March Newsletter - Effort United Methodist Church

The Messenger
(The publication of the Effort United Methodist Church for the marvelous month of March 2015!)
Our Vision:
“The purpose of Effort United Methodist Church is to know, love and serve God as a unified Christian
Community, inviting others to become deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ!”
The Pastor’s Page
(It is a V.I.P. you know…a Very Important Page! Seriously…..Very Important! You need to read it!)
Dear Friends,
We are already in the midst of the Season of Lent on the Christian calendar. Lent means simply ‘to lengthen’ and refers to the
lengthening of days as we move toward Spring and beyond. The Church early on began to set aside the 40 days before Easter as a
time for repentance (to turn from sin and go in the other direction), reflection, giving alms (money and gifts for the poor), fasting and
prayer. You may wonder why 40 days, when, if you count from Ash Wednesday to Easter you will come up with a total of 46
days. The reason for this is that the six Sundays are days of celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection and are not included in the 40 days.
There are many opportunities to ‘lengthen’ the time you spend with the Lord Jesus reflecting on his sacrifice for our sins
during Lent. Stop in on Saturday or Sunday for worship and pick up an Upper Room devotional from the wooden holders outside the
sanctuary. These devotionals turn our focus to Christ in the midst of our hectic American lives.
If you’d like a more intentional way to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm for
our Lenten Services. Each Wednesday a different person from a different area of leadership within the congregation will be sharing a
Lenten Message with us for the week. We will also be having a number of special Services as we approach Holy Week that you can
invite others to attend:
Sunday, March 22nd: Children’s Choir Presentation
Palm Sunday, March 29th: Easter Cantata
Thursday, April 2nd, 7 pm: Maundy Thursday Service, bread and soup followed by the service at 7pm
Friday, April 3rd, 7 pm: Good Friday Service
Easter Sunday, April 5th: 7 am: Sunrise Service in the Prayer Garden
Easter Sunday, April 5th: 8:30 am: Resurrection Service
Easter Sunday, April 5th: 11:00 am: Resurrection Service
Lent is a time to open ourselves up to the grace of Jesus Christ. For…
“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
Did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
But made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,
Being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself
And became obedient to death – Even death on a cross!
Therefore God has highly exalted him to the highest place
And gave him the name that is above every name,
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
In heaven and on earth and under the earth,
And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
To the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:5-11 NIV)
As we take the challenge together, may it be by His grace and for His glory, Robin
MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Classes for those with a heart for becoming a new member here at Effort UMC will be held on March 22nd
2015, immediately following the 11am service. Much to your delight a light lunch will be served. Yup, we feed your body and soul
here! (PSST…so, if you are going to be a Methodist we are gonna train you to eat like one!) Wink! Wink!
The “Joyful Noise” for March 2015 As
comes marching in our joy can be marching out!
March 1: World Service Fund; Every dollar we give supports a child beginning to question, an adult reaffirming his or her
beliefs, a new Christian discovering the path. We enable missionaries to work globally, enrich discipleship projects, and enhance
congregational life through worship, retreats, training and counseling. World Service becomes our voice, expressing our
commitment to build a church and a people dedicated to making disciples for Jesus Christ.
March 7 & 8: PV Chemical Free Party; Pleasant Valley High School sponsors an annual Chemical Free Party the night of
graduation in a fun and festive environment that is alcohol and drug free. This will be the 26th Chemical Free Graduation that
the district has sponsored with help from our community. The Chemical Free Graduation has really fulfilled its purpose over the
years by keeping seniors safe on graduation night.
March 14, 15, 21 & 22: Garden of Giving; This mission is committed to providing high quality vegetables and eggs for Monroe
County food bank facilities. Programs and services add to the quality of life of residents in Monroe County while enhancing the
awareness and importance of using vegetables for health, through special events and attractions. The garden is the dream and
creation of Tammy Graeber on 2 ½ acres of fertile land located in McMichaels.
March 28 & 29: Monroe County Bridges Out Of Poverty; Bridges out of Poverty provides individuals with the appropriate
knowledge and skills to successfully transition toward self-sufficiency by identifying the causes of poverty, the hidden rules of
economic class, the definition of poverty, the resources that are needed for a high quality of life, stages of change, and how to
develop resources. Support of this program helps those in our county who want to make that change in their lives.
Save those receipts! You can help support the general fund of our church without putting more money in the
offering plate! Let’s get at this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save
those receipts (do not cut off the bottom!) and put them in the box marked “Supermarket Tapes” located in the Narthex (next to the
door to go to Wesley Hall). You can also place them in the offering plate and Doris Tagliaferri takes care of the whole darn thing.
Every little bit adds up so don’t throw them out! God will take each little bit and multiply it! He fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish….
Imagine what he can do with register receipts! WHOA! :-0
Financially Speaking…. and there is always a lot to talk about…
IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING>>>>> The monthly reports are on the bulletin board in the Narthex and the weekly
giving is in the bulletin each week. Bob Decker, Finance Committee Chairperson can be reached at [email protected]
GOING THE EXTRA MILE>>>>>> Please consider “giving an extra mile offering” to the general fund some-time
this month. Just like at home, the church operating expenses are increasing even though we have made various
cutbacks. Being good stewards with your weekly giving is what it is all about and we are working hard to stretch every
penny. Any extra offering amount big or small is most helpful and appreciated. Thank you to all of you who have
been contributing, every bit has made a difference.
Keepin you peeps
! WHOOP! The Generous and Thankful Hearts Ministry has decided
to supply you with some nifty new tools to help with your budgeting for 2015. We are providing what is called, wait for it….
“The Christian Budgeting Sheet” and the “Six Financial Planning Principles” wallet card. You will find both on the Welcome
Center in the Narthex. Also… we have received back from our Capital Campaign drive, for the quarter ending December
2014, a check for $1,386.35! NOW that little bit of news is GOODY, GOOD, GOOD, GOOD!!! 
Hey! We are not done yet! Keep readin will ha! Here is yet another “IN THE LOOP” something or other that didn’t fit on
that last page but you should be aware of. Our audit results done by Mr. Drewes and our treasurer Annette Gigliotti are
below and are posted on the bulletin board in the narthex for you to see.
Effort United Methodist Church
Merwinsburg Road
P.O. Box 545
Effort, PA 18330
Phone: (570) 629-1890 (570) 688-1140 Fax (570) 629-9240
February 24, 2015
We have reviewed the income & expense statements of the church General fund and Special Funds for the fiscal
year January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 as presented by the church Financial Treasurer.
The review included a comparison of (1) the Financial Treasurer’s reports, (2) supporting accounting system
records, and (3) bank statements. We found the three sources of information to be consistent with each other.
The review included inspection of major routine expense items, for example utilities, payroll, and other obligations,
which were found to be evidenced by cancelled church checks and reasonable in both frequency and amounts.
The review included inspection of a significant selection of expense items either of note-worthy value, or paid to
individuals and local businesses, and found them to be evidenced by cancelled church checks, and properly documented
with invoice/receipts and approvals according to church policies and procedures.
The review included inspection of a significant selection of donations, and found them to be properly evidenced by
counter sheets, bank deposit slips, and other records.
The objective of the review did not include an opinion upon whether or not the financial statements are arranged
and compiled in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or other public or governmental standards.
Any issues encountered or recommendations for improvement are outlined in a separate document, and were not
considered to be materially significant to the soundness of the financial reports.
Mr. Robert Drewes
to Annette, Lisa Magill and Bob Drewes for their dedication and in their work at EUMC)
Do you ever do shopping on line? Well we have an opportunity that will benefit both you and your church. Hmmmm…. what is this you ask? Why it’s a way for you to support our church, of course, simply by purchasing
items you normally would through a program approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration. is
an online shopping service specifically designed for members of the United Methodist Church to shop at hundreds of well-known
and respected retailers and get a percentage of their total shopping purchase donated to the local church (that’s us). All that is
required is for you to go to, register the name of our church and then go do your on-line shopping. There is no cost
or obligation for membership and anyone can register and have their qualified purchase percentages donated to the church. So if
you shop on-line, why not check this out. There also are additional discounts on many items. SWEET! You get a great deal and the
church gets a percentage of the purchase. Give it a whirl! You can’t lose. 
ATTENTION! For those who already give electronically and miss putting something in the offering plate we have this totally great
thing for you! There are laminated blue cards on the Welcome Center that you can take and put in your envelope that state you give
electronically. This allows you the ease of electronic giving and also participation in placing something in the collection plate. Nifty
noodle, aye? If you have any other suggestions on how to make it easier and more comfortable to give electronically, just let Jan
Decker know, and she’ll pass the info on. If you would like to give it a whirl, just fill out the authorization form on the welcome center
and zip it on over to the church office! You can also contact Annette Gigliotti ([email protected]). What a great way to keep a
regular rhythm of funds flowing into the church budget. You can e-give from checking or savings accounts, credit or debit card.
2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or
under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”.
(Many hands make light work and bring Joy to others and share the
of God!)
There are always NEW opportunities to serve here at EUMC! Look below and you may just find one that speaks to your “
” and let the office know you are seeking to serve… we will hook you up!
NEW NEW NEW!!! For you to do, do, do, if you feel led to, to, to! 
Immediate opening for a new Assistant Food Pantry Director. We are currently seeking one/two volunteers to serve in this capacity.
Please contact Joe Mithchell with questions or if interested at [email protected] or call him at 570-629-1890 ext 109.
Hoodies for Heroes: A collection of hooded jackets/sweat jackets to benefit the homeless veterans and Valor Clinic (Paul’s House)
is currently underway. If you would like to help out, simply drop a hooded jacket in the baskets located in the Narthex. Laurie
Everett will gather them up and take them to Valor. They are also looking for hiking shoes for men size 8 to 12 and for women 6 to
10. This benefit will run from March 1-31, 2015. For more information please contact Laurie at 570-657-7512.
Not so new but still needed….
Substitute Counters Needed: Individuals are needed to fill in when one or more of our faithful counters is unable to count the offerings
due to illness, prior obligation or an unexpected interruption of their life’s routine. The counters normally take care of the weekly
offerings on a Tuesday morning around 10 am. The process from start to finish takes about 2 ½ hours. Training is available and
clearances must be current. If you think you might be interested and would like more information, please speak to either Janet Pierson,
Joan Gouger, Dee Juris, Doris Tagliaferri, Marv Aylsworth or Jan Decker. Bagels and coffee are usually served. ☺
Parishioners looking for a ride to church: There are several service opportunities available for those willing to provide a ride to
church to those who are currently not able to drive themselves to church. Currently there are two such opportunities. They are as
follows: for Saturday evenings from the Sun Valley area, for 8:30 Sunday morning service and comes from the Kunkletown area and
for 11:00 Sunday morning from the Sciota area. If you are interested in providing a ride to either of these individuals, please contact
Jan in the office.
Shepherd’s Staff: Is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who would like to meet, greet and provide visitors with information
about our church. We are currently seeking individuals who would like to share the love of God after each service. All that is
required is that you have a love for your God and your church and to welcome, speak and provide tours for visitors of the church at
the Welcome Center. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Steve Johnson at: [email protected] or leave him a note in
the “Lay Leader” mailbox.
HANDY PERSON/PERSONS ARE “ALWAYS” NEEDED! If you have hands, and we know you do, don’t keep them
to yourself like your momma always told you to, we could use them! The Trustees are always looking for volunteers to help out any
time. If you have a willing heart, a bit of time and those hands we talked about, please contact Mark Shields at [email protected] or
call him at 570-977-6948 or check in with the church office for the details on the projects that still need a little doing. There is
ALWAYS something that needs to be done and you know nothing is a small project.
is always a very busy time around the church. Dirty hands are happy hands so let’s see how happy we can get!
Caring for the children during the llam service: Nursery Volunteers and Floaters: We really, really, REALLY need your
help! Volunteers are needed to serve in the Nursery on Sunday mornings while parents attend the 11:00 am church service. If you
don’t want to commit to working the Nursery, perhaps you would like to serve as a “floater.” This individual would float between the
Body Building Classes and the Nursery to assist the leaders by escorting children for a rest room break or to check in to see if
anything is needed. If you are interested in and have a heart for serving with our children, please see Jan in the office to ensure
appropriate clearances are obtained.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our next meetings are: March 3rd and 17th from 10:30am to 1:30pm. If you knit or crochet
or would like to learn, please join the ladies they would love to welcome you and have you join the group. If you know someone
who would benefit from one of these beautiful shawls made with a faithful heart of love, please let one of the members know. It is a
warm and wonderful way to feel wrapped in the loving arms of God. Info flyer is in the Narthex. If you want to see all the places
around the globe our shawls have gone check out the map in the Narthex with the red pins in it. If they keep this up the entire world
will be wearing prayerful shawls of God’s love! Keep praying that their hands and needles hold out!
Bulletin/flower sponsors needed: The cost for sponsoring flowers is $25.00. Sign-up sheets for 2015 are
on the bulletin board next to the library. (Across from the office) Payment is required at least one week prior to the sponsored date.
Payment should be placed in an appropriately marked envelope and put in the offering plate. Let’s keep that altar bright and
beautiful with a bountiful bevy of budding and blooming blossoms! (Whew!) Oh and also, my little doodle doo’s, if you want to
sponsor the bulletin for the weekend it will cost just 15 smack-a-roos! Consider sponsoring a week or two, it will be well worth it.
While we are on the subject of beautiful blooming blossoms… FYI: We have contacted Millers to price and
order Easter flowers and are waiting to hear back from them. We will let you know in the bulletins, the dates
for orders and the prices. I can smell the long awaited aroma of those lovely flowers already. AH BLISS! 
(Really….. it is, would I lie to you?)
Questions or comments please direct them to Leif the Rock Star Johnson in the cave, by phone (570-619-5482) or email at
([email protected]). We are still looking for a team for the Saturday evening service, please prayerfully consider serving.
And while you are praying about it, how about this…. This is a great team my peeps, and you didn’t hear it from me and I am
whispering here.. but there just might be food and coffee in the cave… and you can even take you’re your shoes off and let your dogs
breathe and wiggle-de-diggle your toezies during the whole service and no one will even know, cuz no one can see you up there in that
cave! How awesome it that?!! Honestly, what else in the world could you want!?
FYI>>> If you have a video or a clip that you would like to use in the church via the tech cave for a presentation, a service, or a
meeting, please contact the tech team to be sure that it can be used within the legal guidelines for showing such things. There are
copyright laws that we must abide by to prevent litigation. (Yes… litigation. What is this world coming to?? I can’t stand it!)
I know this month we start to
but alas, my precious pudding pies, that guy we despise,
Old Man
Winter…is thinking about how he will hang on for as long as he can throwing all he can muster with his remaining breaths of billowing
blowing bluster! Sooooo, we are still in need of those who are ever “shovel ready” to remove whatever he sends our way as he makes
his last blasts before melting into
. If you are willing and able to help out please let our lovely secretary know!
The Ministry Of Helping Hands: The mission of Helping Hands is to love our neighbors and to assist individuals who
are having difficulty performing seasonal household chores for a variety of reasons. Help is not limited to just Effort United
Methodist Church members. If you are unable to help in a physical way, monetary donations are a wonderful way to help out so that
when we have building projects and need supplies we will have the funds to do them. For more information please call Joyce or
Marv Aylsworth at 570-643-3334. Seriously….. If you call us, we will come!
PASTORAL CARE TEAM (Caring for His flock
….because in faith, we and He love “ewe“ very much!)
Our next meeting will be on MARCH 19th 2015 at 7 pm in the library
We will continue to do cards cheer baskets, visits and meals as needed. We will continue to work with Pastor Ken in the
food pantry. If you know of anyone who needs a little joy and encouragement please see or call a member of the
team. For more information please call Dee Juris @ (610)681-8217 or e-mail @ [email protected].
Cultivating Generous and Thankful Hearts Ministry
Headed by Bob Decker
(It is all about the 5 loaves and two fishes in action. Give what you have in faith and God will multiply it! He will! It has happened
before!!! See Matthew 14: 13-31, John 6:1-15, Mark 6:30-44…. Go ahead, read it!
1 Timothy 6:17-19 “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to
set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything
to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus
storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take
hold of that which is truly life.” (That is the abundant life in Christ, of course!)
We are seeking individuals, couples and/or families who would be willing to give a two-three minute stewardship
testimony on video to be presented at all services. A testimony on how you came to share your time, talents,
and treasures here at EUMC and how you felt your faith has been enriched by doing so. Testimonies will be presented
on a monthly basis and by doing the video you won’t have to appear live at all services in front of the congregation. The
tech team will work with you and will take several takes with you having a say in the best one to use. Shy? Well, we
have another way for you to share your testimony. If you don’t want to be video recorded, you can share your
testimony in writing and we will have someone present it for you! We know that you all want to share your love of God
and your Church so start preparing your testimony today. Make your presentations heartfelt and touch other hearts in
making stewardship of their God given gifts a more recognized importance in their lives.
Upcoming events of the UMW: See Mark Your Calendar!!! (They are there…. Go
right now!)
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 9 . Hostesses are Dawn Frances. Devotions will be provided
by: Nita Nydam and the Program is: Mission Outreach Auction Baskets (kitchen theme). Remember to bring
your items for the basket(s)
For additional information about the UMW please contact Dee Juris @ (610)681-8217 or
email [email protected] or Jan Decker @ the church office (570)629-1890.
***Additionally, minutes of our meetings are being posted monthly on the Bulletin Board. Come check us out, we would love for you
to join us! If you are 13 years of age or just shy of 100, come join us at our next meeting. There are always yummy refreshments and
a lot of laughter to be had. 
Supplemental Food Resource Center AKA- SFRC A Ministry sponsored by EUMC
“Feeding those in need in the West End region of the Poconos”
(This ministry is an outreach serving the communities of Effort, Gilbert, Kunkletown, Kresgeville, Brodheadsville, Saylorsburg,
Sciota and Albrightsville. The Lord inspired us to help feed families going through emergency or other short term situations that are
not eligible for local, county or state programs and is limited to a 12 week life time duration per family. We require a valid driver’s
license or state ID with address proving residency in the West End.)
The pantry will be open on Saturday, March 14th and March 28th from 10:00 am to noon. Volunteers are always welcome and
needed. If you would like to volunteer and do not yet have background check clearances, please see Jan in the office. She will do what
is needed to assist you.
SFRC is seeking Drivers: The Director of our Food Pantry, Joe Mitchell is seeking a few volunteers who would be willing to do
food pick-ups at BJ’s in Stroudsburg on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday of the 2 nd and 4th week of each month. Joe will work with you
to set up a schedule that is convenient for you. All you will need is a vehicle large enough for several bigger boxes to arrive at BJ’s by
1:00 pm, and a huge heart to share God’s love. Willing to help serve in this capacity? Please contact Joe at extension 109.
The SFRC is also seeking an Assistant Director: Best wishes to Chris Heistand as he embarks on a new phase in his life. He
has stepped down as the Assistant Director as he relocated due to an employment opportunity. We thank him for all his work and
dedication over the time he has served here. Chris’s leaving creates a void in the leadership that must be filled. We are seeking one or
two individuals to volunteer to fill this position. If you are interested or know of someone who might be, please contact Joe Mitchell
at [email protected] or at 570-629-1890 ext. 109
Gardeners for Glory!!! Heads up folks, The Gardeners for Glory still do not have a fantabulous, fearless,
floral minded leader to coordinate the maintenance of the church grounds, gardens and prayer
garden. Without care, all of our hard work will be taken over by our enemy, THE WEEDS. If you enjoy seeing
the church gardens looking beautiful, gardening and serving the Lord, please volunteer because this is the gig
for you! Meanwhile, if the past members of GFG will make some notes on their calendars to save a little time
to work in the garden from April to October we can all pitch in and keep the church looking nice. It’s amazing what a couple of hours
per week, per person can do. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK! Please call if you can help: Julie Foley 570 722-1239
THE GARDEN OF GIVING… and giving and giving and giving some more
You don’t even have to be quiet because this place NEVER sleeps!
(Located off route 715, 4 miles from WAWA in McMichaels Hillside Terrace on the right Hillside drive)
The Garden of Giving is gearing up for another bountiful growing season to provide fresh organic produce and eggs for our less
fortunate neighbors in need. The first group of volunteers will kick off the season in April. The Garden of Giving is always in need of
volunteers to help in the office, serve on the board, and help in the Garden, including team leaders, as well as donations of supplies
and funding to purchase what is needed for the Garden and chickens. The Garden of Giving is an excellent opportunity for youth and
scouting groups to learn about gardening, science, health, nutrition, and many other valuable life skills and lessons on a weekly,
biweekly or monthly basis. The Garden will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays during the growing season for any
individuals or groups that would like to lend a hand. For more information call 570.402.1282 or email [email protected]. And
keep your eyes open for details on our Fill the Truck event coming up in May. Hope to see you there!
******The word “March” originates from the Roman “Martuis”, it was the first month of the calendar named after
Mars, the God of war.
******March was the beginning of our calendar year also, but in 1752 we moved to the Gregorian style calendar and
our year then began on January 1st.
******The Anglo Saxons called the month Hlyd monath, which means stormy month or Hread monath, which means
rugged month.
Don’t you feel smarter already!? I know I do! HA!
is on the horizon, our ever vigilant, diligent and competent gal Jan, keeps marching right
along in the office keeping us from falling off into the madness that sometimes accompanies the marvelous month of March.
WHEW! I just made myself a little dizzy wizzy woooo…
Any hooper, she is ever present keeping it all running smooth as a babies… well… you know…. Tee! Hee! Hee! But just in case you
need to know, due to the winter time thing we call snow, there is important info for you below…
Inclement weather closing Information: 1. The preschool- The preschool will follow the school schedule of Pleasant Valley. If they
PV is closed, delayed opening etc., so is the preschool.
2. The Church Office- Will be open if Jan can get in….. :/
3. Church service cancellations- will be posted on the Church Face Book page & website as well as ESPN 840 am 93.5 WSBG, 107
The Bone, 99.9 the Hawk, ESPN Radio and WNEP TV16 and Blue Ridge Cable. A message will also be recorded on the church phone.
Christian Education
(Getting into God’s word and staying there is good for the mind, body, & soul!)
The Basement Bunch- is a small Bible study/Sunday School for all Adults both young and older on Sunday mornings from
9:45-10:30am led by Steve Johnson. No need to do a lot of studying. We read the scripture and then answer some questions based
on the scripture. All are welcome and we meet in the old basement off of Wesley Hall. (Besides serving up a study in the word, we
also have goodies, coffee and tea!) Each week is its own subject under a set Topic from a book. Prayerfully consider attending this
interactive class.
BODY BUILDING & Sunday School: Our classes meet Sunday mornings during the 11:00 am service except for
Communion Sundays. It is time to SPRING into action and get those bible muscles pumped up and growing, growing, GROWING!
Body Building -Ages 3 -8 will meet in friendship hall. .
Pre- Teen Sunday School- Ages 9-11 will meet in the library.
Teen Sunday School – Ages 12-18 will meet in youth group room.
The Seekers Bible Study Group: Effort United Methodist Church Monday morning fellowship and Bible study has begun their
21st anniversary this New Year 2015. We meet each Monday morning in Fellowship Hall at 10am from September through May,
excluding holiday weeks (weather permitting). Our course of study will begin with “What the Bible Says About Prayer”. The
questions we hope to answer: Why is Prayer important? How to pray? Does God hear all our prayers? What about unanswered
Prayers, when Gods seems silent. Let’s come together to learn what the Bible has to say to us, as we seek Gods direction. We pray
you will be a part of our “Seekers” and make it your group too. For information call Milt McWillams (570-620-0888),Wayne
Wylie (570-722-3923), Don Bonett (610-681-8807)
Tuesday evening bible study - 7:30pm at Rock and Sue Johnsons. Need more info? Call: 570-619-5483
Mark your calendar! So you can SPRING into action for the events of March 2015!
(Do not forget to set your clock to SPRING AHEAD on March 8th or you will be late for everything!!!)
Lenten Services 2015
Wednesday: March 4th, 2015: 7:00 pm, “Trial and Denial” - Mark 14:66-72
Wednesday: March 11th, 2015: 7:00 pm, “Which Jesus?” - Matthew 27:15-17
Wednesday: March 18th, 2015: 7:00 pm, “Suffering & Humiliation” - Mark 15:16-19
Wednesday: March 25th, 2015: 7:00 pm, “Crucified With Criminals” - Luke 23:39-43
Lenten Study 2015: “24 Hours That Changed the World” By Adam Hamilton each Wednesday at 5:45 pm prior to the
Lenten services. Soup and salad will be served.
UMW Upcoming events for: The UMW will be makin more of that yummity yum soup! From March 1st to
the 15 we will be taking orders for Beef Barley soup. $5.00 per quart with all proceeds going to the General Fund. Delivery will be
on Sunday March 22nd. Sign-up sheet is on the Welcome Center.
Trustees Breakfast: The fabulously fine food and friendly fellowship will be served up on March 8th at 9:30 am so
come on over and get your fill! Suggested donation to offset costs is only $5.00/person and goes to aide in the funding of our
Capital/Building Fund account. You can call me crazy but don’t ever call me late for this breakfast!
EUMC Easter Cantata! “God So Loved The World” by Lloyd Larson and performed Sunday at 11:00 am on March 29th
2015 by the EUMC Choir. Bring your friends and family! It is a wonderful musical celebration of the sacrifice Christ
made for us all.
Going! Going! GONE!! SOLD to the highest bidder!
The Mission Committee of Effort United Methodist Church is sponsoring the annual Outreach Auction on Saturday evening, April
11th in Wesley Hall, beginning with dessert and coffee at 7:00. With Pastor Robin and Mark Wells, as our auctioneers, the evening
promises to be an entertaining one with lots of fun and laughter. Items will be on display by 6:30. Perhaps you’ve never attended
one of our auctions and you’re not sure what it’s all about. Each year in early spring, the Mission's Committee asks for donations
toward our Outreach Auction which benefits our missionary family in Bolivia, The Zimmerman Family, and mission work trips of our
youth and VIM team. We usually raise somewhere around $3000 which is split equally between the above three ministries. All
auction items (new or like new items only) are donated by members or friends of EUMC. The following are some ideas of donations
we’ve received in the past: handmade craft or needlework items, handmade wooden or ceramic items, homemade cookies, cakes &
candies, knitted or crochet items, framed painting and drawings, gift certificates from local merchants as well as vouchers to donate
your service (ie. car wash, yard or garden work) Theme baskets are also very popular with the bidders. There have been a wide range
of theme baskets such as: comfort baskets, coffee-lovers basket, Italian basket, baker’s baskets, candle-lovers baskets, doggie or
kitten-lover baskets, book, CD or DVD baskets. These are just some ideas –so put on your thinking cap. God has given each of us a
talent – please won’t you share yours with us? We do need advance notice of what you will be donating so please sign the auction
sheet on the Welcome Center. We have a display table in the hall outside the office. For more information, call either Jan in our
church office 570-629-1890 or Pat at 610-681-4967
Save the Dates: I love and hate to say it…. But they will be here before we know it, and then it will be Christmas again. AHHH!!
 Saturday, April 11th Mission Outreach Auction
 Saturday, April 18th Church cleanup (Trustee work day)
 Chicken BBQ Dinner, May 2nd
 UMW Flea Market, May 16th
POCONO PANDAS (Prayer Acceptance Nurturing Develops
Awesome Spirit)
Plans are in the works for the 2015 REACH Work camp which will be in Ohio the week of June 28 through July 4th, 2015. See Pastor
Ken or Wendy for additional details and registration forms.
March events: Regular scheduled meeting for Friday, March 6th and March 20th at 7:00 pm
Sight and Sound: The youth and several leaders will be going to Sight and Sound on Saturday, March 21 st to see the show entitled
“Moses”. Several fundraisers have been held to help offset the cost. We would like to thank everyone who supported the
fundraisers. What a wonderful way to show our children the love of Christ.
*****30 Hour Famine—Friday, March 6th through Sunday, March 8th.*****
Weekly Saturday evening Contemporary Worship at EUMC is at 6pm: led by Pastor Ken Edwards
Our contemporary service is an integral part of the worship and of the vision of EUMC. Please let all your friends, family
members and neighbors know that along with our when wonderful traditional services on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and
11:00 am we are promoting our contemporary worship service and we even moved the time to 6pm so those who work
on Saturdays until 5 can make it here! No need to rush home and get all gussied up! Come just as you are! How cool is
that! For questions or details please contact Ken at [email protected] or the church office at 570-629-1890.
Music Notes
(Please come for these toe tapping, ear tickling, hands clapping, spirit lifting, voices rising, Jesus praising,
worship events!)
THE EUMC CHOIR –Rehearsals are in full swing at 7:45 pm in the Sanctuary. Our fearless and talented director
Dan has picked terrific music for 2015 that will truly bless the congregation. We are busy working on the Easter Cantata for your
worshiping pleasure. If you are interested in joining the choir, please see Dan for the particulars and I am sure he will give you the
low down and the high note! (Yup, I said that and you know what… I’d say it again!)
CHECK OUT OUR EUMC CHOIR WEBSITE: If you want to see what the choir is up to, or access our rehearsal calendar please
visit our website at or contact Dan Smale - [email protected] - (570) 350-5668
The Children’s Choir meets Sundays at 10:15 am in Friendship Hall. If you like to sing come on out and join us.
All ages are invited to come and sing and lift your voices to the Lord. It will be great fun!
Bring your friends, family, neighbors, & anyone else you can think of who might enjoy our music ministries
Sometimes you just need googlie faces…Look, here is a spot for them!
great googlie mooglie! I can’t stand it!
EUMC PRE-SCHOOL: If you have or know of a child between the ages of 3 and 5 and are considering Preschool enrollment, we have
a class for them.
Pre-K class is on Monday, Wed, and Fri and just 3’s is Tues and Thurs. Curriculum is hands on discovery in an academically
challenging and rewarding environment with ample opportunity to develop social skills. This is a great first school experience for your
preschooler! If interested or know someone who would be, please contact Gail Regina, our director at 570-529-1890 ext. 201
Take a moment and send a note, to offer love, support and hope,
So they will know they’re in our prayers and that, of course, we care.
It will bring JOY into their day to know, that we, for them do pray,
In peace and rest they’ll be embraced as we hold them in God’s grace.
A little note…. a text …. a call…. A grateful heart receives them all!
Card Showers
Augie and Emma Bush: North Bay Retirement Living 171 Pleasant Ave Smithfield, RI 02917
Ester Temple: 391 Stone Hill Lane, Saylorsburg PA 18353
Lou Tagliaferri: PO Box 365 Effort, PA 18330
Wolfgang Gerhard: 11 Bear Medicine Road, Effort PA 18330
Everett Behrens and Margaret Milasch: 15 Sei Pike Lane, Lehighton, PA 18235
New addresses of a few of our church members who have moved away. Why not send a little note with a big
hello and let them know we miss them. It is sure to make them smile!
Tom and Darlene Thompson: 25 Thoroughbred Drive, York Haven PA 17370
Kay and David Charbonnier: 197 Suwanee Drive Vance South Carolina 29163
Let’s keep the following in our hearts as they have moved away, are in care homes, nursing homes or rehabilitation
centers. We can send cards, letters or even pay them a visit if the Lord leads you to do so. They would love to hear from or see us I
am sure.
Gloria Hawk Getz Personal Care Home, 1026 Scenic Drive, Kunkletown PA, 18058
Laura Garr 8868 Lincoln Green Drive, Robin Hood Lakes, Kunkletown PA 18058
Nancy Heistand Mahoney Valley Personal Care, 397 Hemlock Drive, Lehighten PA 18235
Bert Easley Praxis Alzheimer Facility, 500 Washington St, Easton PA 18042
John Romanco 175 Foothill Blvd. Effort PA, 18322
Jan Poorman Kirkland Village, 1 Kirkland Circle, Bethlehem PA 18013
Happy Birthday Blessings to all in March 2015!
03/01 Janet Pierson,William George
03/03 Steve Johnson
03/05 Marvin Aylsworth, Shane Edwards
03/08 Cheryl Lash
03/09 Wayne Wylie, Bill Smith, Daniel Loffio
03/11 Isabella Bisher
03/14 William Johnston
03/15 Laura Garr, Nannette Gower, Erica Neff
03/16 Karen Bruch
03/17 Meredith Hannon, Rudeene Jackson
03/18 Paul DeBarry, Tabitha Scerbo
03/21 Barb Snyder, Jeff O’Donel, Christine Andrews
03/22 Juliette Arendt
03/23 Jace Frost, Nick Loffio
03/24 Marilou Conklin, Louis Tagliaferri, Faith Morales
03/25 Karen Catina, Doug Atherton, Andrew Atherton
03/26 Fran Wylie
03/26 Wendy Edwards
03/28 Donna Dowches, Pam Borger, Russell Bisher
03/29 Pam Horton, Eva Martin
03/30 Samantha Bishop, Michael Cimino, Bob Miller
And while we celebrate those that are having a birthday this month let us also
remember and celebrate with love those that have gone on ahead…
Betty McClellan kept the church library in order faithfully for many years. She attended Rocky
and Sue’s Tuesday night Bible Study, where I met her. We joked around with each other and
laughed across the table. She had a self-deprecating kind of humor that was warm and
inviting. Betty’s faith was strong and unwavering through the ups and downs she experienced.
I met Katie Van Lenten when Sue Johnson and I came to Pleasant Valley Manor to celebrate
Betty’s birthday, she lived just around the corner from Katie. On our way, I noticed Helen
Peyton at the end of the hall and asked why she was there and it was then that she introduced us
to her Mom, Katie. We had such a good time that afternoon – Katie was sharp with quick wit
and natural sense of humor. When visiting Katie, she told me about her faith in Jesus, how she loved him and was ready whenever the
time came to go to be with him. Shortly after our first visits, Katie said she wanted to come to church. She was 100-years-old when
she visited us. When I introduced her, she grabbed the pew in front of her and stood up to the spontaneous applause of the
Gentleman Jim Hawk, Patriarch of our congregation ended his Christian walk with us this past January. Born March 27th, this seemed
an appropriate time to celebrate Jim’s legacy. Jim served the Lord here at Effort for more than 54 years, his younger years were more
active on committees of the church. Jim lit the candles each week and together with his wife Gloria prepared the elements for
communion. If you attended any of our chicken bbqs, the neatly wrapped utensils were also done by them and you may have eaten an
ear of corn that he shucked. Jim also made woodwork garden ornaments for the missions talent auction
It’s the small things we remember like when Jim would pop out his little change pouch and pinch the coins into the tin pan. How he
dressed for the seasons, the bright colors in the summer and the holiday ties. His hearty handshakes and his response of “oh I’m plugging
along, the Lord gave me another day” when asked how he was doing. Jim was a true gentleman and he served the Lord in humility and
grace. May we all learn by his example and pay honor to him by serving this church, “His Church”, our church so it may be a constant
in the lives of many generations to follow.
These wonderful folks have gone on to join that great cloud of witnesses spoken of by the writer to the
Hebrews. We will miss them until we are reunited with them at the heavenly banquet of our Savior,
Jesus Christ.
Please be daily prayer for the following: The Katie VanLenten family, Joan Smith, Wayne Hillman,
Heather and Kiaya daube, Tammy Graeber, Xavier, Colleed Washburn, Cathy Loch, Jolene Strunk, Joseph Stringer, Roy Kohler,
Kory Lechleitner, Ruby Vaughn, The Esdale Family, Henry Mosier, The friends and family of Betty McClellan, The Coleman family,
Carolyn Miller, Petty Nolte, The family of Jack Bass, Marge Murano, Sue Daube, Bob, Jamie & Lindsay Garner, Frankie Johnson and
family, Grace, Marie, Carole Wolfe, Lindsay, Martha Milburn, Ruby & Natalie Vaughn, Dave, Alfe Lindaberry, The Bravo family,
The Molte family, Lois Ohl and Cindy.
Please keep the following service men & women in your daily prayers
Major Earl Evans, Maj. Howard Hiestand – US Army, Cpt. Ed Caudell-US Army/Fort Braggs, CPL Brian Lee Everett- USMC VMFA115/Airframes Unit 78520. FPO AE 09509-8520, Spec. Sam Michlavsky-US Army/Afghanistan, Cpt. Mark Crimaldi-2nd Calvary
Regiment, Afghanistan, Thomspon-USAF/Mountain Air Force Base, Idaho. Lance Corporal James C. Suttles V/MM 265 AirframeUnit
37239FPO, AP 96372-7239
Keeping all the men and women who serve in the armed forces both here and abroad in prayer is a wonderful way to surround them
with a hedge of protection, the love of God and the honor and respect they deserve for serving us with their very lives.
“Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends” John 15:13
The longer days and shorter nights,
with warming rays of sun to delight,
and just a hint upon the breeze,
of spring time coming…. and winter’s leave.
Crocus will push up through chilly earth,
to signal the coming of creations rebirth,
and all around us we will start to see,
the depth and breadth of God’s majesty.
We’ll see all that sleeps begin to wake,
to the glory of God; make no mistake.
for it is onto Him, that all lives and breathes,
and he moves the seasons, in his time to please.
The snow will melt and the grass will grow,
and the trees will bend in the warm breeze that blows,
the earth will burst forth in fresh life anew,
bidding long winter it’s final adieu.
Oh grateful yes! And expectant we are!
We anticipate green leaves and the blooms of the flowers,
We’ll rejoice as the birds sing their sweet spring time songs,
Hold on my friends! It won’t be too long…
Cathy Wells
Editor’s note:
will be popping up all over the place before we know it and I am soooooo ready! (as I am sure
you are too) This winter started out slow but once it got rolling….. YIKER DOODLE! And you know, you were there! For
me this time of year always brings the feeling of re-birth and newness of life. Just that little touch of warmth in the
sunshine as it comes through the window while I am looking out at the arctic tundra, brings me hope. Hope for renewal,
hope for the future, hope for today…. my hope and prayer for us all, is that in all the crazy going on in our world that
we will continue to focus or re-focus, our lives on Christ the giver of every re-birth. In Joy. Cathy
The funny thing is… This really does look like me at deadline time
*** The deadline for the APRIL 2015 newsletter, is on or before MARCH 25th!) Feel free to contact me by phone,
610-381-4703 or email [email protected]. Whatever you send I will get it in here for all to see. (I’ll try not to mess with them
too much, but self-control is not my strong point as you no doubt already know…)
(Just minding our own businesses…. Did I really say that? Yes I did! Tee! HEE! HEE!)
903 Landscape Supply
For all your landscape needs!
1939 State Route 903
Jim Thorpe PA 18220
Fx 570 325-8113
Nita Nydam and Greg Magill
903 Plumbing and Pump Technology
Full service plumbing repairs
1939 State Route 903
Jim Thorpe PA 18220
Fx 570-325-8113
Greg Magill and Nita Nydam
Mary Kay Cosmetics
45 Tumbleweed Drive
Effort PA 18330
[email protected]
Amy Boligitz- Independent Beauty Consultant
“Try before you buy!”
Hand crafted, original gourd art creations
411 Turkey Hill Road
Saylorsburg PA 18353
Cathy Wells 610-381-4703
[email protected]
Face Book at “Out-Of-My-Gourd!”
Melalueca Wellness Products
Susan Yetter
[email protected]
Creative Memories
Po Box 729 Saylorsburg PA 18353
Susan Yetter Creative Memories Consultant
570-992-0247 [email protected]
Photo safe albums and supplies, group presentations
Saylorsburg Lumber
Quality Building Products
Full service lumber yard
Lumber, window screen replacement,
Hardware, masonry supplies
Glenn W Yetter
# 570-992-3700
Fx 570-992-3275
Effort Woodcraft Inc (cabinets, millwork and more)
Thomas J. Conklin VP
PO Box 590 Evergreen Hollow Road
Effort, PA 18330
570-629-1160 Fx 570-629-6613
[email protected]
cell 570-872-6421
Melalueca The wellness company
Tom Conklin 570-872-6421
[email protected]
******Please note that this little bitty listing of who does what is for informational purposes so that we are aware of what is available to us within
our own church family.
DID YOU KNOW??? The church address is: PO Box 545, Effort PA 18330-0545 Phone 570-629-1890. In case of an emergency,
outside of the normal church office hours (Mon-Fri., 9:30am - 2:30pm) you can reach Pastor Robin at 570-243-1247 by phone, or by
email at [email protected]. Pastor Robin’s home address is: 1439 Main Street – Chapman, Bath, PA 18014
TAKE NOTE & PASS IT ON! We pass on all kinds of things every day! (smiles, information, germs…) Why not PASS ON your
newsletter to someone who does NOT go to EUMC when you are done with it and have marked your calendar with the special dates!
You could send it on to your local email buddies so they can see what we are up to or you could even take your hard copy and
give it to a neighbor who doesn’t go to church. With each PASS IT ON you can attach a little invitation to an event that you would
attend with them or even just suggest they come to a service with you. What a great way to bring new people into the family here. We
can’t keep all this great stuff to ourselves. We’ll burst at the seams!!!!!!!!!! Now get out there and tell everyone you meet!!!
The Webmaster for EUMC: Contact information for Amanda is [email protected]
If you want to get your ministry event on our website, well, you can’t keep the info to yourself you kook-a-doodle-do! You can send
it to Jan in the office and she will get the okey dokey schmokey malokey from Robin (if need be) and then she will ziz it on over to
our web gal Amanda and she will work her website mo-jo and get it on! Now this is good info?? Aye? Would I lead you astray??
Effort has a Facebook Page: Effort United Methodist Church Check us our and give us the “Like” thumbs up!
AND>>> Did you know you can make contributions by Pay Pal on our website? Check us out at:
Take a few moments to visit our web site there is all kinds of nifty noodle stuff there!
You are gonna just love IT!!! (and us!)
On March 20th the calendar will tell us that
But, we all know that does not
necessarily mean the weather will cooperate. Most of us have noticed the days are longer and the
sunshine coming in our closed windows is warm and inviting, but we have to wait a while longer to
be able to open those windows and smell the fragrance of spring in our neck of the arctic tundra, so
here are a few simple things we can do to lift our spirits and bring a little bit of early spring inside.
Purchase a candle or two that smells of spring flowers like Lilac, Lily or Gardenia. Burn
a few hours a day and your home will have the wonderful fragrance of beautiful
flowers. You will surely feel like spring has arrived!
Get those bulbs you bought last year (and did not have time to plant) out of the garage
and put them in potting soil in a sunny window. Water and wa la! You will have lovely
blooms in your home before they even begin outside. Then you can plant them in the
yard and enjoy them next year outside in the yard. Not a bad idea aye??
I know we all dread mowing season, but you can grow a very manageable patch of
grass inside while the snow is completely covering the grass outside. It is very simple.
All you need is a cool weather grass, like Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Creeping Fescue or
Kentucky Blue, some planting soil and a container. Put the soil in the container, plant
the seed, keep it moist…. Get the scissors ready to trim! Hide some eggs and jelly beans
in that grass planter and it makes a great Easter center piece on any table!
"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush."- Doug Larson