Prince of Peace Area Faith Community [email protected] Church of St. James 1012 Locust Street Dawson, MN 56232 320-769-4465 Fr. Bill Sprigler 320-314-2566 [email protected] Church of St. John 350 Edquist St. South Appleton, MN 56208 320-289—1146 [email protected] Church of St. Michael 412 West 3rd Street Madison, MN 56256 320-598-3690 [email protected] AFC Religious Education Coordinator Monica Roggenbuck 320-226-4412 [email protected] Fr. Brian Oestreich 507-829-6667 [email protected] AFC Schedule ~ March 7th - March 15th, 2015 Saturday, March 7th, 2015 † 5:30 Mass Madison All People of our Area Faith Community Sunday, March 8th, 2015 † 8:30 Mass Appleton † 10:30 Mass Dawson + Dorothy Smith + Leo & Sally Club Monday, March 9th, 2015 Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 12:00 Rosary at St. Michael’s † 5:30 Mass Appleton L/D Members of the Kaiser Family † 6:00 Mass Dawson + Connie Mallak † 6:00 Stations of the Cross in Appleton 7:30 St. James Parish Administrative Council Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 † 8:30 Mass Madison + Edith Steffen † 9:30 Word & Communion at Park Avenue Apartments † 10:00 Mass JMCC + Hellen & Lawrence Tasto & Brian Skold 4:30-5:00 Food Distribution at Appleton, Dawson, & Madison † 5:30 Stations of the Cross in Madison † 6:30 Stations of the Cross in Dawson Thursday, March 12th, 2015 † 8:30 Mass Dawson † 10:00 Mass MLH + Albin & Leona Lewandoski + Marie Bormann Friday, March 13th, 2015 † 8:30 Mass Appleton + Jim Loher † 8:30 Mass Dawson + Stanley Klenicky † 10:00 Mass ANH Nursing Home Residents † 7:00 Stations of the Cross in Dawson Saturday, March 14th, 2015 † 5:00 Rosary Before Mass † 5:30 Mass Madison + Members of the Alphonse Bormann Family Sunday, March 15th, 2015 † 8:30 Mass Appleton † 10:30 Mass Dawson All People of our Area Faith Community Holy Family CCW Area Faith Community Prayer List Vatican, Pope Francis, All Members of our AFC, All Sick in our AFC, Recently Deceased, Bill & Darlene Gavin, Sally Mueller, Margaret VanErp, Janet Pillatzki, Roger Grammond, Sr. Joanne O’Connor Alice Schueller, Sally & Deb Mathiowetz, Sr. Mary Edwin Lanners, Phyllis Banken, Florence Weber, John Wallman, Gabe Schmitt, Lawrence Haas, Marjorie Fieber, Anita Kockelman, Married Couples, More Priests, Cancer Patients, All Christians, All Military Service Persons & Families If you would like a cause or name added to our prayer list, please call St. Michael’s office at 320598-3690 or e-mail your requests to [email protected] Please let St. Michael’s office know if any of the above may be removed from the list. AFC Religious Education Schedule, Activities & Announcements Normal Class Schedule. Confirmation Students Meet in Dawson. Notes from Bishop John LeVoir and the Diocese of New Ulm Bishop LeVoir will be celebrating Mass at each of our AFC Churches on the weekend of March 21st & 22nd. Please plan to attend Mass and hear Bishop speak on the future plans for our parishes. This October, the XIV Ordinary Synod of Bishops is scheduled to take place on the theme of “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and the Contemporary World.” This is a follow up to the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops held at the Vatican in October of 2014. Pope Francis has asked for wide consultation from all sectors of the Church. In response to the Holy Father’s request, the Diocese of New Ulm is posting a set of questions, formulated by the Holy See, on its Web site and is inviting your response to the questions. Please complete the survey by March 13, 2015. We appreciate everyone taking the time to complete the survey and look forward to your input. A link to the survey can be found on the home page of the Diocese of New Ulm Web site at Chrism Mass: Thursday, March 26th at 7:00 p.m. at the Church of St. Mary in Willmar, MN. Everyone is welcome to take part in this diocesan Mass with Bishop LeVoir. San Lucas Fundraiser: The St. John Paul II Area Faith Mission Group invites you to their annual Wine Tasting, Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, March 21 at the Crow River Winery east of Hutchinson. This year we will be serving a Greek Dinner. Tickets are $40.00 each and includes appetizers, Greek Dinner, and six wine samples. All proceeds will go to benefit our Mission in San Lucas, Toliman, Guatemala. If you would like to purchase tickets, please contact Gerald Kucera at 320-327-2441. Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Lent LORD YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF EVERLASTING LIFE! These words of the responsorial psalm are a good summary of the message of today’s readings. In the first reading, Moses is on the mountain conversing with God. At this time God gives to Moses the 10 Commandments. The reading from Exodus gives an extended explanation of the first three commandments – those which deal with our love for God. In the 1st commandment God reminds us that we should not have other gods in our lives. Who are these gods? Some things come to mind: money, property, time, addictions, or relationships! Who or what are the gods in your life? What causes you to not have time for prayer and conversation with God? Lent affords us a time to take a look at these and make some changes. The second and third commandments remind us of the reverence and respect which we should give God’s name and the attention to our spiritual growth that should take place on Sunday. The last seven commandments deal with our relationships with our neighbor. How are these a part of your life? What positive things do you do to keep the commandment? This week take some time to think about how these “words of everlasting life?” The Gospel reading shows us the very human side of Jesus when in his anger at those selling animals in the temple he overturned their tables and sent them out of the temple. At this time Jesus said the sign of his authority that they would receive was, “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”. He was speaking of the temple of his body and foretelling the resurrection. As we continue our spiritual Journey, let these words of Jesus ring in your ears, and ponder them in your heart so you can continue our walk through Lent and Holy Week Area Faith Community Activities & Announcements Today, Sunday, March 8th at 2:00 p.m. ~ The Colleges of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University Chamber Choir will perform a free concert at The Abbey of the Hills. Free will donations are appreciated. For more information see our website: or call 605-398-9200. Thank you for all your support in helping parishes care for the minorities among their members during last week’s 2nd collection for Catholic Schools. On March 21st & 22nd there will be boxes for collecting food and other items for our local food shelves in each parish. If you would like to donate money, please label an envelope for such and drop it in the collection. Food shelves are able to buy food and other items at discount with money sent to them. The offices will send in any donations to the local food shelves for you. There will be a second collection next weekend for Catholic Relief Services. This collection supports Catholic Church organizations that carry out international relief and solidarity efforts. Programs include relief and resettlement for victims of persecution, war, and natural disasters; development projects to improve living conditions for the poor; legal and support services for poor immigrants; peace and reconciliation work for people suffering from violence; and advocacy on behalf of the powerless. Human Trafficking Presentation: There will be a presentation on Wednesday, March 25th at St. James’ Church in Dawson at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come hear Presentation Sister, Teresa Wolf speak on Human Trafficking issues everywhere in America and what you can do about it. Rice Hospice will be hosting “Camp GK Bear” on Saturday, April 11 at Rice Memorial Hospital. This is a one-day camp for children who have experienced the death of a significant person in their lives. Camp GK Bear is centered around 4 main themes: (1) the life/death cycle; (2) feelings; (3) memories; and (4) change and moving forward. The goal of the camp is to help the children understand the grief process and to teach them the skills necessary to help them heal. The camp offers educational components re: grief and loss but also a lot of fun activities. The camp staff includes Rice Hospice staff with special assistance from Rice Hospice volunteers. There is no charge for Camp GK Bear. It is available for ALL children, grades K-6 who have experienced the death of a loved one. Region IV (4) CCW Spring Gathering is March 10th: Please come to the Region 4 Council of Catholic Women Spring Gathering on Tuesday, March 10, at St. Andrew's Church in Granite Falls. "The Role of a Deaon's Wife" will be presented by Deb Reitsma, Tami Kober, and Tina Myhre. This is an opportunity to have an evening to share with other ladies for a presentation and meal and to energize your faith! The evening will include: 5:30 P.M. Registration ($6.00 Fee for evening), 6:00 P.M. Holy Mass,7:00 P.M.- Dinner & Presentation. Stations of the Cross Appleton: Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. Dawson: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Fridays at 7:00 p.m. Madison: Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. . Church of St. John Appleton 320-289-1146 1st, Gifts of Stewardship for March 2015 Envelopes: 36A 3Y Total $2,281.88 Adult $1,865.50 Youth $9.38 Plate $98.00 Ash Wednesday $1.00 New Year $20.00 Catholic Schools 2nd Collection $288.00 Mass on Sunday ~ March 15th, at 8:30 a.m. Eucharistic Ministers: Joy Dolan, Leonard Meyer, Greg Ruether Lector: Ron Roiger Servers: Trinity Lindner, Austen Rosendahl, Jy West March Greeters & Ushers: Kenton & Kristen Nelson, Bernie & Victoria Zinda Girl Scout Cookies for sale after Mass today in the Gathering Space. Thank you for supporting the Girl Scouts! “Missions of Love” ~ Valentines for San Lucas Mission in Guatemala ~ the last weekend. Please give a $2.00 donation for each Valentine you sign. Sponsored by Catholic United Financial St. Paul Council #377. Join Bishop LeVoir for coffee and rolls on Sunday, March 22nd, after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. He will be visiting our AFC that weekend. If you would like to be a lector or a Communion minster for Mass, please let Father Brian know. Lenten Services at St. John’s ~Tuesdays during Lent ~ Mar. 10, Mar. 17, Mar. 24, March 31. Each Tuesday Lenten Service schedule will include: 5:15 p.m. Reconciliation 5:30 Mass 6:00 Stations of the Cross Church of St. James Dawson 320-769-4465 1st, Gifts of Stewardship for March 2015 Env: 33 A, 1 Y Total: $2,077.05 Adult $1,464.00 Youth $3.00 Loose Plate $27.00 Ash Wednesday $70.00 Catholic Schools 2nd Collection $173.00 Energy/Fuel $40.00 Frontier $.05 Mass on Sunday, March 15th, 2014, 10:30 a.m. Eucharistic Ministers: Lisa Malecek, Barb Larson, Tim Halvorson Lector: Lisa Malecek Ushers: Dennis & Harriet Schueller Servers: Donny Bothun, Mary Bothun, Drake & Dain Polhamus The St. James Administrative Council meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 10th at 7:30 in the church basement. Soup & Sandwich Luncheon: Tuesday, March 17th. Please check the sign-up sheets in the back of church. Workers are needed for both Monday at 5:00 p.m. and Tuesday morning/noon as well as food donations. Thank you for all your help in making this a successful event supporting Religious Education at St. James!! (Food donations need to be dropped off in the church basement by 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 16th.) Stations of the Cross: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m.followed by an opportunity for Confession. Everyone is welcome to come and share in walking with Jesus this Lent. Religious education students are encouraged to come at 6:30 on Wednesdays to share in the journey of Stations of the Cross before their regular class meeting. Adults and parents are welcome, too. Volunteer Opportunity: Sunday School Teacher: Mrs. Ingrid Larson is looking for someone to help teach Sunday school. Please contact her if you are interested and for more information. She has Sunday school during the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. The Word Among Us: Books are in the back of Church for the Lenten season. Please pick one up and check out the daily meditations! Church of St. Michael’s Madison, 320-598-3690 Gifts of Stewardship for February 28th Envelope Count: 39A, 4Y Total: $2,856.00 Adult $1,331.00 Youth $2.00 Loose Plate $61.00 Black & Indian Mission $15.00 Flowers $10.00 Catholic Schools $237.00 Elevator Fund $1,200.00 Mass on Saturday, March 14th, 2015, 5:30 p.m. Eucharistic Ministers: Carmen Fernholz, Rose Kallhoff, Mark Schuelke Ushers: Terry Anderson, Charlie Smith, Stan Ross, Dennis Vonderharr Servers: Kylie Jahn, Karrisa Jahn, Jordan Jahn Lector: Jeff Kallhoff MLH: Linda Young, Pam Fernholz We received a check from Catholic United Financial for $500.00 from our efforts with the Ministree Poject throughout 2014. Please continue to fill out cards as tasks around the parish and community are completed. Meals on Wheels: Thank you to our great volunteers! Below is a list of all our volunteers and the dates they are to deliver. 9 & 10. Dave Olson 17. Dennis & Jan Vonderharr 26 & 27. Ed Vonderharr 11. Dennis & Jan Vonderharr 18, 19, & 20. Sally Fernholz 30 &31. Larry Wangler 12 & 13. Chuck & Adele Miller 23. Don Fernholz 16. Don Fernholz 24 & 25. Ann Hagen St. Michael’s will have a Spring Fling Elevator Fundraiser on Saturday, April 11th at the Madison VFW. There will be a 2 meat buffet dinner with all the trimmings. Special entertainment – an Elvis & Neil Diamond impersonator and a hypnotist. Tickets are $35/person. There will be a silent auction. Cash Raffle Elevator Fundraiser: Tickets are sold at $20 each. There are 6 prizes: $500, $250, $100, $75, $50, $25. There are only 250 tickets for sale! Our parish elevator project received $1,200.00 this week. This amount brings our total of cash on hand to $175,387.90 with pledges of $58,670.00. Thank you! A donation to the elevator fund was made in memory of Karen Osteraas. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Please keep all of our memorials in your prayers. Singers: You are welcome to come and sing with the choir during Holy Week. We will practice on Wednesdays (March 18th and 25th) at 6 p.m. We encourage attendance at the practices. There is a lot of music and responses to learn and we want singers to be prepared. Hope to see you at practice! Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 21st for supper with the Bishop LeVoir! The Bishop will be here for a weekend visit and at the 5:30 Mass on the 21st. We will honor 6 of our parishioners with the spirit of Saint Michael's award! The roast beef meal will be catered by the Pantry restaurant. The cost for each meal will be $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 10. Please plan to join us for this special Mass and celebration as we thank and honor these wonderful people for the ministry they offer us! Please call the parish office to RSVP for the meal no later than March 17th. Prayer for Vocations “Lord, God, we praise and bless your holy name. We ask that you give the Church of New Ulm holy priests, dedicated women and men religious, and selfless deacons and zealous missionaries. Inspire in the hearts of our youth a spirit of generosity to commit their lives to the message and ministry of Jesus, your son. We ask all this through Him who lives and reigns as Our Lord, forever and ever. Amen. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.” Please continue to support our local businesses.
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