14544 Lebanon RD. • Old Hickory, TN 37138 MARCH 1, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Website: www.saintstephencommunity.org Church Email: [email protected] Bulletin notices (due by 11am Monday) Email: [email protected] Office: 615-758-2424 • Fax: 615-754-0043 Priest’s House: 615-754-4454 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm PASTORAL STAFF • EXT./PHONE Pastor, Rev. Pat Kibby.......................................................12 Deacon, F red Bourland ................................ 615-754-6899 Deacon, Steve Molnar……………………… 615-604-6059 Deacon, Rob Montini ..................................... 615-884-7541 Deacon, Mickey Rose ..................................... 615-758-0322 Deacon, Tom Samoray…………………… ... 615-504-6257 Deacon, Hans Toecker ................................... 615-482-1895 Office Director, Barbara Couturier ..................................11 Office Secretary, Linda Ramming ....................................10 Adult Formation & Ministries, F rancie Duffield ............21 Life Teen Minister, Angie Bosio.......................................13 Youth Formation, Greg Karn ..........................................15 RCIC, Connie Blevins .................................... 615-397-9255 Music and RCIA, Scott Goudeau .....................................30 Life Teen Band, Renee Campbell .................. 615-516-2067 RECONCILIATION: Satur days at 4:00 pm in the Reconciliation Room and by appointment. INFANT BAPTISM CLASS: For r egister ed member s of the parish. Second Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm in the worship space, unless otherwise noted. MARRIAGE: Contact one of the following: Deacon Hans Toecker, Deacon Tom Samoray, Deacon Steve Molnar or Rev. Pat Kibby (see contact numbers above) at time of engagement. PRAYER CHAIN: For pr ayer for your self or for someone else, call Rosetta at 615-889-9495. SICK LIST; If you ar e going into the hospital or are homebound, please call the office, 615-758-2424. 24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: If you ar e feeling lonely, depressed, overwhelmed, a caring voice is just a phone call away at 615-244-7444, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. SCRIPTURE REFLECTION "Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them." Peter, James, and John must have been in a bit of spiritual shock. What a strange thing had just happened! They had witnessed Jesus, their teacher and friend, start glowing in his "dazzling white" clothes while engaging in conversation with two holy dead men. Then, a voice from the sky declared that Jesus was God's son. This was not natural. It was supernatural. These three chosen apostles were given a glimpse into the divine nature of their leader. They were shown something that no one else had a chance to see until after the Resurrection: Jesus in all of his glory. But this vision was short-lived. It suddenly disappeared and then Jesus instructed his friends to keep it quiet until "the Son of Man had risen from the dead." Perhaps we can relate in some small way to this Transfiguration experience. Perhaps there has been a time or two in our lives when we have had a spiritual experience, when we experienced God's healing, felt his mercy, or knew his presence was real. But then, maybe it went away. For most of us, we don't spend the majority of our time "on the mountaintop" with these "dazzling" insights into who God is. Rather, we tend to walk a journey that is shrouded by mystery and dependent upon faith. At times, we may even second-guess the spiritual experiences of our past once they have "disappeared." Possibly Peter, James, and John wondered if it had all been a crazy illusion. But when the Resurrection happened, they knew it was all for real. As we await the Resurrection this Lent, may we have the faith to believe that Jesus really has touched our lives and that he can lead us to eternal life. © Liturgical Publications Inc. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTION SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 8 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:00pm…………Peter McDevitt 8:30am ............... Everett Dunlap 11:00am ............... Raymond (Bud) Caffrey 5:00pm ............... People of the Community 8:00am ............... Mel Lundie 8:00am ............... Edgar Holzer 8:00am ............... Communion Service 6:30pm…………Mark Harper 8:00am ............... Matthew & Lillian Farris 8:00am ............... Sue Walsh 8:00am…………Communion Service 5:00pm…………Rene Cote 8:30am ............... Anthony Federle 11:00am ............... Gale Amond 5:00pm ............... People of the Community Registration in the Parish: Forms are available in the office during office hours, in the literature racks in the narthex of the church, or on our website (www. saintstephencommunity.org) and can be filled out and returned electronically. Sunday Adult Education meets from 9:45-10:45 am in the Lounge (lower level of Holy Family Center). LIFE TEEN All high school age youth of the parish are invited to attend the LIFE TEEN Mass held every Sunday at 5pm followed by LIFE Night in the Holy Family Center Hall. PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) Classes for youth, age 3 through grade 8, are held on Sundays during the school year. FAITH FORMATION Adult Ed meets on Sunday and Monday. We will continue with Scott Hahn’s The Bible and Prayer. We will consider vocal prayer forms mentioned in the Bible and those used today in our Church. *The Sunday group meets at 9:45am. *The Monday group meets at 9am. All groups meet in the hall of the Holy Family Center. Catholic Basics Wednesday mornings at 8:30am. Join us in the HFC Lounge. We are studying the Great Religions of the World and will focus on Judaism. The Nursery is open during Sunday Masses for all children 12 months (and walking) through 3 years. Wednesday Morning Scr iptur e and Prayer Group from 10am-11:15am. We are studying Scripture. Join us in Room 105. Adult Choir & Children's Choir practices vary according to Mass times. Everyone is invited. Contact: Scott Goudeau. A Time to Seek—chapter-a-day readings: Isaiah 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Christian Initiation (RCIA) and (RCIC) All non -Catholic adults interested in learning about or becoming members of the Catholic Church contact Scott Goudeau. Youth, age 7 or older, contact Connie Blevins. Meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Hall. This Week: Deacons Tom Samoray and Steve Molnar will share with us their journey to the vocation of the Deaconate. Bring your Deacon and/or Mass questions for Tom and Steve. Catholics Returning Home. If you have been away from the Church, Welcome Home! If you would like help with transition back, contact Jerry Marcec (630-362-7150 or [email protected]). Parent’s Day Out. Located at 108 Brookhollow. Call Nancy Otting at 754-8432 for information and availability. Elizabeth Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to provide support, comradeship, spiritual guidance and encouragement to parents of any age. Contact Jill LaFaye 578-2662. AA meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center. Al-Anon meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 noon in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center. We can help, you are not alone. Funeral & Bereavement Ministry. Information to share on ways to save on the cost. Pre-planning allows us to establish a personal relationship ahead of time. After the death of a loved one we all need to journey with our grief in order for closure to take place. For questions about Catholic funerals or to pre-plan, call Francie Duffield at 758-2424. Financial Report—2-22-15 Regular Collection ........................... $27,727 Debt Reduction Income ...................... $6,776 Debt Owed ..................................... $965,886 Income YTD (starting 7/1/14) ........ $987,417 Income Last Year ………………….$986,553 Electronic donation is available on our website, www.saintstephencom munity.org. Click the Online Giving button on the right side, and the program will walk you through the steps to set up your account. Fast, easy and convenient. Next Week: We will take our focus and knowledge of the Mass for Liturgical Ministry Training. Review for our current ministers, and training for those who wish to be Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors or Altar Servers. Life Teen Spring Retreat: The Life Teen Spring Retreat is Friday night – Saturday, Mar. 20-21. This r etr eat will be a “Suburban Plunge” exploring the issues of immigration and racism through the lens of our faith as we listen to immigration stories of our neighbors and those working on the front lines of immigration and race issues. Cost is $45 to cover meals, transportation and supplies. Contact Angie at 758-2424 x 13 or [email protected] by Mar. 15 to sign up. LIFE TEEN Recycles: LIFE TEEN collects cellular phones and inkjet printer cartridges for recycling as a fund raiser for our trip to Covecrest, the Life Teen summer camp. LIFE TEEN receives up to $3 for each phone and ink cartridge received. Deposit inkjet cartridges and cell phones in the marked boxes on top of the wood box in the Old Church. No chargers or accessories please, only phones and batteries. Contact: Angie at 758-2424. PREP · Congratulations to all the students who celebr ated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this weekend. · First Eucharist students’ retreat is Satur day, Mar. 21 from 8:30am-12:30am. · The Good Friday Confirmation Mini- Retreat is on Fr iday, Apr. 3 following the Good Friday liturgy (until 9pm). Celebration of Sacraments: · First Eucharist is Satur day, April 11 at the 5pm Mass. · Confirmation is Fr iday, April 24, 2015 and will be celebrated here at St. Stephen. Joining us in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation will be Holy Rosary Academy and parish. We must have a copy of their Baptism Certificate for all students preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. · Important: Other Upcoming Events: · First Eucharist Parents’ Meeting, Sunday, Mar. 15 at 9:45am in the HFC lounge. Note: The nursery will be open for child care during the parents’ meeting. Confir mation students will join in the service of our parish family on Saturday, Mar. 28 at our parish Seder Supper (the Passover meal). The event begins following the 5pm Mass and is open to the parish, and all are invited to attend. · Seder Meal: St. Stephen PREP recycles all disposable batteries. Bring them to the old worship space, and place them in the container marked “Batteries for Recycling.” We’ll take it from there. · Service Project: “’Here I am!’ he answered.” – Genesis 22:11 It is easy to say, “Here I am, Lord,” when we are kneeling in church. Can we just as easily answer, “Here I am, Lord,” when we go home, when a neighbor needs our help, when a fellow parishioner asks us to join a committee, or when a letter asks for our financial help? These are often exactly the places where Jesus calls us to be. PARISH HIGHLIGHTS Passion Mime: The Passion has been rescheduled to Friday, Mar. 6 at 7pm in the Old Church. The presentation is free and will be in place of the Stations of the Cross. Lent Eucharistic Adoration: Kyrie, Eleison! The Lent 40 Hours Eucharist Adoration will begin Wednesday Mar. 25 at Midnight and will continue through Thursday, Mar. 26 at 7p.m, followed immediately by the Lent Penance Service. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend some time in self-directed prayer and contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament during the holy Lenten season. We need many volunteers, so please sign-up early to help make this devotion possible for others. You may sign-up online anytime at www.mysignup.com/40 hours. Sign-ups will also be held following all Masses the weekend of Mar. 21-22. Lenten Penance Service: Thursday, Mar. 26 at 7pm. Now is the time! It is Lent and the Fish Fries are underway. Join us for food, fellowship and fun. Fish Fries start at 5pm on Friday in the hall of the Holy Family Center. There are only 3 more, so do not miss out. Come early and bring a friend. The Fish Fries are sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus sincerely wish to thank all those who participated in last weekend’s Red Cross Blood Drive. As a community representing St. Stephen, your "Gift of Life" made a difference by saving a potential 201 lives through your selfless act of giving 67 pints of life saving blood. Special thanks to Father Kibby, all of our Deacons, Linda Ramming, David Morrissey and Zig Wajler. Special thanks also to the Knights’ Kitchen Crew—Chip Harris, Dave Waters, Steve and Sue Cartier for preparing breakfast for the donors and their families. Thanks to our friends at Waffle House for providing the food for breakfast! The Blood Drive Honor Roll will be posted this weekend and next on the bulletin boards in the Narthex. Any questions, call Mark Marsh at 2079434. Next Blood Drive is May 3. St. Stephen Boy Scout Troop 1204 Bagged MULCH PRE-SALE. Scouts will be collecting orders the weekends of Feb. 28-Mar. 1, and Mar. 7-8. Orders placed for pick-up should be picked up at Needham’s Nursery, Saturday, Mar. 14, 9am – noon. If order is for delivery it will be delivered by the Scouts to your home or business with a 10 item minimum purchase. All proceeds from this sale go directly towards the cost of summer camp and outings for the Scouts. Please place an order with a Boy Scout after Mass! Thank you for supporting the Scouts of Troop 1204. www.bsatroop1204.org, 615-758-9796. El OK Corral Spirit Night: Today, Sunday, Mar. 1 is our El Ok Corral Spirit Night. Have lunch, dinner or a snack there today and bring the flyer on the round table in the Narthex for 10% of your bill to go to Life Teen and Edge students attending Summer Camp in 2015. Eucharistic Minister Training: Have you ever wondered about or wanted to be a Eucharistic Minister? Well now is the time to take that next step. If you are confirmed, a member of the parish of high school age or older, you too can become a Eucharistic Minister. All you need to do is attend one of the two training sessions that are being held Wednesday, Mar. 4, from 7pm to 9pm in the narthex or Saturday Mar. 7 from 9am to 11am in the church. For more information, call Sean or Moreen Muldoon at 495-0060. Prayer Blanket Ministry: St. Stephen parishioners are starting a Prayer Blanket Ministry, for young and old alike. These fleece blankets will be given to those who are seriously ill or injured, confined to home, nursing home, hospitalized or recovering from a hospital stay. They are made by our hands with love, prayers and are blessed. They are given to the confined person to express caring and concern from St. Stephen Catholic Community. The blankets are easy to make and require NO SEWING. If you have a pair of scissors, 1¼ yards of medium weight no-pill fleece, and a desire to help, this ministry is for YOU! For those wishing to belong to this new Ministry, there will be an instructional meeting and blessing on Mar. 14 at 11am in the hall of the Holy Family Center. This is the same day as packing Pillowcase Dresses for shipping to Haiti at 10am. Come early to see those adorable dresses before they are shipped. Stay and become a part of this new St. Stephen Prayer Blanket Ministry. Let us know if you are interested or have any questions, call/email Joyce Davis 615-8472623, [email protected] or Lorine Bourland 615-754-6899, [email protected]. Baptism Class Date Change: The baptism class for March will be held on Thursday, March 19, at 7:30pm. Room in the Inn Needs: We have 3 more dates in March for Room in the Inn, and some supplies have run out, or are very low, for the goody bags we put on each of our guest’s bed. We increased our guest count from 18 to 20 this year. We’re looking for 60 of the following items: washcloths, hand sanitizer, razors, pocket tissues, chapstick. Thank you all for any donations. Dee Ryerson Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the KC Ladies Auxiliary will be Saturday, Apr. 4. Children MUST be at the starting line no later than 10am. Egg Hunt starts promptly at 10am. Pictures with the Easter Bunny FREE with a donation of canned food for the Help Center. Pictures begin at 8:45am until 9:30am and then will begin again after the egg hunt. The egg hunt will be in the marked areas (by age) behind the church, and all children through 12 years of age are invited to participate. In case of inclement weather, we will move to the Holy Family Center. Please consider helping with the success of this hunt by donating candy (prewrapped only) and placing it in the marked tub in the old church. Sign-ups for your child's participation will be available after all Masses beginning Mar. 7. Nine Words books: A limited supply (6) of the book Nine Words is available for those continuing on their Fiat journey. The cost is $3 and they can be picked up at the church office. Join Fr. Pat Kibby, Deacon Fred and Lorine Bourland on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, May 9-20, guided by Fr. Angelo, a Franciscan priest living in Jerusalem. This pilgrimage is a once in a lifetime opportunity. An add-on trip, May 20-22 to Tourin, Italy to see the Shroud is optional. Contact Deacon Fred or Lorine Bourland at [email protected] or call 615-754-6899. Use your Kroger Plus Card to Raise Money for Life Teen Summer Camp. Kroger has changed their rewards card policy and will now allow you to enroll your Kroger Plus Card in their Community Rewards Program. You no longer need to use the gift cards, having to load them before making purchases. Go on-line at www. krogercommunityrewards.com. Have your Kroger Plus Card handy to enter your number after you register in the program. The NPO for St. Stephen is 89477. From the Pro-Life Committee of the Ladies Auxiliary: The United Nations, in its Declaration of the Rights of the Child, has decreed: ….the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth. DIOCESAN AND COMMUNITY NEWS Mt. Juliet Help Center: Most needed items at the center are: soups (especially chili), pinto beans, peas, and mixed vegetables. Upcoming Cursillo Weekends: Women’s English Cursillo Mar. 5 to Mar. 8. Cursillo is a weekend retreat experience of dynamic spiritual growth that begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday evening. It helps develop an understanding of what it means to fully live a Christian life in your everyday situation. Cursillo provides a method to transform your life through prayer and small Christian communities. Weekends are held at Camp Marymount in Fairview, TN. If you are interested in finding out more about this retreat weekend, please email or call Parish Coordinator Candace Gilligan, 615-962-2521, or email [email protected] for more information or an application form. Catholic Men of Faith Conference, Mar. 7 from 8:30am to 2pm at St. Philip Chur ch in Franklin. Mass with Bishop Choby at 8:30am. Speakers are Kevin Reilly (former NFL player, amputee, cancer survivor and senior Xerox exec. for 30 years; Tim Staples (former Marine and seminarian from Catholic Answers); and Darrell Miller (former MLB player with a powerful conversion story). Go to: www.catholicmenof faithconf.com. Nashville Area Retrouvaille Program, Mar. 6-8. Retr ouvaille is a mar r iage r ecovery program for struggling couples who are considering separation or divorce. It is Catholic in origin and orientation, but is open to all married couples regardless of religious background. Contact information: (800) 4702230 or (615) 523-0631 or nrv3043@gmail. com or www.HelpOurMarriage.com. Catholic Underground (Mar. 14, April 11, May 9), 7pm—10pm, St. Mary Church, 330 5th Ave. N., Nashville. Begins with a Holy Hour with evening prayer, silent prayer time, praise and worship music, and confessions. An expression of Catholic art, usually a concert, follows in the basement with refreshments, and ending with night prayer. Everyone is welcome. The event is free, but donations are appreciated. Parking is free for participants in St. Mary's lot. Free Movie Night at St. Frances Cabrini: Saturday, Mar. 28. Doors open at 6:30pm; movie starts at 7pm. Free popcorn, drinks and snacks. The movie is The Staircase. Please join us. Three to Get Married Retreat Apr. 24-26, from 5pm Friday thru 3pm Sunday, at Camp Marymount, 1318 Fairview Blvd., Fairview. A comprehensive marriage preparation weekend for engaged couples. The program utilizes a variety of seminars, discussions and private time to ensure that each couple is presented with the spiritual, emotional, psychological and cultural dimensions of Catholic married and family life. The program is presented by priests, trained psychologists, medical professionals, and experienced married couples. Meals are provided from dinner on Friday to lunch on Sunday. Cost: $300; includes all meals, lodging and materials. Info/registration: http://stmarysdowntown.org/three-to-getmarried-retreat. Save the Date: Pr egnancy Car e Center Annual Fundraising Banquet, Sowing Seeds for Life, Thursday, Apr. 30 at The River Church. Dinner and Program—7pm-9pm. Keynote Speaker—Keith Ferrin. Dinner is complimentary. An opportunity to make a financial contribution will be extended. www.pcctn-partners.com. Silent Directed Retreat at Mercy Convent, May 10-16. Info: sstalm@mer cysc.or g or (615) 885-4041. Adult Day Program at Catholic Charities is available and affordable for seniors who need supervision, structure, socialization, and engaging activities. Info: (615) 760-4408. Father Ryan High School News: Men's Basketball AAU: Tr youts for the Ir ish Men’s Basketball AAU teams on Mar. 2 at 5pm for current 6th, 7th and 8th graders. For more information, contact Doug Bontrager at [email protected]. Summer Camp registration is now available. Father Ryan's summer camps begin June 1 and run through July 20. Camps are offered for rising K-12th graders in activities like sports, dance, debate, and art. Sign up by Mar. 31 and save 15% at fatherryan.org/camps. Pope John Paul II High School: Save the Date—On Monday, Mar. 9 at 6:30 pm, Dr. Robin M. Jensen from Vanderbilt University will speak as this year’s “Pope John Paul II Distinguished Lecturer.” Dr. Jensen is one of the nation’s leading experts on Christian liturgy and art. Going with this year’s theme of the arts in the Catholic Tradition, her talk, entitled “Sanctified Seeing: Visual Art as Praying and Praising,” will explor e the var ious ways that visual art supports and enriches our worship and prayer life. Mark your calendars and come join us in the Monroe and Ann Carell Auditorium for an engaging evening! TWO WEEKS AT A GLANCE Sunday, March 1—2nd Sunday of Lent · Penetential Rite 8:30am · PREP 9:45am · Adult Ed 9:45am · Life Teen 6pm · Edge 6:15pm Monday, March 2 · Adult Ed 9am · Rosary 6:15pm · K of C 7pm · Ladies Auxiliary 7pm · Life Band 7pm · Boy Scouts 7pm Tuesday, March 3 · AA 7am/Al Anon 12 noon · Room in the Inn—St. Stephen · Yoga Prayer 7pm Wednesday, March 4 · Catholic Basics 8:30am · Scripture 10am · Passion Mime Practice 5pm · Choir 7pm · Eucharistic Ministers Training 7pm · Spousal Loss 7pm Thursday, March 5 · Al Anon 12 noon · Passion Mime Practice 5pm · RCIA/RCIC 7pm Friday, March 6 · Fish Fry 5pm · Passion Mime 7pm Saturday, March 7 · Charisms Workshop 9am · Eucharistic Ministers Training 9am · Reconciliation 4pm Sunday, Mar. 8—2nd Sunday of Lent— Daylight Savings Time Begins · PREP 9:45am · Adult Ed 9:45am · Life Teen 6pm · Edge 6:15pm Monday, March 9 · Adult Ed 9am · Rosary 6:15pm · Toastmasters 6:45pm · Life Band 7pm · Boy Scouts 7pm Tuesday, March 10 · AA 7am/Al Anon 12 noon · Room in the Inn—Grace U.M.C. · Yoga Prayer 7pm Wednesday, March 11 · Catholic Basics 8:30am · Scripture 10am · Choir 7pm · Spousal Loss 7pm Thursday, March 12 · Al Anon 12 noon · RCIA/RCIC 7pm Friday, March 13 · Fish Fry 5pm · Stations of the Cross 7pm Saturday, March 14 · Haiti Sewing Workshop and Blanket Making 10am · Reconciliation 4pm Call the office to add your/ family member name to the prayer list. Names will be kept on the list until the end of the month. Let us know if we should keep someone on longer. Please inform the office of a loved one’s death so they may be added to the deceased prayer list. 10% Donations The following merchants have offered to donate 10% of your total purchase (excluding alcohol and sales tax) to St. Stephen Life Teen and EDGE on the days listed below to help with funding for Life Teen Summer Camp. Please present the bulletin or flyer at time of purchase. El OK Corral—First Sunday of the month. Children’s Trove Consignment—10% back to St. Stephen on all purchases. Choose St. Stephen from the list at checkout. THIS SPACE IS Please pray for those who are sick, especially Susan Kram (sister of Teri Bosio), Ozzie Vogel (great-grandson of Tom & Joann Doss), Bruce Schipper (nephew of Judy Crowe), Richard Schultz (cousin of Judy Crowe), Dotti Smith (friend of Sandy Donnell), Dale Hudak, Kathleen Cunningham, George Mainville (brother of Betty Micol), Robert Porter, James Porter (brother of Bobby Porter), David Beers, Fred Scalzo (friend of Rosemary Beers), Greg Smith (nephew of Bob & Maureen Copeskey), Ruth Foster (mother of David Foster), Karen Johnston (friend of Janice Fox), Marguerite Dammann (mother of Dan Dammann), Nancy Reuther, Mary Rehovsky (friend of Karen Mertens), Rob Aton (son of Margaret Aton), Marilyn Coleman (sister of Linda Norfleet and Alan Lancaster), Ted Slusar, Jessica Overton (niece of Molly Miller), Marvin Cropsey (friend of Francie & Carl Duffield), Jean Wajler (mother of Zig Wajler), Mary Lynn Dyer (daughter-in-law of Alice Morey), Phil Kersey, Michael Wagner (friend of Carol Dalglish), Tina Marcec (mother of Jerry Marcec), Terry Baggott, Bill Golden, John Zabaski, Charles Waterston, David Thompson (father of Tina Rosetti), Suzanne Lapointe (daughter of Patti Lapointe), Karsyn Thornton (friend of Trish Aud), Gerry Finney (brother of Molly Altenbern), Anne McMurry (mother of Olivia Winfree), Lenore Hawkins and Jane Harbin (friends of Olivia Winfree), Ed Hudak, Ron Hadarich (friend of Suzanne Visitacion), Elizabeth Vislay (granddaughter of Charleen Hoover), Diane Kudrez, Mickey Rose, Fred Bourland, Scott Sulski (son of Natalie Sulski), Stuart Bowdoin, Kaleb Leigh (grandson of Sally Clinard), Greg Hamrick (brother-in-law of Deb Varallo), David Maass (brother of Herman Maass), Christina Hoover, Margaret Stull (niece of Peggy Waterston), Gizella Ricci (friend of Mark Marsh), Mary Decker (mother of Rosemary Beers), Joan Gunter, Betty Batcheldor, Ken Frost, Ferne Harris (mother of Chip Harris), Pauline Strawderman (mother of Helen Walsh), Don Wescott, Beth Covert (niece of Suzanne Valimont), Bishop Mikaelian. Please remember those who have died, especially: Kathy Ring, Lorraine Kroutter (aunt of Tim Campbell). Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. FREE Estimates On Replacement Heating & Cooling Systems PROGRESSIVE PLUMBING LICENSED INSURED 22 YEARS EXPERIENCE NEW CONSTRUCTION • REMODELING WATER HEATER REPLACEMENTS • SERVICE LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. 9904 Lebanon Road • Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 [email protected] • Cell: (615) 506-4403 Happy You’ll Be or the Service is FREE! Mac Crook St. Stephens Parishioner 615-678-9228 www.happyhiller.com [email protected] Rochelle Reding, Realtor® ! ! THIS SPACE IS "#$%&'!()*+,*-+./-%&00'!()*+*./+((./ 1"%2&00&1&34567%"038&009:5;&1<%"= Each Office is independently Owned & Operated Barnes >(..!?<!@A<!BC04&A!D":3!E!@A<!BC04&AF!G?!H,)>> 888<D"%2&00&D&3456<%"= Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. AUTO, HOME, MOTORCYCLE, BOAT, RV, LIFE, MORTGAGE For Advertising Information, call MIKE MCALEER at LPi today! 11888 Lebanon Rd., Mt. Juliet CALL JOHN DUSIO 1.800.477.4574 • 216.325.6825 ext 6307 [email protected] Parishioner 553-4838 3-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1131\i Cajun Seafood LLC Authentic Cajun Cuisine Wild Caught American Seafood 615.288.3264 • 14833 Lebanon Rd. Hermitage Mt Juliet 885-JETS(5387) 754-4100 BRING IN THIS BULLETIN FOR 10% OFF YOUR ORDER (behind Duncan Donuts) Monday-Saturday 11-9 View our menu on our facebook page @ facebook.com/cajunseafoodllc OFFERING BREAKFAST AND LUNCH ALL DAY! 3838 G. Old Hickory Blvd • Old Hickory 847-4404 OFFERING UPSCALE CATERING DR. JANET CLODFELTER “Creating beautiful healthy smiles!” 226 Shady Grove Rd. • Nashville, TN 615-889-6816 • www.drjanetdds.com 14920 Lebanon Road Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-754-9800 Formally Bobby Ray’s Collision Center STRICTLY INTERIORS Family Hair Cutting Center Dennis Kaney Painting Donelson 889-0132 Mt. Juliet 773-2110 Lebanon 443-2444 Mon-Fri 9:00-8:00 • Sat 9:00-6:00 BRING IN BULLETIN FOR $2 OFF HAIRCUT 10% OFF RETAIL PRODUCT www.headsup-tn.com 828-8433 • 754-5208 Fit Physiques Fitness/Personal Training Ctr 3384 N. Mt. Juliet Rd., Suite 100 LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. (615) 758-8656 www.FitPhysiquesGym.com Parishioner Thomas Roberson, O.D. Optometrist THIS SPACE IS 754-4733 Mt. Juliet Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. (615) 885-4146 4601 ANDREW JACKSON PKWY • HERMITAGE LET US CATER YOUR NEXT EVENT! DONELSON AUTO CLINIC 667 South Mount Juliet Rd Mount Juliet Serving Donelson Since 1969 www.precision-eye.com (615) 758-2344 All Kinds of Auto Repair Mike Huffman !!"#$%%&'('))*'+,-./01234'5.6 7776.2849:28-;<2=9>8>=6=2? Call LPI Today at 1-800-477-4574 or 216-325-6825 Drs. Ryan & Amber Fritsch LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Stephanie Kleiner REALTOR 4301 Hillsboro Road • Suite 100 Nashville, TN 37215 [email protected] ZeitlinRealtors.com/skleiner Gary Rabideau Vice President, Broker, Choir A Continuing Care Retirement Community Cell: (615) 415-1740 2IÀFH [email protected] www.my.nashvillehomesearcher.com (615) 871-8200 Jerry & Chris Houston Tommy Goodwin 3930 N. Mt. Juliet Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-7226 www.houstonsmarket.com FULL SERVICE CATERING*LUNCH SERVED DAILY CUSTOM CUT MEATS*SMOKED RIBS WEEKENDS Home • Auto • Business (615) 754-6374 LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. www.meritinstn.com Across the street from St. Stephen 3-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1131/o
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