7319 W. ATLANTIC AVE. DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446 (561) 499-0970 MENACHEM JAROSLAWICZ, RABBI HARRY LAZARUS, PRESIDENT Z’MANIM: PARSHAS KI SISA FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING...…………..6:06PM followed by Kabalas Shabbos and MAARIV.........6:00PM MINCHA SHABBOS: SHACHARIS…..................…….9:00AM MINCHA ...….….......................5:45PM FOLLOWED BY SHALOSH SEUDOS. MAARIV ………..............….……6:56PM HAVDALAH NOT BEFORE…...7:00PM Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 8th at 2AM. WEEKDAY MINYANIM: SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY SHACHARIS ….......................7:30AM MINCHA, FOLLOWED BY HALACHA, AND MA’ARIV…………………….7:00PM MINCHA on Friday, Mar. 13th is at 6:00PM. Friday Mincha will be at 6:00PM until May 1, 2015 and 7:00PM on MAY 1st and after. The Shiur this Monday, Mar. 9th at 7:30PM at the Shul will feature a return of Amy Horowitz who will speak on: Yirmiyahu & Yechezkel - two approaches to surviving exile. Amy Horowitz is the Tanach Department Chair at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School in Boca Raton, where she has taught Chumash and Navi for the past 12 years. She studied English Literature at Stern College and received a Master's Degree in education at NYU. She lives in Boca Raton with her husband, Rabbi Benjy Horowitz, who also works at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, and her three children Penina, Meirav, and Elisha. For ERUV STATUS, Call 561-499-0970 AFTER 2PM ON FRIDAY Kiddush this Shabbat is being sponsored by Yossie & Henny Bick in honor of Yossie’s special birthday. To sponsor a kiddush, contact Alan Graubard at 561637-0307, Milt Blau at 561-499-3579, or Stuart Jacoby at 585-469-0746. Do Not forget to vote for the Religious Zionist slate in the upcoming worldwide Zionist elections. Go To: www.votetorah.org Rabbi Kenneth Greene will give a Shiur on Monday, March 16th at 7:30PM at the Shul. The topic will be: “The Haggada and It’s Message for Today” DOS is beginning it’s annual Maot Chitim campaign to raise money for poor people for Pesach. Please give your checks to Dr. Joe Winter or Alan Graubard. Please make sure that all cell phones are either turned off or put them on vibrate/silent mode during weekday Shul services and classes. PAGE 1 REFUAH SHELAIMAH Judy Mindick (Yehudis bas Devorah) Esther Rosen (Esther bas Mindel) Eugene Steinberg (Yisroel HaCohain ben Freida) Jeffrey Kopelman (Edal Mordechai ben Nechi) Joe Kaufer (Yosef ben Yehudis) Moe Laub (Moshe Yehoshua ben Devorah Braindel) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YAHRTZEITS for Mar. 7, 2015 – Mar. 13, 2015 Saturday, March 07, 16 of ADAR Father of DR. JOSEPH SILVERSTEIN, Alter Moshe Menahem ben Shmuel Hayim, Z"L Father of LARRY KLEIN, Avrohom Yosef ben Aharon Dov, Z"L Wife of RALPH NUSSBAUM, Esther Raizel bas Yaakov, A"H Sunday, March 08, 17 of ADAR Father of MRS. STEFANI RIFKIND, Mitchell Leibowitz, Michael ben Yitzchak, Z"L Monday, March 09, 18 of ADAR Father of ISRAEL STENDIG, Chaim Dov ben Baruch Yecheil, Z"L Brother-In-law of FLORENCE COOPER, Louis Cooper, Leb ben Gershon HaCohain, Z"L Tuesday, March 10, 19 of ADAR Mother of DONALD MOSTOV, Chana Sarah bas Shalom Behr, A"H Mother of RITA SCHLUSSEL, Ethel Barenholtz, Etel bas Kalmin, A"H Father of FLORENCE SCHLANGER, Mordechai ben Avraham Yaakov HaLevi, Z"L Wednesday, March 11, 20 of ADAR Mother of SAM GOLDMAN, Bella Goldman, Baila bas Simcha Isaac, A"H Father of HARRIET SAMUELS, Sidney Gilbert, Simeon Gershon ben Isaac, Z"L Thursday, March 12, 21 of ADAR Mother of HARRIET RUDNICK, Adele Bernstein, Chaya Sara bas Chaim Eliyahu, A"H Grandmother of JUDY MINDICK, Sara bas Moshe, A"H Friday, March 13, 22 of ADAR Father-in-law of RITA LEVINE, Sam Levine, Shemuel ben Avraham Mordechai Halevi, Z"L Brother of RENEE KASTNER, Joseph Kopelman, Yosef ben Avraham, Z"L MAY THEY ALL MERIT AN ALIYAS NESHAMAH IMPORTANT NOTICE To all members who will be at their Florida home for all or part of the Pesach Holiday: The scrip committee would like to be informed of your Scrip needs for the Yom Tov as soon as possible so that we can have an adequate supply available for all of your needs. Please advise Milt Sabin, Rose Feldman or Estelle Krim of how much you will require of Kosher Market, Glicks and Winn Dixie scrip, and we will make it available for you. Thank you for your support of the Scrip fund raiser. PAGE 2 Since DOS has invested so much into the new website we are asking you to please go to the website at www.delrayorthodox.org and sign in. This will also ask for you to assign a password. Once you have done this you will be able to review your personal information, Yahrzeit information and Billing information. It is very important for us to have your input immediately regarding all of this. If you are having a problem, please send an email to either Sandy Geiger at [email protected] or Alan Graubard at [email protected] . For Additions to the “TREE OF LIFE”, Memorial Plaques, & Seforim donations, Call MORTY LEVIN AT (561) 637-4662 ALL REQUESTS TO ADD ANY INFORMATION TO THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE MADE TO SANDY GEIGER AT [email protected], OR YOU CAN CONTACT HIM AT (561) 637-2526 BEFORE 6PM ON WEDNESDAYS. ANY ITEMS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DEADLINE MAY NOT BE INCLUDED. CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, CALL ROZ FERMAN AT (561) 638-5438. SISTERHOOD UPDATE: The next meeting of the DOS SISTERHOOD will be held on Tuesday, March 10th, 7:30 P.M. at DOS. Come and join us for a fun evening of BINGO AND SPECIAL REFRESHMENTS. UPCOMING EVENTS; May - LUNCH and LEARN at DOS June - TRIP TO FAIRCHILD GARDENS IN MIAMI July - VISIT TO COSTUME MUSEUM AND LUNCH New friends are always welcome at our meetings and on our trips. Sisterhood thanks all those who help to set up and clean up our Shabbat Kiddish. Your help is very much appreciated. Please contact Paula Winter at 561-637-9828 for DOS Sisterhood events. Torah Dedication By now you have learnt that due to circumstances beyond our control the Torah Mantle will only arrive next week. To have held the dedication this Sunday without the Mantle would be insulting to the memory of the people to whom the Torah is being dedicated. Therefore we felt it would be better to postpone the ceremony by one week and have it take place at 1PM on March 15. Please join us to make this historic and momentous occasion a fitting one in honor of these martyrs. There will be a general membership meeting on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7:30PM at the Shul. You can still buy and/or sell RAFFLES as only about 75 have been sold to date. Reservations are required for the brunch. Please call either Joe Ferman or Dorri Goldman to make your reservations. SCHEDULE FOR MARCH 15th for the RAFFLE and for the TORAH DEDICATION: 10:30AM - RAFFLE Brunch for those who bought tickets 12:00NOON - RAFFLE DRAWING 1:00PM -- Start of TORAH DEDICATION Looking forward to seeing everyone for both events. Refreshments will be served after the dedication ceremony. Israel Bond Breakfast; Honoring Helen Weiss; Sunday March 29 at Anshei Emunah at 9AM Please save the date and plan to attend to honor Helen Weiss and to support Israel Bonds and DOS. Mazal Tov Helen! Please call Effie Regev at 561-939-1363 to reserve your place at the breakfast. We now offer Members and anyone else the opportunity to donate online at our website by going to this address: www.delrayorthodox.org/payment.php We encourage all of you to take advantage of this very convenient opportunity. Fd PAGE 3 Rabbi’s Message What goes around comes around. What you put out is what comes back. You can’t dodge the bullet forever. And better to learn this lesson late than never. Purim is all about “Venahafoch Hu.” Everything is flipped around backwards. Nothing is what it seems -yet it’s all exactly the way it’s supposed to be. On a Passuk in this week’s Parsha, Ki Sisa, Harav Ahron of Karlin offers the following interpretation: “Ki seesa es rosh Bnei Yisroel lifkudayhem, v’nasnu ish kofer nafsho” (When you will take a census of the Children of Israel according to their counts, every man shall give Hashem an atonement for his soul). Says Rav Ahron, “Elevating oneself to the highest level, to the level of having one’s sins forgiven, can only be achieved through Meseiras Nefesh, self sacrifice.” In the Purim story we see that everything began to turn for the good just as soon as Esther Hamalka was willing to risk her life on behalf of the Klal by going into the king unannounced and risking her own possible death. It was this act of Meseiras Nefesh -- of “self sacrifice” on behalf of others -- that flipped the heavenly judgments around from “DIN” to “CHESED” and saved all of Klal Yisroel. We need to refrain from saying, “What can you do for ME?” and we need to start saying, “What can I do for YOU?” At the end of the day, what we learn from the Megillah is Mishloach Manos and Matanas L’evyonim, giving gifts and giving charity. When your mindset is to “give” and not just to “take” you will have elevated yourself AND your situation. Is anyone among us brazen enough to believe that they need no help at all -- and that everything in their family and extended families is just perfect? No heavenly assistance needed? No room to flip “Din” to “Chessed”? I think not! And the solution being offered is not one that requires months of saying Tehillim, Davening, a three-hour Amidah or anything like that. The solution being offered is simple: BE NICE. Give without judgment. Value someone else’s opinion and stop believing that you and only you have all the solutions to the universe. In this week’s Parsha, the word “v’nasnu” (which means to “GIVE”) is spelled, “Vav, Nun, Taf, Nun, Vav.” It can be read backwards and forwards and still reads the same: “v’nasnu.” The Ba’al Haturim teaches us that this means that when you “GIVE” Tzedakah you are really “RECEIVING.” “Venahafoch Hu,” exactly the opposite of what you would think. As a matter of fact, even the word “Tzedakah” itself implies the same thing. Tzedakah is spelled, “Tzadi, Daled, “Kuf” and “Hey.” In the numeric system known as “At-Bash” the letters of the Alef Bais align with the letters of the reverse Alef Bais, (Alef/Taf, Bais/Shin, Gimel/Reish, Daled/Kuf and Hey/Tzadi). Want to see something fascinating? Check and you’ll see: that the word “Tzedakah” in “At-Bash” ALSO spells “Tzedakah.” Purim teaches us how to behave the correct way: nice, caring, giving. Ki Sisa reinforces it. Deep down we know it’s the right thing, now we just have to let it surface and get it done. Hope you had a freilichen Purim . . . and have a Good Shabbos! PAGE 4
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