YOUNG ARCHITECTS COMPETITIONS F.I.CO. WELLNESS CLUB NUTE PARTECIPAZIONI spa Destination Sports / Wellness. Redesign. At least 1 under 35 member per team. C.A.A.B. Open to Architects / Designers / Students. Italy, Bologna. > YAC & MARLEGNO Architecture is the branch of knowledge that shapes and structures places for human activities. It gives an answer to several and various issues, where solutions embody designer’s creativity and intellect. Marlegno is a leading brand in the field of design and construction of prefabricated wooden buildings, counting on a great expertise in the area of sustainable technologies. Architectural quest doesn’t simply resolve itself nor in a stylish, nor a functional, nor an economic nor a technological answer. A genuine architectural answer comes through making a patchwork of all those issues, where designer manages to blend and structure them together with sensibility and control. Nowadays no advancement is conceivable without taking into account sustainability; architectural design thus gains a pivotal role for both economic and social reasons. Believing in such principles, Marlegno opens - for the third year in a row - an international competition on innovation and sustainable architectural technology. YAC aims to promote contemporary projects that embody a temporal and personal approach to architectural space. Idea is the keyword, Architecture is the answer and project is the medium through which intuition transforms into concrete reality. Marlegno aims to involve talented designers by offering contemporary and fascinating topics of discussion. Such architectural debate aims to focus on space, environment, tem- porariness and customisation. Idea shall be the keyword, architecture the answer and design the means to the end. Marlegno thanks all the designers willing to join the challenge. 02 > BRIEF Italian cookery is worldwide appreciated and the very cooking of Bologna excels for many features. Eataly® (http:// along with Andrea Segré ( have decided to open in this very town indeed the world’s biggest theme park dedicated to food farming and food culture. Bologna’s C.A.A.B.® ( will welcome in 2016 such a 80.000 m2 entertainment centre: F.I.CO®. This structure will host swimming pools, restaurants, orchards, beehives, teaching farms and shopping centres. The aim is to exhibit the made-in-Italy food chain from inception to consumption; more than 9.000.000 tourists per year are hereby expected. F.I.CO® is planned to become a pivotal international attraction; this will trigger an important territorial redevelopment in order to welcome users and tourist. F.I.CO®.Wellness Club aims to offer a wellness area for those classy visitors willing to discover both nutrition and body care. How to blend architecture, food, relax, wellness and seasonality? This the question on which to build a contemporary, ecofriendly design. A notable piece of architecture capable of offering a multisensory, unique experience to its users. 03 +44º 33’ N +11º 26’ E > SITE The project site is a former factory located outside Bologna, where the urban fabric meets the countryside (area dairyproducts oriented). • Hereby the main features to take into account: Territorial features: Bologna features an important medieval heritage among which there is the most ancient university in the world. This metropolitan area is a pivotal reference point for economy and fair trades too, counting over 1.000.000 inhabitants on the territory. It is suggested to develop a project capable of interacting with the city and the metropolitan area as well. • F.I.CO®: the project is developed by C.A.A.B.® (Centro agroalimentare Bolognese, University of Bologna and Eataly® (http://www.eataly. net/it_en). This 80.000 m2 indoor food farming / food market will open in 2016 where the current C.A.A.B. stands, hosting retail activities and learning spaces; visitors will be offered on one hand to purchase and taste wine and food products and on the other hand to discover the food production chain by visiting orchards, beehives, pools, teaching farms and shopping centres. Such a timber-crafted building is meant to become a manifesto for sustainability and eco-compatibility, hosting the biggest solar panels cover of Europe. Water and waste treatment and recycling is implemented as well. F.I.CO® will host over 9.000.000 tourists per year by 2018. 04 • Site prescriptions: the warehouse was built in the 70s to be a storehouse for La Perla trading activities. The current owner is Nute Partecipazioni (; both to public administration and to the owner such a building has no architectural or landscape relevance. Due to a poor aesthetic quality of the warehouse, it is allowed both demolishing / rebuilding it from scratch or preserving / renovating it too. Current legislation sets: 1. Minimum distance from property lines: 5m Building maximum height*:11,5m Maximum buildable floor space**: 2600m2 2. 3. • Sustainability prescriptions: according to the philosophy of F.I.CO®, it is required to develop a proposal in tune with the surroundings and natural materials. It is suggested to implement passive cooling / heating technologies and fostering sustainable strategies for energy production and consumption for the whole complex. *(from ground level) **(no limitation on number of floors / excavation) 05 > PROGRAM F.I.CO.® Wellness Club aims to become more than a simple spinoff depending on the elite visitors of F.I.CO.®; this project aims to become a reference with a specific identity. The owner means to blend wellness, advanced technologies, shimmering and involving climates: i.e. video-walls to create ethereal spaces / interactive architectural elements / multisensory design / sensual shapes. F.I.CO.® Wellness Club aims to set a new standard in innovation and quality regarding the field of wellness centres; the keyword is blending food farming with architecture and health. Here follows a list of the activities required by the project’s promoter. Standing the prescriptions made in chapter “SITE”, it is highlighted that combining / integrating / enhancing these remains a task for the participants. 06 Function Description Area Meditation space A space for personal or group meditation sessions. A space that plays with water / lighting / furniture / emotions / timelessness. It can be developed both indoor / outdoor ≥ 80 m2 / in between. Day-spa A space focused on wellness and pleasantness / on the care for the care of visitors. A space based on a regular layout / elegance / privacy / individual areas. It shall include solarium / sauna / Turkish bath / massage area / bath tubs / multi-sensory showers. It can be developed a stimulating space with the aid of modern ≥ 600 m2 technologies and interactive visualisation media in order to trigger users in all their senses. Acqua zone The core of the project. One or more swimming pools with their relative relax areas / therapy areas / wellness areas. It shall provide a multi-sensory experience ≥ 1000 m2 through an elegant use of modern technologies and interactive visualisation media. It shall provide a totalising and ever-changing space capable of attracting visitors. Reception Reception desk / space for welcoming and informing visitors. ≥ 80 m2 Offices A space for administration / technical personnel ≥100 m2 Locker rooms The first stop-over for visitors; such a space shall be used by visitors to prepare themselves for their experience. 150 m2 Suite day-spa A luxury day-spa room / a private space dedicated to wellness services for singles and couples as well. ≥ 4 units 50 m2 each Gym A space for training / gymnastic / physical activities. 100 m2 Coffee shop A space for drinking / eating organic products related to F.I.CO. 50 m2 Shop A space for selling products for beauty treatments / natural products related to food farming and wellness. 50 m2 Storage room / launderette A technical space for maintenance and cleaning. 50 m2 07 > CALENDAR > PRIZES 09 MAR 2015 “early bird” registration - start 1° PRIZE 8.000 € 29 MAR 2015 “early bird” registration - end 30 MAR 2015 “standard” registration - start 20 APR 2015 “standard” registration - end 21 APR 2015 “late” registration - start 12 MAY 2015 “late” registration - end 25 MAY 2015 (h 12:00 GMT, midday) material submission deadline* JUN 2015 jury summoning JUN 2015 results announcement TBA award ceremony & exhibition *Fulfilling an “early bird”, “standard” or “late” registration does not affect submission deadline. Submission deadline is unique. 2° PRIZE 4.000 € 3° PRIZE 2.000 € HONORABLE MENTIONS “GOLD” 500 € HONORABLE MENTIONS “GOLD” 500 € 10 HONORABLE MENTIONS All the awarded proposals will be published on architectural magazines and websites (i.e. ArtApp Magazine, Atribune Magazine, Architettura Ecosostenibile) + will be hosted in international exhibitions. Once results are made official, each awarded team is required to produce and send YAC a succinct video to showcase its proposal.* All the finalist proposals will be published on *This requirement is compulsory in order to collect a monetary awarding. 08 > RULES > INELIGIBILITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. a. Layouts showing texts bodies not written in English wil be banned; b. Layouts showing names or referrals to their own team / their identity will be banned. TeamID can appear on the file name only, since jurors will not be allowed to see it; c.FIles named not by following the prescriptions of the chapter “MATERIAL” will be banned; d. Material which is considered incomplete, partial or non congruent to the criteria set in the chapter “MATERIAL” wil be banned; Material which is submitted not by following calendar, deadlines and correct uploading procedures e. wil be banned; f. Teams missing one under 35 member at least will be disqualified; g. Team members trying to ask a juror about the competition will disqualify their own team; h. Team members who have or had business collaboration or blood-relations with jurors will be disqualified; i. Team members who publicizes their own proposal material before the conclusion of the competition will be disqualified; Competitors must respect calendar dates, procedures and fees; Competitors must respect all the instructions regarding required material; Competitors can be students, graduated, freelance architects, designers or artists: it is not mandatory to be involved in architectural disciplines or enrolled in architectural associations; Competitors can join the competition both individually and in team; Teams must have at least one team member between 18 and 35 years old; Teams can be composed by any number of team members; Teams can be composed by any competitors belonging to different countries and universities; Paying a single entry fee allows to join the competition with a single project; Paying further entry fees allows to join the competition with further projects; fees to be determined by following competition’s calendar; Prizes include bank commissions and fees; Prizes are established regardless to the number of attendants a team is made of; Committee’s verdict is incontestable. It is forbidden to competitors to ask a juror about the competition; It is forbidden to competitors to publicize their own proposal material before the conclusion of the competition; It is forbidden to competitors to join the competition in case they have or had business collaboration or blood-relations with jurors; By violating the rules, competitors and their teams will be disqualified from the competition without any chance of getting a refund. Joining the competition implies accepting rules and service terms. The authorship of each project is equally attributed to each member of the team. > NOTES Subscribing to YAC’s competition, competitors accept terms and rules of the competition; Winning proposals will be considered purchased by the client; YAC claims the rights to use participant proposals for exhibitions and publications; Competition material necessary to fulfill the competition is available on the “DOWNLOAD” section on YAC’s website . Material is made available regardless to the kind of subscriprion is fulfilled. It is however allowed to use further material found from third parties; • YAC is allowed to change the calendar or the details of the competition; possible variations will be notified on time through the channels YAC has available; • YAC is not responsible for web malfunctioning or technical difficulties due to servers; it’s highly recommended to submit required material, fees and subscription with a good advance of time on the deadline. • If a proposal is picked for construction, designers will be involved in potential working phases outside the competition. • • • • 09 > SUBSCRIPTION > MATERIAL The whole procedure is computerized: • 1 UNI A1 layout(594mm x 841mm), .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal or vertical • open:; • enter registration area; • fill required fields; • at the end of the procedure the first member of the team will be notified with a validation mail containing the team ID number (“teamID” is randomly and automatically assigned); if no mail arrives check “spam”; • a username, a password and a link will be received; open the link to confirm YAC the pre- registration; layout, to be uploaded on the personal login area. Such layout must contain: a. b. c. design concept / conceptual idea; graphic framework aimed to illustrate the project (i.e. plans, facades, cross-sections) choosing what to display and the relative scale is up to competitor’s choice; 3d views - i.e. renderings, pictures, hand sketches; File name: A1_<TeamID>_FWC.pdf (es. if “TeamID” is123 , file must be named A1_123_FWC.pdf ). • 1 A3 album (420mm x 294mm), .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal layout, maxium 7 pages long, to be uploaded on the personal login area. Album must contain: • once confirmed the pre-registration, enter personal area and fulfill fee payment; the reason of a. b. c. general layout, scale 1:1000; relevant blueprints, scale 1:500; one cross-section at least, scale 1:500; • once fulfilled pre-registration and fee payment, uploading will be enabled; • open personal area, insert username & password; upload the material; the first member of the File name: A3_<TeamID>_FWC.pdf (es. if “TeamID” is123 , file must be named A3_123_FWC.pdf ). It’s highly recommended to be early on deadlines with subscriptions and payments. Text shall be synthetic and written in English. Layouts cannot contain any name or reference to designers. Layouts cannot have nor group’s “TeamID” on it. Such code is meant to appear on the filename only, since jury will not be capable of seeing it during voting procedure. currency payment operation will be: “YAC_FWC_teamID” (i.e. if teamID is 12345, reason of currency payment operation will be “YAC_FWC_12345”); team will be notified with a validation mail; if no mail arrives check “spam”; > FAQ During the whole contest - until registration deadline - competitors are welcome to address pertinent question to [email protected]. Questions shall be written in English and must be signed with name, surname and TeamID. YAC staff will answer questions privately and will decide to publish relevant issues on the “FAQ” section of YAC’s website. Updates will be notified through YAC’s Facebook and Twitter channels. FAQs will be published in English only and will remain anonymous. YAC provides essential material on the download area; nevertheless competitors wishing to use further sources are allowed to do it. 10 01 § > JURY ITALO ROTA / Studio Italo Rota / Born in 1953, he graduates in Architecture at Milano’s Politecnico. In the late 80s he moves to Paris and he takes care of the restoration of the Museum of Modern Art at the Centre Pompidou first, the restoration of the new French School at Louvre’s Cour Carré later and also the refurbishment of Nantes’ inner town. He moves again in Milan in 1996. He opens Studio Italo Rota & Partners in 1998. He designs the pavilion “Ciudades de Agua” for Expo 2008 Zaragoza and Cavalli Club in Florence. In 2009 he designs Lord Hanuman Hindu temple in India, Cavalli Club in Dubai and Boscolo Exedra Hotel in Milano. Current projects: the design for Kuwait Expo 2015 pavilion, a refurbishment for Palazzo Forcella De Seta and Stazione Marittima in Palermo, a redesign for Palazzo dell’Arengario in Milan, a redesign for an iron and steel facility in Dolvi in India NICOLA SCARANARO / Foster+Partners / Nicola graduates at IUAV, Venice, in 2005. He is a registered architect in the UK and in Italy; he is a RIBA chartered member. He deals with the design of mixed-use super high-rise developments, governmental buildings, leisure and sport centres, R&D and urban design. In 2005 he joins Foster + Partners. Here he works on a wide number of iconic developments such as: Jameson House in Vancouver, Canada; Santa Fe’; the Regional Appeals Court in Madrid, a 400,000 sq. m mixed-use super high-rise scheme in Riyadh, KSA; a master plan for a 500,000 sq. m mixed-use development in Istanbul; a 1,001m high tower in KSA and an 80,000 seats FIFA stadium in KSA. He takes part in winning competitions such as Motor City in Aragon; Project Honour in SC Johnson headquarter Racine campus, Winsconsin and a new airline hub for Central America. He is promoted to associate in 2008. DONALD BATES / LAB Architecture Studio / Prof. Donald Bates is a registered architect in Australia and the UK, and is the Director of LAB Architecture Studio - the architects of Melbourne’s award-winning Federation Square and other projects in the UK, China, Singapore, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, as well as Australia. He is a frequently invited juror on international design competitions (such as the Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction, 2014), for projects in China, Vietnam, Europe, Libya, Lebanon, Armenia, and Australia. He is currently a member of the Victorian Design Review Panel, and has been an advisor to the School of Architecture, American University of Beirut and Department of Architecture, RMIT University. He is an External Examiner to the School of Architecture at Hong Kong University, and has been an External Examiner at the Bartlett School of Architecture and University of East London. Prof. Bates has lectured extensively in both an academic and professional capacity, with more than 140 lectures across North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia in the last 20 years. He has been the subject of numerous interviews, in print, radio and television. EDOARDO MILESI / Archos / Edoardo was born in 1954 and becomes an expert in Ecology of Architecture, Religious Architecture and Architecture for gardens. He opens Archos Studio in 1979. He founds and become director of ART APP magazine in 2008. He is senior manager for the cultural committee of “Fondazione Socio Culturale Bertarelli.” In 2012 he establishes the cultural association “Scuola Permanente dell’Abitare”. His project for “Cantina di Collemassari” is showcased at XII Venice Biennale in 2010, at Tokyo UIA World Congress for Architecture in 2011 and at XIV Venice Biennale in the Italian pavilion in 2012. His project for “Scuola Edile Papa Giovanni XXIII” in Haiti is presented at Durban UIA World Congress for Architecture. 11 11 § > JURY ANDREA SEGRÉ / Universitá di Bologna / Andrea was born in Trieste in 1961 and graduates at the University of Bologna in Agricultural Science. In 1990 he achieves a Master of Science in Politiques Agricoles et Administration du Développement at the Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen in Montpellier. In 1991 he becomes PhD in Agricultural Politics and Economics in Bologna. In 2003 he becomes professor in Agricultural International Policies at the Bologna’s University of Agricultural Sciences. In 2005 he becomes Dean of the faculty. In January 2012 he becomes director of the Department of Food Farming Science and Technology. His expertise is often required on the field by the Italian Foreign Ministry and other international institutions such as the European Commission, World Bank, FAO, OCSE. He spends over three years studying and working abroad (USA, France, Russia, Belarus). He is the creator of Last Minute Market project (, winning the 2011 International Ator Pal Mont Award. The European Parliment patronises in 2010 his campaign against waste ( He wins international awards such as the 2012 ethics Green Award by the European Parliament. ANDREA ZAMBONI / Zamboni Associati Architettura – Domus / Andrea is a Ph.D Architect and Associate and Technical Director of ZAA. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara and the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (CH). He graduated in Ferrara with Peter Zumthor and Vittorio Savi and then worked with Nicola Di Battista in Rome and Guido Canali in Parma. With Canali he developed as project manager, amongst other projects, the construction of contemporary art museum in Kyong Ki (South Korea) and the reconversion of the Manifattura Tabacchi in Milan. In 2002 he was selected for the Architecture Award of the Academy of San Luca in Rome. Since 2010 he is PhD in Architectural Composition at the University of Bologna. Since 2005 he has been teaching and researcher in the Faculty of Architecture "Aldo Rossi" at Cesena, from 2013 as Professor of Architectural Composition in Bologna. He is author of essays and publications, including "Dominique Perrault" in the Italian edition (Motta Architecture) and French (Actes Sud), "Architecture of the twentieth century in Reggio Emilia" (Bruno Mondadori) with Chiara Gandolfi. From 2013 he collaborates with the international architectural review Domus edited by Nicola Di Battista as member of the Domus Study Centre. PIER GIORGIO GIANNELLI / Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di Bologna / Pier Giorgio was born in Rome in 1959, where he graduates in Architecture at La Sapienza University. In 1988 he establishes Studio Housing; in 1992 he moves to Bologna. He deals with sustainable architecture and delivers projects for the public and the privates covering a wide spectrum of destinations such as real estate, hospitals, industrial, retail, refurbishment. In 1998 he becomes consultant for ACER Bologna. He successfully joins national and international architectural competitions. Domus puts his projects among the 100 most valuable Italian architectures in 2009. The Institute for Cultural Heritage awards two his projects in 2012 and 2013. He enters Bologna Architectural Association Panel in 2009 and he becomes president of the order in 2011. He becomes Coordinator for the Regional Federation of Architects in 2012. He enters the panel of Bologna Chamber of Commerce in 2013, becoming the vice president in 2015. ANGELO LUIGI MARCHETTI / Marlegno / Angelo was born near Bergamo in 1972; he achieves a degree in Civil Engineering in 1998 at the University of Brescia. In 2000 he contributes to establish Marlegno ltd. – Prefabricated Wooden Buildings – dealing with the engineering and prefabrication phases of timber building and structures. He becomes managing director and technical manager of the company, leading the company towards an approach to the market that relies on sustainability, custom-based design, highly developed expertise on technology and innovation, specific care for detail development and materials use. He becomes vice president of the national builders association Assolegno-FLA. Angelo is confident that technology is a key for sustainability and performance, giving keynotes on the issue in Universities, workshops and conventions. 11 21 Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di bologna Sede di Cesena LAB architecture studio MARKUS SCHERER STUDIO ITALO ROTA Claudio Nardi Architects Claudio Nardi A ARCHITEKT F. I . C O . Fabbrica Italiana COntadina Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. Foster + Partners Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved.
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