ATCN Course Management System (CMS) User Manual The Course Management System (CMS) is an integrated online record keeping system which captures required documentation for ATCN Courses. Use of the CMS will standardize commonly occurring processes in an ATCN program, such as submitting a course authorization request, ordering manuals, tracking course results etc. The CMS expedites real-time communication with the STN Office. It also supports the Performance Improvement process for the ATCN Program. Society of Trauma Nurses ~ 3493 Lansdowne Dr, Ste 2 ~ Lexington, KY 40517 859-977-7456(P) ~ 859-271-0607(F) ~ [email protected] 1 Frequent/Common Activities 1. How do I access the CMS? 2. Updating the information about my site/facility 3. How do I look up information for a student or faculty member? 4. How do I submitting a request for authorization (student, faculty or update) 5. How will I know if /when my course request has been approved? 6. Ordering manuals and other ATCN materials 7. What are my options for payment for ATCN Materials? 8. Can I view previous invoices? 9. I have a course approved, what do I do next? 10. How do I add new students to the system? 11. I just finished a course, what do I do next? 12. How do students complete the course evaluation to receive their CE documentation and ATCN Card? 13. My student(s) do not have easy access to a computer/internet after the course, how do they get their continuing education documents and ATCN cards? 14. How do I manually enter student evaluations? 15. What documents do I need to scan and upload into the system? 16. Can I access rosters from previous courses? 3 6 8 10 11 12 13 13 14 16 19 23 24 24 25 25 DO NOT USE THE BACK BUTTON WHILE USING THE SYTEM. Use the buttons at the top of the page to navigate the CMS. *This User Manual includes charts such as the one below to describe various functions of each page. Please review the legend below to not the difference between a field, button, and tab. Field A FIELD Name (F) A BUTTON Name (B) A TAB Name Information A field that contains data, either you will enter or is auto-populated from other sources. A “field” is indicated by (F) and area color coded light blue A function button that you click to make something happen. A “button” is indicated by (B) and is color coded light orange A tab that opens screens those are stacked upon each other. A Tab is indicted by a (T) and in color coded light green 2 How do I access the CMS? There is also a link to the CMS from the ATCN website Login Screen Enter your ID and password to access the system. Click on “Manage your Courses” to get to the Home Screen 3 Home Screen Overview At the home screen you have the main function options available to you. NOTE: You must first select the appropriate ATCN site you want to access from the drop down menu you are administering before beginning. Most directors will only have one site. There is a Home button from every page within the Course Management System. You can return home at any point to access the Main Menu. DO NOT USE THE BACK BUTTON WHILE USING THE SYTEM. Training Center Information Use this to view and edit information about your approved site. You can see a list of all the courses offered by your site, invoices and payments for materials, Contact information for key personnel at that site (course director, coordinator). If a site has more than one physical location that they offer ATCN at, these locations are listed as well New Course This effectively replaces the course request authorization form. Both Student and FacultyAll course requests should be made usinge this screen. Most of the data will auto –populate from the default values in the training center information fields. Note that an approved course director must be entered in order to submit a course request. Order Materials This replaces the material order form. All materials, books, videos, table top cards, etc. are ordered using this screen. Payments via credit card or purchase order are supported functions. Orders cannot be placed without an approved payment method. Course Administration This screen is where you manage all information about an individual course. This replaces the Student Information Report Form, and the Faculty Information Report Form. Student names, course completion, pass/fail information, and faculty are tracked through Course Administration. You will also be required to upload a pdf copy of the sign in sheet 4 with student signatures, a requirement of our CE accreditation, in order to complete course administration for each course. Find Student by ATCN# A search function to look up a student or faculty member by their unique ATCN ID# (this number is autocreated by the system, and stays with the individual, as they progress through multiple courses. It will be printed on their verification card. Find Student by Name Search function to look up a student or faculty by name. Closed Course View the faculty and student rosters from previous courses. Resource Center This will give access to ATCN course forms and documents. All aspects of the CMS will continue to have a corresponding paper form and process for alternative use when needed. Written tests and Initial Assessment Case scenarios are accessed on the Course Director page of the ATCN website. The resource center and course directors page replace the “Directors Disk”. 5 Updating Information About My Site Click the Training Center button on the home page. Confirm that the site address and region are accurate. The Courses, Invoices and past Schedule contains read only data, you cannot edit this information. If there are errors or corrections that need to be made, contact the national office. Training Center Information Center ID (F) Date of First Course (F) Active/Inactive (F) Status (F) Region (F) Center Name (F) Address (F) City/State/Zip (F) Country (F) Courses (T) Invoices (T) Past Schedule (T) Contact Info (T) Training Locations (T) Home (B) Unique ID assigned by the national office Date of Inaugural course Status of Site Performance Status of Site The ACS region the site is located in Name of the facility Mailing address Mailing address – Please use the two state abbreviation Full Name of Country – Please do not use abbreviations A listing of all current and future courses A listing of all invoices and payments A historical listing of all prior courses Listing of Key Site Personnel, Director, Coordinator, etc. Name and address of locations/facilities that your site provides courses at. The main site is indicated as the default location for auto-populating selected data on other screens Return to the Home menu 6 Add new Contact info if you have additional Course Directors, Coordinators, or Faculty that you want listed as contacts for your site by clicking on Add and entering the ATCN id of the individual and the clicking Update. Add new locations under the training locations tab, if you offer courses at more than one geographic location. You can also change the default location (this will auto-populate other fields in the CMS where course location information is listed) by checking the box next to the appropriate location. Delete locations under training locations tab by clicking the small garbage can to the right of the location. 7 How do I look up information for student or faculty? Look up a student who has taken ATCN in the past or a current faculty member one of two ways: by ATCN ID # or by the individual name. NOTE: Student records from courses prior to August 1, 2014 are not loaded into the system. Only faculty and faculty candidates in good standing as of August 1, 2014 are preloaded. Find Student/Faculty by Name The system can search by initial, first or last name. At least one initial for each the first and last name is needed. You may enter an asterisk (*) symbol if you are unsure of one of the names. If you enter a single letter for the first name and the full last name (i.e. A. Smith) you will get all individuals with any first name starting with A and a last name of Smith. If you know the first name but are concerned that there may be a different variation for that individual (i.e. registered as Mike or as Michael), then enter just the first initial and your results will include all individuals with that last name and first initial. You can then see the addresses to narrow down your search. Find a Student or Faculty by ATCN number ATCN ID#: enter the unique ATCN ID# that was assigned to the individual. This number is used to track an individual through all ATCN activities, student courses, update courses, and faculty courses. ATCN # (F) Continue (B) Cancel (B) 8 Enter the ATCN ID # to search for an individual by ATCN # After entering an ATCN # click the Continue button Takes you back to the previous screen Contact Information Screen ATCN ID (F) STN Membership (F) Credentials (F) Region (F) Site Name (F) Type (F) Untitled Box next to Type (F) Faculty Potential (F) Date Promoted to (F) Name (F) Title (F) Address Type (F) Address (F) City /State-Prov / Zip-Postal Country (F) Languages Spoken Phone Cell Phone Email* Forms (B) Home (B) Back (B) Unique ATCN ID # assigned by the system, stays with individual for all ATCN courses Individuals can add STN membership number if desired Academic Credentials, like RN, BSN, MSN, etc. Region of location (numeric value) This will only be completed for Course Directors and Course Coordinators assigned to a specific site and will be done by STN Headquarters Student, Faculty, Faculty Candidate, Course Coordinator, Course Director Active or Inactive Check box if student is identified as faculty potential Date Promoted to Faculty – Monitored by STN Headquarters First, Middle, and Last Name. Please use full names when appropriate Students job title Click the type of address, work or home Mailing Address Mailing Address – Use two state code Spell out – Please do not use abbreviations (United States) Text field, you can enter multiple languages, but these must be separated by a space Phone Number Cell phone number Email address (this is a required field) You will be alerted if email used is already in the system to avoid multiple records Review and upload critique forms and financial disclosures for faculty Return to the Home menu Take you back to the previous screen 9 Submitting a Course Authorization Request To submit a request for authorization of a new course, use the New Course button on the Home Page. Public / Closed (F) Certificate* Type (F)* Start / End Date (F) Location (F)* Address (F) Address 2 (F) City /State-Prov / Zip-Postal Country (F) Course Director (F)* Alerts STN headquarters whether to advertise your course on the ATCN and STN website. If you do not wish your course to be promoted on the calendar select Closed Course from the drop down menu. Use to indicate if this course will use the electronic process for student evaluations, CEU documentation and access to ATCN Card. If your students do not have access to computers to complete the survey online please change the Certificate box from Electronic to Manual. With the Manual option you will need to print paper evaluations and manually enter the evaluations for the students. Please see page 24 of the User Manual for further directions on this process. Select the type of Course from the drop down menu (Student, Faculty, Update) Enter the start and end dates for the course using the calendar or MM/DD/YYYY format The location of the site (default location auto-populates) or select from dropdown menu when additional training locations are added in the Site Information. If the location is not available in the drop down menu, select Cancel and return to the Site Information screen to add the additional location. The location of the site (will auto populate) The location of the site (will auto populate) The location of the site (will auto populate) The location of the site (will auto populate) Enter the ATCN ID# of the Course Director (Mandatory in order to submit course). You 10 must use the alpha and numeric characters. After entering the ATCN ID# click the Update button Course Coordinator (F) Enter the ATCN ID# for the Course Coordinator (not required for submission) Instructors (F) Enter the Faculty that are teaching in this course (not required to submit) Faculty can be added by look-up by name if you do not know the ATCN ID # (See Add Faculty by Name) Update Button (B) Click this after adding the ATCN ID# for the Course director and or Coordinator Add Instructor Button (B) Use this to open a line on the faculty list to enter a faculty ATCN ID#. IF you do not know the faculty members CAN ID#, use the Add Instructor by Name Button Add Instructor by Name This takes you to a list of faculty Button (B) Submit New Course (B) Submit a request for a new course. DO NOT use until record is complete. Cancel (B) Take you back to the Home Screen How do I know my Course has been approved? The Course Director will receive an email from the CMS indicating that a course has been approved. If a course is not approved, STN Headquarters will contact you to discuss any issues or concerns. From the home screen, click on the Course Administration Button to see a list of all pending and approved courses. Course List This is a listing of all approved and open courses. Click the small triangle on the left to view and complete administrative tasks for each course. 11 Ordering Manual and ATCN Materials To order manuals and other ATCN materials online, use the Order Materials Button from the Home page. **Orders can still be mailed or faxed using the Manual Order form in the Resource Center. If paying by check, do not use the online system. Please mail a manual order form with payment. 1. The Site information should auto-populate from your course request. If the shipping address is different from the site location it should be updated. Please also be sure to include the Attention line, Email, and Phone number for shipping accuracy. 2. Select the course for which you are ordering manuals. NOTE: Only approved courses will populate in the drop down menu. 3. Enter the quantity of each of the materials that you are ordering. 4. Select the shipping method. 5. Enter the amount of the shipping from the table at the bottom of the page. 6. Click the Update Total button to update the invoice total. 7. Select the method of payment, Credit Card or Purchase Order, to process payment. Payment must be completed to process order. If paying by check, do not use the online system. Please mail a manual order form with payment. Home (B) Site Name (F) Address (F) City/State/Zip (F) Country (F) Shipping Address Site Name (F) Address (F) City/State/Zip (F) Takes you to the home screen Defaults to your main site location. IF shipping to a site that is NOT your default location, check these address field and make the corrections Auto Populates Auto Populates Auto Populates Defaults to your main site location. IF shipping to a site that is NOT your default location, check these address field and make the corrections Update if shipping to different location Update if shipping to different location 12 Attention (F) Email (F) Phone (P) Course (F) Quantity Shipping $$(F) Credit Card (B) Purchase Order (B) Cancel Order (B) Update Total (B) Enter any information that should be included on the shipping label Enter email address for shipping inquiries/confirmation Enter phone number for shipping inquiries/confirmation Select the appropriate course number for the order Enter the number of each item that you want Choose the method of shipping (overnight, 2nd Day or Ground) Enter the shipping amount from the table Pay by credit card Pay by purchase order Exit the Invoice without creating the order Updates the total once shipping and quantity are final - *This must be updated before selecting payment method. What are my options for payment for ATCN Materials? Credit Card The Site and Course Information will auto-populate. Enter the Credit card information and email address the receipt should be sent to and click Continue. STN will forward a confirmation once order is processed and shipped. Cancel will take you to the Course Administration Screen for this course Purchase Order Enter the purchase order number. A copy of the purchase order should be emailed to [email protected] in order to complete the transaction. Check Payments by check are still accepted. Please do not use the online form for orders with check payment. Download a manual order from for the Resource Center and mail it with payment to Society of Trauma Nurses, 3493 Lansdowne Dr, Ste 2, Lexington, KY 40517. Can I view previous Invoices? From the Home screen, choose Training Center Information. Invoices can be viewed from the second tab, Invoices, by clicking the View link next to the appropriate Invoice number. 13 My course has been approved, what do I do next? Pre-Course Data Entry From the Home menu, click on the Course Administration Button to take you to the Course List screen. Locate the course you want to work with. Click the small black triangle on the far left to open that course. This will open the Course Administration screen for the course. Home (B) List (B) Course Number (F) Start / End Date (F) Location (F) Address (F) Address 2 (F) City /State-Prov / Zip-Postal Country (F) Course Director (F) Course Coordinator (F) Instructors (F) Take you to the Home Screen Takes you to the Course List Screen Assigned from your New Course data entry Auto filled from your New Course data entry but can be edited if change is necessary Auto populate with your location from your New Course data entry will auto populate with your default location will auto populate with your default location will auto populate with your default location will auto populate with your default location Auto populated by New Course data entry. To change/edit, enter the ATCN ID# of the Course Director. After entering the ATCN ID# click the Update button Enter the ATCN ID# for the Course Coordinator Enter the Faculty that are teaching in this course. Faculty can be added by look-up by name if you do not know the ATCN ID # (See page 15) 14 Certificate (F) Number of Students Update Button (B) Add Instructor Button (B) Add Instructor by Name Button (B) Upload Sign Up Sheet (B) Add Student by ATCN ID # (B) Add Student by Name (B) Add New Student (B) View Student Roster (B) Sign Up Sheet (B) Resend Emails (B) Indicates your selection of certificate type from your New Course data entry. If Manual was selected you will be responsible for manual entry of survey and providing students with certificates and cards. See page XX for further direction. Auto populates based on the number of students you have added to your roster Click this after adding the ATCN ID# for the Course director and or Coordinator Use this to open a line on the faculty list to enter faculty ATCN ID #. IF you do not know the faculty members ID#, use the Add Instructor by Name Button This takes you to a list of faculty to conduct a search See page 25 Click this to add an existing student using their ACTN ID # (See Current ATCN Student pg 20) Click this to add a student by name (See Current ATCN Student pg 20) Click this to add a new student record to the system (See New ATCN Student pg 21) Click this to view the student roster and information fields (See Student Roster Screen) Click this to download a Roster for students to sign in (See Sign Up Sheet pg 25 & 29) Click this to resend emails to all students (See page 27) 1. Enter Faculty At this point enter the faculty and faculty candidate instructors that are teaching. Use the Add Instructor button to add a new faculty line to the instructors list. You can enter the faculty members ATCN ID# or use the Add Instructor by Name button to search for and add a faculty member. Remember to click the Update button to save the newly entered data. Note: Only current faculty or faculty candidates will be found in the search criteria. You may contact STN headquarters if there are questions regarding faculty status or if you are unable to locate a faculty member in the system. Add Instructor by ATCN ID# Add instructors by their ATCN id number by clicking in the blank box and entering their id. If additional boxes are needed click the add instructor box. To delete unnecessary boxes click on the garbage can to the right of the blank box. Add Instructor by Name Search for faculty instructors by clicking on the Add Instructor by Name. You can search by name, state, country, or language spoken from the drop down menu. Using as few or as many characters to narrow your results in the Enter Name field, click on Search (using Enter key will not produce results) to display search results. Note: Search by first or last name, not both. Once you locate the correct individual choose the Select button or Clear your results to enter different search criteria. 15 Enter Name (F) Search (B) Clear (B) Cancel (B) Select (B) Enter a name to search for a faculty member After entering a name click the Search button Clears the name from the Enter Name Field Takes you back to the Course Administration Screen Use this to select the faculty that you want to add to your faculty list on the course administration page 2. Add Students to the Roster Students must be added to the roster prior to the course in order to print a roster for signatures to verify attendance. Current ATCN Students For students that have taken ATCN in the past, you can add students by name or ATCN ID#. Add Student by Name allows you to search for students in the same manner you search for faculty. NOTE: Students who have taken the course prior to August 1, 2014 are not loaded into the database and will have to be added as new students. New ATCN Students If your student is new to ATCN, use the “Add New Student Button”. This will take you to the Contact Information Screen. Enter the contact information for the new student. Please encourage students to use their full name for all correspondence instead of using nicknames. The ATCN ID # is auto generated by the CMS system and will be included in the post-course email, certificate, and ATCN card. Faculty potential and Date Promoted to Faculty fields are not completed at this time. A valid email is required to enter a new student. Click Continue once all contact information has been entered. 16 ATCN ID (F) STN Membership (F) Credentials (F) Region (F) Site Name (F) Type (F) Untitled Box next to Type (F) Faculty Potential (F) Date Promoted to (F) Name (F) Title (F) Address Type (F) Address (F) City /State-Prov / Zip-Postal Country (F) Languages Spoken Phone Cell Phone Email* Continue (B) Cancel (B) Unique ATCN ID # assigned by the system, stays with individual for all ATCN courses If the student is an STN member, and you know this # you can enter it. Academic Credentials: RN, BSN, MSN, etc. Region location (numeric value) Used only for Course Directors and Coordinators with administrative access Select Student from dropdown menu *Faculty must be added by STN Headquarters Active or Inactive Check box if student is identified as faculty potential Date associated with the individuals Type (i.e. date that they became faculty) First, Middle, and Last Name of student. Please do not use nicknames. Position held by the student at their place of employment Click the type of address, work or home Enter a physical mailing address provided by student Enter a physical mailing address provided by student Enter a physical location of the student. Do not abbreviate. Text field, you can enter multiple languages, but these must be separated by a space Phone Number Cell phone number Email address (this is a required field) Saves data that you have entered and create the student record. Take you back to the previous screen. All data entered will be lost. 3. Verify Roster Click on the View Student Roster to see the Students that you have entered for this course. This screen will be used again to enter scores after the course. 17 4. Print Student Roster for Registration Once all students have been entered, you will need to print a course sign in sheet that the students will need to sign on the day of the course. Signature is required for student to receive CE credit for the course. Click the Sign Up Sheet button to download and print a pdf. Note: Internet Explorer 10 or higher is required to download the file. If you experience difficulty try using Chrome or Firefox. The sign-up sheet with the students’ signatures will need to be scanned and uploaded into the system per CE accreditation requirements. See page 20 to learn how to submit the file after the course. 18 My course has just ended, what do I do now? Post-Course Data Entry IMPORTANT**The data should be entered by the Course director or Coordinator as soon as possible following the end of the course. When the data is submitted the student is automatically sent an email with a link to the web site where they will complete the course evaluation. When the course evaluation is completed, they will open a link to download their continuing education documentation. If they successfully completed the course the will also receive their downloadable ATCN card. Click on the Course Administration Button to locate the course you want to enter data. Click the small black triangle on the far left to open that course. 1. Enter Student Scores Click on the View Student Roster button. For each student, enter their overall Pass/Fail status. If the student did not attend select No Show. If the student passed the Initial Assessment test on the first attempt, check the Passed box and enter the letter of the initial assessment scenario that they tested with. IF the student does NOT pass their first IA test, leave the first Passed box empty and enter the letter of the scenario. IF they retest on a second scenario and are successful, check the Re-Assessment Passed box and enter the letter of the scenario they tested on. IF they are unsuccessful in their 2nd attempt, leave the Passed box empty and enter the letter of the scenario they tested on. 19 Enter the numeric pre-test and post-test written exam scores. NOTE: For students that fail but are eligible to re-take the written exam, enter the IA and pretest scores…leave the post test score blank and DO NOT click the submit button. After the student retakes the written exam you will need to enter the post test score and click submit. If the student was identified as a faculty potential, check this box. Click the submit button under each record to save the data for that student. NOTE: If using electronic evaluations, clicking the Submit button will trigger the CMS to initiate an email to the student with their login and directions to complete the online survey and claim their CE and ATCN card. Repeat this process for all students. NOTE: Clicking on the next record will cause the previously entered button to disappear. Only the final record will remain once all scores have been submitted. If you would like to view all students after scores are entered use the View All button. Click the Back button when all data is entered. Pass/Fail/No Show (F) Initial Assessment (F) Re-Assessment(F) Pre-test Score (F) Post Test Score (F) Faculty Candidate (F) Arrow (B) Submit (B) Home (B) Back (B) View All (B) Use this to indicate the students overall pass or fail for the course. Use no show for students who are registered but do not show up for the course, or are otherwise incomplete. Indicate that the student passed the Initial Assessment station and the letter of the case used. If the student was NOT successful at their first attempt at the Initial Assessment Skill station, and is eligible to repeat this, indicate if they passed this station and the letter of the case used. IF the student did not pass either attempt, the check boxes should be left empty (indicating the student did not pass) but the letters of the cases used SHOULD be entered Enter the students numeric pretest score Enter the students numeric post test score If the student is a faculty potential, click this box The arrow next to the student name will take you to the Student Contact Information After entering each students data, click the Submit button to save and submit the data for that student. This will initiate an email to the student. Takes you back to the Home screen Takes you back to the Course Administration screen. Data is automatically saved. 2. Upload Sign-In Sheet Scan and save the sign in sheet. Click the Browse button to the location of your saved sign-in sheet and click Upload file. Once the file is loaded, click Continue. 20 3. Upload Critique Forms You can add critique forms for Faculty, Coordinators, or Directors by accessing the individual’s Contact Information screen. This screen can be accessed from your Student Roster by clicking on the arrow next to the appropriate name or by searching for the individual from the Home Screen (see page 8). Once the correct record is selected, click the Forms button. Click the Browse button for the appropriate form to find the location of your saved sign-in sheet and click Upload file. Once the file is loaded, click Continue. 4. Close the Course Once all scores are entered and submitted you should click the Close Course button. Be sure that all scores and student records are accurate before closing the course. If you have students that report not receiving an email, confirm their email address is correct. You can Resend Emails using the Resend Emails button before closing the course. Once the course is closed, the student will have to contact STN Headquarters for assistance. You will no longer be able to makes changes once the course is closed. If you discover and error you will need to contact STN Headquarters to reopen the course. 21 Course Administration Home (B) List (B) Public/Closed (F) Start / End Date (F) Location (F) Address (F) Address 2 (F) City /State-Prov / Zip-Postal Country (F) Course Director (F) Course Coordinator (F) Instructors (F) Certificate (F) Number of Students (F) Update Button (B) Add Instructor Button (B) Add Instructor by Name (B) Add New Student (B) Add Student by Name (B) Add Student by ATCN ID # (B) View Student Roster (B) Sign Up Sheet (B) Upload Sign Up Sheet (B) Takes you to the Home Screen Takes you to your active Course List Screen Auto filled from your New Course data entry to determine course is posted online Auto filled from your New Course data entry Auto populate with your location selected from your New Course data entry Auto populate with your default location Auto populate with your default location Auto populate with your default location Auto populate with your default location Auto populated by new course data entry. To change/edit, enter the ATCN ID# of the Course Director. After entering the ATCN ID# click the Update button Enter the ATCN ID# for the Course Coordinator Enter the Faculty that are teaching in this course. Indicates your selection of certificate type from your New Course data entry. If Manual was selected you will be responsible for manual entry of survey and providing students with certificates and cards. See page XX for further direction. Auto populates based on the number of students you have added to your roster Click this after adding the ATCN ID# for the Course Director and or Coordinator Use this to open a line on the faculty list to enter faculty ATCN ID #. IF you do not know the faculty members CAN ID#, use the Add Instructor by Name Button This takes you to a list of faculty to conduct a search Add a new student (has never taken ATCN before) Add a new student record to the system (See New ATCN Student pg 16) Add an existing student using their ACTN ID # (See Current ATCN Student pg 16) View the student roster and enter student scores Download a Roster for students to sign in (See Sign Up Sheet pg 18) See page 20 22 How do students complete the course evaluation and receive their CE Documentation and ATCN Card? Once you Submit student scores (see page 19-20) at the end of a course, the students are emailed information on how to access their personal profile using the Course Management System online to complete the course evaluation and claim their CE. Note: If you chose the Manual option for your course please see page 24. . Once student logs into the system, they must complete the online course evaluation using the link in their profile in order to access their continuing education documentation and ATCN card. At the completion of the course survey the student clicks on the continue link and will be taken back to their profile to download their CE documentation and card. Students that complete the course and pass can download their CE documentation and their ATCN verification card. Students that complete the course but have not successfully passed, can download their CE documentation, but do not receive an ATCN card. 23 My students do not have access to a computer or the Internet, how do they get their CE and ATCN card? If a Course Director has students without access to computers or email they will need to choose the Manual certificates option when requesting a new course. Course Directors who use the Manual entry option should follow the same pre-course entry as directed on pages 14 – 18. Once the student roster is complete, click on the Click here for student certificates button located in the top, right corner of the Course Administration page. These can be printed and given to the students at the end of the course. How do I manually enter the student evaluations if I choose the Manual Evaluation? Course Directors who use the Manual entry option should follow the same pre-course entry as directed on pages 14 – 18. They should access paper copies of the course evaluation from the Resource Center. The students complete these and return to the Course Director at the end of the course. The Course Director will be responsible for entering each evaluation into the system for the student using the survey link to the right of the screen. 24 What documents will I need to scan and upload into the CMS? 1. The sign-in sheet, generated by the course roster is needed for continuing education accreditation. The sign in sheet, signed by the students will need to be saved as and uploaded into the CMS as part of the course post course data submission. (See page 20) 2. Faculty, Coordinator, and Course Director Critiques should be uploaded to each individual’s Contact Information. (See page 21) 3. All faculty and faculty candidates who teach will need to upload a Bio Form and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form on an annual basis to comply with CE accreditation regulations. Please see page 21 for direction to upload forms to an individual candidate. NOTE: This will be mandatory by January 1, 2015. If faculty disclosure forms are not attached to all faculty that teach in your course you risk losing CE for your site and being placed on probationary status. This should be verified and uploaded before the course begins. Can I access rosters from previous Courses? From the Home screen select the Closed Courses button. This will generate a list of previously submitted courses. This is a view only screen. If changes need to be made to courses that have previously been submitted, please contact STN Headquarters to help with correcting the issue. 25
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