Our mission at Calvary is to boldly proclaim the life-changing love of Jesus Christ through joyful worship, faithful service, & continuous learning. Third Sunday in Lent March 7 & 8, 2015 Sat. - 5 pm; Sun. - 9 am Welcome to Worship! We welcome you in Christ’s name and thank you for sharing this worship moment with us. May this time of praise both honor God and inspire you. We invite you to join us following worship for a time of fellowship in our Fellowship Hall (through the glass doors in the gathering area). Then come learn with us during our Christian Education time for all ages beginning at 10:30 am. If you are looking for a church home, come and explore all that Calvary has to offer. Please fill out a blue ‘Communion Participation & Visitor Registration’ card, located in the pew pockets, so that we may get to know you better. You may drop it in the offering basket or hand it to an usher. Then feel free to stop in at our “Welcome Desk” and pick up more information about our many ministries. If you have any questions, please speak with the pastor or any of our staff or volunteers wearing a grey nametag. Large print bulletins are available from any usher. Please silence cell phones during worship. Order of Worship March 7 & 8, 2015 LBW: Lutheran Book of Worship (green) WOV: With One Voice (blue) Third Sunday in Lent RPB: Red Pew Bible *indicates stand The entire worship service is projected on the screen. ___________________________________________________________ PREPARATORY PRAYER Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. ___________________________________________________________ CALL TO WORSHIP: “Just as I Am” by Jeffrey Honoré ANNOUNCEMENTS *CONFESSION OF OUR SINS *ANNOUNCEMENT OF GOD’S FORGIVENESS *OPENING SONG: “Just As I Am, Without One Plea” LBW #296 *KYRIE *BLESSING OF THE PEOPLE *PRAYER OF THE DAY P: Let us Pray... C: Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly and inwardly that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. OLD TESTAMENT READING: Exodus 20:1–17 [RPB pg. 118] PRAYING THE PSALM: Psalm 19 [RPB pg. 858] EPISTLE READING: 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 [RPB pg. 1772] *VERSE: LBW pg. 63 *READING FROM THE GOSPELS: John 2:13–22 [RPB pg. 1648] CHILDREN’S SERMON [Sun] *SERMON SONG: “Jesus Sinners Will Receive” LBW #291 SERMON Pastor Dennis Roser 2 HOLY BAPTISM [Sun] Bode Eugene Zipp *APOSTLES’ CREED [Sat] *PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH *SHARING OF CHRIST’S PEACE: We invite you to share the peace with one another. OFFERING The Offering is received as the Lord's table is prepared. Offertory: “If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee ” by Helmut Walcha *OFFERING PRAYER *GIVING THANKS SANCTUS: LBW pg. 69 *THE WORDS OF OUR LORD * PROCLAMATION OF CHRIST *LORD’S PRAYER LAMB OF GOD LBW pg. 72 SHARING IN THE LORD’S SUPPER Celebration of Holy Communion: In the Lord's Supper, we truly receive the body and blood of the risen Christ. Baptized Christians who confess this real presence of Christ Jesus in this Holy meal are invited to come forward with us to receive Holy Communion. Those not prepared for communion and persons who have a different understanding of the Lord’s Supper are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Please indicate this to the servers by bringing your service bulletin to the altar rail with you. When an usher directs you, come to the front using the center aisle Please kneel at the rail; receive the bread, then the wine. Grape juice & gluten free wafers are available upon request Children who do not yet commune receive a blessing If you are unable to come forward but wish to receive communion, let an usher know and communion will be brought to you When you are finished, return to the pew by the side aisles Music During Distribution: “Meditations” by Henry Coleman *BLESSING VBS KICK-OFF [Sun] SENDING SONG “Day by Day” WOV #746 [Sat] *SENDING POSTLUDE: “Short Prelude” by Herrmann Schroeder [Sat] All music used in our worship services is used with permission: CCLI License #1538788 and Sundays and Seasons (Augsburg Fortress) License #43651. 3 Announcements Sunday School/Christian Education Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:30 am. Younger children begin in the choir room and then proceed to designated classrooms. Catechism class for middle school youth meets in designated classroom, high school youth meet in the Youth Room and Adult Ed meets in the Media Room. Wednesday Bible Studies Wednesday Bible study meets at 1pm in the Media Room. Join us! Next Week’s Lessons Old Testament: Numbers 21:4–9 Epistle: Ephesians 2:1–10 Psalm: Psalm 107:1–9 Gospel: John 3:14–21 Prayers For Joy: Baptized this Sunday is Bode Eugene Zipp, son of Erica & Erik Zipp. Bode’s Christian sponsors are Alex Zipp and Lindsey Schmelzer. Serving in the Military: Zachery Becker (grandson of Reg & Sue Becker, serving in US Army); Karl Schulz (son of Sallie Schulz, serving in the US Army); Samantha Bland (daughter of Kim Nyka); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen & Keith Pierce, serving in the US Army); Ryan Michael (grandson of Donald & Fay Heyen); Tasha Olson, currently at the Hospital Corpsman School in dental training and Alex Olson, training as an air traffic controller for the Air Force (grandchildren of Wayne & Ardath Olson); all military chaplains. Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere, who take the Gospel of Christ Jesus to those who are perishing. For healing: Lori Smith; Marge Blockland; Jean Anderson; Lois Gehrke; Marge Fuller; Bev Meinke; Mary (sister of Cindy Busche); Steven Sell (brother of Sue Wizner); Linda Tredupp (sister of Bonnie Johnson); Pennie Hirth (niece of Gael & Carl Hirth); Gordon Evans (friend of Chet Elliott). As a general guideline, we place people on the weekly prayer list for 2 weeks but are always willing to retain them on the list for as long as necessary. Please let us know if this is the case. Check the online edition of the Crossroads for the latest update on those for whom we are praying on a long-term basis as well as for our shut-in list. We are putting together a new picture directory for Calvary! Sign up on the glass doors for a time to have your picture taken! Please note: This will be done completely in house, so no high-pressure sales pitch! 4 Missions March Mission of the Month: Partner Congregation Calvary is partnered in support of New Life Lutheran in Menomonie, WI. and during the month of March our offerings to Mission of the Month go directly to this congregation. As a new congregation, there are many needs ‒ needs that we at Calvary faced over 50 years ago. Currently, the New Life congregation meets in a school and are prayerfully and financially working toward building their own home for the congregation. Let us stand with them and bolster them in prayer and through our generous financial gifts to help them meet their goals. We encourage you to visit their website at http://newlifeluth.org to learn more! Use your weekly offering envelopes, white pew envelopes, or give online. Checks should be made out to Calvary Lutheran Church and note: Mission of the Month -New Life. News Mid-Week Lenten Supper & Worship On Wednesday our mid-week Lenten suppers and worship services continue. Our worship features the drama “Invited to the Banquet of the King”. As in any series, you won’t want to miss any “episodes” in this continuous story. This week we encounter “The Teacher” with the theme of Scripture. Supper will be served by the Citraro small group and begins at 6 pm followed by worship at 7 pm. Women’s Ministry Book Group On Monday, March 9, please join us at 1:00 in the media room for a lively discussion of “Remarkable Creatures” by Tracy Chevalier. Meet Your Deacon - March 14 & 15 Calvary’s Board of Deacons will host a hospitality time after the 5:00 worship on March 14 and after Sunday worship March 15. This is a great opportunity to visit with your deacon in person and ask questions, update your deacon on what’s happening in your life, or just say hello and have a delicious snack. You’ll find signs at each table in Fellowship Hall that indicate who your deacon is according to the initial of your last name. We hope to see you there! Monday Morning Movie for March On Monday, March 16 at 9:00, come to the toasty warm media room for a viewing of “Chariots of Fire”. This Oscar-winning 1981 film, based on the true story of two athletes representing Great Britain in the 1924 Olympics, is an inspiring movie about Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian who runs for the glory of God, and Harold Andrews, an English Jew who runs to overcome prejudice. The film runs just over 2 hours, and we’ll have snacks and beverages. Please sign up on the glass doors in the narthex if you’d like to come, so we can have a seat reserved for you! 5 Mark’s Gospel - Lenten Movie Showing Our Gospel readings in 2015, and especially in the Lenten season, will come from the Gospel of Mark. As a way of enriching our Lenten experience, we will be showing “Mark’s Gospel” several times in March. All showings will be in the media room. Beverages and snacks will be provided. Please sign up on the glass wall in the narthex for one of the following showings: Monday, March 23 9-10:30 am Monday, March 23 7 – 8:30 pm Thursday, March 26 1 – 2:30 pm Youth & Family Roll Up Your Sleeves & Put on an Apron – All YOUth! Saturday, March 21, 9:00 am to Noon-ish Come and help out in the Youth Bakery! We will be preparing all of the ordered items from our fundraiser. Keep in mind these funds go to sponsor and reduce the cost of our youth events for you! Events like retreats, trips, camps, parties, bible studies. Come when you can, and leave when you need to! No cooking/ baking experience required, there is a job for everyone! VeggieTale Movie Premier – NOAH’s ARK Friday, March 27 at 6:30 pm Noah and his family along with a zoo full of animals take an adventure aboard an orange slice ark. After 40 days and nights of rain, everyone's faith has been tested, and they're ready to jump ship. Will they chart a new course, or will they remember to trust God's promises? Grab your umbrellas and find out in this VeggieTales re-telling of the beloved Bible story! You don’t have to come 2x2, just come aboard! Kids are invited to wear their PJ’s for a fun-filled evening adventure. We will watch the movie, enjoy a snack, and complete a craft project, while learning more about God’s awesome LOVE! YOUth Summer Camp Just a reminder to get registered by March 8. Extra forms are on the Youth Board. March Meetings Bridge: 3/8; 11:30 am-1 pm Connect: 3/8; 3:30 -5 pm Revolve: 3/15; 5:30-7 pm 6 Attendance & Offering Attendance at worship last weekend: Sat:: 22 Sun: 111 Wed: 52 Received in March to date: General Fund $ 2,905.00 Mission of Month $ 105.00 Building Fund $ 15.00 Serving at Worship Presiding Minister: Rev. Dennis Roser Assisting Minister: Larry Bonier Acolytes: Conner Morris, Jared Springer Altar Guild: Shirley Brodell, Marge Tyne Children’s Sermon: Larry Bonier Deacons: (Sat) Sue Rowe; (Sun) Grace Gunnlaugsson, Terry Trotier, Mary Smith, Donna Schroeder (H) Flowers: Given by Rick Kegel in memory of Gael Greeters: (Sat) Bill Anderson, Ginnie Cox, Jeanette Ketelsen; (Sun) Ruby Hauch, Eleanore Hahn, Ruth Young Lector: Larry Bonier Mug a Newcomer: Mary Ellen Thiede Nursery: Kim Nyka Organist: Gene Traas PPT: [Sat] Roser; [Sun] Lydia Trudell Ushers: Tom Thiede, Jim Marsho, Ed Ramthun, Ed Ramthun Jr. Contact Information Pastor: Dennis Roser ([email protected]) cell 262-893-8312 Director of Music Ministry: Gene Traas ([email protected]) Director of Youth & Family Ministry: Angie Schatz ([email protected]) Director of Communications: Kim Steiner ([email protected]) Nursery Coordinator: Erica Zipp Youth Hospitality Coordinator: Anna Baumgartner Office Manager: Holly Novotny ([email protected]) Financial Secretary: Kris Molitor ([email protected]) Pastors-in-residence: Pastor Jack Trethewey & Pastor Ted Youngquist Congregational Council email: [email protected] Deacon email: [email protected] 7 This Week at Calvary Sunday, March 8, 2015 Daylight Savings Begins 8:30a Cherub Choir 9:00a Worship 10:30a Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Education 11:30a Bridge 3:30p Connect Monday, March 9, 2015 Serenity Inn Meal Program 1:00p Women’s Book Group 7:00p Christian Clowns Tuesday, March 10, 2015 9:30a Staff Meeting 6:00p Celebration Ringers 7:00p Deacon Meeting; Families Anonymous 7:30p Non-Smoking AA Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Council Reports Due 7:00a Men’s Breakfast 6:00p Lenten Supper 7:00p Lenten Worship 7:45 Alleluia Choir Thursday, March 12, 2015 9:30a Calvary Knitting Group 2:00p Foster Small Group 7:00p Christian Ed Committee; Mutual Ministry Friday, March 13, 2015 12:00p Al Anon Saturday, March 14, 2015 5:00p Worship Sunday, March 15, 2015 Food Sunday 8:30a Cherub Choir 9:00a Worship 10:30a Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Education 5:30p Revolve CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 1750 N. CALHOUN RD., BROOKFIELD, WI 262-786-4010 [email protected] WWW.CALVARYLC.COM FACEBOOK.COM/CALVARYLC 8
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