MARTIN UMC MARCH 2015 969 E. ALLEGAN ST., MARTIN, MI SPAGHETTI BENEFIT DINNER JAN YOUNG FAMILY Joyful Notes MARTIN AND SHELBYVILLE UMC COMMUNITY FRIDAY, 4:30 MARCH TO 13 7PM ALL DONATIONS ARE DESIGNATED TO BOB YOUNG Sponsored by The Martin Lions Club The Martin Veterans Club PRAYER CHAIN / CHURCH CLOSINGS The Martin and Shelbyville Churches prayer chains have been updated the. The Office manager calls the pastor when a request comes in. For Martin she calls one person who reaches out to 5 others who each reaches out to 5 or 6 others. The office manager also calls 6 others who then reaches out to 5 or 6 others. For Shelbyville she calls the pastor and then calls one other will then reaches out to several others who reach out to others. The office manager uses phone, email, text or facebook to make these contacts. If you have a preference in the way you receive the concern contact the church office. When the decision to close the church is made, Channel 8 TV is contacted immediately and face book notification will go out. Please check the station each worship service to be advise of the closing. All efforts will be made to active the prayer chains also. Page 2 SOUPER BOWL OF CARING If the Martin Public Schools and/or the Wayland Union Schools are closed we will close the church office, food pantry and any activities that are scheduled for the day. Please check with Channel 8 TV for the latest closing information. If you have any questions you may check with Pat Hoekstra or Pastor Sean. Page 3 PEBBLES/ PRAISE/ PRAYER-The Rock @ 5 O’Clock 3/7........Sharon Carper 3/14 ......Theresa and Mary McKie 3/21...... 3/28…... Susan Pyle 672-9756 can be called for a substitute in the rotation. Community dinners (fellowship) on the fifth Saturdays of May, August and October after The Rock @ 5 O’Clock. Come to worship—stay for dinner! The Big Question? During The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Third Saturday of each month Page 4 CHRISTIAN CARE AND SHARE TEAM Christian Care and Share Team is excited to offer monthly community dinners beginning March 25th at 6pm. There is no cost for this dinner, but a donation basket will be set out. We look forward to a great meal and lots of social time. CCS Team will also be coordinating meals taken to shut ins, folks who have been in the hospital or experiencing difficult times. If you are willing to cook and deliver meals occasionally, contact Letty Sherry. The CCS Team will be meet on March 18th at 6pm to plan the events of 2015. If you would like to be involved, please plan on attending. If you have any questions or cannot attend the first meeting please contact Letty Sherry.(269-355-8018) We hope to see you on March 25 for chicken dinner. Bring a guest! ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING United Methodist Special Offering Sunday, March 15 Page 5 MISSION NEWS Martin UMC Community Breakfast Third Saturday every month! March 21 8am to 10:30am Proceeds to Food Pantry Menu surprises monthly! ESCRIPT The Mission Committee has signed up to receive funds from Harding’s Market and we need your help! Cards are available in the church office to use each time you shop at Harding’s. 4% of all purchases will be deposited in the Neighborhood Mission Fund. These funds are designated for community needs for food and/or utility assistance. The Martin Lions Club is accepting orders for Easter hams. The project is selling spiral honey hams at a cost of $29.00 each-and for every ham sold; the club will profit $5.00. The hams weighing 8-9 lbs. and they are delicious! I personally buy several for myself as they freeze well and they make great gifts. Most of us purchase a ham during the Easter season and your buyer can be neighbors, business colleagues, and/or family to name just a few. Orders will be taken until March 15th with delivery April 4th. The Martin Lions Club will give the $5.00 profit towards our churches new sound system for every ham sold by our congregation. See Debbie Foster to order. What a nice offer by our Lions Club! Project Hope Thrift Store—Dorr, MI Annetta Jansen Ministry Center Needs used clothing, home good, etc. donations during the slow month of February. Receiving hours are: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 9:30 - 4:30pm Thursday, 9:30 am - 7:30 pm. Page 6 ODDS AND ENDS! Got a big event coming up? The church office has a form for you to fill out to help promote the event. They are on bulletin boards at both churches. The Martin Missions Committee will be making soup every 3rd Friday of the month. Another church will pick up the soup and serve it to the homeless in Kalamazoo on Saturday. Would you like to help with preparing the soup or serving on Saturday? Contact Deb Straub for more information on how to be involved. Many thanks to the Martin UMC Sunday School classes for remembering me with Christmas and Valentine’s Day cards. They are so special! Alice Kraima EMMAUS GATHERING Tuesday March 3, 6pm At Martin UMC Don and Anita Rambadt are hosting the dinner. Please notify them if you would like to furnish something. Virginia is setting the table and Royal Boulter will share devotion with us. VOLUME 14 ISSUE 3 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE March 20 On Wednesday, March 25 at 2:00 pm, we will assemble the April 2015 Joyful Notes newsletter. We will meet in the Martin Fellowship Hall. Thank you to Alice Kraima for making our new Children’s Worship bags. They are available for Children who choose to stay for worship. Thank you to the Christian Education Committee for filling them and keeping them updated. Martin MONTHLY LOOSE CHANGE Offering-March 8 Food Pantry/Utility Assistance will receive the special offering. Page 7 MY ART ON CANVAS I wish to thank all of the 33 painters that attended the My A rt on Canvas fundraiser on Sunday February 22nd. They enjoyed a delicious soup and salad luncheon with dessert and had much fellowship in painting. Even though we were painting the same picture, no picture was alike. We appreciate Laura Hettinger for being our instructor and guide. Some of our painters posted pictures on Facebook and there are suggestions to paint again next year. The new sound system fundraiser earned $330.00. - Debbie Foster Page 8 SHELBYVILLE CHURCH NEWS Administrative Council Meeting March 4 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Wednesday, February 11 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Shelbyville United Methodist Church is to provide a warm, loving environment in which to worship the Lord, and to educate and reach out to others in our community. All women of the church are invited. 10:00am Potluck at noon! Everyone welcome... Christian Neighbors Soup Supper Wednesday, March 4, 5:00-7:00pm Otsego United Methodist 223 E. Allegan St Otsego, MI 49078 The community is invited to come and enjoy soup and fellowship provided by the Otsego United Methodist Church. All donations support the Christian Neighbors food pantry program. DO YOU LOVE TO SING? Come join the choir... Practice on Wednesdays,7pm SHELBYVILLE PRAYER CHAIN We have updated the prayer chain for the Shelbyville UMC. KeLinda Scott is the initial caller and she has copies of the new list. If you see any corrections that need to be fixed or if you want to be added to the list please contact her or the church office. Page 9 CHRISTIAN SUMMER CAMP Please complete the camp request form. We will attempt to honor all requests that have been made with a 50% scholarship if funding allows. Students who have completed the 5 th grade or more and have not had a 100% scholarship from MUMC are eligible for a one-time 100% scholarship for one week of camp. Requests are due by April 1, 2015 if attending Son Life Camp and April 15th for West Michigan Camps. Campers Name____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ Parents Name_____________________________________________________________ Parents phone number______________________________________________________ Parent e-mail______________________________________________________________ Name of camp facility attending______________________________________________ (Wesley Woods, Son Life Camp, etc.) Name of the session attending________________________________________________ Date of the camp___________________________________________________________ Total Cost of camp_________________________________________________________ Amount requested in scholarship from MUMC_________________________________ Date final payment is due for camp___________________________________________ Families who find that they need further assistance with funding their camper (beyond our scholarship) should first seek out a scholarship from the conference or camp that their child is attending. If you have any further questions please contact: Melinda Tisron-Camp Coordinator [email protected] 269-383-4331 Page 10 THIRSTY THURSDAYS 1 2 Psalm 42 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. There ware two opportunities every Thursday for you to attend a study gathering. 10 AM – Shelbyville U M Church 7 PM – Pastor Sean’s home Bring your Bibles and favorite beverage or mug. Coffee/hot cocoa will be provided at each gathering. You are welcome to bring a munchies to share if you choose. ST. PATRICK’S DAY COMMUNITY DINNER Tuesday, March 17 5:30pm Please invite your neighbors, your family, and your friends! Contact Lue Phelps if you would like to help! Page 11 UNITED METHODIST COMMITTEE ON RELIEF One Great Hour of Sharing is what allows UMCOR to act as the arms and legs of Christ’s church, moving toward the most vulnerable in their darkest days. Convinced that all people have God-given worth and dignity—without regard to race, religion or gender—together we are assisting those impacted by crisis or chronic need. Because you give, the United Methodist Church’s compassionate response to human suffering continues today: When tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, we responded When children in Zimbabwe lost parents to AIDS, we responded When a massive tsunami devastated lives in Japan, we responded And when the next mass crisis occurs, we will be prepared to respond UMCOR will be able to offer aid in Jesus’ name to those who suffer because United Methodists give through One Great Hour of Sharing. In fact, it’s your generous giving that allows us to respond when disaster strikes. Not “they.” We. One Great Hour of Sharing special offering—Sunday, March 15. If you choose to participate please use the envelope that will be provided in the bulletin. UPDATE ON NEW SOUND SYSTEM Our video screens are in place. We hope to have your patience with technical glitches while we learn the new technology. We would like to start some training time for anyone that would like to assist in running the new system. Please contact us if interested. The first sound quote was December 2012. Since then, some of the equipment prices have increased. A revised quote was received and the church is approximately $3,800 from our completion goal. The current quote has a 90 day term. There are 2 fundraisers planned. A pork roast dinner scheduled for April 17th and there has been a donation offered from Scott and Mary Warner for Debbie to assist with their daughter’s June 21st wedding. If anyone would like to help her, she would greatly appreciate the offer. We would like to plan a church wide celebration when this project is completed. Thank you to the congregation for your contributions to help our church reach our goals. The Sound System Committee, Debbie Foster, Gordon Ash, Ron Northrup MARTIN PUBLIC SCHOOL HALL OF FAME Aileen and the late, Elwin Northrup, were inducted to the Martin Public Schools Hall of Fame on Friday, February 13. They were honored for their service to the students and community of Martin. They were presented with a plaque which outlines the many years of service. Page 12 MARTIN CHURCH NEWS MISSION STATEMENT We, who are the Martin United Methodist Church, are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to: *SHARING God's Love *TEACHING the Bible and spir itual life *INVITING the community to gr ow and walk with us in Chr istian faith Martin Finance Committee Meeting Wednesday, March 4 Agenda: Revised 2015 Budget Finance Campaign Administrative Council Meeting March 10, 7pm BAPTISM On Sunday February 1, we welcomed into the community of Christian faith through baptism, Louise Thompson. We also reinstated her membership to the Martin UM Church. Please be sure to welcome her! THIRD GRADE BIBLES It is tradition at the Martin UM Church to give Bibles to anyone in the third grade. Please notify the church office if you have a third grade child who would like to receive their very own Message Bible. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR HOMEBOUND WITH CARDS AND CALLS: Lucille Brown 2115 84th St. SW Bldg. 151 East Navy Byron Center, MI 49315 Ruth Newman PO Box 12 1561 10th St. Martin, MI 49070 Alice Kraima 613-118th Ave. Martin, MI 49070 th John Withrow 883 - 30 Ave. Allegan, MI 49010 Jake VanDenBerg 203 W. Bridge St. William Crispe Plainwell, MI 49080 Trudy Wells 413 Mill St. #1 Wayland, MI 49348 Page 13 EASTER FLOWERS Please purchase an Easter flower to place on the altar Easter morning. You may take your flower home after the service April 5. Please fill out the form and give it and the money to Della Bellgraph or Marge Solomon. Orders due by March 22. Name___________________________________ In memory of: _______________________________________ In celebration of: ______________________________________ The Rock @ 5 O'Clock______ 9:30am_______ Lily ______________ @ $7 = ____________ Daffodils__________ @ $7 = ____________ Hyacinths__________ @ $7 = ____________ Tulips_____________ @ $7 = ____________ Total: Page 14 _____________________ A couple years ago I attended 15 According to the Lord’s my 25th high school reunion. It was word, we tell you that we a relatively small group that gathwho are still alive, who are ered at The Stache in downtown Grand Rapids, and most of us hadn’t left until the coming of the seen each other since we’d thrown Lord, will certainly not preour graduation caps high into the air cede those who have fallen and headed off to chase down our asleep. 16 For the Lord himdreams. I was good to see old self will come down from friends. Old. Do I look as old as they heaven, with a loud comdo? Can’t be! It was fun to catch up- mand, with the voice of the to listen to stories of how life had or archangel and with the hadn’t turned out like we planned. trumpet call of God, and Mostly, it was good to just to be rein Christ will rise united with people you shared such the dead 17 first. After that, we who a significant part of your life with. are still alive and are A couple days ago, I particileft will be caught up topated in another type of reunion- an end-of-life celebration for one of our gether with them in the senior saints from the Martin branch clouds to meet the Lord in of our larger faith community. the air. And so we will be Brothers and sisters in Christ filled with the Lord forever. the sanctuary, all of whom having 18 Therefore encourage one been touched in some way, great or small, by this dear woman. Many another with these words. had moved out of the area or Thessalonian. 4:15-18 stopped attending worship regularly, but were brought back to this place to remember this beautiful child of God. I used Paul’s words from 1 Thessalonians (as I often do in funerals), and it made me smile (as it always does). I was reminded once again that the greatest reunion ever is still to take place. One day, the Lord will return and Christians throughout the ages will join together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and be ushered off to eternal glory! All because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and glorious resurrection! During this season of Lent, remember to reflect on our Lord’s mighty sacrifice on Calvary. And rejoice in His resurrection, knowing the greatest reunion of all awaits! Your Pastor and Friend, Sean VOLUME 14 ISSUE 3 Page 15 Martin / Shelbyville United Methodist Church PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 U. S. Postage Paid Non-Profit Org. Permit # One Martin, MI 49070 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors -The People of the United Methodist Church Martin United Methodist Church 969 E. Allegan St. PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 Worship: 9:30a.m Sunday School: 11am The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Saturday at 5:00pm Shelbyville United Methodist Church 938 124th Ave. Shelbyville, MI 49344 Worship: 11:00am Children’s Worship: 11:05am Pastor Sean Kidd 1-616-401-8576 [email protected] Pat Hoekstra, Office Manager 1-269-672-7097-office [email protected] Web site: Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8am to 5pm
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