Worship with us Saturday (Contemporary) @ 4pm Sunday @ 9:30 am LENT 2015 “Miracles of Lent” Midweek Worship and Holy Week The Lenten Midweek Services for 2015 is the “Miracle of Lent”. It will focus on the important and significant miracles and miraculous signs that God the Father performed to set apart His Son’s death from all others. These miraculous signs and miracles were performed by our Heavenly Father during the passion of His Son to help spread the Good News, which is centered in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the face of opportunity. Paul in Ephesians 6:10-20 reminds us of our opposition “Proclaiming the Miracles of Lent equip us with some of the “armor” Paul writes about. Wednesday – 6pm Supper (different groups) 7pm Worship in Fellowship Hall March 4 Matthew 27:51b “The Miraculous Earthquake” March 11 Matthew 27:51c “The Miracle of Splitting Rocks” March 18 Matthew 27:52-53 “The Miraculous Raising of the Saints from death” March 25 Matthew 27:54 “The Miraculous Faith of The Roman Soldiers” Holy Week Services: (in the Sanctuary) March 29 April 2 April 3 April 5 Palm Sunday 9:30am Maundy Thursday 6-8pm Seder at Trinity, Glendora Good Friday 7pm 1 Peter 3:18 “The Miracle of Good Friday” Easter Sunday with Holy Communion each service 8am & 10:30am 9am Breakfast Matthew 28:1-10 “The Miracle of The Resurrection” These Special Worship Services are opportunities to prayerfully invite family, friends and neighbors. May God richly Bless us on our Lenten Journey. 2 WORSHIP SCHEDULE 2/28&3/1 nd 2 Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Romans 5:1-11 Mark 8:27-38 3/7&8 rd 3 Sunday in Lent Exodus 20:1-17 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 John 2:13-25 3/14&15 th 4 Sunday in Lent Numbers 21:4-9 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 th 3/21&22 5 Sunday In Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34 Hebrews 5:1-10 3/29 Mark 10:32-45 Palm Sunday Zechariah 9:9-12 Philippians 2:5-11 Mark 14:1-15; 47 or Mark 15:1-47 or John 12:20-43 Maundy Thursday at Trinity, Glendora CHRISTIAN SEDER CELEBRATION Trinity Lutheran Glendora, Trinity Lutheran Sawyer, and St. Paul Lutheran Buchanan invite you to a Christian Passover celebration called a Seder Service. The deliverance the Lord gave the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt anticipates in many ways the deliverance the Lord gives from sin through THE Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ. It was while remembering and celebrating the Passover that our Lord instituted a new covenant in His blood poured out for us for the forgiveness of our sins. Therefore we will celebrate God’s deliverance in ways faithful to the traditions of God’s people going back to the first Passover while also celebrating and honoring our Lord for the greater deliverance provided for us through Jesus Christ. The Seder Service includes a program, meal, and the Lord’s Supper. This will take place on Maundy Thursday, April 2, from 6:00-8:00 at Trinity Glendora, 1733 W. Glendora Rd. Buchanan, MI, 49107. Rev. Liebich, Rev. Lett, and Rev. Barz will be co-hosting and leading. The meal is a pot-luck with a specific menu. Please sign-up if you would like to attend and also consider signing up to bring a dish from the menu. Contact Jeannine Krieger or Ruby Schaffer for sign up and recipes. 3 A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR In His time together… Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” In one way or another we are all “caught by the lake effect snow”. We look out our windows at the winter wonderland. It’s usually about this time of year we start to get cabin fever and long for spring, but we know it is a ways off. “Lake effect” is still new for us. So forgive my curiosity and fascination… The snow is lighter than system snow, so snow removal is easier. The snow bands off the lake bring snow, not to all of Michiganders, just us. God treats us special that way. The snow banks are driven by wind blowing across Lake Michigan, the cold temperatures hold the white fluff in the air and deliver it to us. Some is caught in the trees and bushes and held there by gravity until the wind blows it loose. This “winter only” scene is often captured by artists in their drawings, paintings and photographs. They intend to capture the moment so others in other places and times will also have the opportunity to be in awe and marvel along with them. Many escape winter and go south. We would like to go along with them! We long for the warmth, sunshine and greening up of God’s creation again. But this is winter in West Michigan. In our longing for spring, God gives beauty to catch our attention and to slow and quiet our impatience and restlessness. Our world, racing in a hurry to get there is forced to reconsider and adjust travel, schedules, and involvement in order to keep commitments. All this interruption can cause a shift in our focus from ourselves to what we see and God who made it all for us. We are slowed down, stopped, forced to just be… and to be in awe. So we, like Isaiah pause, reflect and encourage others to do likewise. The snow also is a metaphor a word picture God has sculpted to slow us, and show us. Boldly, yes, our sins are forgiven. All our sins are all covered like the snow covering the ground. What Christ has accomplished is delivered to us in our time of anxiety and need and when we try to do it all and fix it all; but we can’t. We are slowed and shown what only God can do for us. Behold the Beauty of the Snow! Be reminded of this undeserved forgiveness for our sins, for us and all. Pause to celebrate and give thanks, Christ died and paid the full price – covered it all, and rose to give us new life forever! We long for Spring; we long for the future. We believe, know and trust, it will come one day, but for now…Lake effect. It’s Lake effect…just for us. Enjoy it together with others! In Christ, Pastor Randy Lett 4 Nurturing News from PRECIOUS IN HIS SIGHT 5 SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUTH NEWS Youth Events Gathering items for Care Packages Month of March For our Military and College Students Pack Care Packages Sun, March 29 3-5pm Sunday school for Preschool to Grade 5, meets the first and third Sunday of each month during the Church Service. Sunday School. Sunday School continues to meet on the first and third Sunday of each month during Church. We have wonderful teachers, please bring your children to Sunday School. Set up for Easter Breakfast Join us to dye eggs and set up the tables Saturday April 4 10-Noon Easter Breakfast Sunday, April 5 Please come to help serve and clean up Church at 8 am & 10 am Michigan District Junior High School Youth Gathering (for those currently in grades 6,7,8) June 5-7, 2015 Bavarian Inn Lodge, Frankenmuth MI $50 deposit due to Mrs Kacmar by March 22 Cost: Registration—$59 & Room Fee Total cost determined by number of participants staying in each room. The plan is to earn the cost of the rooms with fundraisters. Registrations packets available from Mrs Kacmar. Mrs. Kacmar – 847-971-2860 (cell) call or text 269-756-9525 (home) leave a message [email protected] email IM on facebook (Dawn Kacmar) SCRIP Fill your Easter Baskets with scrip. Order now to be sure to get all exactly what you want. Thanks to all our faithful scrip purchasers. Scrip is available Sunday mornings or from the office during office hours. The most effective way to guarantee that you get the scrip you need is to put in an order for it. We have the order in by Thursday and will call you or you can pick it up on the next Sunday morning. Please consider ordering from scrip. You pay exactly what the amount of the scrip card is for. There are many more stores available than we are able to keep in stock. For example: Meijer is available to order in denominations of $25, $50, or $100. Lowe's and Home Depot in even larger denominations including $500 and $1000 for those building or remodeling projects. A little advance planning can provide you with what you need and include a nice donation for Youth. VBS Mark your calendar! Vacation Bible School will be June 1518. The theme is "Camp Discovery", Jesus at Work Through Us. Please contact Dawn Kacmar to volunteer. We need lots of people to have a successful VBS. Teachers, craft leaders, game leaders, publicity people, guides, and more are needed. Library News: MARCH The month that begins the season of SPRING! So SPRING into the library for a book! February is the month I stock up on some new books at the annual sale in Buchanan at LES. March allows us to prepare for Easter as we attend Lent services on Wednesday leading to Palm Sunday on March 29th. Sherrie Bender donated a wonderful booklet of 19 CD’s of the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. These audio CD’s are from Focus on the Family Radio Theatre. Here are the classic stories, that have enchanted millions brought to life with a cast of over one hundred actors. Check it out for family listening entertainment. It would be great for long car trips for listening enjoyment. May will be here before we know it! Keep saving those pennies. My prayer is that we will all have a great spiritual journey during Lent to the Holy Week. See you in church! ADULT BIBLE STUDY “JOINING JESUS ON HIS MISSION” by LCMS Pastor Greg Finke. We continue our study of this book in our Sunday Adult Bible Study at 10:45 am each Sunday in the Fellowship Hall. We are learning how easy and comfortable it can be to follow Jesus and invite others to also follow along. All are welcome. At the workshop I was caught by Pastor Finke’s insights and practical approach, to just learn from Jesus. So we will explore our apprehensions, and get ourselves untangled from all our excuses and get back to the simplicity of learning, following, trusting, sharing…Jesus. If you’ve never attended a Sunday Adult Bible Study before, that’s okay. We are at different points on our journey. We are all learning. I look forward to growing with you. I will also be sharing in our Epiphany Season Sermons teachings from Jesus on following Him. Pastor Lett 6 JANUARY 2015 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS BIRTHDAY CHILDREN’S WEB SITE The JCPlay Zone website, www.jcplayzone.org, is offered by Lutheran Hour Ministries. Evie & Emmett Kempton, Elaine Dinges, Frances Reisenbichler MEMORIALS for WALTER FREYER from Richard & Michele Kiel: $30 for Maintennce MEMORIALS for EVELYN SCHILLER from Agnes Cereske, Beverly Schmidt, Maureen & Tasha Lindsay, Virgina Freyer, Larry & Nerma Schmidt, Lottie Schmidt, Dean Schmidt, Mary Jane Gnodtke: $110 for Black Top Fund, $60 for Home, $75 for Portals of Prayer MEMORIALS for JOYCE PORAPAT from Erna Jungblut: $25 for Home PORTALS OF PRAYERS LUTHERAN TALK RADIO You can listen to Issues, Etc. on demand. Issues, Etc. Is produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Topics: Islam, Defending the Pro-Life Position, God’s Will for Your Daily Life, Religion & Politics, Biblical Interpretation, the Pop Spirituality of Oprah Winfrey, Movie Reviews, ChristCentered Fatherhood, Creation vs. Evolution, Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses and more. Listen to what you want when you want at www.issuesetc.org. You’ll find weekly updates at the link; http:// issuesetc.org/promote.html. CD MINISTRY TO SHUT INS Volunteers are needed to help deliver CD’s of our worship services to the shut-ins. Contact Harold Abele, Board of Elders Chairman or Pastor Lett if you’d like to help. Hearing Assistant Devices at Worship The Ladies’ Aid There has been a great response to the providing of Hearing assist devices for worship at Trinity. If you are needing one ask the Elder or usher on duty to assist you. Each person has their own ear piece to use which is ‘Kept’ in the usher closet in the narthex. We thank God for this technology and the support for this caring ministry through his people and their special gifts. A BIG THANK YOU Project Connect JoAnn Trapp IN HONOR OF SERVICE PERSONS To Sheila Rose and Bruno Lehmann who donated the new flooring in the kitchen of the teacherage in memory of Raymond Harfert and Ewald Lehmann. Did you see the Booklet Rack by the door by the church office? Maybe there is a topic you could prayerfully share with someone you know. ********************************* Portals of Prayer ALTAR GUILD For anyone who would like to donate flowers for our church services, or become an Altar Guild member, please contact either Teresa Krieger (269) 426-4317, or Teresa Peterson (269) 426-3279 or any Altar Guild member for more information. Do you enjoy receiving The Portals of Prayer? Would you assist the congregation in covering the expenses for this wonderful devotional? We order them in bulk to lower your cost. Individual subscriptions cost over $6 for the year, by ordering them in bulk we pay only $3 for the year per copy. Large Print is $9.60 instead of $10.60. If you would like to help with this cost please place a donation for Portals of Prayer in the offering plate. Thanks! 7 BENTON HARBOR LUTHERAN OUTREACH Events for March 2015 Meal and More – March 12, 2015 “Soup Kitchen” – Benton Harbor at the Salvation Army, Tuesday, March 24, 11:30am Mobile Food Pantry – Trinity Center, Thursday, March 26, 4pm Community Noon Meal – Trinity Center 4th Saturday, March 28, 11:30-1pm Contact 269-983-5000 ext. 402 Debby Miskil for more information or Pastor Lett. We are collecting plastic shopping bags, for dividing up fruits and vegetables and for making mats for the homeless, and returnable beverage cans & bottles to help support the Mobile Food Pantry. Bring them to the boxes at “Boiler Square”. CAN YOU HELP OUT? “Can” you help out? Trinity, Sawyer has been accepting returnable bottles and cans in a bin by the gym. The money collected from the refund is donated to the Mobile Food Pantry sponsored by Benton Harbor Lutheran Outreach Missions (BHLOM). Our youth and other members have been helping unload the truck, from time to time. The recent refund from bottles and cans totaled $27. This is proof that Trinity members “can” and do make a difference! We also need plastic shopping bags to be used for vegetables & fruits. The next Mobile Food Pantry distribution is Thursday, February 26. We meet at 4pm at Trinity Center, St.Joe. Contact Pastor Lett for more information if you would like to help. Thank you so much for raising money to assist with the cost of the Mobile Food Pantry. Because of your generosity we are able to help those less fortunate. May God Bless you as you are a Blessing to Many. Debby Miskill WELLSPRING LUTHERAN SERVICES Our congregation has partnered with Wellspring Lutheran Services through a pilot program called Together With Impact. This program is designed to help us get better understanding of what human care ministry means to our congregation and the surrounding community. The first step of this process is for all of our congregation members to participate in a survey on the topic of human care. This survey is completely anonymous and should only take about five minutes to complete. We will be offering this survey either in written form or there will also be an online version. This step will start on Saturday & Sunday, April 18 & 19 and should be completed by Monday April 27th. Our goal is to have a presentation ready for the congregation by mid-July. MEN’S GROUP AT TRINITY We meet the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at 8am, March 14 & 28. Men, lets gather and encourage one another around a lively discussion of God’s Word. The Lutheran Hour Resource topic video series will be starting soon. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ~ March 20th The Newsletter Deadline is the Third Friday of every month. Please have anything you want in the Newsletter emailed to Terry Bronson at [email protected] by the third Friday of the month. Any questions please contact Terry directly (269) 612-0329. 8 BENTON HARBOR LUTHERAN OUTREACH (BHLOM) WITNESS AND MERCY CALENDAR FOR 2015 MEAL & MORE FOOD TRUCK COM. DINNER Thursday Thursday Saturday SOUP KITCHEN Tuesday March 12 March 26 March 28 March 24 April 9 April 23 April 25 April 28 May 14 May 28 May 16 (3 wks.) May 26 June 11 June 25 June 27 June 23 July 9 July 23 July 25 July 28 August 13 August 27 August 22 August 25 September 10 September 24 September 26 September 22 October 8 October 22 October 24 October 27 November 12 November 19 (3 wks.) November 21 (3 wks.) November 24 December 10 December 17 (3 wks.) December 19 (3 wks.) December 22 ____ Worship at Harbor Towers, 250 Wall St., Benton Harbor is every Tuesday at 2pm in the Community Room located on the 8th floor. Meal & More is also at Harbor Towers Community Room, serving from 11:30am-1pm These two events are specifically for the Harbor Towers for security purposes. Food Truck – Doors open at 2pm / truck arrives at 3:30pm / hand out food at 4pm Community Dinner at Trinity Ministry Center volunteers arrive 10:30 – 10:45am / serve 11:30 – 1pm If you would like to volunteer for any of these please contact Debby Miskill at 983-5000 ext. 402. We can support this Ministry with our returnable cans & bottles & plastic shopping bags. Deposit them in the boxes in Boiler Square. Thanks! Church Extension Fund THERE'S MORE to planning for your retirement than just settling for whatever your employer has to offer. After all, your company's plan may not be robust enough to support you as you'd like in retirement. Or maybe your employer doesn't offer a plan at all. No matter what, your retirement is your responsibility, and if your company plan is insufficient or nonexistent, you've got to find a way to make up for it. Happily, you can solve the problem by turning to the other tax-advantaged investment options like a Church Extension Fund individual retirement account (IRAs). For more information call CEF at 800-242-3944. 9 March Anniversaries 10th 12th 14th 22nd 31st Jason & Katie Schaeffer 9 years Elmer & Betty Hak 60 years Arthur & Frances Pearce 45 years Richard & Carolyn Ghareeb 46 years John & Shirley Gilman 53 years March Birthday’s 1st 2nd 4th 5th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 20th 21st 22nd 25th 26th 27th 29th 31st Karl Strefling, Joel Schaeffer, Tori Fleck Mark Boyd, Ashley Germain Angela Lowe Joseph Hood, Emily Priest, David Forker William Boyd, Karina Backus, Ruger Kittleson Harold Abele, Jerry Phillippi, Janice Krycka Gregg Schaffer Abigail Craig Larry Horak Pauline Keller Lovey Zeiger Calvin Gnodtke Patricia Gnodtke Erna Jungblut, Delores Glaske, Casey Knapp, Rachel Folino, Kyle Backus Karon Gaul, Chad Shafer Adeline Geik Dennis Beckman, Bruce Stark Gary Randall Matthew Strefling Maggie Szczypiorski, Dylan Comeaux Carl Hildebrandt, Carter Hildebrandt, Christine Clament Tracy Knapp, Joshua Ackerman 10 TRINITY OFFICERS MILITARY ADDRESSES Kerry L. Krieger Reserves - Home CHAIRMAN Art Gnodtke – 426-4789 VICE CHAIRMAN Tom Krieger TREASURER Irene Oman ASSISTANT TREASURER Sheila Rose RECORDING SECRETARY Judy McGhee FINANCIAL SECRETARY Dave Sinner SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Dawn Kacmar BOARD OF ELDERS Harold Abele (ch), Bill Marske, Roger Kugler, Ken Priest, Vic Gaul, Irv Hischke Jason & Katie Schaeffer 4254A Grayback Ct. Silver dale, WA 98315 Tim & Elizabeth Philpott 8601 Copper Knoll Las Vegas, NV 89129 Kris Shafer Reserves Michael McClenahan 2379 Riverchase Place Fayetteville, NC 28306 PVT Cassandra Bronson Reserves Brett Glaske Cherry Point Havelock, NC BOARD OF YOUTH MINISTRIES Rich Bender (ch), Colleen Kugler, Dawn Kacmar, Kathi Beckman BOARD OF FINANCE David Sinner (ch), Agnes Cereske, Arlene Harfert, Teresa Krieger, Alvin Krumrie BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tom Krieger (ch), Dave Abele, Todd Mantei, Charles Bronson, JJ Hischke, Matt Strefling, Dennis Wohler, Richard Bender, Steve Harfert BOARD OF FAMILY LIFE Irv Hischke, Ginny Hischke APPOINTED COMMITTEES ENDOWMENT ADVISORY Dave Abele (ch), Dennis Beckman, Heidi Abele, FINANCIAL REVIEW Bill Marske, Marcia Dinges, Linda Stanage, Teresa Krieger, Sheila Rose If you have someone in the service please let us know the address so we can send cards and notes. Thanks!
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