“May the love you have in your heart be shown outwardly in your deeds” St Clare Term 1 Number 3 6th March 2015 From the Principal Novena to St Clare Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff, Dear St Clare, Project Compassion 2015 & Caritas Australia Did you know that as many as eight million children die every year from malnutrition and preventable diseases such as diarrhoea, measles and malaria. This equates to 22,000 children dying each day. Almost all of these children live in developing countries! I strongly urge and encourage each girl to become the voice and the hands of these children in our world who have so very little, who live without water, electricity and schooling and who often even have very little food. They also live with disease and have a low life expectancy. Lent is a time for us to make an extra effort to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Make Lent a time to start putting into action some of the things that Jesus taught us about helping and loving our neighbours. I would like to propose a challenge to every family to try to give a minimum of $10 to Caritas as part of the Project Compassion Appeal for 2015. This means each girl would contribute less than $2 per week during Lent. We ask parents to encourage their daughters to do this as Caritas is the main Catholic charity to which we contribute and almsgiving is a part of our Catholic tradition. If students would like to donate more, we would also encourage and welcome this. As a young girl Open Day I would like to remind you that our College Open Day is on Tuesday 10 March from 2.30pm to 6.00pm. Although this day is targeted to new enrolments for 2016, you are also invited to come along and have a look. Spread the word and encourage your relatives, friends and neighbours to come along. Principal’s Advisory Council The meeting for this group is scheduled for Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 6pm. If you are interested, please contact Colleen Daly on [email protected] to let us know you if will be attending. Welcome Cocktail Evening Please remember that our Parents’ Association is organising a Welcome Cocktail Evening on Saturday, 21 March from 6.30pm Continued on Page 2 you imitated your mother’s love for the poor of your native Assisi. Inspired by the preaching of St Francis, who sang enthusiastically of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty, you gave your life to Jesus at nineteen years of age, allowing St Francis to cut off your beautiful hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. All through your life you offered your great suffering for your Sisters, the Poor Clares, and the conversion of souls. You greatly aided St Francis with his new order, carrying on his spirit in the Franciscans after his death. Most of all you had a deep love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which fuelled your vocation to love and care for the poor. Please pray for me (mention your request) that I will seek to keep Jesus as my first love, as you did. Help me to grow in love of the Blessed Sacrament, to care for the poor, and to offer my whole life to God. Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of St. Clare. Through her intercession, please hear and answer my prayer, in the name of Jesus Your Son. Amen Continued from Page 1 - 9pm at the College. The purpose of this evening is to celebrate the beginning of the new school year with new and existing parents. This function is designed for the parents to meet each other, which means it is for parents/carers only. It promises to be a very special evening. Please read the attached invitation and let us know if are coming for catering purposes. Promoting Good Mental Health & Well Being In Children Parenting Ideas is a website by Michael Grose. The web address is http://www.parentingideas.com.au and I encourage parents to visit this site as a resource to assist in the many challenges that are faced by being a parent. Michael Grose suggests ten ways that good mental health in children can be supported by their parents. He talks about promoting good mental health and wellbeing in children in terms of encouraging them to have opportunities that strengthen their ‘resilience’. These skills develop the ability to ‘bounce back’ after something has upset or unsettled them. We all know that everyday life brings a myriad of challenges that can either affirm us or challenge us. So being healthy and well in the mind involves handling those situations without letting them get the best of us or overwhelming us. I am going to list Michael Grose’s ten tips for promoting good mental health and wellbeing in children as food for thought. I found these not only relevant for children but also for us as adults who are essentially models for our children. They are as follows: 1. Model good mental health habits by minimising your own stress levels. 2. Make sure your children get enough sleep. Children need between 10-12 hours sleep per night to ensure proper growth and development. Teenagers can get away with 9 hours sleep. 3. Encourage exercise – a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. 4. Give them creative outlets – opportunities for pursuing hobbies and interests will assist them to be immersed in activities and forget about time and place. 5. Provide a space of their own – this can be difficult when bedrooms might be shared, so creating a time out space can be organised instead and is important. 6. Talk about their troubles – if your daughter has a problem, let her know that her concerns are important to you. 7. Help them to relax – encourage relaxing activities, teach them how to meditate or to be still. This is a challenge even for us as adults as we live such busy lives. 8. Have two routines – a week day routine and weekend routine. Weekdays are usually busy with sporting commitments. Weekends should be a little more relaxing. 9. Foster volunteering and helpfulness – encourage your children to be connected to others by joining groups and socialising. 10. Bring fun and playfulness into their lives. Allow time and space for children to be spontaneous and to do something different. Michael Grose concludes by suggesting that it would be helpful to see these ideas first as building blocks of mental health. He makes the point to not ignore or trivialise them. He strongly encourages us talk to our children and to tie these activities to their mental health. Finally, Michael says to do this our own way and in our own time. I found this extremely helpful and interesting and I hope that as fellow parents that this is helpful for you and your families. On a final note… I have included a couple of inserts from our Executive Director of Catholic Schools, Dr Dan White for you to read at your leisure. As we approach the NSW State Elections, these will inform you about school funding and how Catholic schools need the support of State Governments to help meet the demand of new schools in the years ahead. Finally, I thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Blessings on you and your families. Antoinette McGahan Principal From Dr Dan White Dear Parents/Carers Demand for places in our Catholic schools has never been greater, and it is not hard to see why. Our schools continue to provide outstanding opportunities for students in an environment where the gospel values are lived out each day. In order to meet this demand, the Catholic Education Office Sydney is growing existing schools and planning new ones. However, if it is going to be able to meet demand, more schools will need to be built in the years ahead, particularly in the innerwest and south-west regions of Sydney. To do this, we need the help of the State Government. With the NSW state election just around the corner, please keep in mind this critical issue. We are seeking a clear statement from all political parties about what support they are prepared to provide to help meet the capital cost of building new schools. I will provide more information about this issue in the coming weeks. Dr Dan White Executive Director of Catholic Schools Year 11 Film Study Incursion World’s Greatest Shave On Wednesday February 25, Year 11 English students attended a Film Study incursion presented by Lynda Heys from Faraway Films. The students benefited from her hands-on expertise as a working film maker to deconstruct their current film text, ‘Muriel’s Wedding’, studied as part of the Identity unit. Students commented on the quality and insight of the presentation and feel ready to explore further in class the powerful ideas raised. Ms Jenny Leaver, Director of Studies, and Ms Tlaskal also attended the evening screening of Lynda Heys’ film, ‘Tackling Romeo’, as a fundraiser for the Yalari project for educating indigenous children.’ Margaret Gray-Weale Head of English Today, thirty one Australians will get the news they have blood cancer. That’s another thirty one reasons to support the Leukaemia Foundation’s work – providing practical and emotional support to people facing the challenge of blood cancer, as well as investing in vital research to find better treatments and cures. 60,000 people are going through this in Australia right now. Stephanie Simms is shaving her hair for the World’s Greatest Shave. Joining her, Emma-Lee Cafarelli and Veronica Santos-Appleby will be dying their hair and Lucinda Rofe will be cutting her hair. This will be taking place on Friday, March 13th. These Year 9 students are very courageous and are amazing role models. So far, they have raised over $1,150 just from family and close friends. This money will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. They hope to make a change, even a small one, for people who live with cancer. • • • $560 can give a regional family a place to stay close to treatment in the city for one week. $1,200 can provide free transport for people who are too ill to drive after chemotherapy treatment for two weeks. $2,000 can aid future breakthroughs by funding a major blood cancer research project for one week. Feel free to sponsor our friends at their team page: http:// my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/2colour1shave Thank you! Emma-Lee Cafarelli, Stephanie Simms, Veronica Santos-Appleby and Lucinda Rofe Year 9 Important Dates March Mon 9 Year 7 Reflection Day Wed-Fri 18-20 Year 7 Camp Sat 21 Parents’ Association Function Mon-Fri 23-27 Year 12 Exam Week April Thurs Mon 2 Last day of Term 1 20 First day of Term 2 Stephanie Simms Emma-Lee Cafarelli Veronica Santos-Appleby Lucinda Rofe Uniform Shop Hours Uniform Shop hours during Term: Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays – 8.00-8.30am Wednesdays – 3.00-3.30pm Fridays – CLOSED Cardigans, hats and navy socks are now in stock as well as all sizes in the Summer Tunic. Lynda Furka Uniform Shop Co-ordinator obtain a copy of the Private Music Tuition Brochure for 2015 either from the front office or from one of the music teachers. This brochure includes a permission note which must be returned to either the front office or to one of the music teachers. The absolute DEADLINE for these permission notes is Friday, 20th March. May I remind all parents who have not already done so, to pay their daughter’s Private Music Tuition for Term 1, using the online Flexischools website. Students will either have had 7 lessons or 8 lessons for the term. All parents have been emailed the Music Tuition Timetables for Term 1. Year 12 Music Excursion On the 9th March, the Year 12 Music class will be attending the HSC Encore Concert at The Opera House. This concert showcases the very best performances and compositions from the previous year’s HSC in the Music 1, Music 2 and Music Extension Courses. Who knows, perhaps one of our current Year 12 girls will be performing at this concert next year! Join A Music Ensemble All girls are encouraged to participate in one or more of our music ensembles. All ensembles are free of charge and rehearse on a weekly basis. Please note that some of our rehearsals take place in the PAC (Performing Arts Centre) at Waverley College while others take place in our music room (A15). (See schedule below). Any student who is interested please see Ms Hurley ASAP. Thank you. Vanessa Hurley Music Teacher News from the Music Department Opening Year Mass Congratulations to every member of the Choir who sang beautifully at our Opening Year Mass. Well done also to the following instrumentalists who provided the accompaniments at the Mass: Eloise Moore Flute Sakura Cook Oboe Madeline Van Dan Clarinet Cassandra Widjaja Violin Ella Marshall Cello Eleanor Finch Keyboard Ash Wednesday Mass Thank you to all the Elective Music students who led the singing at the Ash Wednesday Mass. Congratulations also on your exemplary behaviour. Learn An Instrument Term 2 is fast approaching. If your daughter has been learning an instrument throughout Term 1 at St Clare’s and will not be continuing, please notify myself in writing by Thursday, 12th March. If I do not hear from you then I will assume that your daughter is continuing lessons in Term 2 and she will be timetabled accordingly. For everyone else, it is time to start learning an instrument and Term 2 is a great time to begin! We offer lessons in singing, piano, flute, guitar, bass guitar and musicianship. We also have some instruments available for hire. If you are interested, please St Clare’s College, Waverley Music Rehearsal Schedule 2015 Wed Thurs Fri Before school 7.30am – 8.30am Mon Waverley Concert Band at Waverley College No Auditions necessary Ms Hurley Chamber Strings at Waverley College Auditions necessary College Concert Band in St Clare’s Music Room No auditions necessary Ms Hurley Lunch College Choir in St Clare’s Music Room No auditions necessary Ms Galettis After school 3.15pm - 4.30pm Open Year Mass Chamber Choir at Waverley College Auditions necessary Ms Hurley Tues Waverley Concert Band at Waverley College No Auditions necessary Ash Wednesday Mass CGSSSA Cricket CGSSSA Cricket On Tuesday the 24th February eleven girls from Years 9-11 attended CGSSSA Cricket. The day consisted of five games, leading to the final. All of the girls played with enthusiasm, sportsmanship and all tried their very best, despite the rain and extreme winds. Overall the school achieved a great result. However after an extremely close and competitive final, St Clare’s lost by one run in the final over. We would like to thank our coach, Mr Peakall for accompanying us on the day. skilled enough to be considered for CGSSSA or NSWCCC selection. If she qualifies, parents will receive an email advising of their daughter’s progression. Instructions about this process can be found on the CGSSSA website (REP INFO Page) http:// www.cgsssa.nsw.edu.au/#!representative-teams/c229p. More information about NSWCCC can be found at their website www.csss.nsw.edu.au/nswccc-home.aspx. Ashleigh Barker PDHPE & Co-Curricular Co-Ordinator Sporting Achievement After attending trials last Saturday, Sailor Kennard (Year 8) was accepted into TAPS (Talented Athletes Program) which is run by basketball NSW for the Under 15s girls. This is her second year in the program. The College Community is very proud of Sailor’s achievement and looks forward to watching her skills develop. Ashleigh Barker PDHPE and Co-Curricular Co-ordinator Caritas Leadership Day CGSSSA St Clare’s is a member of the Catholic Girls Secondary Schools Sports Association (CGSSSA). This is the Association through which the College has affiliation with NSW Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC). It is this affiliation that provides our students with a pathway to state and national representation. Over the past few years, we have had students selected in Australian schoolgirl teams in the sports of netball, basketball, football and water polo whilst many others have represented NSW Combined Catholic Colleges and NSW All Schools. If you are interested in learning more about CGSSSA we have developed a new website – www.cgsssa.nsw.edu.au. Please take a look. Pathway to NSW School Teams The pathway for St Clare’s students to represent the College in NSW school based sports teams is through CGSSSA and NSW Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC). In some sports, our students need to progress through a CGSSSA Representative Team and in others they can trial directly with NSWCCC. No matter which path is chosen, parents MUST register an Expression of Interest on the NSWCCC website. Ultimately the College will decide whether your daughter is On Monday, eight Year 11 students and Ms Murphy attended the Just Leadership day run by Caritas. We were one of twelve Catholic high schools from the Sydney region. The focus of the day was to share ideas and encourage awareness about Project Compassion, which is Caritas’s annual fundraising and awareness appeal. The day began with a ‘speed dating’ activity where we met students from other schools and discussed questions about the concept of justice. This was followed by an activity that shocked many of us. The activity revealed that the world’s wealth is shared inequitably, with the poorest 40% of the world having less than 1% of the worlds wealth and the richest 20% have 92% of the world’s wealth. Another statistic that we found confronting was that the richest 65 people of the world have the same wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion. We heard stories of the families that Project Compassion has helped and discussed ways that we can contribute to this cause by inspiring our school to take part. We now have many plans to take to the College to raise awareness of these important issues and to raise funds to support the implementation of Caritas’s projects. The day was inspirational and we are very keen to take part in this important campaign. Jemma Roper Year 11 fà VÄtÜxËá VÉÄÄxzx INVITATION Mrs Antoinette McGahan, Principal together with The Committee of the St Clare's College Parents' & Friends' Association Cordially invite you to attend the WELCOME COCKTAIL PARTY To meet new parents and celebrate the start of the 2015 College Year At St Clare's College 41 51 Carrington Road, Waverley 6.30pm 9.00pm Saturday 21 March 2015 Dress: Smart Casual RSVP prior to 16 March at [email protected] Finger food will be served. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Further enquiries: St Clare's College Ph. 8305 7100 Parents / Carers Only --------------------------------------------------------St Clare’s College--------------------------------------------------------41-51 Carrington Road Waverley NSW 2024 Po Box 145 Waverley NSW 2024 ABN 82 780 246 140 Tel: (02) 8305 7100 Fax: (02) 9389 3503 email [email protected] www.stclares.nsw.edu.au 2015 NSW ELECTION UPDATE MONDAY 2 MARCH 2015 ı UPDATE #2 26 DAYS TO GO LABOR PLEDGES $1.3 BILLION AND SMOOTHER PLANNING FOR SCHOOLS & TAFES Opposition Leader Luke Foley officially launched Labor’s election campaign on Sunday 1 March, promising to cut planning red tape for schools and allocate $1.3 billion in additional capital funding for schools and TAFE Colleges over the next decade. It is hoped some of the additional capital funding will be intended for Catholic and other nongovernment schools. Mr Foley said a Labor Government would introduce a uniform planning code for schools and a crosssectoral schools growth task force. Both initiatives have been advocated by CECNSW to both the Government and Opposition (the Liberal-National government is yet to officially launch its campaign). A uniform planning code would give nongovernment schools authorities greater certainty because it would ensure new schools or major construction projects could not be rejected or distorted by the red tape requirement of individual councils; if a school met the requirements of the new code, it would have to be approved. years to local red tape,” Mr Foley said. “We’ll use the new planning code to ensure that new schools have better facilities that works for parents and communities.” Mr Foley also said a Labor government would ensure every new school built would include childcare or before and after school care facilities on site so that parents could avoid the ‘double drop-off’ of childcare and school. He said new schools would be modern multipurpose education precincts that made the best use of use of scarce land and enabled the wider community to also use school infrastructure. CECNSW also welcomes Mr Foley’s plan to create a cross-sectoral Schools Growth Task Force to bring the key players from the Catholic, government and independent sectors together to plan for growth by identifying the priority areas. “Our children’s education must not be hostage for DID YOU KNOW? The number of seats needed to form majority government 14 The net number of seats the Liberal-National coalition must drop to lose government 24 The number of seats Labor must gain to win government
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