Schedule for March 1 – March 8 Rev. Troy Countryman Rev. Adam Jacobsen Bailey Maldonado Brenda Severson Lynn Shaffer Anita Polston Dr. Herman Taylor Joyce Zschau Senior Pastor Assoc.Pastor Church Secretary Co-Principal Co-Principal School Secretary Organist Parish Nurse 294-3842 714-1965 234-4923 708-586-5565 235-1966 234-4911 234-8227 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Assisting in Worship: 2/28 & 3/1 Preacher: Celebrant: Organist: Elder: Assisting: Ushers: Acolytes: Altar Guild: Video: Driver: Rev. Adam Jacobsen Rev. Troy Countryman Dr. Herman Taylor Fred Smith Michael Gass 8:00 am Paul Welton, Randy Rappe & Ryan Rappe’ 10:30 am Laverne Schaal, Tom Jones & Kirk Salinas 5:00 pm Vincent Fanelli 8:00 am Lane Gass 10:30 am Austin Stortzum & Nathan Claypool Connie Elder, Cindy Phipps & Sara Doehring Mike Salinas Karen Stoll (258-6377) Assisting in Worship Next Week: 3/7 & 3/8 Preacher: Liturgist: Organist: Elder: Assisting: Ushers: Acolytes: Altar Guild: Video: Driver: Rev. Troy Countryman Rev. Adam Jacobsen Dr. Herman Taylor Fred Smith Michael Gass 8:00 am Paul Welton, Randy Rappe & Ryan Rappe’ 10:30 am Laverne Schaal, Tom Jones & Kirk Salinas 5:00 pm Anna Prior 8:00 am Kaitlyn Walker & Kira Wolf 10:30 am Kaitlyn Smith & Josie Orris Connie Elder, Cindy Phipps & Sara Doehring Mike Salinas Janice Mann (234-6084) Schedule for March 1 – March 8 Sun 8:00 & 10:30 am Worship w/Holy Wed 12:30 pm Lent Service Communion 5:30 pm Jr High Confirmation 9:15 am Education Hour 5:00 pm Lenten Meal 7:00 pm Pickup Basketball 7:00 pm Lent Service Mon 8:00 am LOL Thu 8:30 am Exercise Class 10:30 am School Dr. Seuss Day 9:15 am Thursday Bible Study 5:00 pm Basketball Practice 7:00 pm Choir 6:30 pm Elders Meeting Sat 8:00 am Basketball Practice 7:00 pm Friendship Guild 5:00 pm Worship Tue 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study @ Sun 8:00 & 10:30 am Worship Pagliacci’s 9:15 am Education Hour 8:30 am Exercise Class 11:45 am Wetzel Wedding Shower 9:00 am Quilters 7:00 pm Pickup Basketball 2:00 pm Blood Drive 5:00 pm Volleyball Game Church Attendance: 294 Budgeted Collected Previous Bal $75,978 $64,947 Last Week $10,854 $8,207 Current Bal $86,832 $73,154 Moving Forward In Faith Campaign: (As of 2/19/15) Cash Received: $861,164 Pledge Balance: $59,052 Think back over the past week. Now work through this checklist: ___I identified an un-‐churched friend in my life. ___I prayed for God to bless my friend and open a door for His word in my friend’s life. ___I intentionally showed an act of kindness and friendship to my friend this past week. ___I told this friend about how much Jesus means to me. ___I invited this friend to a Bible study at church and worship. Announcements: Friendship Guild: Our meeting will be Monday, March 2nd at 7:00 pm. If members have mite boxes, we request that you bring them to the meeting or leave them in the church office before March 2nd. Blood Drive: The American Red Cross will be having a blood drive on Tuesday, March 3rd from 2:00 PM -‐ 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone interested can call 1-‐800-‐redcross (sponsor code SJLSMattoon) for an appointment or come in during that time. Please bring a photo I.D. ~Joyce Zschau, Parish Nurse Attention all Church Organizations! All organizations with a checking account, please email your annual report to Bailey in the church office at office@stjohns-‐ There is a sample of the way the finance committee would like your report to look on the ledge outside the church office. Any questions, feel free to contact the church office at 234-‐4923. Thank you! Lenten Meals: o This Wednesday, March 4, the 7th & 8th graders will serve fried chicken from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Please join us before worship! o If your group or organization would like to host a Lenten meal, please contact the church office (234-‐4923). We need a group to host the March 18 meal. Walk to Jerusalem: It’s not too late to join! Pick up the paper on the ledge outside the church office. Anyone participating can drop their log off at Bailey’s office and pick up a new one for the next week. Any questions, contact Joyce at 234-‐ 8227. Mission Sunday: This Sunday, March 1 is the first Mission Sunday of 2015. Please use your Mission Envelope. Thank you! The Lutheran Laymen’s League would like to invite you to join us as we host the 2015 Central Illinois Lutheran Laymen’s League District Convention on March 14, 2015. The theme this year is: We Are Sent! Join us at the church for fellowship and day of worship. The registration form is available on the ledge outside the church office. Registration forms are due no later than March 9th. 2015 Church Directory: You have one more chance to get your photo for the directory! LifeTouch will be here again On Monday, March 9 from 2:30-‐9:00 pm. If would like to make an appointment, you have a few options: 1. Call or email the church office and we will make the appointment for you. (234-‐4923 office@stjohns-‐ 2. Use the link that was emailed out this week and make your own appointment. The link is also on our facebook page. ( School News: Did You Know… that all of our St. John's School families are reading the book "Frindle" as part of the One School, One Book program? Each night every St. John’s family reads one chapter together, then the following day during the morning announcements Mrs. Shaffer asks a question about the chapter that was read the evening before. On the first day of the program all the kids gathered together in the school multipurpose room and read chapter one together. The Board of Christian Education is now accepting applications for a middle school teacher. Please turn in your resume to the school or church office by Tuesday, March 10. Open Positions: The school is in search of a new Athletic Director and librarian for the 2015/2016 school year. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Brenda or Lynn at 234-‐4911. School Auction: This is the last week to make a donation to the 2015 St. John's Lutheran School auction! We are still in need of new items, handmade items, packages and services to be auctioned off. We can also accept monetary donations to be used to purchase auction items! Can you think of something fun, creative or useful that people would like to have? Items can be left with Bailey in the office or given to Brenda Severson, Andrea Walker or Angela Hampton. The auction will be held on Friday, March 20th at 5:30 p.m. Please come support our wonderful school! Tickets are $10 and will be available for purchase in the office next week. Tickets will not be available at the door. God's blessings! ~ St. John's PTL School Registration: The 2015/2016 school year registration is underway. Make sure to fill out your application and turn it into the school office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you can call 234-‐4911. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 March 1 – March 8 Birthday Celebrations: Kathryn Hampton, Payge Jones, Sherri Rappe’ Laura Dixon, Dylan Haugh Cassie Thoman, Christopher Wetzel Barbara Degler, Gina Jones, Kevin Lange, Lola Maldonado, Clara Moore, Madeline Shepard Chris Miller, Michael Moody, Ashley Owens, Tom Roth, Austin Saunders Katie Blomquist, Donna Cole, Micaela Polston, Chantel Thompson Serena Hall, Raven Jackson, Susan Radloff, Alexis Schaljo Samantha Eads, Donna Homann, Marilyn Perryman March 1 – March 8 Anniversary Celebrations: Everett & Martha Spencer March 2, 1957
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