WORKSHOP SYNOPSIS In the framework of the International Year of Light photophysics and photonic properties of materials and - IYL2015, the Department of Chemical Sciences systems, real electroluminescent device implementation, & Materials Technology and the Institute for development of novel light-emitting technologies Nanostructured Materials of the National Research integrating new functionalities (e.g. sensors) and their Council (CNR), organize a thematic workshop focused use in front-end applications will be addressed within a on the strategic role played by chemistry and materials Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) integration view. to enable novel light-emitting technologies with a The workshop will cover the full value chain, from sustainable impact on energy use, environment and academy and research&innovation centers, to material quality of life. Fundamental aspects of light-matter and technology providers and to end-user industries interactions, materials design and development, offering a unique setting to brainstorm and share views advanced processing and manufacturing technologies on the status and perspectives of innovation activities in of functional materials including additive manufacturing, the field of lighting. SPECIFIC TOPICS COVERED BY DEDICATED SESSIONS INCLUDE: • Material and molecular design for light-emission • Theoretical and computational approaches in modeling light-matter interaction • Photophysics and light-generation in complex nanoscale systems • Real-setting implementation of light-emitting and –sensitive materials. • Novel light-emitting technologies and applications A keynote lecture (45 mins) will open each session. Selected oral contributions (15 mins) will follow. The target audience is from academy, innovation centers and industry. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS OPENING ADDRESS LUIGI NICOLAIS, CNR PRESIDENT TENTATIVE KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: WOLFGANG BOCH, HEAD OF UNIT EU DG CONNECT (B) MATHIEU TURBIEZ, BASF Schweiz AG, BASEL (CH) ADELINA BRAUN, SIGMA-ALDRICH, TAUFKIRCHEN (D) ANTONIO FACCHETTI, POLYERA, SKOKIE (USA) ANGEL RUBIO, UPV-EHV, DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN (ES) RAINER MAHRT, IBM RESEARCH, ZURICH RESEARCH LABORATORY (CH) IFOR SAMUEL, ST ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, ST ANDREWS, SCOTLAND (UK) HANI KANAAN, CEA, GRENOBLE (FR) CHRISTIAN MAY, FRAUNHOFER-COMEDD, DRESDEN (D) CHRISTIAN BOSSHARD, CSEM SA & SWISSPHOTONICS, MUTTENZ (CH) NINA RIEGEL, OSRAM, REGENSBURG (D) STEFANO TOMINETTI, SAES GETTERS S.P.A., LAINATE (IT) LUCA PORCARO, ARTEMIDE, MILANO (IT) PAOLO GUZZINI, IGUZZINI ILLUMINAZIONE S.P.A, RECANATI (IT) SEGRETERIA VIA SALARIA KM 29,300 - 00015 MONTEROTONDO STAZIONE (ROMA) ITALY T: +39 06 90 672 484 E: [email protected] WWW.DSCTM.CNR.IT WWW.ISMN.CNR.IT
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