World War One HW Grid

World War One HW Grid
You must complete at least three of these tasks, including the starred task in the middle
(why not be growth minded and do more?!). You are expected to complete all homework by
the deadlines set. Homework can be handed in at any time before then. If you are unsure of
ANYTHING, please come and ask me.
The Road to War
Write a diary extract
The Front lines
Create a flow-chart or time-line
describing the events leading to the
start of WW1
No man
Draw a realistic yet fictional map of a
section of the Western Front.
Include accurate and authentic zig
zag trenches, redoubts, strong
points, machine gun emplacements
and barbed wire lines.
Describing the experiences of a soldier
who has spent a night stuck in noman’s land.
A day in the life
Describing a day in the life of a soldier
living in the trenches.
Be sure to include sights, sounds and
Find a Source
Find 5 sources about the First World
Identify their provenance, Whether
they’re primary or secondary,
whether they are pictorial, cartoon
etc. and explain what they tell you
about the War.
WWI Statistics
Find out the following statistics for
WW1 (quote your sources)
Ext: Annotate your map as if you
were an officer planning an attack
on the German lines
How Times Change
“The First World War is rightly as the
war to end all wars.”
Explain how WWI changed the face
of modern warfare. Looking at the
disappearance of the Calvary charge
and the onset of mechanized
Use PEE and the knowledge gained
throughout the topic to support your
I have been learning....
Keep a History Diary:
Write a few sentences to describe what
Bloodiest Battle
you have learnt in History each lesson.
Number of British Dead
Number of German Dead
What level do you think you are
Number of French Dead
at? Give examples of evidence
Miles that the Frontline moved over
that shows this.
the course of the Somme Battle
Number of shells fired on the first
day of the Somme Battle
The number of lives lost per km
gained in the Somme battle
Size of the Armies involved
Bonus Task: Write a War Poem for WW1
Google search “World War One
Propaganda Posters”.
Create an annotated poster,
presentation or summary of your
top three.
World War Two HW Grid
You must complete at least three of these tasks, including the starred task in the middle
(why not be growth minded and do more?!). You are expected to complete all homework by
the deadlines set. Homework can be handed in at any time before then. If you are unsure of
ANYTHING, please come and ask me.
What would Britain be like now if
Hitler’s Germany had won the war?
Which was better?
Spitfire or Messerschmitt?
Justify your decision.
Rank the following events in order of
how important they were in winning
the second world war
1. The D-Day Landings
2. The Dunkirk Evacuation
3. The Battle of Britain
4. The Japanese attack on Pearl
5. The dropping of atomic
bombs on Hiroshima and
Explain your decision
D-Day diary
Write a diary extract for a British
soldier who has just survived the DDay landings.
WW2 Overview
Following the Battle of Britain Winston
Churchill said:
Create a Mind-map or Spider
Diagram for the Second World War.
“Never was so much owed by so many to
so few”
Use PEE and the knowledge gained
throughout the topic to explain what
Churchill meant by this statement.
Find out how Russia was important in
winning the second world war.
Find the definitions for the following WWII
related terms, names and key-words:
Compare and contrast the
Propaganda used by the Axis powers
and the Allies.
You can present this work in any
format you choose.
Some Historians state that Stalin felt
that Russia paid the price for winning
the war in Blood.
Stalingrad was one of the most
significant battles of the second world
The Final Solution
The Blitz
Bonus Task: Create a World Map of who fought who (axis powers and the allies). Also identify occupied countries
and those that were neutral. Include a key, show where they fought etc. There were at least 25 countries involved!
The Holocaust HW Grid
You must complete at least three of these tasks, including the starred task in the middle
(why not be growth minded and do more?!). You are expected to complete all homework
by the deadlines set. Homework can be handed in at any time before then. If you are
unsure of ANYTHING, please come and ask me.
Dear Diary
Anne Frank
Imagine you are a Jewish child in
Germany 1938. Write a letter to a
friend explaining how Hitler has
affected your life and that of your
Which groups face discrimination
in the world today? What should be
done to stop this?
Reference your sources.
Design a storyboard for a film
about Anne Frank.
Think about what events to
portray. Write a brief description
of each scene. Provide a simple
sketch to show what will be in each
Key words
Find the definitions to the
following key words;
Create a timeline summarizing the
treatment of Jews from 1933 to the
end of the Second World War.
Concentration camp
How and why
did the
Teacher Training
Create a lesson activity to teach
your year group about any aspect
of the Holocaust.
List all the different ways the Jews
resisted the Nazis.
Can you explain each one?
The British government has made it
a legal requirement for all
secondary schools to teach students
about the Holocaust. In 2001
Holocaust Memorial Day was
How and why should we remember
the Holocaust?
The Cold War HW Grid
You must complete at least three of these tasks, including the starred task in the middle
(why not be growth minded and do more?!). You are expected to complete all homework
by the deadlines set. Homework can be handed in at any time before then. If you are
unsure of ANYTHING, please come and ask me.
The beginnings
What was NATO? What was its
Choose one of the following events
and use the 5 W’s to find out as
much as you can about it.
Create a flowchart/mind map
which shows the steps that led to
the Cold War.
Key words
Find the definitions to the
following key words;
Guerilla warfare
The Berlin Crisis 1948-49
The Korean War 1950-53
The Bay of Pigs 1961
The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Explain how the Cold
War has contributed
to the following: War,
Poverty, the
destruction of human
rights, the danger of
nuclear war
Create a timeline summarizing the
main events of the Cold War.
Teacher Training
‘Cold’ Map
Create a lesson activity to teach
your year group about any aspect
of the Cold War.
In the 50 years after 1945 there
were around 300 wars. In 1993 the
UN had 60,000 peacekeepers in 14
different countries costing two
billion pounds a year. Was the UN a
success of failure? Explain your
Create a map showing the
divisions in Europe and beyond.