Please pray for the repose of the soul of Deacon Austin and for the consolation of the Lord to be with his wife Prim and their family. Safe in the arms of Jesus. See link to condolences which includes Bidding prayers for Austin's funeral.....Deacon Austin Martin RIP.pdf Acknowledgment: For bidding prayers for the funeral. Order of Christian Funerals (1990) Published by Geoffrey Chapman. IF YOU WISH TO ADD YOUR CONDOLENCES PLEASE email YOUR TRIBUTE TO... Cecilia Skudder editor Deacon Austin's Funeral See link ..Order of Service Also on Deacon Austin's own page, ......Deacon Austin Hospital Admissions to Orpington/PRUH & the Data Protection Act Under the Data Protection Act it is not permitted for hospital staff to divulge a patient’s religion. Would the next of kin please inform the Hospital Chaplaincy and the Parish Office of any Catholic being admitted. This is absolutely necessary should anyone wish to receive Holy Communion from an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist or receive the sacrament of the sick from a priest. See link to PDF for information from last WEEK'S newsletter Sunday 22nd February to Saturday 28th February 2015 ...... Last week's newsletter ****THIS PAGE CONTAINS ADDITIONAL ITEMS THAT MAY NOT BE FOUND IN THE WEEKLY PAPER NEWSLETTER***** NEWSLETTER BULLETIN """"SCROLL DOWN TO END FOR PRAYER INTENTIONS """" & ""INTERESTING ARTICLES"" Second Sunday of Lent (Cycle B) February 28th/1st March 2015 Weekday MISSAL READINGS 2015 ....... See link.........March and for daily reflection See link to Alive publishing .....Daily Reflections PARISH CO-RESPONSIBILITY GROUP (PCRG) Members: Father Victor; Deacon Barry Chalkley, Stephen Walsh, Russell Brockett, Ian Insley, Mayoma Onwochei; Isatta Kamara, Victoria Nathan-Rogers; Maureen Showemimo; Kathyrn Murrell. Secretary: Cecilia Skudder Relationship & Liaison between Clergy Responsibilities & PCRG Group Clergy PCRG Coordinator Catechesis/Sacramental Preparation Deacons Barry Chalkley Ian Insley & Wayne DuPreez Children, Young People & Families Deacon Wayne Kathryn Murrell Holy Innocents’ School Deacon Barry Ian Insley Liturgy & Prayer Fr. Victor Vella Mayoma Onwochei Social Deacon Barry Isatta Kamara Practical Fr. Victor assisted by Deacon Barry Victoria Nathan Rogers Outreach Fr. Victor Deacon Barry Evangelisation (PECS) Fr. Victor Stephen Walsh See link to... Frequently Asked Questions about the Parish Co-Responsibility Group (PCRG) See linkto pdf ..... Parish Pastoral Plan....... See link to ...PCRG minutes of 17th October... See link to..........Holy Innocents' Diary (PCRG) 2015....... Parish Co-responsibility Group contact details Speak to any member of the PCRG, leave us a note in our pigeon hole in the Parish Centre, e-mail us at Stephen Walsh or leave a message on 07778 612050. *************************************************************************** ****** CURRENT NEWSLETTER ENTRIES “Come Holy Spirit… and renew the face of the earth” do not forget your CAFOD Lenten Fast Day envelopes this weekend and do add your message to the CAFOD Climate Change tree in the Church. Also, come if you can this Wednesday evening (refreshments at 7.30pm before a prompt 8pm start) to our evening devoted to Catholic Social Teaching, featuring an interview with commentator, broadcaster and (more importantly!) Holy Innocents’ parishioner Clifford Longley. Do you like singing? If so, why not join our Easter Celebration Choir (was the ‘scratch choir’) which will be leading the singing at the Easter Vigil. There will be three rehearsals during Lent, Sunday 22 March after 10am Mass; Saturday 28 March at 11am; and Wednesday 1 April at 8pm. Contact Anne Scripture ( 07801 445966) for further details. Please keep in your prayers Hayley Selwood, who will be baptised and received into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. During Lent we will be celebrating the Scrutinies (which are Rites which precede the baptism of adults, as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process) with Hayley at Sunday 6pm Masses. Children and young people at other Churches we have an on-going project evaluating how we minister to and nurture children, young people and young families in the life of the Parish. We would like to talk to and perhaps visit other Churches which are good at welcoming and providing support to young families and at maintaining the involvement of children in the crucial period between First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If you have any suggestions for Churches we might contact, please tell Kathryn Murrell ( or Stephen Walsh ( 07773 935490) 07778 612050). Welcome Pack: you will have noticed this new addition in the Porch. As the name suggests, it is intended to help newcomers and recent arrivals in the Parish feel more at home by giving them lots of information about the Parish and what goes on here. It is also available on our website. Thanks to Deacon Barry, who took the lead for the PCRG in producing the Welcome Pack. Parish Co-responsibility Group contact details Speak to any member of the PCRG, leave us a note in our pigeon hole in the Parish Centre, e-mail us at [email protected] or leave a message on 07778 612050. Life in the Spirit Seminars here is what a Holy Innocents’ parishioner says about Life in the Spirit Seminars: “Life in the Spirit seminars have been an opportunity to truly discover and experience the depth of God’s love for me through the Holy Spirit”. Want to know more about the seminars starting here after Easter? Then come to an open meeting on Wednesday 18 March at 8pm or contact Anne Scripture ( 07801 445966). Healing Mass Our next Healing Mass is this Monday 2nd March at 8pm. Please note that this will be our last Healing Mass until the month of June, due to the Easter Bank Holiday in April and Life in the Spirit Seminars in May. Of course, EVERY Mass is a Healing Mass, but those on a Monday evening (or occasionally Sunday afternoons) give us a special opportunity to come together as a Community to pray for any type of healing we ourselves (or someone close to us) may need in body, mind or spirit. Each of these Masses is unique as we have different Priests coming to celebrate and the prayer takes different forms each time. Why not "come and see..."? Milan - 26th International Parish Evangelisation Cells Workshop 2015 We are, once again, planning for parishioners to travel to Milan for the 26th International Parish Evangelisation Cells Seminar. We shall be departing on Wednesday, 27 May with the return flight being arranged for Sunday 31 May. Details coming out of St Eustorgio are still fairly limited, however, in an attempt to book flights early and thus benefit from the lowest possible prices, we are encouraging parishioners to register early if at all possible. Please complete the double-sided registration form available from Fr Victor and return it, together with your payment, to him or the parish office. Cheques to be made payable to “Holy Innocents”. Personal prayer intentions are included on the Holy Innocents' web-site on the Bulletin page. Please inform the editor, Cecilia, on [email protected] and also if and when the prayers are no longer required. Please take time to have a look at this page and pray for these intentions. Anniversaries ~Phyllis Allen, Matthew Flynn, Jerzy Glogowski, Francis Hedges, Ellen Miller, Bridget Cross, Elizabeth Flanagan, Vincent Bartley, Vincent Curran, Louisa Burrows, Amelia Stevens, Raymond Berry, Marie Bond, Alan Smith, Charles Young and Alexander Hunter. May they rest in peace. We remember in our prayers the Sick, Housebound & their Carers: Ann Van Ouckana, Douglas, Shirley and Deborah Smart, Anne Barber, Ian Andrews, Aghavni Copestick, Patricia Holden, Fred Morris, June Elsey, Vera Greene, Liz Weekly, Primrose Martin, Vida Stewart, Helena Johns, John Weller, Bernard & Ruth Nertney, Miriam Cappelle, Morgan Camilleri, Michael Minihane, Michael O’Sullivan, Jill Rabbeth, and all those in Hospital. Please pray with joy and thanksgiving for the vocation of marriage. We ask that God may continue to bless all married couples in their lives together, especially those in our parish who celebrate a Wedding Anniversary during March: William & Maureen Drake; Jean & Carol Thuraire; John & Val Yeates. Second collection THIS week and NEXT will be for the Restoration Fund; Do not forget to use an envelope from the box in the porch to gift aid your contribution AND PUT YOUR GIFT AID NUMBER ON THE ENVELOPE. Thank you Please sign up for the Gift Aid Scheme, copies of the form are available in the carousel in the porch. The contact for Gift Aid is Ken Evans 01689 851793. **** JUST VISITING? We can gift aid your offering if you are a tax payer; just complete one of the white envelopes in the pew. **** The Adoration room is open for personal prayer Mon-Fri 8am-8pm. Please contact Sharon in the office or Anne Scripture if you need the door code to get in. Parish Walkers Meet Sunday 8th March at 2pm at the Highway car park near Chelsfield Station for a 4.5 mile circular & flat walk. Everyone welcome. Leader: Paul Brunning 835572. Last Chance! Fish n’ Chips and Bingo Our first fund raising event for 2015 will be next Saturday 7th March at 7.30pm in the Scout Hut. Tickets will be available this weekend £10 for Adults. £5 for Children and £20 for a family ticket and there will be a raffle on the night. Please support this important fund-raiser. Stations of the Cross Please consider joining us for this Lenten Devotion in church on Friday evenings at 7.30pm, Saturdays at 5pm and on Palm Sunday at 5pm. The prayers are being chosen and led by different Parishioners/Groups, so each session will be different some more traditional and others more modern, but each providing a good opportunity to reflect and meditate on the sufferings that Jesus endured for the sake of our sins. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Our next social event will be at The Chelsfield on the revised date of Tuesday 24th March at 12.00. If you would like to join us please contact Peter on 833 358. We need to confirm numbers as early as possible and menu choices along with a deposit one week beforehand. We look forward to your company. The 24 Hours for the Lord initiative was received with great enthusiasm in 2014 and will be celebrated once again in 2015 on March 13th-14th. Pope Francis will preside at a penitential celebration in St. Peter’s Basilica in order to place the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the centre of the Church’s mission of the new evangelization. The theme which will guide the reflection in 2015 is: God rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4). We will be uniting in prayer with this event here at Holy Innocents’. This will not replace our parish Penitential Service, which will be on Thursday 26th March. Friday 13th March in church: Holy Hour 3-4pm beginning with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and including a short service for children and their parents/carers after school. Silent Adoration will then continue until the Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm. On Saturday 14th March the Adoration Room will be open from 8am until 5pm. Everyone is invited to come to pray for a while in the Presence of the Lord on this day, but please consider committing to a 20-minute slot on the sign-up sheet in the porch. CAFOD LENT FAST DAY COLLECTION - This Lent, the generosity of the Catholic community is being recognised by the UK Government. Under their UK Aid Match scheme they will match pound for pound every donation given to CAFOD up to a total of £5 million. Your CAFOD envelopes say up to £3.5 million , but the good news is this has now been raised to £5 million. It is a unique opportunity for us, as today we have the chance to come together and support the world's poorest communities. Let's give generously. Please, take home with you a CAFOD prayer card. CAFOD's 'One Climate, One World' Campaign. The lives of the poorest people around the world depend on the weather. A changing climate, and increasingly extreme weather, have the biggest impact on those who are least able to cope. We, as a parish, are joining CAFOD's campaign, standing in solidarity with people who are affected by climate change. The CAFOD tree will be in the church, near the organ, until 22 March. Parishioners can write prayers/pledges on little hearts that are at the bottom of the tree and leave them in the basket provided, to be hung from the tree during the week. Different parish groups will take their prayers/pledges to the tree at the Saturday and Sunday Masses for the next three weeks. Parishioners' Task for Week 2: At least once during the week, take the bus, walk/cycle to church, school, work or shops, instead of taking the car, if possible. March 6th - WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, The annual WWDP service is on 6th March. Our service this year takes place at 7.30pm, Christ Church, Charterhouse Road, Orpington BR6 9EP. If you cannot attend this service, there are two other services that day 11.00 am St. Michael and All Angels Church, Locksbottom. Orpington 2.00 pm St. Barnabas Church, St. Pauls Cray, Rushet Road, Orpington, BR5 2PU The WWDP is not FOR women but FROM women to the whole Christian Church, men and women of all ages. One selected country and its people become the focus of the world's prayers on that day to help Christian communities become aware of the situation in that country and to pray with them and for them. This year the service has been prepared by Christian women in The Bahamas, the theme is: “Jesus said to them Do you know what I have done to you?” Let us make Holy Innocents' presence felt. For further information, please ring/text Marisa Wilson on 07711 560342. The Bishops have written a joint letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidates stand. Copies are available in the porch and can be obtained with other information from the Bishops’ Conference website Please read the letter and encourage others to do the same. General Election forum 6.00pm on SUNDAY 19th April 2015 at ORPINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH, Station Road, Orpington BR6 0RZ. Your chance to Question the candidates. Please send your questions in advance: [email protected] Help Raise £1K+ for the Royal Marsden Hospital Brendan Shine will be appearing at the Addiscombe Catholic Social Club on Friday 13th March. Tickets at £10 can be reserved for the event by calling the Royal Marsden. 07734 250375. Raffle/Auction during the interval. All proceeds to Fr. Shaju Varkey is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land “In the footsteps of Jesus & the Holy Family” from 7 to 15 November 2015 at a cost of £1190. If you are interested contact Sharon in the office. Prayer for Orpington at St Martin le Tours Church, Church Road, Chelsfield BR6 7SN at 9am on Sat 7th March 2015 All welcome. Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected] Advance notice - change of times for Monday evening Adoration. Adoration usually takes place in church on Mondays at 8-9pm. On Monday 23rd March there will be an open planning meeting for the Life in the Spirit Seminars at 8pm. This will be preceded by Adoration at 7.30-8pm. Also, while the Seminars are taking place on Monday evenings 13th April - 25th May, Adoration will be at 6.30-7.30pm. Everyone welcome. ************************************************ Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday: Thank you to Deacon Wayne duPreez and his lovely family who generously provided us with scrumptious pancakes with many delicious fillings. Linda tells me that this year saw more panakes than ever cooked for parishioners. Many of our younger parishioners attended. A most convivial and successful evening. See link for photos and a short report.... duPreez family Pancakes Southwark Justice and Peace... See latest newsletter February 2015... also on Parish group page: Justice & Peace Lent there are further copies of our first Lenten leaflet (“Holy Innocents Parish celebrates Lent 2015”) in the porch, if you did not get one last weekend. This leaflet focuses on Fasting, in the run-up to the CAFOD Lenten fast day this Friday 27th February and it gives details of our extra devotions during Lent; an early morning Mass at 6.30am on Tuesday and Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm on Friday evenings and 5pm on Saturday afternoon. And do not forget the evening devoted to Catholic Social Teaching on Wednesday 4th March. Parishioner Clifford Longley will be interviewed about his recent and much-praised report, “Just Money: How Catholic Social Teaching Can Redeem Capitalism”. Starts at 8pm. Another Lenten date for your diary is the Parish Penitential Service on Thursday 26th March at 8pm. See link for ..... Lenten events And do not forget the evening devoted to Catholic Social Teaching on Wednesday 4 March at 8pm We will be looking at various questions, such as “Isn't the job of the Church to steer people to heaven, not worry about the here and now on earth?”, “How should Catholic social teaching affect how I behave in the workplace?” and “What’s the film ‘Pretty Woman’ really about?” Starts at 8pm. See link to ..... An evening with Clifford Longley Bob Skudder is in the process of building a dedicated website for Holy Innocents’ Parish Evangelising Cells (PECS) Holy Innocents PECS or See the link on Holy Innocents' website home page to see the early entries. This Week’s Diary Sunday 1st March Tickets on sale this weekend for Fish n’ Chips/Bingo Night Children’s Liturgy for School Age Children KS1 Only PLEASE NOTE UNDER SAFEGUARDING RULES, PARENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO REMAIN WITH THEIR CHILDREN FOR LITURGY Monday 2nd March Journey in Faith - Room 1 19:45 Tuesday 3rd March Celebration of First Reconciliation Group 88 - St. Joseph’s PECS Secretariat Meeting - Presbytery 16:00 20:00 20:00 Wednesday 4th March Mothers’ Prayers - Room 1 10:00 Luncheon Club - St. Joseph’s Hall 12:15 Deacon Barry “in Residence” - Parish Centre 19:00 - 20:00 Catholic Social Teaching - St. Joseph’s 19:30 Thursday 5th March Confirmation Session - St. Joseph’s 19:30 - 21:00 Music Group - in Church 19:45 Outreach Meeting - Presbytery 20:00 Saturday 7th March Life in the Spirit Seminar Meeting 10:30 Fish n’ Chips/Bingo Night Sacrament of Reconciliation 17:00 - 17:50 Sunday 8th March Children’s Liturgy for School Age Children KS1 & 2 Prayer before Mass for those Ministering Heavenly Father, we thank you that you have called us to minister at this Mass and given us the gifts which allow us to respond to that call. We know that those gifts were given to us, not for our own sake, but so that, through serving your community gathered here, we might help to build up your Church. Help us to minister well at this Mass, with care, joy and reverence; that you may be glorified in all that we do and say. Amen Mass Intentions Saturday 28th February Feria 10:30 Deceased Sisters of Mercy 17:00 Stations of the Cross 18:00 Mary & André Sciortino (Sciortino) Sunday 1st March Lent 08:00 Phyllis Mary Allen RIP (Allen) 151 Second Sunday of Mass Book Page 10:00 17:45 18:00 Janice McLaughlin RIP (McLaughlin) Ministers Praying Together - Voluntary Basis Sister Anne Mary RIP (Sisters of Mercy) Monday 2nd March Feria 20:00 Healing Mass - John Archer RIP (Welton) Readings Daniel 9 : 4-10; Psalm 78 (79) : 8-13; Luke 6 : 36-3 Tuesday 3rd March Feria 06:30 John Hennelly RIP (Hennelly) 09:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer Readings Isaiah 1 : 10, 16-20; Psalm 49 (50) : 8-9, 16-17, 21, 23; Matthew 23 : 112 Wednesday 4th March Feria 09:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer 11:30 Nancy Boorer RIP (Luncheon Club Helpers & Members) Readings Jeremiah 18 : 18-20; Psalm 30 (31) : 5-6, 14-16; Matthew 20 : 17-28 Thursday 5th March Feria 09:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer 10:00 Wellbeing of Sr. Peter (Bourke) Readings Jeremiah 17 : 5-10; Psalm 1 : 1-6; Luke 16 : 19-31 Friday 6th March Feria 09:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer 10:00 Blessings on Sofia & Isabella Arnone (Quinn) Readings Genesis 37 : 3-4, 12-13, 17-28; Psalm 104 (105) : 16-21; Matthew 21 : 33-46 19:30 Stations of the Cross Saturday 7th March Feria 10:30 No Mass 17:00 Stations of the Cross 18:00 CWL Mass Intention: Deacon Austin Martin RIP Sunday 8th March Lent 08:00 John Archer RIP (McAnulty) 10:00 Bernard Greene RIP (Greene) 17:45 Ministers Praying Together - Voluntary Basis 18:00 First Scrutiny Alexander Snowdon RIP (Snowdon) Third Sunday of Mass Book Page 154 Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions January 2015 February Universal: Prisoners That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization: Separated spouses That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. ********** Coffee Morning after 10am Sunday Mass in St Joseph's Hall Hosts this week:1st March Liz and James Mullett Next week: 8th March Mary Firth & Liz Weekly **** Parents are reminded to accompany their children to the coffee morning session in Room 1 after 10am Mass. We appreciate that the children are keen to have their biscuits and a drink, but from a safeguarding point of view, the children must be supervised at all times. The coffee morning session is a good way to meet fellow parishioners. If you have never called in after the 10.00 Mass, please do so. You will be made very welcome. Please note that Saturday morning Masses are subject to cancellation. When Fr. Jim is away and cannot celebrate the Saturday evening Mass, Father Victor may have to cover. REMINDER Children's liturgy is only for school aged children; parents with preschool children are welcome to accompany them to use Trinity hall. **********PARISH EVANGELISING CELLS INFORMATION************* Parish Evangelising Cells (PECS) Fr. Victor would like to thank all of those who have applied to join a Parish Evangelisation Cell. The letter is for all parishioners to see, do please give your name in if you wish to be placed on the waiting list to join a cell.. See link to letter ..... Letter re Parish Evangelisation Cells Lumen Gentium ...See link on Parish Groups: Parish Evangelising Cells page See link for .... PECs Application form See link for PECS FAQs.... Frequently Asked Questions Kathryn Murrell a Cell group Leader, recently gave a report at a diocesan study day on Evangelisation on Holy Innocents' journey to setting up PECs. See link to MP3 to hear Kathryn ..... Journey to PECs at Holy Innocents' Church Parish Evangelisation Cells (PECs) Please contact the parish office if you wish to be on a waiting list for cell membership.Parish office The main aim of an evangelising cell is to be a welcoming, informal safe place for any non-Catholic or non practising Catholic who may be interested in learning more about the Catholic faith at a pace that all feel comfortable with. By the cell group meeting together members become at ease with each other and by praying together and for each other, deepen their fellowship. What better place for a person to attend who may be unsure of their thoughts about Jesus and whether they will place their life in His hands. Prayer is the bedrock for the success of cells and Adoration an ideal setting. The new Heaven’s Road Radio is broadcasting Canon John Cotton’s teaching and reflections which he uses for his PECs… See link to Heaven’s road radio website to listen to this..... Parish Cell Teaching Parish Evangelising Cells: John Vaughan Neil “ I just want to talk for about 20 mins about Evangelisation Cells to explain what they are. The whole point about evangelisation cells is this: we have all been sent; we have all been empowered to proclaim Jesus. The truth of the matter is we do this much better together - I don't just mean the proclamation together, but we do it much better when we form a cell” See link to pdf for an uplifting account .... How to evangelise different styles (Also on Parish group: Parish Evangelising Cells Page.) *************************************************************************** ******************** USEFUL INFORMATION & ARTICLES NEW: How To Deal With The Sufferings of Life? Father Michael Eivers "As I was reflecting on the scripture reading for Sunday, February 8th, who should I discover in the first reading, but my friend Job. We do not find him often in the Sunday readings, so I would like to reflect on him and his message." See link for ..... How To Deal With The Sufferings of Life? NEW;Growing in the Spiritual Life this Lent by Admin St Paul's Evangelisation “Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.” Saint Ephraem of Syria " Prayer should flow naturally from our souls every moment of our day. Pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:16-18)." Do read this beautiful article about how to better your prayer uplifting and inspiring. See link to ..... Growing in Prayer life TOWARDS A SPIRITUALITY FOR THE DIVORCED By Tessa Sheaf Divorce is shattering. For Catholics its pain can be compounded by mistaken perceptions in the wider community that “Catholics can’t divorce” or magisterial documents couched in language that can appear hurtful and unhelpful. Catholics can and do divorce. Sometimes they have to. Familiaris consortio acknowledges this – “Various reasons can unfortunately lead to the often irreparable breakdown of valid marriages”. Encouragement for those hurt by divorce. See link for ...... Towards a spirituality for the divorced Why? This course will be running in March. It is to be held at St John Baptist Catholic Church Westerham. This is a 3-part course about the Catholic Faith and is especially designed for those lapsed Catholics, those who want to know more about their Catholic Faith and those thinking about becoming Catholics. See link to more info ....... Why? Course at Westerham Father Garry Jenkins reports on St. Dominic's Parish, Bomi County, Liberia and the Ebola outbreak aftermath, and sends personal thanks to everyone in the parish for their generosity. The donation sent by the parish will help the people of Bomi County rebuild their lives. What impressed me was the ladies of the prayer group who prayed and fasted. Do we forget too often the fasting, which is so essential as part of our prayer lives? See link to........February 2015 ..... 18th February LECTIO DIVINA; "Lectio divina is a way to read scripture and other sacred writing contemplatively. It’s different from bible study or a reading plan — the goal is not to read thoroughly but deeply; to experience the text with an open heart; to comprehend the Truth beneath the words. Comprehend means to hold completely, to know interiorly, to unite with." Read Phil Fox Rose's article for more...see link... Lectio Divina Helpers of God's Precious Infants: There are peaceful prayer vigils outside eight abortion centres in seven English towns. There's an update on the campaign's website, and a short video (2 mins 50 secs). See link for all ....Prayer Vigils
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