Welcome to Ladner United Church A Heart for God… in the Heart of the Village www.ladnerunited.org Twitter: @seaforthpadre Facebook: Ladner United Church March 8th, 2015 We are glad that you are here. All are welcome in this place. There is a card on the table in the back of the church to let us know your contact information, or changes to your information, and to request other services. • for more information please go to our website at www.ladnerunited.org or be in contact with our minister • the website has a Questions and Answers document and Jim’s sermons are available on it • let the church office know if you require a name tag • If you require offering envelopes (for tax receipts) or wish to sign up for PAR (Pre-Authorized Giving), please contact the office • in our faith community we have people who are allergic to strong scents, perfume, melons and peanuts • There is a hearing assistance system available - please ask a host if you need one. COFFEE HOST: Q - Z Next week: NEW ROSTER A - E Thank you to everyone who helped with today’s service: If your surname begins with Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y & Z, please come to the kitchen before & after the service to help serve coffee & treats. Thank you! Hosts: 9:00 am: Sally Hickling 11:00 am: Olga Froud & Sandie Green Scripture Readers: 9:00 am: Nancy MacLennan 11:00 am: Jane Pallan THIS WEEK AT LADNER UNITED Family Choir Practice Tuesday March 10 at 7:00 pm Celebration Centre Breath, Body & Spirit Wed March 11 at 2:00 pm Celebration Centre Seniors Luncheon Thursday March 12 at 12:00 pm Celebration Centre Handchime Choir Practice Thursday March 12 at 6:15 pm Sanctuary Adult Choir Practice Thursday March 12 at 7:30 pm Sanctuary Prayer Shawl Meeting Saturday March 14 at 8:00 am Fireside Room Your annual UC Observer subscription is now due. If you wish to continue to receive the United Church Observer, please pay your $20 subscription to the office during the week or on Sunday at church. If you no longer wish to receive the magazine, please contact the office to let us know. Thank you! First United Church in the downtown eastside require ONLY the following for the Month of 2015: Mugs, telephones (not cellphones) and Lego. First United Thrift Store requires : • Men’s small and medium size jeans and sweats pants( no slacks) • Men’s underwear and socks • Women’s small and medium jeans and sweat pants( no slacks) • Washable blankets The above items will be delivered to First United Church on March 16, 2015. Thank- you for your gifts. Notices from the Parish Health Ministry March 12. St Patrick’s Day Seniors Lunch/Tea. Please sign up in advance in the Narthex. Cost $5 April 9 and running one morning a week for six weeks, Food Skills for Families. If you cook for yourself or your family, this class is for you. Phone 604-354-5629 to sign up with Sepia Sharma. Limit 12 people. No cost. April 18. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. CPR plus AED. Learn lifesaving skills with Erin Challenger. Please sign up in advance in the Narthex. Limit 24 people. Cost $50. Breath, Body & Spirit - Lenten Session - February 18 to March 25 Please join us Wednesdays, in the Celebration Centre from 2:00 - 3:30 pm, for a time of relaxation and rejuvenation. This drop-in program combines gentle breathing sequences with some stretching exercise. During our Lent sessions we offer some guided meditations to harmonize all levels of being: physical, emotional and spiritual. All movements are done from a seated position and can be practised by anyone. A cup of tea and conversation follows about 45 minutes of the exercise. This program is offered freely to all who wish to join. LUC’s ANNUAL GARAGE SALE & SHREDATHON IS COMING ON SATURDAY APRIL 11TH. Time to get the word out around town and let folks know that Urban Impact will be here a week after Easter for shredding by donation. Clean out your closets, recycle and donate to the church all at once! If anyone has questions, please email either: Robin Lee at [email protected] OR Jill Scott at [email protected] PHISHING PHOR PHONES: Do you have an extra old-fashioned home phone sitting around not being used? We need your (corded) phone to do a tour of duty as our public community phone. LOOKING FOR LEGO: We are reviving our ‘Lego Therapy’ program and would LOVE any and all donations of Lego to provide participants with materials to work with. Donations can be dropped off at the Thrift Store and will be passed on to Keely. CRAVING COFFEE CUPS: We’re running low on coffee mugs for our community meal program, and would gratefully accept any extras you have kicking around! LONG SHOT: We’re trying to source biodegradable cups, bowls, plates and flatware. It’s a long shot, but does anyone have any contacts who might be able to donate some (a decent quantity)? DID YOU KNOW? Access to a telephone can mean access to work, housing, detox, counselling, family and many other services vital to folks experiencing homelessness. Contact Information On Facebook: search for Ladner United Church Minister Major the Reverend Jim Short CD 604-946-6254 (church) 778-887-6236 (cell) Email: [email protected] Twitter: @seaforthpadre Music Minister Alan Whitmore 604-831-5669; [email protected] Secretary Wendy Fraser 604-946-6254 (church); offi[email protected] Board Chair Don Ross 604-940-0398; [email protected] Board Co-Chair Jill Spencer 604-946-9649; [email protected] M&P Chair Nancy MacLennan 604-946-5972; [email protected] Prayer Chain Coordinator Olga Froud (604) 940-1078 Leadership Council [email protected] Church School [email protected] Committee Contact: Parish Health Ministry [email protected] Ministry & Personnel [email protected] Youth Ministry [email protected] Leadership Council [email protected] Church School [email protected] Welcome to St. Stephen’s United Church, East Delta March 8th, 2015 Welcome on the third Sunday in the season of Lent. Are you marking this special time? Tradition suggests that we pray, fast, read scripture and give alms. Some folks give up something or take on a new discipline." *As a courtesy to those who are sensitive to them, please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne during the worship service. Welcome and thank you to Linda McLaren, VST student for joining us and leading today’s service and to David Vander Westhuizen for reading scripture. Please join us if you are able for a brief time of singing with some of the residents at Deltaview Care Centre after today’s service. Next Sunday we welcome back Rev. Doug Graves, stepping out of retirement and life in Powell River to lead us in worship. We hope you can join us and stay following the service for coffee and some goodies and to visit further with Doug. As it is the 3rd Sunday of the month we extend a special invitation to anyone who would like to bring their grandchildren or any other Sunday School aged children to join us. Observer magazine subscriptions/renewals are now due. Please speak to Marge Paton if you would like to make any changes to your subscription or if you would like to start receiving the Observer – the cost is just $20 per year. NEED to be in Touch??? Supply Minister: The Reverend Wendy Bily [email protected] Pastoral Charge Lead Minister: Major the Rev. Jim Short, CD Music Minister: Lee Fraser [email protected] Youth Program: Marilynn Davis [email protected] Board Chair: Dewar Harper dewar&[email protected] Pastoral Charge Secretary: Wendy Fraser [email protected] 604-946-1746 604-946-6254 604-940-8180 604-524-9805 604-943-1717 604-946-6254 THIS WEEK YOU ARE INVITED TO PRAY FOR: 1. People in our Church whose work is: Accounting, Secretarial, Administrative, Reception Work 2. People in our Church who volunteer as: McKee House Society & Sorority Groups 3. Ladner and St Stephen’s Ministry: MTTF Maintenance Team: Roy Seibold, Duncan Furniss, Dave Perry, Cliff Beaumont, Howard Empey, Bob Sisler 4. South Delta Christian Community: St David’s Anglican Church 5. Our United Church Neighbours at: The members of Prince Rupert Presbytery (Chair: Ruth Brad) 6. In the World:Myanmar, Thailand
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