UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS ENROLMENT OF STUDENTS ON UNDERGRADUATE FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME PROGRAMMES – 2015/2016 INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS Applicable to Mauritian Nationals IMPORTANT NOTE YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND USE THE TOOLKIT AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: BEFORE FILLING IN THE ONLINE FORM YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE INVALID AND AN OFFER OF A SEAT, IF MADE, WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY WITHDRAWN IN CASE OF WRONG INFORMATION / ENTRIES. THE UNIVERSITY WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY CHANGE IN THE CHOICE AND ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROGRAMMES AFTER AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. HOWEVER, PRIORITY WILL NOT APPLY FOR FULL-TIME TUITION-FEE PAYING PROGRAMMES WITH PROGRAMME CODE ENDING WITH “M”. CANDIDATES HAVING SC AND HSC QUALIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO PRINT AND SEND THEIR APPLICATION FORM BY POST TO THE UNIVERSITY. LETTERS OF OFFER WILL BE ISSUED ONLY TO A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS ENTERED IN YOUR ONLINE APPLICATION. THE UNIVERSITY WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR A WRONG ENTRY OF EMAIL ADDRRESS. 1. GENERAL III. .. Before filling the online Application Form, applicants are advised to read carefully the 'General Information to Students' handbook 2015/2016 and Information on Programmes available for consultation on the University and website at the following addresses: IIII. II.. Applications are invited only for those programmes that are ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL PRESS AND ON THE UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. IIIII. IIII.. The University is now offering the possibility for applicants to apply for two additional Full-Time Programmes (with Programme Code ending with “M”) where Tuition Fees are applicable. The rule with regard to priority will not apply for these two additional programmes. The Profile of last candidates admitted also does not apply for these programmes IIIV. V V.. For Applicants possessing SC or HSC, they should double-check all their details on the Form and submit their Application Form online only. They should print the Cash Deposit Voucher and effect payment of a non-refundable Application Fee of Rs 1,100 through the State Bank of Mauritius or the Mauritius Commercial Bank as per online instructions. They will not be required to print and send their Application Form to the University by post. V .. V V. For Applicants possessing qualifications other than SC or HSC, they should send, by registered post only, a printed and signed Online Application Form together with photocopies of educational certificates, to the Admissions and Student Records Office, Lim Fat Engineering Tower, University of Mauritius, Réduit, V II.. V VI. Applicants will not be required to call at the University for application procedures and should consult the Online Application system. V IIII.. V VII. Qualifications obtained after the closing date will not be considered. ONCE A CANDIDATE HAS BEEN OFFERED A SEAT ON A PROGRAMME INDICATED AS A HIGHER PRIORITY NO OFFER WILL BE MADE ON PROGRAMME/S INDICATED AS LOWER PRIORITY. LIKEWISE A CANDIDATE WHO HAS BEEN OFFERED A LOWER PRIORITY PROGRAMME AND THEREAFTER A HIGHER ONE, WHICH HE/SHE TRANSFERS TO, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO RE-TRANSFER BACK TO THE LOWER ONE. THIS WILL 2. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS NOT APPLY FOR FULL-TIME TUITION FEE PAYING PROGRAMMES WITH PROGRAMME CODE ENDING WITH “M”. Please refer to the 'General Information to Students' booklet and Information on Programmes 2015/2016 for the General Minimum Entry Requirements and the Specific Programme Requirements on the University Website. 3. INFORMATION ON PROGRAMMES (VERY IMPORTANT) Information on programmes is available on the University website. Applicants are advised to read the information on the programmes of their choice to find out about the specific programme requirements, objectives and duration of these programmes to ensure that they suit their needs. Where the syllabus of a programme is new or still under preparation or revision, students should call at the relevant Faculty for any additional information they may need. Applicants are invited to make use of the Admission Toolkit at the following address: to assist them in choosing their programmes. For Full-Time Tuition-Fee Paying Programme with Programme Code ending with “M”, the profile of Last Candidate admitted does not apply. Applicants are informed that, at the Faculty of Engineering, BEng (Hons) programmes are meant for those who wish to pursue careers as engineers whereas BSc (Hons) programmes do not cater for aspiring engineers. 4. FEES THE FEES ARE APPROXIMATE AND BASED ON 2014/2015 INTAKE. THE UNIVERSITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVIEW FEES BEFORE THE START OF ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016. 4.1 APPLICATION FEE A non-refundable application fee of Rs 1,100 is payable before the application can be processed. Application must be submitted online. Complete instructions for submitting online applications are available via the internet on the website as from Friday 27th February 2015 and all procedures and instructions should be clearly followed. 4 . 2 G E N E R A L F E E S (applicable to ALL STUDENTS) (Subject to Review) (a) For Flexible and Open/Continuous Learning Programmes Semester basis Yearly basis (Subject to review) For 1-3 modules – Rs 1,800 per semester For up to 18 credits – Rs 3,500 per annum For 4 -6 modules – Rs 3,500 per semester For more than 18 credits – Rs 6,900 per annum (b) For all other Undergraduate Programmes (Subject to Review) Programmes General Fees (per annum) Students’ Welfare Fund (per annum) Total Fees (per annum) Degree & Diploma/Degree Rs 15,150 Rs 350 Rs 15,500 Diploma Rs 14,350 Rs 350 Rs 14,700 Certificate Rs 12,550 Rs 350 Rs 12,900 4.3 TUITION FEES 1. (Subject to Review) Tuition fees are not applicable to Full-time programmes except the following: (i) Diploma in Sanitary Science (2 yrs F/T) - Rs 1,300 per credit (ii) BSc (Hons)Web and Multimedia Development (1 yr F/T) [Top-Up Programme] - Rs 1,300 per credit 2. General and Tuition Fees for Postgraduate programmes shall apply in the 4th Year of the following programmes: a. BSc (Hons) Biology (Minor: Forensic Science or Marine and Coastal Environmental Science)/MSc Biology (3/4¼ yrs F/T) b. BSc (Hons)/MSc Nutritional Sciences (3/4 yrs F/T) NOTE: Tuition Fees are exclusive of general fees. A discount of 5% on Tuition Fees will be provided to students paying the whole amount of tuition fees for the academic year upon registration. Please note that the following Direct Debit facilities (Bank Standing Order) will be available for settlement of tuition fees only and upon request. If you avail yourself of this facility, you will be required to settle your fees as follows: (i) General Fees, Students’ Welfare Fund and Laboratory Fee (where applicable) in full + 50% of Tuition Fees to be paid on registration date. (ii) Balance of 50% of Tuition Fees to be paid in 3 equal and consecutive monthly instalments. Payment is to be made as from the end of the following month after registration. A Standing Order form will be available at the Finance Director’s Office during the registration exercise. The form duly filled in, should be submitted before registration. In case of revocation of the Standing Order before its termination, you will not be admitted to the examinations as per University regulations. 4.4 ALL-INCLUSIVE FEES (Subject to Review) (i) An all-inclusive Fee of Rs 5,000 per annum is applicable for the Certificate in Peace and Interfaith Studies Programme. (ii) An all-inclusive Fee of Rs 40,000 is applicable for programmes with Programme Code ending with “M” (iii) Doctor of Medicine (MD) - Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Medicine (3/6 Yrs F/T) An all-inclusive yearly fee is applicable for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) - Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Medicine programme as follows: Programmes Tuition Fees General Fees Students’ Total (Rs) (Rs) Welfare Fund (Rs) per annum per annum (Rs) (subject to review) Part 1 - Bachelor of Medicine (3 Years Full-Time) Part 2 - Master of Medicine (3 Years Full-Time) 103,950 27,050 350 131,350 157,950 27,050 350 185,350 4.5 LABORATORY & OTHER FEES (Subject to Review) For all Full-time Science and Technology Programmes in which there are lab-based modules, a laboratory fee of Rs 5,000 per annum is charged For Part-time Programmes (where applicable), Rs 850 is charged for each lab-based module For BSc (Hons) Medical Science, a Clinical Training Fee of Rs 6,900 per annum is payable upon registration. For applicants wishing to follow one or a few modules of undergraduate programmes as “Auditeur Libre”, fees of Rs 1,400 per credit and an additional fee of Rs 850 for each lab-based module and any other relevant fees, are payable upon enrolment on the module/s. Final year Full-Time students, where applicable, will have to pay a Dissertation Fee of Rs 1,800. This Fee will be shared by students undertaking group dissertations. Note: Upon registration, the Students’ Welfare Fund must be paid by all students whether sponsored or not. 4.6 NOTE (i) If offered a seat at the University of Mauritius, a person, at registration, shall pay all required fees or produce written evidence of sponsorship by employer. (ii) A student who does not pay all fees and charges as required shall be suspended from the University and may only be re-admitted with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by him. (iii) Certificates of Graduands will be withheld as long as the graduands have not cleared all their liabilities towards the University. 5. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION Applicants should submit their Application Form Online only except for those having other qualifications than SC and HSC and effect payment as per instructions. Deadline for submission of application is Monday 23rd March 2015. 6. FURTHER INFORMATION School-Leavers who are ranked after the 2014 LAUREATES are eligible for a Scholarship at the University upon registration as students of the University of Mauritius. The Scholarship covers the General Fees, but excludes Registration Fees and Students’ Welfare Fund (amounting to Rs 2,150). Tuition Fees, where applicable, will have to be paid by scholarship holders. The Scholarship must be taken in the current Academic Year and may not be postponed. There are undergraduate scholarships offered by other organisations. For further information, please consult the Notice Boards at Admissions and Student Records Office as well as the 'General Information to Students’ handbook. Candidates are strongly advised to consult the following website address regarding scholarships from Government to children from vulnerable families. Mature candidates also can apply for all the above programmes except for the BSc (Hons) Medical Science [SC330] and Bachelor of Laws with Honours – LLB (Hons) – [LM310]. If they wish to be considered as Mature Candidates, it is compulsory that they tick the box at Section 14 of the Application Form. For further details, refer to section 1.6 of the ‘General Information to Students’ handbook 2015/2016 for criteria of eligibility available at . N.B. (a) Applications received after the closing date or incomplete applications or not supported by the Application fee of Rs 1,100 will not be considered. (b) Applications not submitted on prescribed online forms will not be considered. (c) The University will not accept any change in the choice and order of priority of programmes after an application has been submitted. (d) Documents submitted will not be returned to applicants. (e) Qualifications obtained after the closing date will not be considered. (f) An applicant may apply for a maximum of four programmes and two additional programmes with programme code ending with “M”. (g) Prospective applicants are informed that the University reserves the right not to run any one of the programmes advertised should there be an insufficient number of students registered for it. (h) So as to remove any possible doubt, prospective applicants are informed that the University is under no obligation to find employment eventually for successful applicants. (i) Some programmes may be currently under review and may have implications for the 2015/2016 intake. ONLY SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE OUTCOME OF THEIR APPLICATIONS. SKD/BI/RBM/
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