THE 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT March 8th, 2015 Masses of the Week From the Pastor… Gentle Parishioner, 50 years ago last Sunday, one of our most enduring film love affairs began with the delivery of raindrops on roses. And 7 adorable kids. And breathtaking views of the Austrian Alps. And a sumptuous score by the great song writing team of Broadway’s Golden Age. ‘The Sound of Music’ premiered in New York on March 2nd, 1965, and went on to win 5 Academy Awards. Lady Gaga’s medley of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s timeless tunes was among the most talked and tweeted about segments at this year’s Oscars. What is your favorite song from the Sound of Music? It’s a hard choice but for me I’d select the Reverend Mother’s rendition of ‘Climb Every Mountain.’ And my favorite line comes just before that majestic song is sung. Here is the background: Maria flees from Captain Von Trapp’s home back to the convent as she realizes they are beginning to fall in love. The Mother Superior advises Maria not to run away ‘from your problems but to face them head on.’ Then she adds these complimentary words: ‘Maria, you have such a huge capacity for love.’ It is as if God is speaking to Maria through the Reverend Mother. Words, dear friend, that can easily be spoken to you and me. Each of us is capable of so much love. We are wired from birth and Baptism to love, to reach out to others, just as ‘God’s love does not allow Him to be indifferent to what happens to us,’ so we too must not be indifferent to what happens to others, especially the poor. The magnificent Lenten Letter of Pope Francis says: “Usually when we are healthy and comfortable we forget about others, (something God the Father never does); we are unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings…our heart grows cold.” As we begin the 3rd week of Lent, may the Reverend Mother’s words ring in your ears: “You have such a huge capacity for love.” Exercise it this week for God. SATURDAY, March 7th 8:00AM 5:00PM SUNDAY, March 8th 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM Edward Phillips † Frances Carrubba †- 2nd anniversary John Cafiero † Deacon Edward Jaroszewski † Grace Iaccheo † MONDAY, March 9th 8:00AM Joe Hughes † TUESDAY, March 10th 8:00AM Elizabeth Mores- special intention Josephine DeMaio † WEDNESDAY, March 11th 8:00AM Diane Vigorito † THURSDAY, March 12th 8:00AM Michael A. Coppa †-55th birthday FRIDAY, March 13th 8:00AM Renee Stuart † SATURDAY, March 14th 8:00AM 5:00PM Walter Folker † Joy Riviera † Ann Mara † Geneva Meehan † Michael Hallisey † Marge Ledwith † Angel Lydia Gonzalez † Ricardo & Merida Garcia † SUNDAY, March 15th 8:00AM 10:00AM Remember, God loves you unconditionally… I try, Fr. Paul Patricia Urgo † Frances Marciniak † Sally Bradley † 12:00PM Edward Phillips † Edward Lucibello † Amadeo Rinaldi † Julia Messino † George S. White † Barbara Costanza † Rena & Victor DeSalvo † Vincent Marino † Ronnie Bird – birthday wishes Confessions will be held Mondays during Lent, February 23 to March 23, from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in every parish in the Diocese of Paterson. This is a wonderful opportunity to come to Confession as a family or to invite a friend who you know has not had the opportunity to go to Confession in some time. Don’t be afraid. Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! Please Pray For Those Serving Our Country PFC Christian Baxter LCPL Robert Greff PFC Stephen Jordan Seifried Sgt. James T. McMahon, Jr. Geneva Meehan PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Luke Abbadessa Joyce Adam Monica Adler Angelina Alves Susan Amato Sarah Antonucci Carol Asimou Judy Barbarito Leonardo Baskerville Lori Beck Hugh Bennett Ed Blair Paul Bobucky Anastasia Borovskis Ann Brothers Jean Brown Gianna Brunini Sandra Card Catrina Catrone Ross Cerminaro Emily Chiddo Irwin & Jackie Citer Charlotte Clark Chris Collins Mary Coppa Daniel Dembner Ruth DeVos Josh DiCostanzo Adelaide Elliott Gloria Engelhardt Cheryl Eustic Peggy Farley Julie Fischer Tommy Fischer Joseph Foley Emily Gerken Jack Gerken Michelina Giuliano Patricia Grant Donald Gribben Francis Hauser Bob Herman Jack Hughes Maryann Hughes Jean Jahnke Mae Hewitt John Horvath, Jr. Joseph Johnson Christine Jones Maureen Karsen Eileen Kapotes Nolan Patrick Kablis Rosemarie Lastella William Lastella Bob LoFaro Bonnie Long Susan Lee Maureen Makris Gregory Manning Raymond Mathieu Sera Mayor Thomas Joseph McCloughy Marc McHugh Michael McMahon Mike McCormack David Monk Penny Monk Jesse Morella Dana Morris Jerry Niblock Fr. Anthony Nigeria Lydia Occhipinti Al Pacosa Jessica Pallente Fr. Charlie Parr Cheryl Patterson George Rainey Scott Rainey Robert Rasp Betty Reidenbach Jay Richman Baptist Rigamonti Charles Rosenberg Florence Rudman Kathy Russell Cynthia Santomauro Cairan Scott Joseph Scuerbo Alex Seifried William Sheehan Natasha Sicilian Kara Skafalstad Valerie Skinner Cindy Tinney Charlotte Tomaszewski Ivan Trpchich Barbara Ullrich Christopher Valent Sydnie Valent Richard Ward Kathy Wahl Anne Wazaney Bill Walsh Henry Zmijewski The residents of Mountainview Gardens at Cedar Crest Please call the office at 973-839-2447 to let us know when someone should be added to or removed from the “Prayers for the Sick”. If you have a loved one currently deployed please contact the parish office so we may include them in our prayers! THIS WEEK AT OLGC: Monday, March 9, 2015 08:00 AM Mass Chapel 08:30 AM Holy Hour Chapel 12:00 PM Soup, Sandwich & Movie Holy Family Room 02:30 PM AA Mtg. Holy Family Room 06:15 PM Rel Ed. Classes 07:30 PM "The Way" for Teens Parish Center Tuesday, March 10, 2015 08:00 AM Mass Chapel 08:30 AM Holy Hour Chapel 09:30 AM Liturgy Meeting Fr. Paul's Office 07:00 PM Scripture Study Holy Family Room 07:30 PM Exploring Catholicism Chapel Wednesday, March 11, 2015 08:00 AM Mass Chapel 08:30 AM Holy Hour Chapel 09:30 AM Discovering Christ Holy Family Room 06:00 PM Teen Singers Rehearsal Church 07:00 PM Jr. High Rel. Ed. 07:30 PM Fast Track Confirmation Fr. Paul's Office 07:30 PM Discovering Christ Holy Family Room 07:30 PM Contemporary Group Church Thursday, March 12, 2015 08:00 AM Mass Chapel 08:30 AM Holy Hour Chapel 05:00 PM Antioch Baggage Check Gathering Area 07:00 PM Celebration Choir Church 07:15 PM Women of Faith Chapel Friday, March 13, 2015 08:00 AM Mass Chapel 07:00 PM Holy Hour Chapel 08:00 PM Servants of Holy Cross Chapel 08:00 PM Stations of the Cross Church Saturday, March 14, 2015 - Antioch W eekend, Pray for our Teens! 08:00 AM Mass Chapel 08:30 AM Men of God Holy Family Room 08:30 AM Holy Hour Chapel 05:00 PM Mass Church Sunday, March 15, 2015 - Antioch W eekend, Pray for our Teens! 08:00 AM Mass Church 09:00 AM Men of Courage Holy Family Room 09:00 AM Rel Ed. Classes 10:00 AM Mass Church 10:15 AM Pre K Story time Holy Family Room 11:00 AM Teen Life Holy Family Room 11:00 AM Kidz4Christ Ch. Rehears Church 11:15 AM Rel Ed. Classes 12:00 PM Mass Church 07:00 PM Holy Hour Chapel Mass Music for next weekend... Sunday, March 15th: 10am Mass: Celebration Choir WE ARE A PARISH FAMILY! STEWARDSHIP—A WAY OF LIFE Weekly Collection: Diocesan Assessment: $76,820. Budgeted: $11,135.00 Collected on 2/8: $ 2,141. Collected (3/1): $11,610.00 Collected to date: $15,920. Needed this month: $15,225. Pennies for Poor (3/1): $132.00 Second Collection: This weekend (3/8) for the Diocesan Assessment. Next weekend (3/15) there is only one collection If you have any questions regarding the financials please fill out a Suggestion Box card or call the parish office. Your questions will be answered in the bulletin or a Finance Committee member will call you. Please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you for your generosity! LIFE: WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CHOICE Terri Schiavo. There's a name you may not have heard in 10 years. Last Thursday, The W all Street Journal ran an opinion by her brother, Bobby Schindler, in which he reminded the public of some salient details of his sister's death, which are often passed over (or simply misreported) by the mainstream media. A heavily condensed excerpt follows, but the entire article is a must-read. If you'd like me to send you a copy, please email [email protected], or give me a call (# is in the bulletin). The effort to protect Terri went all the way to the Supreme Court. One side comprised a pope (John Paul II), a president (George W. Bush) and a governor (Jeb Bush), and many ordinary Americans who didn’t believe that providing food and water for a living human being with a brain injury could reasonably be regarded as extraordinary care. Even the U.S. Congress reasoned that if mass murderers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy could have their cases thoroughly reviewed by federal courts in cases that had run through the normal appeals process at the state level—surely an innocent, brain-injured woman (her autopsy did not prove that she was in a “persistent vegetative state”) facing a death sentence ought to be given the same basic right. This view received unanimous consent in the Senate, including from then-Sen. Barack Obama, which he later characterized as a “mistake.” On the other side stood Terri’s legal husband—then living with his fiancée and their two children—the vast majority of mainstream media outlets, America’s powerful “right-to-die” lobby and, sadly, one Florida circuit judge. It was enough to make her dead. On March 18, 2005, Terri was no longer permitted to receive food or water, causing her to slowly starve and dehydrate, just as anyone would. Despite my family’s efforts—incredibly, we were denied even the right to put ice chips on her lips and tongue to relieve her torment—Terri died on March 31. In this season of Lent, let us not forget the many bedridden Americans who are gravely endangered by misguided multitudes whose default whim is to pull the plug first and ask questions later. May God richly bless you! Heather Save the Date! March 14th & 15th, Irish Soda Bread Sale, members of our Youth Ministry will host this annual fund raiser after each mass. Loaves are $5 each. March 29th, Palm Sunday, masses will be celebrated according to our regular weekend schedule. March 30th, Chrism Mass, will be celebrated at St. Phillip the Apostle Church in Clifton at 6:45pm. April 1st, Parish Penance Service for Lent, 7:30pm. April 2nd, Holy Thursday, mass at 7:30pm. April 3rd, Good Friday, service at 3:00pm. April 4th, Holy Saturday, mass at 8:00pm. April 5th, Easter Sunday, Sunday masses will be held at the usual times. The vigil mass is at 8pm, Sat. Apr., 4th. April 26th, Closing Mass for 50th Anniversary Bishop Serratelli will celebrate the noon mass. May 1st, Feast of OLGC Dinner Dance, this annual event will be held at the Brownstone from 7-11pm tickets are $60/person and are on sale now. Food Pantry Our local food pantry is in need of the following items: canned fruit, condiments, salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, tea, coffee, juice, cocoa, canned milk, paper towels, toothpaste, deodorant, dish detergent and cleaning supplies. Please bring your donations to the gathering area of our church. Thank you for your generosity! DID YOU KNOW…. The foundational call of Christians to charity is a frequent theme of the Gospels. During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on “almsgiving”, which means donating money or goods to the poor and performing other acts of charity. As one of the three pillars of Lenten practice, almsgiving is a “a witness to fraternal charity” and “a work of justice pleasing to God.” Excerpt from the Quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2462 Try participating in the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl campaign, or donate your gently used items to Catholic Charities... put them in the donation box in our parking lot. WE SHARE OUR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE! MINISTRY LEADERS Feast Day Award Dinner & Dance Please join us at the Brownstone on Friday, May 1st from 7-11pm. Tickets are $60/person. We gather in prayer, now let’s gather in celebration! Volunteers are needed for the Food Packing event Sunday, March 22nd from Noon-6pm at PVMS Shifts are 12-1:30pm, 1:30-3pm, 3-4:30pm and 4:30-6pm. Set up will be held on Saturday, March 21st from 2-4pm. Clean up will be on Sunday from 5:30-7pm. Please consider volunteering for one or more shifts. This is a great service project for our confirmation candidates! It’s also a fun family activity! Leaders are also needed, they work a 3 hour shift: 12-3pm or 3-6pm on Sunday. Volunteer leaders must attend training Saturday at 4-5pm. If you are interested in volunteering register by visiting: Grains of Hope is a par tner ship of local or ganizations, including OLGC, that works to feed the hungry here at home and in Haiti. Volunteers Needed! As the Easter season approaches OLGC is in need of Greeters and Parking Lot Ministers. These volunteers are the ambassadors of the church welcoming everyone as they arrive! Training will be provided! For more information please contact Carla in the ministries office at [email protected] ________________________________________ Drivers Needed: Are you able to bring a fellow parishioner to mass or to a doctor’s appointment? This service is often needed! Please contact the parish office to volunteer. ________________________________________ Babysitter needed: Adoration Altar Servers AA Meetings Charismatic's Mary Bradley Dot Lynch Deacon Herb Coyne George Boyle Collection Counters Bob Lofaro Columbiettes Patricia Fell Eucharistic Ministers: Mass Kim Nguyen Homebound Rich Garofalo Hospital Jane Conn Evangelization Jurek Gruca Finance Marc Mackin Food Distributor Sal LaCorte Food Network Rose Lofaro Funeral Ministry Donna Grieco Garden Club Larry Treuer Greeters Frieda Mercier Beverly Rothman Knights of Columbus Peter Wisniewski Lectors Barbara Rizzo Library/Archives Dolores Horsting Mailings Ginny Huresky Men of God George Boyle Men of Courage Glenn Diehl Mission of Hope Kerry Bowers M.O.M.S Heather Fierro Parish Council Glenn Diehl Parish Nursing Nina Angelucci Parish Pioneers Ginny & Ed Huresky Prayer Blanket Lisa Jones Prayer Chain Carol Wisniewski Pre-K Story time Nancy Gitin Pro-Life Mary Bradley Heather Fierro RCIA Carmen Restaino Rosary Charlie Seifried Sacristan Bob & Caryl McGreevy Scripture Study Janet Sondey Ushers Tom Bellas Vocations Charles Seifried Wedding Assistant Laurie Iaccheo Women of Faith Gerri Westdyk 616-8970 715-4960 652-6361 694-1339 696-4139 696-2225 835-3518 839-3371 907-7905 934-0054 838-4641 835-6035 696-4139 839-2447 248-1553 839-3069 839-3479 696-7323 835-4114 694-1339 917-887-9151 201-247-2761 650-7326 917-887-9151 835-1249 835-4114 616-2928 694-8687 694-7565 616-8970 650-7326 633-6720 248-8881 694-4954 696-7125 872-0318 248-8881 831-5759 839-2140 A parish family is in need of someone to care for a 7 year old and 10 year old from 3 to 6pm Monday-Friday. Please contact the office for information. COMMUNION & SICK CALLS Support Youth Ministry tip: Pray for good weather next weekend for our Confirmation Candidates retreat on March 13-15th. May the Son shine on us all! When a member of your family is ill or confined to the house and unable to come to the Celebration of the Eucharist, please contact the church office. Arrangements can be made for Communion to be brought to your home. GLUTEN FREE HOSTS AVAILABLE If you are in need of a gluten free Host please advise the Deacon or Mass Coordinator before mass begins. Youth Ministry Antioch Prayer Tree: This weekend, our Antioch Prayer Tree will be displayed in the Gathering space of the church. Please take a "leaf" off the tree and pray for the person you have selected. All names on the tree are Confirmation Candidates or Retreat Team members participating on Antioch Weekend March 13-15. Irish Soda Bread Sale This is a great service project AND one that gets you several service hours in one weekend! Sell Irish Soda Bread after all 4 weekend masses; Sat. 3/14 from 4:30-6:30pm and Sun. 3/15 from 8:30am-1:30pm. Email Laura at [email protected] to sign up. First year Candidates ONLY, as this is the same weekend as Antioch! Teen Program for Lent Are you looking for a spiritual change of pace this Lent? Join our program for high school age teens on Monday evenings during Lent at 7:30pm. Contact Laura on Facebook or by email at [email protected] if you want to attend. CATHOLIC IQ The last day of Lent is Holy Saturday. In the Catholic Church, the policy is that the Easter Vigil Mass should begin at a particular time. What is that? A. 3pm B. before sunset C. after sunset Around Town… Seder Supper Holy Spirit Church invites you to their annual Seder Supper on Wed., Mar. 25th at 6pm. The Supper will be held in Halloran Hall at St. Joseph’s Church in Lincoln Park. Enjoy fellowship, songs, games, a meal and a better understanding of our God's actions and presence in history. Bring a dish to share! Last names beginning with: A-L, please br ing a meat, fish or casser ole dish. M-R Only, please br ing a desser t. S- Z, please br ing a salad or vegetable. Coffee and soda will be provided. For additional information or to RSVP contact Betty Russo at 973-835-5909. R W Sunday Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 Monday 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday Dn 3:25, 34-43; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23 Friday Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance The Knights of Columbus Bishop Navagh Council 5943, 84 Lincoln Park Rd, Peq., invites everyone to a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner with all the trimmings (including a pasta dish, draft beer, wine, soda coffee and desserts) on Sat., Mar. 21. The evening will begin at 7:00pm and includes entertainment by The Richard Stillman Ceili Country Band. Cost is $35 each in advance. To purchase tickets call Mike at 201-213-3910 or stop by the council hall Mondays, 7:30pm - 10pm. LOST & FOUND In the lost and found basket on the table in the vestibule there are many sunglasses, winter gloves, hats, umbrellas and other items. Be sure to check for anything you may have misplaced. An Evening of Prayer & Music St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Church, 120 Monroe Ave., Cresskill, is sponsoring an evening of music, prayer and reflection featuring Dan Schutte, composter of “Here I Am Lord”. St Therese’s Music Ministry invites you to join us on Palm Sunday for this Lenten concert. For more information contact Adrian Soltys at 201-567-2528, ext. 313. Tricky Tray & Fashion Show DePaul High School will hold it’s annual event on Thur s., March 26, at 6 p.m. at Westmount Country Club in Woodland Park. Tickets are $60 each and include a starter sheet of prize tickets, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, beverages and dessert. Fashions are courtesy of Classic Tuxedos of Butler and Coco’s Chateau of Little Falls. For tickets please call (973) 694-3702, ext. 300. Tricky Tray The Suburban Woman’s Club of Pompton Plains’ annual Tricky Tray/Dinner will take place on Wed., March 11th at the Grand Chalet/Cosmopolitan, Rt. 23 South, Wayne. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets cost $40 and may be purchased from Janice at 973-694-7856. Catholic Charities Donation Boxes At this time of the year the saying “out with the old, in with the new” is heard a lot! Think of it as you start to put away all the new clothes, shoes and accessories you received for Christmas and perhaps place the old ones they will replace, into the Catholic Charities donation bin in our parking lot. The clothing box revenues help to feed almost 9000 people every month in our pantries as well as fund other emergency services for the poor. Thank You! Thank you for advertising in Our Lady of Good Counsel’s church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it. Please cut out this “Thank you ad” and present it the next time you patronize one of our advertisers! Answer …. Catholic IQ C. after sunset Holy Saturday is also the day on which new converts are baptized and Confirmed. The Holy Saturday Mass, as with others during Holy Week, is of relatively considerable length, perhaps two to three hours. Evening services on Holy Saturday are popular in other Christian denominations as well. Cedar Crest’s Corner Mass Schedule at Cedar Crest: Saturdays, 4pm, with Confessions at 3:30 Every Wednesday at 11am First Fridays at 11am Holy Days of Obligation at 11am Mass is held at Mountain View Gardens: every Tuesday at 11am. Devotions: Thur sday - Adoration, Benediction, Rosary 10am Divine Mercy Chaplet, 1st Thursday each month following the recitation of the Rosary
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