VO L. F EBR UA RY 2015 (5. 2) C a t alo g u e CONTENTS Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. iii Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vi CONFERENCE LOGISTICS O1 Conference Room Equipment 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 Delegate Microphones .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Conference Chair Microphone ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Simultaneous Interpretation System ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 SIS Receiver ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Dome Camera ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Digital Video Switcher .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Live Video Projection ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 LED TV 50” ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 LED TV 42” ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 LCD Projector ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Exclusive Framed Screen .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 LED Wall Screen .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 DatatonWatchout ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Watchpax - Solid - State Media Player ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Clicker - Laser Pointer ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Digital Voice Recorder ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Laptop ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Color Printer ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Exclusive Desk Pad ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Production Lighting ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Barcode Scanner ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Camera Photography .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Teleprompter .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Indoor Country Flags ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Table Country Flags ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Table Name Plates ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Sound Ampification ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 O2 Secretariat and Registration Equipment 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2 12 B/W Laserjet Printer ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Color Printer Portable ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 ID Card Production ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Multifunction Printer .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Laptop Toshiba Satellite .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Personal Computer HP Omni All-in-One ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Personal Computer HP Omni .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Personal Computer HP Pavilion 20 ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Scanner ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Handy Talky Motorola ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Handy Talky VEV ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Handy Talky SMP ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Handy Talky Repeater ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Photocopy Machine ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Paper Shredder ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Dispenser ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 iii O3 Conference Furniture 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 HoD Conference Desk .............................................................................................................................................................................. Hollow Square Conference Tables ....................................................................................................................................................... VIP Arm Chair ............................................................................................................................................................................................ VVIP Grand Arm Chair ............................................................................................................................................................................ Executive Arm Chair ................................................................................................................................................................................. Retreat Chair ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Tiffany Chairs .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Banquete Chairs ........................................................................................................................................................................................ O4 Conference Exposure 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Conference Backdrop ............................................................................................................................................................................... Photo Session Backdrop .......................................................................................................................................................................... Photo Back Wall ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Roll up Banner ............................................................................................................................................................................................ X-Banner ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... T-Banner ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Triangle Banner ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Umbul-Umbul ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Welcome Banner ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Giant Baliho ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Billboard ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Registration Booth with Backdrop ....................................................................................................................................................... Hanging Banner ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Regular Baliho ............................................................................................................................................................................................ O5 Conference Kits 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 Conference IT Services iv 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 Conference Bag with Event Logo .......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Invitation for Inaugural Function or Gala Dinner .......................................................................................................................... 30 Conference Delegate Book ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Block Note with Event Logo .................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Pen with Event Logo .................................................................................................................................................................................. 31 ID Badge ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 City or Hotel Map ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 USB with Event Logo ................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Book of Abstracts ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Food Coupons ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Gift .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 PIN .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 O6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 19 34 Video Conference ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Live Streaming ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Dedicated Internet Lines (Wi Fi ) .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Online Registration System .................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Participants Database System .............................................................................................................................................................. 36 Conference Web Development ............................................................................................................................................................. 36 O7 Event Production 37 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 Power Distribution ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Sound ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Lighting ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Staging .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Rigging .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Custom Draping ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Backdrop and Corporate Branding ...................................................................................................................................................... Stage Decor and Flower .......................................................................................................................................................................... Sharp Video Projection Images ............................................................................................................................................................. O8 Exhibition Booths and Displays 8.1 41 Booth and Displays ................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 CONFERENCE SUPPORT SERVICES O9 Conference Support Services 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 43 Airport Greeting Service Officers ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Liaison Officers ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Registration Officers ................................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Hotel Hospitality Desk Officers ............................................................................................................................................................. 45 Secretariat Staffs ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Ushers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Master of Ceremony and Announcer .................................................................................................................................................. 46 IT Technicians .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Multilingual Interpreters ......................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Entertainment and Artists ....................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Audio Visual Technicians ........................................................................................................................................................................ 47 Medical Services ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Meeting Permits ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Security Officers .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Technical Visit Program ........................................................................................................................................................................... 48 10 49 Team Building Activities 11 51 Supported Events 12 Our Team and Offices 53 v I NTRODUCTION Daniswara i s a l e a d i n g p ro fe s s i o n a l c o n fe re n c e s u p p o r t , c o n fe re n c e l o gi s t i c s - a n d e ve n t p ro d u c t i o n c o m p a ny which is highly valued by its customers. With years of conference - and event exper ience, our k e y personnel can s u p p o r t yo u r p l a n s a n d s t a g e s u c c e s s f u l c o n fe re n c e s a n d e ve n t s i n B a l i a n d o t h e r c i t i e s i n I nd o n e s i a . O u r e x p e r t i s e w i l l h e l p yo u a c h i e ve yo u r c o n fe re n c e a n d e ve n t o b j e c t i ve s. Daniswara o ffe r s f u l l o r p a r t i a l c o n fe re n c e s u p p o r t , l o gi s t i c s a n d e ve n t p ro d u c t i o n . S e r v i c e s a re t a i l o re d to m e e t our customers’ specific needs and objec tives, saving them valuable time and money, while maximizing the benefi ts fo r t h e i r d e l e g a te s, s p o n s o r s a n d t h e i r o rg a n i z a t i o n . O u r c u s to m e r s i n c l u d e c o n fe re n c e o rg a n i ze r s, e ve n t m a n a g e ment companies, professional associations, universities, cor porate and gover nment institutions. Our exper ience ranges from wor kshops with less than 150 attendants to large conferences with up to 3000 par ticipants. Our e n d e avo r i s to d e l i ve r e xc e l l e n t c o n fe re n c e s u p p o r t , c o n fe re n c e l o gi s t i c s a n d e ve n t p ro d u c t i o n s a s we l l a s t a i l o re d ser vices in compliance with the diverse needs of our customers. Professionalism in combination with innovative i d e a s w i l l e n s u re s u c c e s s f u l c o n fe re n c e s a n d e ve n t s. Daniswara can provide sophisticated conference logistics which include conference equipment and audio visual installations, secretar iat equipment and registration management, conference fur niture such as conference desks and executive chairs, conference exposures including gr aphic design and pr inting ser vice, conference k it, conference infor mation technology ser vices, ex hibition booths & displays, as well as team building ac tivities. We also provide event produc tions and offer conference suppor t ser vices such as registration staffs, IT technicians, ushers, MC, announcers, inter preters, air por t greeting ser vice, protocol & meeting per mit, site visit programs, enter tainment and ar tists. Conference equipment and other fur nishings promoted under Daniswara are well maintained by PT Daniswara Logistik Konvensi; one of its founders is a Vice Chair man of I ndonesia Congress and Convention Association, Bali Chapter (INCCA Bali). M ost of Daniswara k e y personnel have obtained a Cer tificate of Competence in the fi eld of M eetings, I ncentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions issued by the Professional Cer tification Body for MICE (LSP MICE), author ized by the I ndonesian Professional Cer tification Author it y ( B N S P ) . We l o o k for w a rd to a m u t u a l a n d f r u i t f u l c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h c o n fe re n c e a n d e ve n t professionals. vi CONFERENCE LOGISTICS Daniswara offers conference logistics services including conference equipment, conference furniture, conference exposure, conference kits, secretariat & registration equipment, event production and exhibition booth construction. Our fast and efficient conference logistics services deliver conference equipment throughout Indonesia in a timely and reliable manner. We deliver your conference materials at a very competitive market price leaving you time to concentrate on preparing for your event. To make the conference as stress free as possible, once the conference logistics arrive at the conference venue, we ensure that all items are unloaded and taken to the specified place. Once the conference is over, all equipment is removed professionally. Our services are aimed at providing quality conference logistics and regardless of the size of the assignment. We work in partnership with some leading logistics companies and transport companies with a strong focus on customer care. CONFERENCE ROOM EQUIPMENT Daniswara provides conference equipment on daily rental basis. Our technicians install and look after all equipment in the convention rooms and ensure that everything functions well during all sessions (plenary and concurrent alike). Depending on conference scale, the complexity and quantity of conference room equipment may vary from ten to hundred items. Daniswara team is pleased to offer free consultation to our customers on number and type of required equipment for a successful conference. 2 C ONFER ENC E R OOM E QU I P M E NT D e lega te M i c ro ph o n e s Specification Sennheiser Conference Digital Audio Equipment. Dimensions: (w/o gooseneck) 185 x 63 x 140 mm (W x H x D), Weight approx. 700 g, Supply voltage 35 V 52.8 V,Power consumption 2 W (w/o reproduction via loudspeakers),Temperature range operation:+10°C to +40°C, storage:25°C to +70°C, Relative humidity operation: 10 to 80%. storage: 10 to 90%, Headphone socket 3.5 mm stereo jack socket ,Output level at headphone socket 50 mW/16 Ω, DHT (at 1 kHz) 0.03% at 50 mW/16, Frequency response 100 Hz to 14.5 kHz, Signal-to-noise ratio >70 dB(A), Pick-up pattern super-cardioid,Frequency response 190 Hz to 14.5 kH Conference Chair Microphone Specification Sennheiser. Dimensions: (w/o gooseneck) 185 x 63 x 140 mm (W x H x D), Weight approx. 700 g, Supply S l voltage lt 35 V 52.8 V,Power consumption 2 W (w/o reproduction via loudspeakers), Temperature range operation: +10°C to +40°C, storage: 25°C to +70°C, Relative humidity operation: 10 to 80%. storage: 10 to 90%, Headphone socket 3.5 mm stereo jack socket ,Output level at headphone socket 50 mW/16 Ω, DHT (at 1 kHz) 0.03% at 50 mW/16, Frequency response 100 Hz to 14.5 kHz, Signal-to-noise ratio > 70 dB(A), Pick-up pattern super-cardioid,Frequency response 190 Hz to 14.5 kH Simultaneous Interpretation System Specification Sennheiser. Transmission/receiving frequencies (790 - 865 MHz, 718 790 MHz, 626 -698 MHz), dimensions 82 x 64 x 24 mm, frequency response 25 Hz - 15000 Hz, Audio output power 100 mW @ 32 ohms. Simultaneous Interpretation System (SIS) and SIS booths are required when a conference is conducted in some languages. 3 C O N FE R E N C E R O O M E Q UIPMENT S I S R e c e i ve r Specification Sennheiser UHF Information Systems. Lightweight on-ear headphones with neckband to accommodate additional headgear. SIS Headphone sets are required by delegates to listen to the speaker in certain selected language. D ome Camera Specification 2 Megapixel resolution 16:9 Full HD (1080p) resolutionsupport, built-in 20x optical zoom lens (4.45~89mm), H.264 & MJPEG dual codec, Bi-directional audio, Built-in SD memory clot; Intelligent Video Analytics, IP66 (SNP-6200H). Dom Camera is required to capture speaking delegate automatically without the present of cameraman and screen it lively. Digital Video Switcher Specification V-40HD multi-format video switcher 4 multi-format channels from 12 inputs HDMI/Component/Composite inputs broadcast quality scaler on each input up to 1080p/60/60 input and output formats 4:4:4 /10-Bit processing (4:2:2 output) HDMI multi-viewer output compositing engine built -in HDCP mode audio input bus up to 25 setting configurations. 4 C ONFER ENC E R OOM E QU I P M E NT Li ve Vi d eo Proj ec tion Specification Full digital HD 1080 ppi system with Sony Camera full HD, Master Mixing Recording using digital data recording (m-jpeg compression / MOV conversion) and Mastering: Data file in external hardisk format. L E D T V ( L ED T V 5 0 ” ) Specification Samsung, Resolution 1920 x 1080, Auto Motion Plus 120/240Hz 120Hz, Sound Output(RMS) 10W x 2, dts 2.0 + Digital Out / DTS Premium Audio DTS Premium Audio 5.1, Speaker Type Down Firing + Full Range, input HDMI 1.4 A/Return Ch. Support, USB HID Support. LED TV 50” are required to show presentation in front of delegates especially in Holo or U-shape sitting style conference. LE D T V ( LE D T V 42”) Specification LG LS 5700, Resolution 1920 x 1080, BLU Type (backlight) LED, Motion clarity index MCI 200, IPS, Input HDMI/HDCP 4, USB 2.0, Set Rear, RF in, AV in, Component in (Y, Pb, Pr) + Audio, Digital Audio out, RGB in, PC audio input, LAN. 5 C O N FE R E N C E R OOM E Q UIPMENT LC D Proj ec tor Specification Sanyo XGA Projector PLC-XM 150 L, Capacity 6000 ANSI Lumens, Input signal compatibility WUXGA, UXGA, WXGA, SXGA+, SXGA, XGA, SVGA, VGA, MAC, 1080p(50/60), 1080i(50/60), 720p(50/60), 575p, 575i, 480p, 480i, Dimensions (inch) W,H,D 19.6"x6.5"x14.8", Speaker Output 7W. We can also provide LCD projector up to 15.000 ANSI Lumens. Exc lusive f r a m e d s c re e n Specification White screen with color wooden frame, varies from 3m x 4m to 4m x 6m, normally placed on the left and right side of a conference backdrop. L E D Wa l l S c re e n Specification In collaboration with our partners, we help our customers provide LED Wall Screen both for indoor and outdoor event. The size may vary from 4m x 6m to 6m x 12m depending on the event theme, space and number of audiences. 6 C ONFER ENC E R OOM E QU I P M E NT D at aton Watc hout Specification Dataton WATCHOUT is a software-based production and playback system for multi-display applications. In a conference room we may display concurrently image of the speaker, his presentation, video and conference ambience in one large screen. A typical WATCHOUT rig features a production computer running the latest WATCHOUT software connected to an unlimited number of display computers, all on a standard Ethernet network. Each computer in the rig requires a WATCHOUT license key. Each display computer can drive up to six display media, such as LCD screens, projectors or LEDs, depending on hardware capabilities. WATCHOUT is fully scalable, Windows platform and requires no proprietary hardware. Windows 7 is required for full functionality. Watc h p a x - S o l i d - S t a te M e d i a Pl aye r Specification WATCHPAX is a solid-state media player optimized for best performance with Dataton WATCHOUT multi-display production software. WATCHPAX gives you the power of WATCHOUT production tools without the hassle of fine-tuning computers or running long video cables. Create your show in WATCHOUT, and connect WATCHPAX. Add more units as you grow your show, from a single WATCHPAX and display to multiple units and display sources. WATCHPAX is designed to match the demands of distributed systems and multi-room installs, offering full audio and video capabilities on a standard ethernet network. In installations running in several show areas or rooms, it keeps the hardware close to the display source. C l i ck er - Las er Po i nter Specification Logitech R800, Green Laser pointer, 30 meter effective reach, wireless technology 2.4 GHz, LCD screen with timer, battery data status and reception indicator level, integrated slideshow button, receiver plug-and-play that can be saved at the presenter, On/Off button, Carrying case. Clicker Logitech is required by speaker to do presentation. 7 C ON FE R E N C E R O O M E QUIPME NT D i gi t a l Vo i c e R e c o rd e r Specification Sony Digital Voice Recorder UX533, Ultra Portable Voice Recorder, Built-in 4GB Flash Memory, up to 1,073 Hours of Maximum Recording Time, Stereo S-Microphone, Micro SDHC Memory Card Expansion Slot, Full Function backlit LCD Display, Intelligent Noise Cut Playback, Playback Speed Control, Scene Select, Automatic/Manual Record Level Settings, MP3 Playback Convenience with Graphic EQ, Retractable Direct USB Connector, PC and MAC Compatible, One LR03 (size AAA) Alkaline Battery. Digital Voice Recorder is required to record dialogue or presentation in the conference room. La pto p Specification HP 430, Intel® Core™ i5-2410M processor, 2GB DDR3, Harddisk 500GB, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, 14" Diagonal High-Definition LED HP Brightview Widescreen Display (1366 x 768). Laptop HP 430 is required in the conference room for presentation. Col or Pr inter Specification HP LaserJet Pro 400 Color M451Dn, With maximum 600 x 600 dpi, 600 MHz speed, connectivity 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port 1 Fast Ethernet 10/100Base-TX port net. Color LaserJet Printer is required by note taker in the conference room. 8 C ONFER ENC E R OOM E QU I P M E NT E xcl u s i ve D es k Pad Specification semi leather conference desk pad, dark brown, 60cm x 40 cm. Prod uc tio n L i g h ti n g Specification Lighting with details freshnell 4 cell 8 units, moving head lighting 575 watt 16 units, par LED 20 units, Leco 4 units, Minibrute 6 units, Follow spot 2 units. B a rc o d e S c a n n e r Specification Barcode Scanner Motorola operation triggered, programmable 123 Scanner configuration, supported barcodes 1D, 2D and PDF 417. Barcode Scanner is required by security officer to scan delegate ID Card in the conference room entrance. 9 C ON FE R E N C E R O O M E QUIPME NT Camera Photography Specification Canon EOS 60D, 18 MP APS-C CMOS sensor, Advanced creative features, Vari-angle 7.7cm (3.0”) 3:2 ratio LCD, Full HD movies, DIGIC 4, ISO 100-6400, H:12800, Up to 5.3fps shooting for up to 58 JPEGs, 9-point cross type AF System, iFCL metering with 63-zone Dual-layer Sensor. Te lepro mp te r Specification A teleprompter is a display device that prompts the person speaking with an electronic visual text of a speech. The two screens are placed in front of a lecturn and the words on the screen are reflected to the eyes of the speaker using a sheet of clear glass. Because the speaker does not need to look down to consult written notes, he appears to have memorized the speech or to be speaking spontaneously. Daniswara provides teleprompter for hire along with technician. I nd oor Cou nt r y Flags Specification Size: 150cm x 100cm 10 C ON FE R E N C E R O O M E QUIPME NT Tab l e Cou nt r y Flags Specification Size: 45cm x 22cm Tab le Na m e Pla te s Specification Size: 30cm x 8cm, transparent acrylic. Size: 40cm x 11cm, acrylic printed with country name and country flag; white background S o u n d A m p l i fi c a t i o n Specification In a large convention hall we may require sound amplification of 6.000 to 10.000 watt, however, for an outdoor large event we can provide sound amplification up to 40.000 watt with details RCF TTL Line Array System, flybar, spanset, sub LA-HP2 18 (high pressure long throw system), mixer 40 channel, equalizer, compressor, vocal effect, mic (cable and wireless), CD player, accessories, and cable extention. 11 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT Daniswara can provide equipment generally required in the Secretariat Room and Registration Office. 12 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT B/W Laserjet Pr i n te r Specification HP Laserjet p2055dn, Speed up to 35 ppm - B/W - Letter A4 Size (8.5 in x 11 in) Connectivity Technology Wired, Interface Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T Gigabit LAN, USB Max Resolution ( B&W ), 1200 dpi x 1200 dpi 1200 dpi. B/W Laserjet Printers are required by committee or organizer at the secretariat room. Por t ab l e Col or Pr i nter Specification Epson L800, Ink-jet printer, resolution up to 5760 x 1400 dpi, 6 ink colors. Printer Epson L800 is required by registration officers to print out ID card at the registration desk. ID Card Produc tion Specification Evolis Primacy, Single-sided or dual-sided printing module, Edge-to-edge printing, Color dye sublimation, monochrome thermal transfer, 300 dpi print head (11.8 dots/mm), 16MB memory (RAM), Capacity 200 pcs of id cards/hour 13 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT M u l t i f u n c t i o n Pr i n te r Specification Printer Panasonic Multifunction Printer KX-MB772CX with Flatbed Colour Scanner, High-Speed 18-ppm Laser Print Speed, 00 x 600 dpi Print Resolution, Automatic Document Feeder and Up to 18-cpm Copy Speed. Panasonic Multifunction Printer is required by organizer in secretariat room. Lap top Tos hi b a S a tellite Specification Laptop Toshiba Satellite L875, Intel Core i5-3230M Processor, Windows 7, Memory 2GB, AMD Radeon HD 7670 M Graphics, 640GB HDD (5400rpm, serial ATA), DVD Super Multi drive (+/-R double layer), Wi-Fi Wireless networking (802.11 b/g/n). Laptop Toshiba Satellite is required by registration officers in the registration desk. Pe rso n a l Co m pu te r HP O m ni A l l - i n- O ne Specification Personal Computer (PC) HP Omni 220 Type 10281, All-in-One Core i3, Memory 2GB, Hard disk 1TB, DVDRW 21.5" LCD screen, Web Camera, LAN, Wifi. Personal Computers are required by committee or conference staffs in the secretariat room. 14 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT Pe rso n a l Co m pu te r HP O m ni Specification Personal Computer HP Omni 220 Type 11271, All-in-One Core i3, Memory 2GB, Harddisk 1TB, DVDRW. 21.5" LCD screen, Web Camera, LAN, Wifi. Personal Computers HP pavilion 220 are required for delegates to work in the delegate internet corner. Personal Computer HP Pavilion 20 Specification Personal Computer (PC) HP pavilion 20 Type 20-B0101, All-in-One Core i3, Memory 4GB, Hard disk 1TB, DVDRW. 21.5" LCD screen, Web Camera, LAN, Wifi Personal Computer (PC) HP pavilion 20 Type 20-B0101 are required by organizer in the secretariat room. Scanner Specification HP Scanjet 5590, Multipage scanning with included automatic document feeder, Scan up to 8 pages per 7 seconds, Scan documents with existing data management systems or included software. Printer HP Scanjet is required by organizer in secretariat room. 15 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT Ha ndy Talk y M o to ro l a Specification Handy Talky Motorola GP 388 Plus, Dimensions 101.5* 55.5* 33mm Frequency Range 136MHz-174MHz/ 330MHz-400 MHz/4, Output 5 W, Storage Channel 128. Handy Talky Motorola are required by liaison officers, committee or organizers for effective and efficient communication during a conference. H and y Tal k y VE V Specification Frequency Range ( 134-176MHz VHF) ( 400-438MHz / 400-48MHz UHF), Output Power VHF 5,5W / UHF 5W, Antenna Independence 50 Ohm, Channel Interval 25kHz, Channels 199. Handy Talky VEV are required by committee or organizer to communicate with each other within the conference venue. Ha ndy Ta lk y SM P Specification Frequency Range UHF 330~ 400MH atau VHF 136-174MHz, Channel Capacity 16, CTCSS / DCS 50CTCSS / 105DCS, Power Supply DC 7.4V, Operation Temp ( -20º A + 55º A), Dimension( H x W x T exclude antenna) 117 x 57 x 32 mm. Handy Talky SMP are required by committee or organizer to communicate with each other within the conference venue. 16 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT H T R e p e a te r Specification Support VHF/ UHF/ Cross-band with multiple frequency operation, 25W continuous duty, operation 120/ 240V, 50/ 60Hz. Motorola Repeater GR500 & Antenna Celwave is required to strengthen the handy talky set power for long distance communication. Our HT Repeater is using dedicated authorized frequency registered in Ministry of Communication Photocopy M achine Specification Digital Canon IR-5075, speed 75 ppm, with document feeder, finisher and multi sorter, automatic stapler, automatic puncher and booklet maker. Photocopy Machine Canon - Heavy Duty is required by committee or organizer in the secretariat room. Pap er Shred d e r Specification Paper shredder Krisbow, shred paper capacity 8 sheet, shred CD capacity 1 CD, cutting style cross cut, waste bin volume 9 liter, duty cycle 2 min ON, 60 min OFF, dimensions 310 x 190 x 325 mm. 17 SECRETARIAT AND REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT D is penser Specification Dispenser Sanken, Heating Power130 Watt, Fast Boil 350 watt, cooling power 85 watt, size L: 325mm, W: 360mm, H: 1010mm 18 CONFERENCE FURNITURE Daniswara provides conference furniture on daily rental basis. They include specially designed conference desks, tables, and various types of chairs for VIPs and delegates. 19 CONFERENCE FURNITURE HoD Co nfere n c e D e s k Specification Plywood fin HPL, size 180 x 90 x 75 cm, black. Exclusive Conference Desks are required for head of state or head of delegation attending a summit or ministerial level conference. H ol l ow S qu are Conference Tables Specification Plywood fin HPL,brown, size: 160 x 80 x 75 cm. Hollow Square Conference Tables are required for a conference in square hollow, U-shape or Double U-shape sitting. It’s recommendable for ministerial level conference or senior official meeting. VIP Ar m Cha i r Specification VIP Arm Chair with HDT, size: W48 x D44 x H.116-122cm, Oscar, Aluminium, Hydrolic, Heavy Duty, Titling. VIP Arm Chairs with HDT are required in the conference room for Head of States, Head of Delegates or other VIPs. 20 CONFERENCE FURNITURE V V IP Gran d Ar m C h a i r S p e c ific atio n VVIP Grand Arm Chair, size: W48 x D44 x H.116-122cm, Oscar, Aluminium, Hydrolic, Heavy Duty, Titling. VVIP Grand Arm Chair s are required for the Chair and Co-chair at the head table E xecu t i ve A r m C hai r Specification Executive Arm Chair (without roller), size: W48 x D44 x H.100-108cm, Oscar, chrome, cantilever, U-Style leg. Executive Arm Chairs are required in the bilateral meeting room or executive meeting room. R e t re a t C h a i r Specification Comfortable arm chair made of Mahoni wood combined with natural rattan completed with soft cushion.Width 80 cm; height from the floor 110 cm. Height of the back: 50 cm. Coffee table made of Mahoni wood, height 60 Cm; size: 40 x 40 cm Suitable to the arm chair. Retreat Chairs and Coffee Tables are required for ministerial level retreat program. 21 CONFERENCE FURNITURE Tiffany Chairs Specification Tiffany Chairs are very popular in Indonesia nowadays. Being simple, elegant design and luxurious impression, Tiffany chairs are suitable for various functions or events such as formal Gala Dinners, inauguration ceremony, wedding parties and awarding nights. Available colors: white, gold and silver. Can be decorated with gold, blue or red ribbons. B anqu ete Chai r s Specification Chairs for invitation using banquete chairs with specification futura type FTR 405 ATL Chitose type Caesar N. 22 CONFERENCE EXPOSURE If the conference needs to be made public, Daniswara can help the organizer to arrange such publicity. We design, print, install, dismantle and liaise with all parties concerned. 23 CONFERENCE EXPOSURE Conferen ce B a c k d ro p Specification Full color, doft vinil flexy indoor korea with plywood construction. Backdrop size may vary from 4m x 8m to 10m x 20m. Ph o to S e s s i o n B a c k d ro p Specification Full color, doft vinil flexy indoor korea with plywood construction. Backdrop size may vary from 4m x 8m to 10m x 20m. Raiser or level is required for photo session of more than 20 persons. Photo Ba ck Wa ll Specification Full color, doft vinil flexy indoor korea with plywood construction. Backdrop size may vary from 3m x 6m to 4m x 8m. 24 CONFERENCE EXPOSURE Roll up Banner Specification Full color, doft vinil flexy indoor korea with aluminum base and stand, size H200cm x W80cm. X-B a nner Specification Full color, doft vinil flexy indoor korea with aluminum stand, size H160cm x W60cm. T-Ba nn er Specification Vertical banner, full color, outdoor vinyl, gloss or matte finish, super print quality, 400cm x 90 cm, steel or iron stand/construction. T-banners are normally displayed in the main road. 25 CONFERENCE EXPOSURE Tr iangle Ba n n e r Specification Triangle or prisma vertical banner, full color, outdoor vinyl, gloss or matte finish, super print quality, 250cm x 60cm, steel/aluminum stand. U mb u l - U m bul Specification vertical colorful long flag made of cloth with bamboo pole 6 meter height. We lco me Ba n n e r Specification horizontal banner, full color, outdoor vinyl, gloss or matte finish, super print quality, size varies from 6m x 1m to 20m x 1,5m. 26 CONFERENCE EXPOSURE Gia nt Ba lih o Specification horizontal baliho, full color, outdoor vinyl, gloss or matte finish, super print quality, size varies from 10m x 5m to 30m x 10m. B i l l board Specification horizontal or vertical billboard, full color, outdoor vinyl, gloss or matte finish, superb print quality, size varies from 10m x 5m to 12m x 6m. The production cost is subject to Billboard space rental and advertising tax. R e gi s t r a t i o n B o o t h w i t h B a c k d ro p Specification tailored design booth including desk with color indoor vinyl backdrop, size varies from 6m x 2,5m to 12m x 3m. 27 CONFERENCE EXPOSURE H a nging Ban n e r Regular Baliho 28 CONFERENCE KITS Daniswara offers assistance to conference organizers, corporate and other organizations to produce conference kit items for small, medium and large conferences up to 10,000 pcs per item. In collaboration with craft centers in Bali, Surabaya, Bandung and Tangerang, Daniswara can produce custom-made conference material and kit items to be distributed to delegates. 29 CONFERENCE KITS Conference Bag with Event Logo I nv i ta ti o n fo r I nau g u r al Fu nc t i on or G al a D inner Co n fe re n c e D e l e g a te B o o k 30 CONFERENCE KITS Note Pad with Event Logo Pen with Event Logo ID Ba dge 31 CONFERENCE KITS Cit y o r Ho te l M a p USB with Event Logo Book of Abstracts 32 CONFERENCE KITS Food Co u pon s G if t P IN 33 CONFERENCE IT SERVICES The use of information technology (IT) is vital to any business transaction and therefore indispensable for the conference industry as its business value lies in the automation of business processes as well as the provision of productivity tools to increase efficiency. Daniswara is capable of rendering all necessary communication services and offers assistance to conference organizers in making arrangements related to IT services. 34 CONFERENCE IT SERVICES Video Co n fe re n c e Li ve S t reami ng D e dicated I n te r n e t L i n e s ( Wi Fi ) 35 CONFERENCE IT SERVICES O n l i n e R e gi s t r a t i o n S y s te m Par ticipants Database System Conferen ce We b D e ve lo pm ent 36 EVENT PRODUCTION Our highly qualified, experienced and customer-oriented team of event technicians and production managers render excellent services within any setting, suitable for any number of occasions and events. As an event production company, we are capable of making your event a feast for the senses by employing state-of-the art technology and equipment. 37 E VENT P RODUCTION Power Distr i bu ti o n Sound Lighting 38 E VENT P RODUCTION S t a gin g R i ggi ng Cu sto m Drapi n g 39 E VENT P RODUCTION B ack dro p a n d Co r po r a te B r and i ng Stage D ecor and Flower Sh ar p Video Pro je c ti o n I m ag es 40 EXHIBITION BOOTHS AND DISPLAYS Daniswara can look back on many years of experience in planning, designing and constructing exclusive exhibition booths and displays. Our exhibition professionals guarantee premium-quality workmanship regarding three-dimensional booth design, booth construction, display and decoration. Additionally, the production team takes care of exhibition equipment. Daniswara offers standard as well as specially designed booth constructions, furniture, audio-visual equipment, lighting and even mini plants. We can also assist you in recruiting qualified and fluent English-speaking exhibition booth keepers and sales-promotion assistants. 41 E XHIBITION B OOTHS B o o t h s a n d D i s p l ay s 42 AND D ISPL AYS CONFERENCE SUPPORT SERVICES International conferences require skilled, well-trained personnel to support organizers and ensure that conferences run smoothly. Participants and sponsors alike benefit from a successfully accomplished participation. We can assist you in all matters related to your conference by assigning well-experienced staff who mostly graduated from tourism-, event-, and hospitality academies. 43 C ONFERENCE S UPPORT S ERVICES A i r p o r t G re e t i n g S e r v i c e O ffi c e r s Meet and greet conference participants at the airport and escort them to the vehicle which will take them to the hotel. Li ai s on O ffi cer s Assist VIPs, speakers or heads of delegations individually and ensure that all requirements are fulfilled without delay. R e gi s t r a t i o n O ffi c e r s Assist the conference participants receive their badges and conference kit at the place of venue. 44 C ONFERENCE S UPPORT S ERVICES H otel Ho spi ta l i t y D e s k O ffi cer s Inform conference participants on hotel facilities, conference agenda and general information about the location. S e c re t a r i a t S t a ffs Assist the organizer in preparing all necessary documents, invitations and other matters of concern for their participants. Us hers Assist participants in the ballroom and escort them to their respective seats. 45 C ONFERENCE S UPPORT S ERVICES M aster o f Ce re m o ny a n d A nnou ncer Experienced and eloquent English-speaking MCs are required for the Opening Ceremony, the Gala Dinner and other special occasions. An announcer is present in the conference room during the entire conference to make announcements as to the agenda. I T Technici ans Make sure that all internet connections, computers and conference-related equipment function properly. M u l t i l i n g u a l I nte r pre te r s If speakers or participants come from different countries or continents and speak diverse languages, we are pleased to assist you in finding multilingual interpreters. Since we closely cooperate with an international interpreters’ association, English-Indonesian, English-French, English-Spanish, English-Mandarin, English-Japanese, English-Arabic, etc. speaking interpreters will be at your disposal. 46 C ONFERENCE S UPPORT S ERVICES E nter ta inme n t a n d Ar ti s ts Indonesia, particularly Bali, is abundant in cultural and contemporary performing arts. Various dance performances, music and well-known artists are available to showcase their works during a cocktail party, welcome dinner or awards night. Au d i o Vi s u al Techn ici ans Multimedia and AV technicians assist the organizer to set up and maintain the conference equipment. They will be available the entire day and make sure that all equipment functions properly. Medical Services Conference organizers wish that all people involved in the conference, particularly participants, speakers and VIPs can attend meetings without any impairment to their health. However, various health problems can arise. We can assist you in arranging a 24 h medical support service (doctors, nurses, ambulance). 47 C ONFERENCE S UPPORT S ERVICES M e etin g Pe r m i ts Indonesia welcomes any international corporate or organization to hold a conference in Bali or any other Indonesian location. For security reasons as well as for the sake of everyone’s convenience, it is advisable that conference organizers obtain the respective permit from the regional police office. S e c u r i t y O ffi c e r s Certain VIPs and/or high-rank delegations may require personal security officers while attending the conference. We can assist you liaise with the regional police office. Te ch n ical Vi s i t Pro gr a m “Seeing is believing”. This slogan applies to the conference industry. Organizers may need to take their participants to a certain location to see and evaluate the facts for themselves. We can assist you with arranging such a visit. 48 TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES Team building activities are stimulating, problem-solving tasks designed to help group members develop their capacity to work effectively together. Many team building and initiative tasks are similar to games, others are novel, complex tasks designed for specific needs. Team building activities are often used in meetings, presentations, workshops, training seminars, education programs, corporate training as well as in therapeutic and correctional settings. Team building exercises can be adapted for virtually any setting, and across cultures. Much depends on the role played by a facilitator, different team building activities, facilitated in different ways with different groups, can and will lead to a wide variety of different experiences and different outcomes. In the hands of an excellent facilitator, even the simplest game can become a significant experience for participants. An important part of team building exercises is participants' reflection and discussion about the activity, how they approached the situation, and possible results. Daniswara offers elaborate initiative tasks involving exercises lasting 2 to 8 hours. Contact us for detailed team building ideas. 49 TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES 50 SUPPORTED EVENTS Daniswara has supported many prestigious conferences in Bali and other cities in Indonesia since 2012. We proudly share some images with you. UNESCO Global Media Forum Bali 2014 Global Forum UNAOC Bali 2014 APEC Seminar on Disaster Risk Financing Yogyakarta 2014 Inaguration of Toll Road Ungaran Bawen Semarang 2014 HARGANAS XXI The National Family Day Celebration Surabaya 2014 OECD Southeast Asia Regional Conference Bali 2014 51 SUPPORTED EVENTS Board Meeting of Green Climate Fund Bali 2014 FEALAC - CONFERENCE Bali 2013 ASEAN Minister on Energy Meeting Bali 2013 APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting Jakarta 2013 International Drug Enforcement Conference Bali 2012 52 Inaguration of Bali Mandara Toll Road Bali 2013 OUR TEAM AND OFFICES Most of Daniswara’s board of directors, managers and staffs are experienced in supporting international conferences and events Board of directors Ketut Jaman, S.S., M.Si. Diah Permana, Dipl. Kff Linaldi Salim, Vor. Dipl. Ing. Sales & Reservation Putri Kesuma, A.Md. Ak. Novi Eka Yanthi, S.E. Wahyu Tri Pratiwi, SH. Maria Yovieta, A.Md. Par. I.A. Maryani Djendri Ni Luh Budiani | mobile +62 813 389 81798 | mobile +62 822 364 05807 | mobile +62 821 419 84111 | mobile +62 852 342 18484 | mobile +62 812 464 2631 | mobile +62 857 394 234 07 Operation and Production I Gede Subagia, S.T. Komang Yuniathi Made Sudana Ketut Bagiasa Putu Sumerta Ketut Muliadi Putu Hendra Putu Gede Indrawan Eyodhia Stefani Mongkau Mitha Harista Dewi A. Agung Bagus Dharma Putra I Wayan Gede Wahyudi Creative design Andris Riono PT. DANISWARA LOGISTIK KONVENSI Marketing Office The Lotus Building No 10, Jalan Raya Dewi Sri, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Indonesia Telp. +62 361 766156 | Fax +62 361 763435 E-mail: [email protected] www.daniswara-conference-logistics.com Warehouse Jalan Nuansa Timur VI No. 08, Kompleks Taman Griya, Kelurahan Jimbaran Kuta Selatan, Bali, Indonesia Representative Office Thamrin Residences, Jalan Thamrin Boulevard Jakarta Pusat 53 CO PYRIGH T PT. DAN ISWAR A LOG ISTIK KON VE N SI PT. DANISWARA LOGISTIK KONVENSI The Lotus Building No 10, Jalan Raya Dewi Sri, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Indonesia Telp. +62 361 766156 | Fax +62 361 763435 E-mail: [email protected] www.daniswara-conference-logistics.com Go to Website
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