Where every
heart finds a
T H E M I N I S T E R ’S M E S S A G E : Stepping Stones
MARCH 2015
We joyfully live in an
enlightened world united
in love, peace, and respect
for all creation.
We are a heart-centered
community inspiring
spiritual growth by living
consciously, aware of our
innate divinity and the
oneness of all.
Alex Clarke
(c) 757-713-6659
[email protected]
Roddy Bryan
Margie Tate
(c) 757-887-8602
[email protected]
Bob Osmon
(h) 757-564-3088
[email protected]
Roxanne Burnette
[email protected]
Jerry McVeigh
[email protected]
Rev. Bill Heller
(c) 619-916-9749
s you know, we cancelled our Lent
Service this year. We are not, however, cancelling Easter, nor the Holy Week!
Nor are we cancelling our journey of love;
our awakening to the Christ within us. Accordingly, I’ll use this time to write about our
opportunity during this time of Lent.
The Bible tells us of Jesus’ journey into
the wilderness for 40 days, which preceded
his public ministry. Here is His time of Communion with God; it is also said to be the time
of temptation by Satan. Overcoming these
temptations prepared him to walk his ministry, providing the teaching, healing and inspiration he offered.
How does this fit within Unity? We see
this as the preparation of the time of purification (lent); the time of declaring our openness to our journey of discovering our Divinity. Matthew 4:1-10 tells us of the three temptations of Jesus during his wilderness experience. While these temptations may appear to
be an “outer force,” in Unity we recognize
temptations are derived from our own
thoughts, our own attractions, or judgments
we hold. It is these judgments that shape our
lives, shape our perception of the world, leading to the corresponding actions we undertake in our lives.
When we deny our attraction to these
thoughts, we create the space in our minds to
realize our divine consciousness. We learn to
rely more on our divine self, and less on our
human consciousness, to address challenges
within our lives. Each time we make such a
choice, we strengthen our resolve in this direction.
I like to refer to Jesus’ temptations as stepping stones; they represented His choice to
either believe in the ways of the world, or to
Know God. To struggle in His individual attempts to address our challenges, or to discover the answers of God within Him, and to
leave all else behind. What is the devil, but
our own belief in our
individual ego-based
The stepping
stones I refer to represent our willingness to walk through
these temptations, bypassing these, to find
the God’s and our
Rev. Bill Heller
love as our eternal
Each of us faces challenges within our
life. Those matters that are not turning out as
we had expected, or have not provided us the
love and fulfillment that we long for. Deep
within us, as God’s creation, we know we are
to expect happiness and contentment in our
lives. Yet within this or these matters, we’ve
not found our way. This season is a time to
use these matters as our stepping stones beyond whatever our challenges appear to be.
To step beyond it and recognize God’s Eternal Presence; to know of your complete Divinity, your Wholeness, your Holiness. For
you are God’s Divine Creation. Knowing this,
we’re here to learn God’s Will for us is Perfect Happiness! Whatever blocks us from that
awareness is waiting to be overcome, released.
With that awareness, we overcome any limit
we have put in our way. As did Jesus.
This is your truth now; always has been,
always will be. I invite you to use this season
to explore this opportunity to use these stepping stones as such. With some willingness
on your part, I am confident you will discover
what Jesus did, to move beyond our limited
sense of our self, and claim the Truth of our
SELF! For it is only our limited judgment of
our self that stops us from claiming the Allness
of Our Self as God’s Divine creation. Let’s
explore this now.
con’t page 2
MARCH 2015
Unity in the CommUnity
Page 2
An Invitation
March’s first service Sunday lesson, “Think Giving,”
includes an invitation for everyone on the topic of tithing.
As a brief summary, Unity encourages tithing, but not to
ensure the survival of the church: Unity encourages it as a
means for each of you to learn of your role in the Divine
flow. As with any spending, you are giving to receive something you appreciate, something you want in your life. Let
tithing represent your means of expressing your gratitude
for your spirituality, your awareness of your spirituality. And
as with you extending your resources elsewhere, you find as
you give more, you receive more of that item or its equivalent, back. Jesus the Christ stated it: “Give, and it will be
given unto you…for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Luke 6:38)
My invitation? I invite you to experiment with tithing.
Second Annual Basket Raffle
Take a three-month period, any three-month period, and
tithe for that time. By tithing, I’m suggesting you donate
10% of all income you receive to the place(s) you are fed,
spiritually. You might have a number of sources; include
them all where you can. Give this with joy, and watch what
unfolds for you in your life. Use this as a means to learn of
your faith, your trust in the Divine Flow, and the abundance that is yours. Then watch what happens.
Let me stress, this is not directly for the church, though
we would benefit. This is for you; for you to realize your
eternal Oneness with God, and the abundance that is
yours, now and always. Claim it!
For anyone interested, the entire lesson will be available on CD at the church.
—Blessings, Rev. Bill
The Minister’s Message, con’t
You have a matter presenting itself to you as a challenge in your life. Any one will do.
Sunday, April 12
On April 12, Unity Fellowship will hold its second basket raffle. Last year’s raffle was a rousing success with lots
of fun being had on the day of the raffle. We need about 15
donors who are willing to make up a basket of any theme of
one’s liking, i.e., facial products, wine, Italian dinner,
cheeses, books, chocolate, NFL football, etc.
The baskets need to be delivered to the church by Sunday March 22 so photos can be taken in preparation for
tickets to be distributed and sold. There is a sign-up sheet
on the back table to let us know who is willing to participate.
This is one of about three annual fundraisers for the
church, so we would appreciate good participation. In this
case, the donors have as much fun as the winners.
• In a quiet, peaceful place, take a moment to reflect
on such a matter. This is not the time to solve this;
instead, simply label it.
• Next, what does this represent? What is your belief
about this matter?
• Would you be willing to find an answer; a different
way of seeing this? A simple yes or no will do.
• Sit quietly now. Empty your mind, and simply open
yourself to any insight.
Thank you. A seed has been planted. You may find an
answer in that moment, or you may find an answer within
a matter of time. You’ll know the action to take, as it will
Welcome to this season of Lent. Let this be a time we
are more willing to release our limited thinking to the
Allness of God. Throughout this time, look at this practice
as the opportunity to awaken to your Divinity. Let’s enable
this season to be truly Holy for you.
From last year’s Basket Raffle: Rev. Ginny wins the “All
Italian” basket donated by Richard and Margie Tate.
March 7 & 8 PORT will be feeding the homeless. If
you’d like to help. please contact Roxanne Burnette 8981127 for information.
Where every heart finds a home!
MARCH 2015
Workshops, Book Studies, etc.
Every 1st and 3rd Monday
7:00–8:30 PM
Rev. Bill Heller: Think Giving
This course is a study of principles and truths. It is a
spiritual guide which leads to growth and development in
each individual’s life. Come and join in the joyous discussions. For further information contact Mary Moore at
757-229-2653, or Susan Cardozo at 757-220-5402 or
[email protected].
Positive, Purposeful Living
Discussion Class
Page 3
Donna Drozda: Our Deepest Happiness!
Rev. Bill Heller: A New World Vision.
Classes will be meeting at the Church on the third Wednesday of each month beginning December 17. This group
will be facilitated by Kathy Eckhardt. For more information contact Kathy at 757-345-6807, or call the church office at 757-594-0389.
Hours to be determined by events
and workshops.
Please call 757-594-0389 before you
come to the church.
Please call 757-594-0389 before you
come to the church.
Please call 757-594-0389 before you
come to the church.
For emergencies, call 757-692-0880
Please call 757-594-0389 before you
come to the church.
Hours to be determined by events
and workshops.
Tuesday Morning Book Study
10:30 AM
9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Please join us as we start the new year with the study
of Spiritual Economics. Facilitated by Rev. Bill Heller.
Treasure Mapping at
Unity Fellowship Church
Sunday, April 12 (please note new date)
9:00 AM–1:00 PM
9:00 AM–1:00 PM
12:30–2:30 PM
Learn to use the power of your imagination, to help
manifest your dreams by creating a visual reminder in the
form of a Treasure Map. During this fun and experiential
workshop, you will create your own personal Treasure Map
(also known as a Vision Board) by using the simple technique of collage to reflect and remind you of your dreams.
No artistic talent is needed! You will also learn techniques
to most effectively use your Treasure Map to bring your
dream into reality.
Join us for an afternoon of treasure mapping. Angela
Stroup RN, MA, an experienced facilitator and educator,
will host this event on Sunday, April 12, from 12:30–2:30
PM. Join Angela to imagine, visualize, and portray your
dreams, and watch what you’ll manifest.
Interested? Are your friends interested? Bring them
along too. Please contact Angela at 757-714-7375 or visit
[email protected]. $20 is the suggested love offering—no
one is turned away. All materials will be provided.
9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Phone: 757-594-0389 • email: [email protected]
Be sure not to miss Charley Thweatt in
Concert, Tuesday, March 10. For more information, see the article on page 7.
Where every heart finds a home!
About Unity
MARCH 2015
Page 4
Who Are You?
by Lowell Fillmore February 1971
emember that there is a secret place in your being where
you think the things that you really believe. Here, in
the center of your consciousness, you feel that you are generous or greedy, fearless or cowardly, Spirit or matter. It is
here that you must understand who you are in God’s sight.
A passage in Proverbs explains the importance of our
inner thoughts: “For as he (man) thinks within himself, so
is he.”
You cannot always know what is in the heart of a person by observing his exterior. For instance, there are some
persons who may make a big show of being brave but who
are actually afraid. The deep place in the consciousness is
often referred to in the Bible as the heart, because it is the
center of our being. Many of us are not aware of what is
going on in our heart because we have covered up the light
God gave us. When God’s light shines within our heart our
whole being is illumined.
Jesus said, “Only believe.” He meant believe only in
God. If we believe only in material things, and of our physical ability as the means by which we can solve our problems, we are denying the Power that is the very source of
all power.
When the light of Truth shines in us we can understand that we are indeed created in the image of God, we
are unified in Spirit with God, and all our affairs are in
divine order.
Prayer Box
by Chaplain Jude Eastman
In the Silence
ow many ways do you experience silence? The silence of a still, clear evening when even the crickets are quiet, or a welcoming dawn…the silence of surprising good news or stunned shock to full to
respond…the silence of numbed grief too deep for even
The silence of human thought. A quieted mind free
of invasive thoughts.
But what about a place of peace deep inside of you?
A silence in which you commune with Source and feel
God’s strength giving you energy, joy, peace, and love.
A place where life’s anxieties fade away as you let your
whole being become a temple of prayer. This is where
you meet Spirit and once again align with your Godself; feeling that loving presence like a blanket of white
light wrapped around you and holding you tight. Feel
the comfort, power, and presence of the One and know
that you are safe and whole.
In Unity many of us have been taught how to prepare for this silence by sitting quietly, relaxing our body
and mind. Remember it’s not a struggle or an effort that
brings you closer to God, it’s a “letting go and letting
God flow” peacefulness.
Often I envision myself on a raft or even a giant
lotus flower totally relaxed, floating with the current. I
know that where I am is always guided by a perfect GPS
(God’s Positioning System). I am safe with a powerful
GPS (God’s Protective System) and no matter what happens, I’ll know what to do by accessing my inner GPS
(God’s Perfect Solutions).
For more on this topic, go to and
read an article by James Dillet Freeman also titled In
the Silence.
The chaplains at Unity Fellowship Church would
love to support you with prayer. Come visit us in “The
Angel Corner” after services on Sundays.
Why is Lent observed for forty days?
Moses, Elijah, and Jesus Himself observed a fortyday period of prayer and fasting as a preparation for spiritual work. Forty, in their minds, was a four-square number
suggesting an idea of completeness.
If Lent is forty days long, why is Ash Wednesday fortysix days before Easter?
There are six Sundays in Lent, and they are not considered part of Lent, because in the Western Church Sunday is always a feast day.
Where every heart finds a home!
What’s Goin’ On...
MARCH 2015
Page 5
Colorful Cuba: A Spiritual Journey
by Angela Stroup RN. MA. CHT
fter days of touring Havana, Tom and I and the other
travelers from the A.R.E. embarked on a journey to a
less affluent community. We saw a different side of Havana’s people. Our group of
spiritual seekers made the trip ideal on our
tour led by an outstanding company, Conscious Cuba.
We stayed at a luxurious Havana hotel
near a popular gathering place, the
Malecon, sea wall. Our visits to beautiful
buildings, balconies, women in costumes,
artists, museums, gardens, historical buildings,
and revolutionary parks were filled with color,
beauty, and laughter. We were amazed at the pristine 1950s American cars Cubans have maintained
despite a lack of parts. Cubans are warm, welcoming and kiss each other often. After asking a
nurse’s permission to take her photo, because I
was delighted to see her nursing cap, she hugged
me and kissed me on the cheek.
We walked the narrow streets of the impoverished neighborhood to the community project
Quisicuaba, an area infrequently visited by tourists. People of all ages filled the streets, some busy
on a quest to obtain hard-to-get provisions and
others relaxing. Three elderly men sat in front of
an old TV watching Cuba’s favorite sport,
We were warmly welcomed by
Enrique Gutierez, the president of the
project, a medical doctor and a doctor of
anthropology. He told us the project’s ambitious goals: to create a healthy social
space to promote intelligence and creativity, while being aware of the residents’
vulnerabilities. A non-profit and non-proselytizing interfaith
effort, it is based on what the doctor describes as the “Cuban Religions of the African Matrix.”
The goal is to influence individual and collective life,
prioritizing high-risk populations such as the LGBT community, at risk youth, the elderly, domestic abuse victims, and former prisoners.
They teach prevention of HIV; conduct
anti-bullying projects; promote the traditional popular culture, local history, and
human values. Creative pursuits are foundational and cultural celebrations are frequent.
His sincere nature and the magnitude
of his goals touched me. As we rose to go into the
next room to meet the four “mediums,” the leaders of the spiritual community, I felt the surprise
of tears. In the dimly lit room a group of three
men and one woman greeted us. They deeply appreciated our interest. One of the men said to the
group (but looked directly at me) that he is deaf,
but hears everything we say in his heart. I could
not stop the tears.
Our last stop was a small room difficult to
describe. Imagine every religious symbol, icon,
statue that represents the search for God, meaning, comfort and guidance, all there, festooned
with lights, taffeta, ribbons, and photos of the
doctor’s revered ancestors. My heart and soul
opened. Dr. Enrico touched my hand and
our spirits connected. I searched for a reason for my tears and a few days ago Spirit
whispered in my ear, “You cried because
you recognized me in those who are unselfishly giving love and comfort to others.” Seeing the face of God manifesting
itself in Cuba was not what I expected.
The oneness of all in the love of God
knows no boundaries.
Unfortunately, website information is not available at
this time. We hope this may change in the future.
March Affirmations
I let go limiting thoughts and feelings. I am receptive and responsive to the guidance of Christ.
I am not bound by old thoughts
and old conditions. My life is
changed and prospered through
Christ in me.
I am free from limiting thoughts
about my body. I am vitalized and
renewed through Christ in me.
Where every heart finds a home!
Please Take Note...
MARCH 2015
Page 6
Total income for Jan. was ....................... $10,475.00
Total expenses for Jan. were .................. $13,779.00
Surplus (+) or deficit (-) for Jan. was .... -$ 3,304.00
YTD income for 2015 is .......................... $10,475.00
YTD expenses for 2015 are .................... $13,779.00
YTD surplus (+) or deficit (-) is ............ -$ 3,304.00
The higher expenses this month were due to the payment to Rev. Bill for his moving expenses and two large
purchases of supplies for both the office and the Sunday
Services. These will average out in the future. God
—Bob Osmon, Treasurer
PayPal gives people better ways to connect to their
money and to each other, helping them send money without
sharing financial information.
This time-saving and worry-free payment method, developed by, has now been implemented on our
church Website. All are encouraged to consider signing up
for this means of donation.
More information about PayPal can be found at and
Once each month those ladies who are free for lunch
gather together for fellowship and the making of new friends.
If you are free for lunch, please call the office at 757-5940389 to have your name and phone number placed on the
list to be notified.
The next Lunch Bunch will meet Friday, March 6,
12:30 PM at Plaza Azteca, 12099 Jefferson Ave., Newport News. Please contact Judy Bryan at 757-851-0897,
visit [email protected] or call the church office
at 594-0389, if you wish to attend.
All ladies are welcome!
CDs Are Available
Ray Whipple is currently recording the
Sunday talks and places them on
the back table in Fellowship Hall each Sunday.
These CDs are free.
Check to see if
the CD you have
requested is available. Thanks!
Do Your Thing
by Sig Paulson
Where every heart finds a home!
Be what you are—
Do your thing—
You came to sing!
Office & Sanctuary:
624 Queen’s Creek Road
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
Phone: 757-594-0389
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Bill Heller, Minister
Please check here if you no longer
wish to receive the newsletter.
MARCH 2015
in Concert
Unity Fellowship Church
Tuesday, March 10
7–9 PM
Known for his music throughout
much of the world, Charley Thweatt, will
be in concert at Unity Fellowship Church,
Williamsburg, Tuesday, March 10 from
7–9 PM.
Through his own spiritual journey, Charley’s
learned to open himself to his Spirit within. Not only is
his music loving and inspiring, but thought-provoking and fun
as well. Please plan to attend this exciting and entertaining
concert. We promise you an evening you won’t forget. All are
Suggested love offering: $20.00.
Where every heart finds a home!