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March 1, 2015
Second Sunday in Lent
9:30 a.m.
* indicates please stand, if you are able
Silent Prayer and Preparation
Welcome and Announcements
* Gathering Hymn 227 – For the Fruit of All Creation
* Opening Words: (responsive)
We are invited to walk with God.
We are welcomed by God as people of the covenant.
It is an awesome thing,
to stand in the presence of our Creator.
We bring our praise to glorify God.
God calls us by name and summons us to faithfulness.
God not only speaks to us, but listens also.
God hears our cries and attends to our need.
Let us all remember and turn to God.
Let us all people join the covenant
and worship the Creator.
Let us worship God.
(Congregation may be seated.)
Prayer of Approach: (in unison)
God, your Son Jesus Christ
bore the cross to save us
and was raised from the dead
for the redemption of the world.
Give us the courage
to take up our cross and follow him,
that through his grace we may accept
the cost of faithful discipleship
and receive the joy of life with Christ.
Holy Spirit,
open our hearts to receive your Word,
reveal to us the good news,
and enable us to trust in your promises
in Jesus Christ, whose words we pray as we sing …
The Prayer of Jesus: VU 959 (sung)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil
for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and forever.
Choir Anthem:
“Down In the Valley to Pray”
- J. Althouse
Bible Readings: (starting on page 5)
Mark 8: 31-38
Psalm 145
- Barbara Peszle
Sermon: A World of Greed OR a World of Abundance
* Hymn 872 – Give Praise to Our God (Psalm 149)
Invitation to the Offering
Choir Anthem: “Go Not Far From Me, O God”
- Zingarelli
(Psalm 71)
* Offertory Response: VU 544
In gratitude and humble trust
we bring our best today
to serve your cause and share your love
with all along life’s way.
O God, who gave yourself to us
in Jesus Christ, your Son,
teach us to give ourselves each day
until life’s work is done.
* Prayer of Dedication: (in unison)
Almighty God, we thank you for the covenant
you established with Abraham and Sarah,
which you have opened to us
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Accept these offerings with the dedication of our lives,
that we may be for the world,
a sign of your abiding love
and a testament to your enduring promise. Amen.
Prayers of God’s People (Iona Community)
Choral Response:
God enfold you, Christ to uphold you,
Spirit to keep you in heaven’s sight;
So may God grace you, heal and embrace you,
lead you through darkness into the light.
* Closing Hymn 242 – Let All Things Now Living
* Benediction
* Choral Blessing: MV 215
Peace be with you, peace forever,
peace be with you, my friends.
Till we meet again, may God be with you.
Peace, peace, peace.
(The congregation is invited to sit and listen to the postlude.)
We welcome all who worship with us today, but especially our guests. We invite you to record your visit with
us by signing the guest book at the entrance. After worship, the congregation visits over refreshments in the
Lower Hall and we hope you will join us. If you would like the minister to call on you, please contact the
church office.
Large print copies of the hymns are available for use every Sunday. Please feel free to ask an usher for a
copy. After the service, please return the booklet to the pew at the back of the sanctuary. Thank you.
Ushers: Bruce and Louise Stayzer
Counters: Keith and Ruth Rae
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time Change – Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday, March 7.
Friendship Group – For those who need a ride to Fiddler on the Roof in Port Colborne today, meet in the back
parking lot of the church by 1:00 pm for car-pooling. At the theatre use the north-east entrance, due to
construction at the other entrance. After the show, we will meet at the Swiss Chalet on Niagara Street in
Welland for supper.
Taize Services are being held at Fenwick United every Wednesday during Lent at 6:30 pm. Everyone is
World Day of Prayer service will be held at Fonthill United Church this Friday, March 6 at 2:00 pm. The
service this year is prepared by the women of the Bahamas.
Fonthill United Church
42 Church Hill, Box 926, Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0
Office (905) 892-6433
email: [email protected]
Minister: Garry van Bruchem
Music Director: William Outred
Council Chair: John McGregor
Secretary: Patrice Walker
The Week Ahead
Mon. Mar 2
Tues. Mar 3
Wed. Mar 4
Thurs. Mar 5
Mar 6
Mar 7
Mar 8
3:30 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
3:00 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
3:00 pm
7:30 pm
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
9:30 am
Prayer Circle
Pedicure Salon
Music Lessons
Weight Watchers
Music Lessons
Music Lessons
Choir Practice
World Day of Prayer Service
Piano Lessons
Music Recital in Sanctuary
Worship Service – Lent 3
Discussion Group