Presbyterian Tidings March 2015

Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015
“The message of the cross is the power of God.”
1 Corinthians 1: 18
Inside this edition:
Pastor’s Letter
What’s Happenin’...
Report from Session/
East Fort Bend Human Needs
In Our Hearts and Prayers
12, 13
Growing deeper in our Faith
Serving this Month
Season of Lent Activity
Trustee News
Journey to Generosity
Christian Education/Lenten Study
News from South Sudan,
Aliamma and Jacob George
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 2
Pastor’s Letter
"Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and
abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing. " Joel 2:13
Lent is not a season we connect with celebration. It is a couple of weeks longer than
Advent. It has a somber tone. While the Presbyterian Church does not have a set way or
requirements for how members are to observe the season, many of us look for ways to
pare down our activities and schedules (maybe our eating and drinking habits as well),
and to add more time for prayer, reading the Bible, and serving our neighbors. Still, our
extended family in the Eastern Orthodox Church calls this time "Great Lent". And I have
never forgotten a marquee in front of one of my favorite Mexican restaurants along
Murphy Road in Stafford, urging, "Disfruten su Cuaresma!" ("Enjoy Your Lent!")
So, I hope that we will ALL "enjoy our Lent". I hope that we will go back to
Jerusalem with Jesus and the Disciples. On Sundays I'll be preaching about "People of
the Passion", talking about some of the people who witnessed and took part in the
events of Good Friday. It is a story many of us know so well, but each year I pray that
we would hear and experience it as if for the first time.
I hope we will all find at least one thing to "give up", or one thing to take up, or
perhaps experience for the first time. Is there a habit, practice, attitude, or even food or
drink that we tend to overdo? Or, is there a habit or practice or attitude that we wish
were part of our routine but isn't? I can recommend a book of the Bible for you to read
through, or let you know of a time to volunteer and help out with East Fort Bend Human
Needs Ministry or Family Promise. Or, take a few minutes Thursday mornings and come
to Apple Tree School Chapel. It's a short service- there are a number of two year olds
there!-- and the Bible story I tell and act out each week is a simple one. But it truly is
the first time a number of those children are hearing those stories. Or, if you decide to
fast, and have some extra money one day that would have gone for meals, or that might
have gone for Dr. Pepper or Coke or chocolate, you might want to check out
donating to Living Water (a Presbyterian ministry that builds water treatment systems in
other countries) or a similar organization.
And I hope that when we begin Holy Week at the end of this month, we will have
grown closer to the Lord who walks beside us each day.
See you in church!
Your pastor and friend,
Report from Session
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 3
The Session held its regular meeting on Monday, February 9th. It opened with a hymn,
Scripture reading, devotional, and prayer by the Pastor/Moderator and received
reports from the Pastor, Trustees, Deacons, and Stephen Ministers. Besides hearing reports
from the Apple Tree School Board and each committee, the Session took the following
Approved Rev. Dr. Rose Niles as Pulpit Supply for Sunday, May 3, while Dr. Seay attends
the Men's Conference at Mo Ranch;
Approved Youth Sunday for both services on April 19th, with a special offering at each
service for Youth Camps and Conferences;
Approved the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering for March 29 (Palm Sunday) and special
offerings for the East Fort Bend Human Ministries Building Capital Campaign for Pentecost
Sunday (May 24) and World Communion Sunday (October 4).
Authorized the beginning of planning for the celebration of the Centennial of
First Presbyterian Church of Sugar Land in October 2016.
The next regular meeting of the Session will be on Monday, March 23, at 7:00 P.M. in the
Meeting Place. The date was changed from the second Monday due to Spring Break.
The 2015 Nominating Committee will begin its work very soon! It will be seeking, with prayer and
care, candidates to serve as Ruling Elders (three, plus one Youth Elder), Deacons (three, plus at
least one Youth and one College age), and three Trustees. If you would like to submit a name for
consideration, please check with that person about her or his willingness to serve, then contact
any member of this year's Committee: Kirsten Ashton (Moderator), Jeff Lynch (Vice-Moderator),
Joyce Fogleman, Shirley Jack, Kim Shrull, and Aaron Cisler. The Committee members will consider
any names submitted, and will report to the Session when they have the full slate of nominees. A
congregational meeting to elect these new officers will be called for sometime later in the Spring,
with new Elders, Deacons, and Trustees beginning their terms of service in mid-June.
General Requirements: Officers of the church shall be members in regular attendance at worship,
have demonstrated financial commitment to the church, have the ability to communicate and
cooperate with others, have demonstrated leadership ability and possess specific gifts, abilities,
and talents needed by the church.
Deacon Duties: Deacons administer the welfare matters of the congregation. The office of deacon
as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus
Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love,
warm sympathies, and sound judgment may be nominated for this office.
Elder Duties: Elders are persons valued for their wisdom who together with the minister, exercise
leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of the church. Elders
should be persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment. Their manner of life should be a
demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world.
Trustee Duties: Trustees exercise responsibility for practical matters of finance and other material
business of the congregation. Trustees are held to a "prudent person" standard in regard to
meeting their fiduciary responsibilities. Persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment may
serve as a Trustee of the congregation.
You may recommend yourself and/or other members of the congregation by completing the form and placing it in the
offering plate. All recommendations will be held in confidence and the final determination for candidacy
resides with the nominating committee.
In our hearts and prayers…. times of new birth
Hazel Wagner, Tiffany and Matt’s infant daughter
Reid Stegemeier, infant son of Richard and Stephanie
Davis James, John York’s infant cousin times of loss
The family and friends of Dorothy Hendrick,
Laurie Landin’s mother, and the wife of Presbyterian Pastor and
Seminary Professor, Dr. Pete Hendrick
The family and friends of Karen Luttinger, Dick Lawson’s sister
The family and friends of Rosie Jack, Steve’s stepmother
The family and friends of Ione Pollock, John York’s grandmother’s friend
from the Atria
Matt Nipress, Evelyn Flannery’s friend’s 40 year old son-in-law,
stroke and pneumonia
The friends and family of Bill Streich, former member of FPCSL the hospital last month
Roy Nelson
...for those at home
Jeanenne Tucker
Rachel Davis, Jennifer Sic’s school friend, awaiting a kidney transplant
Marilyn Dean
Jerry Siler, Chris and Valerie Williams’ friend, continued healing from
5th bout of cancer treatment
Susie Taylor, Harriet Keel’s daughter, San Marcos
Jim and Shirley Shilts
Mary Ondoua
Dixie Ellis
Craig Oliver
Robin Fluke
Don Racz
Robert Henderson
Lena Marcantel, Barbara Clark's mother
Inez Mims
John Reed, the Deans’ son-in-law
Doris Svec, stepmother of Shirley Jack
...for those in assisted living or nursing facilities
Mytran Pham’s father
Lynn Burkhalter, Shirley Jack’s friend, following surgery
Patsy White, Ohio
Diane Cisler, Will’s mother
Jean Shrull, Keith’s mother
Lila Marshall, Lu Ann York’s mother, the Atria
Joyce Clark, Ray Clark’s mother
Rhelma Evans, Ruth Peterson’s grandmother
Oleta Strom, Greatwood
...for healing
David Schaub, shoulder surgery
Jeff Baker, James Robinson’s friend, colon surgery
Ruth Allen, macular degeneration, arthritis
Steve Jack, vertigo
Octaviano Gallegos, Carrie’s husband, physical therapy
Glenmary Seay, Pastor Fred’s mother, broken ankle
Randy Emmons, James Robinson’s business associate, stage 4 colon cancer
Mike Schofield, ankle problems
Andres Kubarii, Carrie Prince’s coworker, his grandfather has cancer
Joe Pruitt, Jennifer Marrero’s friend
Jaime Anderson, the Altman’s friend, tumors in her brain, stunting her growth hospice care
Joyce Clark, Ray’s mom
Dana Brown, Maureen Broughton’s friend
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 4
...for general concerns
Suzanne Nkot, God’s guidance
Judy Carpenter, as she begins a new business
Colby Stewart, Valerie and Chris Williams’ nephew, for health,
healing and the presence of the Lord with him
Chris, Connie Lambert’s friend
Charles Miles, Connie Lambert’s daughter’s friend’s father
Lolita Smith, Connie Lambert’s daughter’s friend, chemotherapy
Ron Gaines, Marsha’s son
Eric Francis, Arlene’s son
Matthew Frnka and family, Diane Blom’s coworker’s nephew
Lynn Dozzei, Jack Ashton’s co-worker
Josh Murphy, Jennifer Sic’s nephew
Susie, Chuck and Connie Lambert’s daughter
Cheryl Hunter, Judie Larkins’ sister, teaching in Dubai
Nora Oliver, Craig Oliver’s mother
Lenore Bridgewater, Connie and Chuck Lambert’s daughter
...for those undergoing treatment
Margie Salvatierra-Earl, Kim Shrull’s cousin, breast cancer
Lance Miles, Maureen Broughton’s son, Neuromuscular dystrophy
LaVita Prazada, Judie Larkins’ friend, recurrence of cancer
Joan Vacarro, Bill Broughton’s sister, Trigeminal neuralgia
Shelly Coldiron, Carrie Robinson’s friend, Breast cancer
Earlene Outlaw, Maureen Broughton’s friend, extensive cancer
Waylon Gandy, Lee Shelton’s friend, rehabilitation
Sue, Betty Coit’s sister, cancer
Rose Dartez, Leslie Myers’ coworker’s mother, Melanoma
Kaitlyn Barnes, the Shelton’s granddaughter
Virginia M Campbell, Maureen Broughton’s friend
Gaye Failla, Chris Williams’ cousin, abdominal surgery
Eugene Ramon, the Seay’s friend
Craig Burnett, Jennifer Marrero’s friend
Tom Liu
James Bosi, Steve Bailey’s niece’s husband, Esophageal cancer
Stacey Carter, the Williams’ friend, return of cancer
Sarah, Taylor Davenport’s friend, diagnosed with Leukemia
Marlene Roach, Cindy Hart’s aunt
Lauren Siegrist, the Lawson’s and the Stewart’s granddaughter
Stephanie, Pat Lawson’s niece, stage 2 breast cancer
Alison Young, Carolyn McGee’s brother, cancer
David Evans, Eileen Hanson’s brother, brain tumor
Lynn Mitchell, JR Larkin’s coworker, stage 4 lung cancer
Mary Boisen, Pat Lawson’s daughter’s friend, leukemia
Leslie Catron, Vickie Coates’ cousin, kidney failure
...those serving as missionaries
For Christians suffering persecution, especially those in parts of Iraq
and Syria controlled by ISIS
Emily (Esposito) and Mark Heger
Sharon and Dennis Welch, Connie Lambert’s nephew, Cambodia
Wes Stewart, the Jochecs’ grandson, the country of Georgia
Erin Brasher, New York City
Jacob and Aliamma George, South Sudan
Kayla and Cameron Cook, the Jochecs’ granddaughter and
grandson, serving in Bolivia
...for those serving our country
Samuel Broughton, Bill and Maureen’s great nephew, 2nd deployment to Iraq
Ray Nahar, Connie Lambert’s nephew, Jordan
Russell Skov, Navy, Cathi Simons’ nephew
Kevin Watson, Navy, Ford's nephew
Jason Smith, Army, Marsha Gaines’ grandson, deployed to Afghanistan
Andrew Shomette, Marines, the Shows’ friend
Matthew Wehr, US Navy, Denise Herbers’ cousin, Guam
Kirstin Mahler, Air Force, Svoboda granddaughter
Captain Bill Alms, Ben and Ellen Svoboda’s nephew, ME
Growing deeper in our faith...
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 5
(Disclaimer: a dramatic event in the life of the congregation, nation, or world—or the
insistence of the Holy Spirit—could result in a change of Scripture or sermon topic!)
March 1, the Second Sunday in Lent (COMMUNION):
"The Fastest Disciple on Record" (Ezekiel 34: 11-16 & Mark 14: 48-52)
March 8, 2015, the Third Sunday in Lent:
Guest Pastor, Anne Marie Wallace (Ms. Wallace is Director of the 'Pastors to Out of Town Presbyterians'
Ministry in the Texas Medical Center, a student at Fuller Theological Seminary's Houston Campus, and a
member of First Presbyterian Church in Houston)
March 15, 2015, the Fourth Sunday in Lent:
"Peter, the Biggest of Them All" (Psalm 31: 9-13 & Mark 14: 66-72)
March 22, 2015, The Fifth Sunday in Lent
"Pontius Pilate, the Long Arm of the Law" (Psalm 26 & Mark 15: 1-15)
March 29, 2015, PALM SUNDAY
"The Praise that Matters" (Psalm 118: 26; Matthew 21: 14-16)
The Lenten sermon series this year is “’That could be Us’: People Around the Passion of Christ”
All sermons are recorded and available for listening through the church website:
See page 9 (Christian Education) for information regarding studies offered during Lent
March 1 (Lent)
April 2 (Maundy Thursday)
April 5 (Easter)
May 24 (Pentecost)
June 28 (Reformed Patriotic Service)
You are welcome to be a part of the Thursday’s
Angels’ Bible Study that meets at 10:00 am
in the Meditation Room. And there’s a
bonus...the members go to lunch afterward!
Led by Ellen Svoboda
August 23 (Back to School)
October 4 (World Communion)
November 1 (Communion of the Saints)
November 29 (first Sunday of Advent)
December 24 (Christmas Eve)
Presbyterian Women’s next meeting is
Monday, March 2 at 10:00 A.M. for Bible study in
the Meeting Place.
Bible Study led by Patsy Armbruster
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 6
1 Valerie Davenport
Taylor Davenport
Pam Robinson
Unless the Lord builds the house, they
labor in vain who build it.
Psalm 127:1
8 Frank and Debbie Lewis
9 Roy and Carrie Prince
16 Justin and Stacey Williams
17 Craig and Valerie Davenport
20 Bryan and Jennifer Williams
8 Caleb Williams
Matt Tamez
9 Stan Simons
10 Adam Schaub
13 Jamey Buck
14 Melanie Triche
15 Amber Buck
Luke Stegemeier
16 Brian Simons
Suzanne Nkot
Jennifer Marrero
24 Hamilton and Leslie Myers
26 Jamey and Rena Buck
17 Richard Lawson
Rick Bates
18 Gary Robinson
20 Louie Herbers
Denise Herbers
John Tielke
23 Diane Leary
25 Michelle Witt
Tim Triche
Denton Marrero
Genia Kudolis joined by reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ on
February 8th. The youngest of her three children, Aaron, attends with her. She
is engaged to Jeff Lynch, and her last name will change soon!
Luis Tamez and Rebecca Reyna joined by transfer of membership on
February 15th. Luis works at Carefusion, and Rebecca at Greater NS Mgt.
District. Luis was born in Monterrey, Mexico. Rebecca grew up at Juan Marcos
Presbyterian Church in Houston. They were married in 2008, and were
members of Grace Presbyterian Church in Houston.
26 Nancy Arbaiza
Jeff Lynch
27 Leslie Myers
29 Luis Tamez
30 Elizabeth Westlake
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 7
Season of Lent 2015,
focusing on simple living, prayer, and fasting in order to grow closer to God-it began
with Ash Wednesday and will climax during Holy Week with Palm Sunday, Maundy
Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
Worship services 8:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.
with Palm Branch Recessional at both services
The Spirituality Center
Open: March 29—April 3, 2015 (9:00 A.M.- 4:00 P.M.)
Thursday, April 2
Maundy Thursday
7:00 P.M. Upper Room Communion Service
Friday, April 3
Good Friday
7:00 P.M. Worship Service
Sunday, April 5
7:30 A.M. Easter Sunrise Service with Communion
8:30 A.M. Breakfast and Fellowship
9:30 A.M. Easter Walk (Journey through Jesus’ life)
10:30 am Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 A.M. Easter Service with Communion
Service with Communion
Prepare your heart for Easter…
Visit the Spirituality Center
at our church, during Holy Week.
The center will be set up in the Fellowship Hall from
Palm Sunday, March 29 until Good Friday, April 3.
Open during office hours from Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
and until 7pm on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
It is designed to give you a place to retreat and think about Jesus and the
sacrifice he made for us. There will be a variety of self led activities for all ages.
Please come for a quiet, holy time of reflection, confession and preparation as you
look toward the most Holy Day of the church year.
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 8
March Calendar
3/1: No PALS—at Conclaves!
3/21: Garage Sale!
3/29: PALS @ FPCSL
Donations of salable items would be
greatly appreciated.
Wanted: I n addition to household
items, attire that can be used by
business professionals so that anything
that does not sell will be donated to
one of the organizations like
“Dress for Success”. Accessories are
welcome as well: purses, shoes,
jewelry, etc.
Make sure you are up to date on
ALL conference payments. We
need your Mo Ranch Payments.
Thank you to all who participated in
the PALentine Day Party! The PALS
really enjoyed getting to visit with you
and getting to know you better.
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 9
Faith is not an I-land adventure...
Join us in Sunday School
each Sunday, 9:30 - 10:30 am
Classes for Children
and Teens
Classes for Adults
Shaping Hearts with God’s Word
4 Yrs Old to Pre K Class
with Cindy Hart & Diane Blom
Elementary School Class
with Connie Esposito & Carol Racz
and Judie Larkins & Carrie Prince
Middle School Class
Join the Adult Sunday School
classes as we come together for
a Lenten study, The Cross
Walk. W e meet in the
Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am.
with Valerie & Craig Davenport
Pastor’s Lenten Study
A lectionary-based curriculum that
provides intentional connections
between education and worship.
Journey through Lent with Pastor
Seay as he teaches from the book of
The Zombie Apocalypse
Survival Guide for Teenagers,
by Jonathan McKee.
Touching on the real-life
struggles faced by teenagers today, using this popular
post-apocalyptic fictional
With Eric Peterson
and Robin Chew
Easter Egg hunt for all children
SUNDAY, April 5, 10:40 a.m.
We are asking parents to please
provide a dozen filled eggs for
each child that will participate in
the hunt.
Please have the eggs at the church by
Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) and
make sure they contain age
appropriate, individually wrapped
treats or prizes. There will be boxes
outside the CE office to collect the
eggs. Thank you!
Meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm.
The most important Holy Day of the church
year deserves a very special Sunday School lesson…
The children of FPCSL will experience an Easter Walk,
a journey through the life of Christ, including his death and
resurrection, at 9:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday.
All children, members and visitors, are welcome to participate in
this activity, meant to illustrate the love of Christ for all of us.
(Adults, you are welcome to walk alongside the children!)
What’s happenin’...
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 10
Men’s Breakfast
Fifties Plus Dinner Group
March 14th
Restaurant Schedule
7:30 am in the
March 4
Meeting Place
TGI Friday’s
Chef-Bill Schaub
2515 Town Center Blvd
March 11
The Apple Tree School Board
BJ’s Rest. & Brewery
2231 HWY 6 @ US 59, Sugar Land
Invites your attention to the needs of
our Church’s center for child development
March 18
Apple Tree School
3434 HWY 6, Sugar Land
Used Magazines • Event Cards (Holiday, Valentines,
Thank you, etc.) • Empty cardboard rolls (towel, toilet
paper) • Campbell Soup Labels • Stickers (any kind)
Drop off donations at the School or
FPCSL office
Thank you for your support
March 25
320 HWY 6, above HEB, Sugar Land
To: 2015 Congregational Nomination Committee
YEE-HAW!! Mark your calendar
for Saturday, March 7th from
6-9pm! We will have a Rodeo
Party in the Fellowship Hall,
complete with a chili cook-off, cobbler
cook-off, live music (Sam Grice and Texas
Sky), and dancing, "Sweetheart" and
family photos, door prizes and lots of
good old FUN! There will be 2 sign-up boards
in the Narthex--one for who's attending (no
charge to attend!), and one for who's entering
the cook-offs (please bring your food already
made and ready to be judged and eaten!).
Tickets will be available at the door for $1
each (stuffing the ballot boxes is fine!) and will
be used to vote for your favorite chili and
cobbler--and later for awarding door prizes.
Western wear is encouraged, and props for
photos are welcome! This is open to the whole
family, and guests are welcome.
Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex.
Questions? Ask your deacon, or
Joyce Fogleman at 832.754.7478.
Having reviewed the requirements and duties of office, I submit
the following named individuals for the Committee’s
Date of Recommendation: _______________
Name: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________
East Fort Bend
Human Needs Ministry
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 11
Follow us on Facebook! and
425 Stafford Run Rd. in Stafford,
off Ave. E, near Hwy 90 and Murphy Road
Save the Date for the 6th Annual
Empty Bowls fundraiser!
April 17, 2015
Tickets are now for sale: $40.00 for an individual
and $50 for a sponsorship seat at the FPCSL table.
For tickets see Kim Shrull or Pastor Fred.
FOOD FAIR is held the 2nd Saturday and the
4th Thursday of every month except N ovember
and December at the ministry.
March 14 & 26
For the Food Pantry
Flour-2lbs, sugar-2lbs, cooking oil
and saltine crackers.
Non-food items: Toothbrushes,
toothpaste, shampoo, feminine
hygiene items, bath bar soap, toilet
paper and brown bags, diapers
(especially toddler sizes).
April 11 & 23
May 9 & 28
June 13 & 25
July 11 & 23
August 8 & 27
September 12 & 24
October 10 & 22
Volunteers are always appreciated to help sort
and distribute fresh produce received from the
Houston Food Bank.
Always appreciated: donations for
the Resale Shop.
Hours: 10:00 am– 4:00 pm
Open late Wednesday:
10:00 am—7:30 pm
Pick up for large item donations
EMPTY BOWLS w ill be held on April 17, 2015 at Texas Safari Ranch. I t is time to begin
collecting items for silent auction baskets. We would like to have 100 prime silent auction items
this year and will begin collecting between Feb. 1 and March 15. If you wish to make a donation or
for suggestions, please contact Carolyn Couch: [email protected] or 281-743-1812. We would
like to make sure that we have a variety and no duplications.
Items which have sold well in the past are:
Tickets to Astros, Skeeters, Rockets or Texan games; Wine, Beer, or Liquor; Baskets with labeled
items for your favorite teams, such as Astros, Texas, Rockets, UT or TX A & M; Restaurant gift
certificates; Lottery Tickets; Sur La Table Cooking Lessons, Tower of Games, well made hand made
items, such as cakes, wooden crafted items, puzzles, quilts; round of golf for 4 with lunch.
Please be generous with your donations and let’s make this EMPTY BOWLS very successful.
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 12
Sunday, March 1
Sunday, March 8
Communion Sunday
Third Sunday in Lent
Guest Preacher, AnneMarie Wallace
Second Sunday in Lent
8:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
2:00 pm
Worship (S)
Sunday School for all ages
Worship (S)
BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S)
PALS return from Conclaves
Monday, March 2
8:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
Worship (S)
Sunday School for all ages
Worship (S)
BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S)
Spring Break begins-Pastor Seay in
Mississippi this week
10:00 am Presbyterian Women Bible Study (MP)
Monday, March 9
Tuesday, March 3
Tuesday, March 10
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Girl Scout Troop # 28041 (MP)
Pastor’s Bible Study (MR)
Jam with Sam (FH)
Hand Bell Choir (JH)
Wednesday, March 4
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Fifties Plus Dinner Group-TGI Friday’s
Worship Committee Meeting (MP)
Choir (CR)
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Wednesday, March 11
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
10:00 am
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Saturday, March 7
6:00 pm9:00 pm
Chili Cook-off (FH, K, MP)
MP= Meeting Place CR=Choir Room MS= A11 SH= A4
PS=Pastor’s Study
MR=Meditation Room,
EB= Education Building MU=Music Room in the Education
Bldg., FH= Fellowship Hall S= Sanctuary, L= Library,
PALS-youth group for grades 6-12, Fifties Plus-dinner group
BVPF = Bellaire Vietnamese Presbyterian Fellowship
Angel’s Bible Study (MR)
Fort Bend Quilters (MP)
Property Committee Meeting (SH)
Friday, March 13
Saturday, March 14
Friday, March 6
10:00 am FPCSL @ the Food Pantry
Fifties Plus Dinner Group– BJ’s Rest.
and Brewery
Compassionate Friends (MP)
Choir (MP)
Thursday, March 12
Thursday, March 5
9:15 am ATS Chapel (S)
10:00 am Angel’s Bible Study (MR)
5:30 pm Girl Scout Troop # 152007 (MU)
Girl Scout Troop # 28096 (FH)
6:30 pm Ft, Bend Quilters (MP)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry (MR)
Jam with Sam (FH)
Hand Bell Choir (JH)
7:30 am
Men’s Breakfast (MP)
Chef: Bill Schaub
TEAM 3 –Mowing Crew
BVPF members
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we
may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 13
Sunday, March 15
8:30 am
9:30 am
2:00 pm
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Worship (S)
Fifties Plus
for all
Choir (CR)
BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S)
Monday, March 16
1:00 pm Presbytery Committee Meeting in Houston
Monday, March 23
10:00 am ATS Board Meeting
7:00 pm Session (MP)
Tuesday, March 24
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Wednesday, March 25
Tuesday, March 17
8:30 am
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
St. Patrick’s Day
Pastor Fred EFBHNM Board Mtg
Girl Scout Troop #28041 (MP)
Pastor’s Lenten Bible Study (MR)
Jam with Sam (MU)
Hand Bell Choir (JH)
Wednesday, March 18
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
Fifties Plus-Luby’s
Choir (CR)
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
Friday, March 20
10:00 am
FPCSL @ the Food Pantry
Saturday, March 21
9:00 am –12:00 pm PALS Garage Sale (FH)
4:00 pm –8:00 pm Scout Boxcar Derby (FH)
9:15 am
10:00 am
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
5:30 pm
Girl Scout Troop # 28210
Saturday, March 28
Team 1
Mowing Crew, John Esposito
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
8:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
Worship with Palm Processional (S)
Sunday School for all ages
Worship with Palm Processional (S)
BVPF Worship & Fellowship (S)
Monday, March 30
Sunday, March 22
8:30 am
9:30 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
ATS Chapel (S)
Angel’s Bible Study (MR)
Girl Scout Troop # 28096 (FH)
Fort Bend Quilters (MP)
Friday, March 27
Presbytery Meeting at St. Philips Pres., Houston
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Worship (S)
Sunday School for all ages
Worship (S)
Sunday School for all ages
Worship (S)
BVPF Worship and Fellowship (S)
Fifties Plus Dinner Group-Chuy’s
Choir (CR)
Thursday, March 26
Thursday, March 19
9:15 am ATS Chapel (S)
10:00 am Angel’s Bible Study (MR)
5:30 pm Girl Scout Troop #152007 (MU)
Girl Scout Troop # 28096 (FH)
6:30 pm Ft. Bend Quilters (MP)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry (CR)
Pastor’s Lenten Bible Study (MP)
Jam with Sam (FH)
Hand Bell Choir (JH)
Tuesday, March 31
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Pastor’s Lenten Bible Study (MP)
Jam with Sam (FH)
Hand Bell Choir (JH)
Serving this Month
Worship Leaders
(lead at both services
unless noted)
March 1
8:30 am
11:00 am
March 8
8:30 am
11:00 am
March 15
8:30 am
11:00 am
Kirsten Ashton
Connie Lambert
Craig Landin
Stacey Williams
Gary Robinson
Jeff Lynch
March 22
8:30 am Steve Jack
11:00 am Stacey Williams
March 29
8:30 am Kirsten Ashton
11:00 am Connie Lambert
March 1
Judie Larkins
March 8
Will Cisler
March 15
Ben Svoboda
March 22
Leslie Myers
March 29
Jean Caruthers
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 14
Sanctuary Committee
March 1
March 1
8:30 am Meridian Ashton
11:00 am Emma Prince
Hieu and Mytran Pham
March 8
8:30 am Alex Sic
11:00 am Yadhitha Reyes
Gary and Pam Robinson
March 15
8:30 am Jackie Sic
11:00 am Abby Shows
Michael & Jocelyn McConnell
March 22
8:30 am Austin Robinson
11:00 am Boum Nkot
March 29
8:30 am Meridian Ashton
11:00 am Emma Prince
March 8
March 15
March 22
Chuck and Connie Lambert
March 29
Bill and Judy Schaub
Church Officers for 2014-2015
Elders: Kirsten Ashton, Robin Chew, Craig Landin, Gary Robinson,
Steve Jack, Ben Svoboda, Amanda Leary, Connie Lambert,
Stacey Williams, Frans Piké, Jeff Lynch, Elaine Brasher and
Colby Myers (Youth Elder).
God Caring for People
Through People
For help in crisis, or in everyday trials
(281) 240-3195
And Stephen, full of faith and power,
did great wonders and miracles
among the people.
Acts 6:8
Our Stephen Ministers
Diane Blom, Coordinator
Ellen Svoboda † Carol Racz
Ben Svoboda † Elaine Brasher
Barbara Shelton † Jim Shilts
Jessica Herbers † Ruth Peterson
Deacons: Joyce Fogleman (Moderator), Diane Leary, Betty Schofield,
Barbara Shelton, bryanne bickett, Judie Larkins, Judy Schaub,
Carrie Prince, Delarue Ondoua (college), Debra Larkins (Youth), and
Erin McMaster (Young Adult),
Trustees: James Robinson, Kathy Duecker, Bill Broughton,
Craig Davenport, Lu Ann York, Hieu Pham, Dan Graves (ATS Bursar),
Richard Stegemeier, and Valerie Williams.
Committee Moderators
for 2014-2015
Christian Ed
Vice Moderator
Kirsten Ashton
Ben Svoboda
Amanda Leary
Vice Moderator
Lawn Crew
Lissette Diaz-Burgos
Vice Moderator
Jeff Lynch
Steve Jack
Craig Landin
March 14
March 28
Frans Piké
Team #3
Team #1
Robin Chew
Joyce Fogleman
Gary Robinson
Vice Moderator
Connie Lambert
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 15
Trustee Items
Net Income excludes depreciation expense.
*Adjustments for pre-paid pledges include an addition of $12k received in 2014 for 2015,
allocated at $1k per month.
Total income for the month of January was $4,177.51 less than the budgeted forecast.
Pledged Offerings were $4,036.33 less than pledged (unadjusted for pre-paid pledges).
Loose Offerings were $886.64 more than forecast for the month. January expenses were
$4,467.47 below budget.
Before you begin shopping for your Easter dinner, please be sure you are participating in the
Randalls’ Good Neighbor Program and the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Instructions for
linking your Randalls’ and Kroger cards to the church rewards account are available in the Narthex
and on the table in the hall between the Elder Office and Mary’s Office in Building A. These programs
provide additional income to support the many missions of the church.
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 16
Journey to Generosity
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up
treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which
is truly life.
1 Tim 6: 17-18
Welcome to the first edition of Journey to Generosity where the focus is on discovering how we can transform
ourselves into living generously for Christ. Our generous giving God made us in His image, so he instilled in us a
generous spirit to begin with but our worldly ways have made us forget how to be generous and so we need to unlearn
the world and recapture our original generous spirit. Generosity is more than just stewardship, more than being kind
or charitable. It is embracing and absorbing the very nature of God and living as one with Him. God’s generous nature
must permeate our every pore and be manifest through every act, thought and desire.
Together we can share our ideas and thoughts on how First Presbyterian Church of Sugar Land can be a more
generous church and serve to build up and flourish God’s kingdom. In our giving, may we discover joys we never
expected and cultivate a spirit-led vision to a renewed commitment to Christian generosity that will enrich our
relationship with God and bring us all in closer communion with our fellow saints and our Creator.
In this season of Lent, it seemed fitting to share with you the lyrics to this Michael Card song – Things We Leave
Behind. May we experience the freedom to leave the world behind and may our hearts be open and willing to be filled
with God’s treasures instead.
Michael Card - Things We Leave Behind (Listen at
There sits Simon, so foolishly wise
proudly he's tending his nets
Then Jesus calls, and the boats drift away
all that he owns he forgets
More than the nets he abandoned that day,
he found that his pride was soon drifting away
It's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind
Matthew was mindful of taking the tax,
pressing the people to pay
Hearing the call, he responded in faith
followed the Light and the Way
Leaving the people so puzzled he found,
the greed in his heart was no longer around and
it's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind
'Cause freedom's not found in the things that we own,
It's the power to do what is right
Jesus, our only possession,
giving becomes our delight
We can't imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind
We show a love for the world in our lives
by worshipping goods we possess
Jesus has laid all our treasures aside
"love God above all the rest"
'Cause when we say 'no' to the things of the world
we open our hearts to the love of the Lord and
it’s hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind
Oh, and it's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind.
Every heart needs to be set free,
from possessions that hold it so tight
Generosity Campaign update:
61 pledges were received for the Operating Fund for a total pledge amount of $195,724. We
lowered our budget target to $205,000. The Capital Fund had 29 pledges for a total of $15,872
(we exceeded our target!). Each month, I will provide an update on how we are actually
progressing against our budget. Thank you all for your continued generosity.
from South Sudan
The Third letter of John 1-5:
“Beloved, you do faithfully
whatever you do for the friends,
even though they are strangers
to you.”
Ms. J. got a job in our Apartment
in Housekeeping. When we met her
during her first week, we just
introduced ourselves to each other.
Then, on her 10th day, when we
happened to meet, I prayed in my
mind to get more time to talk to
her as she appeared very unhappy
both times. Here is the summary of
her life. In 1979 during one of
Sudan’s fighting, her parents fled
to Uganda and ended up in a
refugee camp there. They had their
first baby in the camp, Ms. J who is
thirty years old. She had her basic
education inside the camp, then
her higher secondary classes
through U.N Organization. When
the situation became peaceful, the
family returned to South Sudan
when it was part of Sudan, then
her father joined the army. When
the family was living in an area
near Juba, another big fighting
came about and her father was
asked to come out of the house by
some soldiers, took him
somewhere and killed. She
remembers that area though that
house is not there, but there are
new buildings in that spot. So, her
mother took her back to Uganda
refugee camp again. At this time,
an unknown mission agency helped
her to go for 3 years training for
Nursing and she completed it. Then
she got married to a SPLA soldier
of her tribe and got two daughters
by him and she worked inside the
camp helping with the health of the
people living there through an
agency. Her mother also was living
in the camp. When everything was
going on well, suddenly a so called
fighting started in the Country of
Sudan and her husband also was
killed like her father who was an
SPLA soldier.
Another sad event is that she lost
her job which was connected to
one private agency that had to
bring down the number of workers.
Another sad situation is that she
was told was that she could get a
job in the army department if her
Presbyterian Tidings
March 2015 page 17
husband belonged to another tribe!
She even mentioned “I am only
thirty years but looks older because
of my troubled life “.
We consoled her, both of us said
“No, you do not look old, you look
young to have ten year old and
seven year old daughters, it may
be your feeling, but you are
good-looking”. She smiled for the
first time. As the story goes longer,
let me come to the conclusion of
our meeting. She left the scene as
a transformed person. When I
asked her why she could not join a
clinic or hospital, she said that they
will not like her as she came from
Uganda and she does not like the
way they do nursing here and
others will not listen to her and so
on giving vague excuses. Aliamma
gave personal examples from her
nursing career how you can adjust
to situations with God’s help and
how we can influence others and
make them like you through
Positive approach.
One evening Aliamma was sitting
on a park bench watching her kids
on the swing, when one lady came
and sat, started talking. When she
mentioned that she was working in
a General Hospital, the lady said “,
Why didn’t you go to private
hospital and work, in olden days,
people who went there died”.
Aliamma replied, I see daily people
coming to my unit in dying stage
and going home healthy and happy
and everything is changed for the
best and you can come and see
any day”. That hospital is one of
the best Trauma hospital today and
Aliamma had the blessing of
working there three decades. After
hearing different examples, Ms. J
decided to work in a hospital here
and requested prayers so that she
can be successful and bring her
daughters and mother here from
Uganda refugee camp. She would
be getting her salary only after
three more weeks, she is staying
with some relatives who are almost
in the same situation. We gave a
small help and praying for her
future. “Tell your people there also
to pray for me. I learned new
things from you for my future”.
She had accepted Christ as her
savior last year in Uganda, so it
was easier to explain some of the
promises. She has a Bible at home,
so she asked me to write those
seven verses. I wrote it and gave a
pen to mark in her Bible.
“The harvest is plentiful…”
Matt. 9:37
Our refugee Camp near the market
is growing spiritually. The number
of people attending worship
services and Sunday school,
increasing. When we started going
there, there were only about 17
people, but now, more than 117
people attend, new choir and new
Sunday school started.
Jacob gives sermons and Aliamma
takes care of the Sunday school.
There are people to help with
interpretation. They started reading
the lessons in English also, there
are two different tribes in this
group. There is another group of
refugees opposite to this road, who
opened up in1990’s and people
have not gone back to their original
places. They want to make a bigger
temporary hall as the space is not
enough at the present shed. Every
week, new people come and take
new decisions and commitment to
follow Jesus Christ. Many of
Sunday school students also took
serious decision to follow Christ.
Theological Extension Classes will
be started at this center also, along
with Adult Education.
Dear family and friends, we are
able to help people like Ms. J and
we hear many heart breaking
events, not old stories but daily
events! We are not able to talk or
do anything without your help,
support and prayers. We and our
people thank you for your
Psalm 34-10. His “ears are open to
our cry.”
Aliamma and Jacob George
South Sudan
First Presbyterian Church,
Sugar Land
502 Eldridge Rd.
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
(281) 240-3195
FAX: (281) 240-3196
Presbyterian Tidings
2015page 18
Published monthly.
“The Son of God loved me and gave Himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20
Worship Services
8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School for All Ages, 9:30 a.m.
Children’s Church During
8:30 am and 11am service
Rev. Dr. Fred Seay, Pastor
Mary McMaster, Church Secretary, Newsletter Editor * Sara Lee Morgan, Organist
Jennifer Marrero, Director of Music
Kim Shrull, Volunteer Christian Education Coordinator * Stacey Williams, Youth Director
Rita Rodriguez and Beverly Martin, Nursery Attendants
bryanne bickett, Wedding Coordinator * Diane Blom, Stephen Ministry Coordinator
Website: * Email: [email protected]