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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation 1.0
Document Version: 1.0 – 2015-03-06
SAP HANA Data Warehousing
Foundation - Data Distribution
Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Overview of Data Distribution Optimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tables - Terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Background: Table Partitioning in SAP HANA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Start Data Distribution Optimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Working with the Data Distribution Optimizer UI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Data Distribution Optimizer Workflow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Security and Authorizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Before You Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
User Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Integration into Single Sign-On Environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
User Authorization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Create and Authorize Users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Network and Communication Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Securing Data Communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Security-Relevant Logging and Tracing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Preparing Tables for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Customizing SAP HANA Table Placement for SAP BW Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
System Landscape Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Create Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Maintain Table Placement Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Create Location Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Select Leading Table for a Table Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Display Matching Configuration for a Specific Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Data Distribution Optimizer Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Generate Redistribution Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Compare Simulated System Landscape with Actual System Landscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Execute Redistribution Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Exporting and Uploading Redistribution Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
The Administration Guide for SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation Data Distribution Optimizer describes the
tasks and concepts for managing the distribution of tables and thereby optimizing the allocation of SAP HANA
memory in a multiple-host system.
The guide covers the following areas:
● Getting Started
This section provides information about the following:
○ Overview of Data Distribution Optimizer
○ Background information on table partitioning
○ Terminology for the tables used in the tool
○ Working with the Data Distribution Optimizer
● Security and Authorizations
This section describes:
○ The required user roles
○ How to authorize users for working with Data Distribution Optimizer
○ How to enable secure data communication
● Preparing Tables for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer
This section describes prerequisites that have to be met for tables to be considered by Data Distribution
● System Landscape Overview
This section provides information about the landscape of a multiple-host system with regard to setup and
data distribution.
● Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
This section describes how to specify (and adjust) configurations for redistributing table partitions on
different levels (such as table, table group, and schema).
● Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
This section provides information about the following:
○ The algorithm offered by the Data Distribution Optimizer
○ Creating and simulating redistribution plans to achieve an optimal data distribution
○ Scheduling and executing redistribution plans
○ Analyzing logs of executed redistribution plans
○ Exporting and uploading redistribution plans for the purpose of manual modifications
For information about administration of the overall SAP HANA system, including information about table
partitioning and SAP HANA table redistribution, refer to the SAP HANA Administration Guide.
Related Information
SAP HANA Administration Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
(August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) -
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Overview of Data Distribution Optimizer
Data Distribution Optimizer is part of the SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation option, which provides
packaged tools for large scale SAP HANA use cases to support more efficient data management and distribution
in a SAP HANA landscape. With Data Distribution Optimizer, SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation provides
an SAP HANA XS-based tool to plan, adjust and analyze landscape redistribution.
Data Distribution Optimizer is used for the following:
● SAP HANA multiple-host system (scale-out landscape) administration
● To support the SAP HANA administrator in managing the distribution of tables
● To optimize the allocation of main memory in a multiple-host system landscape (scale-out landscape) for:
○ Single applications powered by SAP HANA (SAP BW standalone instances)
○ SAP HANA mixed cases (multiple applications)
● To improve the SQL performance thanks to a specialized algorithm to manage the table distribution efficiently
in a SAP HANA multiple-host system landscape (scale-out landscape)
● To provide comprehensive monitoring and logging capabilities for multiple-host system landscapes (scale-out
It can be used to complement SAP HANA multitenant database containers (optimization within one container).
The redistribution algorithm has to reflect the relationship between single tables as well as constraints given by
the landscape itself, such as allocation limits and server roles (such as master or slave). With the
BalancingScenario, Data Distribution Optimizer provides an algorithm that meets these requirements. It is
designed to improve the balancing of tables across the nodes of a SAP HANA multiple-host system (scale-out
Tables - Terminology
To understand how Data Distribution Optimizer handles tables, it is important to understand the terms used for
table partitioning.
The following graphic illustrates the terms used:
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
Background: Table Partitioning in SAP HANA
This section provides you with some background information about table partitioning in SAP HANA.
Table Partitioning Concepts in SAP HANA
Data Distribution Optimizer makes use of the following table partitioning concepts in SAP HANA:
● Partitioning Specification
When a table is partitioned, its rows are distributed to partitions according to different criteria known as
partitioning specifications. A certain partitioning specification (hash, range or round-robin) can be assigned to
a table during the initial DDL step, or can be added later.
● Table Classification
Table classification allows SAP HANA to recognize similar or associated database tables. This is done by
assigning grouping information to database tables. For each table, you can specify a group name, group type
and subtype.
The table classification is stored in the SYS.TABLE_GROUPS table. The table is filled by DDL or DML
statements, for example CREATE TABLE with <group_option> or ALTER TABLE with <set_group_option>.
For more information, see the SAP HANA SQL and System Views Reference.
For tables of SAP BW objects, table classification is performed automatically when the object is created.
For SAP BW DataStore object tables for example, group name would be the DataStore object name, group
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
type would be sap.bw.dso with subtypes ACTIVE, QUEUE and CHANGE_LOG for the different DataStore
object tables.
● SAP HANA Table Placement
Using SAP HANA table placement, you can control the distribution of tables to the hosts of a distributed SAP
HANA database. This is done by adjusting the initial table partitioning specification by a set of criteria which
also includes the TABLE_GROUPS information – which further maps down to a set of table names.
The table placement is stored in the TABLE_PLACEMENT table, which is available in the SAP HANA _SYS_RT
database schema. While Data Distribution Optimizer uses the TABLE_PLACEMENT information, it copies it to
its own internal table (Data Distribution Optimizer table placement). Changes in Data Distribution Optimizer
table placement are not written back to the TABLE_PLACEMENT table however.
SAP HANA Table Partitioning Information in a Nutshell
● SAP HANA memory and load balancing on the level of table partitions helps you to make the best use of the
available hardware configuration (single-host or multiple-host system).
● SAP HANA is designed as a shared-nothing database architecture, where data (table partitions) is assigned to
dedicated nodes, and every node only operates on its own managed data. A data request coming from other
nodes will cause the following to happen:
○ Data to be send to the requesting node, or
○ The requesting node to send data and delegate the operation to the remote node
● The DML statements' performance will be optimal if the table partitions have been configured to do the
○ “Assume” SQL JOIN/UNION statements and have relevant data available on the local node
○ Optimize JOIN/UNION performance
○ Minimize inter-node data transfer
● A non-partitioned table can store a maximum of 2 billion (2,000,000,000) rows. It is possible to overcome
this limit by distributing the rows across several partitions. A single table partition is capable of storing up to 2
billion rows.
● We recommend initially creating multiple table partitions per table in order to optimize SAP HANA operations
(like SAP HANA MERGE operations) for single-host and multiple-host systems.
● The table partitioning specification hash key is a relevant task, as it drives the distribution of data to different
nodes and table partitions, where it is not simple to specify.
● Data Distribution Optimizer is capable of increasing or decreasing the number of table partitions for tables
with partitioning specification type hash or round robin.
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
Comparing Tables with Partitioning with Tables without Partitioning
Table 1:
without Partitioning
with Partitioning
Creating table...
... with standard CREATE TABLE state­
ment in a multiple-host system will cre­
... with CREATE TABLE statement with
WITH PARAMETERS clause including
partitioning specification in a multiplehost system will create
DML operations on this table (like IN­
SERT) will cause...
A non-partitioned table on a single
host, in other words a non-distrib­
uted table
A table with multiple partitions
based on the partitioning specifica­
Table partitions distributed across
multiple hosts based on the parti­
tioning specification
A single table partition
... data records to be added to a single
... data records to be added to different
table partition until the single table parti­ table partitions - based on the partition­
tion is filled
ing specification.
Performance and SAP HANA memory al­ ...
location is...
Limited to a single table partition
Limited to a single node (not shared
across the multiple-host system)
Shared across different table parti­
Not scalable
Shared across the nodes in a multi­
ple-host system
Scalable (as a shared-nothing data­
base like SAP HANA is designed for)
Related Information
● Sections Table Partitioning, Table Placement, and Redistribution of Tables in a Distributed SAP HANA System
in the SAP HANA Administration Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
● SAP HANA SQL and System Views Reference on http://service.sap.com/hana
Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
Start Data Distribution Optimizer
You access Data Distribution Optimizer from a Web browser.
● You have been granted a role for working with Data Distribution Optimizer. For more information, see User
Authorization [page 14] and Create and Authorize Users [page 15].
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
● If you are integrating Data Distribution Optimizer into a single sign-on (SSO) environment, you have specified
and configured the methods for user authentication in the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool. Here, you must
create a runtime configuration for the following applications:
○ sap.hana.admin
○ sap.uis
For more information about how to do this, see SAP HANA XS Administration Tools in the SAP HANA
Administration Guide.
● You use a supported Web Browser. For more information about browser support, see the Product Availability
Matrix for SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation.
1. Depending on whether HTTP or HTTPS port has been configured, enter one of the following URLs in your
○ http://<Web Server Host>:80<SAP HANA instance number>/sap/hdm/ddo/index.html
○ https://<Web Server Host>:43<SAP HANA instance number>/sap/hdm/ddo/index.html
2. If required, enter your database user name and password.
The Data Distribution Optimizer Home screen opens.
Related Information
SAP HANA Data Warehouse Foundation 1.0 - Planning Product Availability Matrix
Section SAP HANA XS Administration Tools in the SAP HANA Administration Guide on http://service.sap.com/
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
Working with the Data Distribution Optimizer UI
The Data Distribution Optimizer UI consists of a Home screen and three screens that reflect the main functions of
the tool end-to-end.
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
The Home screen provides you with status information on the latest redistribution run and tiles to navigate to the
main functions. These are as follows:
Table 2:
Step 1: System Landscape
Step 2: Configuration
Step 3: Redistribution
Overview of the system setup and sys­
tem database catalog
Data Distribution Optimizer configura­
Generating a redistribution plan, which
tion (table placement rules that are used contains the steps to change the num­
by the Data Distribution Optimizer to
ber of partitions and to move the parti­
calculate the number of level1 partitions
and to determine where the partitions
should be placed)
Comparing the redistribution plan with
the current table distribution to check if
Optional: Adjusting the configuration to
the results of the redistribution run
meet application specific needs
would meet your expectations
Scheduling and executing the redistribu­
tion plan to run the redistribution
Analyzing logs (for plan generation and
Exporting and importing the redistribu­
tion plan to enable offline modification
General Functions for Tables in the UI
Table 3:
Selecting rows
Filtering columns
Sorting tables
You can select a row by clicking in the furthest left column of the row. If there are screen
areas that depend on the row selection, these areas will display the detail data for the
selected row.
You can apply filters by clicking on the column header and entering a value in the
Filter field.
You can apply multiple filters by clicking again on the column header. When adding
multiple filters, disjunction (OR) will be used for applying the filter to the column. If
you add two filter values A and B for column 1 for example, the system displays all
entries where column 1 contains either value A or value B.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to determine the filter.
The data in the relevant table will be updated in accordance with the filter value.
You can delete filter values.
You can sort a table by clicking the column header and choosing Ascending or
To remove the sorting, click the column header and double-click Ascending or
Configuring table ap­
By clicking Open Configuration in the upper right corner of a table, you can select the
number of visible rows and select which of the colums should be displayed in the table.
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Opening table as full
You can open the table in a separate dialog box by clicking Open as Fullscreen in the up­
per right corner of a table.
Refreshing table data
You can refresh the table data by clicking Refresh table in the upper right corner of a
Data Distribution Optimizer Workflow
Data Distribution Optimizer provides the option of aligning simulation and re-configuration of data distribution
activities to a workflow, where several iterations of the process might be performed to finally decide on the best
apporach and to execute the physical redistribution plan.
The workflow comprises the following steps that you repeat until the best data distribution has been identified:
1. Configuration of the redistribution of table partitions (adjusting configuration) by defining Data Distribution
Optimizer table placement rules
2. Generation of a redistribution plan
3. Simulation of the redistribution plan to compare the resulting distribution with your current distribution
4. Repetition of step 1 to step 3 until the redistribution plan meets your requirements
5. Execution of the redistribution plan
6. Analysis of the logs of the redistribution plan
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Getting Started
Security and Authorizations
The following sections describe specific security aspects for Data Distribution Optimizer, such as the SAP HANA
roles needed for working with the Data Distribution Optimizer, how to authorize users, and how to enable secure
data communication.
Overall security for SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation Data Distribution Optimizer is governed by the rules
implemented for SAP HANA. Before reading the information provided with the following sections, acquaint
yourself with the overall security model for SAP HANA, as described in the SAP HANA Security Guide.
Related Information
SAP HANA Security Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
(August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) -
Before You Start
Fundamental Security Guides
Data Distribution Optimizer is built from SAP HANA XS. Therefore, the SAP HANA Security Guide also applies to
Data Distribution Optimizer.
For more information, see SAP HANA Security Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82).
Additional Information
For more information about specific topics, see the quick links in the table below.
Table 4:
SAP Service Marketplace or SDN Quick Link
SAP Security Guides
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Security and Authorizations
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
SAP Service Marketplace or SDN Quick Link
Related SAP Notes
Released platforms
SAP Solution Manager
SAP NetWeaver
In-memory computing
User Management
User Management for Data Distribution Optimizer uses the mechanisms provided with SAP HANA, for example,
tools and user types. For an overview of how these mechanisms apply for Data Distribution Optimizer, see the
sections below.
User Administration Tools
For user management and user administration with Data Distribution Optimizer you use the tools described in the
following table:
Table 5:
Job Function
User or system administrator
Create SAP HANA database users
User editor of the SAP HANA studio
Security tool of the SAP HANA Web-
Grant roles to database users
Delete, deactivate, and reactivate data­
base users
based Development Workbench
HDBSQL is useful when using
scripts for automated processing.
Reset user passwords
For more information about
HDBSQL, see the SAP HANA Ad­
ministration Guide.
User Types
For Data Distribution Optimizer, two types of database users are relevant:
● Application users, which are database users that correspond to real people working with Data Distribution
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Security and Authorizations
● Technichal database users
Related Information
Section SAP HANA User Management in the SAP HANA Security Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
-> SAP
Integration into Single Sign-On Environments
SAP HANA supports several authentication mechanisms, several of which can be used for the integration of Data
Distribution Optimizer into single sign-on environments (SSO).
Related Information
● Section SAP HANA Authentication and Single Sign-On in the SAP HANA Security Guide on http://
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
● Section Maintaining Single Sign-On for SAP HANA XS Applications in the SAP HANA Administration Guide on
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Security and Authorizations
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
User Authorization
Every user who is required to work with Data Distribution Optimizer (DDO) must have a database user. To
perform tasks in the Data Distribution Optimizer, the database user must have the required privileges. Data
Distribution Optimizer is delivered with a set of roles containing the required privileges for specific tasks.
The following table describes the roles for Data Distribution Optimizer:
Table 6:
This role provides read-only access to view redistribution
plans. It also allows you to view configurations. The role
does not allow you to view all data for all tables in the Data
Distribution Optimizer however, as this would require ex­
pansive authorizations that are not appropriate for a
viewer role. The following information is not visible for the
viewer role for example:
Information on the last run will not be visible on the
Home screen.
The system landscape information will not be dis­
played on the System Landscape screen.
Most of the system catalog will not be displayed on the
System Landscape screen (only the SAP_HDM_DDO
This role has to be granted to the database user who cre­
ates Data Distribution Optimizer configurations. It also al­
lows importing and exporting of plans.
This role has to be granted to the database user who
schedules redistribution plan execution.
This role has to be granted to the (technical) database user
who generates the redistribution plan.
While this role is primarily designed to be used as a techni­
cal role, it can also be used for triggering the creation of a
new plan.
This role uses the CATALOG READ and SERVICE AD­
MIN system privileges, which allow reading of database
catalog metadata for example, and restarting the SAP
HANA system. Caution should be exercised when grant­
ing this role. For more information, see the SAP HANA
Security Guide.
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
This role includes all application roles for Data Distribution
Optimizer tasks (Viewer, Planner, Scheduler, Configura­
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Security and Authorizations
This role has to be granted to the technical database user
who executes the redistribution plan.
This role uses the RESOURCE ADMIN and SERVICE AD­
MIN system privileges, which allow management of data
volumes for example, and restarting the SAP HANA sys­
tem. Caution should be exercised when granting this
role. For more information, see the SAP HANA Security
In addition to the privileges provided with this role, this
user needs to have ALTER, EXECUTE and UPDATE priv­
ileges for all schemas that a redistribution plan should
be generated for.
SAP internal
This role is used for support purposes.
Related Information
Sections Roles and User Types in the SAP HANA Security Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
Create and Authorize Users
Every user required to work with Data Distribution Optimizer (DDO) must have a database user. To perform data
distribution tasks, specific roles must be granted to the database user(s) by a user administrator.
● You have the system privilege USER ADMIN.
● You have the privileges required to grant specific privileges and roles to the new user. For more information,
see Prerequisites for Granting and Revoking Privileges and Roles in the SAP HANA Administration Guide.
● If you are integrating SAP HANA database users into a single-sign on (SSO) environment using one or more of
the supported mechanisms, the necessary infrastructure must be in place and configured.
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Security and Authorizations
© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
1. If the database user that you want to authorize does not exist yet, create the user:
For generating redistribution plans (role sap.hdm.ddo.roles::Planner) and for executing redistribution
plans (role sap.hdm.ddo.roles::Executor), we recommend creating technical users.
1. In the Systems view, choose
Users .
2. From the context menu, choose New User.
2. Specify the user name and properties.
3. Authorize the user by granting the required roles.
4. Save the user by choosing the
(Deploy) button.
The user is created and appears in the Users folder. A new schema is also created for the user in the catalog.
This schema has the same name as the user.
5. Grant the system privilege DATA ADMIN to the user with the role sap.hdm.ddo.roles::Scheduler.
6. Grant the following object privileges to the user with the role sap.hdm.ddo.roles::Executor on all database
schemas that redistribution plans should be generated for. If you only want to generate redistribution plans
for SAP BW on SAP HANA for example, grant the following privileges on <BW DB Schema Name> :
Table 7:
object privilege
7. Save the user.
Related Information
Sections Prerequisites for Granting and Revoking Privileges and Roles, and Create and Authorize a User in the SAP
HANA Administration Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
Network and Communication Security
Several mechanism are possible for securing the usage of Data Distribution Optimizer.
Data Distribution Optimizer is a web application that is accessed using the standard SAP HANA XS Engine ports.
When a user logs into the application, a database user is being used. This user could also be used to directly
authenticate against the database itself, which would allow modifying database objects directly using a database
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Security and Authorizations
client. It is recommended security practice to limit network access to the SAP HANA database to the XS Engine
ports, and to apply appropriate additional security measures, such as encryption, where necessary. This can be
achieved through different means, such as separate network zones and network firewalls, and through the
configuration options provided by SAP HANA (for example, encryption). The exact setup depends on your
environment, security requirements and policies.
The detailed network set-up and recommendations are described in section The SAP HANA Network in the SAP
HANA Master Guide. The following section contains only some additional security-relevant information.
Related Information
● Section The SAP HANA Network in the SAP HANA Master Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
-> SAP
● Section SAP HANA Network and Communication Security in the SAP HANA Security Guide on http://
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
● Section SAP HANA Extended Application Services (SAP HANA XS) in the SAP HANA Security Guide on http://
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
Securing Data Communication
Data Distribution Optimizer can be configured to enforce encrypted communication. We recommend using
encrypted communication in all cases where your network is not protected by other security measures against
attacks such as eavesdropping, for example, when your network is accessed from public networks.
You can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to secure communication between SAP HANA and HTTP
If you want SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation to refuse browser requests that do not use secure HTTP
(SSL/HTTPS) for client connections, you can enable the "Force SSL" option in the application runtime
configuration for package sap.hdm in the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool.
Related Information
● Section Secure Communication Between SAP HANA and HTTP Clients in the SAP HANA Security Guide on
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
● Sections Configuring HTTPS (SSL) for Client Application Access and Create an Application Runtime
Configuration in the SAP HANA Administration Guide on http://service.sap.com/hana
08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
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Security and Authorizations
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Security-Relevant Logging and Tracing
Auditing provides you with visibility on who did what in the SAP HANA database (or tried to do what) and when.
For more information, see section Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems in the SAP HANA Security Guide.
You can enable tracing for the LandscapeReorg SAP HANA component using the following statement:
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'SYSTEM') SET ('trace',
'landscapereorg') = 'info' WITH RECONFIGURE;
When tracing is enabled, you can find additional information on plan executions in the indexserver trace file, such
as ALTER statements being executed or errors that occurred. You will also be able to see this information on the
Trace Log tab in the Redistribution screen of Data Distribution Optimizer.
Related Information
● Section Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems in the SAP HANA Security Guideon http://service.sap.com/
-> SAP HANA SPS 08 Documentation (ZIP) - (August 21, 2014, Revision 82)
● Section Configure Database Traces in the SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution
Optimizer Installation Guide.
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Security and Authorizations
Preparing Tables for Redistributing with
Data Distribution Optimizer
Data Distribution Optimizer considers tables that meet certain criteria.
● Data Distribution Optimizer only considers tables that are partitioned, meaning that there is a partitioning
specification for a table. This means that Data Distribution Optimizer potentially changes the number of
partitions for tables with partitioning specification and moves partitions to another host if necessary.
Data Distribution Optimizer will not partition non-partitioned tables. It potentially just moves these to another
host if necessary.
Only tables which have specified hash or round robin at level 1 are considered for distribution and for
changing the number of partitions. Whereas Data Distribution Optimizer also considers primary level range
partitioned tables for distribution, changing the number of partitions is not supported for these tables.
● The table must have a sizing estimate. If a table does not have a sizing estimate, Data Distribution Optimizer
will ignore it during generation of a redistribution plan and add a warning to the generation log.
The size of a table can be estimated if it has been completely loaded into the memory once.
On the Catalog tab in your System Landscape screen, you can check whether or not the tables in your system
have a sizing estimate. If you filter column Estimated Max. Memory Size of your system catalog according to
the value -1 in Data Distribution Optimizer, you will see all tables that do not have a sizing estimate. There are
two ways of obtaining a sizing estimate for the tables:
○ For single tables, you can use the LOAD <<table name>> ALL statement to load the table into memory
and obtain the sizing estimate.
○ If you have a large number of tables without a sizing estimate, you can apply SAP Note 1698281 and
execute the memorySizing.py script with option -i partially_loaded –m no. With this option, the
partition unload is performed immediately, thus ensuring that the initial load schema remains stable. For
more information, see SAP Note 1698281 .
Note that running the script can be very resource-intensive. Think carefully therefore before using this
● The Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm works on table groups. If the grouping information for a table has
been specified in the TABLE_GROUPS table (columns are filled), Data Distribution Optimizer will process this
table together with all other tables that belong to the same group. If no grouping information is available for a
table (the field in column GROUP_NAME is empty), Data Distribution Optimizer creates a "virtual" group and
assigns only this table. The virtual group then has just one table, which is also the leading table for this group.
For more information, see Data Distribution Optimizer Algorithm [page 37].
● For SAP BW: SAP HANA table placement (TABLE_PLACEMENT table in the _SYS_RT schema) has been
customized for the table.
For more information, see Customizing SAP HANA Table Placement for SAP BW Tables [page 20].
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Preparing Tables for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer
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Customizing SAP HANA Table Placement for SAP BW
1. To perform the table placement customizing for SAP BW in table _SYS_RT.TABLE_PLACEMENT, implement
SAP Note 1908075 .
1. Download the attachement from SAP Note 1908075
2. Find and open the correct configuration file – for example 030 = Scale-out (less than 2 TB per node) with 1
master and 2 slaves.
3. Replace $$PLACEHOLDER with the SAP BW schema name.
4. Execute the script in SAP HANA studio (copy and paste the script content and execute the SQL
2. To make use of the TABLE_PLACEMENT entries, create a new configuration in Data Distribution Optimizer on
the Configuration tab.
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Preparing Tables for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer
System Landscape Overview
The System Landscape screen provides an overview of your multiple-host system setup (on the System tab) as
well as of the database tables in your system (on the Catalog tab).
System Tab
The System tab shows a graphical overview of the nodes in the multiple-host system with the following
information for each node:
● Hostname and port
● Role of the host: MASTER or SLAVE
Depending on the memory utilization, the nodes will be displayed in the following colours:
○ Memory utilization < 50%: green
○ Memory utilization between 50% and 80%: orange
○ Memory utilization > 80%: red
● Memory utilization of column store tables and row store tables in %
This value displays the size of the tables assigned to this node divided by the effective allocation limit.
○ Note that this indicator for memory utilization differs from the memory indicators displayed in SAP
HANA Studio, where the currently used memory (such as tables that are loaded, large queries that are
running, and indexes) and the allocation limit are displayed, as well as the effective allocation limit.
○ The value indicates the memory utilization if all tables assigned to this node would be loaded into the
memory. Note that this could be above 100%. The SAP HANA database can actively unload tables
however if more memory is required than is currently available.
● Size of the tables on this node in bytes (Total Memory Used Bytes) and allocation limit in bytes (Total
Allocation Limit (in Bytes))
For more information on memory usage indicators and allocation limits in SAP HANA, see section Monitoring
Memory Usage in the SAP HANA Administration Guide.
Catalog Tab
The Catalog tab lists all database tables of the system database catalog with the following information:
● Table details, like schema name, table name, table type or unload priority
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
System Landscape Overview
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● Table grouping information, like group name, group type and subtype
● Partition details, like partitioning specification, partition number, host, record values
● The number of second level partitions
● All Loaded information: This column shows if the partitions of a table have been loaded completely into
memory once. This is needed to get a sizing estimate for the table partitions, which is a prerequisite for tables
to be considered by Data Distribution Optimizer.
For more information, see Preparing Tables for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer [page 19].
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System Landscape Overview
Configuring the Redistribution of Table
Partitions in SAP HANA
On the Configuration screen, you create a Data Distribution Optimizer configuration in order to define table
placement rules for redistributing table partitions across an SAP HANA system landscape. A configuration is
related to an SAP system ID (SID) and instance number.
On the Display tab in the Configuration screen, you can see all existing configurations, together with their IDs,
descriptions, SIDs and instance numbers. Generally, you work with just one configuration for your SAP HANA
The configuration consists of the following parts, which are shown in the lower part of the screen:
● Table placement rules that define how the tables will be partitioned, and how the partitions will be distributed
on the nodes of the SAP HANA system landscape
● Optional: Location Groups to allow node-specific distribution of tables
● Optional: Leading tables for table groups, for example to avoid redistribution issues within a group due to the
configuration of involved tables
Table Placement
For a configuration, you display and maintain landscape redistribution relevant information and settings for tables
- also called (Data Distribution Optimizer) table placement rules - on the Table Placement tab, such as table
grouping and placement information as well as further Data Distribution Optimizer-specific information and
When you create a configuration, Data Distribution Optimizer triggers an import of existing TABLE_PLACEMENT
entries. If TABLE_PLACEMENT could be imported into the Data Distribution Optimizer table, the
TABLE_PLACEMENT entries are displayed on the Table Placement tab. For these entries, Data Distribution
Optimizer adds default values for the Data Distribution Optimizer-specific columns. If TABLE_PLACEMENT has
not been maintained or could not be imported, the Table Placement tab initially is empty.
You can create table placement rules, adjust existing rules or delete rules according to your landscape
redistribution needs.
During generation of a redistribution plan, the Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm uses the table placement
rules to calculate the number of table partitions.
Table placement rules can be defined with various levels of granularity (such as schema, group and/or table
level), where a more specific entry takes precedence over a more general entry and overwrites the more
general entry for the corresponding table. When evaluating these entries, Data Distribution Optimizer applies
the priorities given for evaluating the SAP HANA TABLE_PLACEMENT table. For a detailed overview of the
priorities, see SAP Note 1908082 .
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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Location Groups
Location groups are used to restrict the table distribution to a subset of the nodes in the SAP HANA system
landscape, thus allowing node-specific distribution of tables. A location group can consist of several nodes. When
creating a new configuration, Data Distribution Optimizer by default generates two location groups MASTER and
SLAVE. These can be considered "virtual" location groups, which will be resolved at runtime by Data Distribution
On the Location Groups & Nodes tab, you can define location groups. When defining table placement rules, you
can assign location groups to single tables or table groups. The Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm then takes
this information and during generation of a redistribution plan assigns a table only to the nodes configured in the
assigned location group.
You can create or delete location groups.
Leading Tables for Table Groups
A leading table is a table within a table group, which is related to the other tables in the group, and has a special
role within this group. If there are conflicts within a table group due to the configurations of the tables involved, the
leading table concept provides the option of defining a rule to resolve these conflicts.
In the context of the BalancingScenario, the leading table defines the default configuration for all other tables
in a group:
The default method applied by Data Distribution Optimizer during generation of a redistribution plan is to pick up
the largest table in the group, calculate the number of partitions based on the number of records of this table and
to apply this number of partitions to all tables in the table group. The largest table in this case is the leading table
of the group. Only, If there is a more specific configuration with a higher priority for a table in the group, Data
Distribution Optimizer will calculate the number of partitions for this table based on the data maintained in the
more specific configuration.
In some cases however, it might not be appropriate to use the largest table as a rule for calculating the number of
partitions for tables in a group. For a BW DataStore Object for example, the partitioning of the active data table
might be determined by the change log if this is larger than the table for active data, and if there is no specific
configuration with a higher priority available for the active data table. The configuration for the change log table
then might lead to an inefficient number of partitions for the active data table. To prevent this situation arising,
you can use the leading table concept for example to determine that the active table specifies the partitioning
handling for the whole table group.
On the Leading Tables tab, Data Distribution Optimizer makes it possible to specify a leading table for a table
group. You have the option of using a specific subtype, a specific table (name) or the largest table as the leading
table of the group. If no leading table has been (explicitly) defined, the largest partitioned table in a table group
acts as the leading table by default. The Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm uses the leading table and
considers this during generation of the redistribution plan.
You can create, update or delete leading tables data in the relevant tables.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
Create Configuration
To define table placement rules for redistributing tables across an SAP HANA system landscape, you need a Data
Distribution Optimizer configuration.
1. On the Display tab in the Configuration screen, choose New Configuration.
2. In the dialog box that appears, enter a configuration name.
3. Choose Create New Configuration.
The Data Distribution Optimizer creates the configuration for the SAP HANA system with a version number and
activation status Active. It displays the configuration with an ID in the overview of configurations on the
Configurations screen.
If table TABLE_PLACEMENT has been maintained in SAP HANA, Data Distribution Optimize triggers the import of
existing TABLE_PLACEMENT entries when you create a configuration. Data Distribution Optimizer then tries to
convert TABLE_PLACEMENT into its own internal table. If Data Distribution Optimizer manages to convert
TABLE_PLACEMENT into the Data Distribution Optimizer table, you can see the entries on the Table Placement
tab in the lower part of the screen. The system adds default values for Data Distribution Optimizer-specific table
placement columns to the TABLE_PLACEMENT entries.
Some configurations in TABLE_PLACEMENT cannot be converted by Data Distribution Optimizer. Data
Distribution Optimizer only supports MASTER and SLAVE as values for the LOCATION column for example. If
TABLE_PLACEMENT provides configurations that are not supported by Data Distribution Optimizer, it will not
be converted into the Data Distribution Optimizer table at all.
If TABLE_PLACEMENT has not been maintained, the Table Placement tab is empty initially.
Next Steps
1. Select the new configuration and choose Make Editable.
2. You now can start maintaining table placement rules for the configuration by:
○ Creating new entries/updating existing entries in the Table Placement tab
○ Creating and assigning location groups
○ Creating leading tables for table groups if necessary
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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3. Select the configuration and choose Acitvate.
Upon activation, the system generates a configuration version that you can generate a redistribution plan for.
Maintain Table Placement Rules
To define how the tables will be partitioned and how the partitions will be distributed across the nodes in the SAP
HANA system landscape, you maintain Data Distribution Optimizer table placement rules. You can maintain the
rules with different levels of granularity of table grouping (at schema, group and/or table level for example).
With Data Distribution Optimizer table placement, you can control the number of level 1 partitions. The settings
only affect column store tables that have already been partitioned (hash or round robin). Data Distribution
Optimizer will not create partitions for non-partitioned tables. Row-store tables will always be placed on the
master node.
Please note that Data Distribution Optimizer will only consider tables that have a sizing estimate. If a table does
not have a sizing estimate, Data Distribution Optimizer will ignore it during plan generation. For more
information, see Preparing Tables for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer [page 19].
1. On the Display tab in the Configuration screen, select the Data Distribution Optimizer configuration.
On the Table Placement tab, you can now see existing table placement rules, for example entries of the table
TABLE_PLACEMENT table which have been imported during configuration creation.
2. To create or change a table placement rule, go to the Table Placement tab and choose Create Entry or Update
If it is not possible to choose Create Entry or Update Entry, you have to select the configuration and choose
Make Editable.
3. In the dialog box that appears, you enter the configuration data for a specified group of tables or for an
individual table:
1. If you create a table placement rule, specify a group of tables or an individual table that the rule should
apply to.
The following columns can be used to specify a table or group of tables: Schema, Table, Group Name,
Group Type, and Subtype.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
○ You do not need to fill all of these columns when creating and maintaining Data Distribution
Optimizer table placement. A more specific entry takes precedence over a more general entry. If
you only fill Schema for example, the rules apply for all tables in the schema. If there is also an
entry in which Schema and Group Type are filled, this entry overwrites the first, more general entry
for the corresponding tables. The priorities for evaluating the entries are the same as for entries in
For a more detailed overview of the priorities, see SAP Note 1908082 .
○ You can use asterisks (*) as wildcards in the selection fields. If * is part of a value, \ (backslash)
can be used as an escape character. For information about how wildcards are interpreted by the
Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm, see Data Distribution Optimizer Algorithm [page 37].
○ For SAP BW tables: With the availability of the SAP HANA table placement feature (SAP HANA
SPS6), a new nomenclature for the table groups has been introduced for SAP BW tables (see SAP
Note 1872391 ). Therefore, table SYS.TABLE_GROUPS can contain two different group type
names for SAP BW object types. For example there are two group type names for DataStore object
tables: BW_DSO (capital letters) and sap.bw.dso (lower case).
For a DataStore object table, SYS.TABLE_GROUPS contains either an entry with group
classification BW_DSO or sap.bw.dso. The group type that the Data Distribution Optimizer
algorithm uses to make selections in the table placement rules depends on the group type entry in
○ If a table in SYS.TABLE_GROUPS is classified with goup type sap.bw.dso, the Data
Distribution Optimizer algorithm takes the values from the table placement rule with group
type sap.bw.dso.
○ If a table in SYS.TABLE_GROUPS is classified with goup type BW_DSO, the Data Distribution
Optimizer algorithm takes the values from the table placement rule with group type BW_DSO.
2. To maintain the table placement rule, enter or change the values in the following columns:
Table 8:
Minimum Rows
Defines the minimum number of records that must exist in a table before
the number of level 1 (primary) partitions will be recalculated.
The value in the Initial Partitions column specifies the number of parti­
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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Initial Partitions
If the number of records in a table exceeds the Minimum Rows value,
Data Distribution Optimizer makes sure that the table will have at least
the number of partitions defined in the Initial Partitions column.
The value for Initial Partitions has to be larger than the value for Minimum
The value for Initial Partitions has to be equal to or less than the num­
ber of available hosts. Otherwise, more partitions than hosts might be
Minimum Partitions
Defines the minimum number of table partitions a table will have if the
number of records in a table is below the Minimum Rows value.
The value for Minimum Partitions has to be equal to or less than the value
for Initial Partitions.
The value for Minimum Partitions has to be equal to or less than the
number of available hosts. Otherwise, more partitions than hosts
might be created.
Repartitioning Threshold
Once a table has been partitioned with the specified initial number of par­
titions, the table is only repartitioned by doubling the number of parti­
tions for performance reasons. If the initial number of partitions is 3 for
example, this could result in 6, 12, 24 … partitions being created during
With this parameter, you maintain the threshold value for the number of
records in a partition that triggers a repartitioning of this kind.
As a general principle however, the system never creates more partitions
than the number of available nodes unless this is explicitly allowed by the
table placement rule. This means that Data Distribution Optimizer cre­
ates the next lower number of partitions that fits into the number of
available nodes. If a distributed SAP HANA database has one master and
four slave nodes for example, the repartitioning from three partitions to
six partitions would not take place, as there are only five nodes available.
Maximum Splits
The Maximum Splits value defines how many times Data Distribution Op­
timizer can double the number of partitions. The number of splits can be
affected from the number of hosts available however.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
Location Group Description
Specifies the locations for table partitions. You can choose between
MASTER, SLAVE, or specific location groups defined on the Location
Groups & Nodes tab (where only three out of ten slave nodes can be
listed in a specified location group for example).
Note that Data Distribution Optimizer moves row store tables to the
master node only, even if you assign a location group with slave no­
des. Column store tables will be distributed to the slave nodes.
All on Same Host
Defines whether all level 1 partitions should be placed on one node.
In the default setting,the All on Same Host flag is deselected.
More Partitions than Hosts
Defines whether more level 1 partitions than hosts are allowed.
In the default setting, the More Partitions than Hosts flag is deselected. It
might be an option for very large tables however.
Take Level 2 Partition Size into Account
Defines whether Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm calculates the
number of level 1 partitions based on the number of records in the sec­
ond level partitions.
In the default setting, the Take Level 2 Partition Size into Account flag is
During generation of a redistribution plan, Data Distribution Optimizer calculates the number of level 1 table
partitions based on the table placement rules, while taking into account the priorities for evaluating the
TABLE_PLACEMENT table entries (see SAP Note 1908082 ). For detailed information about how the number of
partitions is calculated by the Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm, see Example of Calculating the Number of
Partitions [page 31].
Note that changes you make in the Data Distribution Optimizer table placement do not affect the
TABLE_PLACEMENT table entries.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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Default Configuration
Data Distribution Optimizer provides a default configuration for tables that none of the defined table placement
rules apply to.
Tables with a default configuration are not displayed on the Table Placement tab. The following table provides an
overview of the table placement default values:
Table 9:
Default Value
Minimum Rows
Initial Partitions
Minimum Partitions
Repartitioning Threshold
Maximum Splits
Location Group Description
All on Same Host
More Partitions than Hosts
Consider Level 2 Partition Size
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
Example of Calculating the Number of Partitions
For each table with a partitioning specification, the Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm calculates the number of
level 1 partitions. The calculation depends on the number of records in the table partitions and on certain
parameters provided by the matching configuration for the table.
Let us assume the following parameters from the matching configuration for a table:
Table 10:
Minimum Partitions
Initial Partitions
2 (must be larger than value for Minimum Partitions)
Repartitioning Threshold
Minimum Rows
Maximum Splits
Based on these parameters, the system derives intervals with lower bounds and upper bounds of records. The
upper bound of the first interval is defined by the value of Minimum Rows. From the second interval on, the upper
bound is calculated in the following way:
● upper bound = 2^n * Repartitioning Threshold, where n is the counter of the previous interval
A specific number of partitions will be assigned to each interval by the Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm. After
the first and the second interval, where the number of partitions is taken first from the Minimum Partitions
parameter and second from the Initial Partitions parameter, the number of partitions will be doubled with each
following interval.
The following table illustrates how the number of partitions develop based on the calculation described above:
Table 11:
Lower Bound of Re­
Upper Bound of Records
of Parti­
The value for Minimum Partitions
defines the number of partitions.
The value for Initial Partitions de­
fines the number of partitions.
Doubling the number of partitions of
the previous interval defines the
number of partitions.
Doubling the number of partitions of
the previous interval defines the
number of partitions.
Doubling the number of partitions of
the previous interval defines the
number of partitions.
(= value for Minimum Rows)
(= 2^1 * 50,000)
(= 2^2 * 50,000)
(= 2^3 * 50,000)
(= 2^4 * 50,000)
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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Assuming the table has a partitioning specification, the actual number of partitions that will be applied to the table
now depends on the following:
● The number of records of any of the level 1 or level 2 partions
● The setting made for the Take Level 2 Partition Size into Account flag
● The current number of partitions
● The value set for the Maximum Splits parameter
Calculation Based on Level 1 Partition Size
If the table has a partitioning specification (might or might not have secondary partitions), and Take Level 2
Partition Size into Account is disabled, Data Distribution Optimizer takes the following as the basis for determining
the number of level 1 partitions:
● The maximum number of records of any of the level 1 partitions multiplied by the current number of partitions
Data Distribution Optimizer takes this value and applies the number of level 1 partitions according to the
appropriate interval.
Table 12:
Maximum Number of
Records of Any Pri­
mary Partition
Current Number of
Level 1 Partitions
Maximum Number of
Records of Any Pri­
mary Partition times
the Current Number
of Level 1 Partitions
Belongs to Interval
Number of Partitions
(that will be applied
during a redistribution
n/a as value 1,000 is
below value for Mini­
mum Rows
50,000 * 1 = 50,000
80,000 * 2 = 160,000
95,000 * 4 = 380,000
The value for the Maximum Splits parameter defines how often the number of partitions will be split. When
defining table placement rules, you define how often Data Distribution Optimizer can split the number of
partitions. For Maximum Splits parameter value 3 for example, this means:
1. Minimum Partitions to Initial Partitions
(in our example: first split from 1 to 2 partitions)
2. Initial Partitions to multiple of this
(in our example: second split from 2 to 4 partitions)
3. Old multiple to new multiple
(in our example: third split from 4 to 8 partitions)
Maximum Splits value 3 now is reached, so no further partitioning is allowed.
Calculation Based on Level 2 Partition Size
If the table has a partitioning specification (with secondary partitions), and Take Level 2 Partition Size into Account
is enabled, Data Distribution Optimizer takes the following as the basis for determining the number of level 1
● The maximum number of records of any of the level 2 partitions multiplied by the current number of (level 1)
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
Data Distribution Optimizer takes this value and applies the number of partitions according to the appropriate
Table 13:
Primary Partition
Secondary Partition
Record Count
Data Distribution Optimizer takes 3,000 * 2 = 6,000 and applies the number of level 1 partitions according to the
appropriate interval. In our example, this means that the number of level 1 partitions will be reduced from 2 to 1.
Also consider the following parameters that might influence the number of partitions:
● Number of hosts
When defining table placement rules, you can allow more partitions than hosts, which might be reasonable for
large tables.
● Never decrease the number of partitions
When generating a redistribution plan, you can decide that the number of partitions will not be reduced during
the redistribution run despite the calculated number of partitions being lower than the current number of
Create Location Group
To support node-specific distribution of tables, you can define a subset of the nodes as a location group.
A location group is always related to a Data Distribution Optimizer configuration. When creating a location group,
you provide it with a name and add one or multiple nodes to it. There are two default location groups: MASTER
and SLAVE.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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1. On the Display tab in the Configuration screen, select the Data Distribution Optimizer configuration.
2. On the Location Groups & Nodes tab, choose Create Location Group.
3. In the dialog box that appears, select Create New... under Group ID.
4. Under Node Type, select SPECIFIED.
5. In the Description field, enter a name for the location group.
6. Under Node, select the host that you want to add to the location group.
7. Choose Create Record.
The location group has been created, and the selected host has been assigned to it.
8. For each additional host that you want to add, proceed as follows :
1. Choose Create Location Groups again.
2. Under Group ID, select the location group name you entered in step 5.
1. Under Node, select the host that you want to add to the location group.
1. Choose Create Record.
The system displays the location group on the Locaction Groups & Nodes tab. For each host that you have added
to the location group, the system displays a separate entry in the table. You can now use the location group when
maintaining table placement rules on the Table Placement tab.
Select Leading Table for a Table Group
If no more specific configuration has been made in a table group, the default setting is for the largest table in the
group to determine the number of partitions for all other tables in the group. In exceptional cases, it might be
neccessary for a different table in the group to determine the number of partitions. To facilitate this, you can
define a leading table for the table group.
1. On the Display tab in the Configuration screen, select the Data Distribution Optimizer configuration.
2. On the Leading Tables tab, choose Create Leading Table.
3. In dialog box that appears, enter the name of the table group (GROUP_NAME) that you want to define the
leading table for.
4. Under Identification Type, select one of the following options:
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SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
A specific table of a table group can act as leading table for this table group.
A table with a specific subtype of a table group can act as leading table for this table group.
5. Make an entry under Identification Value in accordance with the identification type selected.
○ For identification type TABLE, enter the table name as follows: "<schema name>"."<table name>"
○ For identification type SUBTYPE, enter the name of the subtype, for example ACTIVE, if you want to use
the active data table as the leading table for a DataStore object table group.
○ The table or subtype entered as Identification Value must exist in the given table group.
○ If there is more than one table in the same group with the same subtype, Data Distribution
Optimizer takes the largest table with the defined subtype as the leading table for this group.
6. Choose Create Record.
The system displays the leading table definition on the Leading Tables tab. During generation of a redistribution
plan, the system uses the leading table to determine the number of partitions for all tables of the table group that
do not have a more specific table configuration with a higher priority.
Display Matching Configuration for a Specific Table
For a specific table in a particular Data Distribution Optimizer configuration, you can display the table placement
rules that will be used for the redistribution.
Due to the flexibility in defining table placement rules in the Data Distribution Optimizer, there might be several
entries on the Table Placement tab that provide this data for a specific table. There might be a specific entry for a
given table on the one hand for example, and entries with placeholders that comprise this table on the other hand.
Information such as leading tables might also affect the table configuration. You can use this functionality to find
out which is the matching configuration determined by the Data Distribution Optimizer for a specific table.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
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1. On the Display tab in the Configuration screen, select the Data Distribution Optimizer configuration.
2. Choose Display Matching Table Configuration.
3. In the dialog box that appears, select the schema and enter the table name.
For the Table field, autocompletion is available.
4. Choose Show Table Configuration.
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Configuring the Redistribution of Table Partitions in SAP HANA
Generating, Simulating and Executing
Redistribution Plans
To perform the redistribution of table partitions based on a given Data Distribution Optimizer configuration, you
need a redistribution plan. The redistribution plan is generated from an algorithm (for example
BalancingScenario) using a specified configuration. The plan contains all steps that are needed to run the
redistribution in SAP HANA.
Data Distribution Optimizer Algorithm
The Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm calculates how the tables will be partitioned and how the partitions will
be distributed on the nodes of a multiple-host system based on a given Data Distribution Optimizer configuration.
You specify the algorithm when you create a plan.
The BalancingScenario is an algorithm that is designed to balance the memory footprint across the nodes of an
SAP HANA multiple-host system. It is designed to generate plans in a short amount of time.
The main unit of work for the BalancingScenario is the table group. The BalancingScenario defines a table group as
a set of tables that have a common group name. These tables can be located in different schemas. If a table has
no group assigned to it (meaning that no group name is set for the table ), this table will be assumed to have its
own group (meaning that there are no tables without a group internally).
The algorithm works in the following way:
1. The algorithm first sorts all groups by size. The size of a group is defined to be the size of all partitions of all
tables belonging to the group.
2. It then iterates over all groups, starting with the largest one.
1. For each group, the algorithm first assigns all row-store tables of the group to the master node
(regardless of the configuration).
2. It then determines the leading table of the group. Any partitioned column-store table can qualify as a
leading table, but by default the largest partitioned table is chosen. This behavior can be overridden using
the leading table configuration, where you can select a specific partitioned table or the largest partitioned
table of a given subtype as the leading table for a given group.
3. The algorithm then looks up matching configurations for all tables in the group, including the leading
table. Configurations are sorted by priority, meaning that the first matching configuration with the highest
priority wins. Since Data Distribution Optimizer comes with an invisible default configuration that
matches every table, tables will always have a configuration. Once a matching configuration for a table is
found, the following logic applies:
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Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
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○ If the table is the leading table, the configuration will be applied.
○ If a table’s configuration is different to that of the leading table and has a lower or equal priority, the
leading table’s configuration will be applied.
○ If a table’s configuration is different to that of the leading table and has a higher priority, the
configuration will be applied.
Users are able to make use of wildcards within configurations. If two configurations with the same priority
match, a configuration without wildcards wins over a configuration with wildcards. If both have wildcards,
the “longer” one wins (the one with the longest overall values in the selector fields).
4. Once the configurations and the number of partitions have been determined for all tables, the algorithm
now checks if the current number of partitions of each table matches the determined one. If not, it
generates the plan steps required in order to create the calculated number of partitions. If the new
number of partitions (for example four) is not divisible without a remainder by the old number of
partitions (for example three), Data Distribution Optimizer might move the old partitions to a host. It then
merges them into one partition there before splitting this partition into the new number of partitions.
For information about calculating the number of partitions, see Example of Calculating the Number of
Partitions [page 31].
5. Finally, the partitions are distributed among the cluster. To allow this, all tables of the group are grouped
by their configuration. All tables with the same configuration will be distributed together. If a configuration
has a location group assigned to it, this will be reflected when choosing the destination node.
The BalancingScenario distributes partitions by placing the first partition of all tables of the group on the
same node, the second on the same and so on. A node that has been used during redistribution is not
going to be considered again unless the configuration explicitly allows more than one partition per host.
The algorithm considers the available amount of memory for each node and picks the one with the most
available memory at that point in time (“greedy algorithm”).
Generate Redistribution Plan
To calculate the number of level 1 partitions and define which nodes the table partitions should be placed on for a
specific configuration, you generate a redistribution plan.
Make sure that the tables included in the plan have a sizing estimate. For more information, see Preparing Tables
for Redistributing with Data Distribution Optimizer [page 19].
1. On the Management tab in the Redistribution screen, choose Generate.
2. In the dialog box that appears, you specify the parameters of the plan.
1. The BalancingScenario is pre-selected in the Select algorithm field.
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Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
2. In the Configuration ID field, select the configuration that you want to generate the plan for.
Only active configurations can be selected.
1. (Only available for SAP HANA revision 85 or higher:) Select the schema(s) and table groups that the
algorithm should be applied to.
You can also select schemas here that no table placement rules have been specified for. In this case,
the default configuration will be applied to the tables in the selected schema.
2. If you do not want the redistribution run to reduce the number of partitions, choose Never decrease the
number of partitions. Even if the number of partitions calculated by the Data Distribution Optimizer
algorithm would be lower than before running the redistribution plan, this setting ensures that Data
Distribution Optmizer will not reduce it. A use case for this option might be importing data to newly
created tables with multiple empty partitions.
3. Choose Generate Plan.
During plan generation, the Data Distribution Optimizer algorithm, calculates the number of level 1 partitions for
the affected tables and defines which nodes the table partitions should be placed on based on the table placement
rules, location groups and leading tables of the configuration.
On the upper part of the screen in the Plan Overview, you can see the generated plan with its plan ID, status Open
[1] and some further information, such as related configuration ID or modified by.
On the lower part of the screen, you can see the Plan Steps tab. For each table group, Data Distribution Optimizer
generates a plan step group containing all of the steps (splitting the number of partitions or moving a partition
from one host to another for example) that are needed to repartition and redistribute the tables of this group
during the redistribution run. During execution of a redistribution plan, these steps will be transfered into SAP
HANA and handed over to and executed by the REORG_EXECUTE database procedure (SAP HANA redistribution
On the lower part of the screen, you can see the Generation Log. Each message in the log has a severity level,
which the system displays a numical value for with the following meaning:
Table 14:
Severity Level
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
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After plan generation, do not change the system database catalog in terms of the configuration or selected
schemas or table groups. Doing this might result in inconsistencies and errors when simulating or executing
the redistribution plan.
Compare Simulated System Landscape with Actual
System Landscape
Once you have created a redistribution plan, you can simulate it prior to execution. This allows you to check
whether the results will meet your expectations. You can only do this if the plan has not been executed yet. If the
plan has already been executed, simulation will fail.
1. On the Management tab in the Redistribution screen, choose Simulate Redistribution.
A popup appears. Here, the system provides a graphical comparison between the simulated system
landscape and the actual one. From the bar chart, you can immediately see the changes in node utilization
and recognize whether the redistribution run would provide the expected distribution of table partitions
across the nodes (an even distribution in case of the BalancingScenario algorithm for example).
If changes are made to the system database catalog after plan generation - for example configuration or
selected schemas or table groups, the simulation will fail with a consistency error. The simulation will fail
for example if a table partition considered by the plan is moved to another node.
2. To check what the system catalog would look like after running the redistribution, choose Simulation.
The system displays the simulated system database catalog with partitioning and host information. Here, you
can check whether the tables are distributed in accordance with the configuration.
For more information about the information provided for the system database catalog, see System
Landscape Overview [page 21].
The results of the simulation are an estimation. Due to the assumption of equally distributing the records
across partitions and due to compression, the estimation might differ from the actual results achieved
when running the redistribution.
3. You also have the option of exporting the simulated system catalog. Choose Export Simulation to save the
catalog as a csv file.
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Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
Execute Redistribution Plan
When executing a redistribution plan, Data Distribution Optimizer transfers the steps in the plan to SAP HANA. In
SAP HANA, the REORG_EXECUTE database procedure then executes the steps by repartitioning the tables and
distributing the partitions.
If the system database catalog has changed in terms of the configuration or selected schemas or table groups
after plan generation, execution will fail with a consistency error. Execution will fail for example if a table
partition considered by the plan has been moved to another node.
1. On the Management tab in the Redistribution screen, choose Execute.
2. On following dialog box that appears, select a date and time to schedule the job and choose Save.
1. A job in SAP HANA XS is scheduled. The plan shows status Scheduled [2]. In the Job Log tab for the plan, you
can now see the SAP HANA XS job log.
2. Data Distribution Optimizer writes the plan steps into a table that is transfered to the SAP HANA database
3. REORG_GENERATE checks the plan and copies it into SAP HANA structures.
The time displayed for the success message in the job log is the time required by REORG_GENERATE to
check the plan, not the execution time.
4. Data Distribution Optimizer calls the SAP HANA database procedure REORG_EXECUTE, which then runs the
redistribution with the copied plan and returns an ID (REORG_ID) to Data Distribution Optimizer. The plan
status in Data Distribution Optimizer switches to Submitted [3] and the Execution Log in Data Distribution
Optimizer is activated.
5. To view the progress of the current redistribution run (with reorg and plan ID), see:
○ The Execution Log.
○ The Last Run area on the Data Distribution Optimizer Home screen.
SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation - Data Distribution Optimizer Administration Guide
Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
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In the default setting, tables are moved to the new node with their working memory part as well as with the
persistence part (the default setting for parameter indexserver.ini --> [table_redist] --> all_moves_physical is
Next Steps
If the check performed by SAP HANA is not successful, SAP HANA returns status Failed [4] to Data Distribution
Optimizer. If this happens, check the Trace Log. For further analysis, check the indexserver trace files on the
Diagnosis Files tab in the Administrator editor in the SAP HANA studio (filter for indexserver to restrict the
number of trace files displayed).
If a plan step fails during execution, you can see this in the Status column in the Execution Log. Column Error
further describes the error. To analyze the error situation, see the Trace Log. For further analysis, check the
indexserver trace files on the Diagnosis Files tab in the Administrator editor in the SAP HANA studio (filter for
indexserver to restrict the number of trace files displayed).
Exporting and Uploading Redistribution Plans
To support offline modification of redistribution plans, you can export a plan, change it and upload the changed
Think carefully before using this functionality. It can change the redistribution plan in such a way that it will not
match the algorithm (balancing of tables across the nodes of a multiple-host system) anymore.
1. Export the plan: On the Management tab in the Redistribution screen, select the plan and choose Export Plan
to save it as CSV file on your local workstation.
The CSV file contains the plan steps information in the same table format as provided on the Plan Steps tab.
You can export any plan, regardless of its status.
2. Change the data in the CSV file as required and save the CSV file.
3. On the Management tab in the Redistribution screen in Data Distribution Optimizer, choose Upload.
4. A popup appears. Choose the + button, select the file and upload it to Data Distribution Optimizer.
5. Close the popup.
The system assigns a new plan ID to the uploaded plan and displays it in the Plan Overview with status Open
[1] and plan type Uploaded by User.
Due to the manual modification, the original assignment to the Data Distribution Optimizer configuration
has been removed from the newly created plan.
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Generating, Simulating and Executing Redistribution Plans
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