Volume XXVI Number 3 Page Private school Newport Mesa Campus nEWSLETTER March 2015 Leaders in education for 107 years . 1 In This Issue:! 1st & 2nd Grade News…………………….7! 3rd & 4th Grade News……………………8! 5th & 6th Grade News……………………9! 7th & 8th Grade News……………………9! Dates to Remember………………………..11! Director’s Corner……………………………..3! Field Trip…………………………………………5! Kindergarten News…………………………6! March Lunch Menu……………………….10! P.E. & Computer News…………………….5! Preschool. News……………………………..6! PJ & Movie Night for Kids!……………8! Spanish & Art Happenings……………..7! Students of the Month………………….4! 2 Director’s Corner: Spring'will'be'here'on'the'20th,'and'it'is'so'hard'to'believe'that'we'are'in' the'6inal'weeks'of'the'third'quarter!''At'this'point'in'the'school'year,'it'is' so'important'that'we'continue'to'motivate'our'students.' 'Please'check' with'your'child’s'teachers'and'with'TeacherEase'so'that'together'we'can' assist'him'or'her'to'achieve'the'best'grades'possible.' This' month,' we' will' have' a' “wear' green”' spirit' day' on' March' 17th' in' honor' of' St.' Patrick’s' Day!' ' All' children'can'wear'free'dress'this'day,'but'they'must'wear'something'green.' Thursday,' March' 19th' is' spring' picture' day' for' preLschool' and' Friday,' March' 20th' for' Kindergarten' through'8th'grade,'a'6lyer'will'be'sent'home'to'pick'the'background'of'your'choice.' By' now,' you' will' have' received' your' reLenrollment' letter' for' the' 2015L2016' school' year.' ' This' form' along'with'your'reLenrollment'fee'must'be'submitted'by'March'20,'2015,'in'order'to'hold'the'space'for' your' child' for' the' upcoming' school' year.' Junior' Kindergarten' students' will' participate' in' a' Kindergarten' move' up' day' on' Tuesday,' March' 10,' and' we' will' have' a' parent' informational' night' on' Thursday,'March'12'at'5:00'pm'in'room'109'of'the'elementary'building.''We'hope'to'see'you'there.''We' hope'that'you'choose'to'continue'your'child’s'education'with'Page.' Our'third'report'card'will'be'coming'out'on'March'20th,'and'we'will'have'an'honor'roll'presentation'on' Friday,'March'27th.' 'We'will'be'having'our'honor'roll'presentation'promptly'at'8:30'am.' 'Please'drop' your'child'off,'and'stay'for'the'presentation.'Honor'roll'awards'will'be'posted'on'Thursday,'March'26th' on'the'bulletin'board'next'to'the'elevator.' Our'seventh'and'eighth'grade'students'are'getting'very'excited'about'their'upcoming'trip'to'New'York' and' Washington' D.C.' ' They' will' be' traveling' March' 29th' and' returning' on' April' 3rd.' This' is' a' great' educational'trip'for'the'students.' As' always,' I' wish' you' all' a' great' month!' ' The' teachers,' Ms.' Kelly,' and' I' appreciate' the' support' and' effort'you'provide.' James'Shafer' Assistant'Director 3 Students of the Month Adrian Zarate Chelsey Ruiz Mikhail Downing Elliana Anbardan Kaydence Ruiz Ava Walters Natalia Palma Ciara Kennedy David Mills Hayden Betson Ivy Holt Samantha Giebler Velmar AmadorLankster 4 Field Trip: Legoland This month, we are off to Legoland Theme Park in the beautiful city of carlsbad. Sign up early, as space is limited. Page Private School T-shirts are required. Who: PS - 8th Where: Legoland When: Thursday, March 26th Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Cost: $35.00 Checks payable to School Tours, Inc. P.E. & Computer News March will be a terrific month, we will work on a number of activities in P.E. Towards the beginning of the month we will begin to use some of our time in class to begin practicing our dances for the Spring Program. The theme for this years program is Through The Decades! Please be aware any absences mean your student has missed the opportunity to participate in the class, and therefore cannot earn their participation points. Parents and students are encouraged to see me about make up work and activities for P.E. and Computer Ed. as soon as possible. Learning to type is very useful skill that will help students throughout their educational years, and beyond. Each grade level has class time devoted to increasing their typing skills each week! Just a reminder, the students (3rd grade +) are responsible for bringing their flash drive to class like they are required to wear their P.E. uniform. If they are missing one of these items they will lose one to two points each time they do not bring it to class. 5 Ms. Johnson Preschool News as baby ing and doing spring lessons such spr ut abo ng rni lea to rd wa for ks fts and art The preschool loo take time to do St. Patrick's Day cra o als ll wi we , rch Ma g rin Du s. re will be animals and insect the windy month so I'm sure the as n ow kn ays alw is rch Ma ! lost and projects just for fun r preschool classrooms. Our little ou in g gin han ts jec pro n loo bal air e a look. some kites or hot u are missing anything please tak yo if l, ful is le tab in n sig the a local found box under of the month will be donated to end the by x bo nd fou and t los to choose Anything left in the eady thinking about and starting alr are we yes t bu ay aw far of ward to charity. It's kind rt practicing for it soon and look for sta ll wi We . m" gra pro g rin "Sp about our songs for our annual on from your child's teacher soon ati orm inf g tin get be uld sho u Yo our show in May. t will be needed for our show. song choice and costume items tha Ms. Madelain, Ms. Hue, Ms. Georgina, Ms . Eva, and Ms. Brenda Kindergarten News nd Day on March 2 . Our ca eri Am s ros Ac ad Re and ay thd Suess’s bir rch also This month, we will celebrate Dr. s fun occasion! Lucky for us, Ma thi for ties ivi act tic tas ess Su ny ws what class will take part in ma t for those leprechauns! Who kno kou loo the on be , ers ten gar der Kin Mifflin's holds St. Patrick’s Day. nth, we transition from Houghton mo s thi o, Als . oom ssr cla our to re for us! mischief they will bring program. Lots of learning is in sto g din rea de gra t firs the to m gra rs and then kindergarten reading pro will continue with number partne we th, ma In . nts pla ut abo dy Adrian is a In science, we will stu Student of the Month for March. our is e rat Za n ria Ad pes sha al to be a move on to 3-dimension Adrian loves Spiderman and wants ts. tes his all on % 100 g nin ear rning and spelling and math whiz, to his classmates. Adrian loves lea nd frie er sup a is He up. ws gro police officer when he we love having him in our class. rs. Rosales M Spanish & Art Happenings: Spanish Kindergarten is just about to begin learning the words for the parts of our face and bodies. 1st and 2nd Grade will be exploring Fairy Tales, characters and the adjectives we use to describe ourselves and others. 3rd and 4th Grade will be learning about our classes and school routines, including our first big introduction to verbs! 5th and 6th Grade is just about to start on a longer unit on the house (outside, inside, and items that belong in each room). 7th and 8th is exploring travel (especially airports) and continuing with our exploration of complex grammar. They are also reading a book in Spanish and watching a Spanish TV series! So proud of all my students! Art 7th and 8th Grade's Upside-down Self-Portraits will be on display next month on the upstairs Bulletin Board. Please swing by for a look. Also, please feel free to come by the Art room downstairs, as we showcase art from the different grades. March will be our last month of Art before returning to Music, so we have a lot to get done! Ms. Anna 1st & 2nd Grade News: March is going to be a wonderful month! The students have been making so much progress and are ready to learn even more! The 1st and 2nd grade class will be diving in to different animal life cycles from areas such as the forest, ocean and desert. This class will also be getting to work on their Explore Our World projects which I am so excited to see and I know the students are excited to learn all about their topic. The 2nd grade class will be practicing their measuring and shape drawing skills in Math. The 1st grade class will still be perfecting their skills at place value and adding teen numbers. Both grades are becoming expert spellers and also amazing readers! We have added so many more books to our Reading Room Library and the students have been so overjoyed to read them. We have also been practicing our dance for the Spring Program and I must say I have a group of very talented dancers. The March Students of the Month are Kaydence Ruiz and Natalia Palma. Kaydence has made such great progress this year. She has improved in all academic areas and is on her way to becoming an excellent reader. Kaydence loves to talk about her soccer skills and all the fun things she does in Girl Scouts. She is such a great friend to her classmates and loves to help me with things in the classroom. Natalia Palma is such a bright and energetic student. Natalia is a HUGE fan of Palace Pets and My Little Pony. She loves to read, write stories, draw and sing. Natalia has made the biggest improvement in her reading since her days in Kindergarten. She is such a sweet and kind-hearted friend to everyone.. I am so proud of what she has accomplished so far! Keep it up Kaydence and Tally! Ms. Martus 3rd & 4th Grade News Students of the Month: Hayden Benton and Ciara Kennedy Our class has been working on writing expository essays. Check out their good advice for how to avoid getting sick. You can see their essays and pictures on the large bulletin board downstairs this month. We will be working with adjectives in English and magnetics in Science. In Reading, third graders will focus on following directions and drawing conclusions. Fourth graders will focus on problem solving and drawing conclusions. Both groups will also practice using prefixes and suffixes in their writing. In math, third grade will analyze data to read and create a variety of graphs. Fourth graders will analyze patterns and move into measurement. Soon this month you will receive a packet explaining our Explore Our World Social Studies project. Each third grade student selects a National Park to research and then completes a written report. Also, each student builds a model of their selected park. Fourth graders will focus on California Missions. A written report is also required, but you have a choice of building a mission model or filming a video tour. Let’s have a wonderful month! Ms. Aihara PJ & Movie Night for the Kids! Friday, March 20th, 5:30pm - 9pm You won’t want to miss this! Mark your Calendars - Special Night Ahead! Did you miss our Drop & Shop in December? Or want to do it again? Well, we are having another great evening planned ahead for the kids. It’s a win-win-win – time for you & the hubby/wife for a special dinner . . . or just for you to have some “me time”. It’s good for the parent(s), kids & 100% of the proceeds go to support the 7th & 8th grade 2015 DC/NY trip. Just sign up your child on the signup sheet and we will prepare to have a special night for everyone. There will be movies, board games, pizza, snacks & drinks - picnic style! Be sure they are prepared with their PJ’s, special pillow & blankets to cozy up with their BFF’s for a funfilled night. From 5:30 - 9pm, Friday, March 20th. Hosted by the parents of 7th & 8th grade right here on the Page Private School Campus, all elementary children are welcome. Any questions please contact Kristine Ward @ 949-648-1534. Cost is $25/child. Thank you for your support! 5th & 6th Grade News Students of the month: Chelsey Ruiz & Velmar Amador-Lankster It's hard to believe it is already the month of March! The students and I had so much fun in Catalina! It was a great learning experience and a fun time had by all. We tried many new things like snorkeling and kayaking! We also leaned a lot about oceanography! This month, we will wrap up fractions in 6th grade and decimals in 5th grade. Sixth grade will revisit geometry and 5th grade will master multiplication and division of fractions. In language arts, we will finish the novel Where the Red Fern Grows and go back to our reading anthology for a few stories, before we read our last novel of the year. In social studies 6th grade will be learning about ancient China and 5th grade will continue to study the American Revolution leading into the birth of our nation. Toward the end of the month (March 29-April 3) I will be in New York with our middle school students, but the 5th and 6th grade schedule will continue as usual. Ms. Tiffany 7th & 8th Grade News Hello everyone! Time is flying by and it is already March! For those of you who do not know who I am yet, my name is Luke Gutierrez and I recently started teaching 7th-8th grade Language Arts and Literature; and 5th-6th grade science. A little bit about me, I graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a degree in English and a minor in Spanish in 2012. Following that, I began my studies to get my teaching credentials and my masters in education. I have finished the credentialing process, but am still working on finishing that masters! So far, I am loving my experience at Page School and am looking forward to get to know everyone as I continue teaching here. As far as what the students are up to, the 7th-8th graders are finishing up their work with The Hobbit by creating newspapers in groups as if they were journalists writing about the book. The projects are looking fantastic so far and should be completed soon. Following that, we will begin work on our next novel, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles. In Language Arts, students are finishing up work on a creative writing project in which they thought of and wrote a proposal for a sequel to an existing movie. We are then using this project as a springboard into a discussion about sentence structure and complexity in writing as we move forward to our unit on argumentative writing. The fifth graders are about to begin their studies on the water cycle, complete with labs that use shaving cream and food coloring to illustrate precipitation! While this occurs, the sixth graders will start their studies on Earthquakes, gradually moving towards creating their own seismograph. I am excited to work on all of these projects and to continue to develop relationships with all of these wonderful students! Regards, Luke Gutierrez March Lunch Menu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Burritos Spanish Rice Pears Juice 3 Cheese Burger French Fries Celery Sticks Milk 4 Tuna Salad Sandwich Potato Chips Fruit Cocktail Lemonade 5 Taquitos Refried Beans Mixed Veggies Pineapple Milk 6 Fish Sticks Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Jello Milk 9 10 11 12 13 Chicken Soft Tacos Spanish Rice Mixed Veggies Lemonade Corn Dogs Potato Chips Peaches Milk Spaghetti w/ Marinara Sauce Green Salad Orange Slices Milk Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Pears Lemonade Cheese Pizza Green Salad Applesauce Milk 16 Breaded Chicken Sandwich Baked French Fries Peaches Milk 17 Hot Dogs Potato Chips Celery Sticks Green Jello Punch 18 Pasta Alfredo w/ Chicken Green Salad Chocolate Pudding Milk 19 Quesadilla Refried Beans Tapioca Pudding Lemonade 20 Mac & Cheese Green Beans Mixed Fruit Milk 23 Beef & Cheese Nachos Refried Beans Chocolate Cake Milk 24 BBQ Chicken Drumettes French Fries Apple Juice 25 Turkey & Cheese Wrap Green Salad Fruit Cocktail Milk 26 Chilli Chips Pears Juice 27 Cheese Pizza Green Salad Chocolate Pudding Milk 30 Beef-A-Roni Green Beans Apple Slices Milk 31 Burrito Spanish Rice Pineapple Lemonade Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Dates To Remember: March 2nd Dr. Seuss - Read Across America - Pajama Day March 10th! Kinder Move-UP Day March 12th! Kinder Early - SignUp @ 5:00p.m. March 17th! St. Patrick’s Day - Kickball Tournament March 19th & 20th Spring Pictures March 20th Date Night 7th & 8th Grade Fundraiser March 26th Field Trip to Legoland March 27th Honor Roll Presentation @ 8:30a.m. March 30-April 3 7th & 8th Gr. Trip to New York & Washington DC Join Us Online! Click To Visit! Click To Visit! Sign Up Now!
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