Worship Bulletin (PDF Format) - First Baptist Church of Ottawa

March 1, 2015
Welcome, Greetings & Words About Our Life
“The King of Love My Shepherd Is”
Northwestern College Symphonic Band
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
Invocation and The Lord’s Prayer
Time With Our Children
Pastor Joel and Briley Huggard
Spirit Song #352 vs. 1
The Lord’s Supper
Spirit Song #352 vs. 2
“O Magnum Mysterium”
Northwestern College Symphonic Band
I Thessalonians 5:17 & Matthew 6:5ff
Receiving Our Tithes & Offerings
“Amazing Grace”
Northwestern College Symphonic Band
Be Thou My Vision # 502
“Shortcut Home”
Northwestern College Symphonic Band
We thank Dr. Timothy McGarvey, the Northwestern College
Symphonic Band and their leadership for sharing their many gifts with
us this weekend. Their music has been amazing and we appreciate the
long journey they traveled to be here with us. Travel mercies and God’s
blessings as they continue their music ministry over the next several days.
Children’s Church
Ages 3 & 4 year olds—please take to Nursery
Kindergarten through 3rd grade to Room 105
Theme: Jesus Feeds 5000
Scripture: John 6:1-14
Teacher: Kim Greiner
Next Week: Theme-Road to Emmaus; Teacher-Jody Lancaster
Nursery: Shanita Williams and Samantha Lee
Greeters - Today: The Greiner Family
Greeters - Next Week: Dana Coble, Sylvia Starkey, Dick Martin, Trent &
Jody Lancaster, Laura Kuczmarski & Josh Robinson
First Baptist Church
Prayer does make a difference
Physical Needs: Ruth Addessi (Alice Crawford’s sister); Gerry Bromert; Gene
Portas (Gloria Terrill’s brother); Alice Crawford; Tom Yohe; Lea Bradley
(Jeanne Anne Fredrikson’s mother); Congregation of Bethany Chapel Baptist
Church; Kristina Martinek (Laura Kuczmarksi’s niece); Dave Martin (Dick
Martin’s brother); Earl & Therese Payne; James McKenzie; Susan Flory (Wayne
Jones’ daughter); Linda Knight (Bob Becker’s friend); Melanie Herken; Doug
Sims; Brenda (Patty Nelson’s niece); Andi Ostermann; Jerry McCally (Rob
McCally’s father); Tom Lewis, John Schmidt (Ray Schmidt’s brother); Jeanne
Logan, Pastor Armogen Walker, Michelle Schulz; Lloyd Yahl (Tom Yahl’s
father); Spencer Harrod
Ongoing Needs: David Polsley family
Shut-Ins: Earl Mendell; Eleanor Mullen; Jeanne Schmidt; Dorothy Fitzgerald;
Nanette Doolittle; Shirley Reynolds
Military Service People: Chase Reed (Chris Bean’s son, Hawaii); Veronica
Cooper (Japan); Nicholas Hermreck (Ft. Hood); Ryan Douglas (Gene
Bromert’s grandson, Guam); Tim Nellessen (Gwen Patty’s grandson- Uganda)
We make every effort to keep this list updated. Please inform us when there are changes.
Vital Statistics for Last Sunday
Needed Weekly
Received last week
Budget (through January 2015)
Received (through January 2015)
Last Week’s Attendance
Alleluia Service
Sunday School
Celebration Service
Youth Director
Christian Education
Minister of Music
Administrative Assistant
Joel Fredrikson
Angela Audiss
Angela Audiss & Gina Taldo
Gaynia Menninger
Edith Rader
Melissa VanLeiden
Kent Markley
Natalie Roberts
First Baptist Church of Ottawa is part of the American
Baptist Churches of the Central Region (ABCCR) and
American Baptist Churches, USA (ABCUSA).
March 1, 2015
11:00 A.M.
Rev. Joel R. Fredrikson, Pastor
First Baptist Church
410 S. Hickory
Lent is here and we encourage you to engage in daily readings throughout the
Lenten season and beyond. The Word of God is always a blessing and can inspire,
enlighten and challenge us. Daily scripture readings were highlighted in the
February newsletter and can also be found on our website home page.
The verses listed for each day attempt to follow a chronological order of “events” in
the life of Christ. In addition to the passages from Luke, there are references to other
gospel “versions” to enhance and flesh out some of the readings. May the Lord bless
us as we embark on this Lenten journey together moving toward Holy Week,
Christ’s passion and ultimately His resurrection.
*Church Council voted to establish a General Supply Closet for the Church in
February. Budget money from each committee/group will be moved to a new
account to cover expenses for our consumable paper goods by the Stewardship
Committee. All paper supplies will be held and distributed from one closet.
*The Fellowship Committee is the process of planning an all-Church Guess Who’s
Coming to Dinner event in April and is in need of hosts/hostesses before
committing to the event. If you are interested in hosting this event, please sign-up
(in the Parlor) with the total number you can accommodate, your address and your
phone number. If you have questions, contact Fellowship Chair, Sandy King at 913526-8472.
*The Diaconate Committee is looking into organizing rides to Church for our
friends and members who find it challenging to get to worship on Sunday. If you
would be interested in being involved in their ministry, please contact Miriam Lemp
or the Church office.
*Communities In Schools of Ottawa is hosting a snack drive for kids. Children
facing hunger at home often need a nutritional snack during the day so they can
focus on their studies instead of their tummies. Please consider donating items such
as granola bars, breakfast bars, or individual packages of dried fruit or trail mix.
Thank you for continuing to support our students so they can be successful. Your
donations can be left at the back of the sanctuary.
*Could you volunteer your time to the Ottawa University Women’s Soccer
Team to serve as a “host family”? It could include an occasional dinner, allowing
them to use your laundry facilities or supporting them at their games. Contact John
Holzhuter at [email protected] or 248-2334 or Susan Trendel at
[email protected] or 248-2331.
*Ottawa Meals on Wheels is in dire need of volunteers to deliver meals Friday
mornings. Time commitment is about one hour. Call Pat Schulz at 242-1533 if you
can help out!
Today: Feasibility Study Results for Church Council in E.H. 5:00 p.m.; Mid-High
Youth 5:00 p.m. & Sr. High Youth 7:00 p.m. both at the Audiss home
Monday: Rambling Ranchers 4-H Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. in E.H.
Tuesday: Faith Stitchers 10:00 a.m.; PEO to meet in Parlor 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday: Youth Group, KROC &Adult Studies all at 6:30 p.m.; Lenten Study in
Sanctuary 6:45 p.m.; Faith Ringers rehearsal 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: Circles in E.H. 5:30 p.m.; Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: Ottawa Promenaders in E.H. 6:00 p.m.
Sunday (8th): Daylight Savings Time begins; Church Council in E.H. 3:00 p.m.;
Mid-High Youth 5:00 p.m.; Sr. Youth 7:00 p.m. both at the Audiss home
We invite everyone to please complete a registration form located in the pew
Your March Visitor is ready for pick-up!
Committee Chairs: Your February meeting minutes are due Tuesday,
March 3rd to ensure inclusion in the Council packets.
During Lent, Pastor Joel will lead a Lenten devotional in the Sanctuary from 6:45 to
7:30 p.m. The services will include singing, prayers, some special music and
testimonies from different individuals from our congregation. We prayerfully
anticipate some wonderful worship experiences together. We hope you are able to
If you are a graduating senior or already a college student and actively attend First
Baptist, you are eligible for a $200 scholarship ($100 awarded each semester) to
help with college expenses. The FBC Scholarship form is available in the Church
office or online at fbcottawa.org (lower, left column). Deadline for consideration is
April 1, 2015.
Come be a part of Ottawa’s Spring Fling events at First Baptist Wednesday, March
18th. At 10:00 a.m. there will be a Percussion Magic show and Veggie Tales video
in the Sanctuary. At 11:00 a meal of corn dogs, chips, fruit and a drink will be
prepared by our Youth Group. A sign-up sheet is available in the Parlor for food or
monetary donations and/or volunteers. If you have questions contact Cheryl
Seymour, Outreach Committee Chair.
Mission Possible Circle will meet Tuesday, March 10th at the Jan Lee home at 7:00
p.m. The program will be about the State Project. Samaritan Circle will meet
Wednesday, March 18th at the home of Kay Eyman at 9:30 a.m. Sandra Marlatte
will speak about the Circles program. Christian Service Circle will meet at Old 56
Restaurant for lunch March 18th. Please bring paper or food donations for Hope