Unity News Volume 8, Issue 51 December 24, 2014 United in Christ’s love, we glorify God through worship, nurture, and service to all people. Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24 4:00 p.m. Family Service: Children’s Choirs will provide music Nurseries provided for up to 5 years old, NO CIW 6:00 p.m. Musical Service: Chancel Choir will provide music Nurseries provided for up to 5 years old, NO CIW 11:00 p.m. Candlelight Service: NO nurseries or CIW programs Communion served by intinction Communion will be served at all three services. Gluten-free bread will be offered in the Narthex for all 3 services. This year both the Sanctuary and the Historic Sanctuary will be open for the 4:00 and 6:00 Christmas Eve services. We are offering these choices so you may experience a more intimate and meaningful worship experience. Communion will be served in both locations. The worship service will be streamed live into the Historic Sanctuary on two televisions so that everyone will be worshiping simultaneously. Offering Christmas Eve services in both locations will allow families the option of sitting comfortably together instead of having to split up, since there will be so many more seats available. Sunday, December 28, at 10:00 a.m. is our December Congregational covered dish Breakfast. Please bring any cookies, etc. that you have around the house from Christmas. Please join your Unity family during the Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall, as we begin to look forward to the new year. The Health Ministries Team will be offering blood pressure checks between services just prior to the Congregational Breakfast. We will be in room M210, right behind the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see you there! Sunday Morning December 28 2014 8:45 am Worship Service 10:00 am Holiday Breakfast (No Sunday School) 11:00 am Worship Service Prayers of Concern David Choate Case Gwen Perry Buddy Culp Dot Hollis Pat Pope Beth Detar James McGregor Carol Herring Laura Glenn Susanna Trier Monk Please take a moment to recognize and welcome new members! November 2014: Judy Long Please continue to remember those with special needs. Church Office Holiday Hours December 24: 8:30-12 Noon December 26: Closed January 1: Closed December 25: Closed December 31: 8:30-5:00 January 2: Closed CPR Class: Is one of your New Year's resolutions to learn CPR or do you need to brush up on old skills? A CPR Class will be offered January 17, 2015, from 9a.m. -12 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The class will cover infant, child, and adult CPR and AED usage. Cost is $30. Checks made to Innovative Solutions on the morning of the class. Class size 6 minimum. Call church office 547-5543 to register. Wishing a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all! ♦ Christian Sympathy is extended to: Alice Langford in the death her husband, Fred, on December 16. Joy! Congratulations to: Jason and Amy Gamble in the birth of their son, John, born December 18. Proud big brother is James and grandparents are Ronnie and Doris Dunn! What’s Happening in Christian Education? There will be no Sunday school on December 28th. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 am for a congregational breakfast. YOUTH No youth group Dec 28 and Jan 4 – Merry Christmas! Youth group resumes on Sunday, January 11 What is GOD calling you to do? Summer Youth Trips The Ministry Teams of Christian Education are looking for people to serve in a number of capacities beginning in January: June 21-26 – registration deadline January 11 Middle School (completed 6th-8th grades) Asheville Youth Mission June 27-July 3 – registration deadline February 1 High School (completed 9th-12th grades) Urban Mission Camp in Mobile, AL July 9-12 – registration deadline February 1 Middle School (completed 6th-8th grades) Massanetta Middle School Conference July 12-18 – registration deadline January 11 High School (completed 9th-12th grades) Montreat Youth Conference All trip information, costs, and registration information is on the church website at: http://unityfortmill.org/youth-ministries Adult Sunday school Teachers Children in Worship Children’s Ministry Team Christian Education Ministry Team Nursery Sunday School Vacation Bible School Please contact Kathryn McGregor at [email protected] or 547-5543 to indicate where you would like to serve.. ADULTS Free Workshops - Check out E3: Educating, Equipping and Empowering God’s People for Ministry Workshops January 11, 2015 at Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church There are workshops for leaders in all ministry areas of the church. Two Unity people, Susan Bullard and Kathryn McGregor, will be leading workshops. For more information and to register online at http://www.providencepres.org/e3_registration_2015.aspx. Sunday School – Sunday mornings at 10:00 am – No SS on Dec 28th. Fellowship Holy Grounds Koinonia Feasting on the Word Upper Room Fellowship Hall FH Parlor Room M210 Unity Hall Room M321 Beginning 1/4 – “Jesus Through Old Testament Eyes” Fellowship & Devotions Beginning 1/4 – “Old Testament from the Backside” 12/28 – No SS 1/4 - John 1: (1-9), 10-18 Year-long study of Hebrews Unity News page 2 Merry Christmas! We hope that your Christmas/New Year's plans will include helping with our Family Promise program. Even if you are not in town to serve as a Meal/ Overnight Host during this busy time of year, we have several supply requests that can be dropped off at the church (Fellowship Hall Kitchen or Church Office) during the next two weeks, and we can always use your prayers. Unity has the pleasure of serving as the host church for Family Promise of York County families during the week of December 28 - January 4. We need many volunteers for the many different service opportunities that it takes to host the families. We use Sign-Up Genius to sign-up volunteers. If you have trouble using Sign-Up Genius, please e-mail Linda at [email protected] or call (547-9898) and she will sign you up. *The link for Meal Host/Overnight Host/Set-Up Host is: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d49aeab28a02-mealovernightset3 *The link for Transportation Host/Linen Washer/Grocery Shopper/Supply Provider is: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d49aeab28a02-volunteer4 Yours in Christ, Linda Bunge, Anne Weeks, Brenda Mullis, Allison Wyndham and Susan Ballmer Hosting Dates for 2015: April 5 - April 12 July 12 - July 19 October 18 - October 25 Catawba Care Collections Unity collects items needed for the RAIN Closet each January and July. RAIN is the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network, and the Closet is a component of practical care provided by Catawba Care Coalition to individuals living in York County with HIV and/or AIDS. The closet contains items necessary for daily living provided to individuals living with HIV and/or AIDS. Bins are available in the Narthex and in the Fellowship Hall for collection of items such as shampoo, conditioner, hair relaxant, deodorant, soap, lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dishwashing detergent, bleach, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, tissues, household cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and razor/shaving cream. Thank you for your continued generosity, as well as your ongoing prayers for Unity's RAIN teams and partners. Financial Information for 11/1-2014-11/30-2014 Operating Income Operating Expenses Building/Debt Campaign Giving ($) Actual Budgeted Year to Year to Date ($) Date ($) +/- $$ +/- % 75,265 1,040,928 1,103,772 (62,844) -6% 57,772 1,001,263 1,115,420 (114,157 -10% 20,099 341,264 333,085 8,179 SANCTUARY DEBT BALANCE………………$2,317,097 Unity News page 3 2% Attendance December 21, 2014 8:45 11:00 Sunday School Visitors 179 274 145 70 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 8-Mark Masters 9-Anne Cardozo, Ray Gowin, Carson Hall, Valerie Parise 10-Carol Heim, Sherry Mannell, Tim Whitten, Abigail Will 11-Susan Bullard, Terri Reid, Ed Sidwell, Virgil White 12-Scott Brooks, Tradd Estes, Tyler Lubben, JoAnna Pearson, Cindy Ware 14-Mason Fox, Scott Griffin, Mills Reigel, Julia Soprano 15-Carrie Cowart Denham, John Rogers 16-John Baumann, Sean Crews, Olivia Hahn, Anne Hamilton, Mary Anne Long, Gray McGinn From the Financial Office Auto-drafts All existing auto-drafts will continue into 2015 “as is” unless written notice of change or discontinuance has been received by the financial office. Such notice may be expressed by leaving a note in the collection plate, by mail (P.O. Box 1267, FM, SC 29716) or via e-mail to [email protected]. 2014 Contributions In order for your year-end contributions to be credited to 2014 giving, you must deliver it to the office or drop it in an offering plate by December 31, 2014. Any contribution we receive via the US Postal service must be postmarked before January 1st. Unity Presbyterian Church 303 Tom Hall Street PO Box 1267 Fort Mill, SC 29716-1267 803.547.5543 Www.UnityFortMill.org Non-Profit Organization U S Postage Fort Mill, SC 29715 Permit #23 Church Office (803) 547-5543 Dan Holloway (803) 548-7215 Jeannie Bickett (704) 588-4809 Return Service Requested December 24, 2014 Dear Friends, Rev. Dr. Dan Holloway On behalf of everyone on our church staff, I want to express our deepest gratitude for all the Christmas gifts you have shared with us, for all the goodies and refreshments that have appeared in the office in recent weeks, for all the words of encouragement and support that you have offered us on a daily basis, and for all the prayers you have lifted up for our ministry. Just as much as all that, I want to thank you for your ongoing partnership in this ministry that we share together. It is a great privilege to be a part of such a remarkable church family; you are indeed among the greatest gifts one could ever hope to receive. Thank you! Holiday Schedule for Unity News Deadline: Tuesday, December 23 at 6 pm for Issue date: December 30. Please submit information to: Gina Mitchell: [email protected] I hope your Christmas celebration is filled with joy and that you anticipate a New Year filled with the hope that God alone can give. Truly we are a people of good news; Christ the Savior is born! May that truth set you free in the year to come. In Christ's Name, Dan
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