-of-a-kind
notebooks to a large audience.”
Time saver
tAccording to research by ABBYY, more than 80
per cent of office workers retype content from paper
documents and scanned PDFs because they are
unable to copy and paste the text, leading to hours of
lost productivity and wasted time. Aiming to solve the
problem, ABBYY has developed a PDF transformer
that uses optical recognition server technology to
convert documents into a readable and editable
format while preserving the original layout. The
programme supports 190 languages and can also
protect PDFs using passwords and digital signatures,
making it an incredibly useful tool for busy PAs.
A tidy desk is a tidy mind, but
if your workspace is a sea of
scribbled notes, this app could be just what
you need. Simply take a photograph of all
your Post-its and the app will digitalise
them, enabling you to capture and organise
your ideas and share them with colleagues.
Post-it Plus allows you to arrange and refine
your notes in a variety of ways, and will also
work in conjunction with other applications
including Excel, PowerPoint and Dropbox,
making it an invaluable meeting tool.
Despite its higher price tag,
this task management app is
loved by its users for its ability
to help organise each day on a personal
and professional level. Promising a
completely different approach to other
similar programmes, 2Do allows you to
manage lists, projects and reminders, and it
has a variety of useful features including
the potential to set alerts by location. With
its easy-to-use interface and flexible
capabilities, it’s a great way to help you save
time and get organised. Not cheap, but
worth its weight in gold.
2010 - New York
2014 Des ert saf ari - Abu
2013 - New Cale don ia
Dha bi
2011 - M ila n
2011 at Duba i Confe rence
2010 - M anha
tten, Ne w Yo rk
2010 - Raf fles, Singap ore
2014 at A
2012 - Al Aqar Beach resort
rc el orM it al
2014 Executive PA Magazine keynote at office*
2010 - The Power of the
Now open for nominations
PA, Mayfa ir, Lon don
O rbit
Promotional feature
No.11 Cavendish Square
Situated in the heart of London’s West End, No.11 Cavendish Square is a Grade II
listed Georgian townhouse, which perfectly maintains its original features while
combining them with an exquisite contemporary design
Built in the reign of George III, the
venue has been sympathetically extended
over the years to cater for larger events.
While the major rooms of the historical
part of the house, just like its Palladian
facade, retain many of their original features and have beautiful proportions,
the modern rooms and meeting spaces
offer the most up to date facilities that any
event organiser would demand.
The venue houses 30 event spaces
spread across four floors with several
large lecture theatres, breakout rooms,
boardrooms and a light and airy Orangery
and courtyard garden ideal for alfresco
Its conference suites boast the latest
AV technology and the event spaces are
perfect for product launches, presentations, receptions, dinners and parties.
No.11 Cavendish Square is one of the
few venues in London with outside space.
The courtyard garden features a delightful lush green ‘living wall’ installation and
candle lit water fixture with high wooden
stools and tables for seating. The court-
yard garden is a delightful space in
which guests can relax. Few venues in
central London can boast such a wonderful outdoor area, which is perfect for
an informal drinks reception.
Conference and meeting facilities
include the 248 seated Burdett Theatre, the
Maynard Theatre which can accommodate
up to 140 and the 80 capacity Marlborough
Theatre, with 4 adjacent break-out rooms,
all equipped with the latest AV technology.
The Burdett Suite, adjacent to the
Orangery, is ideal for large conferences,
grand-scale celebrations and flamboyant
entertainment as it can be re-configured
in many ways -providing you with the
freedom to design your event or meeting
the way you want.
The Orangery offers contemporary
style bathed in natural daylight from
the glass ceiling and a delicate citrus
aroma from the orange trees. The spacious, open-plan room provides a stunning setting for receptions, celebrations
and exhibitions.
Situated in the oldest part of No.11
Cavendish Square, the Garden Room
retains much of its Georgian appeal with
high ceilings, ornate fireplaces and beautiful bay windows. The room overlooks
the grandeur of Cavendish Square and is
a superb choice for an intimate wedding
ceremony. On the first floor, the President’s Room again boasts superb views of
the Square and classic period features;
overlooking the Orangery and courtyard
garden the Treasurer’s Room is bright and
stylish space. Both rooms are a popular
choice for board meetings, breakfast
events and intimate receptions.
No.11 Cavendish Square has achieved
the AIM accreditation at Gold level. This
is the mia’s (meetings industry association) highest accolade. It is recognised as
the mark for accredited venues and service providers in the meetings, conference
and events industry. AIM venues are
organisations that uphold quality, professionalism and value for money.
No.11 Cavendish Square is the perfect
venue for meetings and conferences,
product launches, summer and Christmas
parties, private dinners and weddings. E
When it comes to visas, the rules and regulations
change so quickly it can be hard to know what you need
to do to get the boss into the country. Karen Glaser
reveals the tricks for up and coming destinations
IF YOUR BOSS MADE A business trip to Russia on 9
December 2014, you would have had to obtain a letter of invitation from the Russian Foreign Ministry, supply one passport
photo and fill in various forms to get their visa. But had they
travelled a mere 24 hours later, you would have to supply a fingerprint too: on 10 December 2014, Vladimir Putin applied compulsory biometric registration at Russian embassies in the UK,
among other countries.
Meanwhile, a Brit going to Rwanda on October 31 would have
been allowed to stay in the country for 60 days. But if that trip
was made just one day later, the deadline for return to these temperate shores was December 3: Rwandan visa requirements
changed on 1 November 2014.
These are just two recent examples of the ever-changing world
of visa requirements. In some cases, new rules are a response
to political events, but sometimes regulations can change
without any obvious trigger. This time last year, for example,
British travellers to Saudi Arabia had to have two blank facing
pages in their passport. Now, it is fine if the blank pages are not
a double-page spread: Saudi passport control now allows the visa
stamp, and entry and exit passport stamps to be pages apart.
The message? Never assume that business travel visa
requirements are set in tablets of stone, or, indeed, that they are
the same across the globe. Oh, and never keep old passport photos. If a photo is older than six months, many embassies will
reject it – and if the mugshot accompanying a visa application
is the same as the one on your boss’s passport, it generally will
have been snapped more than six months previously. Won’t it?
A significant proportion of the travellers who benefitted from Saudi Arabia’s aforementioned relaxation
in its passport rules were British: the second largest state in the
Arab world is seeing more and more UK business travel, most
of it connected to kingdom’s oil industry.
To get there, your boss will need a letter of invitation from
either the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Chamber of
Commerce. The latter will issue the document more quickly but
if your boss is a woman or of Arab origin, the letter must come
from the former body. In addition, women are required to have
a MOFA document, ratified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
But even with the document in place, be prepared to fail: it is
not unusual for single women to be refused a visa to the only
country in the world that prohibits the fairer sex from driving.
If your visa application is successful, the invitation letter generally allows 30 days in Saudi Arabia and if all information on
the forms is correct will generally be processed within four working days, including the day the embassy receives the application. “But it is absolutely crucial that all information is
accurate,” says Dan Hall, visa consultant at Diversity Travel. “If
it isn’t, the application will be sent back.” And since the invitation letter will be written in Arabic, most PAs won’t know if
any spelling mistakes have been made, warns co-founder of The
Travel Company, Karen Taylor. Finally, passports need to be valid
for at least six months from the date of travel.
Angola’s vast mineral and petroleum reserves have
seen its economy grow at double-digit pace since the
1990s, and oodles of business travel has followed in its wake.
To visit the country, you need to apply for a visa in person on
a Thursday or Friday and collect the document on either a Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesdays, the doors of the Embassy of
Angola in the UK are firmly closed for business.
And there is no one inside the building who can help with
your application once it has been made: all visa decisions are
made in Angola itself. Given that the process takes a minimum
of three weeks and can stretch to eight, and that you have no
access to your passport in the interim, it is advisable for your
boss to have two passports if they are planning to travel to
Angola. “Particularly as the country only issues six-month, oneentry visas – so you have to go through the whole process each
time you travel,” notes Sergey Gritsenko, business development
manager at AnyVisa.
Angolan companies inviting your firm for the first time must
provide you with copies of: their commercial license; their last
industrial tax receipt; their company’s registration.
So, a lot of information to obtain and a long wait for the visa.
In general, it is good practice to get your boss’s visa before you
book the flight: in the case of Angola, it is arguably imperative.
Since 2000, Vietnam’s economic growth rate has
been amongst the highest in the world and, over the
past two years, it has become an increasingly popular business
destination. And provided you have an invitation on headed
paper and a covering letter from your UK-based employer, doing
business here is, indeed, pleasingly, straightforward.
In fact, if you send documentation in advance, you can pick
up your visa on the day of travel. Submit your application online
to the Vietnamese embassy, and then print and send off the hard
copy back. And resist the temptation to use the various online
sites advertising quick-turnaround visas to Vietnam, none of
which are official.
Your boss’s passport needs to have at least six months left
on it after the date of return – in case, says Karen, they fall ill
or suffer some other calamity. And if the trip is longer than 15
days or you are requesting a multiple-entry visa, you will need
an invitation from the Vietnamese Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
British travellers to Turkey have always needed a
visa, but as of 1 January 2015, it has to be the electronic variety: an e-visa. “The idea is that it cuts down on time
waiting at the airport,” says Dan.
The document is valid for multiple stays up to a maximum
of 90 days in an 180-day period. The process is straightforward
but be careful to not stay more than 90 days, cautions Dan. He
knows of cases where business folk have done just that and, consequently, been refused a visa for a second visit in the following six-month period. E
“Never assume that business travel visa requirements are set in
tablets of stone, or, indeed, that they are the same across the globe.”
New Year, New York
With a delegate market worth $5bn, The Big Apple offers endless
scope for business travellers. Andrea Ashfield finds out more
With its dizzying skyscrapers, iconic
museums and fabulous shopping opportunities, New York ticks every tourism box,
and welcomes an impressive 54 million visitors each year. It has plenty to offer business groups, too, and latest research by
official marketing and tourism partnership,
NYC & Company, shows that corporate
travel is on the up, rising from 5.6 million
visits in 2012 to 5.9 million in 2013. Delegate spending is also increasing, with a leap
from $4.7bn to $5bn over the same period.
Alongside China, Japan, France and Germany, the UK is among the top international markets frequenting the city.
New York has an enormous range of
conference venues across its five boroughs, including the Jacob K. Javits
Convention Center, Piers 92 and 94 and
many major hotels. A number of recent
and forthcoming openings are also available for hire, including Tavern on the
Green, a landmark restaurant in Central
Park, which has undergone a major programme of refurbishment and can accommodate between 10 and 1,000 delegates.
There’s also the Queens Museum in
Flushing Meadows Corona Park, which
boasts 100,000 square feet of space and
panoramic views across the city, or Wave
Hill House, a public garden and cultural
centre overlooking the Hudson River. In
2015, One World Observatory will open at
One World Trade Center, offering space
1,250 feet above street level.
Where to stay
“The vast majority of business travellers
will want to stay in Manhattan,” says
Philippe Brown, founder of bespoke
travel company, Brown + Hudson. “Here,
Midtown has the greatest concentration
of hotels and, as many large companies
are located here, it can often be the best
place to stay. However, for a more fun
experience, the southern part of Manhattan can’t be beaten. Whether it’s the
Meatpacking District, the West Village or
the more laidback Lower East Side, these
neighbourhoods provide stunning accom30
modation with exciting options right on
your doorstep. Plus, for those with business down on Wall Street, they’re very
conveniently placed.” If your boss likes to
walk or jog, The Standard Hotel is a
great option, and straddles the High
Line elevated park. Creative, fun-loving
types may prefer the stylish Gansevoort,
while the Crosby Street Hotel in SoHo is
a classic yet contemporary choice.
However, accommodation can be
costly so early booking is advised. “Average room rates currently stand at £168, versus £134 in London,” says Simon Dugan,
director of sales at Ian Allan Travel. “We
advise PAs to make informed choices
around price and location. Pre-paid content available through travel management companies can provide savvy
bookers the opportunity to drive down
cost without compromising on cancellation dates or losing out to non-refundable
options. If you’re on a restrictive budget,
consider less central properties and take
advantage of the subway to avoid midtown traffic. Frequent travellers should
consider the air train available from both
JFK and Newark, both of which arrive at
Penn Station.” E
Ask a PA...
We asked Jill Glist, president of New York-based PA agency,
Lambent Services, for insider recommendations from her
knowledgeable team:
Jill Glist, President, Lambent Services
Restaurant: Riverpark
Conference venue: 10 on the Park at Time Warner Center
Hotel: The Peninsula
Must see: Chelsea Gallery District, start at Paul Kasmin
Geraldine Sheridan, director of client relations, Lambent Services
Restaurant: Keens Steakhouse
Conference venue: Soho House
Hotel: Essex House
Must see: Top of the Rock
Natalia Hernandez, PA, Lambent Services
Restaurant: Dirty French
Conference venue: Regus at 140 Broadway
Hotel: Mondrian Soho
Must see: The High Line
Abigail Neave, PA, Lambent Services
Restaurant: Philippe
Conference venue: Apella Event Space at Alexandria Center
Must see: East River Ferry to see real New Yorkers
Promotional feature
Fresh ideas for you
Packed programme of inspiring industry education
at Exclusively Corporate@IMEX
If you organise corporate meetings or
special events as part of your role, you’ll
be only too aware of the common problem faced by many PAs – inspiration! It
can be easy to fall into an ‘events rut’,
sticking to the same venue and format
due to lack of time or resources to hunt
down new offerings and fresh ideas.
Here’s where Exclusively Corporate@IMEX comes in. As part of leading
global trade show, IMEX in Frankfurt,
Exclusively Corporate is the perfect
opportunity for PAs to expand their
knowledge of organising business meetings and events, as well as meet industry
experts and other professionals.
Taking place the day before the IMEX
tradeshow begins (19 – 21 May in Frankfurt), Exclusively Corporate is a dedicated
education and networking event just for
corporate meeting and event planners.
The event takes place in the beautiful setting of the newly renovated Kempinski
Gravenbruch and runs from Sunday 17
May to Monday 18 May.
As an attendee, you’ll join other corporate meeting planners from across
the world to exchange ideas, share expertise and best practice. Exclusively Corporate begins in style with a sumptuous
‘meet and greet’ dinner on the Sunday
evening hosted by Starwood Hotels &
Resorts, followed by a short networking
breakfast the following day. Following
some time to catch up on work or relax
in the beautiful surroundings, the group
programme kicks back into action with
a fun ice-breaker, followed by a networking lunch and a tailored education
programme. Experts will share their
insight and experience in harnessing
creativity and innovation to create meetings and events with impact – ones that
truly engage the audience, adding significant value to the business with which
they work. There are in-depth sessions on
engagement and technology as well as a
dedicated education strand, Executive
Meeting Forum, for senior corporate
executives with more than 10 years’ experience who manage meetings and event
programmes or departments.
Exclusively Corporate is set to be
the most valuable time you’ll spend out
of the office this year! You can keep upto-date with event management trends
and developments, learn from peers,
make new contacts and discuss a mixed
agenda of relevant hot topics.
Don’t just take our word for it! In a
post-event survey, 84% of attendees rated
the Exclusively Corporate programme as
excellent or good, as one of our previous
attendees explains:
“During IMEX in Frankfurt, I participated in the Exclusively Corporate programme where I heard many interesting
lectures and compared methods and
experiences with other professionals.
During IMEX I had the opportunity to
make appointments with a number of
suppliers that broadened my perception
of the industry and will help me become
more efficient.”
Only corporate meetings and events
buyers, planners and co-ordinators can
attend Exclusively Corporate to ensure
that dialogue remains confidential. However, the chance to meet and do business
with suppliers soon follows when the
IMEX show itself opens on Tuesday 19
May. With over 3500 exhibitors there is
no shortage of new venues, hotels, ground
handlers, event agencies, airlines and
other suppliers to discover. In total,
suppliers from 157 countries are showcased at IMEX, representing a chance to
meet and do business with new contacts from all corners of the world. E
INFO Interested in attending Exclusively Corporate@IMEX?
Visit or email [email protected].
Picture perfect
Been asked to include a photo with your CV? Trying to convey just the
right image with your LinkedIn profile picture? Then you’ll want to take some
professional advice says Karen Glaser
“The images you use to represent yourself are more than just pictures. They are
the first impression someone has of your
experience, skills, credentials and expertise. They reinforce and visually represent
your personal brand. They demonstrate
your career potential – especially if the picture is on your social media profile, business card or company’s website. This is
why a professional headshot is an essential element of every administrative professional’s career toolbox.”
So says US-based PA guru Julie Perrine, founder and chief executive of All
Things Admin and author of The Innovative Admin: Unleash the Power of Innovation in Your Administrative Career.
PA Jennifer Corcoran thinks her
advice is spot on. “We are brand ambassadors for our bosses, our companies and,
of course, for ourselves. Just think of the
impression someone creates when you
look them up on LinkedIn or Facebook
and they have a posted a really amateurlooking picture, or, worse, have one of
those generic cut-outs. It looks like they
can’t be bothered.”
Which is not the impression you
want to give a future employer. It hardly
needs stating that the days of posting
your CV are moribund: nowadays the initial stages of the recruitment process
increasingly take place online and, more
often than not, pics are requested. So,
make sure that the portrait shot you
send your would-be employer is as considered and professional as the written
information you provide.
And make sure that all online images
of you are equally professional, says
headshot photographer, John Cassidy
( “In this digital age,
companies increasingly look at platforms
such as LinkedIn and Facebook when
they recruit, so a PA’s image should always
represent them in the way they want to be
seen – as professional and personable.”
Jennifer, office manager and PA to the
London and global heads of shipping
All pictures © John Cassidy
finance at Credit Agricole, thinks this
means PAs should use the same headshot
on all written literature and social media
platforms. “If a headshot is about brand
building, then the image you present
ought to be consistent.”
And she knows it works. “I have had
people with whom I have only ever been
in online contact, immediately recognise
me at conferences and restaurants. It feels
nice and gives me immediate buy-in.”
Which, says John, proves something
else. “While it is perfectly acceptable to
do some basic retouching such as removing a spot or eliminating stray hairs, it is
important that your professional headshot
looks like you. It’s vital that people recognise you from your photo. The best headshot photographers will be able to capture
a great photo of you no matter how unphotogenic you think you are.”
And if your company is unwilling to
invest the £200 or so those best photographers generally charge for an hour’s session in the studio, Jennifer thinks PAs
should dip into their own pockets. As she
puts it: “it is an investment in you and
your career.” E
In the frame
If you still think you can convey your
personal brand better than a professional
photographer, consider the following when
you set up your shoot:
1 Wear solid colours. Patterns and stripes
distract the eye and block colour doesn’t
date as much as polka dots and plaid.
2 Unless you have ‘winter’ colouring,
avoid wearing black which drains most
people’s complexions. Black also makes
shoulders look disproportionately big in a
3 Lighting should be soft and copious to
smooth out imperfections.
4 Everyone has a better side of their face
and, in general, it’s the one where your
parting falls.
5 Tight crops, including those where the
head is partially sliced off, work particularly
well in headshots: the viewer is forced to
focus on your face.
Want to know the latest venue to unveil a new
look or fling open its doors? Read on....
Art hotel to open
This summer will see the opening of Twr y Felin hotel in St Davids –
the UK’s smallest city. The hotel has been part-converted from a
windmill built in 1806, and it’s been meticulously restored and
extended by the Retreats Group. Set within the Pembrokeshire
Coast National Park, it will have 20 ensuite bedrooms, a bar and
restaurant, as well as an inviting lounge. The new hotel will house a
collection of over 100 pieces of art and sculpture from leading artists
including Mr Jago, Pure Evil, Brendan Burns, Adam Buick and Remi
Ruff. For something special the Upper Tower Suite will offer three
levels of luxury: a spacious bedroom and ensuite on the first level, a
lounge above and a small observatory offering panoramic views
over the St Davids peninsula on the top floor.
New look for
Meet in style
Malmaison Glasgow, housed within a
former Greek Orthodox Church, has
undergone a £1.5million refurbishment
of its event spaces to bring event planners a stylish solution for meetings,
events and more. The recent makeover
means the hotel now has new stylish
private dining rooms, as well as meeting
spaces which have flexible soundproof
room dividers. The space can be set up
for as many as 56 delegates with a variety of table, seating and floor plans.
Plus, thanks to its Business Bespoke
meeting packages, the Malmaison
Glasgow can organise handpicked
extras such as whisky tasting or ghost
stories over dinner.
Whittlebury Hall Conference, Training Centre and
Hotel is starting the new year as it means to go on by
offering customers new-look bedrooms as well as 3times-faster Broadband throughout the property. The
refreshed bedrooms perfectly complement the venue’s
existing corporate spaces, which can host up to 500
delegates. From training suites, through to comfortable syndicate rooms, all of the facilities offer the latest
technology, super-fast internet access and everything
you might need for a successful corporate event.
49 shades
of Grey
To coincide with its 10-year anniversary,
Grade II listed Grey Street Hotel, has
finished the latest stage of a phased
refurbishment. The make over has seen
the 49-bed hotel create a state-of-theart function room which can be arranged
in a range of layouts and provides full
AV connectivity and complimentary
WiFi. And it doesn’t stop there as the
hotel’s owners, The Malhotra Group, has
also announced plans for a modern,
two-storey, 120m2 extension and terrace
on top of the existing building to create
a new space for conferences, a bar, a
café and spa and events space.
Book a private
Hotel Xenia offers PAs state-of-the-art private screening
facilities. The boutique, Kensington-based hotel has a
Living Lounge offering an 84” Ultra HD 3D smart screen,
built-in AV system and laptop and Mac connectivity. The
tech doesn’t stop there as it also has Apple TVs, wireless
microphones, climate control and mood lighting.
New account card
Fit for sports heroes
The Kia Oval – a world-class sporting,
conferencing and events venue – has reopened its Jardine Suite, following a
£200,000 revamp. Formerly known as The
Lambeth Hall, the area’s transformation is
part of an on-going development program.
Situated on the ground floor of the Kia
Oval, the 540m2 suit can host up to 650
guests, can be easily equipped with high
spec digital presentation and AV equipment and includes two dedicated bar areas.
The Kia Oval now has a total of 92 event
rooms and can cater for groups as small as
seven all the way up to large-scale groups
of 800 delegates.
London entertaining
Rocksure has introduced something new to
the corporate entertainment sector with its
newly launched London Property Fund.
Typically a 2-bed, 2-bath apartment in
Central London would set a company back
in the region of £2.5million – and if it’s not
in constant use as a corporate entertaining
option, it could be money wasted. The
London Fund will own a portfolio of four 2bed, 2-bath apartments in different areas
of London, furnished with ample living and
entertaining spaces. An investment of
£245,000 will secure co-ownership of all
four apartments and give an average of 18
nights each year to use the properties. If
companies wish to use any of the properties for additional time they can purchase
more units. The standard service level
offered with the Fund is daily maid service
and access to a professional Concierge
Service – but additional services can be
arranged as required from private chefs to
in-house beauty treatments.
Old English Inns has introduced a business account card
for its 58 hotels. The card can be used to pay for all
expenses – from accommodation and meeting rooms
through to dinner and drinks. Employers will be able to
track expenditure with a monthly statement.
Smart tech
Virgin Hotels has launched a new mobile app named Lucy,
which will complement the guest experience. Through the
app travellers will be able to control the temperature of
the room, order room service, stream their own media to
the room, use their smartphone as a remote control and
access guest recommendations via a chat board.
Prices to rise
PricewaterhouseCoopers is predicting that hotel room rates
are set to rise this year. It says a 3.6 per cent rise in London is
likely, bringing average room rates to £145, while room
occupancy should increase to reach 84 per cent. Outside of
London it predicts an average 4.3 per cent rise in rates to
£65, and occupancy levels to improve to 76 per cent.
Enter The Vault
Well Met Conferencing at Leeds Beckett University has
announced a new addition to its portfolio. Taking bookings
for summer 2015 is The Vault, offering three meeting
spaces in the converted Kirkstall Brewery residence.
New apartments
Oakwood Worldwide has added a 22-unit apartment
building in London to its global portfolio. Oakwood
Marylebone will offer a collection of modern studio, oneand two-bed fully furnished serviced apartments.
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Five of the best: golf venues
Tee off in style at one of these corporate golfing hotels By Andrea Ashfield
Gleneagles, Auchterarder
One of the UK’s quintessential golfing hotels, Gleneagles has played host to the Ryder Cup
so you’re in good company here. The grand resort in Scotland has 232 luxurious bedrooms
with a choice of traditional or modern interiors, many of which enjoy fine views over the grounds.
The hotel has three separate courses including the PGA Centenary, which was created by
the legendary Jack Nicklaus, and the King’s Course, which opened in 1919. There’s also a
nine-hole course that is ideal for beginners, while individual lessons and structured group
tuition sessions are also available. On-course corporate branding is also possible, ensuring
that your company’s logo is displayed on golf balls and other products.
Wyboston Lakes, St Neots
Located within easy reach of London,
Wyboston Lakes is a contemporary hotel
and conference centre with an 18-hole golf
course on site. The venue offers tailormade corporate packages, allowing companies to entertain their guests in a fun,
yet challenging environment. There is
also a golf professional on hand to provide lessons and tips, and the property
can accommodate groups of between
12 and 140 for an action-packed day of
sport and private dining. The hotel itself
has 400 bedrooms and 64 meeting rooms,
the largest of which can seat 270 delegates in a theatre-style setting.
The Belfry, Sutton Coldfield
Host to The Ryder Cup on no less than four
occasions, The Belfry is a must-see for golfing
enthusiasts. Characterised by majestic fairways
and carpet-smooth greens, the hotel’s three
courses have been graced by the likes of Tiger
Woods, Nick Faldo and Rory McIlroy, yet players of all abilities are welcome. The venue’s corporate golf days are suitable for groups of 16
or more, and include a chance to play 18 holes
followed by a leisurely lunch in Sam’s Clubhouse. The hotel itself is set within 500 acres
of rolling countryside yet it lies just 20 minutes
from Birmingham city centre. Now is a good
time to book, as The Belfry has recently been
the subject of an extensive £26 million refurbishment programme.
Celtic Manor Resort, Newport
Set within 2,000 acres of beautiful parkland
in the heart of the Usk Valley, Celtic Manor
is just 45 minutes from Bristol and Cardiff Airport and 90 minutes from London Heathrow.
The sprawling five star estate has several
accommodation options for guests, including
the magnificent Resort Hotel and the romantic Manor House Hotel. A previous Ryder
Cup host, the venue is well known for its golfing links and has three stunning courses
including one designed by Colin Montgomerie. Groups of more than 60 can hire
each course exclusively, and corporate branding is also available, making it possible to fly
your company’s flag on the green.
5 Welcombe Hotel Spa & Golf
Club, Stratford upon Avon
Surrounded by 157 acres of Italian landscaped gardens, this splendid Jacobeanstyle hotel can be found at the northern tip
of the Cotswolds. The property dates from
1866 and has been extensively refurbished
in recent years. For sports enthusiasts
there’s an 18-hole championship course, as
well as tennis courts and a luxury spa complete with swimming pool. The hotel offers
corporate golf events and can arrange every
last detail, from tee times and buggies to
catering, archery and clay pigeon shooting.
The property has 85 en suite rooms and 11
function suites for up to 250 delegates.
Sticking to a budget
when organising company
travel or events sounds easy –
but in practice there are many
mistakes made by PAs that
could blow the budget by Andrew Barlow
travel and events can easily end up over budget, often lured in
by initial prices which end up breaking budgets when the final
bill arrives. Events specialist, Andrew Barlow of Ian Allan Travel
explains the common costly mistakes and – more importantly – the solutions around them.
How do you plan your events? The task is too easily left down
to hurried internet searches, a quick round of phone calls and
often hasty decisions. Historically, for larger, grandscale events,
timing would be up to year – these have moved to three or four
months at best. Smaller events are down to six weeks and others, less than a month. While we can’t change the fast-paced business culture we live in, we can only plan for them better.
Too many corporates make the mistake of not sharing their
diaries with their events agencies or venues they plan to use regularly. It’s the slightly smaller meetings rather than the grand
annual banquets that often get forgotten when it comes to booking diary dates. Quite simply put, sharing your corporate diary
will bring down the cost of trying to secure a venue or a function space with no notice. Blocking a venue in advance and
changing it is easier to work around than trying to book something which is completely unavailable at the last minute. Are you
planning to hold regular events at a venue you know, like and
can work around? Try to give that venue as many potential bookings as possible. It will help in negotiating down the final costs
as you become a much more valuable client to the venue.
It’s all down to asking the right questions
upfront. The first item to identify is if there’s room hire
cost, and what exactly is included? Is a DJ, PA/AV system and
staffing for this all included, or are they all additional costs? The
same goes for lighting and table decorations. None of these can
be taken for granted unless the venue clearly includes them in
their quotes.
Too often PAs make the mistake of thinking these event
essentials are part of the venue’s offering, when they are frequently additional extras. Other key hidden costs to consider
include dressing the room – is there an early access rental
charge? This is too often overlooked as it’s not an obvious cost.
When miscalculated, hospitality is an event budget-breaker. If
you’re planning a gala dinner, for example, prices are certainly
not what they seem. Hotels and suppliers will often list ‘prices
from’ – which may seem a reasonable rate to begin with. To overcome this, ask for a full range of menu options. This will help
you spot the items the hotel may have left off the seemingly reasonable cost per head. For example, an entry level price might seem attractive, but
we know of a company that went for low cost per head and was
left with a very basic buffet which seemed embarrassing at their
gala banquet event. Find other ways of curtailing food and beverage cost. An open bar, for example, will lead to a run-away
budget. Limit receptions to a specific range of drinks (house
white and red wine, water and juices). Another classic trap is
that hotels might exclude after-dinner teas, coffees and biscuits
from a menu. Adding this for 300 people at the last minute will
again affect the final budget.
A company recently contacting us for help, made the fundamental error of agreeing a hospitality budget with a hotel, at
a rate which seemed surprisingly competitive, to supply 200
delegates with three meals a day during their five day conference. The company thought they had struck gold with the final
price per head per meal.
What they didn’t realise was the difference between hospitality and banqueting. They expected evening meals to be served
in the banqueting hall, teas in the garden terrace and lunch in
the outdoor leisure areas. The hotel’s idea of its delivery was
to serve all the meals within their breakfast room, keeping their
logistics, staffing requirements and expenditure to a minimum. Having 15 meals served in one breakfast room over five
days is not how the client intended to provide hospitality. If the
price seems too good to be true, it must be fully questioned.
Thanks to the internet, we’re all travel agents, and we’ve all come
across a good deal at some point, whether for leisure or booking
business travel. This is where the problem lies. It’s a misconception
to see the odd flight at what is perceived as a good price per
ticket. What we’re not factoring into the cost of that lower air or
train fare are the restrictions. Will it need to move by a day or
so, can it be easily upgraded if need be? Is it on a reputable airline which will take responsibility if the travel plans go awry?
The truth is that airlines and hotels are into yield management which means a group fare is not calculated at a discount
because it’s being purchased in bulk, but is rather an average
of a lower fare class. Not many are aware of this. So, the lowest possible fare for one individual ticket will be less than one
from a group booking – this is what’s confusing. THE VENUE: WHAT TO ASK
Seen these innocently sitting on a quote: Service charges or plus
extras or including taxes are all phrases bookers are likely to
encounter when booking hotels abroad. Particularly in India,
the Far East and America a price will be given with these
phrases. This is a classic budget trap as the price quoted is obviously not the final cost. Even though these charges may be taxes,
the company still has to pay the bill. It goes without saying the
exact charge, in detail, must be disclosed before putting a figure on the final budget.
Roughly 15-20 per cent of delegates choose to stay on when
events have been organised abroad or at out of town locations. The reasons vary, from allowing a partner to join for a few
days or the fact the delegate has other business in the area. The issue with this is the chopping and changing of the
arrangements, especially when group bookings are primarily
non-changeable and non-refundable. To circumnavigate this
issue, open registration for delegates extra early, make them
aware of a bookings cut-off date and communicate throughout
the process. This will only allow delegates to make the most of
the event both during and after.
“Other key hidden costs to
consider include dressing
the room – is there an early
access rental charge? This is
too often overlooked as it’s
not an obvious cost.”
Where possible, ensure everyone gets the same brief at the same
time. Is it possible for all contributors to be in on the same meeting? Skype for those who cannot be present? This is the point
where all respective services are delegated. This way everyone
knows who is accountable from the outset and all questions can
be raised at this point.
PAs want to organise seamless events. By understanding the
true costs and classic budget-breaking scenarios they can avoid
poor and expensive last minute organisation, instead focusing
on delivering successful events. E
INFO Ian Allan Travel is one of Britain’s pioneering independent travel management companies,
specialising in corporate, academic and charity travel. Owner-managed by the Allan family for the
past fifty years, the company has played a significant role in the development and evolution of
professional travel management services.
Let there be light
When it comes to organising an event you carefully
consider the menu, the venue and the theme – but how
much consideration do you give to your lighting?
Well, if lighting tends to be one of your
last considerations you’re certainly not
making the most of the resources that are
available to you. It’s amazing how lighting
professionals can enhance a theme, makeover a once drab venue or provide the
drama you’re after for a successful event.
Lighting can be used to theme an
event with the use of brand colours. Delicate or bold lighting effects can help
covey a message, for example creating a
‘wow factor’ with bold and contrasting
lighting units and colours, or subtle to create an intimate atmosphere. Equally,
using visible lighting such as beams and
lasers can be good for awards shows to
highlight significant moments of an
event and can give that ‘x-factor’ look.
Lighting can also be used to highlight the
architecture of the venue, for example high
ceilings, columns and alcoves. Full production costs depend on the
size of the venue and how much equipment you use. For example, lighting can
Top tips for PAs
1 Lighting can highlight venues
impressive architecture; you have
hired the venue for a reason –
why not utilise your surroundings?
1 Up-lighting can enhance a room,
providing an intimate atmosphere
whilst highlighting the details of
the space.
1 If you work with a production
company, they will know what they
can do within the Health & Safety
guidelines of the venue, and will
advise you on how to bring your
event to life.
1 Production and lighting can be
as little or as much as you like
depending on your event
requirements and budget. Promotional feature
Questions to ask
production companies
1 What events have you produced that were
similar to mine?
2 How have you used technology and production
to engage event guests in the past?
3 What creative ways can I keep the down the
cost of the event, but maximise impact of the
4 Will I have an account manager/one point of
contact to liaise with?
5 Can we have a site visit to walk through the
event with the production company to help
understand why we may need particular elements?
6 Can you break down each individual expense on
the quote, to ensure the brief is covered and we
know exactly what we are paying for? 7 Do you have any event visuals to help me gain a
better understanding of the proposed event
design? Light Motif in action at
the Executive PA
Magazine Awards 2014
8 Do we have a de-brief, to help understand what
worked and what didn’t for our next event?
have quite a high impact with very little
kit, however once you start creating
bespoke or customised staging, projection
content, and complex sound systems
cost can be higher. It is all down to how
much you value the use of these things
as creating an impact for your event. Customised projection for example can help
your guests engage with the event (i.e.
twitter walls and logos).
It is also important to brief your production company fully, the more precision
your brief provides, the easier and faster
the production company will be able to
provide a quote that matches your requirement. The importance of providing your
budget up-front saves copious amounts of
time and lets you know if your expectations
are realistic to your budget. If you contact
an honest and reliable production company, it will save you time and money in
the long run, as well as providing the best
possible outcome for your event. E
INFO For more guidance of how to make your event come
alive and to add a creative touch, please contact Light Motif on
0207 183 5381 or visit
Company of Paviors
Luncheon Club
Light Motif, one of London’s leading
event production companies, were
requested by the Worshipful Company
of Paviors Luncheon Club to accentuate
the dramatic surroundings and provide
some ‘festive cheer’, as well as provide
the right ambiance for their annual
Christmas dinner at Stationers’ Hall.
During the cold winter months, venues
can seem uninviting and cold. Lighting
and production can enclose larger venue
spaces as well as accentuate venues’
dramatic surroundings, contributing to a
much more pleasant guest experience.
Light Motif installed red up-lighting
to compliment the wooden paneling of
the venue, as well as a gobowash and
pinspot. In addition, they installed a festive
layered stars projection to the ceiling of
the main hall. Guests were lead through
the spaces by a framed walkway of storm
lanterns, which were added for romantic
effect. Keeping the lighting focused on
the dining tables and lower levels created
an intimate atmosphere and feel.
The client commented of the lighting,
“Thank you for your massive contribution
to the enjoyment of last night. Your
lighting was the biggest topic of positive
comment last night and for me it made
the evening… A fantastic job, well done.”
George Chapman, Chairman, Paviors Luncheon Club
For corporate bookers who regularly choose our hotels for
room bookings, conferences, meetings and business events.
Visit us on stand B646 at the Business Travel Show
from 25th – 26th February 2015
Whether you are a regular business traveller or corporate booker we offer a loyalty programme to suit your needs.
Your invitation to network at our exclusive reader events
Dine amongst the stars
What more could you ask for but
celebrities and fine catering – it’s all on offer at
this exclusive reader event
Anyone who was lucky enough to make it along to the London Transport Museum for the finals of the 2014 Executive
PA Magazine awards will already know just how good Payne
and Gunter is at catering for unique events in stunning venues across London. Hardly surprising seeing as this is the
same team that has now provided catering at the BRITs for
the past 10 years (see page 14).
This exclusive event is your chance to dine amongst the
stars at Madame Tussauds. You will enjoy the BRITs hospitality, only instead of 4,000 guests, you will be there with a
select group of Executive PA magazine readers. Guests will
enjoy a 3-course meal and drinks and have the opportunity
to see some of the attraction’s world famous displays (including the fabulous Brad and Angie).
About Payne and Gunter
While every event is different Payne and Gunter demonstrates one constant: a team whose fun approach is infectious. It’s hardly surprising that Payne and Gunter’s long
established reputation is spreading miles across the UK. A
bespoke approach with tailored service levels is used – from
formal butler-style for Royal occasions, to pared back family
approach to reflect today’s varied dining preferences.
About Madame Tussauds London
The award-winning themed venue, looked after by Merlin
Events, has been hosting parties for over fifty years. It can
host events for up to 1,000 guests and is popular for awards
dinners, launches and high profile events. It is one of the
most famous awards and dinner dance venues in London,
with a capacity of 350. Over 10 new figures are introduced
every year so the venue is always topical and relevant. Builtin awards facilities include a stage, full lighting rig, back projected screen and those all-important site lines.
On Thursday 16 April Executive PA magazine readers are in for a
treat. On arrival at 7pm you’ll enjoy Champagne and canapés, before proceeding to the World Stage at 7.30pm. At 7.45pm dinner is
served; a combination of seated dining tables and food stations
serving mini plates from the 2015 BRITs menu – currently still
under wraps! Finally you’ll get to meet the experts at 8.45pm – the
BRIT Awards team will be on hand to talk about managing the
biggest music industry awards of the year.
To apply visit www.ExecutivePA.Com/events-directory/reader-events.
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Your invitation to network at our exclusive reader events
Take That and PA-rty
Calling all Take That fans! You are invited to join Hospitality Finder at The O2 for a famous night of
VIP entertainment and number 1 hits from the UK’s favourite boy band
The night will be hosted in a luxurious VIP suite by members
of Hospitality Finder’s friendly events team, who will be on
hand throughout the evening to speak with you about all
your upcoming corporate hospitality and event needs.
Hospitality Finder understands the benefits of using events
as an effective business development tool and its experienced
team has the expertise to not only help you find the events that
best suit your needs, but also to tailor your event and ensure
your company gets the most out of your experience.
Hospitality Finder is a cutting edge corporate hospitality
and events company, organising VIP packages at the biggest
sports, music and cultural events around the world. Alongside
VIP suites at The O2 Arena, it offers a fantastic range of events
including Wimbledon, Six Nations, Royal Ascot, Formula 1
and many more, each with a great variety of hospitality options
to suit all requirements.
Corporate hospitality has proved to be a key contributor
to business development for companies of all sizes; whether
being used with the intention of rewarding key members of
staff, consolidating relationships with existing business partners or establishing new business partnerships, it provides a
unique opportunity to get that all important face-to-face
time with the people closest to your company.
In partnership with Executive PA magazine, Hospitality Finder is offering you an unmissable chance to join us on Thursday 11th June at
the world’s most popular entertainment venue – The O2 Arena, for
a fantastic night of fun to celebrate the brand new Take That UK
Tour. A group of 20 lucky applicants will be selected to enjoy what
will undoubtedly be an unforgettable night of wining and dining in
one of the exclusive VIP Suites overlooking the stage at The O2.
The exclusive Hospitality Finder VIP suite at The O2 arena is a
fantastic environment for entertaining those important people,
boasting unrivalled views of the stage and providing guests with
outstanding wining and dining throughout the show, this is without
doubt the ultimate way to impress guests at this iconic venue.
To express an interest in joining us please apply at
Queen of Hearts
White Queen
Your invitation to network at our exclusive reader events
Donna Coulling
Mad Hatter
Tweedle Dum Tweedle Dee
Meet Helena Bonham Carter’s
PA in Wonderland
Take a trip down the rabbit hole, at Office Space
in Town, and learn the tricks of the celebrity PA
Executive PA in Kuala Lumpur, The Office* Show London and
Sydney and The Corporate PA Summit in Perth, Australia.
Her book The Chamber of Celebrity PA Secrets, is available
now on Amazon.
This is your chance for an Alice in Wonderland themed
meeting with Donna Coulling, PA to Helena Bonham Carter,
Rachel Weisz and Sir Derek Jacobi. She is known as an expert
in her field and has made many television appearances as a
Celebrity Personal Assistant including I’m with the Band on
Channel 4 and on Pete Burns’ PA (Living TV) where she
helped Pete Burns hire an assistant over the course of 10
Donna has presented at the Behind Every Leader conference in LA, the 5th National EA & PA Convention in Sydney,
the Conference and Hospitality show in Leeds, World of
On arrival you are greeted by Alice herself, her quizzical head
looking down from the roof terrace. This is no ordinary serviced
office building. From here, step into one of eight themed meeting
rooms where you will be swept into a whimsical fantasy land, via a
surreal hall of white floors and walls. Each door is the entrance to
another world (though you won’t need to drink or eat to fit
through them). Happily each world is fully equipped for present
day meetings. This event starts at 6pm with refreshments at The
Boundary. Visit for more details and to apply
Your invitation to network at our exclusive reader events
Meet the 2014 PA of the Year
at Sadler’s Wells
If you fancy yourself as a potential Executive PA Magazine Award-winner than come and join us at
Sadler’s Wells to hear the PA of the Year talk and explore this recently refurbished venue
By now most PAs know that Katrina Arratoon is the reigning
PA of the Year though not too many of us will have got to
meet her in person. Until now. Executive PA Magazine has
teamed up with the recently refurbished Sadler’s Wells
theatre and is inviting readers along on the 19 March to
meet the PA to the CEO of Just Eat aka the PA of the Year.
Sadler’s Wells is a world leader in contemporary dance,
presenting a vibrant year-round programme of dance of
every kind to audiences at three theatres in London. The
theatre’s events department takes responsibility for the
commercial hire of the venue’s three theatres and all other
spaces for professional events.
The theatre houses exceptional conference facilities within
the venue, including a fully accessible 1,500 seat auditorium
along with meeting rooms, boardrooms and the popular Lilian
Baylis Studio which offers a theatre space for conferences,
seminars and workshops, with a theatre capacity of 200.
Sadler’s Wells completed a £7.3m refurbishment this
autumn with improvements to benefit corporate event planners and delegates through improved accessibility, sustainability, energy economy and smart technological facilities.
Katrina will give you the same presentation she gave at this year’s
finals to the judging panel, along with offering you her own career
tips. So come along and join us to experience first hand what this
venue can offer, as well as your chance to be amongst the first to
hear directly from Katrina. The event will start with networking and
drinks at 6pm, at 6.45pm there’ll be a welcome ‘access all areas’
tour, 7.15pm will see Katrina plus two award finalists present, before
more networking at 8pm. As usual places are limited, to apply visit
Your invitation to network at our exclusive reader events
Celebrate spring with Bankside
Venues onboard HMS Belfast
From world famous attractions to independent
restaurants and sustainable conference facilities, Bankside
Venues is a diverse collective of extra-special meeting and
event spaces, located in the vibrant riverside destination
between London Bridge and Blackfriars
If you’re interested in blow-the-budget grand venues, affordable meeting spaces or something in between, Bankside
Venues offers a range of spaces that can cater for all types of
event, meeting or conference.
Meet the teams from some of London’s most iconic venues
at the Bankside Venues showcase. Borough Market, Tate
Modern, Southwark Cathedral, HMS Belfast, the Swan at
Shakespeare’s Globe, Glaziers Hall, etc.venues Prospero
House, Vinopolis, The Table Café, 15Hatfields, Roast, Union
Street Café, Jerwood Space, The Blue Fin Venue, UK Chamber
of Shipping and Thames Clippers will all be attending.
On Tuesday 28 April from 6 – 8.30pm it will be all aboard the
HMS Belfast for networking, nautical nibbles and, in keeping with
the setting, 1940s hits from the blitz. Having served throughout
the Second World War, HMS Belfast is now permanently moored
close to Tower Bridge on the River Thames. You will have the
opportunity to explore her four unique internal event spaces and
experience the panoramic views of London from her three
outdoor decks.
There will also be a competition on the evening for PAs to win
a range of fantastic prizes including: tickets to the Vinopolis Wine
Tasting Experience, lunch with wine at Café 171 at the Jerwood
Space, a sparkling brunch for two the The Table Café, a chef
masterclass for two at Gordon Ramsay’s Union Street Café, river
roamer tickets on the Thames Clippers and a Roast cook book
and breakfast to the value of £50 in the restaurant. For more information about Bankside Venues visit
Places to this special event are limited, to apply for a place to
join us please visit the website at:
Promotional Feature
Gilbert Murray Lecture Theatre, Stamford Court
Professor Alec Jeffreys,
inventor of DNA
Students in newly refurbished Digby Hall
Join the Class of 1572
at Harrow School
Founded under a Royal charter granted
by Elizabeth I, Harrow School is one of the most
famous and influential public schools in the world
26 MAY
Over 400 years old, steeped in history, it is synonymous with wealth
and privilege. Among its alumni, the School can count two Kings
and eight Prime Ministers, including Sir Winston Churchill, who
died 50 years ago this year. Other notable Old Harrovians include
the founder of Pret à Manger, Julian Metcalfe, the actor Benedict
Cumberbatch and the singer James Blunt. A bastion of British high
society, today, it continues to intrigue and impress.
The School is accessible via Harrow-on-the-Hill station on London Underground’s Metropolitan line, which is 25 minutes from
Baker Street. Outside of School term time, many of Harrow’s historic
buildings are available for hire for corporate events, as well as for
meetings, dinners and receptions. The School also offers a buzzing
cultural programme of performances and exhibitions, many of which
are open to the public. Visit for
more information.
Join us for an exclusive readers event on Tuesday 26 May. Report for bill
(registration) at the steps of the original School building in Bill Yard, where
it is said that Harrovians invented the game of squash. Take a behind-thescenes tour of the School’s most beautiful buildings, including the Fourth
Form Room (as seen in Harry Potter), the poignant War Memorial and the
majestic Speech Room, in which boys and Beaks (teachers) meet for key
milestones in the School year. After the tour, assemble at one of the
School’s best vantage points to enjoy stellar views across the capital and
hear a contemporary take on age-old etiquette from a Harrow Master.
Round off your exclusive visit by joining us for supper – leaving distant
memories of gruesome school food far behind.
Tickets to this event are strictly limited to 25 guests.To express your
interest in joining us, visit
Forming the
virtuous circle
You want an event venue which looks impressive,
has extensive transport links and fabulous food
and drink; where the team is passionate and
enthusiastic about each and every event they host,
with no request too great or too small; and quite
rightly you expect excellent value for money.
But what if a venue could offer even more than that?
Many companies are now engaged with corporate social responsibility (CSR). You may even have your own CSR policy. Holding
your next event with Leicester Conferences is a great way of ensuring
that the money you spend will be put to good use.
Leicester Conferences is part of the University of Leicester, a top 20
UK university with an outstanding track record of enabling students
from poorer backgrounds to enter higher education. We are also wellknown for the quality of our research, with high-profile successes
including the invention of DNA fingerprinting and the discovery of
Richard III’s body.
Part of our remit at Leicester Conferences is to return a surplus to
the University each year and this is reinvested into facilities and
activities which either improve the student experience, enable young
people from poorer backgrounds to aspire to attend university, or
further our research into globally significant issues. Over the past
five years, Leicester Conferences has contributed around £5m to the
University’s surplus.
We are proud of the impact we have been able to make, but we
never lose sight of our central mission: to deliver an award-winning
event service in beautiful surroundings such as our Conference
Centre of Excellence, Stamford Court.
So if you want to hold an event which enhances your CSR credentials without compromising on quality, look no further than Leicester
Conferences. For more information, visit,
give us a call on 0116 223 1680 or email [email protected]
Travel trends to watch
Are you up on responsible travel management, Travel Management 2.0 and the sharing
economy? If not, come along to the Business Travel Show – where you’ll find heaps of information on the
travel trends to watch... here’s a sneak preview
Responsible travel management
There are many risks associated with travelling abroad on
business, including terrorism, infectious diseases, war and
natural disasters, so it’s more important than ever to consider your travellers’ safety and security when they are away
from the office, including any external assistance you might
need, pre-trip traveller training, crisis management and traveller protection.
Travel Management 2.0
Travel Management 2.0 is about letting go a little bit. It’s
about creating a travel policy that balances your company’s
needs with your travellers’ needs so that your travellers remain compliant but they also have a positive experience,
too. It’s about building a policy that controls spend and
steers your travellers towards using preferred suppliers making sure you continue to get the best deal, yet gives them
enough flexibility for their trip needs at the same time.
The sharing economy
The sharing economy refers to services that allow the peerto-peer (P2P) use of products and platforms. In the travel
world, that includes companies like airbnb (accommodation)
and Uber (taxis), both of which are reaching out to business
travellers after considerable success in the leisure travel
market. The upside of this type of company is that they can
offer good value for money, but just be sure that they fit
within your corporate ethos and policies before using them
over traditional suppliers.
Data mining
Data – especially in relation to big data – has been a travel
management buzzword for a few years but it’s only now that
people are starting to take it seriously. Data is important because it helps you identify everything from supplier negotiation opportunities to monitoring traveller compliance and
tracking employees in the event of an emergency. The really
important thing you need to know now is where to source
useful data from and how to analyse and act on it.
BRIC and MINT – the new business travel destinations
When it comes to business travel destinations, the BRIC
countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – are still incredibly popular as their economies continue to develop and
their trade relations with the rest of the world grow. The next
acronym of territories to add to your list is MINT – Mexico,
Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey – all four of which are predicted
to be the next big economic giants.
The Business Travel Show takes place on 25-26 February 2015 at
London’s Olympia Grand and is Europe’s largest dedicated exhibition and conference for business travel bookers and buyers and
Executive PA magazine readers are invited to join us.
With more than 250 exhibitors, from global airlines and hotel
groups to innovative technology start-ups, the Business Travel
Show is the perfect place for PAs and EAs to see brand new products and services that will help create a travel programme to suit
their travellers’ needs.
The show also hosts a market-leading conference programme
including ten Fundamentals sessions designed specifically for PAs
and EAs covering everything from online booking, to working with
TMCs, negotiating with airlines and hotels, CSR and duty of care.
The Fundamentals sessions help new business travel buyers to
get started by introducing them to the essentials of travel management and they bring experienced buyers up to speed with the latest issues and trends that will affect the market in the next 12
months. Register at for a free
visitor pass.
Every issue we’ll report back from the last issue’s reader events
– were you there and captured on camera?
Diageo’s Central London offices
WHEN: 13 November 2014
BRIEF HIGHLIGHTS: Cocktail tasting,
interactive cocktail making sessions, chance to
explore Alexander & James’ corporate gift
selection, hosting by renowned mixologist
Kenji Jesse
Sarah Pinfold, Corporate Sales Manager;
[email protected];
07803 854741
MOT your career
Whether you’re happy in your job or you’re seeking
a new challenge, it’s time to take stock of your work life
by Andrea Ashfield
Improve your performance while
staying put:
by David Morel, Tiger Recruitment
1 Manage your time more effectively. By
learning to plan ahead, prioritise and delegate, you can spend less time doing the
jobs you dislike and squeeze more out of
your day, everyday.
1 I cannot over-emphasise the importance of a well put-together CV. It
should be clear and concise, with a
targeted personal profile at the top.
Keep it to two pages.
2 Ask for training. Not only will it help you
improve your skills and take on more
responsibility, it can also make you more
employable if you decide to move to pastures new.
2 Set aside time each day to check the
latest job sites, adverts and any agencies
you are registered with. Time is of the
essence; the quicker you apply, the
better chance you have of landing your
dream job.
3 Be more assertive. If you’re going to get
ahead in a fast-moving work environment,
it’s essential to communicate in a calm and
confident manner. Learning to say no when
appropriate will also make your life easier.
3 Network. If an employer can avoid
paying agency fees, they will. Engage
with other PAs and groups to hear
about jobs that aren’t necessarily being
£32,446, UP £226 FROM 2013.” (WWW.REED.CO.UK)
David Morel, managing director at Tiger
Recruitment, explains how to check your
salary and ask for a pay rise:
“Look at jobs that are currently advertised to
benchmark your wages against comparable positions. Pay attention to industry and location for
any role you see listed, as these factors will have a
bearing on salary. For instance, a senior executive
assistant in the media will earn around £10,000
less than an EA working in finance. Before you
can ask for a pay rise, you need to prove you are
worth it. Make yourself indispensable to your
boss, staying late where necessary and going over
and above the duties listed in your job description. Only ask if you’ve been in your current role
for longer than 12 months, unless your first career
appraisal occurs sooner.”
David Taylor, co-author of The Business of Being
Social, shares his tips for maximising your
presence online:
1 Check your LinkedIn profile. Ensure it is complete,
with a decent photo, a well-written summary and at
least 50 connections. Remember that this is your
shop window.
2 Look at your Facebook page. Would you be happy
for strangers to look at it? Make sure your privacy
settings are marked as ‘friends only’ or your whole
life will be public.
3 If you have a Twitter account, consider whether it
is for personal or professional purposes. Try not to
mix the two or you could get into hot water.
4 Think about your entire digital footprint, including
social media accounts and blogs. What kind of
impression are you creating? Is there anything that
is no longer appropriate? Make sure to remove any
unsuitable content.
5 Look through your LinkedIn contacts. They should
be people that you know, like and trust. If not, disconnect. At the same time, think about connecting to
people who could be useful to you or the company
you work for.
Lynn Cahillane, communications manager at shares her expertise:
1 Read the job description carefully. It’s easy to get blown
away by an exciting salary and benefits package, but before
you apply for your dream job, make sure you’re aware of all
its requirements.
2 Check for typos. Poor spelling is a pet hate of most
recruiters, especially one looking for a PA who will deal with
correspondence on behalf of senior management. If you’re
applying for a job in the UK, avoid Americanisms: you’re
writing a CV, not a resume.
3 Tailor your CV. Target the document for the role in question by researching the company. Not only will you understand what the employer is looking for, you can apply this
knowledge to make sure you get an interview.
4 Use specific keywords. With more recruiters searching for
candidates online, it’s important to include the terms that
describe you and relate to the type of job you’re looking for.
5 Apply pro-active descriptions. When listing previous experience, use the STAR model to communicate clearly and
concisely. Once you’ve identified the situation, task, action
and result, formulate this into key points, describing how
you addressed the situation.
Training is a solid investment and will
help you make the most of your career,
advises Karen Meager, co-owner of
Monkey Puzzle Training and
Antonia Boyle, life coach at Alpha Waves,
reveals the questions you should be asking
yourself to determine your career happiness.
“Whilst you may be up-to-date with your
current job, think about learning skills that
will help you take a step – or two – further.
This will make you highly marketable. For
example, one of the key elements of your
role is interacting with others. Learning
in-depth how to communicate really well,
particularly with so-called ‘difficult’ people,
is a skill that will make you stand out.”
Karen also advises leadership training,
in order to assist your boss more efficiently. “It will help you understand in
some depth the issues and challenges
they face, and will deepen your love of
your work. It will also demonstrate how
well-rounded and highly effective you are.”
Score each between zero and five, with zero lowest
and five highest. A total of 30 points suggests you are
contented at work, but a score of 10 or less indicates
that it could be time to find a new challenge:
1 How often do you earn specific positive feedback
each week?
2 How frequently do you receive negative feedback?
3 Are you regularly offered opportunities to take part
in training?
4 How often are you told that everything you need to
know will be learned on the job?
5 Are you making a real contribution to the company
you work for?
6 Do you think you could be more effective, or that
your skills are not recognised? E
Do you have any industry related qualifications and
how important are they for PAs?
No. My first foray into this area was a touch typing course at
evening college. I nailed it, but to my shame, at a speed of 23
WPM. I do think formal qualifications are to be encouraged in
conjunction with hands-on experience. The difficulty is that we
are often too afraid of asking our employers for support in this
area, and we shouldn’t be.
What are the positives and negatives of working in
the not-for-profit sector?
There is great personal satisfaction knowing you have helped
turn the wheel for change, and assisted those in greater need.
The downside is the frustration of not being able to stretch
resources further to help more.
What have you done today?
Executive Assistant,
The Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol
What does the Society of Merchant Venturers
actually do?
The Society has a membership dedicated to contributing
their time and expertise to the prosperity and well-being of the
greater Bristol area.
Emails are first for any urgent actions and then on to the day’s
priorities. So far I have compiled my meeting and events diary
for 2015, backdating any actions and deadlines. I’ve also
issued invitations to our Audit dinner, compiled the summons
for the quarterly members’ meeting and cleared correspondence
in respect of successful funding applications.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as a PA
and how did you handle it?
My biggest challenge came during my second year in this role
when I had two high profile events to organise less than two
weeks apart; one being a Royal visit at the Hall with meticulous
precision timing, the other being our annual event for our members and schools with a service at the Bristol Cathedral followed
by a meeting and lunch at the Hall. In summary it sounds so
easy, but the attention to detail and fine tuning required for both
was extensive.
How did you land your current role?
After one sleepless Sunday night too many I knew it was time
for a change. By the Friday I had successfully interviewed,
secured the role and handed in my notice.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The variety. As admin staff we are used to being pulled in several directions at once and this role really does demand
different hats to be worn, juggled and even re-sized. I thrive on
being the go-to person and the first point of contact at the Hall.
What is the approx. number of employees in the
organisation, and how many are PAs?
We are a small team of only 10 staff and I am the sole EA.
Describe your journey into the PA profession.
Admin support was only ever a stop-gap whilst deciding how best
to utilise my Psychology degree. But a decade or two on and I’ve
realised that not only do I love it, but I’m good at it too. The degree
didn’t completely go to waste; there have been a few characters!
Do you get an opportunity to travel or attend
company events?
For our larger events, I am present to receive guests and smooth
out any last minute changes to proceedings. As a team we have
away days, which are good fun. This year I was honoured to
receive an invitation to a Garden Party at the Palace.
Which skills have you relied upon the most
throughout your career?
Anticipating, reacting and adapting quickly to the changes of
a busy workload. Wanting to help and really caring about the
difference you can make, however small, helps you go that extra
mile and shows conviction in what you do.
What advice would you give PAs seeking
employment in the not-for-profit sector?
PA skills are transferrable from one sector to another, so find
an area that you are passionate about and go for it. Do your
research, get some voluntary experience and take a leap of faith.
To kick off the new year we speak to two Executive Assistants – both
working within the not-for-profit sector – to find out more about their working
lives by Maria Fuller
Describe your journey into the PA profession.
I began my career as a typist, staying in the private sector for
many years as a secretary. I made the move from legal secretary into recruitment admin, which I loved but I wasn’t a fan
of the sales industry... thereafter I worked in the NHS as a PA
to the Director of Finance plus a team of Senior Commissioners, and then I made the transition into the charity sector. Devon
Air Ambulance is the first, and only, charity I have worked for!
Do you have any industry related qualifications and
how important are they for PAs?
I have CLAIT, RSA III in word processing and NVQ II in Administration. However since leaving college 16 years ago (eek!!) I
have undertaken development courses in a wide range of topics such as ECDL, appraisals and performance management,
NLP, train the trainer and management and leadership.
What are the positives and negatives of working in
the not-for-profit sector?
Executive Assistant,
Devon Air Ambulance Trust, Exeter
What does Devon Air Ambulance actually do?
Devon Air Ambulance Trust (DAAT) is an independent charity providing helicopter emergency medical services and critical transfers by provision of an air ambulance service in and
around Devon.
How did you land your current role?
My original role was receptionist and PA to the Chief Executive, which I applied for five years ago. We were inundated with
applications – 250 of them! I was absolutely thrilled to be the
lucky candidate they chose. Since then I have developed and
expanded the role and I am now Executive Assistant to the Chief
Executive, Heléna Holt.
What do you love most about your job?
The diversity of the position – I am the CEO’s EA, and I support other members of our Senior Leadership Team as well as
our board of trustees. I am the training coordinator and I report
to the board on staff training and development. I oversee HR
duties for the charity, and I line manage a full-time receptionist. I wear many hats, and I love all of them!
What is the approx. number of employees in the
organisation, and how many are PAs?
The charity employs 58 members of staff in our Head Office, our
retail outlets and our airbases. I am the only EA at the moment!
I absolutely love working for a charity. You get an enormous
sense of satisfaction knowing your work helps keep a lifesaving operation in the air. The people whose lives we have saved
and prolonged are so very grateful for the service we provide,
it makes me feel immensely proud to be a part of it.
What have you done today?
This morning was our staff meeting where I gave a presentation
to the staff on our achievements as a charity over the past 12
months. I then attended an operations meeting in order to take
minutes, then I travelled to one of our Airbases to minute some
safety committee meetings. This afternoon I was busy preparing papers for an interview that we are holding tomorrow for a
vacancy we have in our retail team.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as a PA
and how did you handle it?
Proving myself when I joined DAAT, particularly as I had beat
250 people to get the job!
Do you get an opportunity to travel or attend
company events?
I am fortunate that in my position I get to travel all over Devon
to attend charity events, fundraisers and networking meetings.
In the summer it’s extremely busy at the charity and most of
us get involved in promotional activities outside the office like
agricultural shows, festivals and our own events such as our bike
ride-out and dragon boat festival.
What advice would you give to PAs seeking
employment in the not-for-profit sector?
When I joined DAAT, I had no previous charity experience, but
a wealth of experience from the private sector. Assure any
prospective employers you know it will be a culture change, but
explain your reasons for wanting to work for them. E
Pavla Rezacova,
Catch 22
What’s your New Year’s
work resolution?
Jennifer Corcoran
Crédit Agricole
“My work-related resolutions are as follows:
1. To continue networking both externally and
internally – I do currently network but am
always up for discovering new networks/
women to share information and tips with.
2. To successfully launch an internal PA
network within my company – the proposal
was accepted late 2014.
3. To blog a bit more and learn how to use
Wordpress properly. I’m currently studying for
a Social Media Award Certificate with Pitman
so I’m hoping to pass with distinction and it will
hopefully help with my online branding and
confidence – I have successfully set up profiles
on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ so far and
hope to certainly engage a bit more on
Google+ as it seems to be very up and coming
and is a great platform for businesses and
social networking.
4. To toot my horn a bit more and enter some
awards and promote myself and the PA
Claire Namakando,
Principal Global Investors
“This year I plan to invest in my own personal
development by completing some professional
training, as well as attend a number of relevant
networking events throughout the year (I
already have two in the diary). This will be selffunded and during my own time (e.g. using
annual leave) which is a good enough incentive
to ensure I stick to it!”
Caroline D-Souza,
The National Gallery
“There will be changes at The National Gallery
in my department for 2015. I have already let
my boss, and HR know that having supported
my bosses in preparation for this, I am
interested in assisting senior management in
implementing the change. I am looking forward
to being involved in the future of the company.”
“My new year’s resolutions for work are firstly to
have a full lunch break. I’ve signed up at the
nearest gym and booked myself on a daily
lunch hour class. If I cancel I have to pay a fee
which helps as it makes me more committed.
Secondly, each year my boss asks me to pick a
challenge that is outside of my work remit – last
year saw me trek across Iceland for three weeks
with our young people! I’ve been thinking about
doing Prince 2 Project Management for a while
but I know it’s a challenging course, but 2015 is
the year! Finally, I’m going to do the minutes
right after the board meeting instead of
procrastinating and putting them off!”
Deborah O'Toole,
EA, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
“I would like to set one evening a week to get out
of the office at around 5pm and get to the gym,
plus start and keep using my outlook To-do lists
effectively. I managed to get to the gym last
Thursday, it coincided with my boss’ travel plans
and he too was pleased I had my appointment
with Jim! He’s out next week so I plan to get the
ball rolling with my Outlook To Do then.”
Mark Mills,
Ogilvy & Mather Group
“Whether it be the ever-changing diary outlook,
the flight scheduling that needs completing or
that meal with a loved one you just can't put
off, this year will see us all facing challenges,
some new, some old. The key for me this year
is taking a renewed confidence in my
professional life. Realising my strengths,
building on the weaknesses and believing that
I, as we all are in our field, am capable of so
much more if I seek to be nimble, agile and
more focused with a real sense of confidence.”
Each issue our Reader Panel discuss the
hot topics affecting PAs. Get involved
by emailing [email protected]
Hear from our
Antipodean readers
1 Robyn Grobbelaar, EA,
Commonwealth Bank
“My career New Year’s resolution is to find
more ways to develop the talent of our
assistants, identify the rising stars and improve
relationships across business units within our
company. I want to help assistants find
opportunities to push themselves to be bigger
and better.”
1 Nina Hoven, EA, Study Group
“I started a new role in October and hit the
floor running at the busiest time of year in the
business, so I didn’t have a chance to put
together any EA processes, or organise my
office or schedule. By the end of December I
felt disorganised and exhausted, so my New
Year resolution is to plan, plan, plan. This
includes running a workshop for my reception
team so we are all on the same page.”
1 Ruth Kapia, EA, Atlassian
“My New Year resolution for my career is to
take on more high-end projects and bespoke
events for the boss. I co-ordinated a global
photo shoot and produced a video last year to
celebrate the company milestone of hitting
40,000 clients. I loved the management and
communications of this project. It was a giant
learning curve.”
1 Brenda Patterson, EA,
“My resolution is to stay positive. We are going
through a big company change and huge shift
in culture, which has caused a great deal of
angst. Staying positive is the only way I’m
going to be able to survive this next year.”
Join the conversation at: PA Magazine
Readers head to Barcelona
Executive PA magazine readers were
spotted at the international MICE show
EIBTM in Barcelona last November
(pictured above). This is a flagship
event for those involved with the global
events industry and PAs who visited the
show were able to get face-to-face with
industry experts and meet exhibitors
who could help with their future plans.
In 2015 the event will be happening
again on 17-19 November but has now
rebranded as ibtm world. If you've never
been it can be difficult to appreciate the
size of the show but 15,500 meetings
industry professionals are expected to
gather together in Barcelona, along with
more than 3,000 global exhibitors. For
more visit
Executive PA
mag and The
Fans of The Apprentice, may have spotted
something a little bit familiar about runnerup Bianca Miller. Back in late 2013 we ran an
Executive PA magazine reader event at
Citizen M Bankside, which included a talk
on personal presentation… given to the
readers by none other than Bianca (second
from left). Those of you who had a chance
to talk with her after the presentation would
have recognised the cool, calm and collected persona she displayed throughout
her time on The Apprentice. Well done to
Bianca who made it all the way through to
the finals – you saw her first at an Executive
PA Magazine event.
Championing the PA
It seems that being a celebrity PA can
often lead nicely into a second career of
that of an author. Tasha RobinsonWhite isn’t the first PA to write a book
detailing her time spent looking after a
famous boss and she certainly won’t be
the last. However, in this case it just
might be worth a read, as Tasha was the
former PA to boxer Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather Jr. In her book Right Hand To
The Champ she reveals that her job was
no ordinary nine-to-five role. The boss
would sleep from 6am to 3pm, then just
before 5pm she would follow him to the
bank where he would withdraw an average of $100,000 daily, as he never used
a credit card. Expect lots of jaw-dropping stories, after all the flashy boxer
was known to hand out thousands of
dollars and Rolex watches to his
entourage – but often wouldn’t pay
them, says Tasha. And with 12 years’
service for the Champ she has plenty to
draw on to fill the pages.
All the career news and advice executive-level PAs need
Need help with
The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs has
launched its scholarship scheme to enable one
student who has financial difficulties to train for
free. The scholarship process is open until April.
Job hunters rejoice
Break out of your
career rut
Good news for job hunting PAs – according to
Robert Half UK the best job candidates are
receiving multiple offers and counteroffers as
2015 becomes a job seeker’s market. Plus 64 per
cent of companies say they’re more likely than
last year to offer a sign-on bonus to attract the
very top candidates.
According to the Institute of Leadership
and Management 37 per cent of workers
are hoping to find a new job in 2015. If
you don’t want to start job hunting, yet
are unhappy in your role perhaps it’s
time to break out of your career rut.
Marielena Sabatier, founder of Inspiring
Potential, has this advice:
Look for ways of recreating a situation where you felt truly motivated
within your current role. If you value
creativity then be creative, look for new
ways of doing things, suggest new
ideas and ways of working to the boss.
Try to recapture that feel-good factor.
Add meaning to your role by using
your experience and skills to assist
junior colleagues in growing and
developing. Nurturing someone else
will not only boost their confidence but
it will make you feel valued and recognise your own skills and experience.
Ask for feedback from your boss,
from co-workers and from clients.
Feedback is not only reassuring but
will also help you grow and develop
as a PA. Don’t forget too to act on the
feedback, and show you can tackle
your weaknesses.
Negativity is very contagious so don’t
get sucked into office politics.
Instead, try and think about the aspects
of the work you like and train yourself to
look at situations in a more positive way.
Ensure you’re working in an environment that suits your values and
beliefs. Do you respect the values and
beliefs of the company and are they
‘lived’ by its employees? Respecting
your company’s culture can make you
feel proud of where you work and
encourage a feel-good factor.
To work the best job for your skills
and personality ask yourself if
your contribution at work is adding
value to your organisation. Do you get
the chance to use your skills most of
the time? Does the role play to your
strengths and make you feel valued?
If not, how can you alter that?
Ask yourself some big questions:
what’s important to me in my role?
What would make my role more meaningful? What am I motivated by and
passionate about? Do your answers
match up to your current role, and if
not what can you do about it?
Make this the year you take charge
of your professional development –
it’s your responsibility after all. Speak
to the boss about training opportunities
or secondment. Don’t wait until your
annual appraisal to raise the subject,
the only person who will suffer if you
stand still is you.
Flexible friends
Nearly a quarter of workers have requested
flexible working under the government’s right to
request legislation, says research from O2
Business. The main reasons cited for not taking
up the opportunity include a lack of trust (31%),
business culture (28%) and lack of technology to
facilitate it (20%).
Break from the norm
Bupa is urging workers to start 2015 as they mean
to go on and take the 20-minute break required
by law when working over six hours. Its research
found that only 29 per cent of employees take a
lunch break, while 28 per cent do not take any
break at all during the working day.
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