VOLUME 17, ISSUE 3 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWS SOURCE MARCH 2015 PLATINA SINGERS’ TRIBUTE BODY, MIND & SPIRIT FAIR GOOD NEWS FOR THE “AT LAST” A LOVE STORY COMPUTER CLUB BRUNCH PHOTOS BOOK & RESTAURANT REVIEWS Cover Design: Scott Weinberg have 1st Choice PAGE 2 TREASURER’S CORNER Phyllis Garcia I am pleased to report that we have finished the year of 2014 within our budget. Additionally, our annual audit has begun as required by law. You will be notified when it is complete as you are entitled to receive a copy if you are interested. Our delinquencies continue to trend downward. As you know, we reduced our bad debt line in the 2015 budget from $30,000 to $20,000. I am hoping to further reduce it in the coming years. The real estate prices are rising again and we have become a very sought after community. Discussions have begun pertaining to our Club House renovation projected for the summer of 2016. At its completion it will be nearly 10 years since the last renovation. This is considered a (continued on page 5) February 4, 2015 Board Meeting Highlights Solar power was discussed as a possible addition for a clubhouse energy source, and it was noted that other communities have successfully installed solar panels with short payback periods. Carol Eskew, from Juda Eskew, our accounting firm, noted that our delinquency amount is approximately $100,000 below this time last year. The lake erosion project is successfully concluded. Visiting residents from other communities reviewing our sound and lighting system in the performance center noted that it is the best in the area. There was a discussion of adding speed humps in the community to inhibit speeding. A committee would be designated to follow up on this matter, and Mel Olshan volunteered to investigate. Jack Katinsky volunteered to follow up on potential cameras. The Board agreed to use an‚ ”opt out‚” form, consistent with new Florida Statute and for security reasons will not publish e-mail addresses. Our annual tree trimming is very successfully in progress. The Board accepted an $11,000 settlement for previous lake erosion work done on the property. The Yellow Dot auto sticker program was discussed, which enables emergency personnel to obtain your medical records from your glove box in the event you are incapacitated. The program is available to sign up at the local fire house. There will be a guest speaker at the April Men’s Club event to discuss the program. The rules and regulations committee has updated the rule book incorporating modifications approved since the last publishing in 2012. The Board also approved increasing the limit per barbecue grill from 12 to 20, in addition to clarification that the gas grills are for club use only. PAGE 3 RN Homecare Services COMPUTER-MARK OVER 9 YEARS SERVING THE AREA (OLDING9OUR(AND%VERY3TEPOFTHE7AY “OFFERING THE HIGHEST STANDARD IN COMPUTER SERVICE” Home Care Services 0ROVIDING(OME(EALTH!IDES #OMPANIONSs2.Ss,IVE)NSs(OURLY !LLCAREGIVERSARESCREENEDINSUREDBONDED CALL: Cell: 954-629-0978 Home: 561-732-7791 E-mail: [email protected] Geriatric Care Management -EDICATION-ANAGEMENT $EVELOPMENTOFPERSONALHEALTHRECORD 0HYSICIANREFERRALANDCOORDINATION 0HYSICIANANDHOSPITALVISITSs#RISISCARE Call us for a complimentary RN evaluation Risa Maisner RN, BSN MARK SINGER Fast Reliable Computer Repair New Computer Set-up by a Windows 8 Associate Windows 8 Training Computer Tune-up FREE Phone Consultation Virus, Adware, Malware & Spyware Removal Many more services, Just Call $45.00 / PER HOUR Robin Levine RN, BSN, MA ,OCALLY/WNED/PERATEDs3ERVING Palm Beach County ~$10.00 OFF FIRST SERVICE~ 23123 State Road 7, Suite 240sBoca Raton, FL 33428 Phone 561.771.0050s&AX561.300.2377 www.RNHomeCareServices.com License #30211509 Do you need RELIABLE C O M PA S S I O N AT E CERTIFIED Caregivers? e Plealsl Ca SANDRA OR LENARD Day or Night Live-In or Out 4 Hour Minimum PAGE 4 561.667.8608 954.592.7514 DOCTORS VISITS MEDICATION REMINDER SHOWER 2 Hour VISITS HAIRDRESSER APPOINTMENTS LAUNDRY LIGHT HOUSEWORK BODY, MIND & SPIRIT FAIR By Joan Easton There is a Body, Mind and Spirit Fair hosted by The Positive Side of Life Club each year. This year’s Fair will be on Thursday, March 12, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. There will be many vendors from different walks of life attending. The topics presented run the gamut from health issues, rehabilitation facilities, health care workers, real estate companies, investment possibilities and chiropractic medicine to walk-in clinics. Platina residents will take your blood pressure and inform you about CERT and COPS. There will be a display of EMS paraphernalia. Besides providing much useful information, many table stations will be giving out favors, such as pens, buttons and other items. TREASURER’S CORNER ... (Continued from page 3) common time line between projects in order to maintain the quality of the community. As you know, our documents provide for a “food service,” and we are currently considering a cost versus benefit study to determine whether expansion of the kitchen will be a worthwhile improvement in the overall service. I will let you know the outcome of this study when it is completed. Bernie Dubin will be coordinating this study with outside professionals in the fields of architecture and kitchen planning. Finally, just for your information, be advised that our documents require that you receive two late letters before being sent to the attorney. This law comes into effect at 45 days from the due date of your maintenance. If there are unusual circumstances you must contact us before this occurs. Please call if you need me. THE PLATINA POST Publisher: PCMA [email protected] EDITOR Stuart Pernick Editor Emeritus Shelly Grossman Staff Joan Easton, Rhoda Fisher, Carol Frazier, Dolores Katinsky, Lee Peterman and Jeanne Weinberg Graphic Designer Scott Weinberg Photographers Stuart Pernick, Sonny Seidman Production: Peter Easton Advertising: Barbara Disman, Judy Blitzer Business Manager: Ray Goldstein PCMA Board Liaison: Jack Katinsky For the past 21 years Larry Sherman has been president of the Positive Side of Life Club. The organization began with just four people, but the membership has increased to 40. The group meets every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. to discuss how people can better their lives. Some past topics have included health issues, self-esteem problems, the power of positive doing, and how to forgive. A member is always free to suggest a subject for discussion. Non-members are invited to come to a meeting. Dues are $12 per year. Larry Sherman proudly wears a button on his shirt that says, “I make a difference.” He is a very positive person who is soft-spoken and a very good listener. He doesn’t say, “Good-bye.” Larry says, “Make it a great day, every day, and expect a miracle.” Come to the Fair on Thursday, March 12, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. The admission is free. TO PLACE AN AD, CALL BARBARA DISMAN: 364-3378 (Read by over 2,000 residents each month) The Editors reserve the right to edit any and all articles submitted. We will not be responsible for Clubs’ and Committees’ incorrect calendar dates or times. All dated material was correct at the time of delivery to the printer. Please Support Our Advertisers.Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in the PAGE 5 Pfeffer’s Custom Aluminum Kaufman Eyecare Center Proudly offering quality screen doors manufactured by: Dr. Sanford L. Kaufman 561.738.5997 561.738.5997 Products, Inc. %RDUG&HUWL¿HG2SWRPHWULVWV 800-552-2173 Comprehensive Eye Exams FREE ESTIMATES * * * * * * * Dr. Marc Lurie 561.495.2010 561.495.2010 All Types of Contact Lenses Management of Eye Disease Custom Screen Doors and Enclosures Screen Repairs of all kinds Sliding Glass Door Repairs Window Repairs Sliding Screen Doors and Window Screens Aluminum Splash Guards (Kick-plate) Accordion Shutter Repair and Service Fashion Optical Boutique We accept most insurance including Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicaid and most vision insurance plans. Over 60 custom screen door designs to choose from! Located in the Boynton Trail Center for Over 20 Years! 9804 S. Military Trail E-7 Boynton Beach, FL 33436 PAGE 6 “GOOD NEWS” FOR THE By Jeanne Weinberg Do we have some good news for our Platina residents and friends! The Variety Club is heavy into rehearsals for their production of the June Allyson/Peter Lawford classic, Good News, with a snappy script rewritten by Bernice Wolfson (who plays Patricia, the gal out WRJUDEWKHJX\ZLWKWKHPRVWPRQH\¬´,W·V wonderful to see my words on stage,” said %HUQLFH ´,W EULQJV PH WR WHDUVµ 'LUHFWHG E\ Armand Abbott (who plays Tom), this Platina production is sure to bring back many memories of your college days! Says Hal Sperling (President of The Variety Club, who portrays %REE\´)URPFKHHUOHDGHUVWRIRRWEDOOKHURHV from romances to raucous shenanigans, this show has something for everyone.” Armand DGGHG ´<RX VWDUW ZLWK D JURXS RI$FDGHP\ Award winner wannabees, and as the weeks go by you realize how dedicated these actors DQGDFWUHVVHVDUH2VFDUKRSHIXOVZDWFKRXWµ¬ proud of our girls,” she adds proudly. And proud they all should be! Those cheerleaders are: Bobbi, Ethel, Florence, Gwen, Harriet, Iris, Jeanne (who?), Laurie, and Norma¬ This year, the Variety Club welcomed VHYHUDO QHZ SHUIRUPHUV¬ Betty & Jim Mancuso, Bobbi Cohen and Iris Gross. They fit right LQDQGGRDEDQJXSMRE¬1RVKRZLVFRPplete without a lecherous character … enter Morris (Hank E. Panky, if you get my drift), whose way of auditioning may not be H[DFWO\ WR DQ\RQH·V OLNLQJ <RX·OO OHDUQ WKH truth about Beef (Nordy) Wellington; UHNLQGOHGURPDQFHVEHWZHHQ¬3URI.HQ\RQ (Joyce) and Coach Johnson (Cy, known fondly around Platina as Tonto). Ruby (remember Cinderella?) and Brenda complete this college comedy cast. Lois, our costume designer once again, made sure the cast was properly attired for their roles. Dig those cutesy cheerleader outfits! Add to that lots of familiar songs that you will walk out humming … songs that were hand picked by Armand,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHURXVLQJ opening number, arranged by him, and the wild finale, you will hear such hits as Where the Boys Are, Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend, Crazy, and a memorable Be My Little Baby Bumblebee! :DWFK RXW « GRQ·W JHW VWXQJ Joel Odierro, as in previous years, did the musical arrangements and supplied the cast with disks so even at home, they can take the Variety Club with them. After the show ends, some of you might even want to dance out of the performance center doing The Varsity Drag! And, of course, our choreographer once again is Shirley Furman6KH·OOKDYHWKHFRHGVJRLQJ down on their heels and up on their toes to WKDWRQH´2XUFKHHUOHDGHUVFDQVWLOOGRZKDW cheerleaders should do,” said Shirley ´,·P And Estelle ... where else would the players find their missing lines? As prompter, she GRHVQ·WPLVVDZRUG¬¬ 6RGRQ·W\RXPLVVRXW0DUN\RXUFDOHQGDUV IRU)ULGD\HYHQLQJ0DUFK6DWXUGD\HYHQLQJ0DUFKDQG6XQGD\PDWLQHH0DUFK :DWFKWKHIO\HUZDOODQG&KDQQHOIRU ticket sale dates. We could all use a little Good News! (Pictured on the front cover are Armand Abbott, Director, and Shirley Furman, ChoreRJUDSKHU¬ PAGE 7 “no job too big or too small” AFFORDABLE PAINT and BODY SHOP CERTIFIED CERTIFIED NURSING NURSING ASSISTANT ASSISTANT SEEKING SEEKING JOB JOB FULL PAINT BODY SHOP Dents, Scratches, Accidents 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE Call Angela @ 954.803.1004 145 S. Congress Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33444 LEROY IS BACK! “Care as you like it” Licensed and Insured MV14570 COMPUTER REPAIR SERVICE BUDGET Electrical Service ED ST State Certified Electrical Contractor E CERTIFI AT TR IC TO R LICENSED INSURED BONDED AC ELEC FLORIDA AL CONT R 561 WE SOLVE ALL YOUR COMPUTER PROBLEMS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME FOR LIC #13004082 ONLY $45 /HR (PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ ,QVWDOODWLRQV 5HSDLUV 637-2366 Lowest Price In Town, 7 Days A Week, All Year Round ! Virus, Email, Slow PCs, Internet, Mac and Windows Issues Installation of New Computers, Internet, Skype, Printers Computer and Tablet Lessons In Clear Language AND FOR PLATINA RESIDENTS 10% DISCOUNT ON YOUR FIRST SERVICE 561-880-5766 561-396-6220 www.TheFloridaComputerGuy.com PAGE 8 Ruben Sigal Computer Professional Servicing PCs Since 1993 Microsoft and Comptia A+ Certified License # 15313 CLUBS AEROBICS March is here and that means our yearly luncheon will be held. It will be at Prime Catch on March 6, 2015. Our teachers are invited, as our guests, and it is fun seeing everyone out of exercise clothes and wearing “luncheon” clothes. It is always a lovely afternoon. With the weather forecasts from up north, I don’t know how many of our snowbirds are thinking of the trek north. We usually do start losing our snowbird members next month. Hope everyone has a safe journey and we will see everyone back next season. Joan Trombka Barbara’s humility and delightful stories concerning 25 years of frustration from her futile attempts to get a publisher to say “yes” to the various books she wrote. With the assistance of Alan Goldberg and Paul Goodman, as well as our generous computer club, the audience participated in an hour of conversation with Ms. Shapiro as if we were all sitting around our kitchen table and chatting. Of course, I must thank Carol Horvitz who has become our “Skype” lady. For the past few years, she has made the connections and brought this project to fruition. art class We have been working hard to produce our art pieces and will be showing them at our Art Show to be held Wednesday, March 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon in the Performance Center. February 7, 8, and 9 we had our annual Book Fair. Numerous books were donated (thanks to the Platina library and the Platina residents). All funds collected were donated to The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. Please come and see the works of the Platina Art Class. Marc Perla 561-369-2050 February 16 we had our general meeting. The Invention of Wings was presented by Joan Trombka. It was an excellent book and Joan did a fantastic job. bocce The fliers are available for our annual Book Club Luncheon. The date is March 16. We hope to fill the room as we have in the past. We have hired three ladies, calling themselves “Words ... Alive.” They will be presenting two books, written by Jeanette Walls… The Glass Castle and Half Broke Horses. They don’t just “present” … they “act,” with a script. They “become” the initial characters and bring to the audience the essence of the novel, without actually presenting it. On January 22, 2015, the Bocce club had their midseason barbecue; a great time was had by all. At the midway point we have a tie for first place between Team 3: Sal Macaluso, Jeanie Olshan, Charlotte Macaluso and Leonard Weinstein, and Team 4: Bernie Hirsch, Lenny Lauterman, Linda Bozetti and Joe Zarcone. However, everyone seems to be having a great time and many of our members are improving. We want to thank our President Mary Ziskin and her entire committee. Mary would like to thank all those who volunteer to referee the games. It seems that Bocce has become the favorite sport in Platina. We are now looking forward to an exciting second half, and we wish all our teams good luck and good bocceing. We are looking forward to the wonderful luncheon that we have at the end of the season. Above all, let’s continue to have fun. Charlotte Macaluso, Secretary BOOK We had the fabulous author of The Art Forger (B.A. Shapiro) join us via Skype on January 19. More than 160 residents attended and were blown away by Don’t miss this unusual and talented trio. And the lunch won’t be bad either!! See our fliers. Anita Goldstein, President BOOK FAIR The Annual Book Fair sponsored by The Book Club took place in the Clubhouse from February 7 through February 9. The proceeds from the sale, of $500.00, were donated to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. A special “thank you” to all my volunteers who helped me open the cartons of books and set them out onto the tables on Saturday, February 7, plus sit- PAGE 9 (continued on page 35) Experts in Digital High Power - Completely In The Canal Small Enough to Disappear - Replaces Most Behind The Ear Aids FREE Hearing Screening Call Today! (561) 327-7018 Norman Domb, HAS, BC-HIS, ACA, MCAP, Audioprosthologist Sherrie J. Domb, M.S., CCC-A, Clinical Dispensing Audiologist t$VTUPN&BS.PMET.BEF8IJMF:PV8BJU t#BUUFSJFT4FSWJDF0O"MM.BLFT.PEFMT t1FSTPOBMJ[FE4FSWJDF t.JOPS3FQBJST0O1SFNJTFT t4FDPOE0QJOJPOT8FMDPNF t"MM5FTUJOH1FSGPSNFE#Z0VS1SPGFTTJPOBMT t4QFDJBMJ[JOHJO%JGmDVMU$BTFT t)FBSJOH"JET'PS&WFSZ#VEHFU t7FSUJHP%J[[JOFTT5FTUJOH t5JOOJUVT.BOBHFNFOU t*OUFSFTUGPSNPOUITX"QQSPWFE$SFEJU IN PRACTICE SINCE 1961 (561) 327-7018 123 A N. Congress Ave. Boynton Beach (Next to CVS) www.floridahearingboyntonbeach.com 30 DAY TRIAL POLICY PAGE 10 BEEN RIPPED OFF? NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE? We may have a solution for you. We are Seniors vs Crime, a Special Project of the Florida Attorney General's Office. Our mission is to assist in resolving cases committed against the elderly. We are a FREE service and invite you to call or stop in to discuss your problem. All cases are kept strictly confidential. We can alert and educate you about Consumer Fraud, Con Games, Scams and other criminal acts that target seniors. Our Speakers Bureau will be happy to send a representative to a group meeting to discuss crime prevention. Please call to arrange a time and date. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monday through Friday. 561.865.1571 or 561.445.9966 No case or matter is too large or too small. “Don't feel embarrassed or guilty.” PAGE 11 Prompt & Reliable Service PAGE 12 PCMA COMMITTEE REPORTS bingo Bingo at Platina is doing very well. With co-chairman Hal Sperling doing our call backs. and a crew of great callers, Jason Shapiro, Norman Weiner, Adrian Feierstein, Len Brozgold and Arnie Sobel keep things running smoothly. Rochelle Kramer is the money lady who handles the bank. Bingo is played the first and third Friday of every month. Check the dates on the Platina calendar. Bill Kramer, Co-chairman rier and interfere with the orderly evacuation of the auditorium if need be. Your Committee wants to thank you for your cooperation. Bill Kramer, Chairman WELCOME The Welcome Committee had its first meeting of the new years. We are happy to have two new members join us: Fay Tepper, Co-chairman, and Penny Dubin. Together they suggested interesting additions to our welcome baskets and visits. Rounding out our Committee are Nikki Lorowitz, Jeanie Olshan, and Shelly Price. Our new resident information is forwarded to us by Nilda and the front desk personnel. We try to contact everyone in a timely fashion. If you are new to Platina, within the last few months, and have not yet been contacted by a committee member, please call 752-4973 and we will arrange a visit at your convenience. Barbara Weinstein, Chairman ST. PATRICK’S DAY By Jeanne Weinberg ENTERTAINMENT “THE BRONX WANDERERS” will be back on our stage on Saturday, March 21, at 8.00 p.m. You can expect another great show!!! The lottery for our winter season 2015-2016 will be held on Wednesday, March 18, at 9.00 a.m. Put your checks in the box at the desk in the clubhouse between February 12 and March 16. Norm Sachs, Chairperson safety and security The 2015 storm season is a few months away but we must start to prepare for it now. We continually train and check our preparations and see to it that the community is ready for any type of disturbance. It is not only hurricanes that we prepare for but other weather related disturbances such as lightning and rain storms. Your Safety and Security Committee is also concerned about safety in our auditorium. The seats must remain connected or they may become a bar- Everyone is a little Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, the saying goes. The holiday is in honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland who brought Christianity to the Emerald Isles. It is a day celebrating Irish history, ancestry, traditions and customs. Erin Go Bragh is perhaps the most common Irish term you will hear. It means Ireland Forever. There are more than 34 million Americans of Irish descent, almost nine times the population of Ireland. IRISH SODA BREAD WITH RAISINS 2C all purpose flour 5 Tbs sugar 1½ tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt ¾ tsp baking soda 3 Tbs butter, softened 1C buttermilk 2/3 C raisins 1. Preheat oven to 375˚ 2. Spray 8” diam. pan with cooking spray PAGE 13 (continued on page 17) GENERAL DENTISTRY COSMETIC DENTISTRY GUM TREATMENTS IMPLANTS Ronald G. Murstein, D.M.D., P.A. 68th Season Best live theatre value in South Florida! NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Main Stage Plays Other People’s Money Jan 31 - Feb 15 They’re Playing Our Song Mar 28 - Apr 12 Barefoot in the Park May 23 - June 7 Musical Memories, hosted by Randolph DelLago Give My Regards to Broadway Feb 9-12, 16-19 Making a Memory April 6-8, 13-15 Hey, Look Us Over! June 1-3, 8-10 All Individual Tickets $30/person | special rates groups 20+ %R[2I¿FHH[W_0RQ)ULDPWRSP NEXT TO 561.736.0008 91:WK6WUHHW'HOUD\%HDFK)/ delraybeachplayhouse.com FREE PARKING Boynton West Shopping Center 9851 Military Trail Boynton Beach, Fl 33436 PAGE 14 THAT CRAZY CRAZY WALKA-THON 2015 MONTH By Jeanne Weinberg MARCH Another month, another group of bizarre holidays that should keep you on your toes. Some you have heard about, most you’d rather not know about … but here goes: By Jeanne Weinberg On February 22, Platina residents and friends joined in their combined annual effort, a Walk-A-Thon to benefit charity. Their 2015 beneficiary of the proceeds of this Walk is Hospice of Palm Beach County Foundation/ Hospice by the Sea Foundation. ¬ Recently, the two foundations combined the not-for-profit organizations to form a new parent company that offers a coordinated, comprehensive continuum of care for those who struggle with progressive illness. Together they can offer increased access to services for patients and families through the communities they serve, while advocating for them with a stronger infra structure and a large, unified non-profit voice. ¬ Both organizations have provided quality hospice care in our communities for over 35 years, bringing compassion and reassurance into people’s lives in times of great need. By working together, both organizations can further meet the varied and ever-changing needs of patients and families in need of quality care at a most difficult time in their lives. ¬ Platina’s 2015 Walk-A-Thon was chaired by Sylvia Hunt, with Norm Sachs as Co-Chairman. Results of the Walk-A-Thon will appear in the April issue of The Platina Post. C. O. P. OF 3/1, Pig Day … Something’s not kosher here. Can’t put my finger on it, but “pig” day? 3/2, Old Stuff Day … I guess this is a good day to get rid of your “old stuff” as George Carlin said. Now that doesn’t mean a spouse! 3/4, Hug a GI Day … Every day this should be celebrated. Nice Story: My son-in-law always wears his Vietnam service cap (he served as a field medic). While visiting us, he went to The Girls Market, as usual. When the counterman saw his cap, he came out from behind the counter, shook his hand and said, “Thank you,” and gave him a free strawberry shortcake. Nice! 3/8, Be Nasty Day … This is NOT celebrated at Platina. After all, no one is EVER nasty here! 3/12, Earmuff Day … Wear ‘em if you have ‘em, but expect to get some strange looks. 3/12, National Popcorn Day … The only popcorn I ever tasted until I went on Weight Watchers was the caramel kind. Boardwalk … Coney Island … the smell would permeate the entire neighborhood … the taste was pure heaven! 3/17, St. Patrick’s Day … (see page 13 for more on St. Patrick’s Day, and a recipe for Irish Soda Bread) 3/18, Goddess of Fertility Day … This is the day that most of us living in South Florida would like to NOT celebrate, any more. Aphrodite, you did your service, now you relax! CITIZEN OBSERVER PATROL 3/20, Extraterrestrial Abduction Day … Have you had one of those experiences too? Small round heads with beady eyes that glare at you. The silver ship that beams you up … and then you woke up! 3/26, National Spinach Day … What could be more appetizing than a plate full of dark green “stuff,” sometimes a little sandy, waiting to turn you into Popeye! Yum yum! My mouth is watering already! So, folks, enjoy your spinach, your popcorn and your soda bread. I’ll be back to see you in April. PAGE 15 ABERDEEN PHARMACY 8276 Jog Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33472 Phone: 561-734-8010 Fax: 561-734-8032 FREE DELIVERY FREE GENERICS ! Furosemide Metformin Alendronate Glimepiride Metoprolol Tartrate Allopurinol Glipizide Naproxen Amlodipine Plavix(Clopidogrel) Aricept(Donepezil) Hydrochlorothiazide Ibuprofen 400mg Propranolol(Except 60mg) Atenolol Ibuprofen 600mg Ranitidine 150mg Citalopram Ibuprofen 800mg Sertraline Carvedilol Lisinopril Simvastatin Famotidine Lovastatin Tramadol Flexeril(Cyclobenzaprine) Meloxicam Trazodone *Only 30 QTY *ONLY FOR NEW CUSTOMERS*One time offer per medication per customer*Expires on 08/31/2014 *Not valid with insurance *prices and promotions are subject to change without notice*Pharmacy is not responsible for typographical errors. MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE CARRY FULL LINE OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES & VITAMINS *WHEEL CHAIR *CANES *CRUTCHES *COMPRESSION STOCKINGS *WALKER *ROLLING WALKER *TOILET RISER *BATHTUB RAILS *BATH & SHOWER SEATING *BED RAILS *BRACES *BODY SUPPORT *ELBOW SUPPORTS *KNEE SUPPORTS *ANKLE BRACES *BANDAGES *NECK & BACK PILLOWS *MATERNITY SUPPORT ! New Hours: MON-FRI 9AM TO 6PM, SAT: 10AM TO 2PM, SUNDAY CLOSED PAGE 16 VILLAGE REPORTS BELLAVISTA After the recent article about the Bellavista Village board for 2015 said that it will consist of four members, many of our residents came to me with questions. My first response was “Is it a 25-cent question or a 50-cent question?” (I have to supplement my income.) The most frequently asked question was, “What would happen if only two members showed up, no quorum?” My reply was, “The members present would conduct the meeting and will just do the basics, make no motions or decisions that require a vote.” Second, ”What happens if there is a stalemate, no majority, on a motion presented to the members?” We will have to regroup and discuss if the choice we make (pro or con) will improve or not improve the qualities we seek as residents of Bellavista Village and what other alternatives there are. Then, if it is still a stalemate, table the motion for the next meeting. The first meeting of the new board took place on January 13, 2015. All the board members were present. Routine matters were taken care of. Violations of the rules and regulations by some of the unit members and by craftsmen who continue to work after certain hours were discussed. The current pest control schedule will be continued. At the next meeting on January 27 (we meet twice a month), we had a quorum. Routine matters again were attended to. No motions were made and the loose ends of the last meeting were finalized. Lou Cohen, President ILLUSTRE New walkway behind 5265 Brisata Circle It’s beautiful in warm, sunny Florida and it’s an exciting time in Illustre Village. The walkway behind 5265 is complete and looks beautiful. The roofers are working and the buildings will be painted before the roof tiles are installed. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation by parking away from the buildings that are being worked on. Our president, Mel Olshan, has been sending e-mails to our unit owners and renters with important village information. If you have not received any emails, please send your e-mail address to [email protected]. Please make sure your computer will accept e-mails from that address. Also remember to call TRAK for any problems or work needed on the outside of your building or on any of our property. The name of our management company is new, but all the phone numbers and contacts are the same. Our next Board meeting is on Monday, March 23, at 3:30 p.m. Jeanie Olshan, Secretary LUCENTE On Sunday, February 8, Lucente Village celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a luncheon at DaVinci’s Restaurant. A great time was had by all … original residents and newcomers … merged together, getting to know each other. Plaques were handed out to several residents for their dedicated work, all past presidents were recognized as certificates were handed out. Said Beverly Wolf, President, “The committee worked for months lending their talents to make a beautiful afternoon for the community. You all deserve a pat on the back.” And the pats go to: Gloria Brozgold, Marge Cohen, Marcia Friedman, Lillian Oswald, Barbara Reiter, Ellen Siegel, Lori Solomon and Jeanne Weinberg. And more pats to Bev! Let’s not wait 20 more years for our next gala! See photos on page 26. ST. PATRICK’S ... (Continued from page 13) 3. Whisk flour, 4 Tbs sugar, baking powder, salt and baking soda 4. Add butter and mix until coarse 5. In another bowl add buttermilk 6. Gradually stir dry ingredients into milk; blend 7. Add raisins 8. Shape into a ball 9. Place dough in pan and flatten slightly; do not bring dough to edge of pan 10. Sprinkle dough with remaining 1 Tbs sugar 11. Bake for 40 minutes until brown. Use a toothpick to test for doneness 12. Cook in pan for 10 minutes 13. Transfer to wire rack 14. Serve warm or at room temperature with butter or margarine PAGE 17 DOES YOUR LICENSE PLATE BRACKET BREAK THE LAW? The café SPECIAL LUNCH MENU / NEW BAGELS! Submitted by Mel Olshan You may not have heard about it as yet but Florida is now enforcing a law that states your license plates cannot have any words blocked by anything, including the frames installed by dealers. During my COP duty I checked the cars in Platina and I would say that conservatively over 90 percent of the cars could receive a citation for the brackets blocking their license plates. We are excited to present our special Fall and Winter Lunch Specials as you will see below. We also are pleased to tell you that our bagels are now being provided by Bagels &. You will find a larger selection of flavors and styles. Please let us know what you would like and we will see if we can accommodate you. That is true of all your needs, this is your Café and we want you to be happy and pleased. Harvey and Susan Cohen This law pertains to out of state cars as well and if the state of registration has two plates (front and back), then the law applies to both plates. The fine is in excess of $100 and I do not know if you also receive points on your license for this violation. The solution is simple and free! Remove the frame and mount the license(s) plates directly onto your car. CAESAR If you see your neighbors with these frames on their cars, please pass this information on to them. I hope this is useful information for all. Please Support Our Advertisers.Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in the PAGE 18 TENNIS ROUND ROBIN Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) at Delray Medical Center. This revolutionary new heart procedure is an advanced minimally invasive treatment option for patients suffering from severe aortic Awards and Accreditations One of America’s 50 Best Hospitals for 8 years in a row (Healthgrades) stenosis. Severe aortic stenosis is a very serious heart condition. And for Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence for 12 years in a row (Healthgrades) some patients, traditional treatments such as open-heart surgery may not be Blue Cross Blue Shield Distinction Center for Cardiac Care an option. However, there is new hope with the TAVR procedure. TAVR has One of America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Cardiac Care™ and Cardiac Surgery™ in 2014 (Healthgrades) already helped thousands of patients with aortic stenosis return to the things Recipient of the Healthgrades Cardiac Care Excellence Award™ and Healthgrades Cardiac Surgery Excellence Award™ in 2014 they enjoy in life. We invite you to learn more and receive a screening to see if you may be a candidate for the TAVR procedure. Please call our patient navigator at 844.DEL.TAVR or visit DelrayMedicalCtr.com for more information. PAGE 19 5352 Linton Boulevard | Delray Beach DelrayMedicalCtr.com TOP50HOSPITALS in the U.S. BETHESDA HOSPITAL EAST Recognized Among the At Bethesda Health we are always striving to improve. . . your hospital stay, your safety and the quality of your care to ensure that you have the highest medical outcomes. The team of physicians, nurses and all of our employees are proud to receive the designation as a Top 50 Hospitals in the US for having the lowest ratio of complication rates. Feel the Difference at BETHESDA. %HWKHVGD+RVSLWDO(DVWWKHȵDJVKLSKRVSLWDORI%HWKHVGD+HDOWKΖQFKDVEHHQUHFRJQL]HGE\%HFNHUȇV+RVSLWDO5HYLHZIRUEHLQJDPRQJ WKHWRSKRVSLWDOVQDWLRQZLGHIRUKDYLQJWKHORZHVWSURSRUWLRQRIVHULRXVPHGLFDOFRPSOLFDWLRQUDWHVIRUSDWLHQWVZKROHDYHWKHKRVSLWDO )RUUHIHUHQFHWKHQDWLRQDODYHUDJHUDWHIRUWKHUDWLRRIVHULRXVFRPSOLFDWLRQVWRGLVFKDUJHVLV%HWKHVGD+RVSLWDO(DVWDFKLHYHGD VHULRXVPHGLFDOFRPSOLFDWLRQWRGLVFKDUJHUDWLRRISODFLQJ%HWKHVGDDWRQWKHOLVWDPRQJWKHWRSKRVSLWDOVQDWLRQZLGH)RUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHYLVLWZZZEHFNHUVKRVSLWDOUHYLHZFRPTXDOLW\KRVSLWDOVZLWKWKHORZHVWVHULRXVFRPSOLFDWLRQUDWHVKWPO BETHESDA HOSPITAL EAST 2815 South Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561.737.7733 BETHESDA HOSPITAL WEST 9655 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33472 561.336.7000 BETHESDAWEB.COM PAGE 20 “At Last” National Park Service.” Ambitious and smart, Ann quickly moved up the career ladder, accepting challenging assignments coast to coast. “I never minded travel,” she said, “because I had no attachments, except to myself, my parents and my siblings. I was footloose and fancy free, and I loved it. During the Vietnam war I spent two years in Okinawa working as a civilian for the U.S. Air Force, assigned to Special Services. After her retirement in 1996 as superintendent of the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island Museum, she began to question why she never married. … A Love Story! Meet Jerry Lewis & Ann Belkov By Jeanne Weinberg Jerry Lewis and Ann Belkov met on a blind date. “That was it,” said Jerry. “She has an ability with people. She clicks with them and that’s it! I explained to her that marriage was not on my mind, but meeting the right woman was.” They began a 10-year relationship, each living in their own home … Jerry in Reston, Va., and Ann in Arlington, Va. They have traveled together to more than 15 countries, took tap dancing lessons and memoir writing classes, but always lived apart, except for four months a year when they travel and over weekends. “It was a perfect plan for happiness,” they both agreed. In May 2014, while on vacation in Croatia, a friend brought up the subject of marriage. Jerry thought it over, knowing it would make Ann happy. The next day, he bought a Murano glass ring. At sunset, he got down on his knees and proposed. Ann accepted; the waiter helped Jerry up and the rest, as they say, is history. “I had to kiss a lot of toads to get my prince,” said first-time bride Ann Belkov. Her prince was Jerry Lewis, a “tall, slim, handsome, silver fox with a great smile,” she recalls. And Jerry? “Ann was a tall, super-hot blonde, the classiest of dressers. We clicked immediately,” said Jerry. But, let’s take a few steps back and begin at the beginning. Jerry Lewis was born and raised in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. He is a City College graduate, earning a BBA in Business. From 1957-1960 he served in the U.S. Navy on board the Bryce Canyon. After his discharge, Jerry received a BFT (Bachelor in Foreign Trade) from the Thunderbird School in Arizona. “I worked for CARE for 20 years,” he continued, “after which I was affiliated with ACDI/VOCA, an organization helping poor farmers on projects and micro finance. I was vice president in charge of their South Pacific Region.” This took him to many countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. At one time, he and his brother, Richard (a Platina resident) managed a 3000+ pig farm in Venezuela. “The last three years after that I spent in Egypt,” he went on.” He retired in 2004. Jerry was married, each of his three children being born in different countries. Four grandchildren round out his family. Jerry was divorced in 1992 and 12 years later he and Ann found each other. And now we meet Ann Belkov: Ann was born and raised in Washington, D.C., and attended the University of Maryland. Ann moved out to Los Angeles, where she launched a modeling career. “I chose a career over marriage,” she said, “but then moved back to Washington to take a job with The Photo by Brian Kent On October 17, 2014, Jerry Lewis and Ann Belkov were married … Ann making a grand entrance to the strains of Etta James’ At Last … but they will continue the lifestyle that worked so well for them for 10 years. “Let’s have 20 more now,” added Jerry. And their involvements now? Jerry sketches (some have appeared in The Platina Post), still takes various art courses, is connected with En Plein Air, a Palm PAGE 21 (continued on page 41) PAGE 22 SOME OF THE WINNERS WITH THEIR PRIZES PAGE 23 THE PLACE FOR Great Vision AT EVERY AGE If you have lived in South Florida for any amount of time, you probably know someone enjoying great vision thanks to the vast experience, state-of-the-art technologies, and unprecedented results achieved by Lawrence B. Katzen, M.D. From All-Laser LASIK to the Lifestyle Lens® Cataract Procedure, Dr. Katzen will tailor your vision correction procedure to your individual needs. Call today for your Cataract or LASIK Consultation! KATZEN Eye Care & Laser Center South Florida’s Vision Correction Specialists katzeneyecare.com | 561.291.7408 Buying? Selling? CALL THE THE #1 #1 REAL REAL ESTATE ESTATE TEAM TEAM IN IN THE THE PALM PALM BEACHES! BEACHES! CALL :HRƝHUVL[W\\HDUVRIFRPELQHGUHDOHVWDWHH[SHULHQFH We offer sixty years of combined real estate experience. :HJHWWKHEHVWUHVXOWVIRURXUFOLHQWV We know Platina and get our clients the best results. : HDWWUDFWPDQ\TXDOLƞHGEX\HUVE\DPDVVLYHRQOLQHDQGHPDLO We attract many qualified buyers with massive online and e-mail marketing campaigns, in addition to exposure on hundreds of real PDUNHWLQJFDPSDLJQLQDGGLWLRQWRH[SRVXUHRQKXQGUHGVRIUHDO estate websites HVWDWHZHEVLWHV 2Our goal is to get you the most amount of money, in the least XUJRDOLVWRJHW\RXWKHPRVWDPRXQWRIPRQH\LQWKHOHDVW amount of time with the least amount of inconvenience to you. DPRXQWRIWLPHZLWKWKHOHDVWDPRXQWRILQFRQYHQLHQFHWR\RX CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE PROPERTY EVALUATION ELANA SESSLER (561) 284-2885 [email protected] & JOSH COHEN (516)-984-9077 [email protected] www.elanasessler.remaxagent.com PAGE 24 The PLATINA SINGERS Present & By Jeanne Weinberg February 15 … parking lot jam packed … almost every seat in the Performance Center filled with residents and friends who came to enjoy the free concert the Platina Singers were giving to help celebrate 20 years of vocalizing. This was their way of paying tribute to Grace La Pidus and Ruby Lewis for their years of dedication, making this group the success they are! Adrienne Price led the group in both sentimental and rollicking arrangements of songs that everyone knew. Ellis Weinberg, President, welcomed all. Halfway through the performance, several awards were given to the following: Grace, Ruby, Adrienne and Ethel Blauzvern for her many years of assisting Grace. The Singers wish to thank all of you who attended and by the applause, we know you enjoyed the concert. Thank you! Thank you! On a more personal note, a sincere apology to Sylvia Birdie from Ellis for failing to mention Leo Birdie at the concert. "Leo was past president of the Platina Singers for many years," said Ellis. "He served us well." PAGE 25 Honorees: Grace La Pidus and Ruby Lewis Your Platina Sales Expert! • MBA in Marketing -- Let me put my marketing expertise to work for you! • I use a comprehensive strategy of traditional and online marketing that has a PROVEN TRACK record of delivering GREAT RESULTS. • Affiliated with a company whose web network is seen by over 200,000,000 people worldwide. Karen M Brill, PA REALTOR® 561.307.6883 [email protected] PAGE 26 • Call or email me to receive your own PERSONAL MARKET ANALYSIS. You Are Cordially Invited to IN WINTER Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of By Greg Bogosian FLORIDA Looking out across the shimmering lake Each warm winter morning as I awake Poolside To sunshine,SUNDAY green grass and the quacking of ducks Cocktail Party THview JAN. 11 2015is worth a million bucks. I’m convinced this 3PM-6PM Music Dancing The temp nears 80 almost every day I can’t wait to get up and go out to play Golf, swimming, cards or pool Soda Open to My major concern is trying to stay cool. Wine FREE All Residents I watch the news and hear the weather Hors D’eouvres Desserts I’m so glad that we are here together And not up north where snowstorms are raging I find my fellow retirees to be pleasantly engaging. Yes, the warmth and comfort of the southern sun A Splendid Time is pursuit Guaranteed Has opened the door to the of fun For All It’s like heaven on earth, a gift from above Platina Social Questions/Info Cynthia 733.4570 It’sCommittee the style of living I’ve surely come to love. KiD’S day PAGE 27 ASK ABOUT OUR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PAGE 28 ! ! YOUR PLATINA SALES SPECIALIST !"!#$%&'()*% (561) 371-9925 ! !!!!!!PLEASE REMEMBER!! I AM THE ONLY ONE TO CALL WHEN IT COMES TO PLATINA. SUSAN DOYLE AND REAL ESTATE = MORE $ IN YOUR BANK! ! M42/@)4/@-!>N!2'%*!'+-%-'!3%2''2!O!4%E'!+/*8!-4/@+%18+!/?!4/>'+!.1!L/N1-/1!L'%34!%18!-4'! +@22/@18.1)!%2'%+0!.13*@8.1)!P*%-.1%!>%1N!-.>'+!/E'2;!!QN!+,'3.%*-N!.+!*.+-'1.1)!-/!>N!3*.'1-D+! 1''8+!%18!+@,,*N.1)!-4'!>/+-!?*@'1-!%18!+'%>*'++!-2%1+%3-./1+!%18!,@--.1)!>/2'!,2/?.-!.1!N/@2! ,/3&'-!-4%1!>N!3/>,'-.-/2+;!!QN!3/>,%1N0!R'#Q%7!S.2'3-!%18!O!%2'!%*(%N+!/1!-4'!?/2'?2/1-!/?! 2'%*!'+-%-'!-'341/*/)N!%18!,2/)2'++;!!O!3%1!8/!-4.1)+!1/!/1'!'*+'!3%1!?/2!>N!3*.'1-+;!!!O!%>!-/*8!O! %>!?.2>0!+.13'2'!%18!T2@-%**N!4/1'+-;!!U/@!1''8!-4.+!3/>T.1%-./1!-/!8/!(4%-!O!8/;!!!O!4%E'! 8'E'*/,'8!-4'+'!%--2.T@-'+!?2/>!(/2&.1)!(.-4!+'**'2+!%18!T@N'2+!(4/!4%E'!/E'2!-4'!N'%2+! 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PAGE 29 Looking for HIGH QUALITY HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES? “Call my Grandson!” at 561-266-3558 #1 Caregivers #1 Customer Service We Offer: • Alzheimer/Dementia Care •Transferring/Bathing/Toileting/Cooking • Personal care/Housekeeping • Errands & transportation • Live-In/Hourly Care • Veteran’s assistance/Respite · Hospice • Post-rehab or hospital care • Short term or long term · And much more! Brad Jaffe Owner of Florida First Senior Home Care Proudly Serving Platina Residents Open 24-hours per-day, 7-days a week. Accepting ALL forms ce Care Insuran of Long-term ! & Private Pay 561-266-3558 www.floridafirstshc.com 25% OFF for Platina Residents Mention this ad PAGE 30 License #: 30211672 R e st aur an t R e vie w By Dolores Katinsky 3G’s Gourmet Deli Lincoln Park Delray 5869 W. Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach 498-3910 Ambiance: This is an old-fashioned Jewish deli serving overstuffed sandwiches and comfort food. Upon arriving here, you can expect to see people sitting on benches in front of the restaurant as well as inside. Don’t let the waiting people deter you from entering and giving your name to the hostess. The tables are quickly turned and the average wait is 15 to 20 minutes. It is a hustle and bustle place with very knowledgeable help and friendly service. Food: Where to begin! Expect the Breakfast Special that features 2 eggs, oatmeal, potatoes or grits, toast or bagel and coffee - $4.99. Of course, many people have 4 egg omelettes, fish platters, pancakes, French toast and many other breakfast items. Lunch features the overstuffed sandwiches on fabulous rye bread, salads, burgers and numerous other options. Dinner - - you name it and they probably have it on the menu. Chicken noodle soup, matzo ball soup and borscht are always available. Dinner entrees include the soup, platter and dessert. It is impossible to leave the restaurant hungry. Noise Level: Tables are somewhat close to each other and conversation seems to be a little louder than in a dinner-only type restaurant. No one is shouting and you can easily speak to the people with whom you are seated. Cost: Breakfast starts at $4.99, sandwiches $9.00 $12.00, Salads $9.00 - $13.00 and complete dinners starting at $17.00 - $20.00. Believe me, it is a bargain. You will probably have something to take home; part of your dinner or your dessert. Reservations: None taken, but they do have call ahead seating. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Please Support Our Advertisers. Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in the PAGE 31 PAGE 32 ien struggles with his conscience. Should he risk his life to do this? Is it worth the money? Ultimately, he can’t resist the challenge of designing hiding places for Jews. Then, he is also hired to draw up plans for a new Nazi armament factory. Can he survive doing both? BOOK REVIEW BY joan easton The Paris Architect By Charles Belfoure In an interview for The Visiting Scribes series, author Charles Belfoure explained that his mother, a Catholic, was 15 years old and living in Krakow when the Germans invaded Poland in September, 1939. About two years later, she was sent to a labor camp (not a concentration camp) in Germany. Ultimately, she worked at a factory that made the V-2 rocket, the world’s first ballistic missile. The factory was deep underground, tunneled out of the Harz Mountains. One day, a civilian German discovered she could speak German fluently and arranged for her to be a translator and work as a housekeeper. This was an act of pure kindness; there was nothing in it for him. “As a result of the German’s kindness,” Belfoure said, “my mother lived in relative comfort with the contractor and his family while less than a kilometer away, mostly Jewish inmates perished while producing the rockets. It was these acts of kindness I wanted to include in my novel, The Paris Architect.” French architect Lucien Bernard is the main character in the novel. He is 35 years of age, married (has a mistress, too) and is living in Nazi-occupied Paris. Like most Parisians, he has no love for the Nazis, but he also has little empathy for the Jews. The novel opens with Lucien walking on the street. Suddenly, he is bumped by a man running frantically toward him. Lucien hears a shot and realizes that within feet of where he is standing, the man is now lying dead on the pavement! The Jewish man was shot in the head by a Nazi officer. Lucien explains that he doesn’t know the dead man and is allowed to go about his business. Paris is not a safe place for anyone. Lucien starts out as a rather unlikeable character. He tries to ignore the atrocities taking place around him. Work is hard to find and he needs a job. When a wealthy industrialist offers him a large sum of money to devise secret hiding places for Jews, Luc- The novel drew me in immediately and I couldn’t put it down. The reader is engrossed in watching Lucien’s transition from a self-serving man to a selfsacrificing one. In homes, he designs expertly concealed hiding places, which are invisible to the average eye. He saves Jews, but one of his clever hiding places fails horribly, and the suffering of Jews becomes personal for him. Ultimately, Lucien cannot deny reality. Charles Belfoure lives in Maryland and is, himself, an architect. The Paris Architect is his first novel. Just for Laughs Submitted by Rhoda Fisher A young man excitedly tells his mother he’s fallen in love and going to get married. He says, ”Just for fun, Ma, I’m going to bring over 3 women and you try to guess which one I’m going to marry.” The mother agrees. The next day, he brings 3 beautiful women into the house and sits them down on the couch and they chat for a while. He then says, “Okay, Ma, guess which one I’m going to marry.” She immediately replies, “The one in the middle.” “That’s amazing, Ma. You’re right. How did you know?” “I don’t like her.” “I’ll have fish and chips twice,” announced O’Driscoll. “Very well,” said the shopkeeper. “The fish won’t be long.” “Then they’d better be fat,” suggested O’Driscoll. Kearney and his wife, a middle-aged couple, went for a stroll in Phoenix Park, Dublin, last week. They sat down on a bench to rest. It was then they overheard voices coming from a secluded spot. Immediately Mrs. Kearney realized that a young man was about to propose to his beloved. Not wishing to eavesdrop at such an intimate moment, she nudged her husband and whispered, “Whistle and let that young couple know that someone can hear them.” Kearney replied, “Whistle? Why should I whistle? Nobody whistled to warn me.” PAGE 33 PAGE 21 Foot Care Center of Palm Beach DR. IRA SPINNER D.P.M. FACFS • Board Certified Podiatrist • American Board of Podiatric Surgery • Fellow American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons DR. PAULA DeLUCA D.P.M. • Board Certified Podiatrist • American Board of Podiatric Surgery STAFF PHYSICIANS: Delray Medical Center, Bethesda Memorial Hospital, J.F.K. Medical Center CONSERVATIVE CARE: Diabetic feet, corns, calluses, fungal nails, neuropathy, arthritis SURGICAL CORRECTION: Bunions, hammertoes, neuromas with early return to activity HEEL PAIN: Conservative and surgical correction for permanent relief WOUND CARE SPECIALIST: Specialized treatment for patients with acute and non-healing wounds ALL INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Boynton Beach 734-4867 10075 Jog Rd. (SW Corner Jog & Boynton Bch Blvd.) PAGE 34 CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES (Continued from page 9) ting with me to sell the books. They also wrapped up Fair 9 in order for Faith the leftover books Book on February Farm to pick them up. I truly appreciate all of you and the time and effort you put into this project. Volunteers for the Book Fair included (from left) Millie Volunteers for the Book Fair included (from left) Feuerman, Rhoda Fisher, Joan Dobrowner, Bobbe Cohen, Joan Millie Feurman, Rhoda Fisher,Joan Dobrowner, Trombka, Beverly Karasik, Lorraine Ganz, Marilyn Gevirtz Bobbe Cohen, Joan Trumpka, Beverly Kara(and 2 guests) sik,Lorraine Ganz,Marlilyn Gevirtz and 2 guests. Rhoda Fisher, The Annual Book Fair sponsored by Chairman The Book Club took place in the Clubhouse CERAMICS I am happy to report from February 7 thru February 9. that The our pro-membership has increased this season. ceeds from the sale, of $500.00, were donatMany snowbirds want to make items ed to the from Multiple Myeloma Research clay. Most of them are new to Foundation. this process but with our new slab roller we are able to hand build many items.you” A person has to think of A special “thank to all only my volunteers what they would like who helped me open the cartons to of make. books Then we come up with a plan and pattern to make it. and sugar set them onto the tables on SaturFrom andout creamers to serving plates, it is all day February 7, in plus withofme sellwork. possible. Just stop andsitting see some ourtonew We there They Wednesday from 9:00 12:00 noon theare books. also wrapped upa.m the- leftoand then again from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ver books on February 9 in order for Faith Lois Herzfeld Farm to pick them up. I truly appreciate all dance mambo; their bodies gyrated so that you thought they were double-jointed, their feet moved so fast that they never touched the ground. In the next dance, two bodies interwoven as one gracefully slithered across the dance floor in a slow, seductive rhumba. They ended to a standing ovation. Coffee and ”Junior’s”-style cheesecake was served. But the evening was not over; the performers went into the audience to dance with the men and women. Some were brave enough and took the challenge. They finished the evening by teaching those that had the strength a new Latin line dance. Ten o’clock (the witching hour) came and there were people on the dance floor (a first for the Dance Club). Reluctantly, they left. Lou Cohen CUE The Cue Club is proud to announce it now has 52 members, with many more people planning to join. On Thursday, January 8, 2015, the club had its semiannual luncheon and tournament to benefit the charity of choice of the winners. This year the lunch was held here in the Platina Bubble, and was catered by The Café, with all the guys having great laughs and camaraderie while eating their lunch. Aof night remember…Not the Gable/Colbert you to and the time and effort you put into version, but the night of January 24, 2015 at Platina. this project. As one approached the clubhouse the soft melodRhoda Fisher, Chairman ic strain of Latin music floated in the cool evening breeze. Upon entering the room all you could see was a dance floor packed full, the mass of bodies swaying ever so slowly to the haunting tune of a rhumba. The tempo changed to the beat of a merengue, then a change of pace for a slow fox trot. This change of music continued until show time. Our master of ceremonies introduced the dance team. They had bodies you would die for; not an extra ounce of fat was visible. He, broad shouldered, narrow waist; she, 100 pounds soaking wet and six feet tall with long, sleek legs. The first dance was a The winners were: (l) Frank (Cheech) Sciacca and Barry Abramson. There were 23 teams of two competing. With the action being tough, many of the games went right down to the last two balls. After an intense round of games against very worthy opponents, the team of Barry Abramson and Frank (Cheech) Sciacca was victorious and they promptly named The Men’s Club Wounded Warrior Charity Show as the recipient of the $100 prize, much to the PAGE 35 (continued on page 37) PAGE 36 CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES (Continued from page 35) delight and applause of all in attendance. Because of this huge success, we are planning to have another charity event soon. Morty Brown, President golf ish governments asked everyone to knit for their troops, including both men and boys--who took to it eagerly because knitting with metal needles could be quite noisy. During the Middle Ages, knitting was extraordinarily prevalent all throughout Europe-and, again, this was a male-only enterprise. And an enterprise it was; this was how many men made a living. Then came along the Industrial Revolution, in which men spent their time inventing machines, including the knitting machine. Once a machine could crank out knitting a hundred times faster than doing it by hand, men weren’t knitting by hand anymore. Well, we don’t mind noisy, so if you would care to join us guys, we’d love to have you. Remember--if it’s Tuesday, it’s Handcrafts between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. Rhoda Fisher, President Tournament winners from left: Art Schutzer, Harvey Halsband, Mickey Imber and Marty Karr. It is hard to believe that the golf league season is entering its last weeks of the season. But we will be very busy as we have tournaments and a BBQ lunch here under the canopy and catered by The Café in March. The winners of our January Mystery Partner Tournament are pictured above. Each week we are surprised by who plays well and who doesn’t. We are not very predictable. If you would like to join us, it is not too late. We play each Thursday at Palm Beach National Golf Course. For information, contact our president, Jim McCarthy, at 734-9849. HANDCRAFTS In case you didn’t realize, knitting may have been started by fishermen who needed a quicker way to catch fish than one at a time. So they knitted a net. While this did happen, it’s also likely that knitting was started by several different cultures at approximately the same time. Knitting went from creating nets to creating a sweater, thereby founding a new way of creating clothing that was far more practical than the former frequent method of clothing design, weaving. Knitting was warmer and more flexible. JOYS OF yiddish It is very delightful to hear and see everyone so happy that Platina is 25 years old. We are so lucky living here. Did you know that the Joys of Yiddish Club is 21 years old and we have the largest membership of any club in the community. The Board and I asked our members to donate monies toward an ambulance for Israel (Mogan David) and you came through with flying colors. Members raised $1000.00 and club matched that amount. We were able to send a donation of $2000.00 to Mogan David. We are very proud of our accomplishment. In February we had a very enjoyable afternoon as our guest speaker, Sandra Steinhauser, took us back to Hester Street. We are now looking forward to our Purim Luncheon to be held on March 9, 2015. The Performance Center is always beautifully decorated, food is delicious, entertainment is great and our members dress magnificently. Hats off to a great club. Happy Passover. Zeidt Guzundt! During the World Wars, the United States and BritPAGE 37 Gloria Rosenzweig, President (continued on page 39) PAGE 38 CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES (Continued from page 37) bers only LIVEWIRES You know the saying “Practice Makes Perfect,” in our case, maybe not perfect but much improved. As we enter the midpoint of the season, we are happy to add three more names to our list of 200+ bowlers: Earl Stone with a 208, Marc Perla with a 204 and Sal Macaluso with a 202. Keep it up, guys! We are also proud of Dorothy Chasanoff, who never quits and recently bowled a turkey which resulted in her team winning the game by one pin. Way to go, Dotty. Hal Sperling, President MEN’S CLUB The Men’s Club has had a very busy three months. We had another successful After Holiday Party to a sold-out crowd. All who attended vowed to repeat this night next year. We received news that our Honors Flight Program was a huge success. This program sends Veterans from WWII and the Korean Conflict to Washington for an all-expenses paid day to visit all of the Veterans Memorials, etc. This includes flights, transportation in Washington, meals and volunteer chaperones. Because of our Honors Flights Program five Platina veterans are due to go to Washington in April, with more to follow. We were overwhelmed with the responses for our Wine Tasting night hosted by famed wine Connoisseur and Sommelier Luigi (Lou) Montone. We are getting a great response and selling tickets for our Fisher House Wounded Warrior Charity Joe Halfon, President NEW ENGLAND CLUB We have three functions scheduled for April. • MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL - Wednesday, April 8, at 1:30 p.m. at Rinker Playhouse at the Kravis Center. $34.40 $40.00 • PIPPIN - Wednesday, April 29, at 2:00 p.m. at the Kravis Center. Both plays are open to all of our Platina neighbors and their friends and family. Please contact me if you are interested. Rochelle Kramer, President QUEEN OF CLUBS Don’t forget the Fashion Show on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at Broken Sound Country Club. Space is limited. It is $39 for members, $45 for non-members. Clothing provided by Stein Mart. Looking forward to seeing you there. On Tuesday, April 21, 2015, we will have a card party starting at 6:00 pm. Free to all members. Space is limited! Refreshments will be served. Please put your name in the Queen of Clubs envelope as soon as possible. SAVE THE DATE! Saturday evening, May 2, 2015, we will be holding a Kentucky Derby Party from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Come watch the Derby with us. Girls....start making your hats!! More information to follow. Bobbi Cohen SINGLES Our February meeting was on Valentine’s Day, a bittersweet day for all singles. Therefore we had planned a program on “laughter” and its effect on our well-being. A fun time was had by all who attended. In addition, February marked the beginning of the Singles Club theater adventures. A group attended the Wick Theater’s performance of “La Cage Aux Folles” followed in March by “Man of La Mancha.” We are very excited to be planning a trip to Fairchild Gardens on April 15. The cost will be $59.00 for members and $63.00 for guests (members will be accommodated first). This includes bus transportation, admission to the Gardens and sit down lunch at Monty’s. It will undoubtedly be a memorable day for all who attend. As the winter season dies down, we are planning more social events such as a card party and barbecue. As ever, all comments and suggestions are welcome. Jacquie Fox • LOBSTER FEST - Date to be announced - memPAGE 39 (continued on page 41) ADVERTISER INDEX www.Boyntonbeachderm.com ADVERTISER A APPLIANCE SERVICE ABERDEEN PHARMACY ADVANCE TILE & GROUT RESTORATION AFFORDABLE PAINT & BODY SHOP AIR AROUND THE CLOCK ALLSTATE AGENCY ANGILLA RUMBELT-CERT. NURSING APEX NAIL & SPA ASSISTING HANDS PALM BEACH BAGELS & BETH ISRAEL (Northstar Medical Group) BETHESDA HEALTH BUDGET ELECTRICAL SERVICE CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL GROUP CENTRAL AIR (CAC) CHINA GARDEN COMPUTER-MARK COOL TEAM CYPRESS CREEK CC DELRAY BEACH PLAYHOUSE, INC. DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER DF DESIGNS ELLIS GOTTESFELD MD FAMILY MEDICINE CENTER FIORELLA RESTAURANT FLORIDA FIRST SENIOR HM CARE FLORIDA HEARING CARE D/B/A NORTHLAND FOOT CARE CENTER OF PALM BCH HANDYMAN CO. HOMEFIT HUBB PAINTERS IRIS HOFFMAN (Realtor) JEFFREY E. SIEGAL, MD, PA JEN’S ERRANDS & PERSONAL SERV. JOSHUA BERLIN JUDAH, ESKEW & ASSOC. KAREN BRILL LLC (Realtor) KATZEN EYE CARE KAUFMAN EYECARE CENTER KINGS PHARMACY KINGSBURG ASIAN CUISINE LEGACY FINE JEWELRY LEONARD VENEZIA D.C. [R] LISSAUER DENTAL LOSAURO’S HOME CLEANING SERV. MANDELL JCC, BB MELTINI KITCHEN & BATH MICHAEL LEVINE, MD ODD JOBS & CO. OZZIE SINGER [R} PAINT IT RITE PARTNERS IN MOTION PETER MICELI [R] PFEFFERS CUSTOM ALUMINUM PORTOBELLA RESTAURANT REAL ESTATE POST, LLC REMAX DIRECT RICHARD’S RAPID CAR SERVICE [R} RN HOMECARE SERVICES ROBERT D. SCHWARTZ, PA RONALD MURSTEIN DMD PA ROSNERS APPLIANCE RUBIN MEMORIAL CHAPEL SAND & C [R] SANDRA WRIGHT SESSLER & COHEN PA SEYMOUR BIGAYER DPM. PA SHERILYNNE MARKS PA SIXWOODS, INC THE CONSTRUCTION GUYS THE FLORIDA COMPUTER GUY THE MOORE TEAM TWO GREEK GUYS, THE DINER VARIETY CLUB WEBSITE WELLS FARGO PAGE 40 PAGE PAGE 14 14 PAGE 46 16 10 8 28 42 8 12 27 38 4 20 8 14 34 42 4 10 14 14 19 4 40 38 40 30 10 34 12 43 38 2 8 18 47 34 26 24 6 12 12 44 42 18 10 36 44 22 42 46 44 42 31 6 40 44 29 8 4 22 14 31 38 34 4 24 42 42 8 32 8 6 31 11 38 28 VARIETY CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES (Continued from page 39) SNOWBIRD AND IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER! February events included our monthly meeting with a games program hosted by Lee and Vic Blumenthal. Later in the month 90 of us had dinner at Cafe Provence. We all laughed and had a wonderful and enjoyable afternoon, and we thank Cindy Pernick for her hard work in ensuring we had a great time. We are looking forward to our farewell event, a murder mystery luncheon here at Platina on Sunday, March 22 at high noon. It is with a little bit of sadness that we realize it is migrating time for our snowbirds, but we know they will return in the fall, and hopefully in strong and healthy numbers. Gail Niskar Administrative Vice President TENNIS and pickleball The Tennis/Pickleball Club is constantly gaining new members. Most days all the courts are filled. We have had three very successful round-robins and brunches. The first mixed doubles with Banyan Springs was enjoyed by all so much that Banyan Springs has invited us back for another mixed doubles followed by a lunch on February 10, 2015. Fourteen Platina tennis members will be playing in this match. We are having a barbecue on March 10 for all tennis/ pickleball members. We are still playing pickleball the first, third, and fourth Sunday mornings of each month at 9:00 a.m. Some players also are beginning to set up games during the week. All Platina residents, beginners to advanced, are welcome to join us. For information, call Jack Tepper at 737-8282. GOOD NEWS! That is the name of the show that The Variety Club will be performed on Friday, March 27, and Saturday, March 28, at 8:00 p.m. and a matinee performance on Sunday, March 29, at 2:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold in front of the Performance Center on: Feb. 25 10:00 a.m.-Noon and 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. March 2 10:00 a.m.-Noon and 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. March 4 10:00 a.m.- Noon March 9 10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. March 11 10:00 a.m.- Noon All tickets, $10.00 per person. Checks please. For more information, contact Eileen Sperling at 735-7737 Take time to enjoy life. Thank you. Hal Sperling, President YIDDISH SPEAKING THANK YOU, THANK YOU. The Valentine’s Day Project for the veterans in the West Palm Beach Hospital, sponsored by the Platina Community, was greeted with lots and lots of excitement. It has been a cold winter and they were running out of supplies, so they were very happy with our delivery. Your participation in this charity is greatly appreciated by me and all the veterans in the hospital. I want to thank you for your caring, kindness and your generous donations. See you next year. Esther Grossman, President MEET JERRY (Continued from page 21) County group that celebrates the art of painting outdoors, enjoys swimming, Platina’s gym and is a member of the Platina Computer Club. And Ann? She is Past V.P. of the Washington, DC Jewish Historical Society and is on the Board of Atlas Performing Art Center in Washington, where their wedding took place. Ann is a poker player, and loves entertaining guests from out of town. “I may have been bored with other men,” Ann says, “but never with Jerry. He’s 81 going on 13.” A most exciting couple, a most heartwarming interview! Alice Merdek PAGE 41 Please Support Our Advertisers. Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in the Together We Get Your Body Moving Again Dr. Caryn Chomsky, PT, DPT, CLT Doctor of Physical Therapy, Boston University Certified Lymphedema Therapist Programs: •Balance Training/Fall Prevention •Lymphedema Management •Sports Injury •Orthopedic Rehabilitation •Neurologic Rehabilitation •Personal Injury/Auto •Spine Rehabilitation •Arthritis Management •Vestibular Rehabilitation •Geriatric Therapy •Pediatric Therapy •Work Injury 6609 West Woolbright Rd., Suite 420 Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 Shoppes at Woolbright (561) 200- 4262 *Bring in this ad for a free consultation* Platina Resident Bigayerpodiatry.com PAGE 6 PAGE 42 COMPUTER TALK By Grace La Pidus By Lee Peterman Computer security is more important than ever, due to our uses of our smart phones, as well as our PC’s, and tablets We are vulnerable to exploitation from all kinds of malware. Cybercriminals gain access to our finances, private data, and use our computers for their illegal profits. First of all you need a secure firewall, an antivirus program, and passwords which are strong. The longer your password, the better it is. If it is 10 or 12 characters, you are in good shape. Include some kind of character such as #,%,$. Treat your personal information like emails, social media accounts as if they are gold. Be sure you are sending your personal information to encrypted sources by making certain that the “https” is located at the beginning of the web address. One more thing you must do is back up your files so that in the event your computer is compromised, you will still have access to your files. Use a removable disc or an external hard drive. Remember: No legitimate company will email to ask you for your Social Security number or your password. HomeFit Personal training/post rehab services that come to your home, your gym, the park … wherever you wish! Call today for your FREE no obligation ‘meet and greet’ It was in Baldwin, Long Island, that I had a music school where I taught piano, accordion, voice and drama. I was also a coach for NYSSMA (New York State Students Music Association). One day I got a call from a mother in Bellmore who asked if I could coach her daughter. She wanted to play the piano, sing and act. I said, “Of course, I would give her lessons.” I also thought, “What young person wanted to learn all three?” I could not wait to meet her. Upon auditioning her, I knew she was special. She did everything well, especially acting! I decided to sign her up at a children’s talent agency. They heard her and she did all the Jell-O commercials. I felt she could go further and so I checked my Variety newspaper. I found what I was looking for! I called her mother and said, “You need to go to Hollywood for an audition.” She said, “No. I have two other children and my husband is a New York City police officer.” I told her I would fly to Hollywood with her daughter. I knew she was that good. Her mother finally relented and took her daughter to Hollywood. Just as I said, she was hired! My student, Tatiana Ali, was cast as Will Smith’s sister on The Fresh Prince of Belair. The show ran for six years. After that she entered Harvard University. My original evaluation of Tatiana was right, talented and brilliant ! THIS MEANS We bring the equipment – you bring the desire to improve your overall wellness! Mike Oringer 856.979.7541 PLEASE OBSERVE ALL OF OUR TRAFFIC SIGNS Don’t, and It Could Cost You! Your personal trainer, your personal space! PAGE 43 MichiȬ onȱtheȱ utyȱ ofȱ ristineȱ groupȱ Beachȱ ce.ȱȱ imitedȱ eȱ fertileȱ angos,ȱ packedȱ yȱbuiltȱ petitesȱ ȱtropiȬ dȱdeliȬ o.ȱȱ discovȬ ȱ milesȱ laceȱ toȱ proxȬ ldedȱ aȱ anteedȱ Coastȱ steadȬ ȱ theirȱ 83ȱ andȱ 958ȱtoȱ idents.ȱ andedȱ groves,ȱ es.ȱȱ eȱ longȱ istibleȱ stȱ setȬ wȱ genȬ andȱtheȱlittleȱfanȱkeptȱgoing.ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱOfȱ courseȱ sheȱ franticallyȱ pressedȱ buttons.ȱ Sheȱ thenȱhitȱtheȱalarm,ȱbutȱnoȱoneȱheardȱexceptȱherself.ȱ Thereȱ wasȱ aȱ yellowȱ pieceȱ ofȱ paper,ȱ onȱ whichȱ sheȱ noticedȱ aȱ phoneȱ number.ȱ Sheȱ calledȱ thatȱ numberȱ andȱ itȱ was,ȱ sheȱ believes,ȱ theȱ serviceȱ company.ȱ Noȱ helpȱ offeredȱ fromȱ thatȱ call.ȱ Rozȱ saysȱ herȱ brainȱ clickedȱonȱandȱsheȱpickedȱupȱtheȱphoneȱandȱcalledȱ 911.ȱTheȱpoliceȱdepartmentȱconnectedȱherȱwithȱtheȱ fireȱrescue.ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱNowȱourȱgoodȱguyȱentersȱtheȱfray.ȱHeȱaskedȱherȱ theȱlocationȱandȱpertinentȱinfo.ȱSheȱsaidȱsheȱwasȱanȱ oldȱlady,ȱ(notȱtrue)ȱwellȱmaybe,ȱandȱsheȱwasȱclausȬ trophobic.ȱHeȱsaidȱheȱwouldȱgetȱsomeoneȱrightȱoutȱ andȱtoldȱher,ȱȈDonȇtȱhangȱupȱandȱIȱamȱnotȱgoingȱtoȱ leaveȱyouȱuntilȱsomeoneȱarrives.ȈȱHeȱstayedȱonȱtheȱ phone,ȱ talkingȱ aboutȱ hisȱ motherȱ andȱ fatherȱ andȱ otherȱfriendlyȱchatter.ȱSheȱremainedȱhystericalȱandȱ nervous,ȱbutȱhisȱconversationȱkeptȱherȱfromȱbreakȬ ing.ȱ Whenȱ helpȱ shortlyȱ arrivedȱ itȱ turnedȱ outȱ sheȱ wasȱbetweenȱtheȱsecondȱandȱthirdȱfloor.ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱTheyȱ manuallyȱ openedȱ theȱ doorȱ andȱ liftedȱ herȱ out,ȱsinceȱsheȱwasȱbetweenȱfloors.ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱIȱwatchedȱRozȱtheȱotherȱdayȱasȱsheȱenteredȱourȱ buildingȱandȱwalkedȱupȱtheȱstepsȱtoȱtheȱthirdȱfloor.ȱȱ ȱ PAGE 22 PAGE 44 Easter Eggs Passover Eggs By Mal Schneider Spring Easter time, Passover fest. So paint the eggs, And hide the nest. ¬ The eggs we use, For Matzoh fry. A treat indeed, Called Matzoh Brie. ¬ We celebrate A Spring new start. A joyful time. Year's nicest part. ¬ Back North the Spring Melts snow, brings sun. The flowers bloom, Golf tennis, fun. ¬ But here we're blessed, With Spring year round And Summer, too. Valhalla found.. March By Rhoda Fisher Whether you march to a different drummer or march for justice; keep right on marching because March Madness is almost upon us. March Madness is a phenomenon that grips the national sports psyche from the second week of March through the first week of April. March Madness is the moniker that is given to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Men’s and Women’s Basketball Tournaments. These tournaments determine the national champions of college basketball. The NCAA tournaments are an American tradition that sends millions of fans into a synchro- nized frenzy each year. It’s this chaos that give the tournament its March Madness nickname. March Madness is the concentrated hype of 68 teams vying for college basketball’s biggest prize. It’s the last-second, buzzerbeating baskets, the euphoria of winning to play another day and the agony of losing and going home. So get your drinks and chips and settle down in your easy chair and enjoy March Madness. And if this is too much excitement, try another path. Get your comfy shoes or sneakers ready and march on down and join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 17. May you always walk in sunshine, may you never want for more, may Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. MARCH FOUR LEAF CLOVERS By Joan Easton Here are some interesting facts about this hard-to-find variation of the common three-leaf clover. According to tradition four-leaf clovers are supposed to bring luck to their finder, especially if found accidentally. Each leaf is supposed to represent something: faith, hope, love and luck. They are rare ... the ratio of three-leaf clovers to four-leaf clovers is 10,000 to one. There are five-leaf clovers, which are considered even luckier than four-leaf clovers. Five-leaf clovers are known as Rose Clovers. PAGE 45 Submitted by Rhoda Fisher ,I \RX·UH RXW RI D GU\HU VKHHW XVH D FRIIHH ILOWHUVRDNHGLQYLQHJDU &RIIHHILOWHUVDUHDOVRJRRGIRUJUHDVLQJDSDQ DQGFOHDQLQJ\RXUWHOHSKRQHV ,I\RXUSRZHUJRHVRXWWKDZHGRUSDUWLDOO\ WKDZHGIRRGIURPWKHIUHH]HUFDQEHUHIUR]HQ DVORQJDVLWFRQWDLQVLFHFU\VWDOV,WPD\QRW WDVWHDVJRRGDVLILWKDGUHPDLQHGIUR]HQEXW LWVKRXOGEHVDIH SERVING PLATINA FOR 20 YEARS HOUSESITTING Home security when you’re away CAR SERVICE To airports and piers 312-6308 7KH&OHPHQWLQHLVVDLGWRKDYHRULJLQDWHGLQ &KLQDDVDQDFFLGHQWDOK\EULGRIDPDQGDULQ RUDQJH,WILUVWDSSHDUHGLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV LQ WKH HDUO\ V LQ WKH SURPLQHQW FLWUXVJURZLQJUHJLRQVRI&DOLIRUQLDZKHUHLW LV VWLOO JURZQ WRGD\ 'HSHQGLQJ XSRQ WKH YDULHW\\RXPLJKWILQGWKH&OHPHQWLQHZLWK IHZVHHGVRUQRVHHGVDWDOO ,I \RX OLNH OHIWRYHUV 6LPPHU SRW URDVWV RU OHVVH[SHQVLYHFXWVRIPHDWLQIODWEHHUIRUD JUHDWWDVWH8VHIODWEHHULQVWHDGRIZDWHUIRU WDQJ\ ERLOHG VKULPS 0DNH EHHU EDWWHU IRU ILVKILOOHWVFODPVHWF 6WDUWD´KRSHFKHVWµUHFLSHFDUGER[ZLWKDOO WKHIDPLO\IDYRULWHVIRU\RXUGDXJKWHUVDQG VRQV ZKR HQMR\ FRRNLQJ RU ZLOO VRRQ EH OLYLQJRQWKHLURZQ7KLVWUXO\LVDJLIWILOOHG ZLWKORYHDQGIRQGPHPRULHV Please Support Our Advertisers. Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in the PAGE 46 PAGE 47 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID BOCA RATON, FL PERMIT 794 PLATINA COMMUNITY MASTER ASSOCIATION 9640 PLATINA AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33437 PAGE PAGE48 2
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