Paul Wright - Nautilus World

Tutor Biography
Paul Wright, PhD DSc
PW Carbonate Geoscience Ltd
Courses Taught
N020: Carbonate Depositional Systems: Reservoir Sedimentology & Diagenesis
N143: Advanced Concepts in Carbonate Exploration and Reservoir Characterization (Northern Spain)
N245: Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Lacustrine Systems: Reservoir and Source Rocks (Utah & Colorado, USA)
N336: Carbonate Reservoir Description Based on Core and Well Data (Nottinghamshire, UK)
Paul Wright has worked on carbonates for over 35 years, holding positions at the universities of Bristol and Reading as well
as the BG Chair in Applied Sedimentology at Cardiff University for ten years. For over five years from 2007 Paul was principal
consultant sedimentologist and group technical authority for carbonates at BG Group. He has worked extensively on carbonate
reservoirs in North Africa, offshore India, Kazakhstan and offshore Brazil, as well as in the Paris Basin, Abu Dhabi and West Africa.
He has conducted field work widely in UK, Spain, Portugal, Oman and USA.
Paul has written over 130 research papers, and co-authored or edited several books including the main text book in carbonate
sedimentology. He has supervised over 20 PhD students, most of whom work in the oil and gas industry. He has served on the
editorial boards of several international journals.
He is now director of PW Carbonate Geoscience Ltd, specializing in consulting, training and mentoring in applied carbonate
Besides being the instructor on N020, Paul is a co-leader of courses N143 (northern Spain), N245 (Utah and Colorado), N336
(Nottinghamshire) and occasionally on N091 (west Texas and New Mexico).
Affiliations & Accreditation
National Museum of Wales, Cardiff - Honorary Fellow
AAPG Grover E Murray Distinguished Educator Award recipient (2015)