MEMBERSHIP RULES AND POLICIES of the GIVATI RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB of PIKESVILLE A. Any citizen or permanent resident of the United States eighteen (18) years of age or older may become a member of the organization on vote of the membership and on payment of the usual initiation fee and dues. Membership is nondiscriminatory regarding race, religion, sex. B. There shall be 3 classifications of membership: Senior, Associate, and Temporary. C. Senior members only shall have voting rights. Senior members are Jewish firearm owners who personally possess a firearm or who have a firearm in their household owned by a family or household members who is a member of the club. D. Associate members are non-Jewish community members who personally possess a firearm or who have a firearm in their household owned by a family or household member who is a member of the club. Associate members do not have voting rights D. A Temporary member shall be any member who does not personally own a firearm or who does not have a firearm in the their household owned by a family or household member. A temporary member who acquires a personal firearm may apply for Senior membership. E. Applicants for membership must be sponsored by at least 1 current member and approved for membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. G. Each Associate and Senior member shall provide a copy of his Handgun Qualification License or proof of an exception recognized by the MD State Police to the Membership Chairman within 6 months of becoming a member . Article IV. Election to membership 1. All applicants for membership must appear at a regular meeting with the application. This requirement may be waived by vote of the members present at a regular meeting after consideration of the merit of each individual case and reason for the non-appearance of the applicant. ARTICLE V. Dues 1. Initiation Fees and Dues A. Annual dues for Senior members and Associate members shall be $ 20 per annum due January 5 of each year. B. Annual dues for Temporary members shall be $20 per annum due January 5 of each year. Dues will not be prorated. C. No vote may be taken on an application until the entire amount has been paid. D. Upon consideration of the facts, the Executive Committee, by majority vote, may move to reduce or waive the annual dues and other financial obligations for any member. The annual dues and initiation fees of the organization shall be defined in the Standing Rules and Policies. B. No member of the organization in arrears for more than thirty (30) days shall be eligible for any of the benefits offered by this organization. Members may not withdraw in good standing from the organization when in arrears for dues. C. The Treasurer shall notify each member in arrears for dues at the end of the thirty (30) day period, and advise the member that the period of grace shall extend for not more than sixty (60) days after such notice. If dues have not been received at the end of this period, and the member has not been excused by the Executive Committee, the member will be dropped from the rolls and may re-enter only as a new member. D. The annual dues of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and other officers as specified by the Executive Committee shall be waived during their incumbency. ARTICLE IX. Suspension or Expulsion A. Any officer or member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members eligible to vote at any meeting called for this purpose. They shall have been given due notice in writing of the charges against them and no vote on suspension or removal shall be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days' notice shall have been given to the entire membership. A full hearing in open meeting shall be accorded the member and the result shall be in the form of a resolution to suspend or expel voted in the affirmative by not less than two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote at the meeting. B. Any member who violates a major safety rule, acts recklessly and/or carelessly, endangers the safety of any person, or imperils the future of this organization in any way, may be subject to instant expulsion from this club with no reimbursement of dues, and is in addition subject to prosecution by the authorities. 2. Safety Rules: The Safety officer shall prepare a set of written Safety rules, based upon recognized safety rules and practices, e.g. NRA, other established rifle and pistol clubs, customized to the functioning of this club. The Safety rules shall be approved by the Executive committee. The Safety rules may be updated periodically as recommended by the Safety officer. Thereafter, the rules shall be printed and distributed to all members. Members shall be required to bring a copy with them to all shooting events they attend, and provide a copy to any guest they bring. In addition the Executive Committee shall bring spare copies of the rules to all events and shall make them available for distribution to any guests. 3. Safety Rule Violations: Members and member’s guests must follow Club Safety rules regarding handling and operation of firearms. If a member is charged with violating these safety rules repeatedly (2 times) he shall first be warned by the Safety Officer or Training Officer, and upon repeat violations (2) may be recommended for termination of membership. Termination of membership shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee. 4. 4.1 Guests: Members may bring guest to events for the purpose of introducing them to the club and /or to the shooting sports up to 4 times per year for the same guest, unless additional visits per year are approved in advance by 2 Club officers. The Member is responsible for any fees associated with the event. The Member shall introduce the Guest to the Shooting or Training Officer (or a Senior Member designated to act as their substitute if neither is present) and the Guest shall demonstrate knowledge of the Safety rules prior to handling any firearms. The Member is responsible for his guest’s observance of the Safety rules. If a guest intentionally violates or ignores the Safety rules the Safety officer shall request him to leave the event immediately, and that guest may not be invited to future events. 4.2 Hold Harmless Agreement The INDEMNIFICATION, HOLD HARMLESS, DEFENSE, WAIVER, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT shall be adopted as an appendix to the Standing Rules and Policies and copies shall be distributed to all members as an appendix to the Constitution. Furthermore, all guests and host members shall be required to execute a copy of this agreement as a condition of participating in a club sponsored event. The host member is responsible to register his guests and submit an executed copy of this agreement for each of his guests to a member of the Executive Committee before participating in the event. Failure to do so shall waive the member’s participation in the Club’s liability coverage. 7.4 Guest Fees: Guests shall be assessed a fee for participating in club sponsored events. Fees shall be set for each event as determined by the Club Events Chairman.
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