THE 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 18th, 2015 From the Parochial Vicar… My dear family I want to share with you this article from one of my spiritual Directors knowing he will touch your hearts. The following is excerpted from a reflection written by Bishop Román while he was hospitalized for his first heart surgery at Mercy Hospital, in February 1992. His words remain as valid today as when he first wrote them. Fr. Julio When I was young, feeling the call of Christ, I did not cease to feel also the call to form a family. I think that every priest has been at the same juncture. Today … at a time when celibacy is strongly questioned, I believe that I can give a serene testimony to the manifestation of the grace of God in this option of consecrated life … and at the same time, witness to the tremendous gift that such an option represents, both for the priest who assumes it and for the people he serves. Celibacy is a gift of the Holy Spirit and is not for all since, as St. Matthew said, “Let him who can do it accept this teaching” (Matt. 19:12). This is why, within the universal priesthood of all the sons of God, only the few chosen to the ministerial priesthood can make that total gift of self. Doing so they place themselves at the service of all as pastors, and in this fashion they “give their life for their sheep”. In this way, the priest places himself at the service of the whole Church, assuming another paternity. “For your life in Christ Jesus I have become your father” (1 Cor. 4:15). Our Holy Father John Paul II, speaking to the priests at the Ivory Coast in Africa, told them, referring to celibacy: “Live this evangelical renouncement of carnal paternity in the constant perspective of the spiritual paternity that fills the heart of the priests, fully integrated in their people.” Is there anyone in these times who can speak with greater conviction than I of the tremendous joy of that spiritual paternity? When I renounced a family so that the world might call me “father”, I did not imagine the abundance of sons and daughters that the Lord would give me. Certainly, He gives a hundred fold, and I have been able to confirm it now in my sickness — thousands and thousands of letters, cards and telephone calls coming from very different places, all moved with the spirit of prayer and all impregnated with a filial love which I humbly appreciate. This generous recompense, which is an anticipation of the heavenly reward, is fruit of that donation of self that is celibacy. Contrary to what some believe, it is not a yoke but a sign of the most absolute freedom of the heart, which provides at the same time a constant disposition to serve. That liberating power unites the soul evermore intimately with its Lord and makes clearer the imperfections that we may have when we present ourselves before His mercy. Because priests have that freedom to serve the faithful, the people of God have the right to expect of their shepherds that witness. I am sure that the gift of celibacy would be much more appreciated if all understood how much joy is derived from it. But even when it is not understood, the priest is under the obligation of always remembering the call to be a “sign of contradiction”, to live the beatitudes which are not understandable in the eyes of the world, and to live them with happiness. continued on back page Masses of the Week SATURDAY January 17th 8:00AM Carmel Collins † 5:00PM Rose Deak † Jean Smith † Colin Smith † Ben Rickert † Peter Mitchell Sr. † SUNDAY January 18th 8:00AM Jane Paris † 10:00AM Michael Coppola† - 4th Anniversary Mark Naughton † Bernard Toole † 12:00PM Stanley Shamber †- 20th Anniversary MONDAY January 19th 8:00AM Philomena Tweed † Mary Mazza Byrnes † Gary C. Moore † - 3rd Anniversary TUESDAY January 20th 8:00AM Rosemary Lopez † Elizabeth Flores – special intention WEDNESDAY January 21st 8:00AM Giovanni & Josephina Rovetto † THURSDAY January 22nd 8:00AM Edward Julian † Kenneth Leone † - 1st Anniversary FRIDAY January 23rd 8:00AM Carolyn Distasio † SATURDAY January 24th 8:00AM Carmel Collins † 5:00PM Vincent & Antoinette Gurnari † Lorraine Malinski † SUNDAY January 25th 8:00AM Lisa Hubert † 10:00AM Ralph Chester Jr. † 12:00PM Eugene Patterson † - 80th birthday Martin Quinn † Our deepest sympathy to... The family and friends of Marge Elliott may she rest in peace. Please Pray For Those Serving Our Country PFC Christian Baxter LCPL Robert Greff PFC Stephen Jordan Seifried Sgt. James T. McMahon, Jr. Michael Coppola † ‐ 4th Anniversary If you have a loved one currently deployed please contact the parish office so we may include them in our prayers! PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Luke Abbadessa Joyce Adam Monica Adler Angelina Alves Susan Amato Sarah Antonucci Carol Asimou Judy Barbarito Leonardo Baskerville Lori Beck Hugh Bennett Ed Blair Paul Bobucky Anastasia Borovskis Ann Brothers Jean Brown Gianna Brunini Sandra Card Catrina Catrone Ross Cerminaro Emily Chiddo Irwin & Jackie Citer Charlotte Clark Mary Coppa Dorothy D’Addario Daniel Dembner John DeVos Ron DeVos Josh DiCostanzo Adelaide Elliott Gloria Engelhardt Cheryl Eustic Peggy Farley Julie Fischer Tommy Fischer Joseph Foley Emily Gerken Jack Gerken Michelina Giuliano Patricia Grant Donald Gribben Francis Hauser Bob Herman Jack Hughes Maryann Hughes Jean Jahnke Mae Hewitt John Horvath, Jr. Joseph Johnson Christine Jones Beverly Kaplan Maureen Karsen Eileen Kapotes Nolan Patrick Kablis Rosemarie Lastella William Lastella Bob Lofaro Bonnie Long Susan Lee Gregory Manning Raymond Mathieu Sera Mayor Thomas Joseph McCloughy Marc McHugh Michael McMahon Mike McCormack David Monk Penny Monk Jesse Morella Dana Morris Jerry Niblock Fr. Anthony Nigeria Lydia Occhipinti Al Pacosa Jessica Pallente Fr. Charlie Parr Cheryl Patterson George Rainey Scott Rainey Robert Rasp Betty Reidenbach Jay Richman Baptist Rigamonti Charles Rosenberg Florence Rudman Kathy Russell Cynthia Santomauro Cairan Scott Joseph Scuerbo Alex Seifried William Sheehan Natasha Sicilian Kara Skafalstad Valerie Skinner Cindy Tinney Charlotte Tomaszewski Ivan Trpchich Barbara Ullrich Diane Vigorito Richard Ward Kathy Wahl Anne Wazaney Bill Walsh Henry Zmijewski The residents of Mountainview Gardens at Cedar Crest Please call the office at 973-839-2447 to let us know when someone should be added to or removed from the “Prayers for the Sick”. THIS WEEK AT OLGC: Monday, January 19, 2015 08:00 AM 08:30 AM 02:30 PM 06:15 PM Mass Holy Hour AA Mtg. Rel Ed. Classes Chapel Chapel Holy Family Rm Tuesday, January 20, 2015 08:00 AM 08:30 AM 07:00PM Mass Chapel Holy Hour Chapel Jr. High Teachers Mtg Wednesday, January 21, 2015 08:00 AM 08:30 AM Mass Holy Hour Thursday, January 22, 2015 08:00 AM 08:30 AM 07:00 PM 07:00 PM Mass Holy Hour Celebration Choir Cornerstone Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Holy Family Rm Friday, January 23, 2015 08:00 AM 07:00 PM 08:00 PM Mass Chapel Holy Hour Chapel Servants of Holy Cross Chapel Saturday, January 24, 2015 08:00 AM 08:30 AM 05:00 PM Mass Holy Hour Mass Sunday, January 25, 2015 08:00 AM 09:00 AM 09:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 11:15 AM 12:00 PM 01:30 PM 06:00 PM 06:00 PM 07:00 PM 07:00 PM Mass Men of Courage Religious Ed Mass Pre K Storytime Religious Ed Mass Baptism LifeNet Parent Prog. Confirmation Classes Antioch Team Mtg Holy Hour Chapel Chapel Church Church Holy Family Rm Church Holy Family Rm Church Church Church Parish Center Chapel Mass Music for next weekend... Sunday, January 25th: 10am Mass: Celebration Choir WE ARE A PARISH FAMILY! STEWARDSHIP—A WAY OF LIFE Weekly Collection: Diocesan Assessment: Budgeted: $11,135.00 Collected to date: Collected (1/11): $ 7,662.00 Needed this month: Collected (1/11): Pennies for Poor (1//11): $142.00 Second Collection: $76,820. $11,934. $10,814. $ 1,845. There is only one collection this weekend 1/18. Next weekend (1/25) our 2nd collection is for: Retired Religious _______________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any questions regarding the financials please fill out a Suggestion Box card or call the parish office. Your questions will be answered in the bulletin or a Finance Committee member will call you. Please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you for your generosity! LIFE: WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CHOICE As you may have read in this week’s W all Street Journal, there is great news nationwide for life loving Americans. The article entitled A bortion Restrictions Pick Up Steam in GOP-Led States (edited excerpts follow) reports that since the 2010 elections, states have passed 231 measures aimed at regulating abortion, with the pace expected to continue in 2015. Antiabortion bills have been filed in at least 10 states, including Missouri, South Carolina and Texas, with more sure to come. The proposals range from declaring that “personhood” begins at fertilization to requiring medical professionals to conduct ultrasounds on pregnant women and display the results to them. The National Right to Life Committee plans to push for abortion bans after about 20 weeks of pregnancy in states such as South Carolina and West Virginia. Meanwhile, Americans United for Life intends to continue promoting restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs and stiffer regulations for clinics. The group also will keep pressing for laws that require abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital, an approach that has triggered litigation across the country and resulted in the closure of about half the clinics in Texas. Planned Parenthood and allied organizations are predictably flustered, parading their usual rubbish about a woman’s “right to choose” as if some harmless personal preference were at stake. The truth is, the tide is turning against them, and their tired euphemisms that deny the barbaric truth about the “right” they so cherish are losing effect. It is thanks to the prayers and tireless efforts of the faithful that the monumental task of righting decades of tragic wrongs is gaining momentum – but this good news hardly means that the work is done, or even that it’s time for rest. Much the contrary, now is the time to redouble our prayers and other support for the unborn. Don’t forget to start your 9 Days for Life novena on the 17th! If you start late, it’s ok. For more info. please see last week’s bulletin or www.9Daysfor May God richly bless you! Heather Save the Date! February 1st, Feast of St. Blaise - Blessing of throats at every mass. February 7/8th, World Marriage Sunday - renewal of vows at every mass. February 14/15th, Anointing of the Sick - to be celebrated after each mass. February 18th, Ash Wednesday, join us for mass at 8am and 7:30pm. Ashes at noon and 3:15pm. February 23-25 Parish Mission for Lent - Fr. Frank Desiano will speak on Reactivating Our Faith, 7:30pm each evening! March 6th, Annual Parish Fish Fry! To benefit the Mission of Hope. Catered by Tastefully British. March 29th, Palm Sunday, mass will be celebrated at the usual times. April 1st, Parish Penance Service for Lent, 7:30pm. April 26th, Closing Mass for 50th Anniversary Bishop Serratelli will celebrate the noon mass. May 1st, Feast of OLGC Dinner Dance, this annual event will be held at the Brownstone from 7-11pm tickets are $60/person and will go on sale Feb. 1st. March for Life 2015 The annual March for Life will be held Thurs., Jan. 22 in Washington, D.C. A bus will leave from OLGC’s parking lot at 6:30am. To attend please contact the parish office. Can’t make it to Washington? The New Jersey Right to Life invites you to join them at a Rally for Life Thurs., Jan. 22nd on the State House Steps, NJ Capitol, West State St., Trenton, NJ from 11:00 A.M. to approximately 1:00 P.M. Buses & carpools leaving from various NJ locations. For more information call: (732) 562-0562 Please email NJRTL if you plan to attend at [email protected] DID YOU KNOW…. Following the words, "deliver us from every evil," in the Lord’s Prayer, the presider voices a prayer that begins, "Deliver us, Lord, from every evil." The prayer continues asking for freedom from sin and anxiety, as we joyfully await in hope the return of Jesus, the Christ. This part is called the embolism, because it is a little part inserted into the regular flow of the Our Father as we usually say it outside of liturgy. Copyright © 2008 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. WE SHARE OUR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE! CALLED TO SERVE: SHARE YOUR TIME & TALENT! Ministry Spotlight! Come, be part of the TEAM! Our ministries are always in need of new volunteers! Why not make joining one a new year’s resolution?! Please take a moment to look over the list to the right and consider joining one or more of our ministries! For information contact the leader listed or Carla at [email protected] Party Planners Needed! Volunteers are needed to help plan our Annual Dinner Dance to be held Friday, May 1st. Volunteers are also needed to help plan the parish picnic scheduled for Sunday, June 28th. These two events will close out our 50th Anniversary celebrations. Please contact the office: 973-839-2447 or [email protected]. Grains of Hope Volunteers are needed to assist in coordinating OLGC’s efforts with this worthy cause. Grains of Hope works to feed the hungry here at home, through the New Jersey Food Bank and in Haiti. Partnering organizations, including OLGC, organize an annual food packing event that is held each spring at PVMS. This year’s event will take place on Sunday, March 22nd. If you would like to be involved in this very worthy cause please contact Carla at 973-839-2447 or via email at [email protected]. Eucharistic Adoration Adoration is held on the first Saturday of each month in the Chapel from 9am to 12pm. This is a time of quiet prayer and contemplation in the presence of the Lord. It is important to have someone present at all times. Registration forms will be in the gathering area next weekend for the Adoration to take place on Saturday, Feb. 7th. Please plan to spend some time with the Lord! Food Pantry Our local food pantry is in need of the following items: canned fruit, condiments, salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, tea, coffee, juice, cocoa, canned milk, paper towels, toothpaste, deodorant, dish detergent and cleaning supplies. Please bring your donations to the gathering area of our church. Thank you for your generosity! Support Youth Ministry tip: Check out and join with thousands of Catholics across the country coming together in prayer for a "culture of life" from Saturday, Jan. 17th - Sunday, Jan. 25th! MINISTRY LEADERS Adoration Altar Servers AA Meetings Charismatic's Mary Bradley Dot Lynch Deacon Herb Coyne George Boyle Collection Counters Bob Lofaro Columbiettes Patricia Fell Eucharistic Ministers: Mass Bob Kruk Homebound Rich Garofalo Hospital Jane Conn Evangelization Jurek Gruca Finance Marc Mackin Food Distributor Sal LaCorte Food Network Rose Lofaro Funeral Ministry Donna Grieco Garden Club Larry Treuer Greeters Frieda Mercier Beverly Rothman Knights of Columbus Peter Wisniewski Lectors Barbara Rizzo Library/Archives Dolores Horsting Mailings Ginny Huresky Men of God George Boyle Men of Courage Glenn Diehl Mission of Hope Kerry Bowers M.O.M.S Heather Fierro Parish Council Glenn Diehl Parish Nursing Nina Angelucci Parish Pioneers Ginny & Ed Huresky Prayer Blanket Lisa Jones Prayer Chain Carol Wisniewski Pre-K Story time Nancy Gitin Pro-Life Mary Bradley Heather Fierro RCIA Carmen Restaino Rosary Charlie Seifried Sacristan Bob & Caryl McGreevy Scripture Study Janet Sondey Ushers Tom Bellas Vocations Charles Seifried Wedding Assistant Laurie Iaccheo Women of Faith Gerri Westdyk 616-8970 715-4960 652-6361 694-1339 696-4139 696-2225 838-7857 839-3371 907-7905 934-0054 838-4641 835-6035 696-4139 839-2447 248-1553 839-3069 839-3479 696-7323 835-4114 694-1339 917-887-9151 201-247-2761 650-7326 917-887-9151 835-1249 835-4114 616-2928 694-8687 694-7565 616-8970 650-7326 633-6720 248-8881 694-4954 696-7125 872-0318 248-8881 831-5759 839-2140 COMMUNION & SICK CALLS When a member of your family is ill or confined to the house and unable to come to the Celebration of the Eucharist, please contact the church office. Arrangements can be made for Communion to be brought to your home. GLUTEN FREE HOSTS AVAILABLE If you are in need of a gluten free Host please advise the Deacon or Mass Coordinator before mass begins. Youth Ministry Mardi Gras LOOP! Join us for a special LOOP on Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 7-9pm. We will celebrate Mardi Gras and get ready for Lent! All high school age teens are welcome to attend LOOP. Find us on Facebook: LOOP '14-15 or follow us on twitter: @olgcyouthmin Service Project: February 1st brings the biggest weekend in the NFL and also our SOUPer Bowl collection to benefit local food pantries plus our mission in the Dominican Republic. Teen volunteers are needed to collect donations after all the Masses on January 31 and February 1. Hours are 4-6:30pm on Saturday, and 8:30am-1:30pm on Sunday. Contact Laura at [email protected] to sign up. CATHOLIC IQ continued from page one That happiness is in proportion to the capacity to love. One has to love much to be able to renounce much. In light of the capacity of loving, the value of celibacy can be better assessed when we observe its fruits in lives which are enlightening, such as that of the Cure of Ars St. John Marie Vianney and that of the Servant of God, Father Felix Varela. … I leave the hospital with the most profound gratitude to those thousands of sons and daughters who have allowed me to appreciate in all its magnitude the paternal dimension of the priesthood. The love manifested towards me can only be explained due to that condition of paternity because it is given to a sick man, close to death, one who has nothing material to give them, because I have neither riches nor power. I have never had them and never will. But that which I have, the excess of the love of God and the happiness of my priesthood, I want to share with all, and this is why I especially call upon young people to participate in this marvel, to consider the priesthood as a preferred life option, and to have a well -disposed heart to listen to the voice of Christ, who needs workers for the vineyard, shepherds for the flock, men capable of renouncing all things to gain all. Do not be afraid, the burden is light and the prize is the richest paternity. … Thanks to the Lord for having permitted me to respond to His call. I have simply tried to follow Him and, as long as He wants me here on earth, I want to continue trying to respond to the call. This call is beautifully described in the Liturgy of the Hours and I invite all who believe to listen to his voice: Lord, you called me to be an instrument of your grace, to announce the good news, to heal the souls. Instrument of peace and of justice, herald of all your words, water to calm the piercing thirst, hand that blesses and loves. Lord, you called me to heal the wounded hearts, to cry out in the marketplace, that Love is alive, awaken those who slumber and liberate the captured. I am soft wax between your fingers, do with me according to your will. Lord you called me to save a tired world, to love the people that you, Father, gave me as brothers, to alleviate misery and sin; to make the stones tremble and to chase the wolves from the flock. Amen Most Rev. Agustín Román Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Miami R W Sunday 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Monday Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday Heb 7:25—8:6; Mk 3:7-12 Friday Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 Holy Spirit Pasta Dinner Holy Spirit School will be hosting a Pasta Dinner on Saturday, Jan. 31st from 6 to 8 pm in their gym (No entrance after 7 pm). The menu includes Ziti, Meatballs, Salad, Bread & Butter, Dessert, Soda, Water, Coffee & Tea. The cost is $10.00 for adults, $8 for seniors and children 5-15 yrs. Children 4 & under are free. Also, our students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades will entertain you for your dining pleasure. Advance reservations are appreciated but you can pay at the door. For tickets or more information call the school at 973-835-5680. Here’s what happening at… St. Paul Inside the Walls Catholicism from Scratch A course in basic Catholicism for those who need a brush-up, those who missed it the first time around, or those who never heard it before. Fr. Paul Manning, presenter. Madison, Sat., Jan. 24th from 10am - noon. The Easiest Way to Understand the Bible The Bible is not always easy to read or understand. How can the average person get anything out of it? Join us to become familiar with the popular Great Adventure Bible Timeline created by Jeff Cavins, and how to discover the “big picture” of Scripture. Cost: $5 in advance, $10 at the door. Madison, Sat., Jan. 31st from 9 - 10:30am. Answer …. Catholic IQ A. Sacramental Sacramentals such as scapulars, ashes, and rosaries are objects or actions that inspire devotion and increased prayer. Holy water found at the doors of the Church is considered a ______. A. Sacramental B. Sacrament C. Relic D. Vestment
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