BID NO.: 15-25 Title: Upfitting of Public-Safety Vehicles BID PACKAGE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 290 455 NORTH REXFORD DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA 90210 (31O)285-2440 LEGAL NOTICE - BIDS WANTED Sealed proposals are requested on the list of materials, supplies, equipment or services set forth herein, subject to all conditions outlined in the Proposal Document, including: SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION I: II: III: IV: REQUEST FOR BIDS GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTION DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS BID FORM (IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO SUBMIT A BID, PLEASE COMPLETE PAGE 30) Sealed proposals will be received only at the Office of the City Clerk, 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, until 2:00 p.m. local time, on the dates hereinafter stated at which time they will be opened and publicly read for furnishing the materials, supplies, equipment or services or for supplying the materials, and/or providing labor for the repair, construction or improvement as the case may be, as indicated by the items hereunder listed and in accordance with the applicable specifications. SECTION I - REQUEST FOR BIDS Date of Request: February 13, 2015 Bid Number: 15-25 Item Description: UPFITTING OF PUBLIC-SAFETY VEHICLES Bid Opening: March 5, 2015 @ 2:00 PM All bids must be delivered by the specified opening time of the bid. Bids arriving after the specified hour will not be accepted. Mailed bids, which are delivered after the specified hour will not be considered regardless of postmarked time on the envelope. All bids must be in writing and must contain an original signature by an authorized officer of the firm - Electronic bids (telephone, FAX, etc.) are NOT acceptable. BID DEPOSIT - NONE REQUIRED WITH THIS BID PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND - NONE REQUIRED WITH THIS BID. THE CITY RETAINS THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS WITHOUT CAUSE AND/OR ELECT NOT TO AWARD A BID. 1 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public-Safety Vehicles BID NO.: 15-25 CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS SECTION II - GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTION 1. Bid deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after the bid has been awarded. A successful bidder's bid deposit will be returned after he has entered into a written contract, or after a performance bond, if required, has been executed and accepted by the City. 2. The vendor's proposal may be withdrawn at any time prior to the bid opening. No proposal may be withdrawn after the bid opening. Violation of this policy may cause forfeiture of the bid deposit and removal from qualified Bidder's List. 3. Bidders are advised to become familiar with all conditions, instructions and specifications governing this bid. Once the award has been made, a failure to have read all the conditions, instructions and specifications of this contract shall not be cause to alter the original contract or for vendor to request additional compensation. 4. Bidders agree to defend and save the City from and against all demands, claims, suits, costs, expenses, damages and adjustments based on any infringement of any patent relating to goods specified in this contract. 5. Successful bidder shall not assign the contract, or subcontract the whole or any part of the contract without written consent of the City. Such consent shall neither relieve the bidder from his obligation nor change the terms of the contract. 6. The City shall have the right to inspect any material specified herein. Equipment, supplies or services that fail to comply with the specifications herein regarding design, material or workmanship are subject to rejection at the option of the City. Any materials rejected shall be removed from the premises of the City at the expense of the vendor. 7. Bidder shall state the nature and period of any warranty or guarantee. Manufacturer's specifications shall be submitted with the bid and shall be considered a part of this contract where such specifications meet the minimum of the City specifications. 8. Each bidder shall submit in full this completed original BID DOCUMENT and all necessary catalogues, descriptive literature, etc., needed to fully describe the materials or work he proposes to furnish. 9. Bidders shall state the delivery date for commodities in terms of calendar days after notification of award. Where the contract calls for performance of labor, the bidder shall also state the number of calendar days required for completion after notification of award. 10. Cash discounts shall be considered in the evaluation of the bids, except that payment periods of less than thirty (30) days will not be considered in award of this bid. Where cash discounts are offered, the discount date shall begin with the invoice date or delivery date to the City, whichever is later. 2 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public-Safety Vehicles BID NO.: 15-25 11. Upon the award of the bid to the successful bidder, if insurance is required by the terms of this bid, the City will require evidence of such coverage be furnished within fourteen (14) days of notification of bid award. The amounts and types of coverage will be specified in Section IV of this bid. All insurance forms must be in a format acceptable to the City. 12. The Contractoragrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City, City Council and each member thereof, and every officer, and employee of the City, from any liability or financial 1055including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs, arising in any manner whatsoeverfrom any intentional, reckless, negligent,or otherwise wrongful acts, errors or omissions of Contractor, or any person employed by Contractor, including agents and independentcontractors, in the performanceof this agreement. 13. Every supplier of materials and services and all contractorsdoing business with the City shall be an "Equal Opportunity Employer"as defined by Section 2000 (E) of Chapter21, Title 42 of the United States Code Annotated and Federal ExecutiveOrders #11375, and as such shall not discriminate against any other person by reason of race, creed, color, religion, age, sex or physical or mental handicaps with respect to the hiring, application for employment,tenure, terms or conditions or employmentof any person. 14. Prices quoted herein must be firm for a period of not less than ninety (90) days after date of bid opening. 15. Bids calling for other than a "lump sum" total bid may be awarded by single item, by groups of items, or as a whole, as the City deems to be in the best interest of the City. 16. The City will be the sole and exclusive judge of quality, compliance with bid specifications or any other matter pertainingto this bid. The City reserves the exclusive right to award this bid in any manner it deems to be in the best interest of the City. 17. Quantities specified in Section III are approximateonly, the City reserves the right, within the period for delivery to increase or decrease the quantity ordered and upon mutual agreement after the period specifiedfor delivery, order additional quantities of items bid. 18. "Contractor shall cooperate with the City in all matters relating to taxation and the collection of taxes. It is the policy of the City to self-accrue use tax associated with its own purchases. The City requests that its contractors self-accrue their use tax, when applicable, and report the use tax to the State Board of Equalization with a Cityassigned permit number. The City's own use tax which is self-accrued by the City will be _remitted to the State of California pursuant to the City's permit with the State Board of Equalization." 19. For any questions regarding this bid, please contact Craig Crowder at (310) 285-2484or Harry Kalindjianat (310) 285-2490. 20. A duplicate copy of your bid must be submitted along with the original. 30f21 BID NO.: 15-25 Title: Upfitting of Public-Safety Vehicles SECTION 111-DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS SUBSECTION A - TECHNICAL NOTES IN EVENT OF CONFLICT, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS SHALL PREVAIL OVER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED ELSEWHERE IN THIS BID. IMPORTANT NOTICE - THIS SECTION III, SUBSECTION A, COMPLETED WITH REQUIRED INFORMATION ANDIOR BIDDER'S EXCEPTIONS MUST BE ATTACHED TO AND RETURNED WITH SECTION IV - BID FORM. BIDDER MUST EXPLAIN IN DETAIL ALL ITEMS OFFERED WHICH DO NOT CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. IF NO EXCEPTIONS ARE LISTED, IT WILL BE ASSUMED BIDDER IS BIDDING "AS SPECIFIED." SPECIFICATIONS FOR UPFITTING SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ON VARIOUS TYPES OF PUBLIC-SAFETY VEHICLES I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a) The City of Beverly Hills (CITY), Public Works Services Department, Fleet Services Division provides complete patrol cars in a variety of configurations to the City's public-safety departments. These configurationsvary according to each vehicle'smissionwhich includesDetective, Patrol, Field Supervisor (Sergeant), K-9, Traffic Enforcement,and variousotherapplications. b) It is of the utmost importancethat the vehicles providedto public-safetypersonnelare upfittedwith the highest quality materials possible and highquality workmanship. Ease of use, ergonomics, functionality, reliability and cost are all important considerations in the selection of an upfitter to perform this function. Another factor will be the speed at which an upfitter can provide completed vehiclesto CITY. c) The scope of work requiredto be performedby the upfitter consists of furnishing labor, equipment, materials, and services necessary to completely upfit the below-listedvehicles or other designated vehicles into functional public-safetyvehicles as specified by CITY. In addition to installing new equipment,the upfitter will be requiredto remove equipment,as specified by the City, from existing CITY vehicles and reinstall those pieces of equipment into the corresponding replacement vehicles. 40f21 BIDDER'S EXCEPTIONS BID NO.: 15-25 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles 1. New or unused vehicles to be upfitted are: six (6) 2014 Chevrolet Caprice PPV Sedans, two (2) 2015 Ford SUV Interceptor K-9's and various other Traffic Control pick-ups and Police and Fire Department administrative sedans. 2. Vehicle types to be stripped for City-specified parts or components are six (6) 2009, 2010, and 2011 CVPI sedans. d) Components used for the upfitting shall be new and considered as tactical-grade quality, except as specified herein. e) The work shall be carried out in accordance with all applicable codes, regulations, and guidelines pertaining to vehicle safety and proper operation of the vehicle including, but not limited to, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS), Federal Consumer Product Safety Commission Regulation, California Code of Regulations Title 13 California Highway Patrol, and OSHA. f) All work shall be performed in a neat and craftsman-like quality, in accordance with accepted modern practices and industry standards. Care shall be exercised in installing material and equipment not to unnecessarily mar or deface vehicle components. No component of the vehicle shall be cut or removed without obtaining permission of CITY. All unused materials, scrap and debris shall be removed. g) City staff intends to conduct quality-control inspections during the upfit process, pre-delivery, and final acceptance. Inspection schedules shall be coordinated in advance between the upfitter and City staff. h) The contractor shall provide CITY with a professionally prepared detailed schematic showing the wiring diagram and location of every component installed. i) All vehicles for stripping and upfitting will be picked up and delivered to the Fleet Services Center facility located at 9355 W. Third Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Upfitter shall coordinate upfitting schedule with the Fleet Services Maintenance Supervisor (310) 285-2490. j) Locations of antennae must be approved by CITY before any mounting port is drilled on the vehicle. All external connections, especially those on the 5 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles BID NO.: 15-25 roof, must be completely leak-proof and longlasting. Specifysealing methodology: II. k) Circuit wires, breakers or fuses, and relays shall be of sufficientsize to carry the maximumrated load of the circuit. I) Wires shall be color coded for easy identification in order to facilitate ease of troubleshooting and repair; if not color coded, each wire shall be identified by print containing both circuit and function, on wire, at minimum 6-inch intervals at and between both ends. All wiring materials and equipment shall be securely fastened in place, and routed or protected in a manner that will prevent chafing or abrasion. m) Wires and connectors or splices shall be fastened together by either crimp or soldered to maintain positive connectivity. Use of Scotch locks as connectorsor in wire splices is not acceptable. UPFITTING SPECIFICATIONS a) Upfittingspecificationsfor each type of vehicles are detailed in Exhibits "A" thru "C." b) Inspections of vehicles, if needed, shall be by appointment only. Schedule appointment with Craig Crowder (310) 285-2484 or Harry Kalindjian (310) 285-2490. III. ADDITIONAL VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT a) On as-needed basis, the upfitter may be required to upfit other public-safety vehicles to meet the needs of CITY's operations. Such upfitting installation shall be performed under the hourly labor rates and material and equipment markup, or markdown, rates set forth in the proposal. The Contract Administrator shall require a written estimate from the upfitter before such work is authorized. b) On as-needed basis, the upfitter may be requested to supply upfitting parts and or componentsto meet the needs of CITY's supply operations. Such parts and or components shall be provided according to the material and equipment markup, or markdown, rates set forth in the proposal. The Contract Administrator shall require a written estimate for requestedparts before they are provided. c) Due to the dynamic operational requirements of CITY, the number for each type of vehicles 6 of 21 BID NO.: 15-25 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles designated herein is only planned. Actual quantity will depend on as needed basis. WARRANTY a) Should any of the upfitted vehicle require any warranty work after delivery, the upfitter must provide on-site warranty repairs, or transport the vehicle/s back to their shop for repair within a reasonableamount of time. Specify one way distance betweenthe City's Fleet Services and the upfitter's location in road miles: b) IV. Specify warranty periods in BID FORM. REFERENCES a) The upfitter's experience and past performancewill also be considered in the selection of contractorfor this project. Please provide as many referencesassociatedwith past projects, which were similar in scope to the project specified in this bid and which only involved other public-safetyagencies (includingCITY): 7 of 21 ______ Miles Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description SECTION III EXHIBIT "A" - CAPRICE PPV SEDAN I Vendor I City Manuf. Part # Bid 15-25 Qty Notes Emergency Lights I Siren Code 3 Multi-Color LED Lightbar WI Red and Blue Top Covers 21TR47MC LlT3KIT Lightbar Mounting Kit, with Front Side Facing Clear LED Alley Lights and Rear Facing Blue I Red LED Lights Code 3 Lightbar Programmer Box x Code 3 21TRPLMC Conf. #C56496 1 x Code 3 LlT3KIT-XT 1 x Code 3 950FPP 1 RLS Remote Lighted Siren Controller, 200w output, arrow stick control rotarv switch Code 3 Low Frequency Siren Controller x Code 3 3997RCC 1 x Code 3 Banshee Model 3450 1 Code 3 Siren Speaker, 100W WI U Bracket Push Bumper LED Lights, Forward Facing Red LED x Code 3 C3100CP 2 x Code 3 MR6HM-R 1 Push Bumper LED Lights, Forward Facing Blue LED x Code 3 MR6HM-B 1 Push Bumper LED Lights, 45 Degree Angle Facing Clear LED x Code 3 MR6HM-W Rear Widow LED Lights, Wingman Blue I Amber I Amber I Blue LED Sound Off headlight Flasher, 2014 Caprice Code 3 Corner LED, Hide-A-Blast x Code 3 WM477CP 1 x Sound Off ETHFSS-CP 1 x Code 3 HB6PAK-WLED 4 Park Siren Deactivator, used to deactivate siren tones and front flashing white light when the vehicle's transmission is placed into "park". x 1 8 of 21 Used for programing and transferring lightbar configuration to additional lightbars Wired in conjunction with RLS Push Bumper forward facing LED. Push Bumper forward facing LED Push Bumper 45 degree facing LED Rear window, rear facing LED Wired to Park Kill One at each corner Kill siren and flashing white Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description SECTION III EXHIBIT "A" - CAPRICE PPV SEDAN I Vendor I City I Manuf. Part # Bid 15-25 Qty Notes I I I Electrical Systems [Complete DC electrical system using the highest of industry standards. All fuse blocks are centrally located for easy jservice, all wire is of high grade GXL crosslink with wire function printed every 3". All wires are part of a complete [harness design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------~ ------------------- -----------1 Vendor supplied x Complete vehicle wiring harness, specific to Beverly Hills PO Caprice Patrol build with Code 3 equipment, GLX wire with printing every 3", includes documentation package. Circuits Protected with Circuit Breakers and or Fuse Panels. Electrical System Timer, Copeland Timer WI 200 amp Solenoid wiring diagrams for all circuits provided with build. x Center Equipment Console and Console x 1S" Center Equipment Console, 2014 Caprice, Sloped WI Faceplates. Copeland Accessories Troy Timer, Top Hat 6001 1 Timer set at 30 minutes. CC-CP-E-DM 18 1 Dash mount design WI 3" sloped area at dashboard. Code 3 RLS Console Faceplate 4" x Troy 1 Console Faceplate 4" x Troy 1 Console Faceplate 3" x Troy 1 Console Faceplate 2" x Troy 1 Console Arm Rest, WI 4" x 7" Leather Pad Console Mic Clip Bracket x Troy x Console Mic Clip x Little Lite LED Map Light, 12" flexible neck extending from end of chassis, On-Off switch, Red or White LED light Triple Outlet DC Power Port Receotacle Havis AC-ARMMNTFX C-MCB 2 Havis C-MC 2 x FedSig LF12ES-LED 1 x Able2 14.0553 1 Motorola APX-7500 (Remote Mount) 1 Removed from existing vehicle Radio Communication Systems Radio System 1, Remote Mount, Dual Band, UHF 1700-S00 x 1 Dual Drink Holder Motorola APX7500 Remote Head Blank Bolted to Rear Console Antenna NMO mount with 25' of RG58 AlU cable, FME connector x Talley NMOKHFUDFMI 2 Two per Radio Radio Antenna Mast, 450-525 MHz Field Tunable, NMO Mount, Spring Base, 21" Whip Length, 200Watts Max, OdB gain x Antenex B132S 2 Tune to UHF 512 MHz 9 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description Radio Antenna Mast, 700-800 MHz Field Tunable, NMO Mount, Spring Base, 21" Whip Length, 200Watts Max, OdB gain Antenna, Motorola GPS SECTION III EXHIBIT "A" - CAPRICE PPV SEDAN Vendor x x Computer Systems and Mounts Mobile Computer System, COBAN Titan M7 WI Video Mobile Computer System Mount, Mongoose WI Keyboard Communication City Part # B132S Motorola x x Modem Manuf. Antenex x Bid 15-25 Qty 1 Notes Tune to VHF 700-800 MHz 2 One per each Radio COBAN Titan M7 WI Video 1 Removed from Existing Vehicle Gamber Johnson 7170-0218-01 1 In-Motion H 1405 1 Mount on Console Side WI Stabilizer Removed from Existing Vehicle LTM5013J3J3J3J2CWHT-180 LTM301-3J3JOOWHT-180 1 MIMO Antenna I LTE I WiFi I GPS MIMO Antenna I LTE I GPS Modem Antenna, Multi-Band Diversity x MobileMark Modem Antenna, Multi-Band Diversity x MobileMark Electronic Tray, Trunk Fold Down Trunk Organizer WI Lid x Havis C-TFD-CAPR-1 1 x Pro-gard T0535CC11 1 x Calrad 72-111-25-BK 1 x Setina #8S RP Coated Poly Partition I PK0333CAP11 S CA 1 11-15 Caprice x Setina 2-Piece 1 Prisoner Seat, includes lap and shoulder belts to buckle to the outside, with belt holders on outside of Prisoner partition Prisoner Widow Protectors, clear, slotted x Troy Prisoner Seat PS-E-CapriceOS 1 Recessed for Vertical Weapons Storage 11-15 Caprice W I Center Pull Seat Belts x Setina 2 11-15 Caprice Prisoner Door Panels, install over OEM door panels x Setina Window Barrier Poly I DK0100CAP11 Door Panel S TPO Plastic, Black 2 11-15 Caprice Cat-SE Network Patch Cable, RJ 45, Black, 25' (Modem to MDT CPU) Prisoner Transportation Prisoner Transport Partition, Recessed center storage panel (for use with vertical weapons), Sliding center window, 50% scratch resistant polycarbonate window behind driver, 50% sliding polycarbonate window behind I passenger Partition Lower Panel 10 of 21 1 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description SECTION III EXHIBIT "A" - CAPRICE PPV SEDAN I Vendor I City I Manuf. Part # Bid 15-25 Qty Notes 1 WI Large Shotgun and Handcuff Locks Weapon Mounting System Weapons Mount, Dual Vertical, T Rail, Recessed, Timed Release x Setina Gun Locks, Handcuff WI #2 Key Override Momentary Push Button, Gun Lock Release, Remote Location x Gun Lock Timer, 30 second delay Santa Cruz T-Rail Front Partition Mounted SC-5 #2 x x Misc. SC-1902 2 x Santa Cruz SC-7009-30 1 Misc HD Push Button SafeStop 14 CapriceSSOO07 On Each Kick Panel, Driver & Passenger Side Remote Door Un-Lock Switch HD Momentary Push Button with Black Boot Safe Stop Ignition Security System Safe Stop Ignition Security System, Chevy Caprice PPV x 1 Illuminated Rocker Switch WI Gun Lock Feature 1 City Supplied "POLICE", "Beverly Hills" and City Seal Decals Vehicle Graphics Installation of Beverly Hills PO graphics package, VENDOR supplied dual pin stripping, (2) American Flags, Police and Community Together, Roof and Fender Numbers and Caution K9 Decals. Please refer to pictures for placement x 11 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description SECTION III EXHIBIT "A" - CAPRICE PPV SEDAN I Vendor I City Manuf. Part # Bid 15-25 Qty Notes Equipment Removal from Existing Vehicle Remove the following equipment from an existing vehicle and retain for installation: Complete Coban mobile data terminal I digital video system WI Inmotion modem WI brackets, cables and antennas; Complete ALPR System WI computer, cameras, brackets and cables; Complete Motorola APX-7500 UHF and VHF radio systems WI cables; Fire extinguisher Wi mount x Labor only Remove the following equipment from an existing vehicle and return in vehicle: Push bumper mounted LED lights with shrouds and brackets; dual weapons rack; rear deck lights; siren controller WI speaker, bracket and head; lightbar; antenna masts; rear electronics tray; center console; prisoner seat and cage Build Notes >Contractor will provide vehicle transportation of all vehicles. Vehicles will be driven and marked "out of service" 12 of 21 SECTION III EXHIBIT "B" - FORD SUV INT. K9 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description Emergency Lights I Siren Code 3 2700 Lightbar, Red and Blue WI Takedown and Alley LED and LIT 3 Kit Mounting feet I Vendor I City Part # Manuf. Bid 15-25 Qty x Code 3 Code 3 I 27477114 I Serial # C53990 1 Hook Kit Code 3 Included x Code 3 Misc. 1 RLS Remote Lighted Siren Controller, 200w Output, Arrowstick Control, Rotary Switch x Code 3 RLS 3997-R California WI Option 1135V2 1 Siren Speaker WI U Bracket! Bumper Low Frequency Siren Controller x Code 3 C3100U 2 x Code 3 Banshee 3450 1 Rear Hatch Flush Mount Light, x Code 3 MR6FMA 1 Amber Rear Hatch Flush Mount Light, x Code 3 MR6FMB 1 CITEXI-RB 1 Blue Citadel LED Kit for SUV PI Utility, WI Brackets & 3 XT4RRCT & 3 XT4BB-CT I Amber in Push Bumper Warning Lights, White, Surface Mount 45 Degree Push Bumper Warning Lights, Red, Surface Mount Forward Facinc Push Bumper Warning Lights, Blue, Surface Mount Forward Facing Misc. 90 Degree Brackets, for MR6 Bumper l.iqhts Park Siren Deactivator, used to deactivate siren tones and front flashing white light when the vehicle's transmission is placed into "park". x x Code 3 MR6HM-W 2 x Code 3 MR6HM-R 1 x Code 3 MR6HM-B 1 Misc. 4 x x 1 Notes Wired in Conjunction with RLS Kill siren and flashing white Electrical Systems :comPlete DC electrical system using the higbest of industry standards All fuse blocks are centrally located for easy service, all wire is of high grade GXL crosslink with wire function printed every 3". All wires are part of a complete harness I design Complete vehicle wiring x 1 Vendor supplied harness specific to Beverly Hills PI wiring diagrams Utility K9 with Code3 equipment, for all circuits GLX wire with printing every 3", provided with includes documentation package. build. Circuits Protected with Circuit Breakers and or Fuse Panels. l 13 of 21 SECTION III EXHIBIT "B" - FORD SUV INT. Kg Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description Electrical System Timer, Copeland Timer WI 200 amp Solenoid Vendor x Center Equipment Console and Console 18" Slanted Center Equipment x Console SUV x Console Faceplate 4" City Manuf. Copeland Accessories Troy Part # Bid 15-25 Qty Timer, Top Hat 6001 1 CC-UV-L-18 1 Troy 1 Code 3 RLS Dual Drink Holder Motorola APX7500 Remote Head Blank Console Faceplate 4" x Troy 1 Console Faceplate 3" x Troy 2 Console Faceplate 2" x Troy 2 Console Mic Clip Bracket x Havis C-MCB 3 Console Mic Clip x Havis C-MC 3 Console Arm Rest, WI 4" x 7" Leather Pad LED Dome Light, Red LED and White LED x Troy AC-ARMMNT -FX 1 x Sound-Off ECVDML TALOO 3 LED Map Light, 12" flexible neck extending from end of chassis, OnOff switch, Red or White LED light x FedSig LF12ES-LED 1 Triple Outlet DC Power Port Receptacle x Able2 14.0553 1 x Notes Timer set at 30 minutes. Motorola Bolted to Rear Console Front, Rear Cargo, Rear Hatch 1 Antenna NMO mount with 25' of RG58 AlU cable, FME connector x Talley 4 Radio Antenna Mast, 136-172 MHz Field Tunable, NMO Mount, Spring Base, 21" Whip Length, 200Watts Max, OdB gain x Antenex B132S 1 Tune to VHF 1 172 MHz Radio Antenna Mast, 450-525 MHz Field Tunable, NMO Mount, Spring Base, 21" Whip Length, 200Watts Max, OdB gain x Antenex B132S 2 Tune to UHF 512 MHz Radio Antenna Mast, 700-800 MHz Field Tunable, NMO Mount, Spring Base, 21" Whip Length, 200Watts Max, OdB gain x Antenex B132S 1 Tune to VHF 800 MHz 25 14 of 21 SECTION III EXHIBIT "B" - FORD SUV INT. Kg Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description Antenna, Motorola GPS Vendor x City Manuf. Motorola Part Bid 15-25 # Qty 2 Notes One per each Radio Computer Systems and Mounts Mobile CaBAN Mobile Mount, Computer System, Titan M7 WI Video Computer System Mongoose WI Keyboard Communication x x x Modem COBAN Titan M7 WI Video 1 Gamber Johnson 7170-021B-01 1 In-Motion H 1405 1 LTM5013J3J3J3J2C-WHT1BO LTM301-3J3JOOWHT-1BO CP-UV-CARGOMNT CP-UV-TRAY-H 1 2 1 Modem Antenna, Multi-Band Diversity x MobileMark Modem Antenna, Multi-Band Diversity Rear Cargo Equipment Mount, Ford PI Utility, Tilt-Up Electronic Tray, Under Cargo Mount Rear Cargo Equipment Mount Strut Tilt-Up, Heavv Dutv Rear Cargo Gun Box, Ford PI Utility X MobileMark x Troy x Troy x Troy x Troy 1-HDW-25GSSEBO CP-GB403212- TL Cat-6E Network Patch Cable, RJ45, Black, 25' (Modem to MDT CPU) Custom Made Covers, Rear Cargo Area, Gun Box to Kg Kennel x Calrad 72-111-25-BK x Custom x Ray Allen 1 15 of 21 MIMO Antenna / LTE I GPS 1 1 1 One Additional Strut per Side 40x32x12, Attached to Cargo Mount Cover Equipment on Rear of Gun Box Kg Transportation Kg Kennel, battleship grey powder coating, "roll bar" style steel support, steel plate front and rear visuals, one piece center access door with locks in open and closed position, door panels with window guards, rubber floor mat. 2015 Ford PI Utility Removed from Existing Vehicle Mount on Console Side WI Stabilizer Removed from Existing Vehicle MIMO Antenna I LTE / WiFi I GPS EZ11NSUV 1 SECTION III EXHIBIT "B" - FORD SUV INT. Kg Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description Tactical Kg Deployment and Heat Alert System with Pager. Includes: Heads-Up Display with back lighting and easy programming, Intelligent Pager/Remote with vehicle status, one button K9 deployment, Control POD with internally mounted antenna, dual window drop, fan activation, horn/light alert, dual temp sensors, 55 lb. gas push rod, 40 lb. unlatch solenoid. Vendor x Kg Kennel Cooling Fan, 10" Electric Cooling Fan, 2013-2015 Ford PI Utility Interior window guard, 10" cooling fan (fan sold separately), 2013-2015 Ford PI Utility, Driver's side Part # Qty 1 Manuf. Ray Allen F3-P x Havis KK-K9-HA-FKT -10 1 x Havis WGI-F18-1-FAN 1 Setina T - Rail Front Partition Mount 1 Weapon Mounting System Weapons Mount, Dual Vertical, TRail, Recessed, Timed Release City Bid 15-25 x x Santa Cruz SC-5 #2 2 x Misc. SC-1902 2 Gun Lock Timer, 30 second delay x Santa Cruz SC-7009-30 1 Door Un-Lock Wired to Blow Out WI Large Shotgun and Handcuff Locks Gun Locks, Handcuff W/ #2 Key Override Momentary Push Button, Gun Lock Release, Remote Location Remote Notes Controller Mounted on Custom Bracket at Driver Side "A" Pillar / Dash Location On Each Kick Panel, Driver & Passenger Side Switch Install remote door un-lock switch located in the left upper comer behind grill. Misc HD Push Button Push Button with HD Momentary Black Boot Safe Stop Ignition Security Safe Stop Ignition Security System, Ford SUV Interceptor System x SafeStop 16 of 21 Ford PI Utility 1 Illuminated Rocker Switch W/ Gun Lock Feature SECTION III EXHIBIT "B" - FORD SUV INT. Kg Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles Description I Vendor I City Manuf. Part Bid 15-25 # Qty Notes Vehicle Graphics Installation of Beverly Hills PO graphics package, VENDOR supplied dual pin stripping, (2) American Flags, Police and Community Together, Roof and Fender Numbers and Caution Kg Decals. Please refer to pictures for placement x 1 City Supplied "POLICE", "Beverly Hills" and City Seal Decals Window Tint x 1 Rear Doors, Side Windows and Hatch Window will be Tinted Dark Equipment Removal from Existing Vehicle x Labor only Remove the following equipment from an existing vehicle and retain for installation: Complete Coban mobile data terminal I digital video system WI Inmotion modem; Motorola APX7500 UHF and VHF radio systems; Fire extinguisher Remove the following equipment from an existing vehicle and return in vehicle: Push bumper mounted LED lights with shrouds and brackets; Automated License Plate Recognition system (ALPR) if equipped; dual weapons rack; rear deck lights; siren controller WI speaker, bracket and head; lightbar; antenna masts; rear electronics tray; center console; prisoner seat and cage Build Notes 17 of 21 BIDNO.:15-25 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles SECTION IV - BID FORM (Must be completed by Vendor) I. COST PROPOSALS The undersigned proposes to furnish all materials, supplies, equipment or services set forth herein subject to all conditions outlined in the Bid Document, including the general instructionsand informationto bidders,at prices indicated below: Item Unit Cost Proposal Description (W/O Tax) 1. Chevrolet Caprice PPV Sedan - Specifications Exhibit "A" Parts Cost: Labor Cost: 2. Ford SUV Interceptor Kg- Specifications Exhibit "8" Parts Cost: Labor Cost: II. 3. Labor (Cost per hour): 4. Material Cost Proposal (Percent): $ (Plus)+ % or (minus)- % WARRANTIES Labor: Months Parts: Months Other manufacturerwarranties: Months 18 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles BID NO.: 15-25 SECTION IV - BID FORM (cont'd) (Must be completed by Vendor) Payment Terms: Exceptions or Deviations attached (Check appropriate box) YES Delivery: D D NO (Number of Days) Company Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: Contact Email: Person Submitting Bid: (Print Name) Title: Signature: 19 of 21 BID NO.: 15-25 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles F.O.B. All prices of the bid shall be F.O.B. destinationBeverly Hills, California;and delivery to any point within Beverly Hills shall be without additionalcharge. TAX All bid proposals shall be exclusive of tax; City staff will compute all tax involved when applicable. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and reserves the right to waive technicalities where such action best serves the interests of the City. The manufacturer of the proposed materials or equipment may be required to acknowledge by written conformationthat the minimum requirementsof the specificationsare included in the Bidder's proposal before the award of the bid. EXCEPTIONS Any bidder's exceptionsto these terms or conditions or deviationsfrom the written specifications shall be shown in writing and attached to bid form. However,such exceptionsor deviations may result in bid rejection. INSURANCE (applicable to successful bidder who may come into the City) (1) Commercial general liability coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence coverage ("occurrence" form CG0001, Ed. 11/85) with a limit of not less than $2,000,000 (Two Million Dollars) per occurrence. If the insuranceincludes a general aggregate limit, that limit shall apply separately to this contract or it shall be at least twice the required per occurrencelimit. (2) Business automobile liability insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services office form CA 0001 (Ed. 1/87) covering Automobile Liability, code 1 "any auto" and endorsementCA 0029 (Ed. 12/88)with a limit not less than $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) per accident. (3) Workers Compensation Insurance as required by the State of California and employers liability insurance with a limit not less than $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) per accident. All insurance coverages shall be provided by insurers with a rating of B+; VII or better in the most recent edition of Best's Key Rating Guide, Property-Casualty Edition. Work on City property covered by a purchase order cannot be commenced until certificates of insurance have been approved. Please use the official City of Beverly Hills certificate of insurance form (attached). If you use another form, the following requirements must be met to make the certificates acceptable to the City: 1 name the City of Beverly Hills as additional insured for both GENERAL liability and AUTO liability; and 2 have at least thirty (301d¥ written notice of cancellation. 20 of 21 Title: Upfitting of Public Safety Vehicles BID NO.: 15-25 All certificates of insurance must remain current until the purchase order expires or is sooner cancelled. AFTER THE ACCEPTANCE AND AWARD OF THE BID BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON RECEIPT OF A WRITTEN PURCHASE ORDER EXECUTED BY A PROPER OFFICER OF THE CITY, THIS DOCUMENTWILL CONSTITUTETHE LEGAL CONTRACT BETWEENTHE CITY AND THE SUCCESSFULBIDDER. PLEASE SUBMIT BID PROPOSAL TO: CITY OF SEVERL Y HILLS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 290 455 NORTH REXFORD DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 ATTN: BID 15-25 (END) 21 of 21
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