A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH The Messenger MARCH 2015 INSIDE THIS EDITION 2 >God’s Grace 3 >TGIF >Branches News Briefs 6 >Buddy Bags >Confirmation Pictures >First Communion 7 >Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 >Nurse Notes >Augustana Founders Day >Fundraiser For LSSI 9 >Lily Order Form >Council Highlights >Bus Trip 10 >Saying Thanks >LSSI Factoid 11 >Animate Practices 12 >Finance Report 13 >Rock With Seniors 14 >Who’s Who At St. John’s >Purpose & Principles >Parish Register 15 >March Calendar >March Worship Assistants CONTACT US! 703 Third Avenue Sterling, IL 61081 815.625.2634 [email protected] stjohnssterling.org facebook.com/SterlingStJohns twitter.com/SterlingStJohns youtube.com/StJohnsSterlingIL Thoughts From The Pastor’s Study “L et all who enter here be received as Christ” ~ St. Benedict. So states the large posters that have hung near the entrances Pastor Mark of St. John’s for several years now. This quote from St. Benedict is one that leads me to ask all who call St. Oehlert John’s their home church, “Do you believe it and do you mean it?” Welcome Center: Why? This is a great question for our Lenten journey in 2015. As we consider how Christ lived for others, we too can ask, “How do we live for others?” We can ask this especially in terms of how we share our faith. Perhaps you have read in the newsletter or heard conversation about the possibility of constructing a welcome center on the Third Avenue side of St. John’s. Here are some conversational pieces related to that proposal: • With five entrances to the building, it is unclear to visitors just where to go. While great strides have been made by Sunday morning greeters being present on the street level at the two main doors, visitors pulling up to the building frequently struggle with which door to use and which way to go once inside the building. A welcome center would centralize and enable effective hospitality for the visitor. • The welcome center would provide a dry and level point for dropoff for those who have mobility concerns. • The welcome center would provide for the normal immediate needs of all who enter: again – hospitality; restrooms; light refreshments; clear signage indicating where worship, the elevator, the administrative, pastor and staff offices are located; in addition to clear direction for the many various meetings that take place here each week. • A welcome center would make a strong statement to the surrounding community that St. John’s, while indeed smaller than in years past, is very much alive, well and committed to continued on page 2 > ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS God’s GRACE L ent is about looking into the mirror. Not the compact in your purse or the mirror above the bathroom sink, and not the big mirrored doors in a hotel room that show more than you might care to see. The mirror of Lent creates reflections, for as author Annie Dillard reminds us, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” To ask questions about how we give, how we pray, and how we care for our neighbor is to hold a metaphorical mirror up to our souls. It is to lay open and bare before God our very lives, including all the things we hide from others and even that which we try to hide from ourselves. Martin Luther said the whole life of a disciple is to be one of repentance. How might you use the 40 days of Lent this year for extended self-examination that leads to repentance? What would you have to say “no” to in order to say “yes” to extending your self-examination? n ~ Based on Looking Into The Mirror, a free program resource available from Women of the ELCA, by Linda Post Bushkofsky. From Daily Grace, nisynod.org “ > Legacies are footprints we leave behind after we are die. They prove that we were here; we lived, we mattered and we made a difference.” ~ Rachel Freed PAGE 2 > continued from page 1 sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ in a day and time when the “popular” culture continues to disassociate with Christianity. Were a welcome center to be built, there could be no mistaking that we mean what we say on our signs – “Let all who enter here be received as Christ.” • Yes, there are and should be voices with varying opinions. It has been questioned as to whether the investment in a welcome center is best use of those funds, given the recent history of St. John’s with less people present. To that question, I reply: “Can anyone know the future?” At what point do we take seriously the task of “going and making disciples” as Jesus commands? As outreach becomes effective, so too would God’s church called St. John’s renew. To limit the Holy Spirit in what God can do challenges our responsibility to be faithful followers of Jesus. • The welcome center concept has been studied and prepared by people both from St. John’s and from the ELCA who are knowledgeable in staying current with contemporary expectations of those who seek an active life of faith in our community. The project is well within our financial means with current membership. There will be more opportunities to pray about, learn about and discuss the concept of a welcome center. Please join in! This is ultimately a congregational decision to be made in the months ahead. Take a look at the plans in the Sacred Spaces (East) room. Please pray about the matter! Coming During The Season Of Easter A second version of the Lord’s Prayer. There has been mention of this version in prior newsletters. Perhaps you have visited other congregations while on vacation, while traveling or with a family member at their church. If so, you may have heard a second version of the Lord’s Prayer. As language evolves (gradually we do change; does anyone regularly use King James English in daily conversation?) new understandings develop. We will be learning that version during the season of Easter this year. Check out the two versions side by side in your ELW on page 163. n Yours in Christ, Pastor Mark THE MESSENGER • MARCH 2015 TGIF On Sundays And Wednesdays T eens Gathered In Faith! High school families, you are invited! The doors are opened. We are now meeting on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please come Sunday, March 8th for “TGIF Sunday.” We’ll meet at St. Paul at noon and travel to Westwood for an afternoon of wallyball. We will finish, at St. Paul, at 2pm. Please bring $3 to help pay for the court and some light refreshments afterward. Parents, we need you to drive! On Wednesday, March 18th from 7-8pm, come to St. John’s for “TGIF Wednesday.” On Wednesdays we’ll go a little deeper into God’s Word and prayer. You will also have a little bit of free time. High school students are invited to St. Paul from noon to 2pm Sunday, March 29th for our monthly getting-ready Youth & Family meeting for the Detroit gathering this summer. Even if you are not going to Detroit, you are welcome! Ministries Friends are always welcome at any TGIF event. I also Director Gerad want you to tell me what you want to do. We’ll usually meet Von Holten for about 2 hours. So tell me your ideas of things we could do in two hours on a Wednesday night or Sunday afternoon or evening. To ALL families: Your voice is important to the “life” of our youth and family ministries. I am organizing six times throughout the year for our families to come together to pray, as well as share ideas and an inexpensive meal. We are calling these LIFE (Loving Inviting Families Engaging) sessions. The first one is Tuesday, March 10th at 6:30pm in the St. John’s fellowship hall. Please bring a small donation to offset the cost of the light meal and RSVP to me at (815) 590-0006 or [email protected]. n Our Father, by whose name all parenthood is known, In love divine you claim each family as your own. Bless mothers, fathers, guarding well, with constant love as sentinel, The homes in which your people dwell. O Christ, yourself a child within an earthly home, With heart still undefiled to full adulthood come: Our children bless in every place that they may all hold your face and, Knowing you, may grow in grace. ~ “Our Father, by Whose Name;” ELW hymn #640, F. Bland Tucker Branches News Briefs Youth and Family Ministries, St. John’s & St. Paul Lutheran Churches O n February 22nd, our youth and families made homemade pizzas to raise money to send our Jr. High youth to the Wisconsin Dells Youth Quake this month. At the time of the newsletter assembly, extra pizzas were still available to purchase. Interested? Call Gerad at (815) 590-0006. Thank you for your support! Families Needed To Provide & Serve Lenten Supper On March 11th No age requirement! We need servers and food providers. Please contact Gerad Von Holten at (815) 590-0006 if you want to help. We still need items for sub sandwiches and a few other things. Palm Sunday Breakfast Junior and senior high youth and their families are providing breakfast after worship on Sunday, March 29th at St. Paul and St. John’s. A free-will offering will be taken to support the high school students attending the 2015 ELCA youth gathering in Detroit. Students and parents, we need your help in the kitchen and fellowship hall as well continued on page 4 > < PAGE 3 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS > continued from page 3 as donations of egg bakes and breakfast pastries. Please look for a sign-up sheet for food donations and to serve. Confirmation Class Confirmation class meets from 7 to 8:30pm Wednesdays at St. John’s. All forms and class information are available on the Confirmation class website: http://stjohnssterling. herewestandconfirmation.org. Confirmation families are encouraged to register an account on the website to stay connected to announcements and class content. If you have questions about the website, please contact Gerad. Confirmation class will continue to meet at St. John’s for the remainder of the year. During Lent, the class will be meeting from 7-8pm. Note the ending time is half an hour earlier during Lent, through March 25th. • Wednesday, March 4th, 6:15pm Lenten YFMT Beginning in March, the team will be meeting every other month on the second Tuesday at 5pm (alternating churches). In the months that the team is not meeting for business, families and students of all ages are invited for an inexpensive dinner and a “Family LIFE” session. LIFE stands for Loving Inviting Families Engaging. This is an opportunity for all voices to be heard concerning the youth and family ministries of St. Paul and St. John’s Branches youth and family ministries. At these sessions we will eat, pray for one another and our families, and share ideas for our youth and family ministries. There is no age limit or requirements to attend these gatherings. Who knows where the Holy Spirit may lead us! On March 10th we will meet in the St. John’s fellowship hall at 6:30pm. The next meeting will be at 6:30pm May 12th at St. Paul. (Time/location subject to change.) The next business meeting for YFMT will be at 5pm Tuesday, April 14th at St. John’s. > PAGE 4 service, 7-8pm lesson (both at St. John’s) • Wednesday, March 11th: 6:15pm Lenten service, 7-8pm lesson (both at St. John’s) • Wednesday, March 18th: 6:15pm Lenten service, 7-8pm lesson (both at St. John’s) • Wednesday, March 25th: 6:15pm Lenten service, 7-8pm lesson (both at St. John’s) • Wednesday, April 1: No class, Holy Week Confirmation Weekly Offering Last year our weekly offering at Confirmation class bought $102 worth of Christmas gifts for the youth at the LSSI Nachusa Home. Class weekly offerings collected from January through May will go to Self Help to be used for prizes for games and activities for their clients. A group from Self Help will be visiting the Confirmation class for fellowship and fun on April 29th. Cash offerings or small prizes will be accepted. Please contact Gerad Von Holten for a list from which to shop. TGIF Wednesdays & Sundays High school Teens Gathered In Faith meet the third Wednesday night of the month (most of the time). In January we met at St. Paul. In February, the third Wednesday of the month is Ash Wednesday. Plan on going to worship with your family at your “home” church. In March we will meet March 18th from 7-8:30pm at St. John’s. TGIF is the high school youth ministry of St. Paul & St. John’s and friends. We are also getting together two Sundays a month. Join us Sunday, March 8th from noon to 2pm for wallyball at Westwood. We’ll meet at St. Paul at 2pm and carpool, then return to St. Paul by 4pm. Bring $3 for wallyball. Parents, we need drivers! Call Gerad at (815) 590-0006 if you plan to attend/drive. The second Sunday gathering in March will be our Detroit “Getting Ready” meeting from 4-6pm March 29th at St. Paul. All high school families welcome, even if you are not going to Detroit this summer. continued on page 5 > THE MESSENGER • MARCH 2015 Detroit 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering Still Time For Late Registration Branches youth ministry is sending 14 high school students to the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering this July in Detroit. Students in grades 8-12 interested in attending the July 15th-19th gathering can still register by completing the medical release/ registration forms and turning them and a $125 deposit in to the church office by May 1st. (Please check first for availability). Sign up for gathering updates by e-mail by visiting www.elca. org/gathering. You can also follow the gathering Facebook page: “ELCA Youth Gathering.” ‘Getting Ready’ Meetings Sunday, March 29th from noon to 2pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church – All high school youth attending the gathering in July will be meeting to continue our preparations for the trip this summer. We will meet about 6 times over the next few months to cover the “getting ready” materials as well as share important information about > continued from page 4 Junior High Quake The 2015 Wisconsin Dells Junior High Quake is Friday through Sunday, March 20th-22nd. The theme is REDEFINE, based on Timothy 4:12. Please keep the 11 participants from St. Paul, St. John’s and Immanuel in your prayers as they travel to and participate at the Quake. This year’s event includes packing meals that will be shipped overseas to the hungry. the trip (travel, housing, costs, what to bring, etc.). Students and adult leaders should plan on attending the meetings. Parents will be asked to attend the last one or two meetings this summer before the gathering. Fundraisers “KAWOS” Cloths: Spring cleaning is just around the corner! The high school students attending the 2015 Detroit Youth Gathering are selling cleaning cloths that do not require any chemicals. KAWOS stands for Kleans Anything WithOut Streaks. They are for sale for $5 each. Cloths are available at St. John’s and St. Paul, and from any of the youth going to Detroit. You may purchase cloths in the church office during the week. Students: If you need more cloths to sell, pick some up at either church office. Aluminum Cans: Bring your aluminum cans to worship any Sunday at St. John’s or St. Paul. Marked receptacles will be placed at the church entrance on the first Sunday of each month for your convenience. Cans will be recycled for cash, which will help offset cost for the youth gathering. Junior/Senior High Sunday School We have incredible teachers who want you to come to class! We’ve been having some great classes every Sunday for junior high and high school students. Please know that we are having class every Sunday (except Christmas break and Easter) throughout the school year. Occasionally when we have a church breakfast or special event we may not have a lesson. But please come. You are always welcome to our youth rooms! If you haven’t been coming so far this year, don’t worry. You are always welcome. Junior high will not have Sunday School on March 22nd because of the junior high retreat. < PAGE 5 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Buddy Bags C hildren in our community who are eligible for free or reduced school lunches often go hungry on the weekends. Buddy Bags provide food for kids to take home on Friday for the weekend. The food is simple and nutritious and something children can prepare without too much effort. The program is being supported by area churches and civic groups and is sponsored by the Illinois Coalition for Community Services, with the cooperation of Sterling Public Schools. This program is being housed at First Presbyterian Church of Sterling, but belongs to all of us. You can help by contributing food items, donating money and packing bags. To donate Meats, soups and pasta: • Vegetable beef soup • Chicken soup • Mac & cheese • Mini beef ravioli • Beefaroni • Mini spaghetti • Chicken salad with crackers • Tuna salad with crackers • Ham salad with crackers • Beanie Weenies • Hormel Complete meals Fruits, juices and vegetables: • • • • Applesauce Fruit cups 100% juice boxes Raisins (single-serving boxes) • Vegetable cups Breakfast items: • Cereal boxes • Granola bars • Breakfast bars • Pop-Tarts Snack foods: • Cheese crackers Confirmation Pictures Needed W e are currently reframing all of the Confirmation pictures so that they can be placed in a display stand. In preparing for this, it has come to our attention that we are missing Confirmation pictures for the following years: 1966, 2012 and 2013. If you have any of these, please notify the church office or Carla as we would love to have copies made. n > PAGE 6 food items please refer to the list and bring them to the containers in the East Room. You can donate money by writing a check to First Presbyterian Church with “Buddy Bags” on the memo line; cash donations can be put in an envelope marked “Buddy Bags.” These donations can be put in the offering plate or sent to First Presbyterian Church. To help fill bags, please call Carla at (815) 6259122. If you are donating food, please purchase individual serving sizes only, with pop-top lids or pull off plastic. Thank you for helping the children of our community! Below are a list of acceptable items. • • • • • Peanut butter crackers Breadsticks and cheese Animal crackers Goldfish crackers Non-refrigerated pudding cups • Non-refrigerated Jell-O cups • Pretzels • Potato chips Other items: • Brown lunch sacks • White lunch sacks First Communion S t. John’s third-grade families and any students older than third grade can participate in first communion classes during Sunday school on March 15th and 22nd. The teacher is Jannet Taylor. First Communion Sunday is Palm/Passion Sunday, March 29. More details about the class and First Communion Sunday will be mailed to all third-grade families. For more information, call the church office at (815) 6252634. n THE MESSENGER • MARCH 2015 March Birthdays & Anniversaries SUN 1 MON 2 >Wayne Moore* >Martha Benson >Carolyn >Hannah Partridge* Hubbard >Cody Walker >Douglas & Beatrix Zientara >Edward & Patricia Loos 8 9 TUE 3 >Kathryn Schwank* 10 >Bill Feather >Harvey Johnson* WED 4 THU 5 >Bradley Eakle >David & Julie LeFevre 11 >Dale Heuck >Mallory Sisson >Joyce Welch* 18 FRI 6 12 13 >Olivia Barton >Geraldine Byar* >Joanne Gabeklis* >Crystal Scott >Stanley & Nancy Rasmussen >Bradley Davis >Jennifer >Marlene Bennett Green* >Elizabeth >Sam Henson Hubbard >Howard Hicks* >Seth Schmitt >Jake Klocke >Brian Luebke 19 20 16 17 >Vera McCormick* >Neil Morehead >Joseph Vasquez >Wayne & Shirley Bollman* >Madison Leesman >Peggy LeFevre >Morgan Luebke >Dennis & elaine Winebrenner >Audra Goff >Eugene >Ronald Bollman* McCord >Charlene >Russell & O’Connell Marsha Francis >Virgle Onnen >Joshua Smith >Wayne Williamson* >Christopher Judd 22 23 24 26 27 >John McCormick >Camilla Breed >Adam Duffin >Craig Mayer 29 30 31 >Amanda Smith 7 >Dwight Oltmanns >Gary Smith >Douglas Zientara 15 25 SAT 14 21 28 >Thomas >Arnold Iben* Schwab >Leonard Turner >Damus Shipma *Indicates 80-plus-year birthdays and 50-plus-year anniversaries. < PAGE 7 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS NURSENOTES K Good Health By The Numbers eeping track of key numbers can help you manage and even prevent conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, you should keep track of the following critical health numbers. Talk with your doctor about tests to determine if your health numbers are on track: • Total cholesterol – A healthy reading should be less than 180 mg/dL. • LDL (bad) cholesterol – An optimal level is less than 100 mg/dL. • HDL (good) cholesterol – To protect against heart disease, your level should be 60 mg/dL or higher. • Triglycerides – A normal reading is less than 150 mg/dL. Augustana Founders Day A once-in-a-lifetime Augustana Founders Day Reunion will be held April 25th and 26th at the Jenny Lind Chapel at Augustana Lutheran Church in Andover. This event celebrates the 155th anniversary of the Augustana Synod and the 165th anniversary of the Andover Church. n Presentations on the history and legacy of the Augustana Synod will be offered on the first day of the gathering. A festive service will be held Sunday afternoon at Augustana Church. The preacher is the presiding bishop of the ELCA, the Rev. Elizabeth Eaton. Special music will be provided by the Augustana College Choir at a concert preceding the > PAGE 8 • Blood pressure – The target range is less than 120/80 mmHg. • Fasting glucose – Healthy blood sugar levels, tested after a period of fasting, should ideally be below 100 mg/dL. • Body weight – Pay close attention to your body mass index (BMI), which should stay between 18.5 and 24.9. As an alternative measure, aim for a waistline less than 35 inches if you’re a woman and less than 40 inches if you’re a man. These numbers may vary from person to person, so have regular conversations with your doctor about what’s right for you. n ~From Health Connection, March 2015. Submitted by Nancy Rasmussen, Parish Nurse service, and also during the service. The reunion is being planned by the Jenny Lind Chapel board. The deadline for registering for the Saturday presentations and meals both days is April 1st. For a full schedule and registration information, visit jennylindchapel.org. n Let’s Do It Again! L ast year we worked with the members of St. Paul and Immanuel to organize and host a benefit for LSSI. This was about a two-month project that was fun to work on and raised almost $10,000 for LSSI. Are we up to doing that again this year? If you would like to be part of a planning committee for another benefit, please call Carla Haubrich at (815) 625-9122 to volunteer. n THE MESSENGER • MARCH 2015 LILIES ARE WANTED to decorate the chancel for Easter. You can order on the group order or purchase your own. If you purchase your own lily and plan on picking it up, please place a tag on it with your name. Plants can be picked up after the Easter morning service, April 5th. Note: Payment should accompany the form. Make checks payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church. Deadline to turn in this form is Monday, March 30th. ORDER INFORMATION I/we want to order the following lilies: _____(#) Lilies at $12 per plant _____Will purchase own and bring to church by 9am Good Friday, April 3rd. All lilies should be white. Please return this slip to the church office whether you plan to purchase with the group or on your own. BULLETIN INFORMATION From________________________________________________________ In honor of (living person(s) or special occasion) ____________________________________________________________ In memory of (deceased person(s)) ____________________________________________________________ As a gift: ____________________________________________________________ February Council Highlights Pastor Mark’s housing allowance, as presented in the annual budget, was approved. Andrew Stutzke’s request to use space in the church for his weather forecast website, www. saukvalleyweather.com, was approved. Rick Clark was approved as a new member of the Youth & Family Ministries Team. Gayle Kellogg was approved as the new council president. The next meeting is scheduled for 6pm Tuesday, March 17th. Bus Trip M ark your calendar today! A bus trip is being planned for June 9th through the 12th to Shipshewana, Indiana. We will travel by Cheeseman Coach to Shipshewana, taking in all the beautiful countryside along way. There will be plenty of Amish food available, as well as shopping at the flea market and other specialty stores. We will be staying at the Das Dutchman Essenhaus in Middlebury, Indiana. On Thursday night we will eat at the Blue Gate Theater and then enjoy a show by Pat & Debby Boone. Prices are still being put together. For more details, please call Nancy Eilers at (815) 441-4435 or Sue at St. Paul at (815) 625-3069. n < PAGE 9 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS SAYING THANKS St. John’s Social Committee, To all of you wonderful people, you made me so very happy when the St. John’s baggie was delivered to me. There were so many thoughtful items in that bag that I have been thoroughly enjoying. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was a wonderful surprise that made this old heart beat with happiness. And I smile just to think about it. May God continue to bless all of you. With love, Ruth Cornils Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you for your recent gift of $200 to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. We are grateful to your congregation for standing with us as we serve our neighbors in need throughout Illinois. Your generosity helps bring health, healing and wholeness to thousands of people across the state. Every day LSSI responds to the Gospel by serving the most vulnerable among us. Over 60% of LSSI’s clients have an income of under $10,000 per year. The faithfulness of congregations like St. John’s Lutheran Church is critically important in this work. As Christians, we believe that all things work together for good. Surely your congregation’s gift will bring good to those who rely on Lutheran Social Services of Illinois and its ministries. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. Sincerely yours, Mark A. Stutrud, Chief Executive Officer, LSSI Dear Rev. Oehlert, On behalf of Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, it is my pleasure to thank you for your donation to be used at various LSSI facilities throughout the state of Illinois. Specifically, you have donated $250 and the use of the basement for packing our > PAGE 10 holiday boxes for seniors during the Holiday Hope Chest drive. In accordance with IRS regulations, the privilege of assigning a value to these items is yours. Thank you again for thinking of our children and families. It is through the partnership of friends like you that we are able to continue our ministry. Sincerely, Maryann L. Aimone, Vice President for Advancement, LSSI St. John’s Lutheran Church, Thank you for your generous donation of $267 to the Trinity Food Pantry. In 2014 we served 1,546 families, which was 3,510 adults and 695 children. The year’s total is 5,045 people. We have seen the refrigerator empty and the shelves almost empty; then, donations of food and money come in and we are ready to serve again. God is good! We thank you and look forward to working with you in the future. God’s blessing to you. Trinity United Methodist Church Outreach Social Concerns Committee SESSIONS Prayer | OrIeNtEd tOward God | BrIan McLarEn Brian’s take on prayer is less about what prayer does or why we pray. Instead, he focuses on giving us permission to pray in ways that are meaningful, helpful, and life giving. FoOd | eatIng, wIth JeSuS | Sara MILeS Sara believes that French fries can be as holy as organic kale when they are offered and shared in acts of love and fellowship. This point can get lost in our conversations about the “right” kind of food. wOrShIp | SEekING gOd’S PreSEncE | MIkE SLauGhter For many Christians, worship is synonymous with going to church. Mike challenges us to think about worship as a much richer practice, one we can follow on our own and in community. SacraMEntS | a tapeStry Of tradItIONS | PhyLlIS tIckLe For many of us, the sacraments have become just another part of our church routine, like hymns and prayer. But Phyllis asks us to revisit the ancient meaning of these experiences and consider what we are really up to as we take part in these practices. MonEy | thE JOy oF SharIng | ShaNe claIbOrnE Shane’s message can easily be construed as political, but he asks us to look beyond -isms and -ologies to see financial generosity as a kingdom call, rather than a social position. SErvIcE | thE nEedS rIght In FrONt oF yOu | eNuMa Okoro Enuma is a seasoned traveler, having lived and worked in countries on four continents. But she encourages us to see the needs around us. This local context can give us a new understanding of what service really looks like. cOmMuNIty | an uNexpEctEd FamIly | dOug PagItt Doug pushes us to think of community as more than just a nice idea. He invites us to remake our communities by bringing our gifts, our talents, and our ideas with us wherever we go. Sundays in Lent, THROUGH APRIL 5TH ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Finance Report Through January 31st This report reflects all contributions received and expenses paid from January 1 through January 31, 2015. Gifts Received for General Ministry $19,177.02 General ministry expenses $27,612.47 Net Income $(8,435.45) Endowments, Memorials and Other Designated Gifts (Designated gifts cannot be used for general ministry purposes) Endowment Receipts Behrens Endowment $15,466.71 Memorial Receipts Ruth Davis $2,500.00 Bequest Receipts Jane Harting $13,473.00 Thrivent Choice Receipts $229.00 Transfers from Endowments into the General Fund General Expenses $7,500.00 Memorial Special Project Payments Altar Flowers (D. Duhm) $95.00 Bequest Distributions Tri-Church Activities $10,000.00 If you have any questions or would like more information about this report, please contact members of the Finance Team or the Church Office. Thank you for your gifts to the Glory of God and St. John’s ministries! n CommUNITY VBS ... Coming July 19-23, 2015 to Bethel Reformed Church. Watch the Messenger & www.stjohnssterling.org for more information! > PAGE 12 1ST MONDAY Rock With Seniors COMMUNITY WORSHIP, TREATS & FELLOWSHIP AT 1:30PM THE FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, ROCK FALLS BY IDED V O R NP HE TATIO NDS, OR T R O P S TRAN A N D F R I E Y S E N I O R T LY FAMI SIDE COUN ILS, CALL ! E ES TA W H I T R; F O R D E C H U R C H E EE CENT THE THR F ANY O IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Henrietta Milner 501 Eighth Avenue Rock Falls, Illinois 61071 815.625.3575 immanuelrockfalls.org ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Mark Oehlert 703 Third Avenue Sterling, Illinois 61081 815.625.2634 stjohnssterling.org 2015 SCHE DULE APRIL 6 MAY 4 JUNE 1 JULY 6 AUGUST 3 SEPTEMB ER 14 O C TO B E R 5 NOVEMB ER 2 DECEMBE R7 Bridging the ROCK TRI-CHURCH MINISTRIES OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA NORTHERN ILLINOIS SYNOD ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Brandon Nelson 1701 Sixteenth Avenue Sterling, Illinois 61081 815.625.3069 stpaulsterling.com ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Who’s Who At St. John’s PERSONNEL MINISTRY TEAMS Pastor > Rev. Mark Oehlert On Call/ Visitation Pastor > Rev. Leo Patterson Director of Youth & Family Ministries > Gerad Von Holten Director of Ministry Develpment > Brenda Sisson Missionary to Tanzania > Randall & Carol Stubbs Minister of Music > Erik Boehmke Praise Sunday Director > Julie McCord Office Manager > Nina Peters Systems Administrator > Andrew Stutzke Bell Choir Director > Dawn Zeigler Newsletter Editor > Stahr Design Custodians > Alex Ramirez > Diana Wolf Christian Education > Gayle Kellogg CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL Parish Nurse/Wellness > Nancy Rasmussen > Gayle Kellogg, President > Carla Haubrich, Vice President > Nancy Breed, Treasurer > Teri Jennings, Secretary > Sandy Feather > Bruce Maxson > Tom Leesman > Ed Loos > Stan Rasmussen > Lois Anderson-Rowzee > Doug Zientara > PAGE 14 Congregational Life > Vacant Endowment > Rhonda Stutzke > Mike Doughty > Larry Cooper > Lois Rowzee > Dwight Oltmanns Evangelism > Vacant Finance > Nancy Breed > Druann Bushman > Mike Doughty > Charles Steinke Memorial > Vera McCormick > Carl Nelson > Carla Haubrich > Brian Luebke > Nancy Rasmussen Personnel > Lois Anderson-Rowzee > Doug Zientara > Denise Norman Property > Ed Loos, Chairman > Ken Smith > Doug Zientara > Art Frey > Tom Leesman Social Ministry > Sandy Wolfe > Barb Smith > Druann Bushman > Vera McCormick > Joyce Preston > Karen Wolfe > Teresa Gierhart > Tammy Stewart > Elaine Winebrenner Stewardship > Tom Leesman > Sandy Feather > Pastor Mark Oehlert Worship Arts > Pastor Mark Oehlert > Carla Haubrich > Erik Boehmke WorshipTech > Charlene O’Connell > Aislinn O’Connell > Kellen O’Connell > Devin O’Connell > Anita Carl > Dan Eads > Brice Taylor Purpose Statement The purpose of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is to continue discovering God’s will for us in His kingdom through prayer, bible study and building relationships. Guiding Principles 1. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. 2. We make prayer, bible study and dialog the center of our decision making. 3. We are willing to change as we discover God’s mission for us. 4. We invite everyone. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” ~ Matthew 28: 19a 5. We recognize and give thanks for our blessings. 6. We act for the discovery and fulfillment of God’s mission. Parish Register Change of Address > None Deaths > Pat Mangler 1/25 Weddings > None Baptisms > None Members Received > None Members Removed/Transferred > None Upcoming Staff Birthdays > None SJLC Activities ~ March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALUMINUM CAN DAY 9:30-Global Worship with Pr. Barb Otten 10:30-Animate study 10:45-Sunday School 11:30-Christian Ed mtg 6:00-Menz Group II (Latin Amer Club) 9:00-Staff meeting 7:00-Bell choir 12:10-Lenten worship (Immanuel) 5:00-Lenten supper 6:15-Lenten worship 7:00-Confirmation 10:00-LSSI meeting 7:00-Al-Anon 9:00-World Day of Prayer (1st Cong Church, Rock Falls) 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:30-Worship 10:30-Animate study 10:45-Sunday School Noon-TGIF wallyball (meet at St. Paul) 6:00-Social Min mtg 9:00-Staff meeting 6:30-Worship Arts mtg 6:30-Family LIFE 7:00-Finance meeting 7:00-Men in Mission 9:00-Central Conf mtg 12:10-Lenten worship (Immanuel) 5:00-Lenten supper 6:15-Lenten worship 7:00-Confirmation 12:00-Caregiver Lunch 7:00-Al-Anon 15 16 Sat 7 14 9:30-Prayer Shawl Ministry coffee MARCH WORSHIP ASSISTANTS GREETERS 3/1 Bob & Marilyn Deets 3/8 Allison Stewart & Sarah Gierhart 3/15 Tom Leesman & Carman Thorp 3/22 Don & Maxine Olson 3/29 Bill & Sandy Feather ALTAR GUILD Sue Reed (fill) 17 18 19 20 21 FISH COLLECTION 5:30-Executive mtg 9:30-Worship 10:30-Animate study 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-First Communion instruction 12:15-VBS meeting (Bethel Reformed) 9:00-Staff meeting 11:30-Book Club (Wagon Wheel) 2:00-Good Neighb mtg 6:00-Council meeting 6:00-Grief Group for Parents Who Have Lost Children 12:10-Lenten worship (Immanuel) 1:30-Parkway 2:30-Heritage Woods 3:30-Good Neighbors 5:00-Lenten supper 6:15-Lenten worship 7:00-Confirmation 7:00-TGIF 2:30-Coventry 3:30-Sterling Pavilion 7:00-Al-Anon DELLS JH QUAKE NEWSLETTER DEADLINE DELLS JH QUAKE 9:00-Sister to Sister Bible Study ACOLYTES 3/1 Thomas Over 3/8 Audra Goff 3/15 Jessica White 3/22 Andrew Doughty 3/29 Brittney Perrine & Brice Taylor 22 24 25 26 28 ASSISTING MINISTERS 3/1 Shawn Wolfe 3/8 Marisa Perales 3/15 Chris Rucker 3/22 Denise Carl 3/29 Nancy Rasmussen 9:00-Staff meeting 7:00-Bell choir 12:10-Lenten worship (Immanuel) 5:00-Lenten supper 6:15-Lenten worship 7:00-Confirmation 9:00-Newsletter assembly 12:00-Caregiver Lunch 7:00-Al-Anon 23 DELLS JH QUAKE 9:30-Worship 10:30-Animate study 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-First Communion instruction 2:00-Central Conf mtg (Faith, Rochelle) 29 PALM SUNDAY FIRST COMMUNION 9:30-Worship (bells) 10:30-Pancake brkfst Noon-Detroit meeting (St. Paul) 30 31 9:00-Staff meeting 27 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 703 THIRD AVENUE STERLING, IL 61081 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID STERLING, IL PERMIT NO. 218 The Messenger is a monthly publication of St. John’s Lutheran Church, a church of the Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Join us for worship at 9:30am Sundays and 6:15pm Wednesdays. If you would prefer to receive The Messenger via e-mail, contact the church office at [email protected]. 6:15pm Wednesdays in Lent through March 25 “Tree of Life” Lenten Worship 5pm Wednesdays in Lent through March 25th Lenten Suppers
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