Term 4 Number 10 17th December 2014 Waverley From the Principal On behalf of the staff of St Clare’s I would Iike to wish you a happy and a holy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Two years ago, when I visited Assisi I was able to go to Greccio where Francis taught the people about Christmas by re enacting the story. It is from this event that the tradition of creating Nativity scenes comes. The story of this first reenactment is told by Francis’ first biographer, Thomas of Celano. An extract of this is included later in this newsletter. There are hundreds of nativity scenes from around the world in the church at Greccio There are also links to Christmas in St Clare’s story. Near the end of her life, St Clare was too ill to attend midnight Mass to celebrate the birth of Jesus. She had a vision of the celebration on the wall. It is from this that St Clare was named the Patron of Television by Pope Pius XII in February 1958. HSC Results Congratulations to our Year 12, 2014 students. Our overall results were outstanding with the average in most subjects being above the state. The number of students achieving Band 6 and 5 results was very pleasing. Special congratulations to those who were in the Honours lists. A detailed analysis of the results will appear in the Clarion next year. Moving on The end of any year brings changes as staff move to the next stage of their journeys. This year we farewell a number of staff who were on temporary contracts. Ms Michelle Terry who replaced Ms McGann while she was on Long Service Leave, Ms Liana Gibson who replaced Ms Kristie Armstrong while she was on Maternity Leave and Ms Sarah Quirke who was teaching PDHPE. We wish them all the best in the next stage of their journey. Natalie Devenish has been with us for the last two terms as Assistant Principal. In this role, amongst her other duties, she has overseen the implementation of the data base, SENTRAL. Whilst the staff have already experienced many of the benefits of this system, our families will experience this next year with the implementation of the Parent Portal. I would like to thank Natalie for all that she has done for St Clare’ s and for me personally in the last two terms. We also farewell Anna-Louise Jones. Anna has been the Manager of Information Services and e-Learning Coordinator for the last two years. She has led us through a time of change in teaching and learning with the implementation of the one to one Laptop Program. Anna is moving to OLSH where she will be taking on an executive role as the Leader of Innovation. Sarah Rowland started at St Clare’s within weeks of my starting as a TAS teacher. Sarah’s ability and passion for teaching was 41-51 Carrington Rd Waverley 2024 Ph 83057100 InfoLine 8305 7128 soon recognised by staff and students. Her students achieved outstanding results in their HSC examinations. Sarah’s leadership was recognised and she took on the role of Acting House Dean and then Head of Department TAS. The Department continued to flourish under her leadership. Sarah married during her time at St Clare’s and has had two beautiful children. She is an example to young women of someone who has been able to balance family and work. I wish Sarah well in her role at Bethany. Martina Cooper has been an outstanding Director of Religious Education at St Clare’s College. She has carried out all aspects of the role with grace and dignity. Martina is an exemplary teacher and has led and mentored the Religious Education Teachers with professionalism and care.The results of her students in the HSC Examinations are a testament to her teaching. Under Martina’s guidance, our liturgical celebrations have been truly prayerful, inclusive and reflective of our Catholic/Poor Clare heritage. Martina has been the constant in the Leadership Team during my time at St Clare’s. Her wisdom and support have been there at all times. I must acknowledge in particular her outstanding contributions to the Cyclic Review. Martina will be greatly missed by the St Clare’s Community. I will miss her friendship and her wisdom. We all wish her happiness and joy as she undertakes her new role at Waverley where she will be able to concentrate on her passion for teaching and learning in the area of Religious Education. Over the last few months I have been working with Mrs Antoinette McGahan who is taking on the role of Principal next year. I wish her all the best as she assumes the leadership and care of the College. She will be joined by Mrs Julie Bjazevic who is assuming the role of Religious Education Coordinator and Mr Les Salisbury who will be returning as Acting Assistant Principal in Term 1. It is with great sadness that I say farewell to St Clare’s. Every www.stclares.nsw.edu.au Email [email protected] day of the last seven years has been a blessing. I would like to thank all members of the our community, the Sisters, the Staff, the Parents and the reason for our existence - the St Clare’s students. I will miss you all greatly. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Marie Therese Hirschhorn Principal Thomas of Celano - Fi rst Life Francis’ inspiration to reenact the events of Bethlehem We should note then, as matter worthy of memory and something to be recalled with reverence, what he did, three years prior to his death, at the town of Greccio, on the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ. There was a certain man in that area named John who had a good reputation but an even better manner of life. Blessed Francis had John summoned to him some fifteen days prior to the birthday of the Lord. “if you desire to celebrate the coming feast of the lord together at Greccio,” he said to him “hurry before me and carefully make ready the things I tell you. For I wish to enact the memory of that babe who was born in Bethlehem: to see as much as is possible with my own bodily eyes the discomfort of his infant needs, how he lay in a manger, and how, with an ox and an ass standing by he rested on hay.” Once the good and faithful man had heard Francis’s words, he ran quickly and prepared in place all the things that the holy man had requested. Finally, the day of joy has drawn near the time of exultation has come. from many different places the brethren have been called. As they could, the men and women of that land with exultant hearts prepare candles and torches to light up that night whose shining star has enlightened every day and year. Finally the holy man of God comes and, finding all things prepared, he saw them and was glad. Indeed the manger is prepared, the hay is carried in, and the ox and the ass are led to the spot. There simplicity is given a place of honour, poverty is exalted, humility is commended and out of Greccio is made a new Bethlehem. The night is lit up like day, delighting both man and beast. The people arrive, ecstatic at this new mystery of new joy. The forest amplifies the cries and the boulders echo back the joyful crowd. The brothers sing, giving God due praise, and the whole night abounds with jubilation. The holy man of God stands before the manger, filled with heartfelt sighs, contrite in his piety, and overcome with wondrous joy. Over the manger the solemnities of the Mass are celebrated and the priest enjoys a new consolation. The holy man of God is dressed in the vestments of the Levites, since he was a Levite, and with full voice sings the holy gospel. Here is his voice: a powerful voice, a pleasant voice, a clear voice, a musical voice, inviting all to the highest of gifts. Then he preaches to the people standing around him and pours forth sweet honey about the birth of the poor King and the poor city of Bethlehem. …The gifts of the Almighty are multiplied there and a virtuous man sees a wondrous vision. For the man saw a little child lying lifeless in the manger and he saw the holy man of God approach the child and waken him from a deep sleep. Nor is this vision unfitting, since in the hearts of many the child Jesus has been given over to oblivion. Now he is awakened and impressed on their loving memory by His own grace through His holy servant Francis. At length, the night’s solemnities draw to a close and everyone went home with joy. Uniform Shop Uniform Shop hours 2015: Wednesday 21st January 2015 - 8.30am-12.30pm Wednesday 28th January 2015 – 3.00-3.30pm Thursday 29th January 2015 – 8.00-8.30am Student CaSPA Spirit Award - Senior Drama Congratulations to Maddison Noonan who has been awarded the ‘Student CaSPA Spirit Award for Senior Drama’ for her commitment and contribution to the CaSPA Student Ensemble Program. Maddison is a highly talented performer who recently performed in ‘Lockie Leonard’ and has starred in many College musicals including ‘Grease’ last year. She is a very worthy recipient of this prestigious award. Jennifer Leaver, Director of Studies Important Dates December Fri 12 Last Day of Classes Awards Ceremony 2015 January Wed 28 Thus 29 April Thurs 2 Year 7 8.30am-12.30pm Other new Students 8.30am-10.30pm Peer Support Leaders 10.30am-12.30pm Other Students collect informaton between 11am-12.30pm Lessons Commence Last Day of Term 1 Sharing Technology News Dear Parents, I would like to take this opportunity to officially farewell the St Clare’s parent community. My next endeavour will be as the The Leader of Innovation, Teaching and Learning at OLSH at Kensington and am pleased I will remain in the Eastern Region Diocese. I have enjoyed working with your daughters to enhance their learning and I have also enjoyed passing on my cybersafety knowledge to you each week. Hopefully you have found my segment useful each week and feel free to contact me at anytime with any further concerns or issues you may have at [email protected]. Anna-Louise Jones, Manager of Information Services Presentation of Awards 2014 FRIAR UPDATE Volume 7, Issue no. 12 World Day of Peace Message December 2014 1 January 2015 Pope Francis’ message for World Day of Peace is entitled “No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters.” In this message we are reminded that we are called to live in relationships that are inspired by by justice and love so that the dignity, freedom and autonomy of all people is acknowledged and respected. The Pope comments “Tragically, the growing scourge of man’s exploitation by man gravely damages the life of communion and our calling to forge interpersonal relations marked by respect, justice and love. This abominable phenomenon, which leads to contempt for the fundamental rights of others and to the suppression of their freedom and dignity, takes many forms. I would like briefly to consider these, so that, in the light of God’s word, we can consider all men and women ‘no longer slaves, but brothers and sisters.'” The statement concludes with the following challenge: “We know that God will ask each of us: What did you do for your brother? (cf. Gen 4:9-10). The globalization of indifference, which today burdens the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters, requires all of us to forge a new worldwide solidarity and fraternity capable of giving them new hope and helping them to advance with courage amid the problems of our time and the new horizons which they disclose and which God places in our hands.” Download the Pope’s message here Give us the wisdom and courage to stand in solidarity with all who suffer lack of human dignity. Help all who work against human trafficking to find ways to ensure for all the freedom that is your gift to all of us. Amen. Source: www.acrath.org.au Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation Franciscan Provincial Office 47 Victoria Street, WAVERLEY NSW 2024 Telephone: (02) 9369 9309 Fax: (02) 9369 9322
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