March 421 Your Parish Council Chairman: David Simcox Tel: 279631 Email: [email protected] Vice Chairman: Kay Sentance Tel: 279669 Email: [email protected] Councillor: John Andrews Planning & Transport Rep. Tel: 279212 Councillor: Deirdre Mann Tel: 279334 Councillor: Nicholas Nixey Tel: 07779 246 889 Councillor: Elisabeth Spencer Tel: 279844 Councillor: Terry Coles Tel: 278074 Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer: Jane Simcox Tel: 279631 Email: [email protected] District Councillor: Stephen Harrod Tel: 01844 278068 County Councillor: Stephen Harrod Tel: 01844 278068 Cover photograph: Lewington Close by Julian Dunn Weekly Events Mondays 7.30 to 9.00pm – Bell ringing, Church Tower, Hilarie Rogers (01865 890163) 7.00pm – Holton Bridge Club, Holton Village Hall (01865 436613) Tuesdays 8.00pm – Bible Study House Group. Chris Williams (339359) Wednesdays 9.30am Kindergym and Melody Minors (Music, songs and games) – Gt Haseley Village Hall SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHES For those who do not know, there is a Senior Citizens Lunch once a month at The Plough on the first Wednesday of the month. The next one will be on 4 March 2015, 12.30 for 1.00pm. All welcome. ANNUAL PUMPKIN SHOW LUNCH FOR SENIOR CITIZENS This will take place at The Plough on Wednesday 11 March 12.30 for 1.00. Anyone wishing to go should contact David Pickett (279711) and add your name to the list. If you do not do this, there will not be a place for you. SAVE THE DATE The Haseley Parish Spring Fete on Saturday 16 May at 2pm, The Manor Gardens, Great Haseley. The Haseleys March 2015 2 From the Editor At last, the days are getting longer although there have been a lot of grey days! Signs of spring are around with the birds singing and the odd daffodil, snowdrops and other spring flowers showing their faces. As I am sure you are all aware, there will be an election in May. This will also be a Parish Council election, make sure you vote. At the time of writing I do not know how many people will come forward for the PC election, there are 7 places so if 7 or less put themselves forward then there will not be a election. More than 7, then there will be. I hope lots of you will answer the call for the plea for help from the Archive Group, see below. It should be very interesting for everyone. There is lots in this issue for everyone so please read on. We need volunteers for various events, don’t be shy, get involved. That’s all folks Jane Simcox BELL RINGING We are planning to ring a quarter peal on the afternoon of Sunday 1st March to wish Victor well in his retirement. We were joined by ringers from Benson at our practice at the start of February, and continue to practise on Mondays numbers permitting. Hilarie Rogers MONTHLY COFFEE MORNING The next coffee morning will be in the Village Hall on 12 March 2015, 10.0012.00 noon. Come and enjoy homemade cakes and biscuits and a good chat. All are welcome. GREAT MILTON METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES FOR MARCH 2015 For further information please contact Rev Adam Stevenson on 01865 714163 Date Time Location 11.00 am Great Milton Heather Carter 11.00 am Great Milton Andrew Maisey 11.00 am Great Milton Paul Spray 11.00am Great Milton Simon Pillinger Mar 6.30pm Wesley Memorial 29 Mar 11.00am Great Milton st 1 Mar 8 th Mar 15 th 22 nd Mar The Haseleys March 2015 Circuit Service Adam Stevenson 3 NOTES FROM THE PARISH CLERK All seven members of the Parish Council attended the February meeting, together with the clerk, and one member of the public. The Chairman said he was sure that all knew about the fire at SODC and went on to congratulate them for getting everything up and running so well after such a traumatic event. There had been a reported break-in at an office in Great Haseley and a van had tools stolen from it. The posts had been put in place at the end of Back Way and on the Playing Fields. E Spencer said that she had been notified that there was an appropriate piece of local stone which would be donated for a memorial for Dale Gostick and once she had acquired this, she could then think about the plaque. N Nixey said that he had attended a NAGs (Neighbourhood Action Group) meeting and was impressed by the commitment of the local police force to trying to help keep everyone safe. He was informed that as Thames Valley Police had to make a further £40M savings, it was inevitable that some staff would have to go so people should not be complacent as although crime was low in our area, it may not stay that way. They were encouraging all communities to use Smartwater and set up Neighbourhood Watch schemes. Neighbourhood Watch had been tried in the past but it needs someone who is prepared to put a lot of time and effort into it, see below. He went on to say that he had asked about training and whether the Parish Council could borrow a SID (Speed Indicating Device). This requires a minimum of two people, one to read the car number plate and make of car and one to write it down. Planning – There was no new planning in part due to the fire at SODC. However the clerk had received decisions on the following applications: Warren Barn, Little Haseley and outline planning at Rycote Lane Farm – permission granted. The earth burm at Manor Farm, Tetsworth had been refused by OCC. The lights at the Golf course were again mentioned as nothing had happened. N Nixey had been in touch with S Harrod and the clerk would also send something through to him to get the Enforcement Officer to look at the site. A letter had been sent to the applicants of land at the Orchard informing them of no parking in Back Way once the work started, particularly on the common land. Cheques – Colourplus £313.34; Stamps for The Haseleys £26.06; Heating for meeting £6.00. A cheque was written for Windmill Landscapes (posts on Playing Field & Millennium Wood) for £78.00, this will appear on the March agenda. No other cheques were written. The clerk received £1,322.91 in income from The Haseleys and £6.00 for Book of Walks during the month of January. Reports from Committees Footpaths – N Nixey asked if anything had been done about the footpaths that had not been cleared and was informed they were still the same. The clerk agreed to pass on details of the landowner so that it could contact him direct. The Haseleys March 2015 4 Village Hall – D Mann reported the village fete would take place on 16 May at the Manor Gardens. She was asked to report back to the Village Hall Committee that the outside light was faulty as is the one in the foyer. She was also asked about the child gate which had been mentioned before and she said she would raise the issue at the next meeting. Playing Fields – E Spencer said that a quotation had been received for painting the inside of the Pavilion and this would take place shortly. She also said that a place for the practise net for the cricket club had been agreed but that the Playing Fields Committee would not be able to pay for the work to be done and it was up to the cricket team to raise the funds for the work necessary. The clerk was putting out to tender the grass cutting in the parish to three companies and would report back to the Parish Council at the March meeting so there was time to get the selected company in place for the beginning of the growing season. Allotments – K Sentance said that she had started to get money in for rent. She said the problems with the boundaries was being sorted out once the ground had thawed. She asked for the rent book and the clerk agreed to let her have it. It was confirmed that the year for the allotments ran from November to October. Transport - J Andrews said he had written to the two bus companies regarding speeding through the village but had not received any acknowledgement. D Mann said that she had spoken with the drivers of the 103 bus about the problem. Other matters A provisional date of 11 April was set for this event; it needs to be checked with Village Hall bookings before confirmation, see below for further details. It was asked if the contractors at the new house in Rectory Road could be told to wash the road more frequently as it was now in a very bad state. The clerk agreed to do this. Next meeting: 9 March and the following one on 13 April 2015 in the Village Hall 7.30pm. EVENTS IN LITTLE MILTON AT THE PINE LODGE CINEMA CLUB Every 3rd Thursday of the month. 19th March 8pm. Enjoy a film on the big screen, without the hassle & cost of going to the cinema. Plus licenced bar. Membership (6 films): Adult/Child £12, Over 60s £8. For further details & news visit us at: CRAFT CLUB Every 3rd Wednesday of the month. 18th March 7.30-10pm. Drop in or stay for the whole evening. All crafts and crafters welcome. £2 per session. The Haseleys March 2015 5 QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 21st March. Ticket includes 2-course dinner. Licensed bar serving:Excellent local ale. Wine supplied by Little Milton shop,Corkage £2 per bottle. Everyone welcome!. on your own or in a team. Tickets on sale at LM Post Office: £8 or via our Facebook page at at ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN AND LITTERBLITZ It is planned to hold this event on Saturday 11 April 2015. One project that has been suggested is to clear the footpath between 1 Lewington Close and School House as this is now very overgrown. We will have a skip to get rid of the shrubs etc. We also intend to clear the road/kerb edge in Thame Road that did not get done when SODC did Rectory Road, so we will be asking residents to make sure that their cars are moved for a short time while this takes place. There will also be the annual checking of children’s play equipment and if we get enough volunteers, the picnic tables and seats will be painted both on the Playing Fields and the Cross Field. There will also be the normal litterblitz. If you have any other suggestions of areas that need attention, please let me know. So, lots to do and I do hope that there will be lots of volunteers! All work will be coordinated from the Village Hall starting at 9.30. Tea/coffee will be available for all helpers and a light lunch of soup and bread available about 12.30. Please let me know if you wish to have lunch so that I can estimate how much soup to make! Everyone welcome, you do not have to stay the whole time, just an hour helps. Looking forward to hearing from you. Jane Simcox 279631 HASELEY ARCHIVE GROUP We need you! The Archive Group is proposing to research all the houses in Great Haseley and find out all we can about each and every house. This includes ancient and modern houses so no one should feel that their house has not been looked at. We will move on to Little Haseley after this has been completed. This is a mammoth task as there are around 100 houses in the village and therefore we are hoping that all the village will get involved. If you do not personally want to do any research, have you got any details of your property, ie when it was built, was it originally a house or a pub or shop? Who has lived in your house in years gone by? We will also research a little on the “architecture” of your house if we can find anything out. We would not publish names of current owners/residents of the properties as we do not wish to upset anyone. The Haseleys March 2015 6 Do you want to be involved? We would love your help, maybe not your own house but one in the village. If people came forward to help this would shorten the task. Our aim, eventually is to produce a publication about every single building in the village with photographs and text. We meet in the Village Hall on the last Tuesday of each month (next meeting 31 March), we are a very informal group so do not feel intimidated. Please come along, the more the merrier. If you want to talk to anyone about this, you can contact either myself or Kay Sentance and we will fill you in as to our plans. Jane Simcox FROM THE EDITOR I have received a letter from the husband of Julie Payne talking about her medical condition known as Multiple System Atrophy which causes degeneration of nerve cells in the brain leading to the total shutdown of all bodily functions except eye movement. Julie has been a keen horsewoman for many years and is hoping to compete at the Paralympics in Rio 2016, health permitting. She is also trying to raise money for the MSA Trust and will be doing a wing walk in April and is looking for people to sponsor her for this event. This can be done either by going to and putting Julie’s name in. Or by cheque to J Payne at 11 Horse Close, Great Haseley, Oxford OX44 7JJ. A very brave lady! SPEEDING TRAFFIC A number of people have complained about speeding traffic through the village. The only way that something can be done about this is if a group of people are prepared to undertake training to use a Speed Indication Device (SID). Each time this is used, it needs two people, one to take the registration number and make of vehicle and the other to write it down. So, either come forward and agree to undertake this training and use SID or slow down! LITTLE MILTON WI In February we had a very interesting talk from Neil Toppings, author of ‘Seasons of Love’. His books are available at, the royalties of which go to local charities, including Chalgrove primary school. On 12th March we have a demonstration by The Flower Shop ( followed by our AGM. Hear about all our activities in the past year, get a preview of the new programme, come and join this vibrant village group. The Haseleys March 2015 7 Everyone welcome to all WI meetings, all ages, men included! Only £3 for visitors. Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30-9.30pm. Annual membership £36 includes 12 meetings per year with refreshments, 10 Oxfordshire newsletters, 8 National magazines called WI Life, organised outings and discounted courses at Denman college. Keep up to date with WI news & events at and see our programme for 2014/15 at Kath Stacey 279438 Can you help Medical Detection Dogs save lives? The charity Medical Detection Dogs is training dogs in the detection by scent of human diseases and lifethreatening health conditions. The Cancer Detection Dogs work on clinical trials with universities and health professionals in the early detection of cancer, publishing the results in scientific journals. (For example our dogs are over 90% accurate in the early detection of prostate cancer.) The Medical Alert assistance dogs partner clients with life-threatening health conditions, acting as ‘early warning systems’; for example alerting before a hypoglycaemic attack causes collapse in a brittle Type 1 Diabetic person. We are a small group of volunteers, the Oxon and Cotswold support group, supporting the charity by giving talks and running local fundraising events and street collections. We are looking for help with our fundraising. We need: • Volunteers to help with street collections and events • Offers to run an event, eg coffee morning or sale • Good quality second-hand clothes • Good quality bric-a-brac • Old jewellery, used stamps, used printer cartridges • New ideas for fundraising If you would like to join our group (mainly based in West Oxon), or volunteer for even one event a year, please contact: Heather Shute 01993 831909 or The Haseleys March 2015 8 [email protected]. Also, if you would like a speaker to come to your local group, please contact us. The charity’s website is: NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH SCHEME As you will see from the Clerk’s notes, NAG is suggesting that all villages should set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. This has been mentioned in the past in Great Haseley but it never really got off the ground. This is one way to help keep everyone safe, however the downside is that it needs a coordinator. Do you feel this is something you would like to take on? I am not sure how much work it involves but it is something we can find out. If you are interested, please contact me and I will find out further details. Jane Simcox GREAT HASELEY AND DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Yesterday there was finally a hint of spring in the air with sunshine and blue skies for much of the day, although the heavy frost made starting early in the garden rather difficult. Purists say you should never walk on frozen grass as this will cause damage; in practice when your lawn is a mown field like ours, it doesn't seem to cause any damage. Indeed working on frozen flower beds can be helpful if you are simply cutting back dried, decaying vegetation, but I find that emerging bulbs are more vulnerable when stood upon. Of course if I was properly organised I would already have cleared the beds, but I have not and that is what I am working on at the moment. I have to confess that, having instructed you to cut back the leaves on your Oriental Hellebores in my January article two months ago, I have still not completed this task! Another day in the sun beckons today and I will, as usual, be accompanied by my trusty chicken friends from next door, although there now seem to be only two of them... They have become more sophisticated in their journey which used to consist of an inelegant scramble over wall and netting; now they simply walk onto the green and through the gate like they own the place. We are now a year on from planting a mixed native hedge which spent a lot of last spring sitting in water as it is on the flood plain. Amazingly there is only one dead plant which we will replace; the rest were pruned by the alpacas when they started to shoot leaves. This spring the netting is higher and, hopefully, the plants should gain more height. I am astonished at their speed of development under a regime of benign neglect; all we have done is keep the weeds down thus reducing competition and given the occasional can of water (all water has to be collected in water butts and carried in the vegetable garden as it is too far from the garden tap). Yesterday in the sun I saw the first sleepy lady birds stretching their legs a honey bee feeding and a bright green caterpillar; I left them to their own devices. I can't say that I will be as kind to other insects when they start to The Haseleys March 2015 9 appear. I try to keep up with aphids on my roses by squashing them and don't resort to chemicals most years, but I do spray Lilies against Lily Beetle as I never seem to be able to keep up with those pernicious creatures. I have very few lilies actually planted in the beds these days as I really hate to spray and in pots access is much easier. I also spray my beloved Salvias and Fuchsias against Capsid Bug; if I wanted to be more organic I would need to stop growing these plants, although they are less affected in certain areas of the garden. I don't spray my fruit and vegetables, but do use slug pellets when necessary working on the premise that they don't actually touch the plants. Liz Moyses Membership secretary [email protected] 01844 279875 Please contact me for further details of membership which costs only £5 per family per year. Thank you to those members who have already paid their subscription for 2015 and may I remind other members that your subscription is now overdue and will be gratefully received; you must be in good standing to vote at the AGM. Don't forget the AGM at 7.30pm on Wednesday 25th March in Great Haseley Village Hall - all welcome. There will be a guest speaker whose topic will be composting. NEIGHBOURS CLUB We held our first outing of 2015 on the 21st January; this was to the pantomime at the Corn Exchange, Wallingford and it was very good. The following day, the 22nd January, we held our A.G.M. and everyone was thanked for their help and contributions to the Club in 2014. The Sheppard Trust had not held their meeting to discuss requests for grants but we have since been told that we have been awarded £750, half of which will be allocated to Club funds and the other half towards our outings. On the 2nd February we held a meeting in Fullers Field to discuss our outings programme when lots of ideas were put forward. We had a very interesting meeting on the 5th February when a group from the local History Society came to talk about life in the village in 1939 - 1949 and how it was affected by the war and the following years. Everyone had different memories of that time and it was a very interesting afternoon. We hope they will come again for a follow-up. On the 18th February we went to the Ferryman at Bablock Hythe for lunch and played skittles in the afternoon. This is always a very popular outing with everyone joining in and enjoying themselves. The following day, the 19th February, we had one of our favourite speakers at our meeting - this was Mr Clive Jones and he spoke to us and showed slides of Blenheim Palace, the gardens and the many events which took place in the beautiful Blenheim Park. We also celebrated Janet's 80th birthday and she was given a card and bouquet of flowers. Also Heather made a beautiful birthday cake which we all shared. Forthcoming Events - March The Haseleys March 2015 10 Wed 25th - Outing to the Museum at Woodstock and the Crocodiles of the World at Brize Norton. THREE VILLAGES CAR SERVICE The Three Villages Car service exists to help people who are having difficulty in getting to their doctors appointments. For those who are unable to drive, get a bus, or get a lift with family or friends, we will, if able, take you to the doctors surgery or to appointments at Thame Hospital. For appointments at the main Oxford hospitals, we suggest you ask for the Hospital Transport services. We are here to help those living in the parishes of Great Milton and Great Haseley. If you need our help, please phone Jane Jefferis on 01844 278743 or Wendy Richardson on 01844 278479. We are also seeking some others to join the small band of volunteer drivers, and we particularly need drivers from Great Haseley. If you are able to help in this way, Jane or Wendy would love to hear from you. The Haseleys March 2015 11 GHSC QUIZ NIGHT Great Haseley Sports Club will be holding their 2015 fundraising Quiz Night at Great Haseley Village Hall Friday 6th March 2015 (Start time 8.00pm, doors open from 7.30pm) £5 per head (max 8 per team) To guarantee your table, tickets will be available in advance from Jo Shrimpton on 01844 278298 or Viki Freear on 01844 278033 or just come along on the night Wine, beer and soft drinks will be on sale All proceeds will go towards resurfacing the tennis courts which is a significant expense, and will need to be done in approx. 2/3 years time to keep our wonderful tennis facilities up to standard The Haseleys March 2015 12 FROM THE RECTORY LENT LUNCHES These will be held around the benefice on three Mondays during Lent, and all are warmly welcome to attend. As ever, there is no need to book, just arrive at our very generous and kind hosts and be assured of a very warm welcome. Come along and meet your old friends and make new ones, but above all simply enjoy being with one another in togetherness. Any donations will be given to Christian Aid, who seek to help and encourage this world’s poor along the way to being self-sufficient. We are very proud of our support for Christian Aid, and the Lent Lunches do afford us with an opportunity to help those whose life is tepid and who struggle even to live. So the dates and venues for this year are:9th March by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jefferis at North End Cottage, High Street, Great Milton, 16th March at the home of Anne Hawkins, Haseley Road, Little Milton, by kind invitation. 23rd March by kind invitation, at the home of Ann Maloney, Back Way, Great Haseley (behind the Old School). Lent Lunches will be served on each occasion between 12.00 and 1.30. Do come along won’t you! Additional Services for Lent During Lent, on each Wednesday evening at 7.30 p.m., in addition to our normal services, we will be holding our usual quiet meditative services of Compline. The services will rotate around our 3 Churches. In recent years people have found these services which last about 30-40 minutes very useful. They in their own help can give us, a certain space in our busy lives, to be rather than to do. Please do look at the list of Services to see where the service is for each particular week. MOTHERING SUNDAY This falls on the 4th Sunday of Lent, the 15th March, and the Benefice Mothering Sunday Family Service will be held in St. Mary’s, Great Milton at 10.00 a.m. that day. This is a special day in the Church’s Calendar, and on this day we will give special thanks for all that comes to through our Mothers, so please do join with us, bring all your family and friends with you. We would simply love to see you. We really would. ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING St. Peter’s Annual Church Meeting will be held in the Church on April 19th at 10.30 a.m., following on from the Sung Communion that day. In preparation for the Meeting we have to update our Church’s Electoral Roll. Our Electoral Roll Officer is Jane Cannon and should anyone wish their name to be added to The Haseleys March 2015 13 the roll, or their name removed, then please do speak to Jane. Application Forms to join the Roll will shortly be available and placed at the back of the Church for your convenience. MOVING I am very conscious that this month’s article and notes from the Rectory are the last that I shall write before I move on to live in Chipping Norton in early April. It is with a truly heavy heart that I shall be leaving, but what must be, must be. I am sure that under the watchful eye of our Churchwardens and parish representatives a worthy successor will emerge. All those involved in this process have my prayers. Over the years, I seem to have written countless reflections, and I feel honoured that the respective editors have felt that they have been worth publishing. In them, I’ve tried to give a Christian perspective on various aspects of everyday life, and sought as best I could to make known the reality of God and his ways among human kind, in our ever so serious a world. Putting it another way, I’ve tried to provide an opportunity for us to glimpse the activity of God in the everyday experiences and encounters of life. No one writes by accident and of course, the pen is mightier than the sword, and so great care must be taken when putting things together, but I’ve always held to three principles, be it in the monthly reflections, a Sunday sermon, or whatever, I always ask myself, “Is it interesting?”, “Is it true?” and “Is it helpful”? I must leave it with you as to whether I’ve fulfilled those principles. So finally, brethren, be strong, be joyful, and in that strength and that joy journey well, fare well. Victor 01844 279498 FARE WELL ‘Finally, brethren, farewell’- St. Paul concluding the second epistle to the Corinthians. Of course he did not pen that word ‘farewell’. The Greek word in the New Testament is χαιρετε- ‘rejoice’, ‘have joy’. Had he as a Roman citizen, been writing in Latin, it would have been valete- ‘be strong, have strength’. But the person who made the Authorized Version chose ‘farewell’, journey well. For ‘farewell’ implies ‘moving’, travelling, making a journey. ‘Farewell’ comes from the old German word fahren, to travel, and survives in our words, like thoroughfare, wayfarer, seafarer, bus fare, taxi fare. Farewell then: travel well. It is what of your kindness you now wish me. It is also what I wish you. For whether we like it or not we are all on the move. All of us, always, day after day journeying on-getting ever farther and farther from where we were this morning, and all that is past, and getting ever nearer and nearer to whatever lies ahead in the future. Leaving the past is often painful, and in my case having been here for over 15 years, there is so much which I find difficult in leaving. You have made me feel The Haseleys March 2015 14 that I am part of your family. The warmth, generosity and friendship of you good people, the encouragement you have afforded me, the happy smiling faces of our school children, the honour and privilege of sharing in your joyous moments, and seeking to strengthen when life seems raw and hollow, and much, much more. But above all else I’ve sought to reveal something of the over-arching and undergirding love of God, which is at the heart of all things. Now to the future, what does the future hold for us all? It all seems so unsure. The one and only thing we can say with certainty is that one day there will be an end, and for us Christian people, that end will be-with the grace and mercy of God-coming to a full vision of God. But we journey on today, now, between the hither and farther shore, doing so in the sure confidence of our Lord’s words, “Take no anxious thought for the morrow”. So journey well, fare well, today. That raises the question, what does it mean to fare well in our today? Many things, I’m sure, but in particular, it means having the strength for today’s journey, strength we haven’t got, the strength that only God can supply, the strength to face and cope with all the achievements and setbacks, challenges and joys which we shall encounter on our way. Which, I take it, is no little part of the reason why a Roman, when wishing someone ‘fare well’, said ‘Vale’, have strength. And the key to receiving that strength is prayer and the outworkings of the Holy Spirit. But secondly, the Greeks of Paul’s world, when wishing ‘Fare Well’ said χαιρετε, ‘have joy’. What is that joy? Well, in Our Lord Jesus Christ, God came down to earth to take us by the hand and to lead us on, and when and where necessary, to carry us along, through all that life may bring, till we see him as he truly is on that farther shore. If we would but only grasp that hand which is offered us, if we would only abandon ourselves to follow the patterns and disciplines Jesus taught his first disciples, and longs to teach us still, then we shall find being led deeper into his presence and his mystery. But more than that, and much more to our surprise, we shall discover more fully than ever before, that at the heart of things there beats a heart of love. If we were to respond to that love, we shall find we ourselves become more loving, more sensitive to others, less concerned with ourselves and our own desires. We come alive when we live in love and live for others. When love breaks into our lives, things are transformed and transfigured, and joy follows. With this love and joy, our daily journey is not a dull advance along a grim groove, but part of an onward and upward movement leading to our ultimate destination, heaven. Heaven, which is perfect life and perfect love, joy, perfect melody, harmony, grace and courtesy and all and everything with Christ and Christ with God. So finally, brethren, be strong, be joyful, and in that strength and that joy journey well, fare well. The Haseleys March 2015 15 ST PETER’S: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE: A MESSAGE FROM THE PCC As you know, Victor retires from the parish in March, after 15 years of devoted ministry. He will be moving to Chipping Norton – so, not far away; and he takes with him our every best wish for the future, and our deepest thanks for all that he has given to us. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS The process for selecting a new Rector is now underway. We are delighted that the arrangement will remain as now – so there will be a new Rector with responsibility for the three parishes of Great Milton, Little Milton and the Haseleys. Advertisements will be placed in the relevant press shortly, and a recruitment panel drawn from the PCC’s of the three churches has been formally appointed. We hope that interviews will be held this side of the summer, giving us a good chance to get a new Rector in place before the end of the year. Nevertheless, we will be without a Rector for a number of months, so it is important to let everyone know how the life of the church will be sustained over that period. The pattern of the services will continue as now, although there will be some changes to the format of the Family Service. It will still be at 11am on the first Sunday of each month, but it will be a bit shorter – just half an hour; we will replace the sermon with an activity more appropriate for the children, and we will use more of the music and words they will be familiar with from school. It will always be advertised in The Haseleys, and we hope that as many families as possible will be able to come. There will be Holy Communion at 8am on the second Sunday of the month as now, and a sung Holy Communion at 9.30 on the third Sunday. On the fourth (and when there is one, the fifth) Sunday of the month a Benefice Communion will be held at one of the three churches, which will continue to take it in turns. As usual, all these dates will be publicised in The Haseleys, and on the church notice board. We have been able to ensure full cover for all of our services from now until the summer, so there should be no disruption, and plenty going on! If you want to arrange a wedding, baptism or funeral, the first person to talk to is Jean Nixey, the Church Warden. She will be able to explain what you need to do, and make all the necessary arrangements. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THE CHURCH? Anybody coming for interview to be our new Rector will want to know how the church fits in to the life of the village, and how the church will be able to sustain itself in future. We want to take advantage of the opportunity – and challenge –of seeing ourselves as any potential Rector will see us, before we The Haseleys March 2015 16 make the new appointment: to understand our strengths, and to identify the areas where we would want them to help us develop. So we are keen, as a PCC, to do two things: first, to hear as many views as possible about how you feel the church does, or should, put itself at the heart of our village and community life; and second, how you think we can best secure the financial security of an institution which has to pay its own way. That will always be through a combination of dedicated, sustained and regular giving, and self-help through the events that we mount. We also benefit from some generous legacies tied to supporting specific aspects of the church and its fabric. But the costs are rising: a beautiful church like ours is an expensive building to maintain, and the overall running costs that we have to recover are now somewhere above £20,000 per annum. So one of the challenges we will face with our new Rector is how best to secure that future, so that the church can continue to be a place where the village comes together to celebrate our sense of shared community. If you have thoughts on any of this, please do get in touch with any member of the PCC – Jean Nixey, Toby Garfitt, Jill Freeman, Judy Alexander, Jane Cannon, Stephen Fairfax or Tim Suter. Jean Nixey, Church Warden (01844 281209; [email protected]) The Churchwarden is responsible for all matters relating to the Church during the Interregnum. Please contact, Jean Nixey on 07748222991 should any needs arise. VICTOR LEONARD STORY After 15 ½ years as our Rector of the Benefice of Great Milton with Little Milton and Great Haseley and having reached the ripe old age of seventy, Victor is retiring and going to live in Chipping Norton. We will miss him in our churches and wish him well in his retirement. He will be missed in the schools at Great Milton and Little Milton where he is so well loved by the children and the staff. Victor was born and bred in Hastings. He qualified as a teacher of mathematics in London and Brighton from where he graduated with his Degree of Batchelor of Science. He later was called to the ministry and studied at Cuddesdon .After serving at Evesham, Shipton on Stour and with the Mission of Seamen in Rotterdam he joined our Benefice in 1999. God Bless Victor Malcolm Prior FIREWORKS – TEAM WANTED In the responses to the Village Plan Survey 98% of you wanted an Annual Fireworks Party. Well, if you want one, there needs to be a new team to prepare for, execute and clear up after the event. Are you up to the The Haseleys March 2015 17 challenge? If so, I look forward to meeting you on Monday 16th March in the Plough at 7.30pm. I will buy a drink for the first four who arrive! David Simcox The Haseleys March 2015 18 BENEFICE SERVICES MARCH/APRIL (Partial) 2015 GREAT MILTON St Mary’s Sunday 1st March Lent 2 LITTLE MILTON St James’s Farewell Benefice Service For Victor 11.00 a.m. Wednesday 4th March Sunday 8th March Lent 3 GREAT HASELEY St Peter’s Compline 7.30 p.m. Toby Garfitt Morning Praise Sung Communion CW 9.30 a.m. M Braybrooke Holy Communion BCP 8.00 a.m. M Braybrooke Compline 7.30 p.m. Toby Garfitt 11.00 a.m. Toby Garfitt Wednesday 11th March Sunday 15th March Lent 4 Mothering Sunday Wednesday 18th March Benefice Mothering Day Family Service 10.00 a.m. Tony Jefferis Compline 7.30 p.m. Andrew Meynell Holy Communion BCP 8.00 a.m. Julian Dunn Sunday 22nd March Lent 2 Benefice Communion CW 10.00 a.m. Toddy Hoare Wednesday 25th March Sunday 29th March Palm Sunday Thursday 2nd April Maundy Thursday Friday 3rd April Good Friday Sunday 5th April Easter Sunday Compline 7.30 p.m. Sister Anne Benefice Communion CW 10.00 a.m. Andrew Meynell Holy Communion 7.30 p.m. Sister Anne A service of meditation 11.00 a.m. T Jefferis/T Garfitt Holy Communion CW 11.00 a.m. Toddy Hoare The Haseleys March 2015 Holy Communion CW 9.30 a.m. Toddy Hoare 19 Holy Communion BCP 8.00 a.m. Toddy Hoare The Haseleys March 2015 20 The Haseleys March 2015 21 Sudoku Easy Medium 6 4 8 3 5 8 2 5 3 9 8 1 1 6 2 6 9 8 9 2 7 9 8 5 3 5 8 4 9 6 4 6 3 2 5 5 1 8 6 7 4 5 1 2 7 6 2 8 9 4 9 4 6 5 7 9 1 8 The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9, only ONE time each (that is, exclusively). The Haseleys March 2015 22 The Haseleys The newsletter of Great Haseley Parish Council Published every month on the 1st or thereabouts and distributed free to homes in Great Haseley, Little Haseley, Standhill, Rycote, North Weston and Milton Common. EDITOR: Jane Simcox, Christmas Cottage, Latchford Lane, Great Haseley, Tel: 01844 279631 Advertise: Deadline 20th of every month. The editor reserves the right not to print items submitted for publication and to edit those items which are published. The Haseleys Advertising Rates 2014 Black and White : Quarter Page (Portrait) Half Page (Landscape) Full Page Full Colour Rear Cover or Full Centre Pages Full Colour page £6.00 £12.00 £24.00 £75.00 £37.50 Prices are for single insertion (one monthly edition). Multi Edition Discount (one payment): Full year (11 editions) – 10% Discount Advertisements must be paid for in advance. Please send a copy of your advertisement to the Editor (Email: [email protected]) Please send your payment to: Great Haseley Parish Council Jane Simcox Christmas Cottage Latchford Lane Great Haseley Oxfordshire OX44 7LE Cheques made payable to: Great Haseley Parish Council. Printing Keith Hodges, Colourplus, Chalgrove, Telephone 01865 400040 Distribution Great Haseley – Caroline Pickett, Elisabeth Spencer, Malcolm Prior, John and Jill Andrews and Jane Simcox. Little Haseley and Standhill - Jennifer Lee Rycote, North Weston - By post from Jane Simcox, Clerk to the Council Milton Common - Simon Hales Essential Information Bus Passes Cash points Churches Parishioners over 60 can request bus passes from OCC. BP Stadhampton, ASDA Wheatley and Services at Junction 8 M40 St Peters Church, Great Haseley: see newsletter for service times. Great Milton Methodist Church Education Centres Wheatley The Lodge, Wheatley Park School, Holton, tel. 01865 872664. Thame Towersey Road, Thame, tel. 01844 213400/213114 Doctors Morland House Surgery, London Road, Wheatley, tel. 01865 872448. Out of hours service 0845 345 8995 Transport to doctor or hospital. Contact Jane Jefferis 278743 or Wendy Richardson on 278479 Dry Cleaning Collected from the Post Offices at Little and Great Milton Flooding Environment Agency Floodline, tel. 0845 988 1188. South Oxfordshire District Council, tel. 01491 823473 Gt Haseley Village Hall Available to hire, contact Hazel Ball 208261 (Mobile 07780 604904); [email protected] Libraries Branch libraries at Wheatley and Thame, also Temple Cowley, Bury Knowle, and Headington Local news; Oxford Mail Markets Organic Farmers' Market every Thursday 2.30-6 pm at Sandy Lane Farm, Milton Common. Thame Market every Tuesday in the Upper High Street Car Park 8.30-4.30. Farmers Market in the Upper High Street Car Park in Thame, second Tuesday of the month 8.30am 1.30 pm. Milk Allan Woods Tel: 07773006485. Mobile library Every second Thursday outside Great Haseley Village Hall, 2.15 to 2.30 p.m. tel. 01865 810229. Neighbours Club Janet Earl Tel: 01844 279432. Newspapers Delivered (Monday to Saturday) by P Donnelly, Great Milton Post Office, tel. 279455. Open Sunday mornings. Petrol ASDA , Wheatley, and services at junction 8 M40. Police Non-emergency: 101 Post Offices Available in Little Milton and Great Milton Recycling Paper, Cans, Glass Bottles, Tetrapacks, Food Waste and Plastics collected Tuesdays. Refuse Collection Normally Tuesdays, after bank holidays collection usually moves to the Wednesday. Silverline a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, 0800 4 70 80 90 free phone line from landlines. Supermarkets ASDA, Wheatley; Sainsburys, Heyford Hill; Tesco, Cowley; Waitrose, Thame; also mini-market 08.00. 20.00 7 days a week at Stadhampton; Great Milton Post Office. Swimming Baths Thame Sports and Arts Centre 01844 215607 Tennis Recreation Ground Contact Charlotte Ten Holter tel. 278821.for bookings. The Samaritans 0845 790 9090 Water Thames Water. To report leaks: 0800 714614 W.I. Little Milton W.I. Meet second Thursday of the month, 7.30 p.m. at The Pine Lodge, Little Milton, Kath Stacey 279438 The Haseleys March 2015 24
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